WSSN Stories

What It Do With The LUE: Model Bootcamp

By Lue Dowdy

Model Bootcamp is What it Do! Catch me CEO and Founder of LUE Productions as I speak Saturday, January 12 in Los Angeles at Coffee Browns 1st Bootcamp for models.

I’ll be giving a few tips. Come sharpen your skills and gain more knowledge in the modeling industry.

Coffee Brown Ent is launching our first Model Boot Camp

Date: January 12th, 2019

Time: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Learn about deferent poses (Body/Facial/Angles)

How to walk like your on the Catwalk

Quick and easy hair and makeup tutorial on the go

Financial Education 101 (Savings, Protection, Investment, and Retirement Planning)

How to build your model portfolio Q & A with Guest

(More to be announced)

There will also be a mini Photoshoot with team #Brandfusion with Tradzmenzlounge and Long Beach Photographer. The first 10 guest to RSVP will receive a FREE GIFT Raffles, Wine, and Appetizers.

Contact Coffee Brown for information: 424-202-7351 or by email at

“Don’t Let Another Year Come and Go and You Find Yourself in the Same Position!”

By Lou Yeboah

I tell you, if you are going to experience the relationship Christ wants for you and that you desire, there are some things that need to change. If you are going to have the life in Christ you want and the life He wants you to have, there are some things that need to change. I tell you, change is in the atmosphere. We are in a season of change, and the question is not “will there be change?” but will it be for the better or will it be for the worse?” you must decide. I am writing to you with a word in my Spirit [change]. God said this is a season of change, major change. He said tell my people change is coming; major shifts are going to be taking place. God said: to prophesy change so that you can participate and cooperate with him in the process. So is there anybody ready for a change? Is there anybody sick and tired of being sick and tired? Is there anybody fed up with their present situation? Because I want you to know that we serve the God of turnarounds. For the Bible is a book of turnarounds, from Genesis to Revelations we see God turning things around. Don’t let another year come and go, and you find yourself in the same position. There are blessings that are yours by design, commanded blessings. God has divinely ordered them for you, but you are not going to get them until you are in position. I tell you that there are some things that you have to change!

You know, one of the worst-case scenarios in the Bible is in the book of [Ezekiel chapter 37] – the Valley of Dry Bones. It looked hopeless, impossible, beyond the point of no return. But when the man of God started prophesying to those bones something started happening, things started changing. The situation started turning around. Bones started coming together, and they didn’t just come together but every bone found its matching bone. And when the prophet finished prophesying, in the very same place where there was nothing but dry bones there stood a mighty army fully equipped and fully empowered to fight. I tell you, something’s getting ready to change. 2019 is a new season: it’s a season of new beginnings, new connections, new anointing, new fire, new jobs, and promotions, new avenues of income, new joy, new friends, new confidence, new strength, and new health. Is there anybody ready to step out of the old into the new? If so, activate your faith right now and take a step, a prophetic symbol of moving into the new. For [Isaiah 43:18-19] says, “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old, behold I will do a new thing [now it shall spring forth].” This Scripture tells us that God is doing something fresh and new, but the condition and requirement for receiving the new is to let go of the old [mentally, emotionally, and spiritually].

I hear the Spirit of God saying it’s time for a change. The discomfort, the agitation, the frustration, is your spirit telling you [it’s time for a change]. The spiritual atmosphere is very ripe for something new. Don’t let another year come and go and you find yourself in the same position.

What It Do With the LUE: Miss Teen Rialto Scholarship Pageant

By Lue Dowdy

Miss Teen Rialto Scholarship Pageant is WHAT IT DO! We are looking for Teen Contestants for the Miss Teen Rialto Scholarship Pageant. What an awesome way to keep our young girls active in a positive way. Below are all the details.

Competition Age Divisions are:

  • Baby Miss Rialto ages 0-1 Online Contest ONLY (TBA)
  • Little Miss Rialto ages 2-4
  • Petite Miss Rialto ages 5-8
  • Miss Pre-Teen Rialto ages 9-12
  • Miss Teen Rialto ages 13-17

Our pageant judging is based upon each contestant’s participation in the following categories:

  • Personal Interview
  • Casual/Activewear Modeling
  • Formal Evening Wear Modeling
  • On-Stage Q&A Competition
  • Talent Competition – ONLY Miss Teen Rialto ages 13-17

Judging criteria is based upon each participants ability to present poise, confidence and a pleasant, general atmosphere while performing.

Here are a few things to know about the Miss Teen Rialto Scholarship Pageant:

  • This will be the Miss Teen Rialto Scholarship Pageant in the City of Rialto.
  • Miss Teen Rialto is a scholarship pageant where cash prizes will be awarded to pageant winners in the competition.
  • Each contestant’s journey begins with an invitation to attend an Information Session which will determine each young ladies’ eligibility for the current pageant competition.
  • There is NO swimsuit competition in this pageant.

Never done a pageant before? No problem. All “accepted” contestants will attend a Pajama Camp and Workshop which will prepare them for the pageant.

Every young lady is encouraged to feel like a winner, no matter the outcome!

Whether you’re entering the pageant to meet new friends, gain more self-confidence, or enjoy a memorable experience, the Miss Teen Rialto Scholarship Pageant allows young women to grow in many different ways and appreciate the beautiful things on the inside of each of them. Best of luck to you and let your journey begin!

For more information, you can go to our website at You can also email or call (909) 200-7591, leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

Exclusive Interview: Danielle Willis Finds Her Purpose in Health, Fitness and Bodybuilding

By Naomi K. Bonman

Danielle Willis

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- There is only one week left of 2018, which means every gym is about to be packed for the first quarter of 2019. After the first quarter of the year people fall off and disregard any fitness resolution that they had on New Year’s Eve. However, we need to keep that adrenaline pumping.        

Female bodybuilder and fitness guru, Danielle Willis, is the true epitome of whatever you put your mind to can be achieve through persistence and consistentency. I was inspired Ms. Willis’ latest achievements in the fitness arena this past year that I had to chat with her. Her story is purposeful and inspiring to all, young and “seasoned”.

Listen to the interview below:

“Another Year of Grace…!”

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Thank You Lord! As we stand on the brink of a New Year it is a good time to reflect on the year that is ending and look forward into the year that is soon to begin. A New Year filled with new possibilities and opportunities. Twelve new months, 52 new weeks, 365 new days, 8,760 new hours, 525,000 new minutes and 31,536,000 new seconds… every one of which is God’s gift to us. So as David encourages us in [Psalm 145] yes, we should take the time to look back on our lives and reflect on the goodness of God. We are encouraged to praise God for his greatness, his compassion, and his faithfulness; and to thank God for his many gifts throughout our lives. Because as Curtis Mayfield sang, [Diamond in the Back] “Though you may not drive a great big Cadillac, diamond in the back, sunroof top, diggin’ the scene, with a gangsta lean, gangsta whitewalls, TV antennas in the back… you may not have a car at all, but remember brothers and sisters, you can still stand tall, just be thankful for what you got.” Count your blessings. Name them one by one. Look back on this past year, and trace the hand of God who provided you with everything you needed. Think about God’s powerful acts. Remember, meditate and consider all that God has done [Psalm 77:11-12]. Remember your redemption, and let your lips ring with words of Praise and Thanksgiving.

It is also a good time for you to take inventory of your walk with the Lord. You should take a very close look at where you are in your relationship with Him. You need to examine yourself and see where you have been, where you are and where the Lord wants you to be. The benefit of keeping God in mind is that it keeps our hearts grateful, appropriately humble, and delighted in our God for His goodness to us. Take some time to write out what God has done for you. Let it be an exercise in remembering His goodness and grace in your life! Because taking time to remember what God has done over a whole year is sweet for our souls.

As I reflect back, I think about a man who was separated from friends, unjustly accused, and brutally treated—the man was the Apostle Paul—a man who had learned the meaning of true thanksgiving, even in the midst of great adversity. Earlier, when he had been imprisoned in Rome, Paul wrote, “Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” [Ephesians 5:19-20].

 I tell you, there’s so much to be thankful for:  Spiritual things — if you didn’t have anything else but Jesus, you would have enough to praise God for all eternity. Simple things — you should be thankful for your families, health, food, and even a glass of water. Thank God for the simple things. Sorrowful things — you can even be thankful for the heartaches, the pains, and the sufferings, because as [Romans 8:28] says, “…All things work together for good…”

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good [1 Chronicles 16:34], and His love is eternal, and His faithfulness endures to all generation.” [Psalms 100:4-5].


Lord, we praise you for your goodness and faithfulness in this past year. Help us to count our blessings and to be assured of your love. In Jesus, Amen.

What It Do With The LUE: Young Miller Da Don

By Lou Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Making Moves in the rap game is What It Do! Rapper Young Miller Da Don is making sure that that world knows about his music and his movement.

Young Miller Da Don

When on social Media, I see this artist consistently networking, performing and promoting; all important ingredients when it comes to staying relevant in the music industry. Though the original No Limit soldiers are no longer on the front lines, the second generation of troops are still holding down the fort.

Raised in the ranks of one of Hip-Hop’s most powerful clans, Douglas Michael Miller (a.k.a. Young Miller Da Don) is now taking the family business to higher heights. The 27-year-old Cousin of Master P, Young Miller says that growing up with the No Limit Records CEO (Master P) taught him how to survive and be a winner in the entertainment business.

After being robbed at gunpoint in his hometown, his mother decided New Orleans wasn’t the place for him. Leaving the Calliope Projects at age 12, Don went to live with his uncle Master P, who’s also his mentor. Master P showed Don the ropes which gave him an awareness about the ins and outs of the industry. It was a difficult adjustment for Don due to the language barrier and new school, but he survived.

Having penned his own poetry and rhymes since age 10, Young Miller reunited in L.A. with his cousins, including Master P’s son ‘Lil Romeo’; under P’s tutelage, they formed a rap group called ‘ Rich Boyz’.

Independently releasing their only LP, “Young Ballers”—“The Hood Been Good to Us”, in 2005 the group toured briefly and even appeared on 106 & Park. Unfortunately, Hurricane Katrina hit that same year and halted promotional plans for the group. With the band now disbanded, Young Miller is determined to make his mark as a solo MC. Don – “I will succeed by keeping my family morals and values first.” Catch my reviews of talented artists like Don Miller right here. Until Next week L’z!

Remembering an Iconic Voice in Music and the Community: Nancy Wilson

By Billy Gee

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- Well, music fans, we’ve just lost another music icon.  On Thursday the 13th of December, the voice of Ms. Nancy Wilson – undisputedly, one of the most mellifluous voices most of us have ever heard – was silenced by her transition from this life, just as the Moon made its transit through Pisces, the sign under which she was born.

I must say, Nancy’s demise was personal for me.  Her sultry voice was so much an integral part of me – so much a part of the musical landscape of my life – that I honestly can’t recall the first time I heard her singing.  I think it might’ve happened around 1962 as a result of my listening to her debut album (‘Remember those?), Nancy Wilson and Cannonball Adderley.  Hearing her sultry voice would cause my pubescent hormones to run wild!  I often would feel as though she was singing to me!  I must’ve dreamed about her dozens of times, growing up in Atlanta and just beginning to learn how to play the piano, myself.  Her recordings of masterpieces like “Guess Who I Saw Today,” “The Grass Is Greener,” “How Glad I Am,” and “When I Look In Your Eyes,” quickly became firmly embedded in my teenage heart, mind, and soul, where they remain until this very day.

Somewhere around my senior year in high school I was fortunate enough to hear Nancy in a live concert at the old Atlanta Municipal Auditorium (where thousands of Atlanta youngsters marched to the tune of “Pomp and Circumstance” at their high school commencement exercise).  Some things you experience in life you never forget, and that was one such occasion for this enthusiastic listener.  Providing instrumental accompaniment to Nancy’s impeccable vocal stylings was trombonist Si Zentner’s big band, so for all of an hour-and-a-half or so yours truly was as close to heaven as he’d ever been.  What stands out in my mind most about that evening is the fact that throughout the entire performance my heart was beating faster than the top speed of the ’67 Chevy Camaro I was pushing back then could run.  I couldn’t have been more excited if Nancy had been sitting in my lap, nibbling on my ear and unbuttoning my shirt!

With that somewhat graphic description of my reaction to an incredibly talented female song stylist, I give you “the Fancy Miss Nancy!” 

Nancy Wilson Biography –

“Guess Who I Saw Today” (LIVE!) – 

“Looking for Man’s Approval When You Should be Wanting God’s Approval!”

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Oh, I know I’m right about it because [John 12:43] says, “For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.”

Listen, “If you seek the approval of any man, you cannot please God!” [Galatians 1:10]. As Christians, our chief concern should be to gain God’s approval. We should not seek the approval of men, even of our family and friends, but of God Himself.  I tell you, the same misplaced desire for approval is why Jeremiah rebuked Israel: “Be appalled, O heavens, at this; be shocked, be utterly desolate, declares the LORD, for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water” [Jeremiah 2:12–13]. Craving human approval is a cistern that cannot hold water. Why chase the approval of man?  There is a tyranny and bondage in living for man’s approval.  “Instead of living in bondage, craving the approval of everyone around us, the Bible calls us to live for the approval of God.

I tell you, we need to be like Jesus – he got his validation from God – he pressed on despite the lack of approval from others.  Besides, the Scriptures call us again and again not to live for the expectations of man, but for the satisfaction of God. Tell me, can anything compare to having the smile of God’s approval? Having God’s approval is the only thing worth living for. Let’s be motivated by seeking approval – but not the approval of men or the approval of our culture – but the approval of God. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts. [1 Thessalonians 2:4].

May we intentionally seek God, his will and his pleasure above all others, and may God continually minister his truths to us – Amen.

“And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”  [Colossians 1:9-10]

Editorial: To Push the Black Agenda in 2019

By Mic Flex

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— To push the Black dollar agenda, we need to start with the “consumer staple products”. Staples include companies that produce items such as food, beverages and non-durable household and personal products, also food or pharmaceuticals.

Let’s start with toothpaste, toilet paper and laundry detergent; these are type of items that we use on a daily basis. “To think Chinese” is to get such items price points down to compete at a reasonable rate.

To market these “CSP’s” to the Black community would be to structure a habit of buying a “pre-packed CSP” on a monthly basis based on family size “at a reasonable rate”. To the producers of products, how much pieces of items would you need to sell to get the price points that at what is required? Therefore, this would be a movement that would have to be on a global scale in order for our economy to thrive.

We have all these “CSP’s” available online through various web hosting’s, but we have to see it in the physical form. By that I mean our products must be available at the local swap meets the inland malls, anywhere that a Black person seems fit to open up an establishment they should have access to all these products.

What It Do With The LUE: Artist Maurice Howard

By Lou Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Beautiful Art is What It Do! Maurice Howard is an emerging artist whose unique style of works we can expect to see more of in local and national art ventures.

Howard was born in Waco, Texas and raised in Southern California. When he was three years old, his family relocated to France where his father served in the military. After a few years in Europe, they returned to the United States. At the age of 19, Howard became inspired to paint.

Model Portia and artist Maurice

He attended several independent art schools and later enrolled into Cal State Fullerton University where he majored in fine art studies.

After completing college, he was hired by Hanna-Barbera Production Studio as an “in-between” in the animation department. Following his employment at Hanna-Barbera, he worked as a technician in a dental office in Pasadena, California.

Inspired by Salvador Dali, McEscher and African-American graphic artist and painter Charles White, most of Howard’s work is in the realist and surrealist styles. Using a mixture of pencil, acrylic and oil, he creates rich images and stunning abstracts that are exceptionally unique, such that, once you view them for a period of time, a mysterious image is revealed under his continuous layers of lines and curves.

In 1982, Howard was commissioned by the City of Hollywood to create a mural. His popular image of the “Melrose Clown,” was not only seen in the community, but viewed in two major films, “The Last Dragon” and “Rhythm of The Night.”

As an emerging artist, Maurice credits renowned artist Charles Bibbs for his success today.

“Charles Bibbs has been my source of inspiration and motivation and I’m privileged to have this opportunity to work with an artist of his caliber.”

Maurice’s work has been well received at the following art venues: The Essence Artist Market in New Orleans, “The Artwalk at the Plaza,” Los Angeles, The Masks-UnMasked Exhibition, Riverside, and other local art venues.

For more info contact (951) 310-2176