Happily Divorced And After

County Committee Approves Election Changes for Four School Districts

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – The San Bernardino County Committee on School District Organization approved changes to the method in which school board members are elected for Bear Valley Unified, Fontana Unified, Mountain View and Rialto Unified school districts during a series of meetings held on April 13.

“I commend these districts for being proactive and engaging the community for input,” said County Superintendent Ted Alejandre. “This level of consistency, dedication and transparency is what makes these districts great.”

Public hearings were held prior to the County Committee’s approval of the district plans for all four districts to transition from an “at-large” to a “by-trustee area” election method. The districts requested County Committee approval in time for the next election in November 2022.

An at-large method allows registered voters of the entire jurisdiction to elect candidates to the governing board.

In a by-trustee area system of election, candidates for the Board must reside within a specific geographic subarea of the district called “trustee area,” and candidates are elected only by the voters of that trustee area.

According to Dennis Mobley, interim acting secretary to the committee, the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 (CVRA) continues to allow an “at-large” method of election, although it can be challenged as unfair depending on community circumstances. By-trustee area electoral systems are not vulnerable to challenge under the CVRA, which prompted the districts to make the change.
The 11-member committee addresses school district organizational issues including possible changes to the number of district trustees, trustee area boundaries, school district boundary changes and unifications.

The San Bernardino County Committee on School District Organization maintains a webpage at https://www.sbcss.k12.ca.us/index.php/business-services/business-advisory-services/county-committee
For more news and information, visit the SBCSS Newsroom and follow us @SBCountySchools on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. #transforminglives.


Project to Help Non-Profits Gain Access to Almost $200B in State and Fed Funds

By Tanu Henry | California Black Media

Non-profit organizations across California will be able to apply for funding from a pool of cash created with an initial investment of $15 million from two foundations.

The money will help local Community Based Organizations (CBOs) gain access to almost $200 billion in federal and state funding coming down the pike for economic development projects.

The Center at the Sierra Health Foundation, a Sacramento-based organization that promotes health and racial equity, and the James Irvine Foundation, a private San Francisco-based philanthropic nonprofit that advocates for Californians who earn low wages, are the first two foundations investing in the fund called the Community Economic Mobilization Initiative (CEMI).

“CEMI will strengthen nonprofits working in marginalized communities and help them secure and influence the use of public funds designated to reduce economic and environmental inequities,” said Chet P. Hewitt, President and CEO of Sierra Health Foundation and The Center.

This year, California is expected to receive close to $200 billion in federal and state funding. The money will be sourced from the American Rescue Plan ($43 billion) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ($56 billion), as well as the state’s Community Economic Resilience Fund ($565 million) and its budget surplus ($46 billion).

“This is a much-needed investment for community-driven organizations particularly those that support the most vulnerable Californians. Historically, they have not been invested in the same manner as larger organizations. Many of them were affected throughout the pandemic and need this fiscal and operational support. My hope is that there will be intentionality to be inclusive of the organizations that can have the greatest impact in our communities,” said Kellie Todd Griffin, Convenor of the California Black Women’s Collective, an organization of more than 1500 Black women leaders in various professions from different regions of the state.

CEMI is expected to begin funding the CBOs in the summer of 2022 with $14 million from the James Irvine Foundation and $1 million from the Center at Sierra Health.

“We have a golden opportunity to make sure these investments reach community-based organizations that best know the infrastructure their communities need for economic growth that is inclusive and resilient,” said Don Howard, President and CEO of The James Irvine Foundation.

Howard says the funding from CEMI aligns with the James Irvine Foundation’s mission of supporting low-income workers because it helps grassroots organizations and community advocates participate in the planning and decision-making that goes into the distribution of public funds.

“We need an economy built on inclusion, equity, and dignity for all work and workers — and that starts by making room for diverse leaders to have a say in how these once-in-a-generation investments shape their communities’ futures,” Howard continued.

The CEMI funding will provide technical assistance and training to the CBOs that qualify to build their capacity and infrastructure and build models for what community-driven economic development looks like, according to the Center at Sierra Health Foundation.

The funders of CEMI say they believe the organizations they support will grow into a strong network that can drive more “equitable economic development policy, regulation and accountability at state and local levels.”

The California Endowment (TCE), a private foundation with headquarters in Los Angeles, has also committed to investing in CEMI.

TCE is a 56-year-old foundation that supports programs that improve the health care of Californians living in underserved communities.

“The availability of state and federal funding provides California with an important opportunity to address critical health and economic challenges for the most vulnerable Californians,” said Dr. Bob Ross, President and CEO of TCE.

“This potential can only be realized by investing in community-led change,” Ross added.

Gov. Gavin Newsom praised the foundations for taking a leadership role in making a difference in the lives of Californians who need help the most.

“This initiative will help grow the capacity of committed organizations to continue their important work in communities across the state. This will be especially important as we focus on COVID-19 recovery and creating a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all,” the governor said.

Hewitt says the project will result in “transformative change” in California.

“The past few years have laid bare the impact of long-term disinvestment in poor communities. We must do all we can to position community institutions to grow power and create opportunity for the places and populations they serve,” he said.


SBCSS Expands Access to Literacy Resources to Accelerate Reading Proficiency

SAN BERNARDINO, CA — San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) has broadened access to the early learning platform Footsteps2Brilliance for children up to third grade and will be launching the 2022 Summer Reading Challenge.

“Proficiency in reading by the third grade is shown to be one of the best predictors of both the likelihood to graduate from high school, and economic success in adulthood,” said County Superintendent Ted Alejandre. “This expansion and partnership will allow more students to have access to a program specifically tailored to help them achieve the critical success indicators on the Cradle to Career Roadmap.”

Previously, the early learning platform was only open to San Bernardino County children up to age five. SBCSS is further supporting the countywide Vision2Read initiative by partnering with Preschool Services Department, First 5 San Bernardino and Children’s Fund to expand this resource. Now, all San Bernardino County children up to third grade are eligible to register and use the app for free to access thousands of interactive eBooks, songs, and games.

In 2017, SBCSS began investing in Footsteps2Brilliance, a comprehensive English and Spanish literacy app that can be used on any mobile device or computer. Once downloaded, it is accessible with or without an internet connection.

In addition, SBCSS is launching the 5th Annual Summer Reading Challenge to encourage families with children from birth to 3rd grade to read and learn on the app for 15 minutes a day. SBCSS is also partnering with Footsteps2Brilliance to offer access to Summer Climb, a program including lesson videos and activities to provide expanded learning throughout summer months.

Footsteps2Brilliance is part of the San Bernardino Countywide Vision2Read Initiative, which aims to improve literacy throughout the region. Reading proficiency by the third grade is one of the greatest predictors of success, and these resources give children an opportunity to increase their literacy skills in more than one language. To date, parents and their children have read over 666,000 books and have spent over 118,000 hours on literacy through the early learning platform.

To register and download the free literacy app, Footsteps2Brilliance, please visit https://www.myf2b.com/parent_wizard/get_started/sanbernardinocounty.

For more news and information, visit the SBCSS Newsroom and follow us @SBCountySchools on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. #transforminglives.


Black GOP Candidates Are Tapping into Voter Frustrations in 2022 Election Cycle

By Tanu Henry | California Black Media

There are 12 Black Republicans running in statewide races across California this election year.

Come June 7, when the primaries are held, many of them – already longshots without local or statewide political experience – will likely be eliminated from competing in the November general elections.

Either way it goes, some of the Black Republican candidates California Black Media (CBM) has spoken with say they have already made a difference. They entered their races to represent Californians who are frustrated with the policies coming out of the Democratic-run Statehouse and Legislature in Sacramento and their ideas and opposition on problems from homelessness and affordable housing to education and the environment have already begun to influence political conversations at the state, county, and municipal levels across California.

“I really think 2020 woke up a lot of people to get involved in legislation — find out how a lot of things work,” said Pastor Brian Hawkins, a San Diego native and San Jacinto city councilmember who is a Black Republican candidate running to defeat U.S. Congressman Raul Ruiz.

Ruiz is a Democrat representing California’s 36th Congressional District but due to redistricting is running to represent the 25th Congressional District.

“People are starting to question political motives, people are questioning the education system, the model that’s been the same for hundreds of years. So, I think people are hungry for something different and this gives us an opportunity,” he said.

Recently, CBM spoke with another Black Republican candidate Shawn Collins who is running for governor. Critics say Collins’ attempt to become governor is ambitious because he is barely known in the state’s political circles and last week the California Republican Party endorsed another candidate, former California State Senate Minority Leader Brian Dahle (R-Bieber), for Governor.

But Collins, 41, an attorney, dad, and U.S. Navy veteran who lives in Orange County, says his message is connecting with people.

“I tell people that California’s problems are so big right now, they transcend politics,” he said. “And what I mean by that is there are certain issues in this state right now that impact you whether you’re a Democrat or Republican.”

Last week, Collins spoke with CBM about his decision to run for Governor of California.

Here is an excerpt of our conversation. It has been edited for concision and clarity.

Why are you running for Governor?

My primary motivation is my family — my wife, and my four young children. I’m genuinely concerned about my children, being able to start lives and develop careers here in California because the state has become so anti-business.

The governor’s race excites me because I track our K through 12 education. California is ranked 40 out of 50 states. How is that possible?

This is the fifth largest economy in the world. We have a budget of over $300 billion. We have a surplus of over $31 billion and our teachers, are some of the highest paid in all of America. You have to ask: why is our public education system so bad?

How do we fix it?

It is one of the first things I’ll focus on when I become Governor. The Hoover Institute has been tracking this program in Dallas – in the community that I grew up in, actually.

They incentivize high-performing teachers in other school districts to come to lower income communities and try to make an impact. They say, “right now only two out of 10 kids are reading at their grade level. If you can get that up to four out of 10, there’s $50,000 attached to that.”

It’s in its second year right now and test scores have already dramatically improved.

What do you think about the growing school choice movement that a lot of conservatives support?

I’ve always been an advocate of school choice because it puts pressure on the school district to perform. If they don’t perform, their schools will lose funding.

What gives you the confidence that you as a Republican can win in California, one of the most Democratic states in the country?

Well, I’ll start with my background, you know, first of all, I’m not your traditional Republican. They’ve never seen any Republican candidate like me. And what I mean by that is I was not born into the Republican Party. You’re looking at a person that grew up in a very Democrat household. My dad was in electrician, and he was a single father because my parents divorced when I was three years old. My mom gave my dad primary custody because she was very intimidated by having to raise two young boys by herself.

How do you convince Black and other minority voters to support your candidacy?

I grew up in difficult circumstances, so I understand the hurt that average Californians are feeling right now. I can use that personal experience to implement policy that will make substantial changes to individuals’ lives.

How is your plan for tackling homelessness better than what Democrats have done?

Democrats have thrown $13 billion at the problem over the past five years, and it’s gotten worse. We have to stop this “housing first” policy. The assumption is that if you can provide a home for every single homeless person in the state of California — which is in excess of 160,000 at this point — the security of a home will somehow transform them. When you look at the breakdown of our homeless population in the state, roughly a third are homeless because of life circumstances, meaning they lost the job, or some type of catastrophic economic event. That’s one-third. the other two-thirds are drug addicted or mentally ill. So, if you’re talking about a housing option for that one-third, okay, You’re on the right track.

My policy would be to have more drug addiction and mental health services. If the drug addict or the mentally ill person says, “I don’t want your help,” then we have to implement tough love. You have to accept the help or go to jail, but you can’t live on the street because that’s not compassion.

Public safety is a big issue right now. A lot of conservatives are slamming criminal justice reforms and calling for tough-on-crime policies again. What is your take?

We have to have accountability built into our criminal justice system. Criminals talk. I know that because I grew up in a community where criminals talked. And if people know that they are not going to be held accountable, they are emboldened to go out and commit crimes.

How is it effective to implement tough-on-crime laws and lock more people up if rehabilitation programs are not built into the correctional system?

For me, rehabilitation is important. We have to have programs in place whereby incarcerated people can learn a vocation, a trade or skill.

If a person just goes to prison and they hang out there for a certain period of time and they pick up no skills, they have nothing to offer society when they walk out. When you walk out of the doors of that prison with no skills, you’re obviously going to return to a life of crime.
Rehabilitation needs to be intelligent.






“As Mother’s Day Approaches There May Be Some Who Say – She Don’t Deserve to Be Honored!”

By Lou Yeboah

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, God never said if you thought she deserved to be honored, he said: “Honor thy father and thy mother.” Honor—No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts! There is no escape clause at the end of these verses. Over and over in Scripture, God commands us to “honor” our parents. It’s a command that thy days may be long upon the land that the LORD your God is giving you. A commandment with a promise [Ephesians 6:2]. In honoring your father and mother, you are rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man. [Ephesians 6:7]. The primary teaching here is that if Israel would keep the Fifth Commandment, the nation would dwell in Canaan without interruption—but if Israel’s homes were ruined by disobedient children—then, neither strong armies nor walled cities could stop the enemy.

For thus saith the Lord; I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments. For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.” [Colossians 2:1-23].

I tell you, one of the most powerful ways we can honor our parents; mother, and father, besides giving them our respect and obedience, is to choose to forgive forward. God tells us that He will bless us as we honor our parents. So as “Mother’s Day” approaches, think of ways to be kind to your mother in spite of. Do it as if you are doing it unto the Lord, with thanksgiving and praise to whom all glory and honor is do.

Because as Tupac Shakur said in his lyrics [Dear Mama -2Pac], “Ain’t a woman alive that could take my mama’s place – I gotta thank the Lord that you made me. Dear Mama, You are appreciated.”

Celebrating and Honoring ALL Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day to you!

New California Pivotal Practice Award Recognizes Schools in S.B. County

SAN BERNARDINO, CA — Nine districts and 57 schools throughout San Bernardino County have been recognized through California Department of Education’s (CDE) newly implemented 2022 California Pivotal Practice (CAPP) Award Program.

“I commend these schools and districts for their flexibility and high standards of excellence in the face of adversity,” said County Superintendent Ted Alejandre. “The awardees have demonstrated their commitment to doing whatever it takes to provide holistic support to students throughout the pandemic.”

Due to the difficulty of collecting data for statewide assessments during the 2020-2021 school year, the CDE California School Recognition Program has suspended the California Distinguished Schools designation for the year. In its place, the CAPP Program recognizes and celebrates innovative practices implemented by schools and districts despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2022 CAPP Award honors unique strategies to support students in at least one of the four key areas: Student Engagement, Distribution of Technology, Nutrition Services and Social Emotional Well-Being of Students.

2022 CAPP District Awardees:
• Apple Valley Unified
• Chaffey Joint Union High
• Lucerne Valley Unified
• Ontario-Montclair
• Redlands Unified
• Rialto Unified
• Silver Valley Unified
• Victor Elementary
• Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified

2022 CAPP School Awardees:

San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
• Desert Trails Preparatory Academy

Alta Loma School District
• Deer Canyon Elementary School
• Vineyard Junior High School

Apple Valley Unified School District
• Sycamore Rocks Elementary School

Chaffey Joint Union High School District
• Chaffey High School

Chino Valley Unified School District
• Canyon Hills Junior High School
• Levi H. Dickey Elementary School
• Ruben S. Ayala High School
• Walnut Avenue Elementary School

Colton Joint Unified School District
• Abraham Lincoln Elementary School
• Grand Terrace High School at Ray Abril Jr. Educational Complex

Etiwanda Elementary School District
• Carleton P. Lightfoot Elementary School
• Grapeland Elementary School
• Terra Vista Elementary School
• Windrows Elementary School

Helendale Elementary School District
• Helendale Elementary School

Hesperia Unified School District
• LaVerne Elementary Preparatory Academy

Lucerne Valley Unified School District
• Lucerne Valley Elementary School
• Sky Mountain Charter School

Morongo Unified School District
• Black Rock High School

Ontario-Montclair School District
• Arroyo Elementary School
• Berlyn Elementary School
• Buena Vista Arts-Integrated Magnet School
• Central Language Academy
• De Anza Middle School
• Edison Elementary School
• Elderberry Elementary School
• Howard Elementary School
• Kingsley Elementary School
• Lehigh Elementary School
• Lincoln Elementary School
• Mariposa Elementary School
• Monte Vista Elementary School
• Moreno Elementary School
• Oaks Middle School
• Richard Haynes Elementary School
• Serrano Middle School
• Vernon Middle School
• Vista Grade Elementary School

Rialto Unified School District
• Dr. Ernest Garcia Elementary School
• Helen L. Dollahan Elementary School
• Henry Elementary Visual and Performing Arts School
• Nancy R. Kordyak Elementary School
• W.J.C. Trapp Elementary School
• Wilmer Amina Carter High School

San Bernardino City Unified School District
• Colonel Joseph C. Rodriguez PREP Academy
• Juanita Blakely Jones Elementary School
• Kimbark Elementary School
• Serrano Middle School
• SOAR Charter Academy

Silver Valley Unified School District
• Silver Valley Academy

Snowline Joint Unified School District
• Wrightwood Elementary School

Victor Elementary School District
• Mountain View Montessori Charter School

Victor Valley Union High School District
• Cobalt Institute of Math and Science Academy
• University Preparatory School
• Victor Valley High School

Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District
• Valley Elementary School

Additional information about the California Pivotal Practices Awards Program can be found by visiting https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/sr/pp/.

For more news and information, visit the SBCSS Newsroom and follow us @SBCountySchools on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. #transforminglives.


WAG Slate for June 7, 2022: Primary Election

The Executive Committee, Westside Action Group met recently to consider the list of candidates for various elected offices across California.

Following is the slate which was adopted at their last meeting.

US SENATE (Partial Term)
Alex Padilla

US SENATE (Full Term)
Alex Padilla

Pete Aguilar


Tony Thurmond

James Ramos

Ted Alejandre

DeJonae Shaw

Connie Leyva

Bob Dutton

Ensen Mason

Jason Anderson

Clifton Harris

Helen Tran

Theodore Sanchez

Sandra Ibarra

Fred Shorett

The Westside Action Group, a community organization that has been serving the Inland Empire community for 50 years regarding political and social justice issues concerning the African American community. WAG meets every Monday at noon in an open forum where citizens bring up issues that are important to them.


Letter to the Editor: Bad Blood, Sad Memories the Tuskegee Experiment and COVID-19 Connection

By Eric Patterson

The Tuskegee Experiment is often cited by some African Americans, as a reason to be hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine. But the record needs to be set straight.

My grandfather’s name was Doll Brown – an unusual handle for sure, but that wasn’t his given birth name. Granddaddy was born in 1904 to a family with four girls. Everybody said he was so pretty “he looked like a doll the girls could play with.” So that’s what folks started calling him, Doll. The name and his good looks stuck with him well into adulthood. That’s when he made “Doll Brown” his legal government name, the name on his driver’s license as well as his death certificate.

By the 1930s, when Granddaddy was in his prime, approximately one out of every 10 Americans was suffering from syphilis, according to an article by John H. Stokes. The illness was called “The 3rd Great Plague” due to its significant effect on the worldwide population. That ratio was even higher in the rural south, where Granddaddy was reared. Then, in 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service, Syphilis Study was initiated in Tuskegee, Alabama (misleadingly remembered as “The Tuskegee Experiment”). The government came to town to study (experiment on) Negroes who had contracted this fast-spreading disease. Good looking, ladies’ man, Doll Brown, was one of them. The men were promised prime treatment and healthcare to further study and help eradicate this plague they called “Bad Blood.” The study included men with and without syphilis. None were treated. All were given placebos.

Doll Brown, 1904 -1976

Elsewhere in the world, Stokes’ article states that “the effective use of penicillin was discovered and in 1943 the first patient was treated.” Within 12 months, over 10,000 early syphilis patients had been treated. The widespread use of penicillin was a major force behind historic decreases in reported syphilis cases. There was a 95 percent reduction in new UK syphilis cases between 1946 and 1955. Physicians ascribed this decrease to the direct effect of penicillin’s curative powers. Swift proactive implementation of this new medical treatment made all the difference. Meanwhile, Negroes involved in the government study in Tuskegee would go untreated for another thirty years. Additionally, their names were placed on a national “Do not treat” list, and they were denied military service and job opportunities. Families were devastated. Granddaddy ultimately died from gangrene.Granddaddy’s story is why I got involved in California’s “Vaccinate All 58” initiative. I recognize the global importance of setting the record straight concerning the so-called, “Tuskegee Experiment.” When African Americans today cite that study as justification for not receiving the potentially lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine, I’m baffled and perturbed. The quote “my people perish for lack of knowledge” still rings true today. My family, friends and their families have lived with the specter of that shocking study for over 90 years. We only wish that granddaddy and other victims would have, could have “taken the shot.” Unfortunately, they were denied that opportunity. Not making treatment available to those Negro men was the core of the government’s racist conspiracy. These men weren’t injected with anything.

And here we are today, the ill-fated “Tuskegee Experiment” still victimizing African Americans, ironically, for an entirely different reason. This time, we are our own worst enemies.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic that has disproportionally impacted Black lives, loud speaking, ill-informed individuals have emerged, claiming that the government is attempting to perpetrate another “Tuskegee Experiment” on our community. The scariest thing about that argument is that many of these people are highly intelligent, educated professionals who sound like they know what they’re talking about. It’s said that “everybody’s ignorant, just on different subjects.” Sadly, this group’s unhealthy, aggressive ignorance is killing our people due to the blinding influence they wield over the naive.

Historically, vaccinations and new medicines have been proven safe and effective. This explains why Negroes in Tuskegee’s Jim Crow South, weren’t offered the effective, healing benefits of penicillin, the newly discovered medical remedy at the time.

When the COVID-19 vaccine became available, it was initially administered to medical first responders. Once it was made widely available in our community, non-Black outsiders aggressively filled up appointment slots and steadily raised their community’s vaccination rates, while Black vaccination rates lagged behind. Something for naysayers to ponder.
During this current COVID-19 pandemic, if we fail to respond to the urgent call to help ourselves by getting vaccinated, instead relying on harmful misinformation, then the legacy of the dreaded “Tuskegee Experiment” will claim countless more Black lives – all of which should matter.

Dedicated to the memory of Granddaddy,
Doll Brown, 1904 -1976
Tuskegee, Alabama

Eric Patterson is a Free Mason who holds a BS Degree in Sociology and an MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. A former Captain in the 82nd Airborne Division, he served eight years in the army with separate tours of duty in both Iraq and Afghanistan


Gov’t Agencies Say They Want More Black Californians to Access Jobs, Training

By Aldon Thomas Stiles | California Black Media

Last week, the California Labor & Workforce Development Agency, San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board, and the Riverside County Workforce Development Board held a summit at the March Field Air Museum in Riverside to discuss persistent employment and labor challenges.

The main challenge, they say, is achieving equity.

“A vital component for the equitable economic and sustainable future of California will be determined on the vision and strategic investments in fast growing regions like the Inland Empire,” said Angelo Farooq, Chair of the California Workforce Development Board.

“We are proud of the multitude of High Road apprenticeship grants for employers/workers that our board has been making in the region and its continued impact to support quality jobs for the local economy,” Farooq added.

Equity has become a national buzzword. But what does it mean in when it comes to labor and employment? The state says it aims to make that definition clear and make it work for all Californians, particularly African Americans.

“Inclusive and equitable. Let’s talk about those two words because I love them and I hate them,” said the event’s keynote speaker Secretary Natalie Palugyai of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency. “I hate them because they get watered-down and thrown around, and people really don’t even know what they’re talking about anymore and when people throw those words out, I want to know exactly what they mean because if they don’t mean something behind it, we’re actually not going to get to those lofty goals.”

Palugyai provided her own definition for what these goals should look like.

“Getting people in the door, that’s equity,” said Palugyai. “If I have an African American population and they aren’t participating in my program, but they represent 10% of my region, what am I doing?”

Palugyai said that the state, traditionally, has not invested in these efforts in an equitable way.

“Let’s just be really frank about this; economic development, state investments, infrastructure, [and] workforce training and development has been done the same way for a long time and what has really changed?” Palugyai asked the room full of workforce officials and sponsors.

The summit panel consisted of workforce representatives from the state and both Inland Empire counties, as well as community leaders throughout the region.

They all spoke about the importance of equity while acknowledging the systemic challenges they’ve faced in that pursuit.

The Economic Policy Institute, and other sources tracking job data, say Black unemployment in California remains higher than the statewide average.

At the state level, the California Labor & Workforce Development Agency wants regional offices to maintain some independence to help encourage participation from the Black community.

“We haven’t been great at outreach,” Palugyai admitted. “During COVID, we learned that the only proper way to do outreach is through community organizations that are connected to the people we’re trying to serve. The old ways of us doing it are just not cutting it anymore.”

She brought up an example of the state supporting regional equity efforts: the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) which would provide aid to counties based on their needs following the COVID-19 pandemic.

“You want outreach from the people who look like you that are probably going to understand you more,” Palugyai said.

In Riverside County, these challenges are prevalent, according to Leslie Trainor, Deputy Director of the Riverside County Workforce Development Centers.

However, she reports that they have been working on said challenges.

“One of the things we did was look at the numbers of the customers that we’re serving because we wanted to make sure that we were at least serving the number of African Americans in proportion to the number of African Americans in the general population of Riverside County and we are in fact serving a slightly higher percentage,” said Trainor.

She admitted there are “systemic issues to tackle.”

Patrick Ellis, Chair of the Riverside County Workforce Development Board, emphasizes that just getting Black people jobs is not enough to solve the problem.

“I don’t think we can achieve equity if we don’t pay a lot of attention to job quality,” said Ellis. “We have a lot of poor people in California, and we have a lot of poor people in the Inland Empire. Most poor people work, often more than one job.”

Trainor said that the Riverside County Workforce Development Centers can offer help with upskilling, resume updating, mock interviews, and job searches but some people are not aware of these services.

Because of this, Riverside County Workforce Development Centers are looking to connect with the Black community through Black-led community-based organizations, as is the plan for the state’s workforce development programs.

The state and the two Inland Empire counties plan to make this summit an annual event.


California ’22 Primary Election: Black Candidates Running for Statewide Office

By Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

On June 7, California will conduct a primary election — the first opportunity for voters to elect candidates in newly drawn districts based on the 2020 US census. Registered voters will automatically receive a vote-by-mail ballot no later than May 9, with the option to return it to a secure drop box, or vote in-person up to 10 days before the election for those living in Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) counties.

For those not registered to vote, same day registration is possible up until 8 p.m. on Election Day.

The candidates running to fill eight statewide constitutional offices (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State (SOS), Attorney General, Controller, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer) and one California US Senate seat will be listed on all primary ballots. The primaries for the four positions on the Board of Equalization, the 52 US Congressional, 80 State Assembly, and 20 State Senate seats are listed based on district.

There are 40 State Senators. They serve staggered four-year terms. Twenty of them representing even-numbered districts are up for election this year.

Statewide, there are 145 elections being held to fill these state and federal offices.

California Black Media (CBM) reports that 55 Black candidates are running in 37 of the elections. That’s 25.5% of the races. Blacks make up 5.8% of California’s population.

In nine of the contests more than one Black candidate is competing. Party affiliations represented are: 36 Democrat, 11 Republican, 4 No Party Preference, 2 Nonpartisan, 1 Green and 1 Peace and Freedom.

In six statewide contests, 12 Black candidates are on the ballot. Two candidates are incumbents. One is Dr. Shirley Weber, who was appointed California’s first Black SOS by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2021, replacing California’s current junior U.S. Sen Alex Padilla. This will be the first time Weber has run for office statewide. The other is Tony Thurmond, California’s second Black State Superintendent of Public Instruction. He was elected in 2018 in a close contest.

There are no Black candidates on the ballot running for Attorney General or Treasurer.


Running for re-election as the state’s chief executive officer, Newsom faces 25 other candidates on the ballot. Four of those candidates are Black. Shawn Collins is a Republican, an Attorney, and a Navy combat veteran. He says, “We can and will make California the best place to start a small business, give parents a real voice in their children’s educations, and bring compassion and law and order together to end the human tragedies on our streets.”

Serge Fiankan is an entrepreneur and has a No Party Preference designation. He says, “As your governor, I will change the status quo and address the real problems we are facing with measurable actions.”

Woodrow “Woody” Sanders III is an Entrepreneur/Director/Engineer and has a No Party Preference designation. Sander’s passion is for restoring California’s “crown as the best state in the union.”

Major Williams is a Republican Businessman. He ran as write-in candidate during Gov. Newsom’s recall election and received 8,965 votes. His campaign slogan is, “It’s time to think major.”

Lt. Governor

Incumbent Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis is running against field of seven candidates. Angela E. Underwood Jacobs is a Black Republican Businesswoman/Deputy Mayor running against her. Jacobs was the first African American woman elected to serve on the Lancaster City Council.

Secretary of State

Shirley Weber has six opponents for SOS. Before her appointment, Weber served four terms as an Assemblymember representing California’s 79th Assembly District. She is committed to making California the national leader in running inclusive, trustworthy, and transparent elections – expanding the franchise to more of our citizens, ensuring election security and empowering voters to make informed decisions. She is the only Black candidate running for SOS.

State Controller

State Controller Betty Yee is termed out this year. Among six candidates running to replace her is Malia Cohen the first African American woman to serve on the board of Equalization. Cohen wants to make sure the tax code is fair, that people understand tax incentives are out there to benefit the working class. “I am running because I am committed to equity, empowerment, hope and opportunity for all Californians,” Cohen told CBM.

Superintendent of Public Instruction

There are six candidates running to replace incumbent Tony Thurmond as State Superintendent of Public Instruction. As the chief of K-12 education in the state, Thurmond was instrumental in marshalling the efforts of the Department of Education to help school districts deal with systemic inequities that the pandemic put a spotlight light on. He is running to achieve his vision that by 2026 all California students will be literate by third grade. For Thurmond, Black student achievement and student achievement in general have been major priorities. Among his challengers is Black public and charter schoolteacher Ainye E. Long.

California Insurance Commissioner

Incumbent Ricardo Lara has eight challengers vying to be the next Insurance Commissioner. Three of his opponents are Black. Veronika Fimbres is a transgender nurse running as the Green Party candidate. Fimbres, a Black Navy veteran, has pledged to use the bully pulpit that would come from being insurance commissioner to push for universal health care in the state.

Jasper “Jay” Jackson is a paralegal running as a Democrat. His goal is to deliver transparent and speedy services to the people of California.

Vinson Eugene Allen is a medical doctor and businessman running as a Democrat. Allen says, “I will personally address consumer issues and work with insurance carriers for a fair solution to disputes.”

US Senator

The office of US Senate will have two separate contests on the June 7 ballot. One contest is the regular election for the full six-year term beginning January 3, 2023. The other contest is a special vacancy election, to complete the unexpired Senate term of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Sen. Alex Padilla who was chosen by Gov. Newsom to replace Harris will be competing in both contests. In the full-term contest, he faces 22 opponents. Five are Black. And in the special vacancy contest he has seven opponents. Two are Black.

Black candidates in the full-term US Senate race are: Akinyemi Agbede a mathematician and Democrat; Myron L. Hall Podiatric Physician and Republican; Daphne Bradford, an education consultant and No Party Preference candidate; Deon D. Jenkins also has No Ballot Designation and No Party Preference; and John Thompson Parker, a Social Justice Advocate representing the Peace and Freedom Party. Candidates Hall and Bradford are also running in the partial/unexpired term contest.

In the June 7 primary election, the two candidates receiving the most votes advance to the general election. If a candidate receives a majority of the vote (at least 50 % plus 1), a general election must still be held.