Every year, The King Center in Atlanta leads the nationwide observance of the national holiday?commemorating the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the marquee events of the King Center’s week-long holiday experience will be the “Beloved Community?Awards” (formerly “The Salute to Greatness” Award). The Beloved Community Awards?recognizes international individuals and organizations that?exemplify excellence in leadership; pursue the universal quest for social justice and worldwide?peace in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and have made notable strides toward improving the quality of life for all. In addition to the “Beloved Community Awards”, the King Center presents a number of other awards in honor of Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Mrs. Christine King Farris and Yolanda King, all of whom have made tremendous contributions to our world house.
Dr. Johnnetta Betsch Cole has been chosen to receive the Soul of a Nation Award, which recognizes her as phenomenal woman leader who embodies the spirit of Mrs. Coretta Scott King’s quote, “Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.” She is recognized for a life as an extraordinary servant leader who is empowering women throughout our nation and the world. Her career accomplishments, including those at Spelman College, Bennett College, and the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), have helped numerous women to achieve higher levels of learning and success. Through her current work with the NCNW, the commitment to preparing and emboldening the next generation of women aligns with The King Center’s work of creating the Beloved Community, a more just, equitable, and peaceful world, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Her tireless fight for diversity and gender equality is helping to raise the consciousness of corporate America. Her passion for encouraging seasoned leaders, known as “Roots” to mentor younger generations of leaders, whom she affectionately refers to as “Wings” embodies the essence of the Soul of a Nation.
About NCNW
National Council of Negro Women is a Washington, D.C.-based charitable organization making a difference in the lives of women, children, and families through a four-pronged strategy that emphasizes entrepreneurship, health equity, STEAM education and civic engagement. Founded nearly 85 years ago, NCNW has 290 community and campus bases sections and thirty-two national affiliates representing more than Two Million women and men. Johnnetta Betsch Cole, Ph.D., is the seventh President of NCNW. For more information, please visit www.ncnw.org.or the brand’s social channels via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
It has taken 100 years, but Major League Baseball (MLB) announced on Dec. 16 that the Negro Leagues will be included in the organization’s history rather than being treated as a separate entity.
“It is MLB’s view that the Committee’s 1969 omission of the Negro Leagues from consideration was clearly an error that demands today’s designation,” MLB said in a statement.
The Negro National League was formed on Feb. 13, 1920, at a YMCA in Kansas City, Missouri. The National Negro League struggled to make ends meet, and the Indianapolis Clowns were the last NNL team to suit up for games as a traveling squad until halting operations in 1989.
Many remember former Kansas City Monarchs star Jackie Robinson who broke through the racial barrier being the first African American player to compete in MLB for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, but now other former Negro League players will finally have a place to call home.
With MLB’s decision to elevate the Negro League’s status to Major League, all previous statistics and records spanning from 1920-1948 will be integrated into the history books and cement legacies for future generations to enjoy. Players such as Satchel Paige, Oscar Charleston and Josh Gibson will now be immortalized for their efforts on the diamond.
American baseball player Jackie Robinson (1919 – 1972) playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers, 28th August 1949. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
“All of us who love baseball have long known that the Negro Leagues produced many of our game’s best players, innovations and triumphs against a backdrop of injustice,” said MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred.
The Negro Leagues were ahead of their time, so much so that they started playing night games five years before MLB did and introduced player-safety technologies that are still being used today.
One of those initiatives was the use of a baseball helmet. The National Baseball Hall of Fame stated that former Newark Eagles star Willie Wells was “one of the first pro ball players to wear a batting helmet,” in 1942 after being hit in the head by a pitch. After being knocked unconscious, Wells played the next game with a construction hard hat and finished his career with a .319 batting average.
Six years before Robinson helped desegregate MLB, Brooklyn Dodgers general manager Larry MacPhail enforced that his entire club use hats with protective-plate inserts in ’41.
Even though Hall of Fame catcher Roger Bresnahan popularized a safety measure by routinely wearing shin guards in 1907, MLB notes that John “Bud” Fowler was the first known Black professional baseball player to do so with molded wooden slats to protect his shins from players’ cleat spikes as they slid into home plate.
More importantly, MLB’s decision rights a wrong that extends far beyond sports. In terms of social justice and equality, the move is viewed as a win by many.
“For historical merit, today is extraordinarily important,” said Bob Kendrick, President of the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City, Missouri. “Having been around so many of the Negro League players, they never looked to MLB to validate them. But for fans and for historical sake, this is significant, it really is.”
Official MLB historian John Thorn mentioned the importance and impact of Negro League players finally being regarded as major leaguers.
“The perceived deficiencies of the Negro Leagues’ structure and scheduling were born of MLB’s exclusionary practices, and denying them Major League status has been a double penalty, much like that exacted of Hall of Fame candidates prior to Satchel Paige’s induction in 1971,” Thorn said. “Granting MLB status to Negro Leagues a century after their founding is profoundly gratifying.”
Offices remain open. Customers encouraged to go online first.
The California Department of Motor Vehicles is temporarily suspending behind-the-wheel driving tests for at least two weeks beginning December 14. The DMV is taking this step for the health and safety of customers and employees during the current statewide surge in COVID-19 cases.
“Behind-the-wheel drive tests require two people to share space in one vehicle and – while we have made numerous changes to safeguard the testing process – the current surge in COVID-19 cases presents increased risk to both parties,” said DMV Director Steve Gordon. “While our field offices remain open to serve the public, we hope customers will first go online to take care of their DMV needs.”
In-vehicle testing is a requirement for first-time driver’s license holders and commercial license applicants. The temporary suspension includes commercial and noncommercial tests but does not apply to motorcycle drive tests, which can be conducted at a safe distance.
Customers with scheduled appointments in the next two weeks will be notified their tests are canceled. The DMV will automatically reschedule the tests at a later date.
DMV drive test examiners will be redirected to assist with other customer transactions.
The DMV previously suspended drive tests for three months beginning in mid-March. The DMV resumed administering behind-the-wheel tests in June with safety protocols in place, including required face coverings, temperature checks, cracked windows for increased air circulation and seat covers.
Californians who do not have an urgent need to go to a DMV field office should delay their visit, including those interested in applying for a REAL ID. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has announced that the REAL ID enforcement date is October 1, 2021, and customers who want a REAL ID will have an opportunity to apply at a later date.
To protect customers and employees, the DMV requires everyone who enters the DMV to wear a face covering, physically distance and have their temperature checked. To best serve customers and maintain appropriate distance, the number of people allowed in the office is limited, chairs are appropriately spaced and plexiglass has been installed.
The DMV continues to recommend that customers use its online services, expanded virtual services and other service channels to complete transactions including eligible driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. Nearly all Californians can now renew their driver’s license online – even if the renewal notice states an office visit is required. Customers can also use the Service Advisor on the DMV website to learn their options to complete DMV tasks.
As the first coronavirus vaccine shots are being administered, there is quite a bit of talk and anticipation around whether it’s safe and how fast we’ll get it. We’re definitely asking lots of questions about how we’ll be distributing that vaccine, who will get it first and if our already stressed medical supply chains can handle distribution and storage.
Fortunately, there is even a robust conversation on how government (state, local and federal), health professionals and vaccine manufacturers must gain the trust and confidence of justifiably skeptical Black and Brown communities.
According to one recent (and not so surprising) national COVID Collaborative survey, just 14 percent and 34 percent of Black and Latino respondents, respectively, trust the coronavirus vaccine. This is particularly worrisome because COVID-19 kills Black and Brown folks at a much higher rate. For Black populations, the legacy of medical violence is a long one and will not go away – public leaders and elected officials must tackle it.
Yet, one major question we may get blindsided on is this: who will get the “best” vaccine available … and who won’t?
It’s that tricky, age-old question of premium versus basic. Gold versus bronze. Brand name versus generic. Americans have a constant pre-occupation, sometimes warranted, with whether or not they’re getting the best product or if they’re forced into making tough choices based on cost, quality and, many times, bias. Because of the rather narrowed and incomplete way we’ve been having the national coronavirus vaccine discussion, many have assumed it’s just one type or one standard of vaccine. If we let headlines and cable TV talking heads tell it, there’s a public sense of the big singular “vaccine” and that it’s “… 95 percent effective.” However, most of us in the know have failed to focus on one major detail: there’s not just one vaccine, there are several … and not all coronavirus vaccines are created equal. Nor are all those vaccines 95 percent effective.
Starting this week, we have watched with a mix of nervousness and fascination as healthcare professionals have received the first administered doses of vaccine. According to the NY Times Covid-19 vaccine tracker, 2 vaccines have been approved for full use and there are 16 vaccines from different pharmaceutical makers and labs all around the world in final Phase 3 “large scale efficacy tests.” About 5 are in “limited use” as we speak.
Of those in Phase 3 or emergency use that are beginning to reach supply chains for use in the United States are Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca; Pfizer has already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use. Both Pfizer and Moderna show 95 percent effectiveness. However, AstraZeneca, reportedly, has only seen “moderate” effectiveness, with trial efficacy ranging anywhere from 62 percent to 70 percent and sometimes 90 percent, depending on the level and sequence of dosage.
That’s not to say AstraZeneca’s vaccine is not effective. Indeed, trial studies show that it is. But, when a weary public only sees the percentages, we have not yet had that honest, open conversation about how two vaccines – Pfizer and Moderna – appear to significantly outperform one other vaccine, AstraZeneca, and maybe others. In a situation like that, as vaccine is gradually available, people are going to ask questions about if they are getting the “best” vaccine. More alarmingly, we will also find ourselves in a situation where governments and medical institutions may distribute a type of vaccine based on zip code, income, health insurance and, some will wonder, race.
Bad enough we see a rather high number of people in certain demographic groups who don’t trust the vaccine. Why add to those fears with extra anxiety over vaccine quality? We need to get ahead of that inevitable conversation and potential clash right now. The fear is that vaccine distribution or, rather, who gets what grade of vaccine will be determined by where they live, how much they make and the color of their skin. Expectations on vaccine supply have already been dramatically reduced as we’re now finding out the current administration didn’t prepare for or bother to purchase the “several hundred million doses” of Covid vaccine it promised – instead, states are planning for just less than 40 million doses to start with. We’ll only have a limited supply of that 95 percent effective Pfizer and Moderna, but initially – and likely – a greater supply of the potentially 70 percent effective AstraZeneca. So, what happens when word gets out that the 95 percent effective vaccine will be used up before certain communities or populations can get in line?
It’s a valid question because we see it unfolding every day in the delivery of our healthcare, particularly as well researched and documented bias – consciously or not – often drives healthcare decisions. What we know is that race and income oftentimes dictate level and quality of care. We know, for example, that Black and Latino patients face numerous barriers to needed prescription drugs: Black and Brown children were found less likely to receive antibiotics for respiratory infections than White children. If this is a norm, why should those populations expect the equitable distribution of coronavirus vaccine?
That’s the critical question I’ve seen unfold in terrible and tragic ways firsthand. As Chief Public Health Officer for Washington, D.C. leading the response to the first bioterrorism attack on our nation’s capital back in 2001, I had to explain to outraged Black D.C. postal workers why they were receiving a different and thought-to-be cheaper Anthrax antibiotic, doxycycline, compared to the Ciprofloxacin that was being taken by mostly White Capitol Hill personnel and postal workers in Manhattan. Two Black postal workers had already died from Anthrax and people wanted answers and optimal healthcare. Yet, the decision to pick “doxy” was based, ultimately, on risk vs. benefit, not cost …. difficult to explain in a setting of disparate mortality along racial lines.
We might very well be headed down this same road in the distribution of coronavirus vaccine. Even as we resolve the question over trust – since various public and private institutions may eventually mandate Covid vaccination as a condition of travel, employment and schooling, anyway – we’re going to hit the thornier topic of quality. How vaccine is dispersed could potentially come down to bias selection: the battle between haves and have-nots. What we need to do now is have as much of a transparent conversation about these vaccines as possible and include the talk about vaccine efficacy as part of the overall conversation on closing the trust gap, especially as it relates to Black communities.
To ward off the dramatic and dangerous levels of skepticism from that, public health professionals and elected officials must be honest. Let’s get out in front of this: 1) we now know we’ll have limited vaccine supply to start off with and 2) our medical and emergency supply chains, including the cold storage needed to preserve the 95 percent effective Pfizer and Moderna, will also be limited. Hence, there will be heavier reliance on the 70 percent effective AstraZeneca which, incidentally, doesn’t likely need the cold storage.
Policymakers on all levels should immediately huddle with public health officials and consider measures to prevent vaccine distribution that would appear to be based on income, healthcare access and race. All approved vaccines, regardless of proven or perceived quality, must be distributed equitably. As we attempt to navigate our nation out of this pandemic, let’s ensure our historical and ongoing national biases don’t further ruin the path to total recovery.
IVAN WALKS, M.D.is the former Chief Public Health Officer of the District of Columbia and Principal of Ivan Walks & Associates.
CHARLES D. ELLISON is Senior Fellow at the Council of State Governments Eastern Regional Conference’s Council on Communities of Color and Publisher of theBEnote.com
SAN BERNARDINO, CA— In an effort to make the holidays special for families in need, Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County will be hosting a Mobile Toy Shop on Saturday, December 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at San Bernardino Valley College located at 701 South Mt. Vernon Avenue in San Bernardino.
There are a few requirements that must be met in order for families to participate, which are that: You must be a resident of San Bernardino County and you must register online before attending. Families can register at mobiletoyshop.eventbrite.com where they can purchase one ticket per household. It is asked that you do not register for multiple time slots or the same time slot multiple times, doing so will delete your registration.
This event is also in collaboration with the Family and Friends Foundation, and is sponsored by: SoCalGas, Health Net, ConvergeOne, Southern California Edison, Union Bank, and Citizens Business Bank.
By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey? ?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?
Months after Black employees called out widespread racism at the California Air Resources Board (CARB), Gov. Gavin Newsom has appointed two African American women to the board of the California agency that shapes state policy against air pollution.
Last week, the governor announced that he appointed Liane Randolph, 55, of Oakland, who was in charge of integrating the resource-planning processes at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), as the new chair of CARB.
“Cleaner air is essential for California’s families and Liane Randolph is the kind of bold, innovative leader that will lead in our fight against climate change with equity and all California’s communities at heart,” Gov. Newsom said. “By committing to achieving carbon neutrality and a clean economy, my Administration is fighting for a healthier and more vibrant future for our families and our economy.”
Randolph is the first Black person to serve as chair of CARB.
Responding to the news of her appointment, Randolph said she is “beyond excited” about the work she will do at CARB.
“Governor Newsom and the Legislature have set California on a bold path to address the air pollution that burdens our communities and the existential threat of climate change,” Randolph said. “Implementing these policies requires effective management and strategy that centers the people affected most by environmental damage. I am eager to step forward and continue California’s leadership in tackling these challenging issues.”
Randolph has been a Commissioner at the CPUC since 2015. Before that, she was deputy secretary and general counsel at the California Natural Resources Agency from 2011 to 2014. From 2007 to 2011, she was an attorney at the law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.
Randolph, a Democrat, also served as chair of the California Fair Political Practices Commission from 2003 to 2007. From 1996 to 1997, she a was staff attorney there as well.
She holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California Los Angeles School of Law. The CARB chairperson’s position requires Senate confirmation, and the compensation is $183,552.
?Randolph replaces Mary Nichols, CARB’s outgoing chair, who is reportedly President-elect Joe Biden’s top pick to be the next Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).?
Another Black woman, Davina Hurt, will also serve on the air agency’s board. She joins other members: John Balmes of Berkeley, Los Angeles’ Gideon Kracov, and Tania Pacheco-Werner of Sanger.
Hurt, 45, has been a Belmont City councilmember since 2015. She has worked as a campaign manager at the Democratic Volunteer Center from 2014 to 2015.
Hurt is a member of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. This CARB board position requires Senate confirmation and there is no compensation. Hurt is also a Democrat.
In September, the Concerned Black Employees at CARB (CBE CARB) submitted a 13-page letter alleging discrimination at the agency. It stated that members had been the target of routine and systematic racism and that they had been excluded from promotions.
CARB, the letter points out, has a total of 1,627 employees and only 73 of them are Black. Only one African American has held an executive position with the organization.
“Our intent in sharing this Letter and Action Plan is not to shame or belittle CARB, or to assign blame. We enjoy the work we do at CARB and want to do all we can to improve CARB for the future, and our future careers with the agency,” CBE CARB stated.?
Last summer, at the height of the George Floyd riots and the national reckoning on race, Assemblymember Jim Cooper (D-Sacramento), who is African American, expressed disapproval and disappointment after Nichols posted a tweet comparing air pollution violations with the tragic death of George Floyd.
“How dare you use a dying man’s plea for help as a way to discuss your agenda. Have you no shame?” Cooper reacted to Nichols’ tweet.?
Nichols posted on June 1, “‘I can’t breathe’ speaks to police violence, but it also applies to the struggle for clean air. Environmental racism is just one form of racism. It’s all toxic. Government needs to clean it up in word and deed.”?
Nichols later issued an apology via Twitter, stating “I apologize for speaking at the wrong time about the wrong topic. Racism comes in many forms and I believe we must fight every instance of it in our society.”?
Yeah I know, but the call of a watchman, is to faithfully deliver God’s message, including all of God’s rebukes and warnings. It is a watchman responsibility to warn the people of the coming judgment. You see, there are people today in harm’s way – in peril because of their sin, and like the prophets and Apostles, and even Christ Himself, we too must warn unbelievers of this coming dreadful day and compel them to flee to Christ, who alone is mighty to save. So as Isaiah said, “I will not keep silent because of Zion, and I will not keep still because of Jerusalem, until her righteousness shines like a bright light and her salvation, like a flaming torch.” [Isaiah 62:1]. I can’t make you heed the warning? I am not called to force you to change, but I am called to alert you. It is an eternal life and death situation for both me as a watchmen and for the lost. [Isaiah 62:6-9, Ezekiel 33:1-9, Jeremiah 1:13-17, John 6:66-69].
You see, the word of the Lord came to me: “[Daughter] of man, speak to your people and tell them: Suppose I bring the sword against a land, and the people of that land select someone from among them, appointing them as their watchman, and see the sword coming against the land and blows their trumpet to warn the people. Then, if anyone hears the sound of the trumpet but ignores the warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but ignored the warning, his blood is on his own hands. If he had taken warning, he would have saved his life. However, if the watchman sees the sword coming but doesn’t blow the trumpet, so that the people aren’t warned, and the sword comes and takes away their lives, then they have been taken away because of their iniquity, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood. “As for you, [daughter] of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. When you hear a word from My mouth, give them a warning from Me. If I say to the wicked, ‘Wicked one, you will surely die,’ but you do not speak out to warn him about his way, that wicked person will die for his iniquity, yet I will hold you responsible for his blood. But if you warn a wicked person to turn from his way and he doesn’t turn from it, he will die for his iniquity, but you will have saved your life.” [Ezekiel 33:1-9].
To know that you have done all you can to let people know of God’s coming wrath even if it offends them, it is a task that is not optional. “Again the word of the Lord came to me inquiring, “What do you see? And I replied, “I see a boiling pot, its lip tilted from the north to the south.” Then the Lord said to me, “Disaster will be poured out from the north on all who live in the land. Indeed, I am about to summon all the clans and kingdoms of the north.” This is the Lord’s declaration. They will come, and each king will set up his throne at the entrance to Jerusalem’s gates. They will attack all her surrounding walls and all the other cities of Judah. “I will pronounce My judgments against them for all the evil they did when they abandoned Me to burn incense to other gods and to worship the works of their own hands. “Now, get ready. Stand up and tell them everything that I command you. Do not be intimidated by them or I will cause you to cower before them.” [Jeremiah 1:13-17].
“When I heard these words, I sat down and wept. I mourned for a number of days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven. I said, Yahweh, the God of heaven, the great and awe-inspiring God who keeps His gracious covenant with those who love Him and keep His commands, let Your eyes be open and Your ears be attentive to hear Your servant’s prayer that I now pray to You day and night for Your servants, the Israelites. I confess the sins we have committed against You. Both I and my father’s house have sinned. We have acted corruptly toward You and have not kept the commands, statutes, and ordinances You gave Your servant Moses. Please remember what You commanded Your servant Moses: “If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples. But if you return to Me and carefully observe My commands, even though your exiles were banished to the ends of the earth, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place where I chose to have My name dwell.” They are Your servants and Your people. You redeemed them by Your great power and strong hand.” [Nehemiah 1:4-10]
I tell you, we have had, and continue to have, plenty of warning, and plenty of time to prepare. The storm is on the horizon, and it will surely come, unless God intervenes, so get ready for its coming. And know that no one is excluded from Jesus’ demand to repent. If we will not repent, Jesus has one word for us, “Woe, to you” [Matthew 11:21].
“Therefore I testify to you this day, that I am innocent of the blood of all men, for I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” [Acts 20:26-27]. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!
ATLANTA, GA—- With gratitude, Clark Atlanta University’s President George T. French, Jr., JD, Ph.D. announced today that Clark Atlanta University received a $15 million unrestricted gift from Novelist and Philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. This gift is the single largest private gift in the history of the University.
“I am extremely honored to receive this gift and would like to thank Ms. MacKenzie Scott for her generosity and investment in Clark Atlanta University. This transformational gift will enable the University to strengthen our academic programs; support academic innovation initiatives; enhance our campus infrastructure; provide scholarship support to students; and, build on our endowment,” said President French.
The University hopes that Ms. Scott’s gift will be a catalyst for other individuals, corporations and foundations to make additional transformational gifts to the University. As the largest, private Historically Black College and University in Georgia, with over 40 majors and four schools, President French intends to build on the University’s rich academic history in social justice, research, education, communication arts, and business.
President French said that he would like to see other donors join Ms. Scott in making an investment in Clark Atlanta University. “We have put in place several innovative programs, such as Cyber Physical Security in the School of Arts and Humanities, and The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development in The School of Business. Our enrollment is strong and growing across all four schools, particularly at the graduate degree level. With additional financial resources, the University can continue to strengthen academic programs, retain and recruit talented faculty, provide more scholarships to students, and renovate several historic buildings and residence halls on campus”.
About Clark Atlanta University
Established in 1988 by the historic consolidation of Atlanta University (1865) and Clark College (1869). CAU continues a 150-year legacy rooted in African-American tradition and focused on the future. Through global innovation, transformative educational experiences, and high-value engagement. CAU cultivates lifted lives that transforms the world. For more information, please contact Jolene Butts Freeman at (404) 880-8000 or jbutts-freeman@cau.edu.
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — When he came on board as UPS’s chief marketing officer in June 2018 after a 34-year career at Xerox, Kevin Warren was only the second outsiderin the company’s 113-year history to join in at the C-suite level.
Now, in a business that has long prided itself on promoting from within, Warren brings to the package delivery industry a new set of eyes and a mandate to drive the company’s success in the world of e-commerce.
Warren’s selection reflects a “major uptick in the number of CMOs with ethnically and/or racially diverse backgrounds; positive signs that companies are taking seriously the importance of increasing diversity at the most senior levels of leadership,” according to a report released in May by leadership advisory firm Spencer Stuart.
LANGENHAGEN, GERMANY – MAY 28: A UPS truck arrives at a UPS depot that has been hit by a coronavirus outbreak near Hanover on May 28, 2020 in Langenhagen, Germany. Authorities of the state of Lower Saxony have announced that 72 workers at the depot have tested positive for the virus and that another 55 will be tested. Germany has been easing lockdown measures over recent weeks and several instances of outbreaks, including at meat packaging plants, a Baptist church and now the UPS depot, have occurred. (Photo by Alexander Koerner/Getty Images)
On the other hand, as a whole, corporate governance expert Cydney Posner writes in The Sorry State of C-Suite Diversity that “the representation of racially diverse executives in the C-suite is slightly skewed toward positions with lower potential for advancement. [We] find that ethnically diverse executives have lower representation in positions that directly feed into future CEO and board roles,” like general counsel or human resources.
As CMO, Warren, 58, is responsible for all UPS marketing, The UPS Store, digital infrastructure analytics, revenue management, business planning, and forecasting, customer loyalty management, digital marketing, customer experience, branding and customer communications.
And, while some companies may view these marketing functions as “discretionary,” Warren said he sees the role of marketing quite differently.
“My mandate is to raise the voice of marketing inside the company to a strategic level and show how it contributes to the performance of the company,” he said. “And we’re winning by saying what we’re going to do and going out and doing it.”
The early years
Warren grew up in the Petworth neighborhood in Northwest Washington, D.C., the youngest of four, and only son of Lucy, a school teacher, and Billy, a counselor in the D.C. Department of Corrections and was a part-time cabbie.
After graduating from St. John’s College High School in 1980, Warren continued his Catholic education at Georgetown University.
It was there that he had to balance the academic rigors of a White prestige school with an active collegiate social scene that included his initiation into Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and the vibrant Black Greek social scene that blanketed the District in the early to mid-80s.
“Georgetown was a liberal arts school, so I was studying theology with concepts of atheism, Kierkegaard and Jean-Paul Sartre,” said Warren, who graduated in 1984 with a finance degree. “Georgetown fed me academically, but I had to find an alternative social outlet to augment what I was getting on campus. I had good balance; I just had to navigate it.”
Warren also recalled Georgetown as a cultural mile marker that changed his perspective on life.
“It was an environment that gives you an opportunity to test yourself with others, which gives you confidence as to what you can achieve,” he said. “It was really about going outside my comfort zone and really kind of opening up to what was possible.”
The Xerox years
“My goal was to go to Wall Street,” Warren said. “But, I took an internship with Xerox during my senior year and ended up falling in love with the company.”
Given his own sales territory a year later, Warren pounded the pavement, cold-calling potential customers, and honed his skills as part of a sales team.
“It was a culture of success that was unbelievable. It was a very young company, and diverse well beyond a lot of its peers as far as Blacks and women,” he said.
Early on at Xerox, which then specialized in office copiers and printers, Warren identified two mentors/role models that would help define his career: Barry Rand, a former executive vice president of worldwide operation who allegedly left Xerox after being passed over for the top job there in early 1999 to become the CEO at Avis Holdings, and ex-NFL linebacker and former Senior Vice President Dave Garnett.
“[Barry] was sharp, but down enough to connect with men and women, Blacks and Whites,” Warren said. “He was the picture of what the possibilities could be.” (Rand died in 2018.)
Garnett, said Warren, taught him that “you always need to be adding to your portfolio. It’s the whole concept of identifying what skills you have, what skills you’ll need in the future … and how you’re going to get those skills to differentiate you from the competitive landscape.”
But, it was the emergence of network computing that catapulted Warren into the stratosphere of senior leadership. In the ’90s, as standalone copiers and printers were being replaced by network office systems, Warren found himself in a position to train his colleagues on the new technology.
“I took a pay cut and took myself off the management track for 21 months to teach our sales teams and analysts how to sell this new technology, but it exposed me to senior management and put me on a trajectory a lot faster than I would have been had I not taken that chance.”
Warren left Xerox in 2018 after serving as executive vice president and chief commercial officer, and several other executive leadership positions in the United States and Canada.
Long after his Xerox days, Warren’s formula for success is now the “secret sauce” for its leaders’ next generation.
“People use this cliché all the time, but Kevin was a servant leader who didn’t mind rolling up his sleeves and getting his hands dirty when needed,” said Kamonte McCray, who worked for Warren beginning in 1995 and is now a Xerox senior vice president and general manager for the Content Management and Workflow Software Group.
“He was the ‘North Star’ that I followed because I aspired to be him. I would hope that when people talk about me, they’d say the same thing.”
The UPS years
Regardless of one’s previous successes, coming into a new industry is not an easy feat, particularly in a company that prides itself on established practices and its prowess in the field.
Chris Byrne, UPS vice president of marketing operations and digital acceleration, and Warren’s de facto chief of staff highlighted the pros and cons that Warren faced when making the jump from Xerox to UPS, a major package-delivery service.
“The pro is that you can come in with a fresh set of eyes and begin to ask questions like, ‘Why do we do it that way or do we have to do it at all?’” said Byrne, who followed Warren from Xerox.
“When you come into the company [from the outside], you can see these things more clearly. The con is that there is a learning curve and corporate nuances that impact your abilities, but to see things with fresh eyes outweighs those cons.”
Fresh eyes and building followership is what Warren brings to the table as a relatively new UPS executive, added Byrne.
“People get behind Kevin,” Byrne said. “Why is that? It’s because if you’re invested in what he believes in as a leader and the things he stands for, he’ll support you. He builds trust, and he extends trust.”
Evidence of that trust is UPS’s commitment—primarily driven by Warren to change its image among small-and-medium-sized businesses through its “Be Unstoppable” initiative that offers a suite of shipping tools and special discounts.
Warren said, “this program is designed to change the company’s public perception as a reliable, but somewhat stodgy, delivery company.”
“Our industry is being disrupted, and the biggest disrupter is e-commerce. Just like the digital copier and printers disrupted the older copier technology, the same is happening with companies like Amazon and Shopify, and even customers like Walmart and Target. We’ve got to be able to better understand the dynamics of the e-commerce industry.”
In another nod to small and medium-sized businesses, while also promoting UPS Store franchising opportunities, Warren spearheads its Blue Horizon Minority Incentive Program. In an effort to help drive minority franchise ownership, first-time minority franchisees are eligible to receive discounts on initial franchise and application fees.
SAN FRANCISCO, A pedestrian walks by a United Parcel Service (UPS) truck on July 30, 2020 in San Francisco, California. UPS reported a 13.4 percent surge in quarterly revenues to $20.46 billion beating analysts estimates of $17.48 billion. The global shipping company’s net income rose 4.7% to $1.77 billion for the quarter. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Breaking the new glass ceiling
Warren is a keen proponent of diversity and inclusion for people of color, especially in the top ranks of corporate management.
“Race is always there. Early on in my career, it was less of an issue because there was more diversity in the lower and middle ranks, but as you ascend to the top ranks, it’s a real dynamic that has to be dealt with.”
As a director of Illinois Tool Works, Fiserv, Georgetown University, and the UPS Foundation, Warren is now focusing some of his commitment to diversity on board representation as a way to build a pipeline to the C-suite positions he has occupied over the years.
A similar push is underway on Wall Street as well.
Earlier this month, Nasdaq submitted a proposal to the Securities and Exchange Commission requiring listed companies to have at “least two diverse directors, including one who self-identifies as female and one who self-identifies as either an underrepresented minority or LGBTQ+.”
“It’s so important to have a seat at the table because we’ve gone backwards in terms of black CEO representation versus 10 years ago,” Warren said. “Blacks in the board can ask where we are in terms of succession planning from a diversity pipeline standpoint. This is not philanthropy. This is practical; this is business.”
More than half of California is now under a regional stay-at-home order.
Last week, when the governor announced the impending shutdown, he said health officials had carved the state into five regions. Their goal is to coordinate a broad emergency response that would reach across county lines and consider the proximity and capacity of health services within each area based on population and density. Those regions are: Northern California; Greater Sacramento; Bay Area; San Joaquin; and Southern California.
Effective Dec. 6 at 11:59 p.m., the Southern California and San Joaquin Valley regions went under the order after both areas’ intensive care unit (ICU) capacities fell under 15 % — the threshold Gov. Newsom set last week as the bar that would trigger shutting down.
Five Bay Area counties also went under the order voluntarily on Dec. 6.
But as the state strengthens restrictions, Republican lawmakers are calling for transparency. They are calling on Gov. Newsom to share data that detail the affects that COVID-19 related restrictions have had on Californians. On Dec. 3, Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) called on the governor to revise the state’s re-opening standards, called the Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
In November, Grove wrote a letter asking the governor to allow gyms, museums, places of worship and restaurants to remain open for indoor use with social distancing guidelines whenever the state enforced its strictest social isolation policies under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
Last week, Grove also called on Gov. Newsom to release data relating to mental health, domestic violence and the achievement gap in education between Black and Brown students (and lower income students across the board) and their White peers since March.
“Californians have a right to public health data that is being used to shape their lives, and the governor owes the state leadership that is committed to transparency and accountability. We have to ensure the state’s actions are based on a holistic approach that protects out mental, social, and emotional well-being along with our physical health,” said Grove.
State health officials announced Dec. 5 that ICU capacity had fallen to 12.5 % in the Southern California region, and 8.6 percent in the San Joaquin Valley region. Statewide, California had the highest number of new coronavirus cases for one day on Dec. 5, with 25,000 new reported cases.
The stay-at-home order went into effect three days after Gov. Newsom announced the 15 % threshold for ICU. capacity. It affects 33 million Californians, 80 % of the state’s population. The order will last for three weeks, and it will be renewed on a weekly basis until the region’s projected I.C.U. capacity increases to 15 % or more.
“We are at a tipping point in our fight against the virus and we need to take decisive action now to prevent California’s hospital system from being overwhelmed in the coming weeks,” Newsom said.
Under the order, gatherings of any size of people from more than one household are prohibited. Non-essential businesses must close, including bars, wineries, hair salons and barber shops, nail salons, museums, movie theaters, playgrounds, indoor recreation facilities and amusement parks. Travel is also prohibited except as necessary for permitted activities, such as working at essential businesses or doing necessary shopping.
Retail businesses can stay open, but they are limited to 20 % capacity, and restaurants can only do takeout or delivery. Schools that are already open for in-person instruction can remain open along with critical infrastructure businesses. Also, worship services and protests are allowed as long as they take place outdoors.
Though most activities are now closed, the state government encourages members of the same household to visit parks and beaches, which remain open under the order, to maintain their physical and mental health.
The current stay-at-home order is the most restrictive statewide order since the March 19 order, which closed everything except essential businesses. On Nov. 21, the state directed counties with high caseloads to stay home and close non-essential businesses between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., but case numbers continued to rise.
The regional stay-at-home-order also comes soon after the Thanksgiving holiday. Public health officials have expressed their fear that the impact of Thanksgiving has yet to be seen, since any possible COVID-19 infections from that time can begin to show symptoms within the next week or so.
“We know that those cases that occurred around people’s dinner tables or activities and travel through Thanksgiving are going to show up right about now,” said California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly on Dec. 7. “We believe that the levels of transmission that we’ve been reporting will likely continue to go up because of those activities.”
The current list of counties under the stay-at-home order as of Dec. 7 include: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Imperial, Inyo, Mono, Calaveras, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Benito, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne. The Bay Area counties under the order include: San Francisco, Santa Clara, Contra Costa and Alameda, with Marin County going under the order Dec. 8.