WSSN Stories

“The Announcements Have Been Made Time to Decide? Christ or the Mark of the Beast!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

For those of you who are not paying attention or have not grasped the latest announcements, you are going to be eaten alive. Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? [Mark 8:1-18]. Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you [Proverbs 4:27] because your life depends on it. Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance [Proverbs 1:5]. Stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to stand before the Son of Man [Luke 21:36].

In these days of quite obvious prophetic fulfillment, the Rapture and the Seven-Year Tribulation, also known as the 70th Week of Daniel, appear to be right upon our very doorstep. The devil’s puppets are operating full force in the religious realms, the political realms, the news realms, the financial realms, the medical realms, the educational realms, the social media realms, the entertainment realms, the sports realms, the weather manipulating realms, and in what has become painfully obvious, the evil globalist realms. These mega-wealthy, evil globalist creatures openly brag about the sinister plans they have for you and for me.

Consider the now-famous words of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari. For example, “You will own nothing and like it,” and “Humans are nothing more than useless eaters that are hackable.” Those two maleficent wholeheartedly support transhumanism and the globalists’ UN Agenda 2030 to depopulate the world by about seven and one half billion people.

Satan puppets are tooting their horns. They are telling us. They are showing us. They are freely announcing it on the news. They are not hiding it anymore. The announcements that are being made are clear on what’s about to happen. Pray for discernment, because if you are not grasping these announcements that are being made, you will be deceived. The veil has been pulled backed, and the announcements have been made. Time to Decide! Christ or the Mark of the Beast!

Think about it! Choose carefully! [Joshua 24:15]. Keep in mind, “Resistance will cost you. Submission will cost you more.

For the consequences for those who resist, DO NOT receive the Mark of the Beast, who refuse to worship the image will be killed. [Revelation 13:15]. But fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell [Matthew 10:28].

For those who choose Christ “have gotten the victory and will be resurrected and reign with Christ for 1,000 years. [Revelation 15:1-3; Revelation 20:4].

The consequences for those who submit, WHO receive the Mark of the Beast, are dire and eternal. [Revelation 14:9-11] provides a vivid and sobering description of the fate that awaits them.

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” [Revelation 19:15-20].

Anyone who takes the Mark of the Beast will spend eternity in Hell.

Theologically, this judgment reflects the ultimate consequence of idolatry and rebellion against God. By receiving the mark, you are making a conscious choice to reject God and worship the beast. This decision is not a trivial one; it signifies a deep-seated allegiance and commitment to the forces of evil. As such, the judgment is both just and warranted. [Revelation 13:16-17].

The warning of Scripture is clear. Take the Beast Mark during the tribulation and you will be eternally condemned.

The call is to remain faithful to God, resist the allure of the beast, and endure in faith, knowing that your ultimate reward is eternal life with Christ. Be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s image, facing consequences but standing firm in their faith. [Daniel 3].

Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. [Revelation 2:10].

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?  [Psalms 118:6].

God promises redemption from death. Eternal life and freedom from the fear of death. [Hosea 13:14;].

Standing Firm in Faith!

Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also, I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the Word of God, and those who had not worshiped the Beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. [Revelation 20:4; James 1:12].

After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in Heaven, crying out, “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for His judgments are true and just; for He has judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality and has avenged on her the blood of his servants.” Once more they cried out, “Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up forever and ever.” And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who was seated on the throne, saying, “Amen. Hallelujah!” And from the throne came a voice saying, “Praise our God, all you His servants, you who fear Him, small and great.”  [Revelation 19:1-21].

The Announcements Have Been Made. Time to Decide – Christ or the Mark of the Beast!

Bottomline: Because of The Fight We Must Unite!

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace Allen IV

A fight between two students at Jehue Middle School, located in the Rialto Unified School District, has resulted in a recommendation for felony charges against one student and misdemeanor charges against the other.

The fight evolved in a classroom with other students and a substitute teacher present. Witnesses of the event agree that one of the participants began the show by using a water gun to shoot water on several students, and that one of the people hit by the water had an issue with not only the water splashing, but also something about a pencil.

A real physical fight quickly developed from the loud arguing between the two students, one, a small-in-stature female and the other, a much bigger in height and weight male. The fight lasted long enough for anyone who saw the viral video to wonder, “Where is the teacher?” After about 15 seconds of video, the female student was slammed onto a desk and apparently rendered unconscious. As several students went to the aid of the fallen warrior, the question about the teacher’s presence was answered in that you could hear her voice, not addressing the incident or checking the status of the fallen, apparently unconscious student.

The fight provides another level of concern when it is revealed that the female combatant is Black and the male is Brown. The N-word was used by the male fighter, as well as by some other students! As these children wallow in the racist terminology, they have no knowledge of the fact that most of them in the room would have been forced to use the back doors and drink from separate water fountains in Mississippi during the 1950s Jim Crow Era! Furthermore, they, Black and Brown, are equally subject to being picked up and deported by ICE during the present-day Trump era!

Yet some Black and Brown spoke-stars are able to discern the differences between Black and Brown folks enough to promote the ‘they are not like us’ aspect of the relationship. Who does that line of thinking really help? Justifying the divide between Black and Brown people is a tool that benefits fascism and white superiority!

Felonies and misdemeanors are not solutions for the children who drink the poison Kool-aid that encourages violence as a solution to chaos and confusion. Our children need to be protected and nourished!

The students who fought and who witnessed the fight, plus the teacher who was in the room before and during, should all be required to participate in counseling designed to manage and deescalate anger.

Tia Mowry is Open to a “Sister, Sister” Reboot If Certain Conditions Are Met

NATIONWIDE — Tia Mowry recently opened up about the idea of reviving Sister, Sister, the popular ’90s sitcom she starred in with her twin sister, Tamera Mowry-Housley. While she’s not ruling out the idea entirely, Tia also values the show’s legacy and wants to preserve its classic status.

At the Overjoyed launch event in Los Angeles, Tia told People, “Yeah, I mean, never say never. I’m just a huge believer in that, meaning I don’t have a crystal ball, but never say never.”

Sister, Sister aired from 1994 to 1999 and followed the story of twins separated at birth who reunite as teenagers and navigate life together with their adoptive families. The show became a beloved staple of ’90s television.

While many fans are eager for a Sister, Sister reboot, Tia admitted that part of her wants to leave the show as it is. “It was such a beautiful, amazing show, and a part of me just wants to leave it there,” she explained. Tia added that, despite her fondness for the show, she wouldn’t want to risk tarnishing its legacy by bringing it back.

To mark the 30th anniversary of Sister, Sister last year, Tia shared throwback photos and reflected on the impact the show had on her life. She recalled how the show initially faced rejection before becoming a hit, emphasizing how perseverance played a key role in its success.

Tia’s latest project, Tia Mowry: My Next Act, is a reality series that dives into her life after her divorce from Cory Hardrict. It follows her journey of self-discovery and co-parenting her children, Cree and Cairo. She said the series aims to inspire and empower others going through similar experiences.

Kamala Harris Considering to Run for California Governor, May Also Run for President in 2028

NATIONWIDE — Former Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly considering a run for California governor in 2026, aiming to succeed Governor Gavin Newsom. According to CBS News, she plans to decide by the summer of 2025 and has already started discussions with supporters and aides.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta has publicly backed Harris, saying he will fully support her if she enters the race. Her national profile and strong donor network could significantly influence the state’s political landscape.

While some speculate she may run for president in 2028, winning the governorship could strengthen her political standing. Despite her 2024 presidential loss, analysts suggest a high-profile role in California politics could help revive her national prospects.

In addition to politics, Harris has signed with Creative Artists Agency (CAA) to explore opportunities in publishing and public speaking. This move indicates she is keeping her career options open, whether in public office or elsewhere.

The 2026 California governor’s race already features notable Democratic candidates, including former State Senate President Toni Atkins, Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, and former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. If Harris enters, she could shift the race dynamics with her broad recognition and fundraising ability.

Harris is currently consulting with family, friends, and advisers before making a final decision. Her choice will impact both California’s political future and national Democratic strategies. With her summer deadline approaching, political observers and voters are closely watching her next move.

Asm. Rhodesia Ransom’s AB 13 Aims to Lower California’s High Electricity Costs

By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey? ?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

Assemblymember Rhodesia Ransom (D-Stockton) says she understood before she was elected to office last year that Californians pay among the highest electricity rates in the country.

So, lowering that cost – and that of other utility bills — has become her top priority.

A member of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC), Ransom, on her first day on the job in December, introduced Assembly Bill (AB 13). If passed, the legislation will reform the five-member California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and hold its regulators more accountable, providing residents with the transparency, she says, they deserve regarding how their bills are increased.

“This is necessary because (CPUC) oversees the utilities companies that request rate hikes,” Ransom told California Black Media (CBM). “So far, that has been happening but we as the public don’t understand that the CPUC is not an elected body. It is an appointed body. They don’t have to answer to constituents who hold them accountable.”

Ransom represents California’s 13th Assembly District, which includes the communities of Stockton, Tracy and Mountain House. A former Tracy City Councilmember, Ransom was elected to office in the November General Election and is one of nine Black women legislators that are part of the 12-member CLBC.

“We need to ensure that decisions affecting utilities are made with fairness, transparency, and accountability, prioritizing affordability for Californians,” she stated.

The CPUC is a state regulatory agency that was created by a constitutional amendment to regulate privately owned telecommunications, electric, natural gas, water, railroad, rail transit, passenger transportation, and in-state moving companies.

The CPUC is responsible for ensuring that California utility customers have dependable utility service at less expensive rates, protecting utility customers from acts of deception, and promoting the well-being of California’s economy. The agency has a staff of approximately 940 employees.

The commission’s board, which typically meets twice a month, is comprised of five members with a president. Board members are appointed by the Governor and serve six-year terms. The current commissioners are Alice Busching Reynolds, Darcie L. Houck, John Reynolds, Karen Douglas, and Matthew Baker.

Busching-Reynolds is the President.

AB 13 would require that four members of the commission represent the geographic locations of the four State Board of Equalization districts. The bill would require that one member be an at-large member with unspecified qualifications.

“We all wonder sometimes how they make their decisions, how they are approving these rates and are they putting people first,” Ransom said. “They are a part of the California Constitution. They are appointed by the Governor. The Constitution does say they are supposed to be accountable to the Legislature, but the Governor gets to appoint them.”

Ransom continued, “So far, the legislature does not play a big role in what they do. We do get reports from them, but we should be getting a little bit more.”

Additionally, AB 13 would prohibit an elected member of, or an employee of, the Legislature or an employee of the executive branch from serving as a member of the commission within one year after leaving the position as an elected member or employee.

Ransom said she has been working in earnest with stakeholders and her legislative colleagues for months to make sure the bill is a pathway for workable policies that will result in “accountability, accessibility, and transparency” to avoid the rate increases that have constrained many consumers.

AB 13 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy, where amendments will be made to further align the bill with its intended goals.

The introduction of AB 13 came six weeks after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order designed to reduce electric costs for Californians. The CPUC and California Energy Commission (CEC) were tasked to examine ways to trim programs that would save money on electric bills.

The Governor’s action aimed to provide electric bill relief while maintaining the state’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality and 100% clean electricity by the year 2045.

Last year, millions of state residents received an average credit of $71 on their October electric bills from the California Climate Credit, provided by the state’s Cap-and-Trade program.

The climate credit provides ratepayers with their share of the benefits of California’s Cap-and-Trade Program, according to CPUC. The credits are issued twice a year – a natural gas credit in April and electric credits in April and October.

“We’re taking action to address rising electricity costs and save consumers money on their bills,” Newsom stated on Oct. 30. “California is proving that we can address affordability concerns as we continue our world-leading efforts to combat the climate crisis.

On Feb. 18, CPUC released a document titled “Response to

Executive Order N-5-24,” a 38-page document that recommends examining the benefits and costs to electric ratepayers, taking action to modify or sunset any underperforming or underutilized programs, and consulting with the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety on adjustments to utility wildfire safety oversight processes, procedures, and practices.

Assembly Minority Leader James Gallagher (R-Yuba City) discounted the report, calling it “useless.” However, he said the document confirmed that there is another problem.

“A newly released report shows there is plenty of waste in our electricity rates that has never been reviewed for cost-effectiveness,” Gallagher posted Feb. 19 on X. “Mandates and subsidies make our rates some of the highest in the nation. Enough.”

Ransom said working Californians cannot afford another rate hike or price increase.

 “We just want to make sure that people in the position can look out for our best interests,” Ransom told CBM.

A Strategic Alliance: Reparations Advocates, Republican Assemblymember Explain Proposed Freedmen Affairs Agency

By BoTefu | California Black Media

In an unexpected alliance, Kamilah Moore, who served as the chair of California’s Reparations Task Force, joined forces with Republican Assemblymember Bill Essayli (R-Corona) to advance reparations efforts in the state.

Although Essayli has expressed his opposition to taxpayer-funded reparations, he has introduced a bill to establish the California American Freedmen Agency, which would provide genealogy services to identify Californians who are descendants of enslaved African Americans.

Moore, who chaired California’s historic reparations task force, has endorsed the bill, calling it a crucial step forward.

“I stand in strong support,” said Moore. “As former chairperson, I’m going to support any piece of legislation from any legislator that speaks to the task force’s report.”

The proposal closely mirrors a measure introduced last year by former Democratic State Senator Steven Bradford, Senate Bill(SB) 1403, which did not advance to the floor of the Assembly for a vote during the last legislative session.

Advocates outraged about the bill’s failure blamed Gov. Gavin Newsom and members of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) for the bill’s failure.

Essayli claims Democratic lawmakers told him Newsom wanted to avoid the issue due to national political concerns. Newsom’s office declined to comment on the claim.

The CLBC has recently proposed a separate initiative that would allocate $6 million for a two-year genealogy study before launching a Bureau for Descendants of American Slaves. However, Moore argues that the task force has already conducted sufficient research and that the focus should now be on implementation.

The state has allocated $12 million in the 2024-25 budget for reparations-related initiatives. Last year, the Legislature issued a formal apology to the descendants of people, which includes a $500,000 memorial plaque.

Essayli emphasized that his bill would not require new funding, as the existing budget could support the Freedmen Affairs Agency.

“I think a lot of people have a misconception that there is an effort to hand out checks to all Black Americans. That’s not true, it’s also not constitutional. So, this bill is very narrow,” said Essayli.

“We are the party that fought to abolish slavery, we were founded to abolish slavery, we fought a civil war. Our first President was Lincoln. This was a natural constituency group for the Republican party,” he said.

“The Nerve of Man? Thinking He Knows Better Than God!”

Wail! For there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. [Proverbs 14:12].

Man can’t even begin to compare. The essence of God: Sovereign, Almighty, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Infinite, Eternal, and Immortal, to mention only a few. No list of adjectives could ever adequately picture the immenseness of God. Because he is God, no words or thoughts of mortal men and women could ever compass his greatness. He is far bigger than we imagine, His presence fills the universe, He is more powerful than we know, wiser than all the wisdom of the wisest men and women, His love is beyond human understanding, His grace has no limits, His holiness is infinite, and His ways are past finding out. He is the one true God. He has no beginning and no end. He created all things, and all things exist by His divine power. Our best efforts fall so far short of his divine reality that we flatter ourselves to think that we truly understand him at all.

It is against that backdrop that we must consider the meaning of verses such as “The secret things belong to the Lord our God” [Deuteronomy 29:29] and “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts” [Isaiah 55:9].

With such a lack of knowledge that we have about how this world works, why do we ever think that we know better than the Lord? Satan lied to Eve when he tempted her to disobey God. He said, “Ye shall be as Gods.” [Genesis 3:5]. Since that day, man decided that he wanted to be god and that he wanted to create a “New World Order” without God.

As far back as the Tower of Babel, mankind has dreamed of a one-world government. Mankind, commanded by God to diversify over the face of the earth, chose, instead, to remain together in one place, in defiance of their Creator’s desire. Yet, it was not then God’s will that humanity be united in one location under one human government, and He intervened to scatter humanity across the earth by dividing the languages of man [Genesis 11:1-8], but now the globalists are attempting to undo what the Lord did. They want to rebuild a type of Babel.

The nerve of man, thinking they know better than God. Wail!

Unfortunately for us, that time and what seemed so unbelievably futuristic at one point is now becoming a reality ?our cashless society, microchips and digitized tracking systems…all evidence that the stage is setting itself just as it was prophesized in the Book of Revelation. The Mark of the Beast: One World Government, One World Religion, One World Economic. [Revelation 13:16-18].

Today, the United Nations has a World Constitution, a World Currency, a World Income Tax, a World Military Force, a Global Identification Number and what they call a Global Ethic – which is the code for a future World Religion. The coalition has also created the World Bank, the World Health Organizations, the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice.

Not to mention that some world leaders think they are so smart they mask their intentions of uniting in a one-world government by using phrases like Global Management, the Rule of World Law; Collective Sovereignty, the Interdependence of Nations, a Global Village, and Collective Security which is nothing more than catch words for a one-world agenda. I tell you, the nerve of man thinking he knows better than God.

As Elon Musk said at the 2023 World Government Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates remotely via video call.

I know this is called the “World Government Summit,” but I think we should be a little bit concerned about actually becoming too much of a single world government,” Musk said. Musk referenced the fall of Rome, which took place in the 5th century, as an example of civilizational collapse. Musk explained, “While Rome was falling, Islam was rising, so you had a caliphate doing well while Rome was doing terribly. And that ended up being a source of preservation of knowledge and many scientific advancements.”

“So, I think we need to be a little conscious of being too much of a single civilization because if we are too much of a single civilization, then the whole thing may collapse,” he continued. I’m obviously not suggesting war or anything like that. But I think we want to be a little wary of actually cooperating too much,” Musk concluded. “It sounds a little odd, but we want to have some amount of civilizational diversity so that if something does go wrong with some part of civilization then the whole thing doesn’t just collapse and humanity keeps moving forward.”

Musk later quipped on Twitter that the World Government Summit “seemed like the right venue” to spread the message.

“If I may say, we want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having — frankly, this might sound a little odd — too much cooperation between governments,” the Tesla CEO continued.

Elon Musk is absolutely correct. If man insist on having a one-world government, it will be the final chapter of human history!

Although God has allowed divisions in language, geography, culture, etc., to keep man from uniting as one, the Bible teaches that God will allow evil to form a global government for three and one-half years during the second half of the tribulation for the purpose of God’s global judgment just prior to the second coming of Christ and the establishment of His global rule for 1,000 years upon earth.

We need to pray, “Your Kingdom come” for the defeat of Satan and the powers of evil because the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis under the rule by the Antichrist. [Revelation 20:10].

So, “If anyone has an ear, let him hear.” [Mark 4:23].

For the first time in history, every biblical prophecy leading up to the arrival of the New World Order has been fulfilled. What has not been accomplished militarily is being achieved through international trade agreements, illegal immigration, and the influence of a secular media that has become a partner in Satan’s deception. This will be the time of the tribulation. However, their deceptive scheme will not achieve their desired goal, but rather it will bring about more disorder, destruction, and death.


California Surgeon General’s Office Launches New Tool to Lower Maternal Mortality Rates

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

The California Surgeon General’s Office has launched a new questionnaire that they believe will help reduce the state’s maternal mortality rate by 50% by December 2026 as part of its Strong Start and Beyond movement.

The Preconception Medical Assessment or PreMA is comprised of eight yes or no questions that can help potential mothers understand how their current health status and history affect a future pregnancy. The Office plans to provide digital links and physical PDFs of the questionnaire and distribute them among women living in communities designated as “high risk.”

“We know that over 85% of maternal deaths in California can be prevented,” said California Surgeon General Dr. Diana Ramos during an Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications (OCPSC) digital press conference.

“Moms don’t have to die. Our sisters, our mothers, the wives, they don’t have to die. We can save their lives by simply alerting people to the fact that their current health could impact the pregnancy and postpartum.”

Question topics include heart health, high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory issues, drug use and history of surgery.

Once a woman answers the questions, there are general recommendations for care at the bottom of the questionnaire based on the number of ‘yes’ responses they give. Also, at the bottom of the quiz, there are links to resources where people can get information on medical care, housing and other programs providing aid to new mothers.

Additionally, 62% of maternal deaths occur after the baby has been delivered. PreMA can also be effective to monitor health conditions between pregnancies as well to help lower this number.

“There were so many times when I cared for patients and I had to tell them, ‘you’re going to be needing more medical care, or you’re a higher risk pregnancy because of the chronic medical condition that was present before you became pregnant.’ And inevitably, the words that always came out of the people that I cared for was, ‘I wish I would have known. I wish I would have known that there was something that I could have done to improve the outlook for my pregnancy.’”

Black women in the U. S. are more than twice as likely as white women to die due to complications related to maternity and the birthing process, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

For Black women in California, the risk of death due to pregnancy complications is four to six times higher than any other ethnic group, according to data from the California Health Care Foundation.

Licensed Doula Ithiopia McKinney is an example of one of those women. McKinney, said at the time of her pregnancy she did not qualify for insurance. According to McKinney, she had to utilize the services of an emergency room. During a visit she found out that there was a bleeding from her placenta caused by high blood pressure.

“If it was something that was caught beforehand, I would have been able to take the necessary steps to fix it with medical care,” said McKinney. “And I would not have had anxiety during my pregnancy. They were even talking about it might be possible that I had to stay in the hospital. I was put on bed rest, but I really couldn’t be on bed rest because I was an immigrant trying to work.”

A Black immigrant, McKinney’s struggles are common for women of color in the United States.

Black women in California experience pregnancy-related maternal mortality rates that are three to four times higher than other women.

“A tool like PreMA would give us the information that we would need before we even think about getting pregnant. Every time you empower a woman, and in terms of their reproductive health, it leads to better outcomes. And so that is one of the reasons why me personally, we started the mobile health planning. No woman would not have that prenatal care that I, unfortunately, had.”

Statement from EBONY Owner and CEO Eden Bridgeman on the Passing of Her Father Ulysses “Junior” Bridgeman

LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 12, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — “It is with profound sadness that I share the news of my father’s passing. During this time, my family and I respectfully request privacy as we grieve the loss of our beloved father, grandfather, husband, and extraordinary family patriarch—a man whose strength, wisdom, and love touched so many lives.

Above all, my father was a man of deep faith, and his unwavering belief in God guided every aspect of his life. He instilled in me the importance of faith, integrity, and service, demonstrating what it truly means to lead with purpose and compassion. As both a daughter and a business leader, I am forever grateful for his mentorship, guidance, and the powerful example he set in both family life and professional excellence. He showed me what it meant to lead with integrity, to balance entrepreneurship with parenthood, and to create lasting positive change in our community.

His guiding presence and inspirational spirit will be forever missed. We are deeply grateful for the outpouring of support and care extended to our family from his NBA family, the Louisville community, and beyond.”— Eden Bridgeman, EBONY CEO

Asm. Wicks, Sen. Cabaldon, Introduce $10 Billion Housing Bond Package

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media 

As California continues to face a severe housing crisis, only 17 % of households can afford to purchase the median-priced single-family home, which is less than half the national average, according to a report by the California Association of Realtors.

Two state legislators, champions of affordable housing, would like that number to increase as Californians experience even higher costs of living post-pandemic.

On Feb. 18, Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) and Sen. Christopher Cabaldon (D-West Sacramento) introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 736 and Senate Bill (SB) 417, legislation that would place a bond measure on the June 2026 California primary ballot to provide $10 billion to the state’s affordable housing programs.

“All of our communities need it. That’s the reality,” Wicks told California Black Media (CBM) about the state’s need for housing that costs no more than 30% of a household’s gross income. “You see demand in urban, suburban, and rural communities. Everywhere across the state has been hit hard by the housing crisis but a majority of these funds will go to multifamily housing.”

The two bond proposals share the same name, the Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2026. If the measures pass out of the Assembly and Senate — and voters approve the ballot proposal — they will provide 35,000 affordable homes and rental housing units while assisting 13,000 extremely low-income and homeless families, Wicks said.

In addition, bond funds would be set aside for farmworkers and tribal housing. They would also preserve and rehabilitate tens of thousands of homes and provide supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness.

“Affordable housing providers have made steady progress toward building more of the housing lower-income Californians need, but there is much more work to do,” Cabaldon stated. “The housing crisis has only been exacerbated in areas impacted by wildfires — disasters that have destroyed homes, tightened rental markets and made it even harder for every community across the state to access the workers, materials, and funding needed to build affordable housing. One of the most important ways California can respond is through a substantial new housing bond.”

Wicks said that 65% of low-income renters in the state are rent-burdened, paying more than 30% of their income toward housing, which leaves them with meager resources for necessities such as food, transportation, educational supplies, and health care.

Wicks and Calbadon’s office shared that the reason for California’s housing crisis is the critical gap between housing supply and demand. According to the Statewide Housing Plan, prices in the state continue to climb. In August 2021, the statewide median sales price of a single-family home landed a new record — $827,940.

The Statewide Housing Plan estimates that California needs approximately 300,000 new housing units annually, including 125,000 affordable units for lower-income households. From 2014 to 2023, the state has produced approximately 13,000 affordable units per year.

“We’re 3.5 million homes shy of where we need to be as a state,” Wicks shared with CBM. “And we need about 1 million affordable units.”

Lack of homeownership has hit Black Californians hard in the last several years, according to various reports. Data from 2019 revealed that 41% of Black families in California owned their homes compared to 68% of White families, according to the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA), a 1.5% dip from 1960.

Established in 1975, CalHFA supports the needs of low-and moderate-income renters and homebuyers by providing financing and programs that lead to equity. It is a self-sustained state agency that doesn’t rely on taxpayers’ funding but regularly manages an assortment of state and federal resources on behalf of California.

Since CalHFA’s report was released six years ago, Black homeownership in California has declined much further. According to a Jan. 8, 2025 report by the Othering and Belonging Institute(OBI), minority groups, specifically Black households, have faced lower homeownership rates compared to the state level, highlighting disturbing disparities.

The OBI at the University of California at Berkeley convenes researchers, organizers, stakeholders, communicators, and policymakers to identify and eradicate obstacles to creating an inclusive society.

All racial groups, OBI reported, saw homeownership rates increase, except for Black households, compared to 50 years ago.

Black people residing in California began to dwindle by 2020, but also the percentage of those who own a house dropped from 40% to 35%, OBI presented. The Black community consisted of 5.7% (2,237,044) of California’s total population in 2020, according to the 2020 U.S. Census.

“The drop in the homeownership rate of Black households results in what housing advocates and economists call a ‘racial homeownership gap’ between the share of White households that own homes and the share of Black households that own homes,” OBI’s report stated.

Wicks said the state has previously used similar voter-approved bonds to fund the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing to help increase homeownership across the state.

California’s last housing bond, the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018 authorized $3 billion for various affordable housing programs. These funds were fully allocated by the end of 2024.

AB 736 and SB 417 have the support of members throughout the Legislature, Wicks said. As of Feb. 28, 32 lawmakers signed on as co-authors, which Wicks says, “Is a really good start.”

The two bills should move through the Assembly and Senate concurrently this year to ensure members of both houses have an opportunity to shape final bond proposals. Wicks is adamant that the state leaders will understand “loud and clear” the value and seriousness of the bills.

“We have an audience of three — the speaker (Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas), pro temp (Senate president pro tem Mike McGuire), and Gov. Gavin Newsom,” Wicks said. “I am confident we can get the votes on the bills but how these bonds come together is we build with the grassroots movement within the legislature to pressure our leadership. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.”