Lou Coleman

“End-Time Bible Prophecy!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

What has already happened, what continues to unfold, and what is yet to come.

One world government, one world religion, one world economy, [Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 17, 18, 13:11-18]. Confirming of a 7-year peace agreement with many [Daniel 9:27]. Intoxicating obsession with dividing Jerusalem [Zechariah 12:1-3]. Global cry for peace and security. [1 Thessalonians 5:3]. Increase of lawlessness. [2 Thessalonians 2:1-12]. Increase of wickedness [Genesis 6:6; Luke 17:26-29]. Massive earthquakes increasing in frequency and intensity. [Matthew 24:4-8; Luke 21:10-11]. Allied Invasion of Israel, led by Russia, Iran, and Turkey, [Ezekiel 38-39]. Sudden destruction of Damascus Syria. [Isaiah 17:1, Jeremiah 49: 23-27]. Mocking of Bible prophecy and the Lord’s return. [2 Peter 3]. What has already happened, what continues to unfold.

What is yet to come?

Confirmation of the Covenant. When the Antichrist and his world government system confirm Israel’s right to a homeland in the Middle East from that day, the day that it actually happens, the day that they decide on a plan and implement it and make it stick, where the borders of Israel are drawn and the Temple Mount is shared, and they sign a treaty, there will only be 7 years remaining until the Battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ! What has already happened, what continues to unfold, and what is yet to come.

Watch for increasing demand for international intervention and control over Jerusalem. Watch for the forming of what the Bible calls “the King of the South” arising in the Middle East and Northeastern Africa. Watch Europe—especially Germany. Watch for animal sacrifices to begin in Jerusalem. Watch for a charismatic miracle-working religious leader to rise up in Europe. End Time Bible Prophecy!

Three angels give a last warning to the inhabitants of the earth. The hour of judgment is come. Babylon makes all nations drink of the wrath of her fornication. Those who take the mark and worship the beast shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. This isn’t a physical hour of time, it’s a figurative statement that a period of time has come. It’s the time just before the wrath of God.

Author: Wallace

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