Grounded Self-Care studio offers meditation, yoga and other self care practices for inner healing.

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— On Sunday, November 8, Grounded held its grand opening in the heart of Downtown San Bernardino. The Black Chamber of Commerce Inland Cities assisted with the promotion and support of the ribbon cutting, along with Assemblymember Eloise Reyes. Below are a few words that the founder, Destinee Frye, stated about her purpose and mission with Grounded:
It was all a dream. Chasing purpose is an interesting experience. My husband thought I was crazy, I thought I was crazy, but God said it was time, so I moved.
Yesterday, I saw people moved to tears, to laughter, breathing a little bit easier because they experienced a breakthrough, they didn’t know they needed.

All a reminder that all of the sacrifice was worth it. I chose my purpose over emotions, over expectations, over opinions, over logic, over common sense, over comfort, and I’ll keep choosing it over and over again.
Thank you to everyone who has believed in the process, new believers, and the ones that have been rocking with me since the beginning. WE did it! And we’re just getting started!
Grounded Self-Care Studio is located at 381 N E Street in San Bernardino.