WSSN Stories

California Republican Assembly’s First AfricanAmerican Pres Shares Plans to Recruit More Blacks

By Aldon Stiles |California Black Media

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Only four percent of California’s African American voters are registered as Republicans, according to the Public Policy Institute of California. The majority, about seventy seven percent, are members of the Democratic Party.

Johnnie Morgan, 68, the newly elected president of the California Republican Assembly (CRA), wants to change those numbers. So he’s pushing a message to attract African-American Democrats and Independents to his party by highlighting ways the party’s platform aligns with who they are and the things they care about.

“African Americans place a high value on family as does the Republican Party,” said Morgan, who was sworn into his new position on June 19 during the CRA’s statewide convention in Sacramento.

Morgan, who ran for the position unopposed with the full support of his organization, will serve a three-year term.

“African Americans have a history of being inventors and businesspeople involved in entrepreneurial enterprises,” he said.  “The Republican Party has a focus on free enterprise and economic development.”

The CRA is a conservative activist group that helps Republican candidates it endorses get elected, supporting them with money, volunteers and other resources. Officially chartered by the California Republican Party, the CRA was formed in the 1933 and was praised by Ronald Reagan as the “the conscience of the Republican Party,” according to the CRA official website.

The group, which is the largest and oldest independent Republican organization in the state, played a key role in helping Reagan win California’s gubernatorial race in 1966.

According to Morgan, the CRA implements community engagement programs and voter registration conventions to help expand the membership of the Republican Party and support the party’s goals.

Morgan becomes the head of the CRA at a time when the California COP is making a deliberate effort to attract more members in a state that is heavily Democrat. About 43 percent of California’s voters are registered Democrats. Only 28 percent are Republican. Democrats hold supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature. In the senate, Democrats outnumber Republicans 29 to 11. And in the Assembly, the ratio is 61 to 18.

In national elections, California has not voted for a Republican president since George H.W. Bush in 1987.

In February this year, the California Republican Party elected Jessica Patterson as its first Latina and female president with 54.6 percent of the vote.

“Today we are starting the next chapter of our party history,” Patterson said in her acceptance speech. “We’re going to be about one thing: winning. We’re going to take the fight to Democrats. We’re going to fight them in the precincts and we’re going to beat them in elections.”

At the same convention, Republican delegates from around the state elected Peter Kuo, an immigrant from Taiwan to be its vice chairman and a gay man, Greg Gangrud, as its treasurer.

Morgan has been an active member of the Republican Party for 35 years, four of which he spent as National Committeeman for the CRA. He has also served as a California delegate to the last eight Republican National conventions.

“I am excited by the opportunity to lead this superb organization, to bring good conservative government to California and grow our membership,” he said.

Morgan says he intends to showcase a more inclusive organization to offset the common perception that conservative ideals run counter to the needs of African-American communities in California.

“I plan to expand membership, increase the diversity of membership, and become more integral to the party in a more physical and active capacity,” he said.

The low number of Black Californians who join or support the Republican Party in California, Morgan says, results from a fundamental miscommunication between the state GOP and the African-American community. He believes that getting the word out about how his party’s policies align with the interests and principles of African Americans will be a game changer.

He cites religion, for example, as one way to find common ground.

“Both the Republican Party and the traditional African-American family value the church and its role in the community as it relates to freedom of religion,” Morgan said. “We need to let them know that we are a place for [African Americans] to come to for support of our communities.”

A Los Angeles native and Pepperdine University graduate, Morgan has deep roots in both California and his party. He serves as the National Association of Republican Assemblies Western Region Vice President and is also a delegate to the California Republican Party.

“I absolutely feel that [the CRA] has my back now just as they have had my back throughout much of my career,” Morgan said.“Not only do I want to expand our diversity but also better engage at the national level, state level and local level.”

Morgan hopes his presidency can operate as an inspiration and example for Black voters in California as well.

“I encourage more African Americans to take a hard look at the Republican Party,” Morgan said. “My presence should indicate that there is opportunity in the party for inclusion and leadership.”

As Global Markets for Generic Drugs Fail, Poor People Pay the Price

By Rachel Silverman and Amanda Glassman

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Healthy competition from generic drugs is often held up as a “cure” for high drug prices — a shared concern across rich and developing countries alike. For many low- and middle-income countries, however, a new report from the Center for Global Development that we co-authored shows that global markets for generic medicines are failing, leaving the poorest patients without safe and affordable essential medicines.

The first point of failure is drug quality. In wealthy countries, residents can usually trust that all drugs on pharmacy shelves are safe, authentic, and potent. Most families and doctors are happy to opt for quality-assured generics that have been tested for bioequivalence, systematically monitored for adverse events, subject to regular inspection for manufacturing quality, and priced well below their branded competitors. As we describe in the report, in the United States and the United Kingdom, for example, non-branded generic drugs account for more than 80% of all pharmaceutical consumption by volume (and roughly 30% by value).

In poor countries, by contrast, regulatory and quality control systems are often ill-equipped and under-resourced to ensure medicine quality, which can allow low-quality or fraudulent drugs to infiltrate the market. In her new book, “Bottle of Lies,”Katherine Eban highlights manufacturing shortcuts and fraud among Indian and Chinese manufacturers that endanger the quality of the global supply of generic drugs. And these challenges are shared across low- and middle-income countries, including emerging economies like Indonesia and Nigeria.

So when a Nigerian woman goes to the pharmacy, she’s rightfully suspicious about whether unfamiliar “no-name” pills work safely. Instead, she looks for other signals of medicine quality. Most likely, she’ll settle on a familiar brand name, usually sold at a substantial price premium. This is a similar story for many people living in the poorest countries where unbranded generics represent just 5% of all medicine consumption. Most health workers and patients there instead opt for familiar brands that (they hope) signal higher quality.

The second point of failure is limited competition. Entering new markets is costly and time consuming for generic manufacturers. For each new generic, each country needs to review and approve a product dossier, a procedure filled with bureaucratic red tape. That means under-resourced regulatory agencies spend much of their time and energy on registering new products, leaving little capacity to inspect them and ensure quality once they hit the market. When market entry is difficult or where government policies restrict purchasing to local manufacturers or middlemen, a single seller can capture 85% or more of the market for entire therapy classes such as contraceptives in Senegal, diabetes medicines in Zambia, or anti-parasitics in South Africa.

Healthy generic competition can help keep medicine prices in check. In the U.S., the entry of additional generic competitors helps push down prices: by 6% after the first entrant, 48% after a second entrant, and up to 95% by the time a 19th generic manufacturer enters the market. In some large emerging economies, generic competition is thriving, and prices are low. But in many smaller low- and middle-income countries, where competition is limited and prices are marked up before they reach consumers, patients can face highly inflated prices: up to 30 times more than a minimum international reference price for basic generic medicines, our report shows.

While some experts tout increased price transparency as an answer to these failures, easing market entry and promoting competition through strategic, effective procurement is a better way forward. The World Health Organization and country governments need to focus on enhancing competition and creating an enabling and adequate policy environment for quality generics competition.

The WHO has already set up a “Collaborative Registration Procedure” to help reduce the costs of market entry of quality-assured generic products into small low- and middle-income countries. Next, the WHO should fully fund, expand, and endorse this process so it can become the norm for relatively small markets.

Country governments, for their part, should ease legal and/or regulatory barriers, such as country-specific labeling requirements, to expedited registration and jump on board a collaborative global or regional registration process. By streamlining national registration processes, they can also reallocate regulatory resources to helping catch and remove fake or tainted drugs from the pharmacy pipeline.

Policies for how countries select and procure products also require reexamination to boost competition and improve access to medicines. Policies that require purchase of nationally manufactured products can inhibit market entry and prevent efforts to pool procurement across countries, creating missed opportunities for savings. Some countries want to expand local manufacturing as a solution, but local monopolies and potential conflicts of interest can keep prices high. Corruption in the procurement of medicines also represents a major challenge. Understanding the scale of the problems in each country and designing bespoke reforms should be a priority for partnerships between the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund and national governments.

Patients around the world are being harmed by failing global markets for generic drugs. With leadership from the WHO and national governments, countries can take a big step in the right direction to close this gap, which severely affects the world’s poor.

Rachel Silverman is a policy fellow at the Center for Global Development. Amanda Glassman is the center’s executive vice president and CEO of Center for Global Development Europe.

Susan G. Komen® Inland Empire To Premier New More Than Pink Walktm Event In 2019

New Approach Improves Connection to Komen’s Lifesaving Work 

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— RIVERSIDE, CA— Susan G. Komen Inland Empire announced today key changes to its annual community fundraising event.  Komen is debuting the next evolution in its signature fundraising event series – the Susan G. Komen Inland Empire MORE THAN PINK Walk™ – which will be held on Sunday, October 13, 2019 at Town Square Park in Murrieta.

The MORE THAN PINK Walk brings together an empowered community of hope to raise funds for breast cancer treatment, patient advocacy and lifesaving research. 

Along with a new name, the event (formerly known as the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure®) will include a fresh new experience that demonstrates how the fundraising efforts of every participant fuels lifesaving research, critical patient care, needed community programs and public policy advocacy in a personal and powerful way.  The MORE THAN PINK Walk ensures that participants have a clear understanding of the value they provide in Susan G. Komen’s overall mission and how their fundraising makes an impact in the fight against breast cancer.

“Much of what you have come to love about the Race will continue with our new More Than Pink Walk,” said Jill Eaton, Executive Director of Komen Inland Empire, “The MORE THAN PINK Walk provides an opportunity to come together with others to share stories, laughter and tears while uniting behind a commitment to fight this devastating disease by raising money to save lives.”

Rather than including a timed run element, this inspiring family-friendly event joins participants of all ages and abilities, coming together as one, and supporting those affected by breast cancer today, while helping to search for tomorrow’s cures. This change will create a greater sense of community among participants and will provide a personalized, emotional experience for all who attend. 

Komen Inland Empire MORE THAN PINK Walk

October 13, 2019

Town Square Park, Murrieta

Register Online Now

“We’re excited about this evolution of our signature community event and encourage everyone to register and begin fundraising!  We look forward to seeing everyone walking on October 13 for a day of inspiration and hope as we honor those we have lost, celebrate those who have survived and support everyone currently living with breast cancer,” added Jill Eaton. “Come walk with us!”

Early Bird registration for the Komen Inland Empire MORE THAN PINK Walk is going on now through June 30, 2019, which is $15 for all participants.  Register early and start fundraising today. For more information on this event and to register, please visit us online at

Why Are You Still in the Same Position that You Were In This Time Last Year?

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK-ENN)— Aren’t you tied of being tied? Aren’t you tied of being stuck on stupid?  Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Don’t you know for a different outcome you must do something different. Listen, the purpose of my thought and intention today is to convey the significance of the moment we as a people of God have embarked upon. It is an occasion of opportunity, a point of entering, a moment of possessing. It’s time to move forward into the blessings of God that is set before us, without reservation. Drop your complaceny and move! Because God desire to take you places that “eyes have not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” Don’t allow fear and unbelief to keep you from seeing the incredible or receiving the impossible. Shake yourself off from the things that inhibit or obstruct your mobility and progression from entering into the things God has prepared for you. Get up and move! It’s time to overcome! I assure you as [Mark 11:23] says, “If anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Can you believe today?  Are you ready to be an overcomer? Because in Christ you are set free to live holy before God – you are not meant to be overcame but to overcome!  AMEN!

Are you with me? If so, then get up and move and face your mountain by faith in the name of Jesus and declare, “Get Behind me, Satan!” For the Bible tells us in [2 Corinthians 10:5], “That we cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” So are you ready?  Are you ready to say goodbye to defeat and start living a victorious life with God? Are you ready to be SET FREE?  For surely you have stayed at this mountain long enough. It is God’s will for you to live in His Freedom, Liberty, and Victory!  He’s calling you to move on from “the mountain that you’ve made out of a molehill” and cast it into the sea! You’re an overcomer! [Deuteronomy 1:6]. And if you have never talked to yourself before, I want you to talk to yoruself now and say, “I’ve been here too long… I’ve been here too long between deficiency and destiny. God has created an open place for me to walk in and I must begin to walk. For He said, “I open up doors that no man can shut.” It’s time to occupy! For God has promised me victory! I’ve stayed at this mountain long enough! It’s time to Overcome!  It’s time to leave that mountain behind and move on to the promised land! For I call to reality God’s council in my life. I call to reality my dreams and visions. I call to reality the manifestation of God blessings in my life today. “It’s Time to Move Forward!” For I’ve come too far to give up now! I decided that come hell or high water, I will not give up! I will not throw in the towel!  The struggle has been too hard and certainly too long, but like Paul, I am pressing towards the mark of a higher calling. To Hell with the Devil and his tactics! I’m going to keep on keeping on.

Yes! I encourage you to keep pressing and don’t let anybody, anything, situation or circumstance, stop you from pressing towards your blessing.  Be steadfast, don’t give up. Be steadfast, don’t grow weary. Be steadfast, and don’t faint at life’s obstacles. You can make it. Just like Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David and many more who struggled, they fought, but they made it. They won. They kept the faith. They laid aside every weight and sin; and endured until the end. They completed the race. They didn’t just start the marathon, they finished the marathon. We too must finish what God has started in us. We can’t quit now. As Paul said in [2 Timothy 4:7], “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” We can’t give up now. Decide to “Live Radical” for God. Trust Him. It is only that you do not understand that heaven has commenced an action in your favor and God is at work in your life. We may not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. His Word in [Psalms 30:5] says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” There is hope. Keep trusting God. Keep travailing, keep giving, keep rejoicing, and keep fighting until the victory is won…  Hold on! God will bring His promises to pass. For truly it is time for you to move from where you are in life to where God wants you to be!  [Joshua 1:1-11].

Knowing that God is a God of vision and movement, we must not become complacent in our walk with God.  “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.” [Philippians 3:12].

NABJ Names Alexi McCammond 2019 Emerging Journalist of the Year

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— WASHINGTON D.C.—Within a few months of joining Axios in 2017, Alexi McCammond quickly found herself emerging as a news leader – she was promoted from deputy news editor to national political reporter. It was her drive, tenacity and commitment to holding those in power accountable that allowed her to quickly emerge as a force in political journalism. Her unique style of reporting elevated her as a leading voice in the coverage of the 2018 mid-term elections, as well as the White House.

On Friday, Aug. 9, during the Annual Hall of Fame Luncheon at the 2019 NABJ Convention in Miami,McCammond will receive the 2019 National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) Michael J. Feeney Emerging Journalist of the Year Award.

The 25-year-old will receive the award in recognition of her exemplary reporting that has often gone viral. She has produced thought-provoking enterprise pieces on major policy proposals, voting issues and the inner workings of the current White House administration. Most recently, McCammond was tapped to lead Axios’ 2020 elections coverage, which will include her traveling the nation talking to candidates and voters, as well as conducting focus groups with swing voters in the Midwest.

“Alexi McCammond is a past participant in NABJ’s training programs, and we are so proud to see her develop into a journalist of great character and dedication, who has shown unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of journalism,” said NABJ President Sarah Glover. “Not only has Alexi proven herself to be a rising star in journalism, but she also exemplifies the same passion for diversity in newsrooms that Michael J. Feeney, the namesake of the award, did throughout his career.”

The Michael J. Feeney Emerging Journalist of the Year Award recognizes a black print, broadcast, digital or photojournalist with less than five years of experience in the industry. Nominees, through their hard work and service, must display a commitment to NABJ’s goals of outstanding achievement and providing balanced coverage of the black community and society at large.

“I am so incredibly grateful to receive this award,” said McCammond. “Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I am honored to be recognized as the Emerging Journalist of the Year and will use this as further motivation in my reporting career. Thank you to NABJ and everyone who’s come before me for leading the way, believing in me, and giving me invaluable opportunities to learn and grow.”

Axios Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Johnston noted that McCammond’s impact in the newsroom has been “indispensable.”

“Alexi has been an indispensable part of the Axios team almost from day one, helping to build out our breaking news coverage, inventing Axios Smart Brevity campaign coverage in 2018 and now, leading Axios’ 2020 presidential campaign coverage,” Johnston said. “Her scoops and insights feature prominently in our newsletters, television appearances and on ‘Axios on HBO.’ We’re incredibly proud of her accomplishments and are thrilled to have such a smart, caring colleague with us.”

Former Axios colleague and NABJ Parliamentarian Khorri Atkinson recalled a story McCammond produced that underscored the importance of empowering citizens with knowledge about the inner-workings of government.

“Her exemplary reporting chops couldn’t be clearer when she earned the trust of a White House insider who gave her access to a trove of President Trump’s ‘executive time,’ which was filled with private schedules between Nov. 7 and Feb. 1,” Atkinson said. “Her scoop, published last February, revealed that Trump spent roughly 60% – almost 300 hours out of 502 hours – of his schedule on unstructured ‘executive time’ to watch TV, make phone calls, read the papers…. The story quickly went viral.”

McCammond has used her growing platform to elevate the voices of those often underrepresented in the political process and in the media. Last fall, she was a featured reporter on “Axios HBO,” a limited docu-series that coincided with the 2018 midterm election. In the episodes, she provided expert analysis on the growing number of women and women of color reshaping American politics.

Also, in 2018, she helped spearhead “Axions of Color,” an employee resource group designed to foster a supportive community for those who identify as people of color at Axios. “Axions of Color” also seeks to increase efforts to recruit more journalists of color to the company and bring awareness to issues facing people of color in media.

McCammond will be honored at the NABJ Hall of Fame Luncheon during the NABJ Convention & Career Fair on Friday, Aug. 9, at the JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort & Spa. Convention registration and luncheon tickets can be purchased here.

Emergency Room or Urgent Care? Understanding the Differences and Costs

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— You slipped on the stairs and feel your ankle throbbing. Your cough has lasted all month. Or your child spikes a high fever in the middle of the night. You call your primary care doctor first, but you can’t get a same-day appointment. So do you go to the emergency room or urgent care?

When these situations occur and we need immediate care, many face uncertainty due to the number of options available – and where you choose could be the difference between paying hundreds, or thousands of dollars. In fact, rushing to the emergency room for non-life-threatening ailments may cost patients nearly 10 times more than visiting an urgent care center. 

Here’s what to consider when deciding where to go for care:

Urgent Care Center

Urgent care centers are not for emergencies but can help you when you need care quickly. If you can’t get in with your primary care physician, this is a great option. Remember, it’s first-come, first-served. You may consider urgent care if you have symptoms like the following:

  • Fever without a rash
  • Moderate flu-like symptoms
  • Sprains and strains
  • Small cuts that may require stiches

The average cost for an urgent care visit* is $170. 

Emergency Room

Day or night, the hospital emergency room provides medical care. If your condition requires fast and advanced treatments, like surgery, go to the emergency room. The ER helps people with life-threatening or dangerous conditions first. Some of the symptoms that require an emergency room visit include, but are not limited to:

  • Chest pain
  • Numbness
  • Slurred speech
  • Fainting
  • Serious burns
  • Concussion
  • Broken bones and dislocated joints
  • Fever with a rash
  • Seizures

The average cost for an emergency room visit* is $2,000.

Dr. Robert Kantor, market chief medical officer for UnitedHealthcare, urges people to take a moment to think through their symptoms before rushing to the emergency room.

“It’s a difficult situation when you’re experiencing it,” he said. “Your mind is not always so clear.”

Have you considered a virtual visit?

According to a National Center for Health Statistics study, of patients who went to the emergency room but were not admitted, 48 percent say they chose the ER because their doctor’s office was not open.

If you are faced with a non-emergency health condition – like a migraine, sore throat or stomachache – but your doctor’s office is closed, you may consider a virtual visit. This allows you to chat face-to-face with a doctor, day or night, and can save you up to $2,000 when compared to a visit to the ER**.

The average cost for a virtual visit* is $50.

Still not sure?

Many health insurance companies have a 24-hour nurse line that can help you with decisions like where to go for care. You can also compare your quick care options with UnitedHealthcare’s online resource. If you or a loved one are experiencing what you feel to be life-threatening symptoms other than those listed, trust your gut, and go to the emergency room or call 9-1-1.

*Information about treatment costs are estimates and reflect the average costs of guidance and care delivered through UnitedHealthcare owned and contracted service providers to members of UnitedHealthcare health plans. Costs for specific guidance and treatments may be higher or lower than the costs represented here. Emergency room cost estimates include facility charge and initial physician consultation.

**Check your official health plan documents to see what services and providers are covered by your health plan. Virtual visits are not an insurance product, health care provider or a health plan. Unless otherwise required, benefits are available only when services are delivered through a Designated Virtual Network Provider. Virtual visits are not intended to address emergency or life-threatening medical conditions and should not be used in those circumstances. Services may not be available at all times or in all locations.

I Don’t Know About You…. But I’m Sho Glad God is a Forgiving God…

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— You see, as one hymn writer put it: I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more, but the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry, from the waters lifted me, now safe am I….  Yes, Love lifted me, when nothing else could help… Love lifted me…”  Death bound me with chains, and the floods of ungodliness mounted a massive attack against me. Trapped and helpless, I struggled against the ropes that drew me on to death. In my distress I screamed to the Lord for his help. And he heard me from heaven; my cry reached his ears [Psalm 18:4-6]. “Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.”[Amazing Grace – John Newton].

And what I see is that Sin has many people today shackled, bound, disenfranchised, and incarcerated. Despite how many times we might say, “This is the last time I will do this.” It is often that very thing we find ourselves doing! Paul wrote in [Romans 7:19-21], “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. Paul even asks in [Romans 7:24], “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”

 I submit to you today my brothers and sisters, freedom can be attained. For th Lord says, “Come now, and let us reason together, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool [Isaiah 1:18]. Tell me, what is it that is keeping you from walking out of your prison doors? Jesus wants you to be free [Acts 16:16-34]. Don’t you want to be freed from your shackles today?

If so, do what David did in [2 Samuel 12]. Come clean with God. Ask God for forgiveness. Own responsibility for your sin. Accept God’s forgiveness and cleansing. Request a fresh work of grace. Then resolve to use past failures for ministry. David tells God, when you do this new work in me “then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you. Open my lips, Lord and my mouth will declare your praise. [v. 13, 15].

Over and over in Scripture we are reminded that we serve a God who, although doesn’t treat sin lightly, understands that we are mortal and struggle with sin. And out of His love for us, He wants to forgive us. I want you to know that God promises forgiveness for our sins.  Jesus said in John 8:36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

I admonish you to “Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.” [Isaiah 55:6-7]

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” [1 John 1:9]

“ …Let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted.” [Isaiah 43:25-26]

“Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.” [Revelation 7:12]


(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— There are three topics you’re not supposed to discuss in polite conversation: religion, politics, and money. Luckily, this isn’t a conversation, and we’re not super strict on politeness either. So while there’s plenty to be said about all three topics, we’re particularly interested in money—more specifically, what people are googling about money.

After all, if you can just google your questions about money (or lack thereof), why would you need a financial advisor?

OK, there are a lot of reasons to use a financial advisor (more on that below). For now, have fun learning which financial questions people who live near you are googling most often.

Our methods

We turned to Google Trends and gathered all the financial topics people are googling. Then we looked at their search popularity based on geography. What we discovered are the most googled financial topics by state during the past year.

Interesting correlations and key findings

  1. Income tax was the most googled term in 23 states. That’s a very high percentage, but perhaps not as surprising when you remember that new tax laws took effect this year.
  2. New York’s most googled term was estate planning. That’s probably partly because the state ranks among the top ten worst for estate tax laws. It’s also likely because New York City is home to more millionaires than any other place in the world.1
  3. Retirement was the most googled term in Wyoming, the state with the fastest growing senior population in the United States.
  4. DC (not technically a state, but included like it is for our purposes) had a five-way tie for the most googled terms. Those top contenders were beneficiaries, long-term care, emergency fund, debt, and retirement.
  5. Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Washington all googled “mortgage” the most, possibly because they’re among the top 10 fastest growing states in the US.

In addition to googling financial terms, we found people are searching for answers to many of the same questions on Google. Here are a few of the most-asked financial questions, along with their answers:

Why do I need mortgage insurance?

Mortgage insurance protects your home lender in case you default on the loan—basically, if you can’t make payments, they can recoup their losses through the insurance policy. Most lenders require you to have mortgage insurance if they lend you more than 80% of the home’s value.

Here’s where saving comes in handy: If you can put at least a 20% down payment on the home, you won’t typically need mortgage insurance. And, even if you can’t get the full 20% right away, once you reach it through payments, you can apply and usually are allowed to drop the mortgage insurance, as long as you have been making your payments on time.

How do income taxes work?

Oh, it’s super simple. Well, the principle is simple. The federal income tax is a percentage of money that the government takes out of (“withholds” from) each paycheck you get from your employer. Come every April 15, you settle accounts to make sure you paid enough. If you paid too much throughout the year, you get a refund. If you paid too little, you owe Uncle Sam some dough.

Can college students get Medicaid?

It’s not impossible, but it’s uncommon for a college student to get Medicaid. Eligibility depends on income and varies by state, so if your family is at a lower income level, you’re more likely to qualify for Medicaid. To learn about your eligibility for Medicaid, you can check here.

What is an estate plan?

An estate plan is created to make sure all your possessions and money are handed out the way you want when you die. Estate planning can be complicated, involving all sorts of moving pieces like trusts, or it can be relatively simple, including a will and a life insurance policy for your family.

Are childcare expenses tax deductible?

They can be, as long as the child is 12 or under (older if they have a disability). Expenses like babysitters, daycare centers, or even housekeepers that care for your child can all apply toward a tax credit.


Google is a fantastic tool, but when it comes to finances, it can’t tell you everything. That’s why a financial advisor comes in handy. Whether it’s taxes, getting out of debt, investing, estate planning, or all of the above, a financial advisor can help get your money and your life on track. If nothing else, they’ll have better advice than “buy low, sell high” or “buy term, invest the rest.

Are you surprised by our results? Have you typed some of these questions into Google yourself when you were looking for answers? Let us know in the comments!

Two New Reports Chop Up the Data and Make It Easy To Connect With Black California

By Tanu Henry | California Black Media

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— A little over 2.2 million African Americans call California home.

Of that number, 72 percent lives in southern California with the greatest concentration (about 36 percent) in Los Angeles County, followed by the Inland Empire, and then, the San Diego area.

The other 28 percent lives in the northern part of the state with the densest clusters of African Americans in and around the Bay Area, and a little bit east, centered around Sacramento and Central Valley.

California also has the fifth highest number of Blacks in the United States.

But when you look at percentages, California’s Black population compared to the total state population, makes up a little over 6.6 percent of the almost 40 million people living in the Golden State – ranking it 31st in the nation.

Two new reports, “Counting Black California” and “The State of Blacks In California” provided most of those numbers above and they dissect them in interesting ways, too. Created to instruct and support the work media publications, public affairs firms, community groups and others will do to educate Californians about participating in the 2020 Census, the surveys provide hyper-localized data on where Blacks live, who they are and a gives a scale of the areas of the state that census workers have had the hardest time counting with accuracy in the past.

The other 28 percent lives in the northern part of the state with the densest clusters of African Americans in and around the Bay Area, and a little bit east, centered around Sacramento and Central Valley.

California also has the fifth highest number of Blacks in the United States.

But when you look at percentages, California’s Black population compared to the total state population, makes up a little over 6.6 percent of the almost 40 million people living in the Golden State – ranking it 31st in the nation.

Two new reports, “Counting Black California” and “The State of Blacks In California” provided most of those numbers above and they dissect them in interesting ways, too. Created to instruct and support the work media publications, public affairs firms, community groups and others will do to educate Californians about participating in the 2020 Census, the surveys provide hyper-localized data on where Blacks live, who they are and a gives a scale of the areas of the state that census workers have had the hardest time counting with accuracy in the past.

“We approached this project thinking, ‘which data will be most useful to our network and partners when they are creating content to get the word out about the 2020 Census?,’” said Regina Wilson, Executive Director of California Black Media which commissioned the “Counting Black California” report.

“We’re equipping our network. We have a combined reach of more than 1 million people in the state – through print, digital and broadcast media,” Wilson said. “Now, they have the info they will need to develop super-targeted content for every segment of Black Californians living in every corner of the state.”

The “Counting Black California” report offers a county-by-county breakdown of demographic details and other data, including inflows of federal dollars into California and how many Blacks in the state are foreign born. It also identifies 8,057 census tracts in the state and ranks them on a scale from 1 to 9 – from the least to the most likely to respond to next year’s census survey. A number of social and economic factors are used to determine that rating.

“Now editors and journalists can look at a specific neighborhood or even a region, maybe, and find out who lives there, and where, and how difficult that place would be for census workers to count. Then, build a relevant informational campaign based on that knowledge,” said Walter Hawkins, a senior research associate at NewHawk, a southern California-based data collection firm. He conducted the research for the “Counting Black California” report.

“The State of Blacks in California” report provides “quality of life” data like income, marital status, poverty rates, levels of education, etc., that can be layered on top of the information in “Counting Black California” to gain a sense of the psychographics of Black California.

“Our report provides a deeper snapshot of the communities that have the largest Black populations in the state as well as the factors that need to be considered when engaging Black Californians,” said Kellie Todd, who authored the report. She is the founder of Sistallect, Inc., a statewide organization created to empower women of color.

“Although the Black community in California is concentrated in 10 counties, connecting with residents can be difficult without understanding that there are geographical and cultural differences from region to region, city to city, and even from neighborhood to neighborhood,” said Todd. “Using a coalition approach has proven to be the most effective way, as well as partnering with local Black media outlets, to have maximum impact.”

“The State of Blacks in California” report is packed with stats that reveal pertinent tidbits about different communities. For example, African Americans in Contra Costa, Orange and Solano counties have the highest average income in the state – all three at $53k – but Orange County has the lowest Black poverty rate at 15 percent. Orange County also has the most African Americans with college degrees (37 percent) followed by Contra Costa County (25 percent).

“There are so many exciting ways the end user can slice and dice the information in both reports,” said Wilson. “It arms us with everything we need to know to run a strong Census 2020 education campaign. It gives us really actionable data that allows us to effectively follow-through, check how well we’re doing and change course if we need to.”

“Father’s Day— A Day We Celebrate Our Dads, Step-dads, Grandfathers, And All Men Who Are Father Figures In Our Lives!”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)—Now I know that for many of you Fathers’ Day is not easy. Some of you had bad relationships with your fathers. A few of you may not have known your Dad – even if you lived with him. And this day  is difficult for some of you because your dad is no longer here. Some of you have a dad who has deserted you. Some have abusive or violent fathers. But I want you to know that you are a child of the Most High and he loves you soooo much and he would never leave you or treat you badly. Believe that!

Now I know being a Dad isn’t easy these days because there are some dads who feel discouraged and others who’ve been dissed by their kids. But my message to the Father’s today, is to step it up, man up, be strong, and  be courageous. Wear the pants! You got to know that there is an epidemic of weakness that is sweeping into our family. Yes its true, that the culture is infiltrating the family, leaving some fearful of leading and making decisions, but I tell you God is looking for you [men] to step up to the plate and be who He has intended you to be. Children are out of control and needing role models. Your wives need you to be godly. Your children are needing you to be godly. Your church is needing you to be godly. Every avenue of your life cry for you to be godly. Families are falling apart- Society is suffering because men are failing in their God given roles as spiritual leaders. If you [men] would just be as God intended, you would change this world!

God is looking for some men to take back their homes, their churches, their communities for Jesus Christ and snatch some from the flames of Hell as God leads them. Do you want to be a part of that moment of God? If so, take back the power God gave you. You are to lead your family (by example). First, you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. Second, Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church. Third, you are to train up your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it. Step up, man up, be strong,  be courageous, wear the pants! Understanding that instructions and disciplines should be in the love that Christ has for us and that you should never present yourself as the ultimate authority that rules with an iron fist.That’s it and that’s all!

Now for those of you who don’t have a Father…I want to leave you with a love letter from God…. You may not know me, but I know everything about you …I know when you sit down and when you rise up …I am familiar with all your ways …Even the very hairs on your head are numbered …For you were made in my image …In me you live and move and have your being …For you are my offspring…I knew you even before you were conceived …I chose you when I planned creation …You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book …I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live …You are fearfully and wonderfully made …I knit you together in your mother’s womb …And brought you forth on the day you were born …I have been misrepresented by those who don’t know me …I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love …And it is my desire to lavish my love on you …Simply because you are my child and I am your father …I offer you more than your earthly father ever could …For I am the perfect father…Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand …For I am your provider and I meet all your needs …My plan for your future has always been filled with hope …Because I love you with an everlasting love …My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore And I rejoice over you with singing …I will never stop doing good to you …For you are my treasured possession …I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul …And I want to show you great and marvelous things …If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me …Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart …For it is I who gave you those desires … I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine …For I am your greatest encourager …I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles …When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you …As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes …And I’ll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth …I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus …For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed …He is the exact representation of my being …He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you …And to tell you that I am not counting your sins …Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled …His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you … I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love …If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me …And nothing will ever separate you from my love again …Come home and I’ll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen …I have always been Father, and will always be Father …My question is…Will you be my child? …I am waiting for you…Love, Your Dad. Almighty God

The ache in your heart that convinces you that there is more to this life than what you can see Ecc 3:11 can begin to be fulfilled now by reconnecting to our Father God, maker of heaven and earth who created us and all humanity to walk in the garden with Himself. The Father awaits you.