WSSN Stories

Dr. Keisha Downey Chats On Helping People Improve Their Lives, Her Career Journey and Future Plans

By Naomi K. Bonman

Throughout life, we are faced with many challenges…some more severe than others, some harder to overcome, and some which we ignore for the moment. When we choose not to face our challenges, it can negatively impact our true being. Therapy allows you to heal from past and/or current hurt and pain and provides you with the tools to grow into the purposeful soul you are meant to be.

Dr. Keisha Downey is a Licensed Marriage and Family Psychotherapist. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with an emphasis in Community Service, a Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy, and a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology. Her office is based in Beverly Hills. As a therapist, she has helped her clients properly cope with depression, anxiety, relationship issues, trauma, substance abuse, parent-child relationships, and crisis intervention, just to name a few. As you can see, Dr. Downey’s clients come from diverse cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, lifestyles, and ethnicities.

 “I have learned that in order to truly meet my client’s needs, I have to meet him or her where they are, listen empathetically, and view their world as they see it,” Dr. Downey explains. “More importantly, I provide an accepting and non-judgmental environment so that my clients can express their inner thoughts regardless of what those inner thoughts may be.”

I recently had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Dr. Downey where she dug in deeper of her inspirations in becoming a therapist, how the show VH1’s Couples’ Therapy with Dr. Jenn Mann came about, and her goals for the upcoming year.

“Just Call My Name and…I’ll be there!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Michael Jackson sang, “You and I must make a pact. We must bring salvation back… Where there is love, I’ll be there. I’ll reach out my hand to you, I’ll have faith in all you do, Just call my name and I’ll be there. I’ll be there to comfort you, Build my world of dreams around you. I’ll be there with a love that’s strong, I’ll be your strength, I’ll keep holding on. Yes I will! I’ll be there! Let me fill your heart with joy and Laughter, Togetherness, well that’s all I’m after. Whenever you need me, I’ll be there. I’ll be there to protect you…. Just look over your shoulders, Ooh I’ll be there… Whenever you need me, Just Call My Name, I’ll be there…”

I want you to know that Michael Jackson WAS NOT the first one to sing, “I’ll Be There!” Jesus has always song, “You and I must make a pact… We must bring salvation back….” In [Jeremiah 33:3] He said, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things… In [Hebrews 13:5] He told you, “He will never leave you, nor forsake you.” He will always be there for you. He will never slumber or sleep. I want you to know that there will never be a time when you call upon Jesus and He’s not available for you. The Bible confirms that He’s there even before you call upon His name [Isaiah 65:24]. I want you to know that there aren’t too many things in this world that we can actually count on… But when it comes to Jesus… we can always count on Him. What a comfort in knowing Jesus. A comfort zone that is indescribable and satisfying, fulfilling and complete. David said the Heavens declare the glory of Him and the firmament showeth His handiwork. No means of measure can define His limitless love. Oh how I wish I could describe Him to you, but He’s indescribable. He’s incomprehensible. He’s invincible. He’s irresistible. I’m trying to tell you the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him, let alone a man, explain Him. You can’t get Him out of your mind. You can’t out live Him and you can’t live without Him. The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him. Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him. The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree, and Herod couldn’t kill Him. Death couldn’t handle Him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him… Jesus… You can always count on Him!

John 1:1; 14 says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.   And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Echoing [I’ll always be there]. In the New Testament Jesus was with His people. In the present, Jesus is with you. You can always count on Him being there in your life even when it doesn’t seem as if He is. He doesn’t change. He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever more.  It means that you can always depend on His commitment to you in all things, at all times, in all ways. Though the world changes, circumstances change, people change, and you change, Jesus never does. I want you to know that when I sought real love for my life, I discovered “Can’t Nobody Do Me like Jesus.” For when my sin was introduced to His salvation, I met and embraced Him as “Love on a Cross!” For “Greater love has no man than this that He lay down His life for His friends. I want you to know that God promises are true.  His Word is above all!  There is none like Him. He will not allow His Word to return to Him void!  Call Him Up!



What It Do With The LUE: Chords Enrichment Youth Program

Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun

Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun

So this week What It Do With the LUE is Chords Enrichment Youth Program “Stop the violence 2 Hope for the City Conference”. On Saturday, November 14, I attended an awesome community event addressing the violence within the Inland Empire and our youth. Edwin Johnson, Founder and CEO of Chords Enrichment Youth Program, partnered with several community entities and community pillars to make this event meaningful and a success; and it was. The conference took place in the City of San Bernardino at Indian Springs High School. The day consisted of a Q&A session along with live performances, vendors, and good food. Parents and the youth had a chance to speak out about their personal experiences on the violence plaguing our community. It was good to see many in attendance.

Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun

Actor Darrin Dewitt Henson (Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun)

Major shot out to Actor Darrin Dewitt Henson star from “Stop the Yard”; Terrance Stone of Young Visionaries; Gwen Rogers, newly appointed School Board Member for San Bernardino County Margret Hill, community activist; and Commissioner for First 5 San Bernardino. So many heavy hittas from the community were in attendance. I can’t name them all! Major shot out to some of my fellow entertainment buddies for their participation, Comedian Anthony Stone, Rapper Fitz Taylor, and Rapper Carl Fontaine. Also, they had the man himself, Chris Loos, radio personality for KQIE 104.7 FM. I can’t wait for the next one. I think if we keep it in the forefront, folks will have nothing else to do but get on board. More peace and love is needed. Let’s all do our part and take back our City. Until next week, L’z!

 (Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun)

(Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun)

The event was sponsored by – Young Woman Empowerment/ WEGo Show/San Bernardino Unified School District C. H. O. R. D. S. is a safe and fun after school program for young people (ages 12-18) founded back in 2012. Their mission is to provide programs to help youth cultivate their talents by giving them the opportunity to explore music and creative arts. C.H.O.R.D.S. is a nonprofit organization that operates on donations and scholarships for kids.

 (Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun)

(Photo Courtesy of The San Bernardino Sun)

BOTTOMLINE: Thank You for Your Service…And We Still Need You!

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Most of our Armed Services personnel are probably used to hearing the “Thank you for your service” part of this headline, especially during the days just before Veterans Day.  As we consider the poor condition of the country’s infrastructure, our streets, bridges, highways and dams, we can be sure that every natural disaster has the potential to turn tragic. We also know that the structure of family and community is constantly challenged and evolving under the influence of low and no wage, corruption and if not lawlessness. We can certainly agree that we have biased law enforcement.

All of the above are reasons to add the “We still need you” phrase of this article’s headline when we encounter a veteran.  Their training and love for America has been proven by their initial service.  They have put their lives on the line for an ideal… freedom and fairness is what they fight for.  Many come home from the fight, wounded either physically or emotionally, which translates to, ’unfinished business’.  They need to be included and valued for the rest of their lives.  Their knowledge and proven commitment make them very valuable assets as emergency responders, youth counselors, and public safety coordinators.

Combat veterans should not be allowed to become police officers, because the gun on their hip is the military problem solver. Our police need to depend on the gun as a last resort.  Our combat veterans should never have to worry about healthcare, income, housing or educational opportunity for the rest of their lives.  Yes, I think they become ‘entitled’ to these things as a result of risking their lives for our country, and you and me!

Requesting that they serve as responder volunteers, community organizers, and public safety coordinators as the continuum of their service is reasonable and a great public benefit! However, if they choose not to make themselves available for additional service, they should still receive their entitlement!

There are many veterans providing public service in the form discussed… They are doing their job! There are still many veterans who are jobless, homeless and or alone… Veterans who are waiting for medical care, or a friend to step up! That true statement suggests that we, the ones that the veterans risked their lives for, are not doing our job.


Looking to impose tougher laws on bullying

Submitted by Dr. Spinner

YOUTH EVENTLOS ANGELES, CA—It was cold breezy day, missing her family, Dr. Spinner’s wife, renowned Boca Raton Attorney, Nekishia L. Spinner, is yet not frazzled due to her assignment of going to the White House to bring forth change through prayer and supplication, in regards to Bully Awareness Network’s initiative of ending all forms of bullying.  One of the objectives of BAN is to get legislation passed that will impose tougher laws against bullying in schools.  Conversely, many miles away on a different coastline, her husband hosted the Move 2 Improve Tour, which was a youth empowerment event that encouraged youth to embrace their unique talents and gifts in the arts.

Saturday night at the Chuco’s Youth Justice Center, you can hear the thumping, all of sudden youth begin to scream, not in fear, however out of excitement as Shane Sparks enters the building.  Later, Aarona Lopez comes into to the facility showing the teens some Wild N Out fun.  Oakland Rapper, Kayla B., “it was a night truly to remember! “  Reverberating music provided by some of Disney and Nickelodeon’s finest social media stars and headline teen acts such as Korina Davis, one of, if not the best violinist in the world, Pynk Lemonade, Aliyah Moulden, Faithy J, and The Johnson’s Twins, “definitely, they are some of the best young talent in the country, which very few can match!”  “These young people spend countless hours perfecting their artistry, which we have an artist development program as well as teach kids about how to become an entrepreneur.”  One artist, Faithy J, is selling a book entitled, “You Are Never Too Young to Get Started,” while another Aliyah Moulden will be learning how to form patterns, make textiles, and create her own special creations all under her signature brand, under the tutelage of Christia’n Annice, who designs adolescents clothes out of her boutique, Issis Sky.  The Bully Awareness Network welcomes her participation in part of their Young Executive Entrepreneur Academy (Y.E.E.A.)!  “We will continue to develop leaders that reflect our culture, climate, and cognitive state, resonating the message to end all forms of bullying, states Dr. Spinner, Founder and President of BAN. He continues to add that, “we have to replace the wayward behavior with positive reinforcement.”   Lastly, Dr. Spinner is ecstatic to see another entrepreneur Kali Raah coming out of the program to bring his T-Shirt Line Kali Raah.   Additionally, Dr. Spinner, he is firmly committed to the youth being empowered as Bryce Xavier, vehemently and passionately shared their personal encounters with bullying,  as well as spoke the dire need of social reform.

Several celebrity guest came out to show support towards Dr. Spinner’s initiative, Ro Brooks, who shared with the kids how to become an actor and what it takes using quotes from his book, “How to go from Extra to ACTOR.” Shane Sparks, of America Best Dance Crew TV Show,  if not the top choreographer in the world, spoke about the discipline that is required to become a top dancer and performer; Tony Nicholas, son of legendary tap duet group, the Nicholas Brothers, and a special appearance was made by Miss California 2015, Erika Abke who spoke about teen domestic violence.  In addition to being broadcast live by 1580 AM Da Radio Show.

Next on the tour line, November 21, as BAN pulls together five community churches and feeds up to thousand people a Thanksgiving Meal, while promoting their initiative with BAN guest speakers, hosted by Dr. Spinner, Tenise Taylor (Bullying), Shelia Peters (Protecting your kids from Sex Trafficking), and Joi Hall (Teen Domestic Violence) as well as some of the best young talent in the country performing.  Thereafter, Dr. Spinner has scheduled a tour in early December for teens to tour the college campus of USC.  We need to continuously keep our kids engaged and I look forward to signing up as many kids possible, regardless of age.

Next, we are having our Free Toy Drive and Christmas Concert that is going to have absolutely, “hands down the best talent on the planet, as I have been getting calls from various record labels as well as vp’s from Sony, DreamWorks, Hollywood Entertainment, wanting to come the event to hear the young people perform.”  Dr. Spinner welcomes all”clean” acts “as we are promoting a new culture of substance as well as purpose.”

December 22 event, which will lead up to the Martin Luther King Parade, January 18, 2016 that will be televised live on Channel 7.  “We are honored by the committee to have selected BAN to be part of this amazing event, which I look forward to getting the kids out and being a part of history in a major way!”  You can continue to follow the Move 2 Improve Tour on FB at Bully Awareness Network.

“We need everyone’s support, as we will have several events coming up starting with Men and Boys (Teen) Domestic Violence Forum, our semiannual forum on domestic violence and sex trafficking conference, and our anti bullying talent showcases. “

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Dr. J.J. Spinner at 323 301 2416 or email at

“Today is your Lucky Day!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Today is, “Second Chance Day!”… Today is, “Get Right Day!”… Today is, “Election Day!”… A day in which you get to “Cast Your Ballot!”… A day in which, you get to “Choose!”… A day in which, Your Decision will affect your “Destiny.” It is a personal decision… It is so personal that no one else can make it for you.  And it is a decision that must be made “Today!”  So, “Cast Your Ballot” and “Choose this day Whom you will serve.” Will it be God or the World? Christianity or Secularism? Wealth, pleasure, beauty, physical perfection, or sensationalism? I want you to know that the decision God is calling you to make today is of more importance than any other decision you will ever make. And it is a decision that must be made now because you do not know what tomorrow holds. For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. [James 4:14]. It is a decision that must be made now to avoid the hardening of the heart. It is a decision that must be made now because it cannot be made after death. Why is it such a big deal? Why should this decision be made NOW? Because you cannot save yourself. Because God does not desire to see a soul eternally lost. Because Jesus, gave His life to save you!

I want you to know that today you stand very much where the tribes of Israel stood when Joshua addressed them [Joshua 24], and now you too must respond.  Understand that there is a battle going on for your heart and mind, your loyalty and allegiance; so choose carefully! And remember that the choice and commitment you make today will determine your future. I want you to know that after Joshua addressed the people of Israel, they rose to the occasion and replied most appropriately: They said, “Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods….” I am sure they meant it.  But, they quickly fell away. How are you doing? What will define you? Will it be God or the world that comes first?  What about … As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!”  Is that a defining statement for you?   Jesus says, “Follow me.” Then He comes back insisting that it’s “Either-or.” Jesus calls for a clear decision. “You cannot serve God and Mammon.” You cannot keep wavering, He says. Time is running out. You must take a stand. “Choose this day Whom you will serve!” Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. [2 Cor. 6:17-18]. Just as the Lord issued a call through Joshua all those centuries ago for His people to make of their minds as to Whom they would serve, so He issues the same call to you on this day. It’s time to make up your mind! And, it is! Decide Who will have your worship, your love and your obedience: God Almighty or the World… Sadly, Israel did not keep their vows to the Lord and they paid a terribly high price. Justt read [Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles].

Today is “Election Day!”… Choose this day Whom you will serve…. “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” [Deuteronomy 30:19].

4th Annual Eva Longoria Foundation Dinner Helps Build a Better Future for Latinas

Eva event

LOS ANGELES, CA-  A dinner celebrating The Eva Longoria Foundation raised funds to support the Foundation’s mission to help Latinas build better futures for themselves and their families through education and entrepreneurship. The dinner took place on Thursday, November 5th at Eva Longoria’s restaurant, Beso, in Los Angeles. Attendees included Eva Longoria, Mario Lopez, Zachary Levi (“Heroes Reborn”), Roselyn Sanchez (“Devious Maids”), Judy Reyes (“Devious Maids”), Amaury Nolasco (“Prison Break”, “Telenovela”), Holly Robinson Peete, Rodney Peete, Alex Meneses (“Telenovela”), Diana Maria Riva (“Telenovela”), Izzy Diaz (“Telenovela”), Jadyn Douglas (“Telenovela”), Steven Bauer (“Ray Donovan”), Robin Antin (Pussycat Dolls), Rebecca Da Costa (THE BAG MAN) and philanthropist and activist Henry Muñoz.  

Guests arrived at Beso Hollywood for cocktails followed by dinner and remarks from Eva Longoria and Laysha Ward, President of Community Relations at Target. Host Eva Longoria spoke about the launch of the Foundation’s nationwide Latina mentorship network and its 2015 Parent Engagement Convening, which brought 40 top experts together to find ways to involve exponentially more parents in their children’s education. Longoria also described the Foundation’s signature STEM education programs, which have helped more than 2,600 Latinas develop technology skills, such as coding and robotics. Actress, producer, and star of “Devious Maids” Judy Reyes spoke about the Foundation’s commitment to cultivating the full potential of Latinas. Actor and host of EXTRA Mario Lopez and CEO of Muñoz & Company and Foundation Board Member Henry Muñoz also made remarks about the value of the Foundation’s work to Latinas and the country as a whole. Premiere event sponsor Target announced an additional $100,000 contribution to the Foundation. Event sponsors included HBO/Time Warner, The Jacki and Gilbert Cisneros Foundation, Creative Artist Agency, and the Televisa Foundation. Denim designer Henry & Belle and apparel brand good hYOUman provided guests with complimentary women’s jeans and men’s shirts. Executive Chef Angel Estrada prepared an exquisite four-course meal for guests.

The Eva Longoria Foundation was established in 2012 by actress, activist and philanthropist Eva Longoria. The Foundation gives Latinas the tools to succeed through education and entrepreneurship. There are currently 25 million Latinas in the US and by 2015, they will make up 15% of the total population. The Foundation works to improve the futures not only of the Latinas they serve, but also of the US as a whole.

If you would like to donate to the Eva Longoria Foundation, please visit

What It Do With The LUE: IE Hair Expo

skittlesThe IE Hair EXPO 2015 is WHAT IT DO WITH THE LUE! Umm, can you say major SUCCESS! I can’t say enough how much fun and how exciting the hair show was. This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of attending the 1st Annual IE Hair Expo hosted by Jacquetta Green of Cali All Stars Entertainment and Jessie Green of Joe Reed Records and all the sponsors that helped to make this happen in the IE. They knocked it out of the ball park. This was a much needed event, not just for the San Bernardino Community, but for the Cosmetology and Barber community as a whole.

I mean, you had just about every barbershop and hair shop from the IE in that thang representing to the fullest. You had Loved Ones, Artistically Yours, Cold Cutz, Anointed Braids, Star’s A Cut Above, Nappy Roots Salon, and Barber City to name a few. There was nonstop action! It was an all age event that included barber competitions, a fashion show, tutorials, food vendors, and community vendors such as Crown Wigs and The Plug, an urban fashion and graphic store; and Ribs. Local artists also lit up the stage with their talent.

The event was hosted by DJ Fredy Fresco of 99.1 KGGI. There was a special guest appearance by Doris Mosley, Mater Stylist educator, and produce of SIBE which stands for Spectrum International Beauty EXPO.

Sunday this was the place to be in the Inland Empire. I was especially happy that I was able to spend $20 bucks and receive $75.00 to $100.00 worth of hair product. Now that’s winning!! The day ended with a night of celebration featuring rapper Staxx Huges and Fitz Taylor and others. Congratulations to all the talented winners which included: Anointed Touch Braidery, they took 1st place in Most Original; Make Up artist Peaches of Straight To The Head; DJ Mysteree and Deevetva Foy, Director of ADMIN for LUE Productions; Jacquetta Greeen, event coordinator and CEO of Cali All Stars; and Mr. Wilson, owner of Crown Wigs in San Bernardino. Can’t wait for next year! L’zzz!






Birthday Tribute: Scorpio Season Emerges at WSS News

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- It’s Scorpio season and the Westside Story Newspaper has quite a few ladies born in the month of November. Our Editor Naomi K. Bonman, Marketing Director Naomi Riggins, and Columnist/Administrative Manager Lou Coleman all work very hard to edit and market the paper each week to bring you the latest news within the Inland Empire.  If you also have a birthday coming up or know someone who does, send them or yourself a special keepsake that can be cherished and posted on the wall. Please email or for rates.

Lou Birthday Picture

Lou Coleman, November 14

Naomi Riggins, November 11

Naomi Riggins, November 11

Naomi K. Bonman, November 20

Naomi K. Bonman, November 20

Local high school students attend Statewide Black Education Summit: “Black Minds Matter- A Day of Student Activism

Sheba Jennings - 11th grader at Summit High School

Sheba Jennings – 11th grader at Summit High School

By Angela M. Coggs

Student Rally in front of the Department of Education, Sacramento, Ca

Student Rally in front of the Department of Education, Sacramento, Ca

On November 4, 2015, 50 African-American students and educator chaperones from the Inland Empire boarded a charter bus at 11:00pm that was headed to Sacramento to rally for equal access to education in front the Department of Education and the state capital. The group, invited by Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement (C.O.P.E.), consisted of 9th -12th grade students from the following high schools: Cajon, Carter, Grand Terrace, Pacific, San Bernardino, and Summit. The trip was sponsored by The California Alliance of African- American of Educators (CAAAE), The California Endowment, The Education Trust-West, and UMOJA Community.

C.O.P.E. got involved in the Black Minds Matter rally because the Education Trust-West report features the work of the Task Force for African American Achievement, convened in the San Bernardino City Unified School District, as a promising practice for addressing

Terriq Singer (10th) and Joshua Stewart (9th) both from Cajon High School

Terriq Singer (10th) and Joshua Stewart (9th) both from Cajon High School

persistent poor academic outcomes for African American students. “We wanted students from our district to participate in the rally because of the important strides SBCUSD is making for African American students and to address their needs, “stated Felicia Jones, C.O.P.E. Associate Director.

The Education Trust-West recently released the Black Minds Matter white paper. The paper is a reality check for secondary and postsecondary education. At the subsequent Student Rally the goal was Black Minds Matter to serve as a rallying point for engagement and, discussion, and action. The rally was held at the state capital on Thursday November 5th at 10 am. The event was called Black Minds Matter – A Day of Student Activism.

Cajon High School Students: Ashley Rodgers (10th), Yonathan Habtemariam(9th), Brianna Robertson(10th), Lyndon Nicholls(12th), Cherq'uora Hunn (10th), and Terriq Singer(11th)

Cajon High School Students: Ashley Rodgers (10th), Yonathan Habtemariam(9th), Brianna Robertson(10th), Lyndon Nicholls(12th), Cherq’uora Hunn (10th), and Terriq Singer(11th)

The California Alliance of African- American of Educators (CAAAE) sent over 300 students and advocates to Sacramento to convene with over 200 Community college students attending the UMOJA conference and where they joined another 100 California State University and University of California systems students on the steps of the Capital Building to make a historic statement: “Black Minds Matter.” The mission of the California Alliance of African American Educators (CAAAE) is to provide programs and services to students, families, and teachers in order to create culturally conscious African American students who are life-long learners and critical thinkers. The summit featured highly-interactive workshops, dynamic student speakers, motivational words from inspired educators, and support from local California politicians.

Antonio Villaraigosa and Yonathan Habtemariam

Antonio Villaraigosa and Yonathan Habtemariam

The “Black Minds Matter” is a powerful and important research report written by The Education Trust-West and released at the Black Education Summit looked at the statistics of the educational success of black children in California. The report indicated that black children are least likely to:

  • Become proficient readers by third grade;
  • Be placed in Gifted and Talented Education programs;
  • Master the mid-level mathematics skills that position students for success in college-preparatory math courses;
  • Be placed in a full sequence of college-preparatory courses;
  • Graduate from high school in four years; and
  • Complete a college degree.

At the same time, black children are the most likely to:

  • Be suspended or expelled;
  • Be taught by ineffective teachers;
  • Be identified for special education; and
  • Take remedial, non-credit bearing coursework as college students.
Villaraigosa taking pics of the crowd

Villaraigosa taking pics of the crowd

Outside the Capital building

Outside the Capital building

Although California has the fifth largest Black population in the country and is home to about 900,000 African American under the age of 25, the California Department of Education lacks and office, initiative, or committee focused on African American achievement or the achievement gap. The inequalities and problems start in the early years. Black children are more likely to live in homes affected by financial hardship and caregiver instability and more than half of California’s Black children live in low-income households. Because of disparities on financial stability, health, and well- being, learning gaps appear early. By age 2, low-income children- regardless of race- are already six months behind their higher  income peers in language development, and by age 5 they are more than two years behind ( “Research Shows: The Benefits of High-Quality Early Learning”, Oakland, Ca: Early Edge California).

The students did not know what to expect from the trip but many had a positive disposition as they took to the streets outside of the Department of Education to participate in the rally. “I expected this trip to be an experience I’d never forget and cherish due to the information and movement we were participating in,” said Kalynne Brantley, 11th grade student from Carter High School in Rialto. “It (the trip) empowered me to be more active and vocal in my community ad stand up for what matters to me.”

During the rally, Yonathan Habtemariam, 9th grade student at Cajon High School, noticed former mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa in the crowd. “I walked up to him, introduced myself, and had a really good conversation with him regarding school. He asked me if I was going to college and I told him that my parents never made it an option.” Later Villaraigosa, who put on a Black Minds Matter t-shirt over his shirt and tie, addressed the crowd of over 300 people and mentioned meeting Habtemariam and his mother prior to his speech. “It was cool how he mentioned meeting us in speech and that he believed that not only would I attend college but will also graduate.”

C.O.P.E. Staff- Sonya Hunn-Gray, Pastor Sam Casey, Devona Robertson, Sam (bus driver), and Felicia Jones

C.O.P.E. Staff- Sonya Hunn-Gray, Pastor Sam Casey, Devona Robertson, Sam (bus driver), and Felicia Jones

Cherq’uora Hunn, 10th grade student from Cajon High School, said she learned “that we can make a huge impact if we try.” Her favorite part of the trip was chanting in front of the Department of Education office building.  Like Hunn, this was the first time many of the students had ever visited the state capital.

According to the Black Minds Matter research report, African American children often begin kindergarten already behind. Yet, instead of organizing the K-12 school system to ameliorate the problem the students also get less academically in school too. One notable fact is that California’s African American students, along with Latino students, often attend highly segregated schools. Where nearly 70 percent of their peers are African American and Latino, and just over 65 percent are poor.

Academically speaking, African American students not only have less rigorous core academic content, but they also have less access to a board and enriching curriculum. African American students are underrepresented in laborious courses such as Algebra 2, Advanced Math, Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics.  In addition, less than one third of African American students complete the A-G courses required to be eligible for a UC or CSU. According to the California Department of Education, only 31% of 12th grade graduates African American students completed the A-G course sequence.

For some of the older students who are currently applying to college, the statistics regarding the state of African American success rates was upsetting but not discouraging. Dropout rates are far higher for African American students than for other students, and conversely, graduation rates are lower. This is not new information. “I feel that it (the rally) was very eye opening to the issues still present today,” said Lindsay Collins, 11th grade student at Redlands East Valley High School. She believes that it was a great experience and that more students need to be able to be engaged in and that she was empowered by the event. “I matter in all things I do.”

The experience was eye opening for the students, even the ones who did not expect to learn anything new. “I came in expecting to hear things I heard before, but I ended up coming away with new knowledge and possibly a new mindset,” stated Lyndon Nicholls, 12th grader at Cajon High School. “I learned, to achieve the best, that I can be anything I set my mind to and to ignore all negative voices.”

It is refreshing to hear the positive attitude of a African American student who’s next step in life is college, however; that is not what the numbers show as a majority. African American students are far more likely to attend community colleges that pubic four-year universities, partly because they are not properly prepare for the level of work needed to exceed in those school. Based on Education Trust-West analysis of California’s Academic Performances Index data from 2013, the institution types attended by California’s African American first –time freshmen are as follows: 67% California Community Colleges, 12% California State University, 11% Private For-Profit, 6% Private Nonprofit, and 4% University of California. For University of California, Irvine (UCI) student Sion Habtemariam, graduate of Citrus Valley High School and now in her junior year in college, not seeing other African American students on campus who are not athletes is a sad reality. “I know more African American could succeed in the UC system but the requirements are based on a students’ course load/level and the admission process is very competitive.” Just like UCI, African American students represent only 4%of the student body at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a figure that has declined by 2 percentage points since affirmative action was banned at the University of California in 1995.

The Black Minds Matter report has “challenged district and state leaders to address the systematic inequities bearing down on you Black California’s. Both the report and the recommendations included in it are intended to be part of a larger effort that addresses educational disparities with the sense of fierce urgency our students deserve.” A concerted effort must be made by all that are involved, including educators, administrators, elected officials, policymakers, parent, and students to make equality a priority. Trimonisha Singer, mother, teacher, and active community, was pleased that her son Terriq Singer, 10th grade student at Cajon High School, was able to participate in this historic event. “I am thankful that C.O.P.E. gave my son the opportunity to experience history. Many negative stereotypes exist about this generation and in particular black youth. This not only showed that our youth do care about their future and letting their voice be heard but also gave the students a chance to experience their civil duties and what being a part of positive chance looks like.” It was a very important event that was made a positive impact on all the students in attendance. Singer also noted that her son “came home with the desire to be involved in his community and helping others realize that Black Minds Matter.”