No Corners Cut, No Pacifying, No Round-About Way

“But What about Meeeeee…?”

LouBy Lou Coleman

That’s your problem…. always thinking and wanting it to be about you. Well I got news for you Boo, Boo… It’s not about you! It’s about God! As Pastor Rick Warren said in his [Purpose Driven Life Book] “The purpose of your life is greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness.” …..It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. It’s not about you! You were born by God’s purpose and for His purpose. You are not the center of the universe. God is! I tell you, you would do good to remember that. It will save you a lot of headache and heartache. It’s not about you and it’s not about me. It’s about God! Stop your whining and grow up because the more you wallow in self-pity, the more pitiful you become. Self-absorbed, and self-seeking gets you nowhere. Jesus is the vine, God is the vinedresser, and you are a branch. [John 15:5]. Your life is in God’s hands and hangs by a thread of sovereign grace. God owns every soul. He made us and we belong to him by virtue of his being our Creator. Always thinking life is about you, your needs, your wants, and your desires. Well it’s not! Get over it!

I tell you, most of us are so deep into this mentality [me, myself and I] that we find it hard to even conceive of a different perspective. We live most of life focused on self—“It’s all about me.” But in reality, life is not about you, nor me; it’s about God. This world is God’s world, not yours. History is God’s story, not yours. Even your own life is not your own; you belong to God.  When you get a hold of this truth and begin to live for the glory of God, you will be doing what you were created to do. And you will become who you were created to be. This is what the God of the Bible says: Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. [Isaiah 43:6-7]. Whoever you are, wherever you’ve come from, I want you to know that your reason for existence on planet earth is the same. You have been created for the glory of God—to take all that you are and all that you have and use it to magnify Him.

You know the Apostle John tells us that John the Baptist “came as a witness to testify concerning the light, so that through him all men might believe.” John was the voice calling in the desert, “make straight the way for the Lord.” John was the one who came with the message, “repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.” John was the one who wore clothing made of camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey. His wasn’t a tasteful appearance or a tasteful diet. His life wasn’t about creature comforts; it was about calling lost and condemned creatures to repentance. Like his diet, his message often left a foul taste in the mouths of those who tasted it. People back in John’s day didn’t like hearing that just like they don’t today. We live in a world that would have us believe that we’re basically good people living basically good lives and God will accept us for who we are. It’s ironic that people would believe that about God in a world that would also have us believe that life is all about me. Getting what I want, when I want it, what makes me happy, because I deserve it? Truth…. Jesus says in [Matthew 16:24] “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” Don’t get any clearer than that! It’s not about you!

“…And You Call Yourself a Christian!”


Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You really do need to kneel before God your Maker and appeal to Him for His mercy and forgiveness; because no one born of God makes a practice of sinning. [1 John 3:9]. What’s wrong with you? Claiming to be born again when your life contradicts it.  I tell you there is nothing more damaging, nothing more hurtful as when a person who has been forgiven of sin continues to sin.  Dragging sin where ever you go. Dragging it into the Church. Dragging it into your home. Wearing it around your neck on display. You are really slipping into a lukewarm, careless, presumptuous frame of mind about your own sinfulness. It worries me that many of you are living double lives. I want you to know that Jesus despised the double-mindedness of the religious rulers of His day. In [Matthew 23:27–28], He said, “Woe to you…….you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which looks beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”Repent before it’s too late!  Paul informs us that “these times of [past] ignorance God has overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent” [Acts 17:30]. I tell you to live a double life is a discredit to God. Repent before it’s too late! Christianity is not a sinning-repenting religion. It’s a victorious religion. There should be a place where you quit your sinning. Shame on you!

I want you to know that Sodom and Gomorrah were two of the most reprehensible cities known to man.  They were so filled with sin that God could no longer hold back His wrath.  He sent two angels to warn Lot and his family to leave before the destruction of the cities.  “The angels told Lot and his family, “Escape for your life.  Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley.  Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.” [Genesis 19:17].  Lot understood and obeyed.  He took his wife and daughters out of the city.  He tried to get his future son-in-laws to flee too, but they thought he was joking.  When they were out of the city, Lot’s wife could not resist the temptation to sin and look back.  Immediately “…she became a pillar of salt.” [Genesis 19:26] Don’t be a fool! Warning comes before destruction. Lot’s wife lost her life because she couldn’t let go of sin.  Scripture is clear: Any compromise with the world, whether in doctrine, morals, or relationships, has disastrous consequences. You better know that you know.  The godly reaction to sin is to recognize it from Scripture, to mourn over it, and to confess it without excuse to the God of mercy. Choose your position – whom will you follow?

“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit….” [Ephesians 5:8-18]

“FlatLine /?flæt?la?n/…!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

The patient was fading fast, and doctors expected him to flatline [die] before the night was over. In his fading state, he hears a voice…. Are you sure you want change your mind God asks?  What more can I do to prove my love to you?  You see, “Break up to make up, that’s all we do… First you love me then you hate me… That’s a game fool’s play… We have got to get together or we’re through…” [The Stylistics]. “Choose you this day Whom you will serve…” [Joshua 24:14-16]. “After all the things that we’ve been through… you should understand me like I understand you… As long as we’ve been together it should be so easy to do… get yourself together or we might as well say goodbye….. what good is a love affair if we can’t see eye to eye…” [Harold Melvin/The Blue Notes].

I tell you it’s hard to imagine a more direct approach than the one taken by Jesus here.  “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” [[Revelation 3:15]. Listen, God doesn’t want you to be lukewarm in your relationship with Him. He doesn’t want you to drift away from Him. He wants you to pursue a relationship with Him that grows stronger and deeper each day.  I want you to know that your love relationship with God is more important than any other single factor in your life. You were created by God to have a loving, intimate relationship with Him. God wants intimacy with you. His question, “Do you love me?” was not just for Peter but for all of us. There’s nothing that I’d rather do than spend every moment with you says God. You must choose your love and then maintain your choice: you either love Me or the world, but not both [John 2:15]. “To love and be loved in return. It’s the only thing that my heart desires.  Just appreciate the little things I do. I tell you we can build a world of love, a life of joy. Let’s make our goal each other’s happiness.” Seize the moment. Seize the time.  Seize the day.

I want you to know that in [1 Kings 17:8-16], a widow was facing her worst nightmare: she had a meal left for herself and her son. Death was mockingly starring at her. Then came a visitor sent by God. He made her an offer and she accepted it. Death was disappointed and put to shame. The woman lived better than she ever lived. This season, the Lord will visit you. Prepare for His visit. Get rid of every sin in your life. Obey Him completely. Be prayerful and sensitive to His call.

I also what you to know that the Lord does not compel us anymore than he compelled Peter. We are not forced to love God any more than we want to or any more than we are ready to. But the beauty is that each little bit of ourselves we do give over to the Lord is received by Him and transformed by His love into something greater. Peter learned the hard way what it means to love Jesus. He had vociferously declared his unfailing devotion to Him more than once. Yet when the chips were down, Peter’s self-confessed love failed and he openly denied three times that he even knew Jesus. His vaunted courage proved to be nothing but empty talk when facing a threatening situation. Don’t let that be said about you. In [John 14:15] Jesus put it plainly: “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” In verse 21 He added, “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me” (cf. 15:10). As the Lord’s message was to the church at Sardis, so is it to each one of us: Check Your Spiritual Pulse. He, who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! [Deuteronomy 30:19].


“Things Are Not Always What They Seem!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You see the Devil is a Liar! He tries to fool us into believing something is a certain way even though it’s not. I want you to know that REAL life is NOT an Illusion!  Stop allowing the Devil to prevent you from living your life to its fullest. Open your eyes and discover the source of true fulfillment. You know in the movie “The Matrix,” Neo had been living in a fake world, but Morpheus wanted to bring him into the real world. Morpheus told Neo, “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. Take the blue pill, and return to the fake world of comfort. Take the red pill and everything changes.” That’s what Jesus was telling the disciples and is telling you today: This is your last chance. If you want out, do it now, because Satan virtual reality is to imprison you; to hide the truth and to keep you in bondage and slavery without you knowing it.  The Bible says that this world is our enemy and it caters for the sinful desires of men.   We must overcome it! The Bible also says that the world and all visible things are temporary, but the truth is eternal truth. Stop being bamboozled by the Devil!

It is very dangerous to be ignorant of Satan’s strategies and methods for leading us astray. God offers wisdom and victorious solutions for all of Satan’s malicious strategies, and Paul gives that very warning when he counsels the Corinthians to take care “lest Satan take advantage….” [2Corinthians 2:11].  I want you to know that Satan has orchestrated a whole world system to perpetuate his primary lie that true life can be found apart from dependent relationship with God. Not so!  The devil is a liar! As Christians, we need to be aware of Satan’s schemes. The world we live in is a world where sin is the matrix. It controls all that we do or think; and it is pervasive in every way. The battle we face is to stay out of the matrix, which is not experiencing life at all. It is death. If you want out, take the red pill and change the game. Do it now! “Repent and believe this good news.” God is here…God is active…God is calling…God’s reign.  Choose to be a part of it.

The fact is without God, your life is just like the one Solomon described in [Ecclesiastes 1: 2]– Vanity, and emptiness. Pleasure, education, the job, and wealth– these can never give life meaning. They are just fillers, not substance. They are just the condiments but the real meat of life is Jesus [John 10:10]. Do not be deceived.  May we all be vigilant as the Bible commands in [1Peter 5:8] because our adversary the Devil roams about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Things are not always as they seem.

 “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” [ Deuteronomy 30:19].


“No Time for God…Is that Right!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

I tell you, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now for nothing in the world. You see, Jesus reveals a critical problem. He says, “But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” And if you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place. [Revelation 2: 4-5]. What a solemn warning. I want you to know that God did not try to reform the descendents of Cain that had no time for Him. He rejected them and ultimately destroyed them in the flood. His complaint of His people was that they failed to give Him the honor and the respect He deserved. They treated Him with contempt and no longer held Him in awe. In their eyes He was no different than they were; and because of that, they were destroyed. God says, “A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?” [Malachi 1:6]. He who hath ears let him hear what the Spirit saith.

“From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from My statutes, and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord. [Mal. 3:7].  Remember that moment when you first met Me. Remember the love you felt, the stirring in your heart, the adoration you had for Me. Remember how grateful you were for the forgiveness of sins. Remember how at that moment nothing else mattered, only Me. I want you to go back and remember that moment in time. And having that in your memory return to Me. Come back to your first love, to the place and time in your life to where I was everything to you. Return to Me and I will return to you says the Lord!

I want to encourage you in the words of Psalms and Hebrews, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart. God is calling you back to the place where He is first and foremost in your life. He wants you to come back to the place where your soul is aflame with love for Him. He wants you to remember those days when just the mere mention of His name was just enough to bring tears to your eyes? He wants you to remember those days when “Amazing Grace” made you want to shout? That is where the Lord wants to bring you back to! That is where He wants you to return to. God’s plan is for you to rekindle that deeply burning first love, rebuild the altars of your worship and serve Him faithfully!

“Today I call heaven and earth to witness that I have set before you life and death. Now choose life so that you and your descendants may live…”

“Black Man, Black Man!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

“What makes you so strong, black man? How is it that after 200 years of slavery in which skin color was the determining factor of your servitude and social status you could still produce a Frederick Douglass, a Booker T. Washington and a W.E.B. DuBois? What makes you so strong, black man? How is it that after losing 100 million souls in the “Middle Passage” of the slave trade, losing your name, your language and your cultural identity, you could still produce a Benjamin Banneker, a Louis Armstrong, a Duke Ellington, a Paul Robeson, a Jackie Robinson and a painter like Romare Bearden? What makes you so strong, black man? How is it that after two centuries of being someone else’s property and another century of Jim Crow laws, lynching and daily insults, you could still produce a Dr. Martin Luther King, a Malcolm X, a theologian like Howard Thurman and a labor leader like A. Philip Randolph. What makes you so strong, black man? How is it that even though for years they had a law making it illegal to teach blacks how to read, you could still produce classic American authors like a Langston Hughes, a Ralph Ellison, a Richard Wright and a James Baldwin? What makes you so strong, black man? How is it that after having your intelligence and moral worth devalued and degraded by some of the leading intellectuals of modern scholarship, you could still produce a noted pediatric surgeon like Ben Carson, a mathematician like Bob Moses and an inventor like Lewis Latimer, who made electric lighting practical by creating a longer-lasting filament for the bulb? What makes you so strong, black man? How is it that after being considered inferior by leaders of Western civilization, including the man who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, you could still produce a Joe Louis, a Muhammad Ali, a Hank Aaron, a Michael Jordan and an Olympic runner like Jesse Owens, who embarrassed Hitler by winning four gold medals competing against the “master Aryan race” in Germany. And Black Woman, What Makes You So Strong? How is it that after 300 years of being used –you could still produce a Harriet Tubman, a Sojourner Truth, a Fannie Lou Hamer, a Rosa Parks and early 20th-century millionaire Madame C.J. Walker? What makes you so strong, black woman? How is it that after being inculcated with the idea that your skin color is ugly, your hair nappy, your lips too big and your hips too wide, that the less you look like a blonde beauty, the worse off you are, you could still produce a Josephine Baker, an Angela Bassett, a Pam Grier and a Halle Berry? What makes you so strong, black woman? How is it that after being walked on and walked out on, after being popularly portrayed as a sexless Aunt Jemima and an oversexed temptress, you could still produce a Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison, a novelist like Zora Neale Hurston, a poet like Maya Angelou and an Oprah Winfrey? What makes you so strong, black woman? How is it that after men, even your own men, told you were good only for housekeeping and making babies, you could still produce an educator like Mary McLeod Bethune and a teacher like Elma Lewis, whom former Boston University Chancellor John Silber has said: “Mother Teresa doesn’t have anything on Elma Lewis, not one thing” What makes you so strong, black woman? How is it that after being cast as lazy welfare queens, after even sociologists identified you as the primary source of social pathology behind the “breakdown of the black family,” you could still produce a sculptor like Meta Warrick Fuller and a Dr. Jane Cooke Wright, whose pioneering cancer research led to treating cancer patients with chemotherapy and who later became the first black woman to be named associate dean of a medical school in America? What is your source of this incredible human strength and resilience? Samson was a fool to tell Delilah his secret, and I’d be a fool to try and name it in this column. Suffice it to say that the strength lies within all of us – black, white, yellow, red and brown people. And when its power is harnessed, victims are transformed into victors. Thank you, black people, for the many marvelous things you have contributed to this wonderful world of ours. And for reminding us of the paradoxical power of the powerless.” [Reverend Jeremiah Wright].


As we celebrate Black History Month recognition is given to the mighty men and women of valour who paved the way for all of us. We recognize them for their heroic courage, dedication, commitment, and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, intimidation, and even death… all for the equity for people of color. As we take time to celebrate this notable occasion, we remember how God has delivered His people. We remember the way God led His people through trials. We remember the victories God has given, and we remember the blessings God has bestowed. Why do we remember? We remember so that we can keep in mind the great price paid for our freedom and for our salvation. For it is that memory that connects us and brings our histories and lives together in ways that are life renewing and life giving. So remember the story by recalling the story. Remember the story by making the story your story. Remember the story by doing the story, and remember the story by being the story.


Black History Month… a time of reflection, rejoicing, and recommitting. Black History Month, a time to think about what it means to be an African American. Black History Month, the story of God’s action in the United States. Black History Month, the story of good beating evil, of liberation, of freedom. Black History Month! Whenever I reflect on the legacy of Black History, my mind also reflects on the passage in [Hebrews 12:1-3]. In this passage, God instructs us to listen to the stories of believers who have gone before us—to learn from the stories of the great cloud of witnesses. Here’s how the author of Hebrews says it in [12:1-3]: When life gets hard, and we get weary, and we’re tempted to lose heart, the Bible says, “Remember the great heroes of the faith who faced horrible suffering and great temptation to sin, yet they persevered spiritually because they looked to Jesus.

“Don’t Get Left Behind!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Thinking you got all the time in the world to get it together; you better think again. God, who has control over life and death, can demand your life from you this very day. Don’t be Stupid!  Tomorrow is never promised to the person who puts everything off till tomorrow. The best preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today. You better know that you know! “What is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away…” [James 4:14]. I tell you; “Tomorrow is the fitting epitaph for many tombstones.” “Tomorrow is the barred and bolted door that has shut many people out of Heaven.” Right now is the only time you have. Without Notice! Without Warning! SUDDENLY! Jesus could come, and if that happens, I tell you, you would not want to be caught with your pants down. So you better check yourself before you wreck yourself! I want you to know that in [Acts 24:25] Felix postponed his salvation for tomorrow: but his tomorrow never came. He was one day too late!  Don’t let that be said about you!

Right now, God is still striving with rebellious mankind……calling, convicting, convincing, and saving sinners…but there’s coming a day when God’s patience will give way to God’s wrath; it will be a day so terrible, so severe, so beyond comprehension, that you would not want to be caught up in it. Do not ignore God’s offer of mercy. Respond to it now, for today is the day of mercy and grace.  Today God is giving you opportunity. ”… harden not your heart.” [Hebrews 4:7(b)]. The Bible says “Now is the acceptable time. Now is the time of God’s favor. Now is the day of salvation….” Please do not cast aside God’s offer. I want you to know that through visions, prophecies, visitations and signs, Jesus have given many warnings to the world that there was little time left and that after the trumpet call, it will be too late! Don’t get left behind!

Today, I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live. [Deuteronomy 30:19]

“What Does It Profit A Man to Gain the Whole World and Lose His Soul?”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You really do need to soberly reflect on this question… What does it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul?  [Matthew 16:26]…. I tell you, you can be like [Baby D – I’m Bout Money] if you want too… “Chasing for that paper…. Die for the cheddar …” Echoing “Money Money Money” [feat. Diddy & Fabolous] [Diddy:] Wake up in the morning take a money shower now I’m smelling like money got the money and the power….” [Fabolous:]…..Married to the money….Faithful to the millions….Got my money up….Safe as in the ceiling….” I tell you, the nature of man is a fool!  I can just image the rich man in Hades [Luke 16:22-24] screaming NOOOOOOOOO! You got it all wrong….. NOOOOOOOOO! One’s life is not in the abundance of his possessions” [Luke 12:15] it is in God.  It is your heart and soul that makes you valuable not stuff.  Joy, happiness, and fulfillment are found in the invisible things of life: love, hope, peace, and relationships….. NOOOOOOOOOO! Don’t do it! Don’t trade your most valuable possession [your soul] for the trinkets of this world… It’s not worth it I tell you… 

You see, I am the rich man in [Luke 16:19-31] who dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At my gate was a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from my table…  Then the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. I also died and was buried. In Hell, I looked up one day and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.  I called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’  “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony…” NOOOOOOOOO! Don’t do it! Don’t trade your soul for the trinkets of this world. Hell is for eternity! Hell is real!

You know [Martin Luther King Jr.,] said in a sermon that the rich man was a fool because he permitted the ends for which he lived to become confused with the means by which he lived…. Don’t let that be said about you. To spend the days, months, and years of your life in a quest for riches, possessions, and prominence will only leave you disappointed. Jesus warned us about this when He said “Do not store up for yourselves treasurers on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. [Matthew 6: 19-20].  Perhaps the greatest lesson to learn from this story is that when death comes knocking on your door there is only one thing that will matter: your relationship with Jesus Christ. “What good will it be for you to gain the whole world, yet forfeit your soul?” (Matthew 16:26; Mark 8:36]. Don’t do it!  Don’t trade your most valuable possession [your soul] for the trinkets of this world. Sounding the Warning!

“Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” [Deuteronomy 30:19]

“Looks like Another Love TKO!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

[Teddy Pendergrass] said, “It takes a fool to lose twice…Think I’d better LET IT GO…” What great advice… See, you can’t fight God and win! [Acts 12].   Instead of opposing God, His Word, and His Law, you need to LET IT GO… I want you to know that many men throughout history have tried to oppose God and it was disaster for them. Remember Pharaoh. Scripture says, “And afterward Moses and Aaron came and said to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Let My people go that they may celebrate a feast to Me in the wilderness.’ But Pharaoh said, ‘Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and besides, I will not let Israel go” (Exodus 5:1-2). Well, because of his disobedience to God, Pharaoh ended up losing his power, his throne, first-born son, his army, and his life. Another man who tried to fight God was– Saul of Tarsus. In an almost insane, demon-possessed way, Saul went about ravaging the church, seeking to destroy this new sect who followed Jesus Christ.  Until Jesus Himself appeared to Saul, blinded him, pinned him to the ground and said, “Saul, it is hard for you to kick against the goads.” I tell you the Folly of Fighting God!

Ahab tried to fight God. Remember him? The dogs licked up his blood. In the Southern kingdom as well as the Northern kingdom most of the kings fought God. Rehoboam, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, right down to Zedekiah, who eyes were burned out, chained and taken off to Babylon. King Arad the Canaanite, fought God and God destroyed his people and destroyed his armies. Sihon King of the Ammorites, Og, and Bashan all tried to fight God. They were all slaughtered and their land was taken over by Israel. Balak, King of Moab tried to fight God, but it was another “Love TKO.” And then there was that king of Ayae, who decided to fight against God and was hanged. All the kings in [Joshua 9] fought God, they plotted all kinds of clever little devices against God and all five of them were taken and hanged on five trees in a row. The Stupidity of Fighting God! Nobody wins who fights against God. Nobody! God wins!

So make no mistake about it, if you continue to fight God, [be disobedient] God will bring you to a place where you will hear Him as He did others, “Moses and the burning bush [Exodus 3:1-15]. Israelites 40 years in the desert [Joshua 5:6]. Samson when capture by the Philistines [Judges 16:21-30]. David when he lost his kingdom [2 Samuel 12]. Jonah when swallowed by the whale [Jonah 2]. King Herod, the Jewish leaders, and the nation of Israel, Pilate, Rome, and all who rejected Him and His truth, they all condemn themselves to an early grave [John 18: 28-38]. Not to mention the thief on the cross who had to be crucified before he would listen [Luke 23: 32-43]. I wonder where you will have to be before you listen. Will God have to allow some tragedy in your life to get you too straight up and fly right? Jesus said in [Rev. 3:20] “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”

Are you listening? Disobedience ALWAYS brings consequences. For [Deuteronomy 28:15-20] says, “But it shall come about, if you do not obey the Lord your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes with which I charge you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:“Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country. “Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. “Cursed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock. “Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out. “The Lord will send upon you curses, confusion, and rebuke, in all you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, on account of the evil of your deeds, because you have forsaken Me.” You Cannot Fight God and Win!

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live…” [Deuteronomy 30:19].

“Always Want to Blame God for Your Problems… Blame Yourself!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

For “It was you who practice ungodliness; but now you want to turn around and spread error concerning the LORD…” [Isaiah 32:6] Quit blaming God for your problems! You ruined your own life by your own foolishness, not God! [Proverbs 19:3]. Man up and take responsibility for your actions and stop playing the blame game!

I tell you every time things go bad for us the first thing we want to do is blame someone else; just like Adam did. Adam explained his sin to God by saying, “It was the woman you gave me she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate,” forgetting all along that no one made him eat the fruit. He did not eat because his wife handed him the fruit. He ate because he chose to eat. He knew and understood what was expected of him and what he was not to do. He knew the consequences of his choice and he did it anyway. [Genesis 3:12] And Eve, she blamed the whole calamity on the serpent. “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” [Verse 13]. Instead of manning up neither one of them took responsibility for their own actions. I tell you holding God accountable for Satan’s work and your choice is simplistic and naive. Quit blaming God for your problems! The revelation of God being your solution, not your problem, is one that the people of the Old Testament did not have. However, we do have it today and we are responsible for it. So stop playing the blame game! Face up to your wrongdoing! “If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive your sins, and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” [1 John 1: 9]

I tell you, if you don’t have the revelation that God is not the source of your problems, the Bible is a locked book to you. Although God does at times test us in order to strengthen us and teach us to stand; the idea that God would be the source of our sin is warped and antithetical to his nature. I want you to know that David path to forgiveness began when he admitted his sin to God. He didn’t try to evade responsibility; he didn’t blame it on Bathsheba or anyone else. He said, “I have sinned against the Lord.” This is exactly what you need to do: ACCEPT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Even though it is our human nature to blame others, our circumstances or even to blame God, there is no need for us to do so! God knows our sinful condition. He knows every sinful thing that we have done. And He is still willing to forgive us. If you want God to become a more powerful, helpful force in your life, learn to stop holding God responsible for Satan’s work and your choices. Wise indeed is the person who makes no attempt to either hide his sins or to blame others for them. There is great victory in honest and forthright confessing your sins and in accepting full personal responsibility for them. Doing this, you have the assurance [1 John 1:9].

Wisdom has sent out her invitation; will you heed the call and attend the feast? “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live…. “[Deuteronomy 30:19]