Lou Coleman

“God Grieves!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

Every one of you follows your stubborn, evil will, refusing to listen to Me. [Jeremiah 16:12]. You have turned to Me your back and not your face. And though I have taught you persistently, you have not listened to receive instruction [Jeremiah 32:33]. My Word is an object of scorn to you, which you take no pleasure in it. [Jeremiah 6:10]. You have stiffened your neck that you might not hear and receive instructions. [Jeremiah 17:23]. This has been your way from your youth, that you have not obeyed My voice. [Jeremiah 22:21]. Although I persistently sent to you all My servants the prophets. [Jeremiah 25:4]. For years My Word has come to you, but you have not listened. [Jeremiah 25:37]. Circumcise yourselves to Me, remove the foreskin of your hearts. [Jeremiah 4:4; Jeremiah 9:25-26] If you do not, I am going to bring disaster upon you that you cannot escape. For you have provoked me to anger with the work of your hands to your own harm because you have not listened. [Jeremiah 25:7].

Though they will cry to Me in their troubles, I will not listen to them. [Jeremiah 11:11] So do not pray for them or lift up a cry on their behalf. [Jeremiah 11:14]. I have spoken to them persistently, but they have not listened. [Jeremiah 35:14].

I want you to understand, there comes a day when God’s patience runs out, and when it does, the results are disastrous. [Jeremiah 35:17]. God has good plans for us, but if we refuse to listen, He will not reward our disobedience. What is true for the nations is true for us: “If at any time God declares concerning a nation or a kingdom that He will build and plant it, and if it does evil in His sight, not listening to His voice, He will relent of the good that He had intended to do to it” [Jeremiah 18:9-10].

I tell you, refusing to listen to God is the Ultimate Foolishness! If we hear God’s Word, but only obediently listen when it is convenient, we will be undone. This is a key in [Jeremiah Chapter 42] which tells the story of Johanan and the remnant of Judah after most were taken away in the Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah was asked to pray to God on behalf of the people and pledges, [Jeremiah 42:6]. But when Jeremiah prays, God tells him the opposite of what Johanan was hoping to hear. God said, “Don’t go to Egypt; don’t be afraid of the Babylonians; I’ll protect you. But since God’s word was not what Johanan wanted to hear, he insisted, “You are telling a lie. The Lord our God did not send you to say, ‘Do not go to Egypt to live there” [Jeremiah 43:2]. God’s word could not have been clearer. But Johanan refused to listen. God destroyed him and his insolent companions.

This is how many people “listen” to God’s word. They are willing to hear, but they are not willing to obey when it is inconvenient. Instead, they look for every possible excuse to obscure and dilute the plain voice of God in Scripture. I tell you, Samuel’s response should be ours: “Speak, for you servant hears.” [1 Samuel 3:9-10] because refusing to listen to God is the worst kind of stubbornness and the ultimate foolishness, since it ends in our own harm: certain judgment by the hand of the Almighty.

How often they rebelled against Him in the wilderness and grieved Him in the desert! [Psalm 78:40]. Therefore, He turned Himself to become their enemy, He fought against them. [Isaiah 63:10].

I tell you; Refusing to obey the Lord is the Ultimate Foolishness!


Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman