No Corners Cut, No Pacifying, No Round-About Way

“Do Not Pass Go… Do Not Collect $200!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Everywhere you go in life there are warning signs. There are signs along the roadway that point to danger that lies ahead. There are warning signs that our bodies give us from time to time. There are warning signs that our minds send out when there is a problem. Then, there are spiritual warning signs. Times when we slack up in our commitment to the Lord… When we forsake the assembly of the saints… When we don’t pray and when we don’t give as we should. Times when we harbor bitterness and un-forgiveness… We hold onto hurts and have hard feelings toward others. Right now, lights are flashing “Approaching Danger” because there is some stuff that you are walking in that ain’t the way that God has told you to walk. There are some things that you are doing that God hasn’t told you to do. Flirting with sin; messing around in areas where you have no business being…  “Do Not Pass Go… Do Not Collect $200”….This is serious… It could be the difference between life and death!  Take heed to God’s warning or you will suffer the consequences.

Listen, warnings are meant to help, not to harm us.  They are meant to protect us from doing something foolish and harmful in our life. Warnings are an act of God’s grace. Unfortunately though, there are many today who are not good listeners, and they only hear what they want to hear, because just like the opposing Jews of the first century, their hearing is dull and their vision is blurry. I tell you we are remarkably oblivious to the obvious. We can see absolute concrete signs that something is so, and yet, we don’t listen, we don’t believe; we don’t pay attention.  How many people have been killed because they went around a railroad barricade? Lights flashing; bells ring; barricade in the way, nah, those don’t mean anything right. Next thing you know, death has swallowed another one up… Do not ignore the warning signs. Read the writing on the wall and heed God’s warning because “Warning Comes before Destruction!” Do not be like Samson who manifested all the signs of a man who was headed for trouble in his life {Judges 14:1-9} yet, he ignored every one of those signs and traveled ever farther down a road that brought him dishonor, defeat and death.  As Samson took his first steps down the road to ruin, he had no idea where his path would ultimately lead him. He had no idea how bad things would be at the end of the way. Had he heeded God’s warning signs, Samson could have avoided many of the problems he faced later in life. Even Israel, God longed for them to repent. But instead of growing closer to God, they were getting farther away. God had sent His Word, but she had refused to obey. He sent correction, but she only hardened. He invited her to trust Him, but she chose to place her trust in man. He desired for her to return, but she drifted farther and farther away. Don’t do it… Don’t ignore God’s warnings. You know Zephaniah chapter 3 verses 1-7, was written to the backslidden nation of Judah, but they offer some valuable information for us today. When we find ourselves headed in the wrong direction, there is only one intelligent thing to do: Turn- around! The Bible calls that repentance; or changing our direction.  Imagine for a moment how Samson’s life would have been different if he had recognized the warning signs and turned his life toward God. Imagine now what God could do with us if we would simply recognize the warning signs that present themselves in our lives.  If you can see evil desires, disobedience to God’s will and deception in your life, the time to change is now. It may not be too late to avoid catastrophe in your life. You know the starting place is what the rich man in Hell acknowledged, that you must repent of your sins, and change the direction of your life.

True- Story. “Many years ago a young man violated some traffic laws, and was involved in a hit and run traffic accident. He was chased by the police, but made a desperate effort to get away. He attempted to get on the Turnpike at the interchange. And when he saw that the entrance was lined with cars, he went off the entrance drive, around the pay stations, and sped onto the Highway. The police followed the speeding car, and telephoned ahead. Roadblocks were quickly set up in an effort to stop the person from his mad rush to a likely accident. But he was able to dodge the roadblocks, one after another. Sometimes he simply ran them down; other times he crossed the median strip and went into the other lane of traffic, and then turned back again. Finally, in a desperate effort to stop the young man, two huge trucks were placed across all four lanes of traffic. Red flares were set up at intervals several miles ahead, to warn the driver of approaching danger. Everyone was sure this blockade would stop the mad driver, but as he approached the roadblock, he looked in his rearview mirror; he saw the police behind; he looked straight ahead and saw the two trucks, but instead of stopping, he kept moving at one hundred miles per hour, and crashed headlong into the trucks, hurling his soul into an endless eternity. His car went under the trucks, and came out on the other side, a smashed, mangled, twisted bundle of steel…” Listen, just as the policemen did everything within their power to stop the speeding boy and even gave him warning signals ahead, so God is doing everything possible to keep us from continuing on the path that leads to Hell. It is God’s desire that every human being should repent, believe the Gospel, and live a new life of obedience to Jesus Christ, walking daily under the control of the Holy Spirit.

I hope that each of us will keep our eyes and ears open to the warning signs that are given to us in the Bible so that we can live a life that will be acceptable before God and so that our souls will be saved in the end. Let us believe God. Let us see His grace in His warnings concerning His wrath against sin. Let us not deny the truth, but warn people to flee from the wrath to come. Let us make sure that we ourselves have repented and hidden ourselves in Christ alone, so availing ourselves of the one and only escape from God’s wrath, faith in Jesus Christ our sin bearer. Let us make sure we respond to God’s trumpet call of warnings and obey His commandments that we might live. Surely, if anyone who reads this message ends up in the place of outer darkness, you will go there over the love of God, the warnings of God, the cross of Calvary, the prayers of God’s people, and the teaching of the Gospel.  Do Not Pass Go… Do Not Collect $200!

“My Sweet Valentine!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“I found Him whom my soul loveth: I held Him, and would not let Him go” {Song of Solomon 3}…  I want you to know that “My Beloved is mine, and I am His…” A love I never dreamed possible… Oh Lord, my heart belongs to you alone! Take me now and let me be the bride who will bring you great joy. Cause me each day of my life to walk so closely to you that I will experience your intimacy which will begin to change me into your blessed image forever.…. Oh when I contemplate the rich love of Jesus I am drawn to Him like iron to the magnet… I tell you, to be loved by Jesus is literally an indescribable thing.  God demonstrating His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. I don’t know about you but this text ministers powerfully to my heart. If you want a visible definition of love, look at what God did for you in Christ…  If you really want to understand love, don’t listen to love songs, or people who throw the term love around… If you want to get to the depths of what it means to love and be loved, look to the cross of Christ. The cross is the ultimate expression of God’s incomprehensible love to us… For the cross is God’s way of saying, “I love you this much,” with His arms outstretched. His final words etched on a Roman cross. They are blood red. They scream to be heard… I tell you I have been captured by love…  A love that knows no limits, no bounds, and no end… JesusMy Sweet Valentine!

You know there have been many definitions of love. There have been many people who have written books about love. There are songs about love. There are poems about love. There are discussions about love. But when you’ve said it all and you’ve read it all and you’ve sung it all, you just might wonder “What Love Got to Do with It,” because the things they talk about, sing about and write about really aren’t about love at all, but rather about affection, longing, goose-bumps types of emotional thrills. The love they talk about runs hot, it runs cold, and it runs lukewarm. It brings tears of joy, tears of depression, and screams of excitement and hollers of disappointment. The Bible however, addresses aGreater Love” that uses an entirely different term than “philo.” That term is “Agape.” The difference, Agape is a love characterized by commitment.  If you believe in Jesus Christ, don’t think of His love for you merely in terms of the love He has for the world. Think of the love that takes captive and cleaves and unites and cherishes and defends. Think of a marriage covenant between you and God in which He has sworn by His Holiness to love you with a saving, cleansing, and glorifying love. Remember His Words in Psalm 89:34 that says, “I will not violate My covenant, or alter the word that went forth from My lips.” This is what we long for, and this is what we have by faith, an experience of being loved with a love that lasts, that is not fickle, or uncertain, or capricious, but durable, constant, and stable. Not, only, a love that is extensive, but that lasts over time, all time, but also a love that is intensive. We long to be loved radically, deeply, excessively, passionately. I tell you, My Beloved is mine and I am His! Oh may God give us the power to comprehend what is the height and depth and length and breadth, and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that we might be filled with all the fullness of Him.

If you would allow me to make this very personal, love being the high point of everything, the fulfilling of the whole law and the number one ingredient in life {Romans chapter 13}.  I want you to know that God knew every flaw and weakness I would have and every mistake I would make when He called me into relationship with Himself. Nothing about me surprises Him. God knows and has always known everything about me. He knows what I will think, do and say every day for the rest of my life. He also knows how He will help me, teach me, correct me, encourage me, and give me grace for all my faults and failures. He is always for me and never against me, no matter what I do. God loves unconditionally, and that means He accepts us the way we are and then helps us to be all we can be. When you have someone who loves holding you, it doesn’t matter anymore what everyone else does or what the circumstances are or what the future holds. When you are in the arms of a loving God, when you have been consumed with His love, you share in His benefits. God’s love is beyond comprehension. Amazing, isn’t it? God knows us and still loves us. God knows that we are sinners, yet He forgives; we are diseased, yet He heals; we are in a pit, yet He pulls us out; we are ungrateful for His good gifts, yet He gives them anyway; and we deserve justice, yet He grants mercy. When God says I love you, He is saying that you matter to Him. You are a person of worth. You are valuable to Him. Regardless of what others think, in His eyes you are wonderful! God’s love touches every part of our life. Nothing – no calling or circumstance, no adversity or advancement, no pain or promotion, no status or station – escapes the brush strokes of God’s love. God’s love bleeds into every fabric and fiber of our lives. God has loved us with an everlasting love, and with loving-kindness He has drawn us. Indeed, we belong to Divine Love, and only God’s love is unfailing and always fully satisfying. In these last days, there has never been a time when we so desperately need to spend significant daily time contemplating the life of Jesus. “No greater love than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends” {John 15:13}. Oh, how He loves you and me! My Sweet Valentine! To the only wise God my Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen!

“It’s My Prerogative… I’ll Do What I Want To Do!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Really … You sound just like the people in the Book of Haggai. Selfish; self-centered.  They were only thinking about themselves, building their own houses and planting their crops, and not taking time to build the house of the Lord. Well I want you to know that they found trouble (Haggai 1:6). The Lord was making it known why they were in the condition they were in: sowing much, and bringing little in; eating, but not having enough; drinking, but not filled; clothed, but not warm, having a paycheck but no money! Their need was not being met… “Utterly meaningless, says the Teacher” {Ecclesiastes 1:2}.  Perhaps I should remind you of what Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but in the end thereof it leads to death.” Don’t be a fool! Remember the parable of the rich man. He said I’ll build me a barn to house all of my things. This man didn’t take time to consider his ways and make sure his soul was right with God. When he got his bigger barns finished, the Lord said, this night your soul is required of you… Are you sure you want to do your own thang? I wouldn’t want to be one who is carried away wanting to do my own thing and not putting God first. It can only mean disaster. You know many of the “things” written in the Bible are examples, both positive and negative, from which we are able to learn how we are or are not to behave and think before God. A lot of those examples are of selfish people who illustrate the characteristics and consequences having an improper attitude toward self. Cain {Genesis 4.)  Ahab (1King 21}… David {2 Samuel 11} …James and John {Matt 20}… the Older Brother of the Prodigal {Luke 15}…just to name a few.

Listen, Haggai message was simple. It was a message of priority: Put first things first. His message was blunt. He pulled no punches and wasted no words. Haggai said stop making excuses, cease being selfish! God sought to warn the people to heed His words. Twice Haggai instructed the people, ‘consider your ways (1:5, 7). Which they did not. Therefore they were rebuked of the Lord because they were selfish and self-centered; letting the house of God lie waste, while every man ran to his own house. They had pushed God out of the center and because of that they suffered in every area. I tell you we too will get a rebuke from the Lord when we don’t do things God’s way. We really should take time to consider our ways. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want God to call for a drought for me as he did for the Jews. He called for a drought upon the land, the mountains, the corn, the new wine, the oil, and upon that which the ground would bring forth. Upon men, upon cattle, and upon all the labor of the hands. The Lord did that. Why? Because of a stiff-necked, selfish, self-centered people. He caused the heaven to be stayed from dew and the earth to be stayed from her fruit (verse 10). All because they wanted to do things their way and not God’s way. God is letting us know just what can happen to us if we refuse to do things His way. He knows how to get our attention. He knows how to deal with us that we might know we’re not doing it the way He wants us to do it. With this strong indictment and devastating predicament, the people realized they had caused their own calamites. The people were ready to evaluate their situation. Yes, we must put aside the things we desire, put aside our self-centered ways, and put the work of the Lord first. The psalmist declared: “I thought about my ways, and turned my feet to your testimonies” (Ps 119:59). Here in Haggai God shows us what happened to His people, and He lets us know why it happened. They didn’t see the need to build the house of God. I tell you we should be building up the house of God, working together to further the kingdom of God. Going out to minister to souls and bringing them into the church, where they can hear the Word of the Lord being preached and get saved, if they haven’t already given their hearts to the Lord.

Out of God’s love and mercy, He sends His prophets and preaches to remind us of His faithfulness – and in turn, to remind us as His people to be faithful and obedient as well. He has given us His Word to sound the alarm. Not only did God warn them, but He also offered promises through His servant Haggai to motivate them to follow Him. Don’t you know that if your priorities are not in order, your life will not be in order? If your priorities are not right, you won’t be right. Listen, you don’t have to pray about what your number one priority in life ought to be. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to discuss it. You don’t have to look for it. You just have to do it. Because Jesus has already told us what our first priority ought to be, “seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Jesus wants the first moments of everyday. Jesus wants the first day of every week. Jesus wants the first part of every paycheck. He wants to be first… Put “Self” to Death {Galatians 2:20}. I tell you, the kingdom of God ought to be the obsession of your life. We are not free to do as we please. We belong to God {Ezekiel 18:4}. Our lives belong to the Lord {Romans 14:7-8} and we live for the will of God {1Peter 4:1-2}. For the whole duty of man is to serve God {Ecclesiastes 12:13}. It’s not about you, but God… Stop being selfish and accept God’s prerogative as a great comfort to your soul. Cease striving, let go, relax and know that He is God. He will be exalted among the nations. He will be exalted in the earth, and He will be exalted in your life. Look to him and be saved. It’s Not Your Prerogative…. It’s God’s Prerogative!


Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

What I’m going to say today is going to tick some of you off. The more churched you are, probably the bigger problem you’re going to have with this message. Many of you will probably ask when you are done reading it, if you decide to finish it; just who does she think she is? The answer to your question: “Tell them that I AM sent you, and then tell them why!”… …There are many who teach and many who believe that if you have said, “The Sinner’s Prayer” that you’re, “Goin’ Up Yonder to be with your Lord.”… That you’re going to Heaven… That your ticket has been purchased…  Well, in {Matt. 7:21-23} Jesus makes one of the most startling statements in the entire Bible. ..He says that not everyone who claims Him as Lord will be saved… He is telling us that there will be some people who will think they are saved, but who, in fact, are still lost and headed to Hell. Many religious people, including some believers in Jesus, will learn that they too will be lost. Jesus makes it clear that not all who profess Him possess Him. A mere profession of Jesus as Savior is not enough to save! A person may believe in the doctrines of the faith. They may be sincere and good. However, merely saying you know Jesus is not enough to save your soul. Belonging to the church, being a good person, doing religious things, etc., are all good, but none of them can save the soul. That’s tough, but we need to be honest. “Everybody Talkin’ Bout Heaven Ain’t Going There!” {Matthew: 7:13-14}.

You know as Jesus drew near to the end of the Sermon on the Mount, He takes the time to remind men of the seriousness of their salvation. He wanted all who heard Him to be sure that they were genuinely converted. I want you to know that is only my desire for each of us. Sadly, however, many will suffer in eternal condemnation because they refuse to believe the Lord’s teaching about who will be saved and go to heaven. Jesus tells us that entering heaven will not be easy. This is a surprise to most people, because they have been taught that the way to heaven is easy. They’ve been taught, “All you have to do to be saved is believe in Jesus.” I tell you, there is a great difference between what men teach today and what Jesus taught then. Jesus tells us that there are not many people going in through this strait gate and narrow way. He says, “Few there be that find it.” This too, is a surprise to many folks, because they believe that most people will be saved because most people believe in God. While it may not agree with what most have been taught and believe… it is clear and easy to understand.  Jesus says we must DO the Will of God. We must not just believe in God, but we must also believe God! We must believe God enough to Do His Will. Here, Jesus clears up the matter of what brings salvation to a life. He says that people are saved by “Doing the will of His Father.” That is the problem with the teaching of many who are false prophets and teachers today. They are telling people that all one must do is believe in Jesus in order to be saved. They say we are saved by “faith only.” This is a false teaching. God has never said it, but men teach it. In fact, we have seen that Jesus has said just the opposite.  I tell you we can tiptoe and dance all around the truth until our feet are sore and calloused, but it will not change the truth, it will not open the doors to heaven one millimeter , and no one more person will enter in… Heaven is prepared for those… who are prepared.

Here is the dividing line: Those who DO the Father’s Will! {James 1:22-25}. Only those who come on God’s terms will enter Heaven… What is God’s terms…. God’s terms for entering Heaven are confession, repentance, and a genuine trust and commitment in Jesus alone.  Many people want to go to heaven but are unwilling to do these things…They want to do either one or the other.  Many people think they are going to heaven, but they have not admitted they are sinners, they have not turned from an ungodly life, and they have not genuinely trusted in Jesus alone for salvation and really put Him first in their lives.  There are millions of people who claim to believe in Jesus, who use His name, who call Him “Lord,” expecting heaven but will only receive hell. The fact is clearly stated by Jesus who said many will say, “Lord, Lord,” who will not enter the kingdom.  It’s a strange thing but it is something that has to be emphasized. If there is the slightest doubt in your heart that you aren’t genuinely converted, you need to repent of your repentance. I tell you “Everybody Talking’ Bout Heaven Ain’t Goin’ There!” …Who report are you going to believe? Man or Jesus?

Listen, our obedience to Christ is a very serious decision and must not be taken lightly. It must be on the Lord’s terms as laid out in the Scriptures and not on our terms. We have already seen in {Matthew 7:13-14, 21}, only a few will be saved, and many will be lost, and only those who DO the will of the Father will go to heaven. There is no other way. No single condition, that God imposes, can be ignored. God has no non-essential commands. The only source of information on what God has truly said can only come from the Bible. We must seek God’s answer on the matter in “what saith the Lord.” It’s not shocking for Jesus first words to His disciples in the book of Matthew to be, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” In the days that followed, he taught them that He “came to seek and to save what was lost,” and He told them that just as the Father had sent Him into the world, He would send them into the world. Subsequently, we are not surprised when the last words of Jesus to His disciples are, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” This is God’s will in the world: to create, call, save and bless His people for the spread of His grace and glory among all peoples. This will is not intended to be found; it is intended to be followed. We don’t have to wonder about God’s will when we’ve been created to walk in it. We have no need to ask God to reveal His will for our lives; instead, we need to ask God to align our lives with the will He has already revealed.  God’s will for us as disciples of Jesus is to make disciples of Jesus in all nations…The problem of confusion on this matter is because men, preachers, and denominations have appealed to human logic and reasoning instead of simply consulting God on the matter. Prove it to yourself.  Read what Jesus says…. {Matt.7:13-15; 22:14; 13:24-30; 13:36-43; 22:14}… {Mark 3:34-35} … {1Tim 2:1-4}…  {1Thes 5:16-19}… {John 7:17 – 8:30-32}… {Roman 8:27; 12:2}… {2Corin 8:16 -13:5}… {1Pet 2:13-16 – 3:17 – 4:19}… {2Peter 1:10}… {Rom 6:17-18}… {James 1:22-25}… {1John 2:16-17}… {Ephesians 2:8-9}…. because “Everybody Talking’ Bout Heaven Ain’t Goin’ There… Uh-Oh!”






Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Whatcha Crying For…. Don’t you know that one reason why God allows us at times to be disappointed with our fellow human beings is so that we might learn to stop leaning on man. He desires to free us from such idolatry. So when God orders your circumstances in such a way that you are disappointed on every side, don’t be discourage, just know that God is weaning you away from the arm of flesh so that you might learn to live by Faith in Him. Many times when we experience discouragement the real problem is that we don’t understand God. Romans 11:33 tells us: How impossible it is for us to understand Gods decisions and His methods! For who can know what the Lord is thinking?” God’s purposes are far beyond our comprehension. Listen, God did not save you so you could rest yourself in other people and in things. God saved you to walk in absolute and utter dependence upon Him. And when He sees you leaning on everyone and everything but Him; you can count on His teaching you the lessons you need so that you might learn to lean on Him alone. “Stop Your Crying!” The same God, who opens doors, is the same God that closes doors. A big part of Faith is trusting God when you don’t understand it. If you’ll have this perspective, and not only thank God for your open doors but thank Him just as much for your closed doors, you’ll pass the test. You’ll see the exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond future that God has in store for you.

So thank God for the supporters, props, crutches, or whatever you want to call them that God has placed in your life to help you make it, but don’t get it twisted, make no mistake about it,  it is Jehovah- Jireh, who provides, not them.  As David learned, when you become so dependent on them rather than God, God is going to start shaking up everything around you. There’s going to be some uprooting, tear-downing and destroying going on. Every person upon whom David leaned in his life was taken away. Every dream, every lofty goal, every hope had been dashed to bits at David’s feet. He had nothing and no one on whom he can lean. He was alone, afraid and alienated. God had brought David from the very top to the very bottom of life. Why? Why did God do this to David? God did this to David so that David would learn to lean on the Lord and not on all the other props he had constructed in his life! And believe me, He will do the same to you too if your support system develops to the place where it can take the place of God in your life. God will start dismantling everything around you. Oh, how we need to hear this truth! All the way through life we lean on one thing and one person after another. We trust and look to our parents, teachers, friends, jobs, and money…forgetting a very important truth, that Jesus is our everything! Stop Your Crying!

It’s not easy to take, but the truth is when the Lord finds us leaning on everything else in our lives instead of Him; He will begin the painful process of dismantling our support system one prop at a time. He does not do this to harm us; but to help us learn to lean on Him alone! In the end, David learned that the promises of men did not amount to much. But for those who had learned to lean on the hand of the Lord, they saw every promise of God fulfilled in their lives. (Psalm 119:38). I tell you this leaning business hits pretty close to home for me. There are plenty of times I find myself leaning on things and/or people instead of the Lord. But I have also found that when I lean on other things and/or people in my life; God will systematically and painfully remove every crutch I have. He will bring me to the place where I am leaning on Him and on Him alone. That is where He plans to bring each of us. We should not fear what the Lord is doing in our lives. He is merely growing us and teaching us that He is all we need. He is all-sufficient; more than enough; He is God Almighty, and He will never fail us, leave us or let us down. He wants us to learn this truth: When we have Him, we have all the support system that we will every need! (Psalms 46) Sometimes it’s not what we’re going through that’s intolerable. The thing that is intolerable is the lack of meaning. We’re not sure why we’re suffering like we’re suffering. If we only understood God, it wouldn’t be as painful.  I don’t know what you’re going through in your life. But I can guarantee you that God is big enough to handle your disappointment. God is big enough to handle your questions. We need to be reminded throughout our lives that if God is all I have at this moment, then He is all I really need! Stop Your Crying, and learn how to lean and depend on Jesus. He’s your friend and He’s your guide. Trust Him and find out that He will provide. Oh, what a fellowship; what a joy divine; what blessedness; what a peace of mind; leaning on His arms.  {Lee WilliamsPraise the Lord!





Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman 

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…” Prosecutor Opening Statement…. Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury; the defendant has been charged with disobedience, backsliding, unbelief, unfaithfulness, breaking of vows, rebellion, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, pride, foolishness, blasphemy, malice, slander, arrogance, idolatry, jealousy, hostility, selfish ambition, division, envy, drunkenness and folly. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is “Guilty as Charged!…. The event took place in an open air arena beside the Jabbok River as it were with Jacob. In one corner stood the defendant {insert your name} and in the other corner of all people was God Himself… You versus God… You versus Jehovah…  Who would want to take on God, one on one, in a wrestling match…? How could one every hope to win… “How foolish,” you say? Well the truth is that all of us at some point in our journey have taken on God. We have all stepped into the ring with God and wrestled with Him about life. Matter of fact some of you are wrestling with God right now about some situation, some problem, some difficulty or some injustice in your life. It would behoove you though to sit down in your ringside seat and learn the lessons from Jacob’s wrestling match with God. You see God preserved the historical event in Jacob life to teach us lessons concerning our own struggles. Because just like Jacob we all have the tendency to wrestle with life, to take things in our own hands, to set our own agenda, and work things out in our own strength… Your Honor, I would like for this to be marked as People’s Exhibit #1… I will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty as charged and should be convicted. All because you, the defendant wanted to do things your way and not God’s way. The Lord has set this hearing. God is letting you know just what happens to us if we refuse to do things His way. He knows how to get our attention. He knows how to deal with us that we might know we’re not doing it the way He wants us to do it. ”Guilty as Charged!”

Listen, God wants to be quick to bless and slow to wrath. He doesn’t want to go to war with you! Solomon said in Proverbs 21:30,There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord.” In other words, anybody who goes against God is a Fool! What we need to understand is that nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, can stand against God. From the beginning God had standards.  Eve decided to fight it and Adam decided to join the fight and because of that, all of us are cursed. God had a standard for sacrifice. Abel obeyed it and Cain fought it and was cursed. God had a standard for morality. Noah kept it. The rest of the world fought it and drowned. God had a standard for spiritual priority. Jacob bought it; Esau fought it and lost the blessing. Saul went about ravaging the church, seeking to destroy this new sect who followed Jesus Christ. Until of course, Jesus Himself appeared to him, blinded him, pinned him to the ground and said, “Saul, it is hard for you to kick against the goads.” In the end God won and Saul lost. There is no way to fight God and win! True, it mays seem like someone is opposing God and getting away with it temporarily, but when ultimately it spells eternal disaster. The story of Herod exalting himself and how God judges him. Herod and God are prominent in both stories. But in both stories, God comes out the winner, and Herod the loser. You can’t fight God. It does not work! If you go to war with God, you will surely lose. Do you see that it is madness? You lose! God wins every time! Instead of opposing God, His Word, His Law, start surrendering. Because the only way to true happiness, joy, fulfillment and satisfaction is in surrendering completely to God, and allowing His Spirit to live through you. In the end, Jacob did what we all must do. He confronted his failures, his weaknesses, his sins, an all the things that were hurting him, and faced God. Jacob wrestled with God all night. It was an exhausting struggle that left him crippled. But it was only after he came to grips with God and ceased his struggling, realizing that he could not go on without God, that he received God’s blessing (Genesis 32:29).

What we can learn from this remarkable incident in the life of Jacob is that our lives are never meant to be easy. This is especially true when we take it upon ourselves to wrestle with God and His Will for our lives. God wants to put a stop to our old way of living so that we might experience His restoration and know His love just like in Paul’s life, as he was busted, arraigned, convicted, sentenced and finally restored. Jesus wants to arrest you by His love. He wants to get a hold of your life and make something wonderful out of it. Can I tell you that when it was all said and done, Paul saw himself as being under the direct sovereign of God Himself and he understood the truth that God was the Master of all the paths of life? Who’s your Warden today… Will the jury foreperson please stand…Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict… Yes, Your Honor….The jury finds the defendant…. You fill in the blank {guilty/not `guilty} … Court is adjourned!


“Nothing From Nothing Leaves… Nothing!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.” Tony Robbins said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!”  It is insane to do the same thing over and over again knowing it has never worked out well before, but thinking maybe this time will be different…  Like I said, “Nothing for Nothing Leaves… Nothing!” Jesus said, “If new wine is put into old wineskins, then the new wine will burst the wineskin, and both will be lost.” Follow me I’m going somewhere with this.  The reason the old bag could not contain the new wine was that it had already held wine, and had already been stretched as far as it was going to be stretched. It had become dry and cracked and inflexible. It simply could not withstand going through that expansion and fermentation all over again! Jesus said that instead, anyone making wine would see to it that it was poured into a new, fresh wineskin… In other words, “…forget the former things… God is always doing something NEW! His works of grace are always NEW and FRESH!

You know it is so easy as a Christian to get into a rut; to always sing the same songs, always read the same Bible verses, always associate with the same people, and always do the same things – never being challenged by Christ to venture out into the unknown to experience the untold blessings God has reserved for us. We hear about the riches in glory in Christ Jesus but we never really experience them because we are afraid to take a step in a direction we’ve never been before. But to change the results you have to change the path. Different results require different action. If you are going to receive the answer God has for you, you are going to have to do what he says, when he says it and where he says to do it.  You see, in your relationship with God success follows obedience, even when what God is asking you do to seem ridiculous to you. Let me remind you that you are not smarter than God. You can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results. You can’t rebel against God, go against what he is telling you, and expect success. You can’t do all the wrong things and expect good things to happen. It doesn’t happen that way. Success comes as you are willing to listen to Jesus and do what he says. This involves humility. The disciples were professional fishermen. They knew all about fishing, so they had to be humble enough to do what Jesus said rather than trusting what they had personally learned about fishing. If you are going to fish, you have to put down your net where the fish are. I told you I was going somewhere with this.

If we seek first God’s Kingdom, his rule and his values, then our current crises fall into perspective. Whenever you want to see a different result, a positive change, you have to do something different from whatever you are currently doing. God’s indwelling grace is active. It leads you and influences you. It brings change to you and within you. When I experience difficulties in my life and in the world around me and the questions I ask leave me empty handed, I find there is always one question that jolts me back to reality similar to the one Jesus ask Peter in Matthew 16:13-20: Who do you say that I am? And Peter responds: You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah.” Bottom line: Jesus is God. God is at work. God has not abandoned his people. God has done what God had promised. God is with us! What we have to remember is that God has the blueprint for our whole life already… All we have to do is just fit in with His plans for our lives. There are only two choices in life. Having God to order our steps in His will, or ordering our own steps by our own will.  And we all know what Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 tells us, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death….. “Nothing for Nothing Leaves… Nothing!”

Now the Bible talks about divine direction in the Scriptures. And the declaration of Scripture is that God cares about each of us and wants to direct our lives. Our responsibility by God’s own direction is to entrust our way to Him for His direction and leading. Only the eternal God who is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, has the infinite wisdom and power, love and mercy needed to direct the affairs of man’s life. We need to understand that God’s leading is always right. And when you allow the Lord to lead you and guide you there will be peace. There will be power. There will be victory. There will be joy. When you allow the Lord to order your steps, lead you and guide you, you will have something to shout about, because when the Lord order your steps, you will be blessed going in and blessed coming out. You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the field. When you allow the Lord to order yours steps, you will be the head and not the tail, you will be above and not beneath. Why would we want it any other way? I tell you, “Nothing from Nothing Leaves… Nothing!”

“Get Ready to R-u-m-b-l-e!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Ding… Ding….The battle is raging and there are no deferments, there is no going AWOL if you are a Christian. No, you are in the battle, automatically, and it is a fight to the finish, a life-or-death conflict. Heed the cry, Prepare for Battle!” Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” For that’s the only way you will be able to stand in the day of battle, and at the end of the day stand victorious… Get Ready to R-u-m-b-l-e… This is the most crucial, most intense battle you will ever face in your life; it is a battle that will last your whole life long.  No matter how young or old you are, no matter how long you have been a Christian, man or woman, boy or girl, pastor or layperson—you are in a battle. It is a spiritual battle. Paul describes it like this: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly place.”  The fight is raging on the line between faith and unbelief, between reliance on God and pride in self, between hope for the future and despair of God’s mercy. Your enemy Satan will try to defeat you, destroy you, and get you to fall away from the faith. He will try to distract you or render you ineffective in the service of the Lord. He will tempt you; allure you, seducing you into great shame and vice. And if that doesn’t work, he may try to lull you into spiritual sleepiness and security, getting you to let down your guard.  Your adversary will attack your mind, attack your emotions, attack your body, attack your relationship, and attack your soul. In all of these attacks, his purpose is to get your eyes off of Jesus.

Needless to say, this is a battle not to stay alive but to stay strong against your spiritual enemies who are a trinity of evil; the world, the flesh, and the devil. It is about who shall have the supremacy, Christ or Satan. It is a struggle for the souls of men. It is a battle to keep people out of Hell. It is a struggle to get people saved. It is warfare, a conflict until the final finish. And every one of us is engaged in it. We are in warfare. That ought to keep us from folding our hands and taking it easy. That ought to make us sit up and take notice. “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1). Your enemy supreme desire is to destroy your joy, your witness, your effectiveness for Christ, and your relationship with your Father. This is not WrestleMania either, this one is for real!  Your fight is not just to exist as a Christian, but to have a winning walk in all areas of your life. The victory assures you that you will live a life of spiritual depth and meaning. Jesus said, “I am come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).

I want you to know that the Christian life is not a playground but a battleground. I want you to know that just because you are a church member and you attend church does not mean that you are going to win in life’s fight. I want you to know that you are not going to win just because your church happens to be a Word-preaching, tongue-talking, devil-stomping, deliverance church either. You have got to pay attention and apply yourself to spiritual truths. When you grasp the fact that you win in life’s fights ONLY when you fight the fight of faith, you will be on your way to enjoying victory that God meant for you to have.

The good news is that God has equipped you for the battle. He has given you a complete set of armor, especially suited for this conflict. Paul even lists the pieces of armor you’ve been issued: He says, “… stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for God’s people.” {Ephesians 6:10-18} God is guaranteeing that if you use His weapons, you will win. They are “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” Use them, and things will fall before you, is what He is saying. Therefore, arm yourself with the Word of God and face your enemy with full assurance of God’s protection and love. No doubt this will be the most unusual wrestling match in your life.  Prepare for Battle! Put on the whole armor of God, and you will not only live to fight another day; but at the end of the day and on the Last Day, you will stand victorious…. Get Ready to R-U-M-B-L-E!”


“I’m Just A Nobody, Trying To Tell Everybody, About Somebody, Who Can Save Anybody!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

My friend, I want you to know that God hasn’t changed! He is still a God who keeps His Word! Everything God has promised, He will do! There are some verses in the Bible that confirms this – {Romans 4:21; Heb. 6:18; Num. 23:19; Titus 1:2.} But I’m not telling you anything that you don’t already know. God has proven Himself time and again to us. He is still coming through for His people. Look back over the years and remember the times the Lord has displayed His great power in your life. Hasn’t He parted the waters for you? Hasn’t He opened the heavens and dropped the manna of His glory on your life over and over? Hasn’t He moved in response to your cries of faith? He has proven Himself to you and me repeatedly! All I am saying is that we can TRUST the Lord for EVERYTHING in our lives. We have a God who has demonstrated His power, His grace, His love and His character many times over. Think of the times He has delivered you; when He saved you, and the times He moved mountains in your life. Remember His power and all that He has done. Let His past works remind you that He is able, no matter what you face in life. GOD IS ABLE and He will come through for you, EVERY TIME! Let the past be your reminder and learn to TRUST HIM no matter what! “I’m just a Nobody, trying to tell Everybody  about Somebody who can save Anybody!”

Unfortunately though, there are many of us who call ourselves “Christians,” fail to trust the Lord and fail to remember that GOD CAN! As a result, we live our lives defeated and discouraged. It doesn’t have to be that way! I challenge you to GIVE IT ALL to the Lord today and find out for yourself that GOD CAN! Psalms 34:8 says, “O taste and see.” The psalmist invites us to come and “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”  We are invited to experience God’s presence. The psalmist is a poor man seeking to taste what he believes about God. He is calling upon God. He is experiencing deliverance from all his fears. He is experiencing God’s salvation in troublesome times. His shame is covered despite his failures. He is experiencing refuge in God and feeling the presence of the angels encamping around him. Will you give your doubts, your fears and your questions to Jesus? For the omniscient power of God has not, nor shall it ever change! I tell you, the closer we engage with God the more we can know His goodness. In Psalm 34:8 the Lord urges you to “Taste! Sample and see. Find out for yourself that He is good.” God’s goodness is what He wants us to experience. He offers Himself to us. Psalms 100:5 says, “For the Lord is good, His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness is to all generations.” Every generation learns the truth – God goodness is something He wants us to experience. It flows to us as steadfast love and faithfulness and is present in everything He does. If you are a child of God, you will figure this out by the end of your life… God is good! Now there’s no telling what He will take you through to bring you that place. But eventually your value system will be set up in such a way that you say, “The Lord is good!” Everything he allowed; everything He withheld, every difficult season, and every stretching circumstance. God meant for your good. His disposition is kindness. His default action is for your benefit.  Oh magnify the Lord with me! “I’m Just a Nobody, Trying to Tell Everybody about Somebody Who Can Save Anybody!”  Somebody who can bring you from guilty, to not guilty. From death to life. From darkness to light. From hatred to love. From weakness to power. From bondage to freedom. From tribulations to triumph. From grief to joy. From gloom to glory. From defeat to victory. From failure to success. From fear to faith, from I can’t too I can.  Knowing all of this, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril. As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that love us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, no height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Let us all be a little like Zacchaeus {Luke 19:1-10} who was curious about Jesus and wanted to see with his physical eyes what all the commotion was about. When Zacchaeus heard about Jesus travel through town, a thought came to him, a thought from the depth of his soul, he just HAD to see who this Jesus guy was.  Is He who He says He is? Zacchaeus, a man on a journey to find something to believe in. He embarks on a quest to see who this Jesus was and comes away converted to the way of Jesus and forgiven of all his sins. Oh, give God some praise!

Listen; if your life lacks meaning, if there is no hope, if everything you have tried has left you defeated, discouraged, disillusioned and looking for more, then Jesus is your answer. You don’t have to climb a tree to meet Him, all you have to do is to respond to His call and come to Him . If you will do that and if you will receive Him, He will save your soul! “I’m Just a Nobody, Trying to tell Everybody about Somebody who can save Everybody!”


“Extra, Extra… Read All About It!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

THE DEVIL IS A LIAR AND DECEIVER! “He is the greatest concealer, the mightiest pervert of truth, the ultimately misleader, the most convincing fraud, the master of disguise and the master of surprise!” He’s a malicious liar whose only purpose is to steal, kill and destroy your life. His game is Deception (Matt 7:13-15) and his trick is no treat. Scriptures and experience proves that every time the Devil promises happiness, he lies. Every time the Devil promises things will turn out well, he lies and deceives. Proving that everybody who ever depended on the Devil’s lie, the Devil’s way, the Devil pleasure, the Devil’s whim, the Devil’s plan for happiness and peace, found they had been bamboozled, hoodwink, duped, fooled and deceived… Satan the Trickster…  He will lie, cheat, connive and steal to hurt you if he can. Hear me and hear me good…. I don’t care who you are, how holy and pure you are, how long you’ve walked with God, or how old or young you are, Satan couldn’t care less about you or me, but he knows God loves us, so if he can hurt us and make sure we can’t spend eternity with God, that will hurt God. This is war! It is a battle for your soul. And for those of you have chosen to go all the way with God, with a determination to obey and pursue holiness, you can be 100% sure Satan has a hellish setup planned for you.  Watch out! “Be sober; be vigilant; because your enemy the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” {1 Peter 4:8}. His lies are so devious and his traps and setups so camouflaged with charm and beauty that we can only depend on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to expose them.

You see, in order to seize the throne of God and to attract willing followers, Satan has snidely and viciously set out to deceive us – to convince us that he has the truth and that God is a liar. But it is he, Satan, who is a liar! Scripture says he has been a liar from the beginning. His purpose is to turn the whole world against God and to rebel against all of His laws and standards.  Understand that Satan is the arch enemy of God and the church. His intent is to destroy the work of God in your life by any means possible. He wants to detour you from the presence of God and he’s willing to do any and everything to do that. He wants to get you to a point where you throw in the towel and step back from God. But I come with a word of encouragement; Stand Strong! Stand strong in the Lord and know that God will give you strength to endure in every situation. The Lord tells us that He won’t put more on us than we can bare and the enemy knows this. And because the enemy knows God’s burdens are light, the enemy will take the littlest things and place it under a microscope to make your circumstances and burdens APPEAR to be bigger that what it actually is. Remember that… And when you hear the roar of the lion, when the flood crashes in, and you’re overwhelmed, simply run to the Holy of Holies. By faith, enter into the very presence of God on His throne, because the Lamb has made a way for you, through His blood. Call on Him, and stand on the power of Christ’s blood… Jesus is our example here. He resisted the Devil with God’s Word… the TRUTH exposes Satan, putting him to shame… Hebrews says, “That all who have trusted in God’s Word “through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.” (Hebrews 11:33). I tell you we must muzzle the powers of Hell by standing on God’s Word. Fall on your face before the father. And immerse yourself in His Word. Because the devil knows this war is his last chance, he knows that he has only a short time remaining before Christ returns for his bride. And because of that, Satan’s war against the church is the most intense of all. He wants to gain back the ground he lost to Christ – so he’ll stop at nothing to destroy the faith of his bride. That means he’s going to use all of his weapons against us – all subtleties, deceits and devices. It is therefore important to know what you believe about God and what is substantiated in the Bible because we are living in a time when earth’s greatest deception is about to take place right before our eyes and so closely will the counterfeit resemble the truth that it will be impossible to distinguish between the two except by the Holy Scriptures.

You know, as I walk with Christ and continue to do His will, one thing I realize is that the enemy is persistent – persistent to stop me and anyone else who seeks to do the will of God. Please don’t be oblivious to the schemes of the devil as he comes to kill, steal, and destroy. To be wise, we must know who to listen to {God} – and who NOT to listen to {Satan}.  The purpose of this article is NOT to glorify Satan, but to show you his strategy so that you don’t become a casualty. We live in a war zone. Like it or not, we are in the middle of the age old conflict between good and evil, the kingdom of light and kingdom of darkness, God and Satan. Do not be deceived by Satan…..“Extra, Extra … Read All About It!”