No Corners Cut, No Pacifying, No Round-About Way

“Oh That Men Would Give Thanks to the Lord for His Goodness!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

To whom can we say we owe all that we are, all that we will ever be, all that we have and all that we will ever have? Nobody but Jesus!

We live our lives moment by moment. Those moments turn into days, weeks, months and years. We are blessed 1000 times over each and every moment of each and every day. The blessings of God surround us continuously. Underserving but God is merciful! One More Handful of Meal [1 Kings 17:8-16]. One More Blessing [Genesis 32:24] One More Chance at Canaan’s Land [Joshua 14:6-13] One More Chance at Salvation [Luke 23:39-43] One More Chance! One More Chance! I tell you “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord…” [Psalm 92:1]

Let us be thankful for all the things God give us. Let us praise Him for our health, our families, and so on. Let us not take them for granted. For when all the physical blessings have faded and we can find no reason for praise in them, let us thank the Lord that there are some things that will never change! Understanding that it is in these things that we have an unchanging reason for eternal thanksgiving!

I encourage you to take time this week to give Thanksgiving to God for the multitude of blessings He has given you. Take time every day to be thankful. And no matter where you are in life, you have something that you can thank God for each and every day of your life. I tell you, “A Christian Thanksgiving is not just a day, but a way of life.”

Let us Pray: Father God, maker of the heavens and the earth, giver and sustainer of life, to you we offer praise and adoration. With hearts full of Thanksgiving we honor you. Lord, let us not take the life you’ve given us for granted. We thank you for the blessing of family and friends and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side. We are truly thankful that you have given us your Son Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins that we might have eternal life. Through Jesus Christ our King, we continually offer a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of our lips giving thanks. Amen.

From all of us here at Westside Story Newspaper, may God continue to bestow His blessings upon you and your family.

Happy Thanksgiving!


“Compromise With the Devil If You Want To….!”

louBy Lou Coleman

He will ensnare you and destroy your soul [1Peter 5:8] Make no mistake about it! The Devil does not want you to sell out to God. He wants you to sell out to him. And he will give you every reason in the world to justify the things he wants you to do. Then when you have followed him and are out of God’s will and in trouble, he will discard you like a piece of trash and leave you to rot in your sins! He will chew you up and spit you out! You better know that you know! You see [2 Corinthians 2:11] tells us that Satan desires to gain an “advantage” over us and to do this he will use every trick in the book to get us to follow him into failure. Be careful! For [1 Peter 5:8] tells us that the devil wants us. He wants our family. He wants our testimony. He wants our church. If you have it and it’s from the Lord, he wants it, and to get it, he will do anything! “Don’t Compromise with the Devil!” If you do he will get you into such a shape that the Lord cannot bless and use you at all! If you don’t believe me just read about David, the sweet singer of Israel, the man after God’s own heart, what the devil can do to your life. You follow the devil and you, like David might find yourself in a place of prayer begging God just to restore the joy of your heart and life [Psalms. 51:12].

I tell you I wonder: Just what did the devil tell David to get him to sleep with Bathsheba? Just what did the devil tell Cain to get him to kill Abel? Just what did the devil tell Judas to get him to betray Jesus? I wonder: just what has the devil told you? Because sadly, there are many in the church today that live a compromised life. Being too friendly with the enemy! You cannot walk with God and hold hands with the Devil. You better read the story of Lot. Lot started out with Abram and like him enjoyed the blessings of God, but, he exchanged what Abram could offer for what the world could offer and in the end he lost out! You know Jesus said in [Matthew 6:24] No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. I wonder: Which direction is your tent pitched – toward Bethel [God’s house] or towards Sodom [The world]?

I tell you it is crucial that you take the steps that are necessary to defeat the devil and walk in victory. You do not have to roll over and play dead while the devil molds you to his will. You need to be like Jesus, who when He was tempted turned to the Word of God and confronted Satan with the truth of the Book and caused the devil to have to flee from His presence. General Rule: “Do Not Give the Devil a Foothold” [Ephesians 4:26-27] To Hell with Satan!

“After All the Hell You’ve Been Through You’re Still Standing… Hallelujah!”

louBy Lou Coleman

I tell you David said sometimes you just got to encourage yourself. Just look back over your life, yesterday, last week, last month, last year, five years ago, you will discover that you have already gone through enough stuff that should have caused you to lose your mind; but you are still standing. There are others who have gone through less than you went through and committed suicide. Given up on life! But you made it through. Still Standing! Although you’ve been lied on, talked about, criticized, misunderstood, mistreated, you are still standing. Hurt, wounded, knocked down, sick spells, buried loved ones, had to say goodbye to acquaintances, left alone, heartbroken… and you are still standing.  Even though the pain hurts, even though your heart is still healing, even though you still have some tender spots, and your memory is still playing tricks on you… you are still standing. Who am I talking too? May not have as much money as you ought to have, may not have as many friends as you think you deserve, but one thing you can say, “I’m still here.”  And by being here that says one thing, you still have a chance.  You still have an opportunity to reach goals that you have not reached. You still have a chance to get closer to God, and let him use you. Hurt but still standing; Misunderstood but still standing. Almost lost your life but survived the attack, still standing. What the devil meant for evil God turned into good. “They said you wouldn’t make it. They said [you] wouldn’t be, here today. They said [you’ll] never amount to anything…But [you’re] still holding on. Holding on to God’s [unchanging hand] [Lyrics Luther Barnes] though the road has been rough and the goings been mighty tough…” You are still standing!

I tell you when you can persevere through something that should have killed you, and still remain standing; when you can go through crises, and still remain standing; when you can weather the storm and still remain standing; Ah…. Perseverance, preserved, kept in the fire, not kept from the fire… Had to cry yourself to sleep, but you’re still standing. I want you to know that the purpose of this message is to encourage you to know that these can be your words of victory as you face whatever comes your way this week, that at the end you can say, “I’m still standing!” Understanding that you have to go through some things to get to where God wants you to be; betrayal, denial, crucifixion – you’ve got to go through it to get new life.

Let me tell you something, in spite of the issues that came my way, I knew that I had enough in me to withstand it all. And when you know that beyond a reasonable doubt you have what you need inside of you, there is a certain confidence that calms your nerves which is why you don’t have to panic and get hysterical. Why should you crumble under the pressure? When the Word says to you, “Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” So go ahead and declare that you were built for this. You were built to handle whatever life throws your way. Knowing that the devil tried this before, but the last storm that you came through left you with praise. A praise that the devil couldn’t shake, because it was deep in the Rock. Joy that the devil could take, because it was deep in the Rock. Power that the devil couldn’t defeat, because it was deep in the Rock. And when you’re built on the Rock, Hell can’t move you. Water can’t drown you. Hallelujah! Can I get a witness?

“My Soul Is Anchored in the Lord!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“Though the storms keep on raging in my life, and sometimes it’s hard to tell my night from day, still that hope that lies within is reassured, as I keep my eyes upon the distant shore; I know He’ll lead me safely to that blessed place He has prepared. But if the storms don’t cease, and if the wind keeps on blowing, my soul has been anchored in the Lord. [My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord.” Lyrics, by Douglas Miller]

Regardless of the storm that tosses your life and mine, if we have the same confidence that Paul had in his relationship to the Lord, then we can have faith in His promise to be with us always – [Matthews 28:20; Hebrews 13:5 Psalm 23:4]. What an encouragement it is to know that we will never face an instant of life on our own. Every step, every valley, every mountain will be graced by God’s presence. [Psalms 23:6] – Goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. I tell you just having a word from God is enough to anchor us and give us blessed assurance. Why? Because God is as good as His Word [Romans 4:21] His promises are steadfast and true [Roman 3:4; Hebrew 6:18]. Promises of….. Brighter Days – [Psalms 30:5] Deliverance – [Psalms 34:19] Everything is for our Good – [Romans 8:18; 28;32] Divine Grace – [2 Corinthians. 12:9] Ultimate Glory – [Revelations. 21:4] promises based in and on His Word. So go ahead and claim the promises of God as an anchor for your soul as you sail the seas of life. You see if ever there was a time when we need to heed Paul’s warning not to be “…tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming” [Ephesians 4: 14] it is today. Because what we all need if we are to withstand the spiritual winds, which are howling about us, is a real sense of stability. We need spiritual mooring. We need something solid and firm to hold on to. 

I don’t know about you, but I still believe that God is Sovereign! This just means that He is in absolute control of everything that happens in life. He is a Sovereign Lord – [Isaiah 45:7]. Listen to the testimony of James concerning this sovereign Lord – [James 1:17]. “If I didn’t know God was on His throne I would not want to live in this world another second, but as long as I know He orders the storms – [Mark 6:45-50] I can weather them. He knows what is best and that is all He sends into your life and mine [Romans 8:28]. So the best thing we can do when the storms rage about us is run to Him for refuge and cling to Him until the storm passes” [Psalms. 57:1; Isaiah 25:4].

I want you to know that I’ve faced more storms than I care to recount, but my anchor of faith holds. God rides the storms with me as Jesus did with the disciples [Matthew 8:23]. Storms of change, tragedy, disillusionment, depression, financial meltdown, loss, and turmoil come, but I’m at peace because -the anchor- holds. It’s secured to an immovable Rock who knows all, controls all, sees all and loves me unconditionally. My ship may bruise and the winds tear the sails. It may even rub up against a few rocks, but I’ll never be blown beyond God’s perimeter or sink beneath His reach. Nor will you. So when storms test your anchor, remember it’s anchored to an all powerful unchangeable God. Let me say I am here by God’s appointment, in His keeping, under His training, for His time.”That is the kind of confidence that will let you shout in the devil’s face, even while the storm still rages, [Job 1:20-21]. So as we go through life’s storms, may we always have this song in our hearts. Let the winds blow. Let the waves surge. Let the questions fly. Let the threats come. Let the world speed on.  We have an anchor! We have a hope! We have stability here and now and eternity guaranteed in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love. “My soul’s been anchored in the Lord!”

“A Mother’s Tears”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“…. Let my distress and the tears I shed in consequence of it be ever before thee, 0 Lord” [Psalms 18:6].

For those that don’t understand why it is hard for a mother to let go of her child no matter what they do, I want you to know that a mother called by God will never relinquish the title. Mothers never relinquish the title, even if the child is rebellious, harsh, and cruel or has gone wayward. Her heart just will not allow it; not when she is called by God. A mother loves her child no matter what they do or have done. Yes a foolish son brings sorrow to his mother, and the pain of seeing so much time, expense, effort, and affection go to waste sucks the life from her soul. It tears at her heart and spirit. Like David, she cries for her foolish son and wept, “O my son, my son, my son” [2 Sam 18:33]. Like Mary, she just doesn’t stand stoically and passively by at the foot of the cross, as if she were already made out of stained glass. No, she crumples at the cross. She falls down to the depths there, moaning and wailing and begging the God of heaven to stop her hell on earth. If a son will consider these things and be wise, his father will rejoice. [Proverbs 27:11] and his mother will have gladness in her heart [Proverbs 23:25]. But a Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble [Job 14:1].

How many mothers’ hearts have been broken by willful and wayward children? My hand is raised! But only the LORD knows such large numbers! The heart that almost daily burst with pleasure and affection caring for the newborn is torn deeply by the willful disobedience and foolishness of the sinful child. Mothers shed many tears. When you look into any mother’s eyes and see them glistening with tears, when you look into any mother’s eyes and see them about to brim over, remember that the love there is a reflection of a much higher love. It is a reflection of the love of God, “love divine all love’s excelling.”

Some of you know all too well what I’m talking about, or perhaps I am the only one with a prodigal son… by his own admission, he chose the path of worldly pleasure. The grief that I feel – grief over the foolish choices that bring consequences to him, pain to others, and reproach to God’s name. The fear – fear of the future and what will happen to him and to my family. If you know the sorrow of a wayward child may I encourage you to — lift up your eyes and look to God? Receive his comfort in your grief, His joy for your fear, His forgiveness for your sin, His righteousness for your shame, His hope for your future. In all cases, the Word of God gives us one recipe for the curing of all their ills, ‘Bring him unto Me” says the Lord.

I tell you we must never cease to pray until they cease to breathe. No matter how far gone they may seem do not give up hope for them. Lay them at the feet of Jesus, and then intercede for them! Go to God on their behalf, and plead with Him for their lives! Don’t give up, and thereby miss the opportunity to see God work a miracle! Regardless of their age; from young to old, unsaved to backslidden, rebellious stricken to criminal, or indifference, prayers based on God’s Covenant Promises will prevail because the Lord has bound Himself to the Word of His own lips… So don’t let Satan drag your kids through Hell… or to Hell. You have a covenant with God! FIGHT IN PRAYER [Nehemiah 4:14]. Ever since God announced in the Garden of Eden, that the woman’s seed would be against the serpent, Satan has been trying to steal and destroy the seed of God’s people. He is so terrified of our children that he often works overtime against them. This is because he knows that the next generation might just be the generation that is his undoing, ushering in the return of Jesus. The need of the hour is for parents to become skilled in SPIRITUAL WARFARE! There are times when the only thing standing between our children and the enemy is prayer, the key to winning the battle. No matter what the enemy determines to do in the lives of our children, he is no match for our Almighty Father. “The battle for our children’s lives is waged on our knees. When we don’t pray, it’s like sitting on the sidelines watching our children in a war zone getting shot at from every angle. When we DO pray, were in the battle alongside them, appropriating Gods power on their behalf. It’s time to go to War! Pray without ceasing!

“Kant Get Right!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You got to be kidding right? Even little children understand that there are some things you had better get right and understand to be true, or you can get yourself into big trouble. There are some things you had better get right if you’re going to be rightly related to God, both in this life and in the life to come. To know God and to choose to think, act, or behave outside of the Word, Will, and Way of God is very dangerous. The challenge; getting it right simply means getting right with God. Listen, you are old enough to know right from wrong. You are old enough to learn, old enough to love, old enough to really live. If you could ask the Lord how to make the rest of your life the best of your life, what do you think He would say? I don’t think we have to wonder, I think I know. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” [Mt. 6:33] I think we can summarize what Jesus said here in three words: “First things first!”

Now I know that sounds simple, but I want to tell you that if you, beginning today, would consciously, continuously, constantly, and consistently put first things first, it would absolutely transform your life. Everything rises and falls right here. You see, if your priorities are not in order, your life will not be in order. It will be all wrong. Therefore, it is imperative that you prioritize your life. And the beauty of it all is that you don’t have to pray about what your number one priority in life ought to be. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to discuss it. You don’t have to look for it. You just have to do it. Because Jesus has already told us what our first priority ought to be, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Your problem is that there is a part of you that is still under bondage to sin! The old nature, that is to be reckoned dead indeed unto sin, is in fact alive and well! Tell me I’m wrong….. You can’t eat, you can barely sleep. You have new acquaintances, Jimmy Bean, Johnny Walker Red and his cousin Johnny Walker Black. Ronnie Bacardi; Mr. Vodka & Orange. Miller, Buddy Weiser. Mic E Lobe or maybe Dr. Gin & Tonic. Or how about Mary J Juana, Prozac, Valium and a host of other friends that help you to temporarily escape from the reality of your pain. The problem is when you sober up you are still broken, battered, bruised and bent over, that’s why you “Kant get right!

As the Spirit gives utterance, there is something that you have experienced in your past that continues to haunt you in your present, “a spirit of infirmity” that has plagued your life for all of these years. You have fallen and this spirit has convinced you that you can’t get up. You are the victim of past abuse and you are still hurting because the sores in your spirit have become the scabs in your soul. You are now a walking zombie. There’s an outward appearance that says “I’m alive but on the inside I’m dead, battered and beaten by this life’s experiences and disappointments”. You are so demoralized by living a life and you continue to add to your own suffering by the choices that you make. No wonder you “Kant get right!” You can no longer even see or think straight. Because this spirit has affected and infected your thinking concerning the situation you find that you are so broken in your soul and bent over from the burden of the whole matter that you can’t even look up.

I want you to know that there’s always going to be a spirit that will come around you to usher your thinking into a situation. But thank God for Jesus. DO YOU KNOW HIM? He supplies strength for the weak. He’s available for the tempted and the tried. He sympathizes and He saves. He strengthens and sustains. He guards and He guides. He heals the sick and cleans the lepers. He forgives sinners. He delivers the captives. He defends the feeble. He blesses the young. He serves the unfortunate. He regards the aged. And He beautifies the meager. He’s able to bring you out! God has a prescription for your “Kant get right! Call Him up and tell him what you want…..

“If You Didn’t Do the Right Thing…. Then What Did You Expect…Stop Your Whining!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Listen, you can’t do evil and expect good to come to you. God gives principles in Scripture to serve as warnings and as an encouragement. In [Galatians 6:7], His Word states, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows this he will also reap.” This principle applies to everyone, both Christians and non-Christians. This principle is irrevocable; there is no escape, either for the believer or for the unbeliever. It is a law of life. You cannot sow disobedience to God and expect to reap His blessing. “Behind every action is a reaction.” Every choice has a consequence. If you make wise, godly decisions, you can expect God to reward you for your faithfulness. If you make rash or sinful choices, you can anticipate negative consequences. “Do not be deceived,” introduces an undeniable truth. God may not be “treated with contempt,” or “outwitted.” Don’t think that you “can ignore the commands God has given and go [your] own way with impunity.” Don’t be fooled about this! Actions and consequences are inseparable; if you sow corn, you will not reap wheat. This is a truism of agriculture. What you plant is what you will harvest. What you do will determine what you will become and where you go. What you put in is what you will get out. In the end, over the long haul, justice is served; we all get what we deserve.

When we disobey God, the message we convey is that His Word is not important to us; we’ll simply do what we want to do regardless of what His Word says concerning our choices. These kind of evil tendencies really create an environment God can no longer operate into our lives. We literally kick Him out of our life, so that we can do what we want to do. But thank Jesus that God is so loving that He always grants us an opportunity to confess and receive cleansing. The Scripture is true, “Be sure your sins will find you out.” The Bible teaches that we cannot hide our iniquities. Saul sowed the seeds of rebellion and reaped the crop of judgment. How true are the words of Job, “Those who plow iniquity and sow trouble, reap the same.” God’s judgment is slow, but it is sure, and it is always SAD!

But when you do what is right, you bring blessings on yourself, blessings to others and you are a blessing to God. I tell you, if you’re not walking carefully, you’re living dangerously! You’re adrift without rudder or power in dangerous waters! You’re wandering aimlessly in a minefield! Christ’s admonitions to the seven churches of Asia Minor are filled with urgent warnings to repent and turn away from practices that conflict with God’s will [Revelation 2 and 3]. I tell you, repentance involves a state of mind, a disposition. More than a one-time act, it is a life of obedience that involves continual changes—spiritual growth—and a continuous desire to do the will of God, not merely for the purpose of reaping the rewards of obedience, but because it is right in the sight of God. “Therefore, having these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” [2 Corinthians 7:2]. God’s desire is to bring all to repentance and grant us the gift of salvation. As long as we yearn for His loving embrace, even if we’ve temporarily strayed from Him, He is always there for us, always ready to receive us back into full fellowship with Him.

What should you do?

If you have come to a knowledge of the truth—knowledge of God’s law; of His way of life, particularly as expressed through His Ten Commandments; of His provisions for salvation through Jesus Christ, who offered Himself for the sins of the world; of the resurrection of the dead; of the Kingdom of God and reward of the saved—and if you truly believe the good news of Christ and His Kingdom, then Peter’s timeless words are for you: “Repent, and…be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” [Acts 2:38].

If you are one who previously came to a knowledge of the truth, responded in repentance and baptism, and received the gift of the Holy Spirit, but have since drifted away from God, perhaps returning to old habits or allowing despondency and doubt to overwhelm you, then God’s Word has a message for you, as well: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” [1 John 1:9].

Whether you are new to the faith or are a “backslidden” Christian, God desires to receive you into the loving fellowship of His family. The next step is up to you!


Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“Many times we talk about being hurt and broken, and we believe the saying that time heals all wounds, we believe that a few comforting words, a little sympathy will make everything alright, and we don’t understand when people don’t seem to bounce back from something the way we think they should or as soon as we think they should. We believe that time should have healed their hurt by now, but what we fail to understand is that there is a difference between being hurt and being broken. And since we don’t understand that, we cast judgment on them and say things like they just need to get over it; let it go;…..Hmm… I’m going to be direct and even a bit cynical at points. But I really want to get my point across.

Children are growing up in a society that has pushed them aside, cast them off, and rejected them as normal, acceptable, and viable members of the social order, they have even classified them as being called “Generation Z and Generation Alpha” the unknown. They are becoming adults that have no direction in their lives, wondering aimlessly, bound, confused, and perplexed. Some have been mentally, physically, and sexually abused. Feeling rejected, dejected, and alone, they are hopelessly waiting to die, imagining that everything will be over if what they have experienced to be life would just cease from being.

Many people in society are being incarcerated mentally, physically, and spiritually. Although free from the human judicial system, are regretfully imprisoned in a far crueler and ultimately eternal prison. They are sentenced with a life sentence of emotional emasculation, depression, anxiety, low/no self esteem, and phobia’s; some are on the habitual death row of deadly narcotics, alcohol, and careless, unsafe, and uninhibited sexual activity. Others have been placed in a solitary confinement of physical pain, discomfort, and disease. They are being held captive behind these seemingly impenetrable bars and inescapable walls, being made to believe that this is all there is to life. Mentally messed up, emotionally emasculated, and spiritually lost, they are aimlessly wandering through life busted, disgusted, and broken.

Their lives are shattered, their dreams are non-existent, their hope is gone, they are being battered by the angry sea of sin, tossed to and fro, bouncing from relationship to relationship, being drug down through the gutters of degradation. Their self respect has been broken, their esteem has been broken, their reputation has been broken, and their innocence has been broken. They are disappointedly unable to see that God has a far more excellent and abundant life. They are struggling trying to break free unable to come into the freedom that is promised to them. They are unable to understand that the price of their freedom has already been paid. And people who try to encourage those who are hurting can’t seem to say the right thing. So how do you begin to heal? How can the hole in your heart that is gaping open begin to close?

First and foremost, understand that it’s okay to hurt. Secondly, realize that each new day of your life is a gift from God that He wants you to live fully. But know that if the pain you’ve suffered in your past is still impacting your life now, you can’t fully embrace the new life God offers you because you’re stuck in a frustrating cycle of brokenness that leaves you feeling hopeless. So just like you tell a doctor your symptoms, tell God how much you were wounded and need His healing touch. He will hear the cries of the broken. [Psalms 56:8], tells us that God was so aware of David that He even collected his tears. Ask God to break the hold that your past has over you and show you what useful lessons you can learn from it so you can begin moving forward. I tell you, God is much more powerful than your history, and when you trust Him, God will start to transform your pain into healing and wisdom in your life.

Lots of people are hurting in our world, including God-fearing, Bible-believing, Jesus-loving Christians. I hope you are not hurting right now, but if you are, be encouraged. God wants to give you His fellowship, His forgiveness, and a fresh start in life….Broken but I’m Healed” [Byron Cage Lyrics]

“Oh Lord, Why Me?”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Why did you let this happen? Why did you let that happen? Why Lord, why? I tell you we are always quick to ask, “Why Lord?” ”Why Me?” when it seems like things is going bad and we need someone to blame. Well I want you to know that playing the blame game with God is always going to be a losing proposition. I tell you many of us blame God for everything! I wonder though, do we ever think about the flip side to that coin! Why don’t we look around for someone to blame when things are going good? I’ll tell you why… because when things are going good, were always the one to blame, or take the credit. I did it! It was me…! Hello! But what I want you to know is that the accuser, Satan is the one who is guilty of condemnation, that’s all he does and yet he usually gets blamed for nothing. You should be mad as Hell with Satan; because he is the one behind most of the problems you are having; Most of the fear, worry, doubt, guilt, in your life. I tell you some of us come to church Sunday after Sunday acting like all hope is lost. We behave like Israelites living in a strange land. We exhibit the same defeated spirit as the children of Israel when we declare: “Praise the Lord, O my soul”… as long as everything is going well for me and…, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want”… as long as I have money in the bank…. Not to mention, I’m like a tree planted by living water”… when I have a good job and a loving mate… Oh, but when the storm winds blow against us and our money is in short supply, we quickly get a case of spiritual amnesia. We don’t want to hear the fact that the rain falls on the just as well as the unjust [Matt. 5:45]. We feel as if life has dealt us a bad hand and our lips utter the agonizing refrain, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” [Matt. 27:46].

What you need to remember is that the hand of the Lord is always upon you to guide, strengthen and protect you [Ezekiel chapter 37]. The text goes on to say that the Lord’s Spirit deliberately set Ezekiel in the midst of a valley full of bones. Ezekiel was not in that horrid valley because he wanted to be. Rather, God placed him to that desolate place for a reason. Once, Ezekiel stood in the valley, the Lord asked him a penetrating question, “Son of man, can these dry bones live?” (v.3). In other words, God challenged Ezekiel to assess the situation and determine if anything could be done to improve it. Ezekiel studied the ground full of bones; no blood to sustain life; no muscle to enable movement; no vital organs; no attached limbs; no flesh to cover the body; nothing to indicate that life existed. “But the question asked of Ezekiel was, can these bones live?” How would you have answered the Lord’s question about the revitalization of dry bones? Ezekiel’s response to God’s question demonstrated his faith and wisdom. He answered, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord. So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones is the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘this is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.” ….. I tell you, you need to start prophesying to the situations and circumstances in your life and stop blaming God for everything bad. Start declaring and decrees what thus saith the Lord. Amen. It is finished! [Isaiah 55:8, 9] [James 1:2].


“Who Report Will You Believe…?”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

God says, “Don’t do that or you will go to Hell!” But then Satan whispers, “It ain’t true… God loves you too much to send you to Hell. It’s alright, go ahead and do what you want; besides you can always ask for forgiveness later.” Listen; don’t let Satan deceive you…. God will not be mocked!  Anyone who disobeys God’s Word has crossed the line over which the Lord says if a man goes, he has sinned. And we know that Sin equal Death! Now you wouldn’t be so foolish as to put a bullet in the chamber of a hand gun and put it to your head and pull the trigger, would you? Yet, in reality that is what you do every time you choose to willfully disobey the Word of God, leaving no sacrifice for sin [Hebrew 10:26]. Don’t let Satan’s lies deceive you into compromising your obedience to God.

You know God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and warned of the dire consequences if they choose to disobey His Word, [Genesis 2:15, 16]. But afterwards, Satan strutted into the Garden and deceived Eve into believing that God was all talk; “He’s bluffing, He just wants to be God. He just wants to be a dictator. Don’t worry about Him; eat, drink and be merry…..” I tell you Satan is a liar! Disobedience to God is very consequential by nature. In many cases, it may end up costing you far more than you’ve ever thought. The consequences of disobedience are plain all throughout Scripture from the book of Genesis to Revelation. Oh, I say and I say it again, if you believe the lies of Satan, “Ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok” [Malcom X]. This is what Satan does. Satan purpose is to kill, steal and destroy. He doesn’t care about you. He’s mad that God loves you so. You mean nothing to [Satan] He wants to chew you up and spit you out! You better know that you know!

Now the apostle Paul, in [2 Corin 2: 11], says that we are not to be ignorant of the schemes, or the plans, or the stratagems, or the tricks of Satan.  We need to know how he works.  We need to know something of his character, something of his person, something of his approach.  And since we have the Word of God, which unmasks Satan’s disguises, and which reveals his schemes, there’s really no reason to be ignorant.  Satan is a con artist and he will con you straight to Hell. Believe that! I tell you to be forewarned of Satan’s strategy is to be forearmed. His pattern for tempting Eve is essentially the same approach he uses today. But by studying and learning to recognize that pattern, you will not be ignorant of his schemes [2 Cor. 2:11]. Satan is crafty and deceptive, not straightforward. His methods involve deceit, schemes, lies, and trickery [John 8:44; 2 Cor. 11:3, 14, 15; 1 Tim. 2:14] His number one weapon against you is a lie, and if you believe that lie, your onward progress will stop with God.

I tell you, our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone whom he may devour.” He is not to be joked about; he is not to be made fun of. He is a serious, formidable foe. The Bible describes him as the prince of this world who opposes God and lies to you, to appeal to the appetites of your flesh. The truth is this – obedience is costly! And I’m not going to tell you it’s not hard. Obedience is costly, but here’s the reality—it is not as costly as compromise! Disobedience is devastating. It stops your progress with God! That’s why some of you are not moving onward with God, because you’re playing around with things that are designed to defeat you. God’s Word is the only word that can be trusted. If you try to live your life by any other counsel, you will be defeated and the consequences are not going to be well with you; because disobedience brings a wide variety of consequences; spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental. With spiritual being the worst form of consequence that can ever fall upon an individual since it determines where people will spend their eternity. Careful in your choosing, because your eternity is at stake! Now “Who report will you believe?”