Happily Divorced And After

Entrepreneur Launches Technology-Driven, Customized Black-Owned Life Insurance Platform

Nationwide — Meet Sam Ayeni, founder and CEO of Afrikare Life, a Black-owned company that has developed an easy life insurance platform and other financial solutions to help working-class people of African descent and other people of color in America.

Mr. Ayeni, with his founding partners, Maureen Marcus and Andrew Fyneboy, are celebrating the launch of their new interactive modern technology for life insurance quotes and applications. The company started with the vision to uplift individuals, families, and tribes living in America from financial captivity and help them escape generational poverty. Afrikare Life aims to achieve this vision by caring for its clients through practical financial education and offering personalized and affordable financial products, including tailored life insurance plans.

“Utilizing interactive modern technology for ease and access, we are dedicated to ensuring that no one is left behind when it comes to financial security,” said Ayeni.

There is a misconception among people of color that life insurance is expensive, unaffordable, and only makes caucasian agents rich. However, AfriKare Life is changing that wrong perception! For example, a 42-year-old with average health can get $300,000 worth of coverage starting at $85 per month with one of their premium A++ prestigious carriers.

One of the reasons why some people of color shy away from buying life insurance is because they feel pressured and hounded by agents who are just in the market to make a commission. Through engaging modern technology, prospects can easily run their own quotes from the comfort of their home on any device, without talking with any agents. In some instances, the entire application can be completed with ease. There is a wrong perception that life insurance is expensive and also robs people of color of creating generational wealth. While their caucasian counterparts are using life insurance products and other financial products to create generational wealth for their unborn children, people of color shy away due to a lack of knowledge and neglect these opportunities that are opened to all when it comes to building generational wealth.

Regardless of the income range, with just one hour of paycheck per week, AfriKare Life agents can customize life insurance that meets any family’s financial needs and budget. The ultimate goal of AfriKare Life is to terminate the cycle of generational poverty among people of color and uplift the next generations into wealth creation and prosperity.

With years of experience in the life insurance industry, AfriKare Life is uniquely positioned to provide its clients with the best life insurance plans and financial services available. The CEO of AfriKare Life has a unique ability to understand and connect with his clients, which he has developed through his previous career as an Army combat veteran.

“My military experience taught me that I needed to be flexible and adaptable when working with different individuals. My goal is to apply that same principle to the business world,” said Mr. Ayeni.

During his years serving in the military, Ayeni lost a few friends in combat, and since all of them had life insurance plans, their families were financially taken care of afterward. This led him to the idea of doing something for the Africans who come to the U.S in hopes of building a better future but don’t earn enough to save for bad times.

Much more than traditional life insurance, AfriKare Life offers multiple financial services products for different financial situations and income, that include Premium Financing. People of color generally use leverage, that is borrowing from banks to buy a house or car, or even finance an education but very few are aware that they can use leverage for Life Insurance, especially for retirement planning purposes.

Mr. Ayeni comments, “The best part with the premium financing product we offer is that there is no credit check, no loan documents, no personal guarantees, and no interest payments. The policy secures the loan, providing our clients with the potential for an additional 60-100% more for their retirements without the typical risks associated with leverage.”

“Through Afrikare Life, we aim to equip all our fellow Africans and people of color in America with the knowledge and tools to ensure their families are safe from financial struggles should anything happen to them,” he adds.

To know more about Afrikare Life or to procure their services, contact them at 877-560-2099 or visit their official website at AfrikareLife.com.

Black Mom & Daughter Duo Write a Children’s Book Focusing on the Beauty of Growing Food

NATIONWIDE — Stacey Woodson, a registered dietitian, food activist, and HBCU graduate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has partnered with her 10-year-old daughter, Paige, to write and release Grow. Eat. Repeat. A Love Letter to Black-Eyed Peas, a beautiful children’s book that centers on the beauty of Black culture by displaying the intimate relationship between generations of family, Black history and their garden. An educational and inspiring read that is sure to evoke appreciation for growing your own food.

The new book aims to illustrate the beauty and value of growing your own food – especially black-eyed peas. Written to nourish the mind, body and soul by exploring nutrition, science, family, and Black history while artfully highlighting the special bond between daughters, their mothers and their gardens.

Grow. Eat. Repeat. A Love Letter to Black-Eyed Peas combines whimsical alliteration while celebrating diversity, and the multigenerational tradition of growing food. This heartwarming story is the perfect addition to any library or classroom as it entertains and inspires young readers to have a deeper appreciation for the many gifts provided by Mother Earth.

Stacey is a registered dietitian that believes all people should have access to nourishing foods and culturally sensitive nutrition education. She is also is a proud graduate of Hampton University. She also earned her Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University.

Stacey and Paige enjoy gardening, yoga, and frolicking in nature. The new book caters to readers that grow or wish to grow their food and those interested in nutrition. “We will never have to worry about going hungry as long as we grow our own food,” says Stacey.

For more information and/or to purchase the book, visit her official web site at StaceyWoodson.com/books.

Through Ads and Advocates, Battle Over Calif. Gambling Propositions Heat Up

By McKenzie Jackson | California Black Media

Clint Thompson, a Santa Monica resident in his 30s, wouldn’t say he has been inundated with advertisements supporting or denigrating Propositions 26 and 27, but he sees an ad focused on one of the legislations each time he turns on his television.

“I usually watch the news during the day — NBC — and on NBC, Prop 26 or Prop 27 comes on every other commercial break per show,” said Thompson, an actor, who admitted he hasn’t researched the sports gambling propositions. “Both of the props seem to have good things with them. The commercials seem to have reasons why you should say ‘yes,’ or ‘no.’”

Prop 26 would legalize roulette, dice games, and sports betting on Native American tribal lands if approved by voters in the Nov. 8 election. It is backed by over 50 state Native American tribes.

Prop 27, supported by sports books DraftKings, FanDuel, BetMGM, Fanatics, PENN Entertainment, and WynnBet, would give those sports betting companies the reins in sports gambling in the Golden State and allow online gambling.

If people like Thompson feel the advertisements from the campaigns for and against the propositions seem to be flooding the television and radio airwaves — and to be ever-present on social media (Watched a YouTube video lately?) — they might be right.

The dueling propositions have raised a combined $400 million for advertising leading up to Election Day this November. That has led to ads backing and slamming the two propositions to be front and center in all forms of media Californians consume.

Dinah Bachrach of the Racial Justice Allies of Sonoma County, a group supporting Prop 26, said the proliferation of ads supporting Prop 27 is concerning.

“They are all over the place,” Bachrach said. “Gambling is already a pretty big business, but to be able to do sports gambling online is dangerous because it hurts what tribal casinos have been able to do for their communities in the state.”

According to Bachrach, Prop 26 protects the sovereignty of native tribes. “It’s a really important racial justice issue,” she said. “Indian casinos provide a tremendous amount of financial support for the casino tribes and the non-casino tribes, and they contribute a lot locally and to the state.”

Bachrach’s organization is one of several civil rights or African American organizations that have thrown its support behind Prop 26.

Santa Clarita NAACP spokesperson Nati Braunstein said in an email, “The NAACP supports Prop 26, which would legalize retail sports betting at California tribal casinos only and opposes Prop 27 which would allow online sports betting via mobile sportsbooks.”

Kathy Fairbanks, speaking for the Yes on 26/No on 27 coalition, composed of California Indian tribes and tribal organizations, and other partners, said winning the approval of every potential voter, including Black Californians, is their goal.

Yes on 27 – Californians for Solutions to Homelessness, the campaign arm of Prop 27 backers, had not returned California Black Media’s requests for comment for this story as of press time. Prop 27 proponents say in ads and the Yes on 27 website repeats that the initiative would help solve California’s homelessness crisis.

Prop 27 imposes a 10 % tax on adjusted gross gaming revenue. Eighty-five percent of the taxes go toward fighting California’s homeless and mental health challenges. Non-gaming tribes get the remaining 15% of tax revenue.

Organizations such as Bay Area Community Services, Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness, San Diego Regional Task Force on Homelessness, and individuals including Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Bay Area Community Services CEO Jamie Almanza, and Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians Chairman Jose “Moke” Simon are listed as Prop 27 supporters on the Yes on 27 website.

On the campaign’s Facebook page, commenter Brandon Gran wrote under an advertisement photo that voting for Prop 27 was a “no brainer.”
“People are already gambling using offshore accounts,” he typed. “Why not allow CA to get a piece of the pie … money that will (hopefully) go to good use.”

However, a statewide survey by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), conducted between Sept. 2 and 11 and released on Sept. 15, revealed that 54 % of California voters would vote “no” for Prop 27, while 34 % would vote “yes.” Twelve percent of the respondents were “unsure.”

The survey’s authors wrote that a strong majority of Republicans wouldn’t vote for the proposition, compared to half of Democrats and independents.

“Regionally, majorities in the Inland Empire, Orange/San Diego, and the San Francisco Bay Area would vote ‘no,’ while likely voters in the Central Valley and Los Angeles are divided,” they wrote. “At least half across most demographic groups would vote ‘no.’ Likely voters age 18 to 44 (52%) and renters (51%) are the only two demographic groups with a slim majority voting ‘yes.’”

The survey, titled “PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government,” did not ask participants about Prop 26. The Yes on 26/No on 27 coalition, said in a news release that the PPIC’s research confirmed what Prop 26 supporters have said for some time.
“Despite raising more than $160 million for a deceptive advertising campaign, California voters are clearly not buying what the out-of-state online gambling corporations behind Prop 27 are selling,” the statement read.

California Cities are Pilot Testing Guaranteed Basic Income Programs

By Manny Otiko | California Black Media

Guaranteed basic income isn’t a new idea. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr talked about the idea of low-income people receiving regular checks from the government in the 1960s. It was brought up again during the 2020 presidential campaign when Democratic candidate Andrew Yang, a technology entrepreneur, made it a major part of his platform.

However, Yang was advocating for Universal Basic Income (UBI), which guarantees payments to everyone.

Guaranteed basic income only targets low-income people.

According to Yang, some kind of guaranteed basic income program is going to be necessary for the future when technology makes many jobs obsolete. A 2020 World Economic Forum study predicted that technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics would eliminate 85 million jobs by 2025. However, guaranteed basic income programs are gaining steam across California as poverty alleviation. Several cities are carrying out pilot programs.

Los Angeles County is conducting a guaranteed basic income pilot program called Breathe. The program provides $1,000 to 1,000 LA County residents over a three-year period. The program will be evaluated by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Guaranteed Income Research.

Breathe is overseen by the county’s Poverty Alleviation Initiative. 180,000 residents applied to take part in the program. On a single day during the that process, 95,000 people submitted applications, according to a county press release.

To qualify for Breathe funds, the applicants had to be at least 18 years old, have a single-person household income under $56,000 or $96,000 for a family of four, and have experienced negative impacts due to COVID-19.

One motivation behind the Breathe program was the COVID-19 pandemic, which laid bare the problems of poverty and income inequality.

“The course of this pandemic has revealed the large number of County residents who are living on the brink of the financial crisis, with insufficient savings to weather a job loss, a medical emergency, or a major car repair. This guaranteed income program will help give residents the breathing room they need to better weather those crises,” said Supervisor Sheila Kuehl.

Other guaranteed basic income programs are being pilot-tested in California.

Miracle Messages, an outreach program for the unhoused in San Francisco, started to pilot test a program called Miracle Money last year. Miracle Money provided $500 to homeless people. And the initial program seemed to be a success. According to Miracle Messages, about 50% of the people in the test group were able to find housing after they received the cash payments. Miracle Money was funded by a GoFundMe campaign.

Oakland Resilient Families is a Bay Area program that provides a $500 grant to families for 18 months. The program stresses it is different from universal basic income. “Guaranteed income is meant to provide an income floor but not meant to be a replacement for wages. Guaranteed income can also be targeted to those who need it most,” according to the organization’s website. Oakland Resilient Families is funded by donations.

Mountain View, another Bay Area city is setting up a new guaranteed basic income pilot program called Elevate MV. The pilot program promises to give, for two years, $500 a month to 166 low-income families with at least one child or who are currently pregnant. Elevate MV is operated through the Community Services Agency, a non-profit organization.

In San Diego County a guaranteed income pilot program was launched in March 2020. One hundred and fifty households with young children residing in one of the four priority ZIP codes in the county – Encanto, Paradise Hills, National City and San Ysidro — are receiving $500 a month for two years. The $2.9 million program is run by Jewish Family Service of San Diego with funding from Alliance Healthcare Foundation and from the state’s budget surplus.

These programs, including LA County’s Breathe program, are modeled after a universal basic income program that was tested in the city of Stockton. The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) provided $500 to 125 low-income residents for 24 months.

And the research showed that the SEED program worked, according to a National Public Radio (NPR) article.

“Among the key findings outlined in a 25-page white paper are that the unconditional cash reduced the month-to-month income fluctuations that households face, increased recipients’ full-time employment by 12 percentage points, and decreased their measurable feelings of anxiety and depression, compared with their control-group counterparts,” said NPR.

As Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs launched the SEED program in 2019. Following the promising results of the pilot program, in 2020 Tubbs launched Mayors for Guaranteed Income, a coalition of 60 mayors who are advocating for a guaranteed income program to ensure that all Americans have an income floor.

Tubbs lost his bid for re-election in 2020 and is now an adviser to Gov. Gavin Newsom who is a proponent of guaranteed income.


“Listen, You Stiff-Necked People Uncircumcised in Heart and Ears!”

By Lou Yeboah

You always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you. [Acts 7:51]. Woe unto thee, Chorazin! Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. [Matthew 11:20-24]. What willful ignorance! You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? [Matthew 23:33] … “where the fire never goes out; where the worms do not die, and where you will be tormented with burning sulfur and the smoke of your torment will rise forever and ever.” [Mark 9:43-48]. Avoid hell at all costs you stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears. For I am shaking all that can be shaken. And what is still to come is too dreadful to think about. Wake up! It is past midnight, and My coming has drawn near. Stir yourself and don’t be slothful. Your salvation is nearer now than when you first believed. [Romans 13:11-12].

Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of your God, ye people of Gomorrah [Isaiah 1:10]. The present world as you watch is undergoing shakings. Governments who were previously unmovable are trembling. Kings and Rulers who were untouchable in the past are being removed from their glorious palaces. It’s time to read the signs of the time and check the historical map. For I am not slow in keeping My promise, as some understand slowness. I am patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Therefore, “look carefully how you walk”, “use wisdom in redeeming the time, and “understand what My will is” [Ephesians 5: 15-17].

Because Hell is populated with people that meant well. They may have heard of God and intended to get their lives right with Him, and then suddenly came a time when they needed to know Him, and it was too late. Like the five foolish virgins who made a big mistake thinking there would be another opportunity when the time came. Do not make the same error. The bridegroom will come at a time you are not expecting Him [Matthew 24:44]. Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” [Matthew 25:1-13].

“Whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement, than for that city. [Matthews 10:14-15; Luke 10:11-12].

“And the door was shut.”

Cal Black Chamber of Commerce’s Biz Summit 2022 Offers Opportunities to Bid on Contracts

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

The California Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation Inc. (CALBCCF) is offering “game-changing opportunities” for mini micro, micro, and small business proprietors of the state at the Economic Business and Roundtable Statewide Summit 2022.

Under the theme, “Pitch Your Business,” the summit is scheduled to be held in Sacramento on Friday, Sept. 30, and Saturday, Oct. 1, at the Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade.

Jay King, the president and Chief Executive Office of CALBCC, said the Economic Summit provides a different outlook and “a bold new journey into the ecosystem of business and how it’s effectively done.”

Startups or established businesses attending the summit will be able to present their services to potential clients on the spot or set up a bidding process in the near future. Interested individuals will be able to explore employment opportunities at the two-day event.

“This is not the same format that it has been in the past,” King told California Black Media. “We’ve been working with California Transportation (Caltrans) and DGS (California Department of General Services), to identify contracts that smaller firms can bid for and win if not at the summit days afterward. We will have workshops but all of them are interactive.”

A workshop on how to pitch a bid will be held on the first day of the summit. The pitch presentation is scheduled to be done in front of a panel of corporate judges with the hope of winning investment capital.

The next day, the participants will pitch their business concept with a chance to land $50,000 in capital. Two second-place winners will receive $25,000 each, and 10 functional businesses each have a chance at $10,000 in cash prizes.

“We are only awarding businesses in the state that have done all the hard work. It’s difficult running a small business,” King said. “Because small businesses are macro (a business that makes less than $100,000 per year) or mini macro (less than $35,000 per year), especially in the Black sector, it’s extremely difficult. About 96% of the African American businesses fit that description.”

The Economic Summit will feature Black chambers of commerce from across the state, including operations from Los Angeles, Fresno, Bakersfield, San Francisco, Oakland, and San Diego.

Wells Fargo, Lyft, UC Davis Health, the city of Sacramento, the Department of General Services, and the Black Small Business Association are Economic Summit sponsors.

The Economic Summit was created to bring “change makers” together with minority-owned businesses with a mission to create meaningful economic opportunities to increase spending with small businesses and strengthen the conversation of small business diversity, equity, and inclusion, King said.

The Summit is also set up to assist interested homebuyers. King said attendees will have a chance to see if they qualify for a home loan.

The summit will feature guest speakers Chris Horton, National Black Entrepreneur Project, Ann Tompkins, Director of Professional Services at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis); and Mike Condrin, Chief Operation Officer at UC Davis.

The California Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. was created as a public charity dedicated to education, training, community growth, and youth entrepreneurial development. Its mission starts with educating local and state-wide communities about the importance of financial literacy.

“We believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion,” King said. “We are not excluding any business sector, racial groups, or White, Asian, Latinos business chambers. We know that they have the same challenges. We (CALBCC) are putting on display (an Economic Summit) that we would like to see from other chambers and entities across the state when we talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion. This means everybody to us.”

For more information about the Economic Business Summit, registration, and hotel accommodations, contact Angela Lowe of the California Black Chamber of Commerce at (916) 467-8878 or visit cbcc@calbcc.org.

12-Year-Old Boy Makes History as the Youngest Black College Student in Oklahoma

NATIONWIDE — At the age of 12, Elijah Muhammad has become a freshman at Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) making history as the youngest Black college student in the entire state of Oklahoma.

Elijah, who is being homeschooled as a high school senior, is simultaneously majoring in cyber security at OCCC. He is currently enrolled in 3 classes including Computer Technology, Computer Hardware, and Computer Operating Systems.

Elijah recalled his classmates’ reactions when he first met them in class. “A bunch of them were like, ‘how old are you?’” he told KFOR News. “Once I told them my age, they all got surprised.”
Coming from a family of achievers, Elijah’s accomplishment did not come as a complete shock. His older sister, Shania Muhammad, made history just last May as the youngest person ever to graduate from both OCCC and Langston University at the age of 14.

Their father, Elijah Muhammad Sr., said the siblings always have healthy competition amongst them.

“When he sees her accomplish certain things, he’s like I’m up next and I can do it,” said Elijah Sr. “We are the cheering section for our scholars.”

However, Elijah acknowledges that despite them being competitive with each other, his older sister is a big help to him.

“We have a bunch of competitiveness. But she really helps me out with a lot of my studying,” said Elijah, who is on track to surpass his sister’s record of the youngest to graduate in the state.

Aside from being a historic outstanding student, Elijah is also a three-time state champion wrestler and an entrepreneur with his own clothing line called Smart Boy.

‘Jazz on the Rooftop’ Brings the Bayou to Downtown Riverside

The Adrienne Dell & Carmen Roberts Foundation brings Mardi Gras to Riverside with its annual Jazz on the Rooftop Fundraiser

RIVERSIDE, CA—-“Oh, those Mardi Gras Nights!”, that’s the theme for this year’s 4th Annual Jazz on the Rooftop fundraising event hosted by the Adrian Dell and Carmen Roberts Foundation (ADCR). The annual event will take place on Friday, October 21, 2022, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., at Riverside City Hall’s Rooftop located at 3900 Main Street in Riverside.

The entertainment for this year will be Lorie V. Moore and friends, and as usual there will be food and dancing throughout the night. Due to limited seating, attendees are encouraged to get their tickets as early as possible.

Please come dress to impress with your favorite mask. There will be a prize for the best mask. Tickets on sale now and may be purchased at www.adcrfoundation.org.


Jazz on the Rooftop is an annual fundraiser with the goal of raising funds for the Foundation’s community efforts, which include: the Riverside Black History Parade & Expo, the Young Women’s Empowerment conference, and the Backpack Giveaway for school age students.

San Bernardino County Voting to Leave California; Establish 51st State

By Manny Otiko | California Black Media

On November 8, San Bernardino County voters will be presented with a choice on their ballot — leave the state of California and create the 51st state or remain the largest county in the nation.

A consortium in San Bernardino is the latest group of people proposing to alter the boundaries of the state of California. The group wants the county to secede from California and create a 51st state that would be called Empire.

According to real estate developer Jeff Burum, a member of the group, San Bernardino County is not getting its fair share from the state of California. The movement is supported by some local mayors such as Acquanetta Warren, mayor of Fontana, and Bill Velto, mayor of Upland.

“We cannot continue to beg, and crawl … to get resources for our county… Let’s step out and be bold about it and let the people decide what they want to do.” Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren told the San Bernadino Board of Supervisors.

Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman said, “I’m frustrated, too. I’m frustrated with the state of California. It’s becoming, more and more, ‘one size fits all’ for the greatest state in the nation.”

Burum claimed the move has “overwhelming” support. But he is basing his assessment on a survey of 400 San Bernardino County residents by Wallin Opinion Research.

There are more than 2.1 million people living in the county. San Bernardino is the fifth-most populous county in California and the largest in the nation by area. Geographically, it is larger than Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey and Rhode Island combined.

The issue was first brought up at a meeting of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. And it has continued to be discussed at Board of Supervisors’ meetings over the past few months.

While Board Chair Hagman supports the move, Supervisor Joe Baca Jr., said he disagrees with the effort.

During public comment at a recent Board of Supervisors meeting, Jane Hunt-Ruble, a San Bernardino County resident, said she opposed the move. But she said it would be popular with people who held anti-government feelings.

“It’s never going to happen,” she said.

A group of Inland Empire-area legislators blasted the move in a joint letter.

“We are shocked with the reasoning behind this initiative, concerned about the cost to taxpayers to essentially ask local officials to do their jobs, and disappointed in the narrative being created regarding our community,” according to a letter signed by Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-Colton,) State Sen. Connie Leyva (D-Chino,) and Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez (D-Pomona.)

The Inland Empire legislators also pointed out that in 2020, one-third of the county’s revenue came from state dollars.

However, the San Bernardino Board of Supervisors agreed to put the issue on the ballot. The county’s Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 to put the secession measure on the 2022 ballot. One supervisor was absent.

According to a press statement, the question will be put on the November ballot.

It asks, “Do the people of San Bernardino County want San Bernardino County elected representatives to study and advocate for all options to obtain the county’s fair share of State funding up to and including secession from the State of California?”

Over the years, there have been several efforts led by various groups to partition California — or secede from the state. So far, none of them have succeeded.

The San Bernardino group’s move isn’t the only recent secession movement. In 2020, a group in northern California lobbied to leave the state and merge with parts of Oregon and Idaho. That group was motivated by dissatisfaction with California’s “liberal policies.”

Also, in 2017, there was gathering momentum for a movement calling for California to leave the Union and create its own country. That movement, labeled Calexit, was headed by Louis Marinelli, an American citizen who lived in Russia. According to Bloomberg, the campaign received financial backing from the Russian government. Marinelli later returned to America, renounced Calexit, and ran for a State Assembly seat. He received 6.4% of the vote.

Creating a new state is a complicated process. For example, secession from California would require approval from state legislatures, Congress and a signature from the president of the United States.

The last states to join the union were Hawaii and Alaska, which were admitted in 1959. And the last state to be formed by splitting away from another state was West Virginia, which was created in 1863.

San Bernardino Resident, Juanita Nixon Kelly, Celebrates Her 100th Birthday

Juanita Nixon Kelly, a 70-year resident of San Bernardino, California will celebrate her 100th birthday on October 3. She was born in Texas, Texarkana in 1922, raised in Oklahoma, then she moved to Los Angeles, California in 1937 at the age of 15, and later graduated from Jefferson High School in1940.

Kelly moved to the Westside of San Bernardino in 1952, where she raised a beautiful family of eight children, four girls and four boys. She has always had a love and desire to help others which led her to be employed at St. Bernardines Hospital and San Bernardino County Foster Care. She also worked as a clerk with the Voter’s Registrar with the voting polls in the family home for 10 years.

After retirement, she became a volunteer for the San Bernardino County Senior Companion for 27 leaving the program at the age of 90, continuing with her walk and work with God and the Church. Her years in the church she served as Sunday School Teacher, choir member, choir president, choir director, and mistress of ceremonies. God has blessed her to live and witness six generations of her family. Having grandchildren, great and great-great grandchildren the number exceeds well over 100.

Kelly’s favorite scripture is Psalm 34:1, which states, “I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth”. Her favorite song is “Because He lives I can face tomorrow”.

She has come this far by faith leaning on the Lord! She was also one of the founding organizers in Bethesda M.B.C with Pastor Fred M.Williams; New Jerusalem M.B.C; and Burning Bush M.B.C with Pastor Solomon Stewart. She is an active member of Living Faith Full Gospel Church with Pastor Shelby Roberts.

She was the recipient of the “First Annual Juneteenth Recognition Award”, The Inland Empire/High Desert Component Choir of the L.A Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America Inc in 2022, Dansby Stardivant II, GMWA Asst, Chapter Rep. She has also received recognition and honor from the offices of Joe Baca San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors 5th District, Assembly Woman Wilmer Carter, Mayor Pat Morris, President Bill Clinton, and San Bernardino city council. She her family’s Queen/ Matriarch.