No Corners Cut, No Pacifying, No Round-About Way

“In Church Lusting After the Pastor!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— You harlot…. you are just as treacherous as Israel sister Judah who went and played the whore. [Jeremiah 3:8-10]. I tell you, you are an embarrassment to God and the church.  You have trangressed against the Lord your God and have scattered your charms to alien deties under every green tree… says the Lord. [Jeremiah 3:8-13].

Tell me, what was the sin that got Sodom and Gomarrah utterly destroyed? What was the sin that got David’s kingdom taken away? What was the sin that led to Samson getting his eyes gauged out, put into prison, and then death? Tell me, what was it? You see, Jesus said in [Matthew 5:27-30] that, “You have heard that it was said, you shall not commit adultery; but I  [Jesus] says, that whosoever looks at a woman [man] with lust for her [him] has already committed adultery with them in their heart.

Listen, if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out an cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. [Matthew 5:27-30; Matthew 8: 8-9].

Understand that your eternal destiny hangs in the balance of whether you fight lust or settle down and live in it. I tell you, only if you repent, and show you’re repentance by brokeness, is there any hope that God can change you from what you are to what he desires for you to be.

Return, backslider, says the Lord; I will not cause My anger to fall on you for I am merciful, says the Lord; I will not remain angry forever. Only acknowledge your iniquity “… for this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.” [Ephesians 5: 3-6].

I say then, walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. [Galatians 5:16-17].

“You Been in Church ALL Your Life…!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— And yet, still, you are in need of milk. Shame on you! “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God…” [Hebrew 5:12-14]. I tell you, you got to grow up! Over and over we are told that God wants us to grow up. [Ephesians 4:14-16] “For we can no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ-…”

You know the author in Hebrews was desperately concerned about those who were lagging behind in their spiritual growth: The Hebrew Christians were lazy. The writer of Hebrews expected them to grow up, learn the foundational truths, and be well on their way to maturity. But by their own choices, they’d quit. They were stymied, moving backwards on their spiritual journeys.

Paul was both brokenhearted and angry at the many Corinthian Christians who had decided to remain spiritual babies: “Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly…[1 Corinthians 3:1-3].

I tell you, there is a clear and present danger in not growing up. You see, Satan never bothers with half-hearted people who are content with a ho-hum spiritual existence. As long as you live with one foot in the world, living according to the world’s values and for the world’s goals, Satan won’t trouble you. You can go to church and even pray and read your Bible, and he won’t mind. But the minute you wake up from your spiritual lethargy, shake off the worldly mindset, and commit yourself to radical obedience to Jesus Christ, you will not only encounter spiritual opposition, but you will know that you have chewed meat.

I tell you, as a believer you must move beyond the basics of the Christian faith and grow up in Christ. God’s plan is birth, growth, and maturity. The Word of God: It corrects, it convicts, it cleanses, it equips, and it confirms to us what the Lord has said. The days of coming to church and not understanding the Word is over. Why sit in church just to die on the vine? Grow up!


“The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Listen, Jesus was not into the business of wasting time. Therefore, to all you pretense and treachery God’s chosen people; God says, “You have the brazen look of a prostitute… and because you refuse to be ashamed,” you too like Israel, the northern ten tribes, will be judged and destroyed for the sins of idolatry, immorality, greed, violence, and abuse of the poor [Jeremiah chapter 3]. You will be indicted of two evils:  Forsaking the fountain of living waters and hewing for yourself cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. For you have deliberately forsaken the Lord and have chosen to worship false gods – God calls that spiritual adultery, fornication, and you have been caught in the act!

I want you to know that as the Lord sent Amos and Hosea to warn Israel of the coming judgment and he sent Isaiah and Micah to warn Judah, he has sent me to warn you that if you do not repent, and if you persist in your rebellion you will be taken into captivity for you are committing all the same sins Israel and Judah committed, with far less excuse. You are sinning against a far greater light.

“Woeunto you, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of Me.” [Isaiah 30:1]  “Woe unto you, scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites…” [Matthew 23:14]. “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of Hell?” [Matthew 23:33]… Know that the end has come upon you, and I will send My anger against you saith the Lord; I will judge you according to your ways, and I will repay you for all your abominations.  My eye will not spare you, nor will I have pity; but I will repay your ways, and your abominations will be in your midst, then you shall know that I am the LORD [Ezekiel 7:3-8]. Therefore, consider how far you have fallen and repent. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place [Revelation2:5].

God appealed to Judah, [Jermiah 3:22] and with all my heart, I appeal to you to return to the Lord and let him heal your faithlessness.

David said, “Yet as surely as the LORD lives and you live, there is about one step between you and death!” [1 Samuel 20:3]

“So why do you endanger yourself every hour?” Repent and be converted!” [1 Corinthians 15:30-31]



Pacific High School Educator Honored for Teaching Character Education

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- SAN BERNARDINO, CA-  Four local Rotary Clubs came together Tuesday, May 8 to honor educators with the Character Education Award, and Pacific High School teacher CJ Eastwood took home the trophy.

“There is a literal trophy,” Rotary President and SBCUSD director Chris Tickell said. “It’s a very large, perpetual trophy that the winner’s school gets to display until next year’s Character Education Awards luncheon.”

Local Rotary clubs established the Character Education Award in 1991 to honor educators whose teaching best exemplifies the virtues of character education in the classroom. The Rotary Club of San Bernardino awards the top finalist a $2,000 honorarium and recognition on the perpetual trophy.

Pacific High Principal Dr. Natalie Raymundo said Character Education winner CJ Eastwood “creates a safe and supportive learning community that encourages students to be involved in the community. Overall, (CJ’s) biggest contribution to character education is helping students understand the impact of their words, actions, and inactions on the school and broader community.”

The Character Education finalists were Benjamin CervantesDel Vallejo Middle SchoolCara NelsonCurtis Middle School; and Rebecca RoblesMuscoy Elementary School. Finalists each receive a plaque and a $250 honorarium.

The following San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) educators were also nominated for a 2018 Character Education Award:Catherine CowlesKendall Elementary SchoolEunice GutierrezGomez Elementary School; and Paul PradoHolcomb Elementary School.

The Character Education Award luncheon is sponsored by San Bernardino Rotary Club, San Bernardino Rotary Club Crossroads-Loma Linda, San Bernardino Rotary Club North, and San Bernardino Rotary Club Sunset.

“Whatcha Mean Tomorrow…?”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- You fool! There are no guarantees about tomorrow! [Luke 12:16-21.] Life is short and uncertain. Fragile! [Psalms 39:4; James 4:13-17]. Talking ‘bout; “Tomorrow you’ll serve God!” Making plans without taking into account your own mortality and God’s sovereignty. What is your life? A vapor that appears for a little while and then disappears…. [James 4:14]. The only time you have is right now! Whatcha mean tomorrow! CHOOSE whom you will serve! Today!

As Martin Luther King, Jr., once preached “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked, and dejected with a lost opportunity… but time is adamant to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, “Too late.”

I tell you there are times in our life when we cannot afford to stay still; to not act on God’s will for our lives. That time is now. Scripture does not permit us to sit still, to wait for God to call to us a second time. Today is the day; this is the hour, the minute, when we say yes to God’s call to us to live. Now is the time. The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe in the good news.

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow…’ Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.” “You do not know what will happen tomorrow.” [James 4:13-14a].  You don’t even know what will happen ten minutes from now, let alone tomorrow! Arrogantly assuming that you would wake up tomorrow; presuming things about an unknown future that you have no control of and no guarantees about! Whatcha mean Tomorrow!

I want you to know that there are three passages in the [Book of Proverbs] that warns us that we are not to wait too late about making our decision of commitment to Christ and to receive forgiveness for our sins. [Proverbs 1:24-28] is God’s invitation to man to respond to God’s offer of mercy and grace. These verses tell, in part, what will happen to man if he refuses God’s invitation. [Proverbs 27:1] presents to us the man who thinks he has many “tomorrows” to get right with God, but does not realize that, for him, there may not be another “tomorrow.” [Proverbs 29:1] presents a picture of an oxen who has a yoke put about its neck so that the master can lead it in the direction that he wants it to go. But the ox is rebellious and will not go in the right direction. The yoke rubs on the neck until a callous is formed and the animal becomes insensitive to the pulling of the reins by the master. The only thing to do now is to destroy the animal; to put it to death, for it is of no further use to the master. Rather than the ox being useful, it becomes a burden and a problem because of its rebellious nature.

I tell you, God is saying something very important to us. We are not just beast. We are people that He loved, died for, and wants to bring control and direction to our lives. God is saying to us, “Don’t wait too late. Come to Jesus while there is still time.” Wehave known yesterday –the past –and we are experiencing the present, but we have no certainties of tomorrow. To count on tomorrow is to neglect the duty of today!

Listen, “Tomorrow” is the devil’s greatest tool; “Now” is God’s greatest weapon to defeat the devil. Today and not tomorrow is “THE ACCEPTED TIME. “Now” is Mercy’s offer. “Now” is the invitation from God, reaching down from heaven. Tomorrow you may find the door shut. This is your urgent day. [Proverbs 29:1] I tell you, whatever it is that is keeping you away from the Lord, it isn’t worth the price you will have to pay to keep it! Throw it down and cast yourself on Jesus for salvation. The day of grace has its limits. Now is the time to do something. Tomorrow may be too late!

 “I gave you cleanness of teeth by sending you famine and drought so that you would turn back to Me –yet you have not returned to me.  I withheld rain from you so you would return –yet you have not returned to me. I sent blight and mildew and locust –yet you have not returned.” Your young men were killed in battle with a sword –yet you did not return to me. Because you will not return to me, prepare to meet your God. And meet Him without ever turning to Him in life on earth. Meet Him –Condemned. [Amos 4:6-12]


“Urgent: A Call for Immediate Action!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Thus saith the Lord, “Unless you repent, you too will all perish!” [Luke13:3]. Loud and clear, Jesus declares: “Unless you repent, you too will all perish!” It is a call for radical inward change toward God and man.  None is excluded! All need repentance! And the need is urgent! Jesus, the Son of God, is warning us of the judgment to come, and offering escape if we will repent. If we will not repent, Jesus has one word for us, “Woe, to you” [Matthew 11:21].

You know, God said to the prophet Ezekiel, “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore, hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me” [Ezekiel 3:17]. This demand of Jesus to repent goes to all the nations. It comes to you, whoever you are and wherever you are. This is the demand of Jesus to every soul: Repent! Be changed deep within. Do not sit idle and wait for His wrath. The hour is urgent! Return to the Lord with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning; and rend your hearts. Do not delay your decision. Do not think about this message overnight. Immediate action is required! Repent Now; and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” [Acts 3:19]. For “Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” [2 Corinthians 6:2].

 I implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God” [2 Corinthians 5:20]. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ [2 Corinthians 5:10]. Ezekiel said, “Repent and turn from your transgressions” [Ezek. 18:30].  John the Baptist said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” [Matt. 3:2]. Jesus said “Repent and believe in the gospel” [Mark 1:15].  Peter said “Repent and be baptized” [Acts 2:38].  Joel calls for deep and thorough repentance [Joel 2:13–17]. The Old Testament thunders, “Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin” [Ezekiel 18:30]. The New Testament vigorously exhorts men and women to repent. “Repent … and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out,” said the Apostle Peter [Acts 3:19]. The Apostle Paul said, “Now [God] commands all men everywhere to repent” [Acts 17:30]. The Bible commands it, your wickedness demands it, justice requires it, Christ preached it and God expects it.

The signpost reads, “Stop! Look! Listen! Danger ahead!” The Spirit of God, your conscience and your better judgment all join to warn, “Detour! Change! You’re on the wrong road!” God is waving the red flag. His patience is coming to an end. Do not take God’s patience for granted or think lightly of it. Will you repent now? Will you receive Him as your Savior? Christ demands an immediate and unquestioning response. Not an answer, but an action. Not a saying, but a doing. Christ’s call is clear and simple. “Follow Me,” he says. Be changed forever. Not just made a better person, but made new.

“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” [Isaiah 55:6-7]

The prophet had the duty to deliver the sobering message: Unless the citizens of Israel and Judah acknowledged their sins, turned from them, repented and began again to obey God’s law, they would die in their sins. Regardless of how individuals responded to the warning, if they heard the message, the prophet had done his job and was no longer responsible. Only if the prophet did not deliver the admonition would he be judged along with the wicked. [Ezekiel 3:18-19].

You have been warned to repent, in advance of God’s judgment to come, through this article. It is now your move.

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:That thou mayest love the Lordthy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lordsware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them [Deuteronomy 30:15-20].


“I Tell You Falling In Love With Jesus…!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- … Was the best thing I’ve ever done!  You see, I used to think that love was just a fairy tale until I experienced God’s love; and then suddenly life had new meaning to me. When you fall in love with Jesus, everything changes. You come to know what it is to treasure Him, delight in Him, and be satisfied in Him. When you fall in love with Jesus, it’s a groaning of the Holy Spirit deep inside of your heart. It is an emotion that is so profound there are no words to express it. When you fall in love with Jesus, it is a yearning that says I long for more of You. It’s a love that expresses that Jesus is the only happiness there is in this world. It’s the kind of love that says, I want all of You and I want You to have all of me. Walk with me – take control of my life. Empty me of all selfishness and fill me with Yourself. For You are all I need and there’s no place I’d rather be.

I’m talking about when you fall in love with Jesus. A love that is immeasurable, unmistakable, and unending. A love that can’t be understood until you experience it! A love that can’t be understood until you actually possess it! A love that no one can fully describe the wonders of! I tell you, I woke up and suddenly I was in love. Because when you love God, He responds in a beautiful way. In [Psalms 91:14-16], the writer says that, “Because I have loved Him [Jesus], therefore He will deliver me; He will set me securely on high, because I have known His name. He says, I will call upon Him, and He will answer me; He says, that He will be with me in trouble and that He will rescue me, and honor me. With a long life He will satisfy me, and let me behold His salvation.” I tell you, falling in love with Jesus was the best thing I’ve ever done!

Now, if you understand the Old Testament, the great commandment was to love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. This is the sum of all that God requires, and your neighbor as yourself. But it starts with loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; loving God comprehensively, totally, completely. Now if that’s the sum of the law, then that has to be the sum of the relationship. That can’t be altered when it comes to loving Him. It is still the purpose of God that we would love the Lord, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Loving Him so much that you we would want to know him, exalt him, please him, serve him, be with him, and tell others about Him. I tell you, falling in love with Jesus was the best thing I’ve ever done!

Go back to that moment when you first met Jesus. Remember the love you felt, the stirring in your heart, the adoration you had for the Savior? Do you remember how grateful you were for the forgiveness of sins? Do you remember how at that moment nothing else mattered, only Jesus?

Today, God wants you to go back and remember that moment in time. And having that in your memory He wants you to return. He wants you to come back to Him; to come back to your first love, to the place and time in your life to where He was everything to you.

I ask you, “How much do [you] owe for all the things, [Christ] have done and for every victory, that [you] have won. How much do [you] owe the Lord, for the price He paid on the cross so that you wouldn’t be lost? How much do [you] owe, somebody tell me, how much do [you] owe….?  [You] owe Him [your] life.  [You] owe Him [your] praise. [You] owe Him your service for the rest of [your] days. [You] owe Him all, for waking [you] up, early this morning. [You] owe, Him for letting [you] see, a brand new dawning. [You] owe Him for holding [you], in the heart of [His] hand.  [You] owe, Him all, and all…” [Georgia Mass Choir – How Much Do I Owe lyrics – emphasis mine].

Yes, we all need a greater revelation of God’s unconditional love for us! A revelation of God’s unconditional love for me is what turned my life around years ago and it’s still impacting me today. These teachings reveal the things God showed me about His love. I believe that if you open up your heart, the Lord will grant you at least as much revelation on this as He has granted me, and it will change your life. I tell you, falling in love with Jesus was the best thing I’ve ever done!




“Amazing Woman – Mama!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Wonderful, tired, worn-out Mama… Sit down… Relax… Clear your mind of all thoughts… Forget the morning drama… Forget the battle cries… Let go of today’s worries and stresses…. Throw your cares on the Lord… and just rest… Mama…  Amazing Woman!

You are incredibly strong. You balance work, home, children, husband, cleaning, finances, cooking, shopping, planning, appointments… all these and many more. You work hard. You are relentless! Sit down and relax, mama! Yes, you can do it all!” is the message we hear and see. But underneath “doing it all” is a woman who I know sometimes feels like she’s crumbling under the weight of it all. Let yourself off the hook!  Breathe! Exhale!

“O if I had wings like a dove! I would surely fly away and be at rest; Truly, I would flee far away; I would lodge in the wilderness. I would hurry to find a shelter for myself from the raging wind and tempest …. [Psalms 55]. 

Oh mother, I thank God for the caring you’ve shown me through the years. I thank God for a mother who sacrificed many things, behind the scenes, unbeknownst to her children who never wanted for anything. I thank God for a mother who led by example and put others before herself. I thank God for a mother who forgave when others caused her pain. I thank God for a mother that persevered and handled set-backs with grace. I thank God for a mother that prayed for her children to find their way back, instead of pushing them further away. But most of all, I thank God for blessing me with a mother who introduced me to Him when I was old enough to talk. For without Him, I’d be lost and certainly wouldn’t appreciate the mother he gave me. Oh mother, I am forever grateful for all that you are and who you have taught me to be. The gratitude I have for you can hardly be expressed by words. Thank you for everything Mother!

 “All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all of my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her” [George Washington].

“All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life” [Abraham Lincoln].

I encourage you, if your mother is still a live; appreciate her because she is irreplaceable. If she is no longer here, may her soul rest in peace. I know God has made a perfect home for her in heaven.

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL Mothers!




“How You Going to Call the Kettle Black… You Hypocrite!”


Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Why want you, “First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye [Matthew 7:5]. That’s right, deal with your own sin, and then you can help someone else. Otherwise, don’t judge others because they sin differently than you do. For as [Romans 2] states, “Thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest does the same things.” YOU ARE A SINNER YOURSELF! How you going to call the kettle black? The next time you’re tempted to run down someone, remember James’ pointed question, “But who are you who judge your neighbor?” Judge yourself instead! [James 4:11-12]

I tell you, you remind me of the group of Pharisees and teachers of law, who brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. They use her as a test case to trap Jesus. It was a clever trap. Yet Jesus did not step into it. Instead, He turned the trap on them. He said to them, “If anyone of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” [John 8:1-11]. He makes them judge themselves. Imagine that! “If anyone of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone…” Can I tell you that after what Jesus said penetrated, one  by  one they  drop  their stones  and  walked away  until  Jesus was  left  alone with  the frightened and disheveled woman. That’s right. They were gone, “poof” nowhere to be found… And when they were all gone, Jesus straighten up from writing in the sand, looked at her and said, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she says. Then He went on to say, well there is one who is without sin.  There is one who has the right and authority to judge and condemn you. And then He pronounced His judgment: “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. ‘“Go and leave your life of sin,” he concluded.

 Understood rather than condemned. Saved rather than stoned. Sin exposed yet covered in His love. This story does not condemn the sinner, but calls the sinner to change, to be saved. Grace ushered in forgiveness.

So what’s the point? Jesus was above reproach in a way none of us could ever be, and yet He showed only compassion, not accepting sinful behavior but never rejecting the person who sinned.  Maybe if we showed that same kind of love toward other sinners, we’d have more power and influence for good in the world and appear less like the hypocritical Pharisees.  It’s His kindness that led us to repentance after all [Romans 2:4].  So, the next time you hear of someone struggling with sin, try resisting the urge to “pile on” and think to yourself, “There but for the grace of God go I.”  Ask the Lord to forgive him or her as [1 John 5:16] instructs us to do, and if you get a chance, offer a word of encouragement.  You don’t have to condemn the believer to prove that you don’t condone the behavior.

God’s grace, receive it and then go and sin no more. Frame these words and hang them on the wall. Read them.  Ponder them.  Bathe in them. Drink them.  Stand below them and let them wash over your soul. 

“Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls” [1 Cor. 10:12].

“You Know… Mama Always Said…!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- “A hardhead makes a soft behind.”  Now, if you don’t know what that means, you just keep on doing you. Keep on doing what you want, when you want. You will find out sooner than later what it means.  Talking ‘bout it’s your thang, you do what you want to do.”  Hmm mhmm… keep on Mr. “My Prerogative,” you will soon find out that it’s really “God’s Prerogative” not yours!

You know in [Genesis Chapter 27] four people song the same song that you are singing, “I Did It My Way,” Esau, Jacob, Isaac and Rebecca. But in the end they all came up empty and paid a high price for their selfishness. Saul who was the Lord’s chosen king for the Israelites.  Rather than trusting that God knew best, Saul’s ego took first place in his heart. When it did, “Doing Things His Way”—became his undoing. I tell you, there is a real danger in the “I Did It My Way” philosophy. Do not be deceived, God will not be mocked.  What you sow is what you will reap.

Listen, in the book of Judges the last thing Joshua did was told the people, ‘You choose how you are going to live your life. And they choose to do it “their way.”  And what a mess they made of it.  Over a 350 year period, they went through seven cycles.  Each cycle was worse than the one before.  The Israelites main problem was they always thought they knew better.   “Everyone did as they saw fit.” Each person saw themselves as being in charge. Each one said, “I am in charge. It is my life. It is my decision. I am the boss. I am in control.”Israel, lived like she had no king. She lived like there was no one to whom she was responsible. That was the problem. God was not acknowledged as King. He was not served as King. He was not worshiped as King. He was not obeyed as King, and because of thatthe result was anarchy, tragedy. Mama always did say, “A hardhead makes a soft behind!”

The conclusion of the whole matter: God says, “He will not tolerate blatant ungodliness. He will not tolerate stubborn, hardhead stiff-necked spirits any longer. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” [Isaiah 1:18]. Return .O backsliding children, for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you a shepherd [Jeremiah 3:14-15].

I tell you, wisdom is the principal thing, but in all your getting get an understanding.” [Proverbs 4:7]. Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will bring you honor.” [Proverbs 4:7-8]. “Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed.” [Proverbs 15:22-32]. For the Bible says it is of God’s mercy that we are not consumed. It is by His goodness that we are led to repentance. It is by His intercession that we are delivered. It is by His grace that we are sustained. It is of His love that we have been drawn to Him. It is because of His everlasting arms being under us that we are kept. It is by His faith that we are saved. It is by His blood that we are cleansed. It is by His righteousness that we are clothed and it is by His indwelling Spirit that we are filled and by His power that we are kept.

“If you listen to advice and are willing to learn, one day you will be wise.” [Proverbs 19:20]