WSSN Stories

2024 in Review: 7 Questions for Incoming Black Caucus Vice Chair Asm. Isaac Bryan

By Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

At 32, Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights) has emerged as one of California’s most dynamic Assemblymembers.

As a former Assembly Majority Leader, Bryan has focused his legislative career on addressing racial inequities and systemic injustice, particularly in criminal justice reform, environmental justice, and economic equality.

Now in his fourth year in the legislature, Bryan serves as a generational bridge within the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) as several longer-serving colleagues have left office due to term limits. In 2025, he will assume the influential role of CLBC Vice Chair and is expected to provide greater leadership on issues important to Black Californians.

Representing the 55th Assembly District, which includes both affluent and disadvantaged communities in Los Angeles County, Bryan’s legislative efforts have been crucial in passing policies that uplift marginalized communities, particularly Black Californians, while addressing long-standing systemic inequities.

Recently, Bryan spoke with California Black Media (CBM). He reflected on his legislative efforts in 2024, the challenges he faced, and his vision for 2025.

His responses have been edited for length and clarity.

Reflecting on 2024, what do you believe was your most impactful achievement for advancing the interests of Black Californians, and why? 

The first is AB 2716. It is a major win for environmental justice that addresses long-standing health and safety concerns for Black and lower-income residents living near oil and gas production fields. The second is AB 2906. That bill ensures that foster care children, many of whom are disproportionately Black, receive their rightful survivor benefits from federal programs after their parents pass away. Previously, these funds were often redirected to county budgets. AB 2906 is a real game-changer for foster care youth. We’ve ensured that these kids, who’ve already faced so many obstacles, are not cheated out of the financial support meant for them.

As the incoming Vice Chair of the Black Caucus, how have your leadership and policy efforts helped address key issues impacting Black Californians? 

Leadership is about bringing people together across racial, geographic, and political lines to make meaningful change. The Black Caucus secured $300 million in ongoing funding for California’s lowest-performing students, who are disproportionately Black. We fought hard for this funding, and it’s going to make a real difference in our communities, helping to close the achievement gap.

What were the most significant challenges you faced in advocating for Black Californians, especially in navigating the complexities of reparations discussions and other policies aimed at addressing systemic inequities?

Misinformation and disinformation were huge obstacles in 2024, especially during an election year. These tactics have been used to divide Black communities and diminish their political influence. Another major challenge was navigating the state’s budget deficit, which threatened critical programs for Black Californians. We had to fight hard to protect programs in education, housing, and social services from severe cuts. When you’re dealing with a budget deficit, every dollar counts, and we had to ensure that our communities weren’t the ones left shortchanged.

What events or movements inspired you the most in your efforts to support Black communities?

Watching grassroots organizations and everyday people stand up for their communities, especially when it comes to health and safety, has been powerful. It’s inspiring to see local advocates and community members not only speak up, but demand the right to live in safe, healthy environments.

What lessons from 2024 have shaped your approach to policy and decision-making?

The biggest lesson from 2024 is the importance of persistence. As leaders, we have to stay committed to the long game, even when the path is difficult. The fight for equity, whether it’s in housing, education, or environmental justice, requires consistency. You can’t let up.

In one word, what do you see as the most pressing issue Black Californians are facing?

Equity. We need to make sure that Black Californians are not left behind as we move forward as a state. This means pushing to repair past harms and fighting for fair access to resources and opportunities in every aspect of life, whether it’s education, jobs, or health.

What is the one goal you are most committed to achieving in 2025 as Vice Chair of the Black Caucus?

My number one goal for 2025 is to ensure that the state’s budget is not balanced on the backs of Black Californians. The budget is a moral document, and it needs to reflect our values of fairness and justice.

“I Tell You; The Only Thing Worse Than Being Lost and Going to Hell is-”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

Being lost and going to Hell, thinking you were going to Heaven. A line from a Negro spiritual says it well, “Everybody talkin’ ’bout Heaven ain’t goin’ there.”

You see, Jesus makes one of the most startling statements in the entire Bible. He says, not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. [Matthew 7:21-27]. Some people who will think they are saved are, in fact, still lost and headed to Hell! Why? Because Jesus says that not all who profess Him possess Him. [Titus 1:16].

So, you can sing, “When We All Get to Heaven” if you want to; But if you are not doing what the song says, “Trusting, Serving Every Day; Being Truthful and Faithful,” you can forget about it. [Matthew 7:21-23; Hebrews 10:26-31; Revelation 21:8; Galatians 5:19-21; Jude 1:7].

As Paul wrote to the people in the Church at Corinth, examine yourself to see if you are truly in the Faith. Prove your own self, giving diligence to make your calling and election sure. For if ye do these things, ye shall never fall. [2 Corinthians 13:5; 2 Peter 1:10] because professing Christ and not possessing Him you will be excluded from Heaven. Beside you can appear to have your act together with the Lord, but God knows the true condition of each man’s heart. For He says in [Mark 4:12; Jeremiah 17:9-10] the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.

I tell you, so many people think they are saved because they consider themselves good people, because they have said a “Sinner’s Prayer, been Baptized, Pray, Read the Bible, Fast, Pay Tithes, Do Good Works, Go to Church, Hold a Position in Church, Speak in Tongues, Heal, Cast out Demons, Prophesize and do Miracles in Jesus name which is all good but as [Titus 1:15-16] says, none of them will get you into Heaven if your conscience is defiled.

Such people claim they know God, but they deny Him by the way they live. That’s why Jesus says, for many will say to Me in that day, have we not prophesied in Thy name, cast out devils, and done many wonderful works in Thy name?  And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: Depart from me, ye that worker iniquity. [Matthew 7:22-23]. Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: These people say they are mine. They honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me, and their worship of Me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote. [Matthew 15:7-9; Mark 7:6; Isaiah 29:13; Jeremiah 12:2].

Don’t recite My Laws no longer, and don’t pretend that you obey Me. For you refuse My discipline and treat My Laws [God’s Word & God’s Commandments] like trash. [Psalm 50:16-22]. You draw near to Me with your mouth. You Honor Me with your lips, you worship Me, but you are not saved. On the outside you look Righteous and Holy, but you are not. While you did all this, I remained silent, and you thought I didn’t care. But now I will rebuke you, listing all my charges against you. [Psalms 50:21].

These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. [1 Timothy 4:2]. They seek to enter Heaven. They knock at God’s door. They pray and call upon the name of the Lord. [Matthew 7:21]. They take Communion. They say to Me, “Lord, Lord. They prophesize in My name. They cast out devils in My name.  They do many wonderful works in My name, yet they perish. What a terrible day that is going to be for so many people who believe they lived good lives and should be allowed into Heaven. [Proverbs 14:12].

The Bible clearly states you must: Repent and Believe the Gospel, Forsake all Sin, and Obey God’s Word. [John 3:3,7, 36; John 5:24; John 6:28-29]. So, follow Jesus command: so that you may enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” [Matthew 7:13–14]. For many are called, but few are chosen. [Matthew 22:14].

Then I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel: 12,000 from the tribe of Judah were sealed, 12,000 from the tribe of Reuben, 12,000 from the tribe of Gad, 12,000 from the tribe of Asher, 12,000 from the tribe of Naphtali, 12,000 from the tribe of Manasseh, 12,000 from the tribe of Simeon, 12,000 from the tribe of Levi, 12,000 from the tribe of Issachar, 12,000 from the tribe of Zebulun, 12,000 from the tribe of Joseph, 12,000 from the tribe of Benjamin were sealed. [Revelation 7:4-8].

I Tell You; The Only Thing Worse Than Being Lost and Going to Hell is Being lost and Going to Hell, Thinking You Were Going to Heaven.

2024 in Review: 7 Questions for Outgoing Black Caucus Chair Asm. Lori Wilson

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

Assemblymember Lori D. Wilson (D-Suisun City) was elected in a special election in April 2022 to represent California’s 11th Assembly District, which includes all of Solano County and portions of Contra Costa and Sacramento Counties.

Prior to her election to the Assembly, Wilson was the first Black female Mayor to serve in the entire history of Solano County.

In August of 2022, Wilson was elected Chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC). Her tenure ended this month.

In the Assembly — and as CLBC Chair — Wilson says she has prioritized bringing state services directly to individuals, local businesses, veterans, non-profits, and local governments. Wilson said her efforts focus on people and organizations that have needed help interacting with government agencies and accessing resources.A native Californian, raised on the west side of Fresno, Wilson is married to her high school sweetheart, Chavares Wilson, a retired Air Force Reserve Technical Sergeant. They have been blessed with two sons, Tyler and Kiren, a daughter-in-law, Brittney, and a grandson, Weston.

California Black Media (CBM)spoke with Wilson about her accomplishments, challenges and lessons she learned over the last year.

Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

Looking back at 2024, what stands out to you as your most important achievement as Chair of the CLBC and why? 

The End of Slavery Act — getting that across the finish line and to voters as Prop 6.  It was a central piece of our reparations legislative package.  It failed last year at the very end. I was so disappointed. But it was good for me to experience that as a brand-new legislator. Just because something is moral and has values associated with it that are consistent with California’s values, that doesn’t mean people will vote for it.

The other involves the bonds. It’s rare for a legislator to be a negotiator on two bonds – Prop 2  and Prop 4 — that made it unto the ballot for voters to decide during the November elections.

How did your leadership contribute to improving the lives of Black Californians? 

Well, I think, for sure, there are so many of us; we’re disproportionately impacted by the carceral system, and so if we can get this language changed, I think it will make an impact to ensuring that Black Californians in the system have dignity as well as truly get an opportunity to rehabilitate.

On the education bond, I was instrumental in getting the add-on language for resources like school kitchen facilities to have more access to produce and farmers markets and things like that. As well as urban greening.

On the climate bond, I was instrumental in getting the agriculture section in there with a substantial number of investments. One particular area was to ensure our farmers of color are included.

What frustrated you the most over the last year?

My greatest frustration is centered around the weaponization of people. Stakeholders in the community who are lobbying directly for bills, when they’re not getting their way, or something happens, they go to the community with soundbites and try to weaponize the community against something that might be beneficial. There were a number of bills this year that were like solid bills, and it took forever to undo someone putting it in a negative light.

I think it’s frustrating in this political environment how much misinformation is out there.

What inspired you the most over the last year?

Always people. When people come in and share their stories. When they come in and share their hopes and dreams. Then, you know that the work that you’re doing is so impactful. Now, you have a person in mind that you’ve talked to, that you know, that has been helped. You know that the moment a bill is signed into law, someone’s life is instantly better.

What is one lesson you learned in 2024 that will inform your decision-making next year?

Behind my nameplate, there is a card that has been there since 2015. Somebody wrote down a quote from Jerry Brown. Ever since I found this card on my desk, I’ve been ruminating. It says, “the challenge is to build for the future, not steal from it.” That is such a profound statement.

In one word, what is the biggest challenge Black Californians face?

Familiarity. People are so familiar with our struggle that they minimize it. Other people struggle, but ours is so just so familiar that you have to remind people how terrible it is. You have to remind people what racism looks like. You have to remind people what discrimination looks like.

What is the goal you want to achieve most in 2025?

Increasing the quality of life of people in California. It’s always my goal.




Black Parents to Santa Barbara School District: Bullying of Black Students Must Stop

By Ethnic Media Services Staff

SANTA BARBARA, CA – During Black History Month in 2022, two 12-year-old Black boys were the victims of racist bullying. The alarming incidents happened at two different Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD) junior high schools.

SBUSD is being sued by the victims’ mothers, who accuse school officials of not doing more to protect their kids in a city where African Americans have long been an extreme minority.

Over the last 50 years, Santa Barbara’s Black population has decreased nearly two percentage points from a peak of 3.27% in 1970 to about 1.37% in 2024, according to data from World Population Review. That decline in Santa Barbara reflects a broader trend across the state, which experienced a total loss of more than one million Black residents from 2000 to 2020, according to a study conducted by the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA.

In June 2020, in response to the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, SBUSD issued a “Resolution in Support of Black Santa Barbara Youth,” stating, “We do not tolerate hate or racism and must respond swiftly and decisively when we encounter intolerance, inequity, and bias on our campuses.”

Less than two years later, a Black Santa Barbara Junior High student was assaulted by Latino classmates mimicking the lethal police attack on George Floyd, their knees pressed against the victim’s neck. Within days, a Black La Colina Junior High student was bullied by a White student who made a TikTok video comparing photos of him and other Black students to monkeys and apes. The video, accompanied by an offensive song, was festooned with the N-word.

In their initial court filing, mothers Leeandra Shalhoob and Katherine McCullough argued the attacks were the culmination of a pattern of racist bullying throughout their sons’ years in Santa Barbara public schools. Shalhoob said that despite the district’s proclamations, school officials allegedly acknowledged, “We don’t know how to deal with this.”

Blacks make up less than 1% of SBUSD’s student body, which is majority Latino (61%) followed by White students (31%). Asian American and Pacific Islander, Native American and students of two or more races account for the remainder.

Shalhoob and McCullough initially filed suit against the district in August 2022 seeking reform of SBUSD’s practices and compensation for the toll on their sons. Mediation efforts collapsed in December 2022. In February of this year, they filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against SBUSD. The filing requested unspecified damages and a jury trial. The case is still pending.

The mothers allege that despite the schools’ awareness of racist bullying, teachers and administrators failed to intervene, protect their children, adequately inform the parents or provide prompt and effective support for their sons.

“It’s difficult to put a dollar amount on wanting someone to do something right,” said Shalhoob. “I had to learn that often change comes from someone feeling like they had to pay for what they did wrong.”

She continued, “But more than anything, I just don’t want anyone at Santa Barbara Unified School District ever again to be able to say, ‘I didn’t know what to do.’”

Not long after the attacks, McCullough said that Gateway Educational Services, a Black women-led nonprofit learning center, and Healing Justice Santa Barbara, a Black women-led nonprofit, organized parents and children that spring to speak out at school board meetings about unchecked anti-Black racism in the SBUSD.

McCullough said, “There was a common outrage at the lack of transparency.”

In addition to complaints from other parents at the school board meetings, students talked about how regularly they were called racist names by their classmates, how they felt seeing racist slurs written on surfaces in the locker rooms, how they were mocked for their appearances and compared to animals.

In response to the public outcry, school board president Wendy Sims-Moten, pushed the district to independently audit the schools’ racial climate.

The district hired an independent auditor to conduct the assessment using surveys and 24 focus groups. The study participants included 585 district and school staff, 888 families and caregivers and 4,694 students. At the time of the audit, from October 2022 to February 2023, there were about 12,500 children enrolled in the district.

Among the April 2023 report’s key findings: students said school staff ignored and therefore normalized racist bullying. “It’s kind of normal to come to school and feel like it’s going to be a racist day today,” a student remarked in a focus group. “Students get in trouble for cursing, but not for using the N-word,” another said.

Staff said they had no clear guidance for how to handle racist incidents. “Santa Barbara staff stated their immediate reaction in response to directly or indirectly encountering racism was to report the event to an acting administrator or supervisor rather than hold space to serve as the first line of defense against racism and anti-Blackness,” the report noted.

Shevon Hoover, who says anti-Black racist incidents have been an “annual occurrence” for her son the past six years, helped organize the push for the climate survey. “The only people that were really surprised [by the findings], I think, was the school district and the administrators, and quite frankly, the White teachers who are completely disconnected,” Hoover said.

About 67% of SBUSD’s teachers are White. According to a focus group summary of school professionals, many “expressed an uncertainty for whether or not their race or whiteness disqualifies them as individuals able to lead anti-racist and pro-Black efforts in the district.”

Since the report’s release, the district has been working on several reforms, including an app where students can file reports as soon as something happens and staff training on how to effectively “recognize, respond and report” racist offenses when they happen.

“We now have a policy,” said Sims-Moten. “We have an oversight committee that is helping us guide many of the policies and the responses. And for the first time, we now have a procedure that talks about here’s how you respond. And here’s also how you follow up with families so that they don’t feel left in the dark when these incidents occur.”

Still, for Shalhoob and McCullough, these efforts are too little, too late.

McCullough’s son, who has dyslexia and anxiety, has struggled with serious depression since the racist TikTok video. She said his condition has changed the family dynamic with everyone on edge “because we know that [he’s] not a hundred percent stabilized mentally and emotionally because of the effects of this.”

Two years later, the kid behind that devastating video, and McCullough’s son are both at Santa Barbara High School. So are Shalhoob’s son and the kids who bullied him.

“There’s one main hall at Santa Barbara High School and for a couple of weeks he was dodging the main hall because kids would say, ‘I can’t breathe’ when he walked by,” Shalhoob said. “And still nobody’s doing anything.”

Worst of all, Shalhoob feels she’s failed her child.

“I feel like it’s just taught him like, yeah, that adult might love you to death and might want to make things better for you, but it’s just shown him how, excuse my language, but how f-up the system is.”

The idea that teachers would need special training in protecting Black kids from obviously damaging situations, like getting called the n-word, or dismissing kneeling on someone’s neck as “horsing around,” enrages Shalhoob.

“That’s what brought me the most anger. I don’t think you need training to deal with it,” she said. “You just need to be a human.”

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library in partnership with the California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate program. To report a hate incident or hate crime and get support, go to CA vs Hate.



“The Eternal Consequence of a Delayed Decision.”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

You will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from His glorious power. The most severe consequence of delaying salvation. Eternal Separation from God. [2 Thessalonians 1:5-10].

You will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Eternal Torment Forever and Ever [Revelation 14:9-11].

You will forever regret your decision to reject God’s offer of salvation. Eternal Lament Forever and ever. [Luke 16:19-31].

Knowing that truth, tell me, if you ignore God’s provision for your soul’s salvation, how will you escape the consequences of such neglect? How will you escape His wrath? [John 3:36]; His condemnation? [John 3:18]; His word of banishment? [Matthew 26:41]. You will not!

Listen, do not confuse God’s patience with His tolerance. Yes, God is loving, He is kind, He is patient, but there comes a time when God will say, “Enough.” The story of Sodom and Gomorrah reminds us of such. God said “Enough.” Afterwards, He passed judgment, issued a verdict and carried out the sentence. [Genesis 19:23-25]. Don’t take God’s grace for granted. His patience is not a license to delay salvation, but an opportunity for you to repent and be saved [2 Peter 3:9].

Understand we are living in a time of judgment just as the people of Jesus time were. For us though, the grace of God is being extended as never before. Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means [Romans 6]. Understand the urgency of salvation because of the reality of life’s brevity. Our life on earth is limited. Our days are numbered, and we do not know when our time will come. The offer of Salvation is NOW! Don’t wait until it’s too late! [2 Corinthians 6:2; Isaiah 55:6; 2 Peter 3:9; Isaiah 55:6; James 4:14]. God has given us a limited amount of time on Earth, and we must use it wisely [Luke 12:20] Delaying decisions or actions can lead to missed opportunities. [Proverbs 27; Hebrews 3:15]. Don’t wait until its too late because one day God Mercy is going to expire and when it does, His judgment and wrath will be unleashed. [Romans 2: 1-6]. For He says in [Isaiah 48:9] know that for My own name sake, I will delay My wrath; for the sake of My praise, I will restrain it, so as not to kill you.

You know there is an old imaginary/fictitious story of a convocation of demons who met in Hell to discuss how best to damn and destroy the lives of men. One demon stood and said, “I know how to damn the lives of men. Let us tell them there is “No God.” Satan replied, “A fine suggestion.” We’ll tell them there is no God and some of them will believe it. But the fool has said in his heart there is no God and not all men are fools. We need another suggestion.

Another demon stood and said, “I know what we can do. Let us tell them that the Bible is not inspired, that it isn’t the Word of God.” And Satan smiled and said, very good. We’ll tell them that the Bible isn’t the infallible, inerrant Word of God. But the Bible remains the best seller of all books on earth. We need another suggestion.

Another demon stood and said, “I know what we can do. Let us tell them that Jesus is not the Son of God. He didn’t rise from the grave. That Jesus was merely a mortal man.” Satan said, that’s a good suggestion. We’ll tell them that Jesus was not the Son of God, and many will believe us. But the more we talk about Jesus, the more He draw men to Himself. We need something else.

Finally, another demon stood and said, “I know – Let’s admit it all. Let’s admit that there is a God. Let’s admit that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Let’s admit that Jesus is all that He said He was. Then let’s whisper in their hearts, “But do nothing about it. Some other day. Some other time. At a more convenient season.” And Satan says, “That’s it. There was Hellish applause. The demons said, “That is the best plan of all.” That will work.” And it does.

Almost persuaded” now to believe; Almost persuaded” Christ to receive; Seems now some soul to say, “Go, Spirit, go thy way, some more convenient day on thee I’ll call.”

“Almost persuaded,” come, come today; Almost persuaded,” turn not away; Jesus invites you here, angels are lingering near, prayers rise from hearts so dear; O wanderer, come!

“Almost persuaded,” harvest is past! Almost persuaded,” doom comes at last; “Almost” cannot avail; “Almost” is but to fail! Sad, sad that bitter wail— “Almost—but lost!”  [Author: Philip Bliss]

Jesus Weep! [John 11:35]. You neglected the Rock who begot you and forgot the God who gave you birth. [Deuteronomy 32:18]. They would not, and now they cannot.” [Isaiah 6].

The Eternal Consequence of a Delayed Decision!

Three Percent of Calif’s Doctors are Black. Advocates Want Increased Representation

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

Only 3% of doctors in California are Black, compared to about 5% nationwide.

The California Black Health Network (CBHN), Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) in Los Angeles and other health advocates are working to increase that percentage.

On November 14, CBHN hosted its Health Equity Forum titled “Improving Workforce Development for Better Health Outcomes.” The organization — now 40-plus years in existence – refers to itself as “a trusted resource” for Black health equity in California. CBHN utilizes outreach, education, advocacy and policy work to complete its mission.

The forum is the fourth installment in a series of webinars called the “The Health 4 Life: Healthy Black People Campaign.” The effort aims to empower Black Californians with the information and resources they need to navigate the healthcare system; advocate for friends, family, and themselves; and take action when faced with discrimination

“Where there are Black doctors, we tend to see better health outcomes for Black communities,” said Rhonda Smith, Executive Director of CBHN.

“According to the California Healthcare Foundation, here in California, the state’s medical student education pipeline is not producing enough Black physicians,” Smith continued. “And, unfortunately, half of California’s black medical students leave the state for residency programs and often don’t return. So, what can we do to ensure that there is a strong pipeline of healthcare professionals that look like the communities they will serve, and that there’s a greater representation of black physicians and healthcare professionals?”

The forum featured Dr. David M. Carlisle, MD, President of CDU.

CDU is one of four Historically Black Medical Schools in the country, and the only one in the West. The session centered on how CDU’s commitment to social justice and health equity prepares more Black and other minority doctors to serve across California while engaging and building trust with underserved and historically excluded communities.

“Our vision is excellent health and wellness for all in a world without health disparities,” said Carlisle. “Our point and why we’re here is to train young people from the communities around our university, which are significantly under-resourced and underserved, and turn them into practicing healthcare professionals. Many of whom will say, ‘I’ll return to the communities I grew up in to make it a better peace.”

CDU is ranked #3 in the country as a value-added university by the Brookings Institute for its efforts to take young people from challenging socioeconomic beginnings and turn them into highly effective members of their communities and standouts in their professions by the midpoint in their careers. The medical school says its goal in the short term is to increase enrollment to 1,000 undergraduates and 1,000 graduate students.

“Our medical students are very unusual. About two-thirds of them were Pell Grant recipients when they were in college,” said Carlisle. “

That is more than twice the national average among medical students. At least a third of them are first-generation students. That is more than twice the national average among medical students. If you stop one of our students on campus and ask them why they came to CDU, instead of going to a UCLA, USC, Stanford, or some other school,” he continued. “They will typically say, ‘I came to CDU because the mission at CDU aligns with my personal mission in trying to become a health professional. I can’t get that at any other school.’”

In 2022, there was a total of 260 African American, Latino, Indigenous and other underrepresented students combined in first-year medical school classes across the State of California. About 100 of those students were African American at that time.

Among all CDU’s medical students, about 31 were African American. That number contributed to an increase in the number of first-year African American medical students in the entire state, by well over 20% in that first-year.

Carlisle, who also sits on the board of the California Healthcare Foundation, noted in a recently published survey of Black Californians that trust is still a major issue when it comes to healthcare providers.

“Increasing diversity is one step that we make in the right direction. Sounds like there’s a lot more human kindness that happens with the individuals that go through our medical school program because they are able to better connect and relate to the individuals that they take care of,” he concluded.

“Looks Like Another T.K.O. – Think I’d Better Let Them Go!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

For they listened not to My prophets nor My servants. It was all in vain. They despised the message, persecuted those who delivered it, and in the sequel put many of them to evil deaths.  Their stubbornness is so great that they refuse to listen, no matter how often I warn them. They are bound to their idols. They cling and cleave to them with a morbid infatuation. Their heart is callous, their purpose stubborn, they will never give them up. Looks Like Another T.K.O. – Think I’d Better Let Them Go! For they have set at nought all My counsel and would none of My reproof. Leave them alone! [Proverbs 1:24-28].

Woe to those who sit at ease in Zion, who think that nothing is going to happen to them [Amos 6:1].

I will laugh at your calamity; I will mock you when fear come upon you; you shall call upon Me, but I will not answer; you will seek Me early, but you shall not find Me, for you hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord. You shall eat the fruit of your own way and be filled with you own devices [Proverbs 1:25-31].

I tell you, when that day comes, when the Holy Spirit takes His flight from convicting your soul of sin, and no longer beats at your breast and tries to get you saved, then you will be like the people of Israel, the ten tribes, who had been warned again, and again, and again— but refused the message of God, and continued in their sin. At this rebellion, God was going to strike the entire nation down and start a new nation through Moses. It was only through Moses’ pleading with the LORD for mercy that the Israelites were not destroyed [Numbers 14:5–20].

Understand, God’s warnings are proof of God’s love. If He did not care, He would not warn. God gives grace, He gives mercy, He gives space to repent, but when man is living in rebellion to God, God will not continue forever to give him space. Those who are unrepentant before God will ultimately be identified, weighed, and judged [2 Corinthians 5:10].

Mene, Tekel, and Upharsin. [Daniel 5:24-28].

I tell you; the time is NOW for you to be like Daniel! The time is NOW, to read the Handwriting on the Wall! The Time is NOW to seek the God of heaven and live!

Truly the Lord is slow to anger and abound in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression [Numbers 14:18]. Were it not for the Lord’s patience and mercy, judgment would have occurred earlier [2 Peter 3:9].

The Final Plea! [Matthew 24]

And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. And whoever sees Me sees Him who sent Me. I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in Me may not remain in darkness. If anyone hears My words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. The one who rejects Me and does not receive My words has a judge. The words that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent Me has himself given Me a commandment—what to say and what to speak. And I know that His commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me.” [John 12:44-50] Repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand! [Matthew 3:2, Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:15].

They hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord – [Proverbs 1:29-31].

Leave them alone. Looks like another T.K.O. – Think I’d Better Let Them Go!


Palm Springs Approves $27 Million Reparations Deal for Displaced Black and Latino Families

By Bo Tefu ?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

The Southern California city of Palm Springs approved a $27 million reparations compensation package for Black and Latino families who were displaced from their homes in the 1960s.

The city council voted on the deal Thursday, following an announcement last week. The move, which has garnered support from Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.), comes as part of a broader push for reparations in California.

Areva Martin acted as lead counsel for the Palm Springs group and represented the impacted families.

“We are making history in Palm Springs,” said Martin. “This agreement demonstrates that it’s never too late to acknowledge past wrongs and take meaningful steps toward justice.”

The reparations agreement targets families from Section 14, a predominantly Black and Latino neighborhood demolished in the 1960s to make way for commercial development. Hundreds of families lost their homes in the process, and descendants have been advocating for reparations since the city issued an official apology in 2021. Despite the city’s apology, many were concerned that no payments had been made, prompting action from Butler earlier this year.

The deal includes $5.9 million in direct compensation for around 300 survivors and their descendants, well below the $2 billion initially requested. In addition to cash payments, the agreement includes $10 million for a first-time homebuyer assistance program and $10 million for a community land trust aimed at affordable housing. Other provisions include $1 million for diversity and inclusion initiatives, a renamed park, and a monument to honor the displaced families.

Palm Springs Mayor Jeffrey Bernstein called the settlement a fair and just resolution, expressing hope that the agreement would set a national precedent for reparations. While this follows a similar reparations program in Evanston, Illinois, California’s statewide efforts have faced resistance, especially following Newsom’s rejection of a state-level reparations proposal earlier this year.

The Palm Springs settlement is seen as a historic step toward addressing racial injustice, though challenges to similar programs continue elsewhere in the U.S.

Unanimous 5-0 Vote For Justice: Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors Reach Historic Settlement Agreement, Including $5.9 Million In Direct Payments, With City Of Palm Springs

This resource was supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library via California Black Media as part of the Stop the Hate Program. The program is supported by partnership with California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate program. To report a hate incident or hate crime and get support, go to CA vs Hate.

PALM SPRINGS, CA— On Thursday, November 14, the Palm Springs City Council voted unanimously (5-0), for a comprehensive settlement package with the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors that includes $5.9 million in direct cash payments to Survivors of Section 14, as well as renaming a park in Palm Springs to honor the Section 14 Survivors, and creating a monument to commemorate the history of Section 14.

This unanimous vote marks the end of a decades-long journey for justice and healing for hundreds of families displaced during the 1950s and 1960s.

Additionally, outside of the legal settlement, the City Council voted 5-0 in favor of community initiatives for housing and economic development programs, including: $20 million in affordable housing initiatives over ten years ($10 million as part of a first-time homebuyer assistance program; and, a community land trust of $10 million); and, $1 million spanning five years toward small business development, to promote diversity and inclusion in Palm Springs’ small businesses. The City Council also agreed to establish a day of remembrance for Section 14 and is supportive of a racial and cultural healing center.

Photos and video of the meeting are available (please attribute to Diamond Dust Photography):

The agreement acknowledges the City’s role in the destruction of Section 14, a once vibrant one-square-mile community of predominantly African American and Latino residents that was demolished without warning as the City sought commercial development. The destruction of this community resulted in the loss of homes and personal property for hundreds of survivors and their descendants.

“This unanimous vote represents more than just monetary compensation – it is a long-overdue acknowledgment of a deep historical wrong that tore apart a thriving community,” said Areva Martin, lead counsel for the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors. “While no settlement can fully heal the wounds inflicted by the horrors of displacement, this agreement is a monumental step in restorative justice. This vote tells the Section 14 Survivors: your pain was real, your stories matter, and you deserve justice. Finally, justice prevailed. I’d like to acknowledge and thank my partners and fellow attorneys at Martin & Martin, LLP, Michael Swartz and Sara Solfanelli of Schulte Roth & Zabel, Daniel Suvor and David Lash of O’Melveny, and Professor Eric Miller of Loyola Law School. Above all else, I am deeply grateful to the Survivors of Section 14 for placing your trust in me and my team throughout this process. It has been an honor and privilege to work with them to finally achieve justice after so many decades.”

“The eyes of the nation were on Palm Springs, and I am so thankful to this City Council for voting with their hearts and for doing the right thing,” said Pearl Devers, President of the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors. “I am elated to see that this City Council did the right thing across the board. After years of lifting our voices, we can finally say justice has been achieved. In partnership with Areva Martin and her team, we have made it to this historic moment, so we can finally close this chapter of Palm Springs’ history and move forward, in unity and in healing.”

This agreement follows sustained advocacy efforts of not only the survivors and their supporters, but from elected officials, civil rights organizations, and social justice organizations from Palm Springs and across California and the entire nation, including: Senator Laphonza Butler, the National Urban League, the California League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Human Rights Campaign, Equality California, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and others.

“The minute I heard about this grave and painful injustice, I knew that we needed to get this done,” said Senator Barbara Boxer, Co-Chair at Actum. “At a time when it seems like we are so divided and angry, coming together to achieve this historic agreement is re-energizing and is a shining light of hope at the end of the tunnel. Whatever may happen at a national level, this unanimous vote is a reminder that in California, we still believe in justice, equity, and dignity for all. That means more than just words – it means action and accountability.”

“I am elated that we have reached a historic agreement in a case that has long cried out for justice. Actum, in collaboration with Attorney Areva Martin and the Section 14 Survivors, has worked tirelessly on a matter that has cast a shadow over Palm Springs for many decades,” said Rachel Noerdlinger, Equity Partner at Actum. “While we cannot erase the deeply rooted pain of the past century, nor can we overlook the inequities that have persisted through generations, this agreement serves as a model for any community that has suffered due to discrimination by governments at all levels.”

The agreement marks a new chapter in Palm Springs’ commitment to addressing historical injustices, allowing all Palm Springs residents, along with the Section 14 Survivors, to move forward in healing and reconciliation.

About Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors:

Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors is a non-profit group deeply rooted in the history and legacy of Palm Springs, composed of more than 1,000 survivors and descendants of Palm Springs Section 14.

Section 14, a one-square-mile area just east of downtown Palm Springs, was a vibrant community of predominantly African American and Latino residents. From the late 1950s through the 1960s, the City of Palm Springs, seeking commercial development, demolished this thriving community, destroying homes, personal property, and belongings without warning.

This destruction led to significant economic, physical, and emotional trauma for the residents of Section 14 and their descendants, who have not been able to recover the generational wealth that was taken from them. The survivors and descendants, with the support and counsel of leading civil rights attorney Areva Martin, continue to seek justice and restitution. Their mission transcends monetary compensation, it is a quest for acknowledgement of the past, communal healing, and the establishment of restorative measures that ensure such injustices are never repeated.

Learn more at or

Guidance from Black Ministers Offers Strength and Unity for the Road Ahead

By Joe W. Bowers Jr, | California Black Media

With Donald Trump recently elected as the 47th President, many Black Californians are feeling a mix of concern and uncertainty, especially with Project 2025 — a conservative plan poised to impact social services, voting rights, education reform, and environmental protections — areas that support the well-being of Black communities across the state.

At the November meeting of the Inglewood Area Ministers Association (IAMA) held two days after the General Election at the Center of Hope Church, IAMA charter member retired Rev. William Thurmond shared how he had comforted family members troubled by the election’s outcome.

Thurmond turned to the Book of Samuel, recounting how Samuel, a prophet and leader, anointed Israel’s kings and guided the people through turbulent political transitions. He suggested that Samuel’s story offers insight into how to view leadership that may seem flawed or contrary to one’s personal values.

Drawing from 1 Samuel 8, Thurmond explained how the people of Israel demanded a king to lead them despite Samuel’s warnings of the hardships that the decision would bring.

Quoting directly, Thurmond shared Samuel’s warning: “This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: he will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen… he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your olive yards… he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants.” (1 Samuel 8:11, 14–15).

“Much like that moment in history,” Thurmond said, “we, too, may need to brace ourselves for difficult times. But just as the Israelites were called to press on, we are called to stay resilient, support one another, and keep our focus on a future beyond this administration.”

His reflections inspired a broader discussion among the IAMA members present, who agreed that when leaders change, the community’s responsibility to each other and to their faith stays unwavering and strong.

“Samuel’s journey teaches us that when leaders change, our calling to stand together in faith and purpose does not,” Thurmond continued. “This isn’t the time to sink into worry or feel defeated.” Instead, he encouraged everyone to find strength in the story, viewing it as a call to rise, support one another, and act with purpose.

Facing Project 2025 and Trump’s Leadership

In response to Thurmond’s reflections, the ministers shared concerns that Trump’s authoritarian leadership style, marked by divisive rhetoric, along with Project 2025’s proposed policy changes, could pose significant challenges for Black Californians.

They agreed that Trump and Project 2025 could undo hard-won progress and limit access to essential resources. Given these challenges, the ministers emphasized the need for vigilance, unity, and civic engagement.

“We have every reason to be watchful,” said one minister. “Project 2025 aims to undo progress that we fought so hard for over decades. We must stay informed and resilient.” 

Principles for Resilience and Unity

From the ministers’ discussion inspired by the Book of Samuel, a set of guiding principles naturally took shape that could help Black Californians face the challenges ahead. Rather than prescribing specific actions, they focused on values rooted in faith and community — awareness, support, civic engagement, and resilience — that can serve as anchors in these times. 

  1. Building Resilience Through Awareness
    The ministers underscored that staying informed is fundamental to resilience. They encouraged attending forums, joining discussions, and actively engaging with local representatives to stay connected and aware of any policy changes stemming from Project 2025. 
  1. Strength in Community Support

Through their discussions, the ministers concluded that coming together as a community is crucial. During uncertain times, shared support becomes a vital resource. Organizing community events, supporting Black-owned businesses, and participating in local groups can foster resilience and provide resources for those impacted by policy shifts. 

  1. Engaging in Civic Life
    Active participation in civic life is more essential now than ever, the ministers stressed. Trump’s presidency and Project 2025 present serious challenges for Black communities. The ministers expressed that everyone should get involved in local government, vote, and participate in advocacy efforts. Every voice counts and Black Californians can help influence policies that support their communities by staying engaged.
  1. Fostering Unity and Resilience
    Nurturing resilience through spiritual and cultural practices offers additional strength. The ministers suggested regular gatherings, community circles, and cultural events to build hope, foster unity, and create a foundation of resilience during uncertain times.

Moving Forward with Purpose

As the meeting concluded, one minister shared, “Just as Samuel guided the people through turbulent times, we have the chance to guide each other. This is not a time for fear but a call to face the future with confidence, grounded in faith, community, and purpose.”

In facing the changes ahead, Black Californians can draw upon a legacy of resilience, transforming uncertainty into strength. With faith as a guiding light, the community can move forward — not just to survive but to shape a future grounded in unity, action, and hope.