Happily Divorced And After

Equity Report Reveals Statistics on Black Women Compared to Other Races

By McKenzie Jackson | California Black Media

Black women in the Golden State trail behind their counterparts from other ethnic groups in median wealth and a lower percentage of them have obtained higher education degrees. Black mothers and their babies have mortality rates that surpass women from other racial and ethnic backgrounds.

California Black Women’s Collective Empowerment Institute (CBWCEI) President and CEO Kellie Todd Griffin said the state of Black women in California is troubling.

“There is so much work to do,” she explained. “There is a gap with Black women. Without immediate interventions from a policy and practice transformation standpoint, we’re not going to be able to change the trajectory.”

Griffin’s remarks came a day after the Center for the Advancement of Women at Mount Saint Mary’s University released its 12th annual “The Report on the Status of Women and Girls in California” on March 22.

The 40-page report, with the tagline “Advancing Equity: Leading With Meaning and Purpose,” is the Los Angeles university’s assessment of the state of women in California based on a number of social and economic indicators.

It is “what women need in order to attain agency for themselves, add meaning to their lives, and contribute fully to their families, communities, and businesses,” wrote Mount Saint Mary’s University President Ann McElaney-Johnson in the document’s opening pages.

The report highlights issues affecting women and girls in California post-COVID-19 pandemic. The trends documented pertain to women’s education, economic security, health, household labor, and wage and wealth divisions.

The paper’s authors and staff at Mount Saint Mary’s Center for the Advancement of Women are advocates who push for changes in legislation to help women and girls in the state.

Robin L. Owens, Interim Director, Center for the Advancement of Women and Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Mount Saint Mary’s University, said all of study’s findings need to be addressed.

“My personal opinion, wealth impacts everything, so that is the one that struck me the most,” she emphasized. “The differences in the wealth gap between men and women, but also between African American women and other races. That was striking.”

The wealth gap among women is vast, according to the study. For every $100 owned by a White woman, Latinas own $10, and Black women own $9. Twenty-four percent of households led by single Black women and 25% of Latina households are more likely to live in poverty than single White (14%) and single Asian (15%) women households.
In corporate leadership, 5% of the women in management positions and CEO chairs are African American. In comparison, 46% of women in management positions are White and 86% of women CEOs are White.

Black women hold 4% of the bachelor’s degrees obtained by California women, while White women have 47%. Among women holding graduate and professional degrees, 52% are White women, whereas African American women make up only 5%.

There is a connection, Griffin stated, between Black women’s trailing in education and wealth figures.

“We’re the smallest population amongst the groups that were assessed, however we shouldn’t be 4% of the bachelor’s degree holders,” she noted. “It’s disheartening. How do you get into corporate leadership if a majority of good paying jobs require a degree? We can’t get in the door to be able to accelerate up.”

Black women are more than four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes then White women, and Black babies are more than twice as likely to die within one year than White babies.

The maternal death rates African American women and their babies have are still comparable to numbers from decades ago despite funds and efforts put into improving that rate for all women, Griffin said.

“That is not an improvement,” she deemed.

CBWCEI is focused on using the numbers from the report and other statistics they have gathered to shine a light on the challenges Black women in the state have and to uplift their voices.

The group advocated for and received state funds to create the California Black Women’s Think Tank at Cal State Dominguez Hills, which focuses solely on Black women and girls through research and leadership development. The nonprofit organization is also conducting other African American women-geared initiatives.

“We are focused on Black women, Black girls, Black joy, Black advancement,” Griffin stated. “We understand if we invest in Black women, then we invest in Black communities. We are investing in Black California.”

Owens hopes readers of the report take actions like the CBWCEI.

“I hope people read the report and really give some thoughtful consideration to how they can add to the advancement of women in general and African American women in particular,” she said. “Even if it is in a small way. Sometimes we tend to think we have to fix the whole problem. If we could just find out in our own corner of the world, how we could make a small increase in helping African American women and women in general that would make a difference.”

San Francisco NAACP Clarifies Statement on $5M Payouts: Reparations Should Be Cash Payments, Plus “Investments”

By Antonio Ray Harvey and Manny Otiko | California Black Media

The San Francisco Branch of the NAACP is engaged in a public information blitz to clarify a press release it sent out urging the San Francisco city government to reject a proposal to pay each qualifying Black city resident a one-time lump sum reparation payment of $5 million.

The Rev. Amos Brown, a member of the San Francisco reparations board, pastor of Third Baptist Church, and the president of the San Francisco NAACP, released a March 14 statement before the recommendations were presented to the supervisors rejecting the $5 million payout.

Reparations should focus on investments and opportunities” in five areas: education, employment, housing, healthcare, and a culture center for San Francisco’s Black residents, the prepared statement reads.

“We strongly believe that creating and funding programs that can improve the lives of those who have been impacted by racism and discrimination is the best path forward toward equality and justice,” Brown stated. Brown is the vice-chairperson of the California Reparation Task Force, which is proposing recommendations for two million Black residents in California.

The NAACP’s press release was met with immediate backlash by supporters in the movement for reparations across the country who have, for decades now, invested time, energy and money in bringing the issue to national attention. In 2020, California became the first state to set up a task force to investigate the state’s involvement in slavery, state-sanctioned atrocities against African Americans and all other forms of discrimination and discriminatory policy that excluded Black Californians from state benefits or protections or that prevented them from gaining social or economic power.

In several public appearances, Brown clarified that he is not against the idea of a cash payout but only wants the recommendation to be a reasonable compromise – one, he says, that does not give the city’s Black residents “false hope.”

“We don’t want to get set up for another study or for them to put this up on a shelf to collect dust,” said Brown in an interview with Roland Martin. We must have action. We believe in cash-plus – not either or.”

Eric McDowell, chairperson of the African American Reparations Advisory Committee (AARAC) — a task force set up by San Francisco city government — said that recommendations presented to the Board of Supervisors is an “appraisal” and he is “hopeful” that the city will deliver much needed compensation for Black community.
McDowell made the statements in an interview with San Francisco’s KRON 4 News on March 24. AARAC presented recommendations on March 14 to address the harms and struggles Black Americans have endured since they began migrating west after the Civil War.

“What the city will decide to do is fully in the hands of the supervisors, mayor’s office, and full leadership of the city,” McDowell said in the six-minute segment. “We’re hopeful as a committee that they will take up the charge and do what they believe both is right to do and have the capacity to do.”

The recommendations, McDowell said, are only in “draft” form at this stage. They cover economic empowerment, education, generational wealth building, and public policies for the benefit of Black San Franciscans. McDowell referred to the recommendation as an estimation of value.

“Our task (AARAC) was to do the appraisal and it’s the city’s task to determine, based upon recommendations, what they decide to adopt,” McDowell said.

“Once again, that conversation is yet to come: the determination of how it will get financed and made possible,” McDowell continued, talking about reparations payments to San Franciscans who are Black American descendants of enslaved people.

The 14-person reparations committee advises the Board of Supervisors, Mayor London Breed, the Human Rights Commission, and the public on the development of a San Francisco Reparations Plan. The plan features ways that San Francisco’s policies have harmed Black lives.

Paying qualifying Black residents individual payments of $5 million, the elimination of personal debt and tax liabilities of African American households and securing annual incomes at a minimum $97,000 for 250 years are part of the package the committee is proposing.

San Francisco’s Black population consists of 6% of the city’s total number of residents and they make up 38% of the city’s homeless population.
The AARAC has documented decades of policies and laws that systematically affected Black Americans in San Francisco, limiting their access to productive employment property, education and the ability to build generational wealth.

A decision by the Board of Supervisors on the amount of compensation owed to Black residents or the form it will take is not expected until June. Meanwhile, the city is mulling over the fact that providing financial compensation will push it deeper into the red, a point that has been made by some city officials that many who oppose reparations for Black Americans have latched onto and referenced in their arguments.

“I wish we had this kind of money in San Francisco’s general fund, but if we want to maintain the services that exist today, we do not,” said Supervisor Hillary Ronen in a San Francisco Chronicle interview.

San Francisco is currently facing a deficit of more than $720 million over the next 24 months. Supervisor Dean Preston told the San Francisco Chronicle that reparations are warranted but not financially feasible for the city.

Starbucks Union Organizers Take Aim At Company’s New CEO: ‘I’d Prefer It If He Stayed Out Of Our Way’

By Bibhu Pattnaik

Although Starbucks Corporation’s new CEO Laxman Narasimhan recently laid out his plans while at the company, which includes working in Starbucks stores as a barista once a month, union organizers aren’t on board. 

CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz backstage with soon to be Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan at Starbucks Headquarters during Investor Day in Seattle, Washington Tuesday, September 13, 2022. Narasimhan is looking to continue the reinvention plan that Schultz had planned for improvements to the company and the store. MELINA MARA/BENZINGA

Last week, Narasimhan assumed the CEO role, taking the reins from Howard Schultz two weeks ahead of schedule. The former Pepsi executive has spent the last two months learning about Starbucks, including earning his barista certification. 

“I felt it was very important to start as a barista. I wanted to really understand what they do and how they do it,” he explained to the Associated Press in an email. “I’ve loved and learned so much about the retail experience from working in our stores, and can now make an excellent French press if I do say so myself.”

Narasimhan’s latest move follows in the footsteps of DoorDash Inc CEO Tony Xu, who, along with members of his executive team, famously makes DoorDash deliveries once a month. 

Union organizers, however, are not entirely happy with Narasimhan’s decision to work at the stores.

“I’d really prefer it if he stayed out of our way and instead spent 40hrs learning about worker’s rights and how NOT to commit thousands of unfair labor practice violations in a year,” Starbucks union organizer Michelle Eisen tweeted on Friday. 

One of Eisen’s followers responded, wondering why Narasimhan opted to work as barista and whether he would live on a barista’s salary.   

“How heroic for the new @starbucks CEO to work as a barista once a month,” said Kraig Peck in response to the CEO’s plans. “Will he live on a barista’s salary?”

Customers wait for their coffee at a Starbucks store on March 19, 2023, in Seattle, Washington. Unions and Starbucks had not come agreement on a new contract. I RYU/BENZINGA

During last week’s annual Starbucks shareholder meeting, Starbucks Workers United announced seven new stores had filed for union elections.

“If Howard Schultz or Laxman Narasimhan think this movement is limited to college towns and coastal cities, they’ve got another thing coming,” Lizzy Prichard, a Starbucks organizer in Ohio, said in a release. “Union Starbucks partners are here to stay.”

Meanwhile, Narasimhan said he would like to see Starbucks evolve into a more global company, be less wasteful, and move faster.

“My immersion exposed me to every aspect of Starbucks business, culture, and brand,” AP quoted him saying. “Together, we have acknowledged the opportunity for a refounding of Starbucks.”

The new CEO is planning to continue his predecessor’s reinvention plan on updating training, improving equipment, and increase wages as Starbucks made over $1 billion towards these plans. These works in the making left by former CEO, Howard Schultz. 

Narasimhan will be hosting the first shareholders meeting on Thursday during a time since corporate is trying to fight off unionization during a tense time.

“With our reinvention plan introduced last year, we will continue our focus on improving the store, customer, and of course, the partner experience,” Narasimhan said in a written statement. He stated he respects union’s right to organize, but Starbucks can function best without a union.

Produced in association with Benzinga

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Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship to Present Second Annual State of Entrepreneurship Report

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship (IECE) at California State University, San Bernardino is holding an event to release the findings of the second annual Inland Empire State of Entrepreneurship Report. The event will take place on March 30 at TopGolf in Ontario and an array of refreshments will be provided along with an overview of the report.

IECE’s goal in producing the State of Entrepreneurship report is to continue to provide current data on the trends in startup activity for the region and bring the voice of local entrepreneurs to those who need to hear it most – local and state policymakers, community organizations, lenders, and other resource providers. The Voice of the Entrepreneur survey sends powerful feedback on the challenges that entrepreneurs and business owners of the Inland Southern California region face. The survey is drawn from more than 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners representing diverse industries.

“Entrepreneurship is vital for the economic success of the Inland Empire,” said Mike Stull, Director of the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship. “The area is lacking in professional career opportunities in the higher income ranges seen more prevalently in our neighbors to the South and West in San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles Counties.”

Stull continued “Opening one’s own business is a way that residents of this region can reach the higher-income levels and autonomy that upper-level professional careers offer.  Achieving an overall higher average income in the region would have positive affects in job creation and economic opportunity.”

Register online for the second annual State of Entrepreneurship Address – to learn more about entrepreneurship in the region.



Five California Cities Sign Equal Pay Pledge

By Tanu Henry | California Black Media

Last week, California First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom announced five cities — Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Long Beach, and Fresno — have signed the California Equal Pay Pledge.

“The pledge is a The California Equal Pay Pledge is a partnership between the Office of the First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency to turn the strongest equal pay laws in the nation into the smallest pay gap in the nation,” according to the governor’s office.

Kimberly Ellis, Director of the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women, said closing the gender gap is something California “must do.”

“From building credit to building wealth, we know that the wage gap has greatly hindered progress toward actualizing women’s equality,” says Ellis. “The City and County of San Francisco is proud to support the First Partner’s initiative and look forward to doing our part to making pay equity a reality for all women in the Golden State.”

Siebel Newsom said public and private partnerships are essential to closing the gender gap.

“Pay inequity stems from a patriarchal system that was not built with gender equity in mind, but instead built to keep money and power in the hands of few men in control,” she said.

California Black Media is following up with a report on gender and employment that focuses on data specific to Black women.

State Invests $1 Billion in New Homelessness Funding 

Last week, Gov. Newsom announced $1 billion in new funding for local communities to address homelessness and take emergency action to construct new homes to move unhoused Californians off the street.

Homelessness remains one of the state’s most stubborn problems as California’s homeless population keeps mushrooming, growing to approximately 160,000 people (about half the population of homeless people in the United States). Per every 100k people, California’s homeless population ranks third after New York and Hawaii.

“In California, we are using every tool in our toolbox – including the largest-ever deployment of small homes in the state – to move people out of encampments and into housing,” said Newsom. “The crisis of homelessness will never be solved without first solving the crisis of housing – the two issues are inextricably linked. We are tackling this issue at the root of the problem by addressing the need to create more housing, faster in California.”

Under his new plan, Newsom has deployed the California National Guard to assist in the preparation and delivery of approximately 1,200 small houses free of charge to four local communities:  Los Angeles (500 units); San Diego County (150 units); San Jose (200 units) and Sacramento (350 units).

Former Black Caucus Member Jim Cooper Appointed to State Commission

Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed former Assemblymember and current Sacramento County Sherriff Jim Cooper, a Democrat, to the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST).

The California Legislature created POST in 1959 to “set minimum selection and training standards for all law enforcement in the state,” according to the office’s website.

Cooper was elected to the Assembly in 2014 and served until last year representing the 9th Assembly District in Sacramento County.

Uber and Lyft Drivers Can Be Contractors, State Court of Appeals Rules

Last week, the California Court of Appeals ruled that Uber and Lyft drivers and other freelancers can be classified as independent contractors. The court’s decision came after a long fight dating back to 2019 when AB 5, the law that first reclassified contractors as employers, passed. The next year, AB 5 was challenged and overturned when voters approved Prop 22 – a ballot measure that gave rideshare companies the greenlight to hire freelancers.

San Diego Based Civil Rights Activist Shane Harris Appears on the Dr. Phil Show

The Rev. Shane Harris, a national Civil rights activist who is based in San Diego, appeared on the Dr. Phil show last week titled “How Safe Are Our Streets?”

The episode focused on victims of random violent crimes who were attacked by repeat offenders.

“The news and the media are running a lot of stories about these reoffenders and these folks who have committed violent offenses consistently, but they are not telling you about the youth who turn their lives around, people who went through diversion programs that actually work,” said Harris, who is President of the Peoples Association of Justice Advocates, speaking up for criminal justice reforms that rehabilitate criminals.

Harris was on the panel making his argument against the positions of law enforcement advocacy groups calling for a tougher penalty for crimes.

“Tough on crime didn’t works for us,” says Harris. “There is a balance we need to strike in the middle of this.”

California Turns San Quentin Prison Into “Rehabilitation and Education” Center

Last week, Gov. Newsom announced that the state is transforming California’s most notorious maximum-security prison San Quentin, — known for having the largest Death Row in the United States — into the country’s largest rehabilitation and education center.

The prison renamed “San Quentin Rehabilitation Center,” will operate under the direction of an advisory group comprised of public safety and rehabilitation experts.

“California is transforming San Quentin into the nation’s most innovative rehabilitation facility focused on building a brighter and safer future,” said Newsom, standing with legislators, civil rights leaders and victim advocates.  “Today, we take the next step in our pursuit of true rehabilitation, justice, and safer communities through this evidence-backed investment, creating a new model for safety and justice — the California Mode — that will lead the nation.”

Request for Proposals: Resilience Promotion in African American Children

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) is seeking proposals from interested and qualified organizations and agencies to provide a proposed plan for an initiative to serve African American/Black children and youth.

Funded through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), the Resilience Promotion in African American Children program will provide services in culturally appropriate settings, incorporating African American/Black philosophies and traditions as a platform to offer mental health education programs with the intention of promoting resiliency in African American/Black children.

The program focuses on the strengths of the African American/Black community and assists the community in feeling comfortable seeking services from staff that are knowledgeable and capable of identifying needs and solutions for African American/Black families and individuals.

San Bernardino County will release a request for proposals (RFP) on March 17 seeking Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services for African American/Black Children within San Bernardino County.

A bidders conference will be held on Thursday, March 23 and the deadline for the submission of proposals is Monday, April 24. Questions regarding this RFP can be answered by visiting https://epro.sbcounty.gov/bso/ or emailing procurement@dbh.sbcounty.gov.


Western Municipal Water District Director Gracie Torres announces bid for Riverside County Supervisor during Women’s History Month

RIVERSIDE, CA— Fresh off a landmark victory for Western Municipal Water District, Division 2, Gracie Torres has announced she will enter the race for Riverside County Supervisor, District 1, which includes Jurupa Valley, Highgrove, Riverside, Mead Valley, Good Hope, Perris, and Meadowbrook.

“It has been my absolute honor to serve and to now be re-elected to Western Municipal Water District, Division 2,” stated Torres. “Following this last election, voters clearly indicated they want bold action and a representative willing to work. My community encouraged me to take this next step to be their voice and stand for county employees, address homelessness, keep our communities and families safe, invest vigorously in our infrastructure, support small businesses, and create good paying jobs.”

Torres, a rising star in Riverside politics, enters this race as the only declared woman. Torres’s announcement comes on the heels of securing over 50 endorsements and raising more than fifty thousand dollars in the span of two weeks.

Torres was first elected in 2018 and won with a 25% margin and secured her re-election in 2022 in a highly competitive race, receiving nearly 60% of the vote among five candidates. Through redistricting, Torres’s Division 2 now has significant overlap with the first supervisorial district.

“Gracie Torres has dedicated her work towards understanding and delivering for Riverside County residents. As a working professional and elected official, she has a unique lens into families and their needs which is why she is the most qualified to address them”, stated Assemblymember Corey Jackson, “I look forward to working alongside her as a Riverside County Supervisor who’s ready to work for our community”.

Torres also co-founded IEWorks and was instrumental in bringing over $1.5 million for water/wastewater workforce development within the region. She also serves on the board of directors of the Inland SoCal United Way, Operation New Hope, Hispanic Coalition for Small Businesses, and the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice. Torres is the benefactor of Beca Angelita, a scholarship named after her abuelita aimed to help students interested in STEM.

Torres has received over 50 endorsements with notable support from:

  • Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson
  • San Bernardino County Supervisor Joe Baca Jr.
  • Riverside County Board of Education Jaime Azpeitia-Sachs
  • Perris Mayor Pro Tem Marisela Nava
  • Perris Councilmember Malcolm Corona
  • Perris Councilmember David Starr Rabb
  • Riverside Unified School District Trustee Noemi Hernandez Alexander

About Gracie Torres
Gracie Torres currently serves as a member of Western Municipal Water District and works for Riverside County’s Flood Control and Conservation District. She earned her bachelor’s in chemistry and master’s in environmental science from California State University, San Bernardino. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in public administration from California Baptist University. Torres and her husband, Eric, are longtime residents of Riverside County and raising their three children in the community.

For more information you can visit https://gracietorres.com.

Scammers Took Consumers for $8.8 Billion in 2022

$3.8 billion in investment scams and $2.6 billion in impersonator scams topped the list. Most money lost through bank transfers and crypto currencies.

By Peter White

Ever get an email about an extended car warranty or a free gift from Home Depot? What about online service to flush out malware from your computer? It’s hard to avoid these unsolicited offers. Fraudsters send texts, they call you on your phone, and sometimes use AI to mimic a relative’s voice who says they have an emergency and please send money.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says what you don’t know can be expensive. They received 2.4 million complaints last year compared to 2.9 million in 2021 but the total amount lost in 2022 was $2.6 billion more than in 2021.

“The dollar loss reported was staggering. Consumers reported that they lost more than $8.8 billion to fraudsters, the most ever reported,” say Maria Mayo, Associate Director for the Division of Consumer Response and Operations in the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The FTC maintains a database of consumer fraud reports. Report a scam here.

“We know that fraud affects every community and that scammers are running their scam in the languages that people speak at home. And that’s why the FTC now has information in a dozen languages to help people spot and avoid these scams,” says Cristina Miranda, Consumer Education Specialist with the FTC’s Education Bureau of Consumer Protection.

Scammers targeting ethnic communities

During an March 10 Ethnic Media Services briefing Miranda briefed reporters about how to protect against fraudsters. She said that recent refugees and immigrants are frequent marks for scammers who use their native language to steal their money.

“We have a downloadable publication called Spotting, Avoiding and Reporting Scams: a Fraud Handbook. It helps people learn to spot some of the scams related to looking for a job, going through the immigration process, or just trying to figure out how things work in this country,” she said.

Scammers are targeting ethnic communities and they speak your language. They target ethnic communities in unique ways,” says Rosario Mendez, an attorney with FTC’s Division of Consumer and Business Education Bureau of Consumer Protection.

The Latino community filed a higher percentage of reports relating to problems with banks and lenders, related to debt collection, auto issues, and also business opportunities.

“And we’ve had several cases related to bogus business opportunities, bogus work at home, specifically targeting Latinos. We know from our data analysis and from also our casework that business opportunity, moneymaking schemes, are also something that is impacting the Latino community.

In terms of the black community, the largest number of reports were about payday loan applications, and also student debt relief programs,” Mendez said.

An October 2021 FTC report, Serving Communities of Color, detailed the extent of fraud affecting ethnic communities and the FTC’s efforts to combat it.

Scams vary widely

Mayo said a lot of people fell prey to get-rich-quick schemes last year and the average median loss per consumer was $5,000.

“Consumers reported losing money to investment scams more than any other type of scam, and the amount lost in 2022 more than doubled what was lost in 2021. Consumers reported losing $3.8 billion in investment scams, most of which were lost to crypto currency scams.

These scams often started on social media where consumers were enticed to invest in crypto currency in an attempt to make money. Consumers invested, and the scammers were so savvy that they often presented websites that actually showed how the consumer’s money had grown. But it was all fake,” Mayo said.

Con artists have not given up on romance scams, a staple in the field of fraud. These scams are aimed at older Americans who lost $139 million in 2020 up from $84 million in 2019. For the most part, scammers operate with impunity and many of them are based overseas. That makes it hard for them to be prosecuted. But sometimes they get caught.

One case involved an 87-year-old Holocaust survivor who was swindled out of his life savings by a Florida woman, Peaches Stergo. She was arrested January 25, 2023.

The FTC stopped a large-scale fraud of students enrolled at the University of Phoenix (UOP) and made them pay. The FTC is sending nearly $50 million in payments to more than 147,000 UOP students who may have been lured by allegedly deceptive advertisements.

The 2019 settlement also required UOP and its parent company, Apollo Education Group, to cancel $141 in student debt.

The FTC alleged UOP falsely touted its relationships and job opportunities with companies such as AT&T, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Twitter, and the American Red Cross. The FTC also alleged that UOP’s advertising gave the false impression that the online school worked with those companies to create job opportunities for its students and tailor its curriculum for such jobs.

Consumers can get email alerts from the FTC regarding the latest imposter, real estate, and investment scams. Sign up here.



CSUSB site of 12th annual César E. Chávez Memorial Breakfast

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The event on April 1 will celebrate the legacy of the late labor leader and activist, and will feature a keynote address from Ron Estrada, CEO of Washington, D.C.,-based Farmworker Justice, and a presentation by Flor Martinez, founder and president of The Celebration Nation Foundation.

César Chávez speaking in an undated photo from Wikimedia Commons.

The life and legacy of the late labor leader and activist César E. Chávez will be celebrated when the Chicano Latino Caucus of San Bernardino County and the Latino Education & Advocacy Days at Cal State San Bernardino present the 12th annual César E. Chávez Memorial Breakfast, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, April 1, at the university’s Santos Manuel Student Union South.

Tickets for the breakfast are sold out. Table sponsorships, ranging from $500 to $1,500, also are available. For information regarding sponsorships or other questions, contact Ana Gonzales at (909) 275-9812 or ChicanoLatinoCaucusSBC@gmail.com.

This will mark the first time since 2019 that the breakfast will take place. Traditionally scheduled to commemorate Chávez’s birthday (March 31) and held as part of LEAD Week – a week-long series of events including the LEAD Summit that focused on Latino educational issues – it was cancelled in 2020, 2021 and 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the LEAD Summit has been rescheduled to take place in the fall.

Set to take place the day after the state holiday honoring the life and work of Chávez, the breakfast will be emceed by Eloise Gómez Reyes, a member of the California Assembly majority leader who represents southwest San Bernardino County.

Ron Estrada, CEO of Washington, D.C.,-based Farmworker Justice, will be the keynote speaker. Estrada, a longtime voice in support of underserved people and communities of color in the U.S., has invested decades in issues related to racial and social justice. Prior to joining Farmworker Justice in March 2022, he was the head of government relations at Univision Communications, and also led the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Empowerment initiatives.

Also scheduled to speak is Flor Martinez, founder and president of The Celebration Nation Foundation, a San Jose-based nonprofit organization focused on helping the indigenous and Latino community. A former farmworker with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status, Martinez is also now an entrepreneur and social media influencer.

In addition, the breakfast will feature the installation of Chicano Latino Caucus of San Bernardino County’s new officers, a video by artist Juan Solis, a performance by Ballet Folklorico de Gary Ferrer and presentation of the Muñoz Legacy and Lifetime Achievement Award.

Former California Gov. Gray Davis signed legislation in 2002 making Chávez’s birthday a state holiday to promote service to the communities of California in honor of the late labor leader’s life and work.



By Lou K Coleman

Regardless of what the wolves in the pulpits, the TV preachers, and the workers of iniquity in the churches claim, the Bible is clear; when it comes to the things that we have to know, believe, and obey in order to be saved and live according to the will of God. So don’t be fool by the wolves in sheep clothing. It will cost you dearly. I didn’t say it, Jesus did!

Know the truth and the whole truth. Your survival and salvation depend on your understanding of such. Know that God is the one Source and sole Author of truth. Sin is whatever God says it is. Judgment is whatever God says it is. Salvation is what God says it is. Heaven and hell are what God says they are. It matters not what man says but simply what God says.

Truth has the final word in all matters, telling us how to worship and how to walk. It tells us how to follow Christ. It is the final arbitrator on any subject. It is the final judge of every life. All people are measured by the truth. Every life is weighed in the balances by the truth. Every destiny is marked by the truth. And truth will have the final say in every life. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, which will enable you to know truth, live by truth, and not be destroyed in your soul by lies that make it into your heart. [Ephesians 6:14].

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. [2 Timothy 4:3-4]. To their own detriment.
