Happily Divorced And After

It’s That Time of the Year: The Social Lites Inc. are Looking For A Few Good Young Men

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- “We Mentor Men Towards a Better Future”, – This year marks the 65th year of the Social Lites Inc. as an organization and 55th year of them making a strong and lasting impact on our Black and Brown young men of our Inland Empire community.

This year we the organization is excited to be ushered in by President Sheri Lewis and Vice President Elsie Paulino who bring a wealth of knowledge and a combined 30+ years with new ideas to the program.

The Beautillion Program provides services that ensure that our youth are college bound and equipped to succeed in college and realize their full potential as men, career professionals, entrepreneurs, and productive citizens through the program. They also provide mentoring, leadership and character and life development skills to makes students from Elementary to High School.

In addition, participating high school seniors who express a desire to attend college may qualify for academic scholarships after completing a rigorous six-month extracurricular program that involves academics, community service projects, and refining social skills. To date, the Beautillion Program has given out approximately $2.5 million dollars in scholarships to college bound young men.  

The Beautillion Briefing will be from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 10 at The Center for Youth & Community located at 468 West 5th Street in San Bernardino.

Please call Marlene Davis at (909) 709-5502 for more information. Mark your calendars, this will be a life changing opportunity for the young men in your lives.  

Young Black Entrepreneurs is WHAT IT DO!

By Lue Dowdy, LUE Productions

Are you between the ages of 6 and 25? The Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cites East Chapter is looking for young folks with businesses that would like to showcase their products at the SCBCC-Inland Cities East monthly business mixer on Monday, October 25.  

The goal is to support, encourage, and uplift our future business owners. The mixer is FREE and will be held in the City of San Bernardino and is open to all. Space is limited so please register soon by visiting the website at www.blackchamberofcommerce.org or texting 909.567.1000. Participants will be advertised on final mixer flyer. 

Set up time is 4 p.m. and breakdown is at 8 p.m. Prepare for fun, networking, and resource information. Remember it takes a VILLAGE! Until next week, L’s!

“I’ve Told You on Many Occasions to Repent, but You Refuse to Listen”

By Lou Yeboah

Okay, no more warnings! Have it your way. But you ought to know that there will be terrible consequences for those who refuse to repent- those who choose to do their own thing. Choosing the creation, but refusing the Creator, what’s wrong with you? You will perish [Luke 13: 3, 5] even though that is not what I desire- [2 Peter 3:9). Even now you are filling up a “store house” of wrath that will one day be poured out on you – [Romans 2:5. Acts 17:30] “I have sharpened My sword; I have bent My bow and made it ready [Psalms 7:12]. Since you have refused to repent, now it’s my prerogative, and I will do what I want, says the Lord.

I tell you, making decisions without considering the consequences is foolish and dangerous. The price to pay is always catastrophic. Listen, God in His justice and forbearance has given you opportunity after opportunity to turn to Him, but you refuse, but God will not be mock; you will suffer the consequences of your choice. If a sinner can be sent to hell for all eternity, this clearly demonstrates God’s full hatred toward disobedience.

As people whom God deeply cares about, he wants us to deal with disobedience wisely. Remember, nobody can ever please God while living in rebellion. Rebelling against Him is equivalent to rejecting Him and His Word. Repent or Perish! The choice is your!

A warning about a coming day: In [Revelation 6:8] one-fourth of the world’s population are killed, and the remaining three-fourths of the people survive. In [Revelation 9:18] one-third of these survivors are killed. Even after half of the world’s population has been killed, the survivors refused to repent of their sin and idolatry – [Revelation 9:20-21]. Later, God let the sun scorch them with a burning heat. At this time, they not only refused to repent and glorify God, but they also cursed him – [Revelation 16:9]. Then God sent darkness, along with pain [pain from the burns and sores of the previous judgment]. The people still refused to repent of what they had done – [Revelation 16:11[. At that point, there is nothing left for God to do, except to return and bring judgment upon them, at the final battle of Armageddon. [Revelation 16:21]

Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But it shall be more tolerable in the judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades.

Even though God has brought correction to a rebellious people to turn them back to truth, they would not listen but instead hardened their hearts to remain in opposition to God. Failure to repent while still able seals their doom when they die. [Luke 10:13-15].

[Revelation chapter 16] man’s last chance to turn.

They didn’t want to hear what God had to say. They refused to apply the words of prophesy to themselves and to take the shame for what they had done. They had no remorse, no guilt. The prophet’s words did not move the people to a place of repentance. Their hearts were too hardened, and their necks were too stiffened to take heed to the forewarning of impending doom. They didn’t want to hear that they were not right in the eyes of God. They didn’t

want to hear words of rebuke that lets them know they have fallen short of the glory of God. They didn’t want to hear sound doctrine. Therefore, they refused to listen at all. They wanted their ears tickled with words of blessings and peace. Doom and gloom was not the type of prophet they wanted so they refused to hear and obey.

“As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?” [Ezekiel 33:11].

Now is the time of God’s favor. Now is the day of salvation.” [2 Corinthians 6:2]. Repent! And do this, understanding the present time: The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. [Romans 12:11-14].

SBCUSD Welcoming Resource Center to Close

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—The San Bernardino City Unified School District’s (SBCUSD) Welcoming Resource Center, currently at 781 #A W. Second Street in San Bernardino, will be closing October 1.

The district leased the Second Street location in 2018, opening a temporary Welcoming Resource Center where families could enroll new students while a new, permanent facility is built adjacent to the Board of Education building.

“The construction of the new resource center is slated to begin soon,” said

SBCUSD Administrator of Operations Sam Precie. “We’re excited to share more details in the coming months about our plans to break ground on this project that means so much to our community.”

“Our families have advocated for a permanent place that we hope will become a hub of valuable resources for students and families,” Precie added, “and we’re getting closer to making that a reality.”

The new center will be a single destination for families looking to enroll their children in SBCUSD schools, conduct a language assessment, access health and wellness needs, get support services for students in foster care and homeless situations, and technology needs.  

After considering several factors, SBCUSD officials determined it was not in the best interests of parents or employees to continue leasing the facility on Second Street. SBCUSD will close the building by October 1 and relocate the remaining employees to other facilities.

Enrollment and Placement Services, the Language Assessment Center, and the Family Engagement Office are among the departments still located at the Welcoming Resource Center (WRC) on Second Street. Families will still be able to enroll their children in school at any SBCUSD school campus and online while Enrollment and Placement Services relocates.

“Enrolling at your neighborhood school has always been an option for families, and school staff continue to be ready to provide good customer service to our new students and families while our Enrollment and Placement Services staff move,” said Chief Communications and Community Engagement Officer Ginger Ontiveros.

The departments located at Second Street will be relocated to the following locations:

Enrollment and Placement Services and the Language Assessment Center staff will be relocated to empty classrooms at Jones Elementary School, located at 700 North F Street in San Bernardino.

Family Engagement Office staff is scheduled to move to space at Dr. Mildred Dalton Henry Elementary School, 1250 W. 14th Street in San Bernardino.

Multilingual Programs staff will move to the Professional Development Center (PDC), 4030 Georgia Blvd. in San Bernardino.

Specialized Programs, GATE, transitional kindergarten (TK), and PE staff will move to Lincoln Elementary, 255 W. 13th Street in San Bernardino.

The District is committed to keeping families updated on the relocation process through the official SBCUSD website and social media channels, as well as notices via ParentSquare. ParentSquare is the District’s new all-in-one communication platform.

“We want to make this transition as easy as possible for our families,” Ontiveros said. “In the end, we know this move is the right thing for students and staff.”

Governor Newsom Signs Assemblymember Holden’s Legislation that Addresses Discrimination in the Real Estate Appraisal Process

SACRAMENTO, CA – Earlier this week, Governor Newsom signed Assemblymember Chris Holden’s legislation, AB 948 which would address discrimination in the real estate appraisal process.

“Black homeowners in predominately white neighborhoods are getting their homes appraised for far less than their neighbors,” said Assemblymember Chris Holden. “It’s just another example of how bias, whether explicit or implicit, creates inequity for Black Americans. This is redlining 2.0.”

AB 948 would require the Bureau of California Real Estate Appraisals to gather data on demographic information of buyers and sellers of real estate property and compile data of homeowners from protected classes who file complaints based on low appraisals. The legislation also requires appraisers to take anti-bias training when renewing their license.

In just one example, a Black couple in Marin City, had their home value lowballed by nearly $500,000. Similar incidents have been recorded throughout California and the Country.

“This bill reflects a starting point in a much-needed conversation about how discrimination is still prevalent in the home buying and selling process, and I am committed to addressing this inequity,” said Holden.

Governor Newsom also signed AB 1297, authored by Holden, which expands the financing authority of the California Infrastructure and Economic Bank (IBank) to include housing projects, when the housing is necessary for the operation of the financed project.

New Mr. And Miss Cardinal City Court Crowned; COVID Safety Measures Provide a Safe and Fun Event

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—-After a mask-wearing and music-filled event on Saturday, September 25 that brought much joy and excitement to the San Bernardino High School (SBHS) community, Abdel-Rahman Hussein and Jamie Villalobos were crowned the new Mr. and Miss Cardinal City, respectively.

The 2021–2022 pageant was unlike any held before. According to pageant

director and SBHS bilingual school outreach worker Jaime Rios, due to COVID-related cancellations of the separate 2020–2021 Mr. Cardinal and Miss Cardinal pageants, he made the decision to combine the pageants for 2021–2022.

“The students and staff have waited so long for the pageant,” Rios said. “It’s become a tradition and something that everyone looks forward to. Once we had the proper safety precautions in place to make it happen, I wanted to involve both sets of contestants.”

Rios worked closely with staff from SBHS and Sturges Center for the Fine Arts, where the pageant was held, to make sure that everyone would be as safe as possible from COVID. He also consulted with District officials, including the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) Safety & Emergency Manager Eric Vetere.

The COVID safety measures involved limiting the pageant audience to 250 invited guests only, which included only 10 members of each contestant’s family, pageant judges, performers, and a small, select group of Sturges and SBHS staff and judges’ guests. Since Sturges can accommodate 700 audience members, the extra space allowed the audience to be grouped by household with empty seats between groups.

Additionally, every person in attendance was asked to wear a face covering over their nose and mouth at all times, excluding when sipping water or for children under age 2, as allowed by law. Signage reminded attendees to assess their health before entering Sturges, and everyone had to submit to a temperature check. Hand sanitizer stations were available for the judges, backstage for the contestants, and for the audience. An industrial-sized, HEPA-grade air filter in the auditorium filtered the air for virus particles.

Filling out Mr. Cardinal City’s court are first runner-up Carmel Gonzales and second runner-up

Saul Felix.

Miss Cardinal City’s court includes first runner-up Kylee Bravo and second runner-up Laura Galindo. Miss International Beauty 2021 Trinity Ortega and Teen International Beauty 2021 Ashley Torrez were also crowned Saturday night and will be part of the Miss Cardinal City court.

The pageant also included several special presentations. Ivan Cruz, a SBHS Class of 2021 graduate, was named Mr. Cardinal City 2020–2021.

“The Mr. Cardinal City 2020–2021 pageant was cancelled just weeks before the event due to the COVID-19 lockdowns,” Rios said. “The contestants had been practicing and providing hours of community service up to that point, but they never got to take the stage. I couldn’t give that back to them, but I could crown an honorary Mr. Cardinal City 2020–2021 from among the contestants.”

Cruz was crowned shortly before Mr. Cardinal City 2021–2022 was announced, so his reign was short lived, but he will be listed as a former Mr. Cardinal City in official documents.

Dr. Harold Vollkommer, retired SBCUSD interim superintendent and former deputy superintendent, was honored for his longtime support of the Mr. and Miss Cardinal City pageants. He has judged several pageants and been the master of ceremonies for others.

Mr. and Miss Cardinal City and their Courts will represent Cardinal City, which is an official chartered city that encompasses the SBHS campus and all of its current students and staff, at various in-person and virtual functions.

According to Susan Jeske Irvine, the holder of the trademark for Miss International Beauty and Teen International Beauty, both titles focus on using the exhilaration of pageantry to teach women and girls important life skills, encourage involvement in community service, and use their “Crown for a Purpose,” while shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Miss International Beauty and Teen International Beauty were incorporated into the Miss Cardinal City pageant this year as part of a set of unique circumstances because of COVID and the passing of founder Louise Madlin.

Mr. and Miss Cardinal City are eligible for college scholarships when they graduate from SBHS. To donate to the Cardinal Scholarship fund, contact Communications/Community Relations secretary Susan Zavala at (909) 381-1250. Miss International Beauty 2021 and Teen International Beauty 2021 will each receive $100 in prize money.

San Bernardino Native Serves Aboard USS Ronald Reagan

INDIAN OCEAN—-Seaman Carissa Ledesma from San Bernadino, California stands communications watch during a replenishment-at-sea aboard the Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Ronald Reagan, flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the United States, and supports alliances, partnerships and collective maritime interests in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman George Cardenas)

Event Recap: The Key to Our Future

FONTANA, CA—Victor Glover was escorted into the press conference at the Jesse Turner Center on the arms of Miss Black Awareness and her Court, where he was greeted by his fraternity Brothers, elected officials, and the press.

This took place on Saturday, September 18 during the 5th Annual Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana. The event was a day of, “UNITY in the CommUNITY”. Other festivities of the event were the Chillin’ N Grillin’ BBQ competition.  A big thank you goes out to all the grillers for your participation, and Congratulations to the Riverside County Fire department for taking home the MasterChef award for 2021-2022. 

Representatives from Ted Porter Elementary School 5th grade class was invited to attend a VIP press conference with Commander Victor Glover, while over 100 of their classmates anxiously waited at the North Fontana Park Sports Pavilion.  The four Representatives asked very pertinent questions to astronaut Glover about how life was living in space for six months, and presented him with a banner that 5 grade classes had made for him.  

Victor Glover was pleasantly surprised to receive the key to the City from Fontana’s City Council members presented to him by Mayor Acquanetta Warren. After the press conference, he was transported by Fiona the movie car and her owner Elaine Francisco where he was led into the Sports Pavilion by Chaffey  High School Honor Guard Naval ROTC to a beautiful rendition of America the Beautiful sang by Amore’ the Songstress, accompanied by a 116 piece band from Summit High School under the direction of Mr Sharp.

The goal of the organization is not only to break bread together, but to bring CommUNITY Awareness to the Inland empire.  their initial purpose was to

bridge the gap between law enforcement agencies and the community.  However, the vehicle that fuels this event is education as stated by Ellen Turner, president of the Concerned Citizens, she further states that knowledge and partnership is the essential.

This annual event would not be possible without the help and support from the City of Fontana, and the Police Officers Association. It truly “takes a village”.

First Community Capital, Inc. certified as a Community Development Financial Institution

INLAND EMPIRE, CA—- The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has certified First Community Capital, Inc. as the first and only Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) located in Southwest Riverside County.  First Community Capital serves Southern California and Arizona.

Community Development Financial Institutions play an important role in generating economic growth and opportunity in some of our nation’s most distressed communities. By offering tailored resources and innovative programs that invest federal dollars alongside private sector capital, the CDFI’s take a market-based approach to supporting economically disadvantaged communities.

CDFI’s can loan money at very attractive rates to help people buy homes, and small businesses.

“Our mission is to foster economic justice and opportunity by providing access to capital and technical assistance to economically disadvantaged micro and rural businesses,” said Jay Diallo, CEO and Founder of First Community Capital, Inc.

“FCC is inspired to achieve the ambitious goal of economic inclusion by ensuring that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and women-owned businesses including immigrants, refugees and those formerly incarcerated have equitable access to capital and other financial resources to support business startups, while also strengthening existing businesses to withstand the economic impacts imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic,” Diallo said.

First Community Capital helps low – and moderate-income entrepreneurs who lack sufficient training and education to gain access to capital, thereby delivering long-term economic strength to communities while helping small businesses become more resilient.

“We often lend to borrowers that may not meet mainstream institutions’ underwriting criteria, helping to bridge the gap between conventional lending standards and the needs of hard-to-reach borrowers,” said Diallo.

Before starting First Community Capital in 2019, Diallo was Vice President – Community Development Lending Officer at Pacific Premier Bank in Irvine, CA.  He also served as Executive Director – PPEP Microbusiness & Housing Developing Corporation (PMHDC), in Tucson, AZ.

Diallo earned undergraduate at bachelor’s degree in political science with a Minor in Economics, from Westmont College in Santa Barbara.  He also earned a graduate degree in Banking from Pacific Coast Banking School in Seattle, WA.  His fields of emphasis included: Credit and Enterprise Risk Management, Bank Financial Statements, Bank Financial Tools, Dynamic Leadership, Analysis of Business Conditions, Sales and Marketing.


First Community Capital is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and a certified CDFI governed by an independent board of directors. The board provides fiduciary and organizational oversight, ensuring it achieves its mission of growing businesses and strengthening underserved communities in California and Arizona. The directors are responsible for approving all lending policies and procedures as well as reviewing the financial and programmatic performance of the agency.

“When the health and economic disaster of COVID-19 hit our small businesses, FCC swiftly responded to their critical needs. Through the US Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program.  FCC has helped more than 65 microenterprises secure loans to fund their business operations through the pandemic to survive until the crisis has passed,” said Diallo.

“In addition, FCC has made direct loans specifically to minority-owned microbusinesses who did not qualify for the SBA EIDL loan and would have otherwise been left without financial assistance and forced to close their businesses, likely to never reopen,” Diallo added.

For more information on First Community Capital, Inc. go to https://www.fccbi.org or call (951) 249-5767

Board of Directors

T. Jay Diallo, Chairman, President & CEO 

Mark Davis, Vice President-BDO-PM 
Canyon Community Bank

Vincent McCoy, Vice President 
Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce

Fatimoh Muhammed

President & CEO – Wamufat International

First Community Capital Locations

California Locations

Southwest Riverside County

26111 Ynez Rd. Suite B30

Temecula, CA 92591

Inland Empire

2060 Chicago Ave. Suite A13

Riverside, CA 92507

Los Angeles County

879 W 190th St. Suite 400

Gardena, CA 90248

Southern Arizona Market

Pima County

8321 E Broadway Blvd #103

Tucson, AZ 85710

Maricopa County

1510 W McDowell RD #4

Phoenix, AZ 85007

Yuma County

8321 E Broadway Blvd #103

Tucson, AZ 85710

About First Community Capital Inc.

Established in 2019 as an economic development nonprofit agency, First Community Capital has already made significant contributions in helping entrepreneurs to start and grow their small businesses. In leveraging our network of bankers, community development organizations and leaders, we have provided training, seminars, and workshops to about 200 small business entrepreneurs. We strongly believe that with each business financed and each job created and or retained, it represents a critical step in the transformation of a life, a family, and a community.

Youth DJ’s Is What It Do!

By Lue Dowdy

What up IE and everybody!? As we all know that our youth is the future. This week in my column, I’d like to highlight DJ Jahcory. He is a very talent young man with a bright future in the world of entertainment. I’ve had the pleasure of booking him for one of our Lue Productions youth events. The kids and adults loved him! He has major skills and a dope play set. He took a hobby and made it into a business. Read more about him below on how he got started.

Jahcory Williams is a 17-year -old DJ. He was born in San Bernardino and was raised all throughout the Inland Empire. He has been DJing since the 7th grade. His mother connected him with DJ Demico for lessons. His parents bought all of his equipment and DJ Demico came over and had sessions with him and his friend Kyran, teaching them how to DJ and how to do it well if they wanted to make a career out of it. Jahcory found it was a good legal way for them as young men to make some good money.

DJing is not the only talent that this young man has, he can also dance. Jahcory has been dancing since he came out of the womb and could never stop. From a young boy, he would just sit there watching dance videos and music videos of people dancing and trying to recreate the dances, to now a young man doing his own thing trying to perfect his craft and make something of himself dancing as well. Getting tens of thousands of likes on Tik-Tok.

He is also a twin. He has a twin sister Jordin, who is also his manager. He loves spending time with his family and people he loves. This is only the beginning of what he can do, and you will see more of him soon.

Welp that’s it that’s all ya’ll! Until next week, L’s!