WSSN Stories

Music History was Made in San Bernardino

Diva's Basement (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

Diva’s Basement (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

By Naomi K. Bonman

It was definitely a night to remember! One that each artist in the Inland Empire will hold dear to their hearts and never forget. LUE Productions made musical history in San Bernardino, and in the Inland Empire as a whole. The first annual Indie Artist Award Show, which was held on Saturday, August 1 in The Sports Center at The National Orange Show, was a phenomenal success. It was definitely a great kick-off to roll into the end of summer!

Each artist that performed truly brought their A-game and executed their talents on stage as if they were the Grammy Awards. Some artists that stated that they didn’t want to put their award down to perform because they were appreciative to receive the honor of making great music and grinding day and night in the studio. This is the stepping stone of seeing their hard work pay off.

Speaker Junkiez (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

Speaker Junkiez (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

The evening started with a red carpet and networking affair. Each indie artist and business representative were escorted on the red carpet with their team and loved ones suited and booted in the best attire. During this hour there were also a few pre-performances and a fashion show presented by LUE Productions models. This hour concluded with a countdown to the award show.

The recipients that were recognized this year included: Yung Miss, Nya Banxx, Carl Fontaine, Aaron Swift, Teknik Yung Prospect, Official Bizz, Dunamis L1019, Imon, Gwapp Fam, T-Bone, Paul Douglass, Justified Smith, Hannibal Lec, Yung Muuisk, C Dub, Speaker Junkiez, Cali G, Lowla Scott,

LUE Productions models (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

LUE Productions models (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

and Mack Pepperboy. In addition to the artist award recipients, there were special community recognitions of individuals and companies that received “The Allen Award” for their hard work, dedication, and commitment that they do within the community. These individuals were: Wallace Allen of the Westside Story Newspaper, Monivision TV, Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cities, Mike C a.k.a. The Guru of the I.E., The Real dirty Birdy, and Bigg Dee.

Surprise awards were given to Talon “Lata” Wilson Sr., Naomi K. Bonman, and Comedian Anthony Stone. They were given awards for their commitment and dedication to their contributions that make in the community, as well as to LUE Productions. To celebrate everyone’s success there was a after party where Lil Mike Tyson of THAD and LUE Productions models Faith and Cassandra hosted. Radio Base turned out the night during this hour.

If you missed out this year, mark your calendars to for Saturday, August 14, 2016. Follow LUE Productions on Facebook to keep updated with upcoming events.

Lue Dowdy (LUE Productions Founder) and Navarre Bell and Tammy Martin-Ryles of the Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cities (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

Lue Dowdy (LUE Productions Founder) and Navarre Bell and Tammy Martin-Ryles of the Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cities (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

“I Thought You Knew!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Satan doesn’t give a damn about you! He’s not your friend and definitely not your buddy! He’s your enemy and his plan is to take you out by any means necessary. Make no mistake about it! His plan for your life is three-fold: To steal…to kill and to destroy you. That’s it and that’s all! He has no other plan, interest, or purpose for you nor your life. He hates you with a passion; an undying hatred, and he wants you dead. Period!

Now I don’t like to spend a lot of time talking about the Devil. He and I are not on speaking terms, you see. There are only two things that the Devil and I have in common; He hates me and I HATE HIM! But Jesus spoke about him from time to time, so it’s no sin for me to do it. Besides, I just want to remind you of what Peter said in [1 Peter 5:8] “Be alert, and be on watch! For your enemy, the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” I want you to know that he has declared an all-out war on you. And while many of us slumber at this midnight hour, just as Jesus predicted, the devil is working ferociously, making preparation for war. Ever scheming, ever devising ways to harass and destroy us. He is not your friend! All he wants is to kill you. That is his ultimate plan for you. Do not be deceived…. Satan hates your guts!

Sure, he throws out lies to make you believe that he has something that will soothe your pain, relieve your stress, quench your thirst and longings. He’s been doing that since the Garden of Eden. Bottom-line; he can’t stand you! But if you insist on befriending him anyway, knowing he hates the very ground you walk on know that God will eventually turn you over to your daddy [Satan] and when He does, your daddy [Satan] is going to do anything and everything to you and it ain’t going to be nice. For he is as evil as God is good; as selfish as God is unselfish; and as hateful as God is loving. And he is out to get you [Ephesians 6:10-12]. He has a plan of destruction and he is not just going to lie down, roll over and let you be what God wants you to be. He is working overtime to side-line you, to kill you, to steal and to destroy your life. That lying, manipulate, murderer! Never underestimate what he can do. Never underestimate how far he will go to defeat and kill you.  He wants to eat you alive! I’m telling you on the authority of God’s Word, Satan, is a cold blooded killer and he’s coming as swift as he can to take you out. You may not want to think about it or even accept it, but if you have determined to follow Jesus with all your heart, Satan has marked you for destruction.

Now I’m going to share with you three principles of Warfare. If you will latch onto these principles, you can live a life full of happiness, health, peace, prosperity and accomplishment. If you ignore them, you will live a life of defeat and depression and fear and uncertainty and self-doubt. Not to mention a lack of direction, financial ruin, and continual discouragement because that’s Satan’s objective. Without these principles you have no chance of survival! NONE! Not any! You are like a baby in front of a wild tiger seeking whom he may devour. And he will devour you, Associates, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, Doctorate and all, if you do not latch on the whole armor of God. I tell you we are under heavy attack. A spiritual and moral attack, and the devastation of this spiritual war is all around us in our society, our government, our universities, our entertainment media, our neighborhoods, our families, our churches, and our own lives. There are wounded people all around us, and we ourselves have been pierced by the fiery arrows of our enemy. To survive and to win, we must mount a strong defense and engage the enemy in battle. We must learn to “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!” Because behind the confusion and fog of the battle is a crafty, powerful, and devastatingly real spiritual being that Jesus has called, “the ruler of this world” the Devil.

Now God has given us specific steps that enable us to be conquerors: First, we are to lay hold of the complete protection of Christ, what the Bible calls the full armor of God. Second, once fully armed, we are to pray. Effective prayer is the result of actively putting on the armor of God. Third and finally, in the face of Satan’s attacks, we are to stand firm in our faith with the certain knowledge that the battle is the Lord’s. Our faith in His victory; a victory that is already accomplished on the cross is what overcomes the world. So, as part of the Lord’s army, our commander has given us our marching orders, along with His authority, to take dominion from the enemy. The Holy Spirit in [Ephesians 6: 10-18] presents the equipment of our warfare.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people. This is a fight that will not end until we are before the throne of God. Every day, for the rest of your life, you must fight this fight – or you will fall. But by God’s grace, we all can stand. By God’s grace, we can reach the end of our lives and say with Paul, “I have fought the good fight [the fight of faith!] I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” I hope and pray that this message has equipped you with enough artillery to defeat Satan. Do not be deceived, Satan is not your friend, he is your enemy!




What It Do With the LUE: Indie Artist Award Show

The Real Dirty Birdy

The Real Dirty Birdy

This week What it do with LUE is LUE Productions 2015 Indie Artist Award Show “My Music, My MIC”! Starring – The Real Dirty Birdy; Radio Base; LUE Productions Camp – Paul Douglas, Dada Doe, Mack Pepperboy, Speaker Junkiez, Dunamis L1019, Gwaap Fam, and Nya BanXXX!

Don’t miss this EPIC event honoring and recognizing businesses, entertainment entities, individuals and artists that have contributed to the music within the Inland Empire. DRESS UP & STEP UP! This will be an evening to remember.

Radio Base

Radio Base

Please show your support by coming out Saturday, August 1, 2015 located the Sports Center in San Bernardino 690 S. Arrowhead Avenue in San Bernardino. Red Carpet and Social Hour will be held from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. and the award show will run from 8:15 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. After the show, feel free to stay and turn up some more at the After Party from 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tickets are $15.00 at the door. For more information, please call (909) 567-1000.

An Evening of Royal Love featuring Willie Latimore and Friends Draws National Attention with Moving Tribute to the Houston family

Comedian Jaye Devan, Singer Devyn Kelly and Willie Latimore

Comedian Jaye Devan, Singer Devyn Kelly and Willie Latimore

LOS ANGELES, CA- Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Author and Elite City Production’s founder Willie Latimore celebrated his 30 year milestone of life, love and music at an intimate fundraising event on Sunday night at the House of Music and Entertainment (H.O.M.E.) in Beverly Hills.

Latimore’s fans were treated to a phenomenal lineup of entertainment including; the comedic talents of Jaye Devan, singer Devyn Kelly, songwriter/recording artist Desmond “Decope” Copeland, and humanitarian/recording artist Barry Bartlett expounded on Latimore’s new book “Removing Your Mountains Thru the Power of Love” and performed a riveting spoken word piece. Special appearances included RCA Recording artist Aanysa; “Raising Whitley” cast members Harold Bell and Samantha Cha (host); comedian and actor Derrick Fields (co-host); international model, motivational speaker and body builder Shawn Lupree and a host of other special guests.

As the somber news about the demise of Bobbi Kristina Brown broke, Fox Channel 11 News captured an awe-inspiring tribute to Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown, and got reaction from guests about her untimely death.

The evening continued as Latimore and the superb vocal talents of NBC’s The Voice Season 7 finalist Damien Lawson teamed up on stage, their voices harmoniously blending together, giving an earth-shattering performance.

Latimore performed his latest single, “How Do I Get To Love“, and concluded by taking everyone to church with an anointed medley of spirit-filled songs, leaving his audience longing for more.

For more information about upcoming shows forthcoming, visit

“Smile… You’re On Candid Camera 24-Hr Video Surveillance!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

I Didn’t Do It… It Wasn’t MeOh, Really!  Did you forget that God is an omniscience [all-knowing] God? That He sees all, both that which is public and that which is private… That He sees all things at all times… [Psalms 33:14-15] tell us that, “From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place, He watches all who live on earth – He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.”  [Hebrews 4:13] tells us that– “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” It is imperative that you remember that God knows all things, past, present and future, real and potential, and He knows them all at the same time. He not only knows what was, what is, but He also knows what will be, and more than that, He knows everything that could be. Remember that old quote, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time…” Well, you can NEVER fool God!

But this is how we think. We are apt to commit sin and evil because we think that no one is watching us and nobody knows what’s going on with us except ourselves. Do not deceive yourself my friend; God is watching everything you do. When you look around and feel like there is no one else around, you must realize the existence of God who looks down from heaven upon you. It is that moment in life from which you know you cannot hide. You cannot escape. It is a moment that is terrifying and comforting – unsettling and reassuring both at the same time. It is terrifying because you realize you can no longer pretend or get away with it. He knows every secret, every thought, every word you have spoken, and everything you have done. Yet, for some unexplainable reason, it is also reassuring. If God knows everything about me and is still willing to call me by my name – that is astonishing! He calls out to me – not to terrify me, but to speak to me as a friend. He calls me by name! Isn’t that just amazing!

Now for those of you who don’t believe that God is all-knowing… I will confidently say that few doctrines are so explicitly taught as the doctrine of God’s omniscience. Consider the following statement of Scripture: 1 Samuel 2: 3; 1 John 3:20; Psalms 147:5; Hebrews 4:13... And that only scratches the surface. The Bible in many places sets forth implications of God’s unlimited knowledge. Consider further the following statements: Luke 12: 7; Psalm 139:4; Psalm 139:2; Matthew 6:8; Psalm 139:2-3. I tell you, God knows everything you are going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and every moment of every day until the moment of your death. Psalm 139:16. He records every word you say and will someday call you to account for every careless, thoughtless, unkind and unchristian comment. Matt 12:36 He sees everything you do in secret – both the good and the bad. Matt 6:4; He hears every whispered word and will one day, shout them from the rooftop. Luke 123:3. No wonder David exclaimed as he pondered how much God knew about him, Psalm 139:5. He felt trapped by God’s knowledge of his every word and deed.  All these truths should give us pause the next time we are tempted to think that no one can hear what we are saying or no one knows what we are thinking or doing. How wrong we are! One day you will give account for every careless word and every unspoken thought. Not only that, you will answer for the motives behind your thoughts. Before you speak; before you think, remember, God sees and knows everything you do. He hears everything you say. He will someday judge you for all of it. Nothing escapes Him. Everything is transparent before His eyes.

One final word and I am done. This doctrine of God’s omniscience should strike terror into the heart of every unbeliever. Jesus said, “Men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken.” [Matt 12:36]. God’s omniscience is the basis of His judgment. This is not good news for sinners. We cannot hide anything. He knows all our works and thought and brings them all into judgment. But the wicked man says, “God has forgotten; he covers his face and never sees.” [Psalm 10:11]. Wrong! Who knows? God knows! [Job 34:21] “His eyes are on the ways of men; He sees their every step. You can sin and go to Hell if you desire. No one is going to fool God. No one is going to escape judgment. “Do not fool yourself into thinking otherwise. Smile…You’re On Candid Camera, 24–Hr Video Surveillance!

Ernest J. Wilson, III Joins Cal Wellness’ Board of Directors

unnamed (4)SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The California Wellness Foundation’s (Cal Wellness) Board of Directors elected a new member, Ernest J. Wilson III, who is Dean of the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California, a professor of political science and a faculty fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. His service is effective immediately.

“We are excited to welcome Dr. Wilson to the Board and believe he will bring new expertise to the Foundation,” said Elizabeth M. Gomez, Cal Wellness’ Board chair. “He has a fresh perspective from his work related to academia, communications and political science. We are all looking forward to working with him as Cal Wellness implements its Advancing Wellness grants program.”

Wilson is the Walter H. Annenberg Chair in Communication at USC’s Annenberg School, a renowned higher education institution that offers multidisciplinary approaches to the study of communication and journalism. He also heads USC Annenberg’s Third Space, an initiative that helps create a talent pool of next-generation leaders who will shape the future of media, communications, entertainment and business.

He holds a doctorate in political science and has served as director of international programs and resources on the National Security Council at the White House; director of the Policy and Planning Unit for the U.S. Information Agency; deputy director of the Global Information Infrastructure Commission; an advisor for President Barack Obama’s transition team; and a board member and board chair of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

“The Thrill is Gone!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

In our relationship with one another we don’t have to tell someone that our love has grown cold towards them… they know it! They know it because of how we behave towards them. God wants you to know today that He is aware that your love has grown cold toward Him and that it breaks His heart that the thrill is gone.

You know the apostle Paul wrote [1Cor. 13:3 and John 4:24] a message to the church of their need to examine themselves and their love for Christ. He said, “Don’t try to worship God with lies. Don’t’ tell Him that you love Him if you really don’t love Him. Don’t’ try to convince Him that you love Him by telling Him all you do for Him. When two people really love each other, they aren’t mechanical in their relationship. Their love is spontaneous.” When you fall in love with someone, you don’t think its strange to tell them so over and over. And if you can’t see them that day, you’re sure to call or write just to remind them that you love them. You don’t neglect to let each other know you still have that same love. You don’t keep quiet just because you take it for granted that they still know it.  When you stop telling your mate you love them, that’s an indication that perhaps you no longer do love them. You can’t keep love quiet. When you really love someone, you’re not ashamed to express that love. It doesn’t sound repetitious. No, its music to their ears. How much more should we tell the Lord we love Him, even though we know He is aware of it? Because apparently Him knowing is very important [John 21:15]. Listen, there’s nothing harder than a one-sided marriage, where one mate loves the other but receives no love in return. A love relationship needs to be mutual if it is to grow. Now, the Lord loves you, and He doesn’t want that love to be one sided. He gives you His love but also wants to receive your love and devotion. I tell you, some of us need to go back to that, “Old Time Religion, When It Was Good Enough for Me.” Some of us need to ask God to “Take Us Back to Where We First Received Him.” Think back to where the Lord found you and what He did for you when He saved you by Grace. Remember those days when just the mere mention of the name of Jesus was enough to bring tears to yours eyes. Remember those days when “Amazing Grace” made you nearly have a shouting spell. That is where the Lord wants to bring you back to!

Let me tell you a story of, “Undying Love.” …The story of Hosea and Gomer… I want you to know that Hosea is one of the most emotional books in the Bible, an outpouring of persistent love from God’s heart. Hosea begins with a love story – a painful, personal love story, the prophet’s very own. Hosea had married a woman who became unfaithful to him and brought great shame upon him. Yet though she cheated on him, Hosea still loved her. Though she humiliated him, he did not divorce her. Why not? Because God had told him that his painful love story would help him understand and feel with another more painful love story: the painful love of God for His people. Hosea’s feelings about Gomer give us a sense of how the Lord felt about Israel and how He feels about us today.  God made Hosea live the tragedy of Israel’s unfaithfulness by marrying a harlot. And if Hosea scandalized the good people of Israel by doing this, that’s exactly the reaction God wanted… because Israel’s own idolatry and spiritual adultery was shocking and scandalous in God’s eyes! According to one theologian, “In God’s eyes, whoever forsakes the Lord is an adulteress, a harlot, and a whore. There are no religious “singles” in God’s eyes. Everyone is either faithfully married to God or is a prostitute to the idol they are serving” he said. God made you for himself. If you “get your kicks” from somewhere else, you are committing great harlotry against God. That was Israel’s condition.

And so God took Hosea and said, as it were, “Before I give you a word of judgment and grace for Israel, I am going to make you know what it’s like to be married to an unfaithful wife. Hosea, marry a harlot!” His marriage is an acted-out parable of God’s relations to Israel.  Hosea would understand and feel the magnitude of God’s broken heart and deep sorrows. “If the prophet could be so wounded in his spirit by his wife’s adultery, then what must the Lord feel by centuries of such treatment by the very people He had formed for His own glory, as His personal possession?”  Stop and think about what it would take for a loving father or mother to say to a child: “I disown you. I disinherit you. You are no longer my son or my daughter, I will not show you anymore love, mercy, or pity, no matter how much you cry out to me!” It would take decades of rebellion, hate, and evil atrocities on the part of an adult held to merit such a harsh judgment, right? So God wants us to feel His heart here, which has been broken and trampled on, for centuries, by the people He loved and rescued and cared for all these years! To know that you deserve to be broken, disowned, and shown no more love, how could God remain just and righteous in His judgment of us, and at the same time, show us such bountiful mercy? The only answer – God, in His immeasurable grace and mercy, will not give up on His people forever. This is a love that will not let us go! Does this grip your heart? Does this move you to respond to God’s mercy? It should! And if it doesn’t, then you better check to see if you have a spiritual pulse. Cry out to the Lord and ask Him to revive you.

Listen, the Christian life is about loving Christ. It is about loving Him singularly. It is about loving Him totally. It is about loving Him sacrificially. It is about loving Him obediently. It is about loving Him worshipfully. It is about loving Him in terms of service. It really is about loving Jesus Christ. That’s what it means to be a Christian. Now, if you understand the Old Testament, the great commandment was to love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. This is the sum of all that God requires, and your neighbor as yourself. But it starts with loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, which is just a way of saying loving God comprehensively, totally, completely. Now if that’s the sum of the law, then that has to be the sum of the relationship. That can’t be altered when it comes to being a Christian.

So I ask you as a believer today – “Have you left your first love? Have you become so busy and preoccupied with life, that Jesus is no longer that important to you? If you sense you have, you need to stop and remember what it was like when you really loved the Lord. You need to repent of the things that have come between you and Him. And you need to return to the basic things of a relationship with the Lord: joyful worship, glad serving, and thankful living. Remember your first love…Remember how much you loved Jesus at the beginning and go back to that. Love Him like you used to!


A Night of Glitz & Glam at the Indie Artist Award Show


SAN BERNARDINO, CA— From leaving the office to grinding all night in the studio, to street promotions, to doing shows from city to city, Indie Artists hustle and they hustle hard to be heard. On Saturday, August 1, LUE Productions will be acknowledging those hardworking artists at the first annual “My Music, My Mic: Indie Artist Award Show”. The award show will take place from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Sports Center at the National Orange Show located at 690 S. Arrowhead Street in San Bernardino.

The night will be filled with photo ops, raffles, live  performances, vendors, a fashion show hosted by Josh Scott and LUE Productions models, and much more! To kick the night off and keep things upbeat, Comedian Anthony Stone and JaNay JaNiece the Model will be the hosts and announcing some of the hottest talent to emerge out of the Inland Empire.

The recipients that will be recognized this year include: Yung Miss, Nya Banxx, Carl Fontaine, Aaron Swift, Teknik Yung Prospect, Official Bizz, Dunamis L1019, Imon, Gwapp Fam, T-Bone, Paul Douglass, Justified Smith, Hannibal Lec, Yung Muuisk, C Dub, Speaker Junkiez, Cali G, Lowla Scott, and Mack Pepperboy. In addition to the artist award recipients, there will also be special community recognition of individuals and companies that will be receiving The Allen Award for their hard work, dedication, and commitment that show in the community and for the support that show indie artists. These individuals include: Westside Story Newspaper, Monivision TV, Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cities, Mike C a.k.a. The Guru of the I.E., The Real dirty Birdy, and Bigg Dee.

Immediately following the award show there will be an exclusive after party from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. hosted by Lil Mike Tyson of THAD and LUE Productions models Faith and Cassandra. After party performances include Radio Base, Cali G, Teknik Young Prospect, Imon, Justified Smith, C Dub, and Shafik City.

This will be an epic night that you don’t want to miss out on. The Inland Empire will stepping out in their best and latest attire. Tickets can be purchased for $10 before Monday, July 20 and $15 at the door. For more information or to purchase your ticket, please call (909) 567-1000, (909) 496-2151, (909) 556-7637, or (714) 833-3196.

Linda Smith Statement on Closing of Four-D College

Four-D College

Four-D College

For those who may now have heard the news by now, Four-D College has permanently closed its doors due to uncontrollable circumstances. Four-D College has been accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) since 1996. The job placements of its graduates have been accepted without question up until 2011. For unknown specific reasons, the agency began to deny the job-related placements of its graduates without provocation. Due to the actions of ABHES rejecting the placements of graduates into viable employment, ABHES issued an act to deny the renewal of Four-D College’s accreditation. The institution has diligently, with legal counsel, tried to have ABHES accept its placement records in recent years. It should be noted that the placement of graduates in job-related fields from other institutions accredited by ABHES, have been accepted at the same level or below submissions of Four-D College. Due to ABHES’ actions, the Institution’s Title-IV funding has been gravely effected and has made it impossible for the Institution to continue to operate. Below is a statement from the founder of the college, Linda Smith:

“I have had the pleasure of operating a private Christian College for 23 years. In our environment we were able to pray with students, faculty, and staff. Many students accepted the Lord as their Savior while on campus. Students and faculty prayed at the beginning of each class and prayers were read over the intercom daily. What occurred to Four D College was unprecedented and of our control. I sincerely apologize to all that all of my endeavors to keep the school open were unsuccessful. Below is information provided to you, the reader, and agencies.”

Linda Smith

Linda Smith

She continues, to agencies:

“This is the official notice that Four-D College is closed. The plague of unfair circumstances brought upon the institution by ABHES and legal counsel are unprecedented. It is a known fact that all schools job related placement for pharmacy technician is pharmacy clerk positions and VN graduates are placed in related fields until they obtain their license.             Four-D College graduates in these fields were placed the same as other ABHES’S schools. The only difference, particular between American Career College and the Dallas School of Nursing, is each of these schools have staff members as ABHES Commissioners. This fact was repeatedly ignored during the multiple presentations with legal counsel and the Commissions.

From 1996 to 2011 Four-D College never was required to place graduates in title specific job only and all of our job related position were rejected by Mike White and the Commission. As the President of a private Christian College, I know that the Lord will oversee all of the ugliness that was directed at us. We all are grateful to God that for 23 years we had an environment where we could pray with our students, faculty and staff. Thank you and God’s speed. Linda Smith.”


“Stop & Think!

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

If you have to die and go to Heaven or Hell, it just makes sense that you should go to Heaven, doesn’t it? Just stop and think, how ridiculous it is to try to talk someone into going to Heaven. To have to holler and scream and beg and plead and pry and kick, to try and talk someone into going to Heaven is, to me, one of the most absurd thoughts in the world. You ought to be jumping at the chance. You ought to be begging, “TELL ME HOW!” It ought to be that anybody who knows he’s got to die would have enough sense to want to go to Heaven when he dies. Listen, I have not been commissioned to tell you what I believe, or what I think. I have been commissioned to tell you what God says. We know what God says is true. We know that there is a Hell. We know that we must warn men to escape the “wrath to come.” So my question to you,  is anything worth taking a chance of going to Hell over, any sin or any personal rebellion? … No, certainly not… Is it wise to gamble with your soul?… No, because life is so short and can end so quickly…. That is why the Bible says, “Now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation.” Jesus expressed it is senseless to “lose your own soul.” Jesus said, “What is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” You would be a wise man, woman, boy and girl to come to Jesus before one day you wake up in a dreadful permanent place called Hell. Why not come to Jesus today? He will save. He will satisfy. He will secure, if you will only come to Him. It’s an awful thing to remember that you could be in Hell in another minute. David said, “there is but a step between me and death” (1 Sam 20:3) What if Christ is not your Savior? This means that you would be doomed forever.  Now you may deny the fact of Hell, but that does not change the fact that it exists. Fire burns, whether you choose to believe that it does or not… poison kills, whether you believe it will or not. The world is round, whether you believe it or not and Hell is a reality whether you believe it or not. And if you reject the offer Christ is making today, you will go to Hell, whether you believe you will or not.

Now listen to Jesus. He knew the truth about Hell. He spoke more about Hell than anybody else in the Bible. In fact, He spoke more about Hell than everybody else in the Bible combined. And He defined it as conscious, eternal punishment. He told the story of a certain rich man who died and went down to Hell and was in torment. He said that the man cried out, “I am tormented in these flames.” He said that the man was anxious for his brothers to repent, so that they would not come to that “place of torment.” [Luke 16:14-31]. Now look at the biblical expression which describe Hell. It is called a Lake of Fire – a bottomless pit – a horrible tempest – a devouring fire – a place of sorrows – a place of weeping and wailing – a place of torments – everlasting destruction – a place of outer darkness – a place where men have no rest – a place where men are tormented with fire and brimstone – a place where the fire is not quench. It is a place of separation from God.  It is a place of unsatisfied desires.  It is a place of vilest companionship. The worst people, the meanest, cruelest, filthiest people will be there. And to add to the horrors of Hell for some people. They live clean lives, they are cultured and refined, they are good citizens, and they are nice to their family and friends, but they reject Jesus Christ. One day they will be cast into Hell, to live the rest of eternity with liars, adulterers, murderers, drunkards, homosexuals, and the vilest of creatures. This will be an awful thing for them and will last forever. They can never die and leave these people, and they can’t get up and move away. It is a place of hopelessness. It is a place of suffering. It is a place of memory. The misery of hell will be so great that you will not want to be there. Whatever you believe or do not believe, when you choose against God, you will be shocked beyond words. Your misery will be so great that you will want to do anything in your power to escape. Esau wept bitterly that he could not repent [Hebrew 12:17]. The Hell he was entering into he found to be totally miserable, and he wanted out, but it was too late! Don’t wait until it’s too late?

You know, the 19th chapter of Genesis gives a very sordid picture of the city of Sodom. In that great and wicked city lived a man named Lot. God was about to destroy Sodom in a fiery judgment. But He sent two angels to lead Lot and his family out of the city before judgment fell. Yet Lot lingered. He knew the city would be destroyed, but he hesitated. In doing this he reminds us of an awakened sinner. Like Lot, the awakened sinner knows that judgment is coming. Like Lot, he knows he must turn away from sin, come out of the world, and come to Christ. But even as Lot lingered in Sodom,  an awakened sinner hesitate, hold back, and linger on, without coming to Christ. Don’t do it! Don’t go to Hell! The angels were sent as messengers to lead Lot out of danger. And so it is that the Holy Spirit has compelled me to lead you out of the path of destruction, and point you to Christ. It is a sign of God’s mercy to encourage you to come to Him. Don’t defy God in salvation. If God is dealing with you with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, pressing you to come to Christ, oh, don’t strive with Him! Don’t stand against Him as did Pharaoh of old. If God wants you saved, submit to His wooing’s. May you make the right choice.