Happily Divorced And After

Thousands of Californians Face Homelessness with Eviction Freeze Set to End

With the federal COVID-19 rent protections provided in the CARES Act about to expire, any plan to assist tenants who have fallen behind on their payments due the COVID-19 pandemic, would have to be drawn up by state or local governments. 

In California, Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, chair of the Judicial Council, said, during a public meeting June 24, that the council would “very soon resume voting to terminate the temporary orders having to do with unlawful detainer evictions and foreclosures.” 

The Judicial Council, which regulates the state’s court system, placed a temporary emergency rule on April 6, which stops judges from processing evictions for non-payment of rent during the COVID-19 state of emergency. If the court votes to terminate the rule, it would be rescinded effective Aug. 14. 

Nisha Vyas, Senior Attorney at the Western Center on Law and Poverty, spoke at a press conference held by Ethnic Media Services. In her presentation she detailed some mechanics of the Judicial Council’s rules, and she explained how its rescission would hurt California renters. 

“We’re extremely concerned about this, as the Legislature and Governor have not yet acted to put something in place that will prevent the massive wave of evictions that will begin when this rule is lifted,” Vyas told California Black Media over email. 

“When the rule is withdrawn and the moratorium lapses, we expect this massive eviction crisis, and if we allow the evictions to simply start again without any long-term assistance, it’s going to have a devastating impact on renters, and in particular communities of color.” 

Lifting the statewide eviction moratorium would disproportionately affect Black Californians. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 American Housing Survey, 64.4% of African Americans in California are tenants. Also, 57% of Black renters have lost income since mid-March this year, according to the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey. 

According to another U.S. Census Bureau Housing Pulse Survey conducted in June, only about 46 % of Black renters in California were confident that they could pay July’s rent. The other 54% – which accounts for hundreds of thousands of African American households – have no to moderate confidence that they will be able to keep a roof over their heads. 

During the public meeting, Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye also said that the Aug. 14 deadline would give the state legislature the chance to pass legislation regarding tenant protections. 

AB 1436, authored by Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco) protects tenants from eviction due to non-payment of rent during the COVID-19 pandemic; allows landlords and tenants to work out payment arrangements for no more than the amount the renter owes; shields the tenant from negative credit reporting and protects his or her ability to rent in the future; and places the eviction process under the authority of civil courts; among other provisions. It also gives a 15-month grace period for unpaid rent after the COVID-19 state of emergency ends. 

The bill passed the Assembly unanimously in May 2019 and is currently under review in the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is sponsored by multiple housing justice organizations, including the Western Center, PolicyLink and Housing NOW California. 

According to Vyas, solving past due rent disputes in civil court rather than through the evictions process would be better for renters. Eviction proceedings are typically fast-tracked, with nearly 75% of eviction cases resolved within 45 days of filing, and many low-income tenants cannot afford an attorney. 

“The advantage is that tenants would be able to remain in their homes. They could handle the rent payment dispute with the landlord in a proceeding that doesn’t put them at risk of homelessness. It would also prevent unnecessary and harmful interactions with law enforcement, since lockouts are performed by sheriffs,” said Vyas. 

Over email, Vyas also pointed out that Californians would need assistance on the federal level as well, preferably through monetary rental assistance. But on the state level, Vyas said, AB 1436 is a necessary step. 

“AB 1436 is a chance for communities and individuals to tell their state legislators here in California to stop the new wave of evictions to keep us all safe and housed. It is, I want to stress, the first step of many that we need to take to bring more equity into housing in California. But this is a great way for people to become engaged.”

Kameron Brantley named 2020 Sir Knight at the 53rd (Virtual) Beautillion Awards Presentation

The Social Lites, Inc. celebrated its 53rd Beautillion Awards Presentation under the leadership of Lisa Blacksher Owens, president and Tina Darling, Beautillion Chair virtually due to COVID-19 on Saturday, July 25. Gwen Rodgers (President), Dr. Margaret Hill and Danny Tillman of San Bernardino Unified School District Board Members were among dignitaries in attendance to witness five distinguished young men introduced to society naming Mr. Kameron Brantley as Sir Knight. Sir Knight Brantley will be attending Morehouse College this Fall, 2020. Over $13,000.00 in scholarships and gifts was awarded to all Knights.    

The Master of Ceremony of the evening was Alumni, Sir Knight 2004 Raafi Bell.  Alumni Sir Knight Neuman Sneed II 2019 provided inspirational remarks.  Alumni 1981 Danny Tillman was the keynote speaker who was pleased to share his humble beginnings as he focused on the theme for the Beautillion 2020 Program, “Greatness is never given, it is earned.”

The Master of Ceremony of the evening was Alumni, Sir Knight 2004 Raafi Bell.  Alumni Sir Knight Neuman Sneed II 2019 provided inspirational remarks.  Alumni 1981 Danny Tillman was the keynote speaker who was pleased to share his humble beginnings as he focused on the theme for the Beautillion 2020 Program, “Greatness is never given, it is earned.”

Letter to the Editor: Biden is Going to Win

Just like about every other fretful Democratic/liberal/progressive person in America, I’ll admit I’ve had a mild case of political PTSD left over from 2016 (and from 2000 & 2004 for that matter).  However, these days the national political opinion polls are truly glorious.  There is no doubt about it, folks.  Joe Biden is going to win one of the largest, overwhelming landslide victories in American presidential election history!

This impending political news is outstanding if you’re a Democrat.  The polls in the usual swing states are also quite clearly in Biden’s favor as well, not to mention the numerous traditionally Republican-controlled states now on the verge of finally becoming swing states thanks to demented Donald Trump’s ongoing, internationally televised mental breakdown and political self-destruction taking the entire racist, fascist Republican Party down with him in flames on November 3. 

And of course that’s what we’re all watching in real time right now – diabolical Donald Trump’s farcical, full-blown maniacal meltdown both politically and psychologically speaking.  Haven’t you noticed that President Trumptanic is literally sweating almost as much as tricky Dick Nixon did back in the day?  Some in the American media are pointing out the obvious (that the metaphorically buck naked, morbidly obese Orange Emperor has no brain and is completely insane), but most reporters are apparently, for some strange reason (could it be cowardice?), still too afraid to tell the terrible truth about traitor Trump the tangerine tyrant.  Why?  What is the so-called free press so afraid of?

What ever happened to our fearless, heroic, patriotic profession of journalism that actually, once upon a time, had the respect and admiration of the American people?  How did we go from The Washington Post’s Woodward & Bernstein bringing down sweaty Richard Nixon’s paranoid presidency (which wasn’t nearly as criminal and nowhere near as treasonous as traitor Trump’s Russian-controlled Republican regime) to this current situation (with some notable exemplary exceptions) where most American journalists voluntarily choose to act like they’re living in an authoritarian country without a First Amendment?  

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean much if everyone is too terrified of consequences (or too satisfied with their paychecks) to speak truth to power.  Allow me an attempt, if you will, to lighten the mood of my fellow Democrats/liberals/progressives with some good news for a change!  Yes, folks, it’s true:  Trump’s foolish fascist regime is finished, and his much-deserved political execution is right around the corner.  USA!  USA!  USA!

In fact, despicable Donald Trump is the pathetic political equivalent of a “Dead Man Walking” (all apologies to Sean Penn & Susan Sarandon).  As a long-time observer of American elections, I have no doubt at all at this point as to what the outcome will be.  And nothing that I have to say about it is going to decrease voter turnout in the least.  Democratic voter turnout wasn’t a problem at all during the primaries, and the anti-Trump turnout will be massive in November.  

Unlike 2016, Trump’s psychotic sales pitch is falling on deaf ears, since he is a disastrously failed incompetent incumbent who can’t even come up with a reason as to why he should be given a 2nd term, other than the fact that Trump the plump chump is a ridiculous racist who is in love with the Confederate flag and sacrilegiously worships statues of Confederate traitors.  And as poorly as these clueless conservative Republican politicians did in 2018, what possible reason would there be to believe the GOP’s chances could improve in 2020?        

This election really is all over but the shouting, and we should stop playing defense politically, stop living in fear of what happened in the previous election(s), and go on the offense unreservedly in the remaining 3 months of this one. Our cause is righteous and we will be victorious, because the racist Republican Party is doing everything possible at this point to lose.  We the people are going to win in 2020 in a landslide!  Let’s win this one for the late, great John Lewis.

Believe it or not, there actually is light at the end of this particularly long, dark, terrible tunnel of lies and treason otherwise known as the Trump Administration.  Traitor Trump (otherwise known as the Confederate flag-loving racist Moscow-loving moron) can’t lie his way out of this one, and his big daddy Vlad can’t steal this one thanks to Trump having effectively (and perhaps only temporarily) turned many highly-skilled, tough-as-nails, patriotic operatives in our military and intelligence communities into hardcore partisan Democrats.  The so-called “deep state” is in fact watching this one very closely, and Trump’s corrupt Russian war criminal benefactors know it.  Trump is done.

Calling the CIA “Nazis” as one of his first official statements as president was actually the end of Trump’s “re-election” chances.  (And, after all, Trump wasn’t legitimately elected the first time around according to irrefutable statistical analyses of the official vote totals in 2016 from the swing states under Republican control, which show unmistakable signs of the statewide vote totals having been altered to give Trump margins in those states just above the automatic recount thresholds.)  

So to sum up, there is no need to worry about winning in 2020, if they let the people vote.  And we the people will vote for Joe Biden for President and for other Democrats down-ballot this Nov. 3rd in historically impressive numbers.  God Bless America!  And God Bless our soon-to-be 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden.  

SBCUSD School Year Starts August 3 From Home

Monday, August 3 is the first day of the 2020–2021 school year for San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) students.

Due to COVID-19 concerns, SBCUSD made the decision back in June to start the school year in a distance learning model. In a recent video address, Interim Superintendent Dr. Harold Vollkommer explained some of the changes facing families as the school year starts and what to expect from the District moving forward.

New SBCUSD students who do not have an electronic device should contact their school directly. If a District-provided device is not working, call the CyberTech technical support hotline daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. at (866) 223-8685 or email studenttechhelp@sbcusd.com so students are ready for the new school year.

Students will be expected to participate in distance learning classes every day. Teachers will be taking attendance and grading both classwork and homework. Distance learning will be a factor in each student’s final grade for the year. Parents who have not already been contacted about the specific hours of their child’s distance learning class should contact their child’s school directly.

The majority of District staff are working from home, but parents and guardians can still connect with their child’s school by leaving a phone message or emailing staff using the link on the school’s webpage. Staff will return phone calls and emails as quickly as possible. Families of Special Education students are also encouraged to reach out via email if they have any questions or concerns. Email address links are available on the Special Education Department’s webpage. The District has also set up an Enrollment Hotline, (909) 891-1010, specifically to address questions about online student enrollment.

Families can check their child’s class schedule and more via the Aeries platform. Parents are strongly encouraged to create an Aeries Parent Portal account by visiting sbcusd.com and selecting Aeries Parent/Student Portal under Parent Resources. The Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to keep track of student attendance and academic progress. The District is aware that the unprecedented need to access the system has caused some technical issues, and it is working to improve access.

Recognizing that families are dealing with much more than just a change in school, the District continues to offer additional support for students and parents, sometimes in partnership with community organizations. Hazel Health provides District students with no-cost, non-emergency telehealth services, including assistance with cold and flu, asthma, prescription medications, and long-term health issues. Families can access medical care for children from a laptop, phone and other devices. Hazel Health does not provide emergency services. Check out the Peachjar flyer for more information or sign up for Hazel Health at http://my.hazel.co/patient/signup.

SBCUSD will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to every student during the school year as part of the Grab and Go Meal program. The to-go meals are available for pick up Mondays and Wednesdays only from 9 to 11 a.m. Families will need to provide the student’s name and ID number, also known as the lunch number, when picking up meals. Beginning August 3, Chavez Middle School will no longer be a Grab and Go Meal distribution site, but meals will continue to be distributed at 15 other school sites. Questions and concerns about the Grab and Go Meals can be directed to (909) 381-1224.

California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation Awards 2020 Scholarship Recipients with $5,000

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—– On Friday, July 17, Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes honored two of the 2020 California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship Recipients. Now in its 6th year, the foundation received 1,266 scholarship applications this year throughout California, awarding 52 recipients a $5,000 scholarship each.

The program was established to assist deserving students by offering financial assistance to meet educational expenses. Two of the 52 students are from the 47th Assembly District. Each student received a $5,000 scholarship, recognition from the California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation and recognition from Assemblymember Reyes.

This year’s scholarships from the 47th Assembly District were awarded to Carla Castillo from Rialto and Katherine Rodriguez from Fontana.  Both Carla and Katherine are part of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and have excelled in their educational endeavors.

“With so many applicants, it is always a difficult choice to select the finalists.  We have many worthy students in our District.  These $5,000 competitive scholarships are essential to help our students thrive in higher education,” said Assemblymember Reyes. “Congratulations Carla and Katherine for being selected. The community is proud of who you are and who you will become.  You are both extraordinary examples of the greatness of our Inland Empire Community.”

Assemblymember Reyes with recipient Carla Castillo (middle)

Carla Castillo, Rialto

A fourth-year student at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Carla Castillo is studying International Marketing. She has been involved in the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Womxn’s Resource Center, and has presented to the Cal Poly Pomona’s University President’s Cabinet Leadership Council about the undocumented experience.

During her four years at Cal Poly, Carla has advocated for various communities on campus and held various leadership positions. She is an inaugural Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) Officer of Diversity and Inclusion representing undocumented students and currently sits on five university-wide committees including: the Transportation Advisory Committee, Search Committee for the Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships and Strategic Communications and the Campus Definitions Committee for the CPP Inclusive Excellence Council.

As an undocumented student, Carla has struggled financially due to lack of scholarship opportunities.  The CLLCF Scholarship will alleviate her financial situation and help her focus on academics, civic engagement and professional development.

“With this scholarship, I am able to continue towards the completion of my degree and show to my community that with hard work and support from organizations such as CLLCF, our dreams can cross borders,” said Carla.

Katherine Rodriguez, Fontana

Katherine Rodriguez was 13 years old when she found out about her undocumented status. Since that day, she knew her goal to obtain a future education would be difficult, but that did not stop her from pursuing her dreams.

A recent A.B Miller High School graduate, Katherine was an active member of AVID, Health Service Academy, Science Club and Key Club, while also taking several Advanced Placement (AP) classes and competing on the schools Cheer Team. She also kept active in her city by volunteering at the Fontana Public Works Department to beautify the local parks.

Katherine will be attending California State University of San Bernardino this fall with a major in Sociology with a final goal to be a Dermatologist.

“Thank you to the California Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation and Assemblymember Eloise Reyes for this opportunity,” said Katherine. “School is incredibly important to me and receiving this scholarship is a step closer to my career goals. I want the American Dream opportunity, where I am able to show my biggest potentials to the world.”

For more information on the complete scholarship requirements and details, go to the Foundation’s website at www.CLLCF.org

New Homes in Loma Linda; $176,000 for Veterans and first-time homebuyers

LOMA LINDA, CA—- The City of Loma Linda in partnership with Mary Erickson Community Housing is selling four homes in the prestigious city. The estimated mortgage of $176,000 is based on a household size of four and other qualifications.  Due to high demand, all applications must be submitted by July 20th 5PM PST, 2020.

These three-bedroom, two-bath, 1,290 square foot homes are built to high construction standards designed for comfortable living including: granite counter tops in the kitchens and bathrooms. Soft close cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms, beautiful LED lighting, a two-car garage with dual garage door openers, ADA adaptable, energy efficient, solar ready and front yard landscaping.

The average price for a home in The City of Loma Linda is $477,000.

“We built these homes to support our Veteran first time home buyers.  We have two VA Hospitals in Loma Linda and the City of Loma Linda understands Veterans’ housing needs.  This initiative offers Vets a chance to be homeowners,” said Loma Linda City Manager, T. Jarb Thaipejr.

All income qualifying first time homebuyers are welcome to apply with preference given to U.S. Veterans or active-duty military.  

“This development is made possible by the generosity of CIT who provided the lead capital contributions that allowed this project to move forward.  We applaud the vision and commitment that CIT has for first time, low income homebuyer and Veteran opportunities in the Inland Empire,” said Susan McDevitt, executive director for Mary Erickson Community Housing.

The grants from Wells Fargo Foundation and CIT help to build new homes for sale to deserving families with a preference for US Veterans in a market with housing prices well above what low income families can afford.

MECH is also collaborating with Neighborhood Housing Services Inland Empire (NHSIE) for homebuyer education, down payment assistance and realty services.  Another non-profit GRID Alternatives will offer no cost solar panels.

The generosity and collaboration from all our partners, the City of Loma Linda, CIT, Wells Fargo Foundation, Citi Bank, USAA and our non-profit partners will make the dream of homeownership come true for four deserving first time homebuyers. We are grateful and proud of this accomplishment.” said Susan McDevitt.

“Wells Fargo is committed to the importance of home for everyone in our nation—especially veterans and their families,” said Region Bank President Alice Juarez, who leads the company’s Community Banking teams in San Bernardino County.  “Having a safe, healthy and affordable place to call home is essential to help lay the foundation for wellness, dignity and economic opportunity.”

In addition to financial support from Wells Fargo Foundation, local Wells Fargo employees contributed 120 volunteer hours to help complete the project. “Our teams are part of the fabric of this community, and proudly invested some of their own sweat equity to help these four families purchase their first home,” said Juarez. “A new home means a fresh start and a place to make new memories, and we are honored to help make that possible.”

The low home payment is available because of Down Payment Assistance options up to $154,000 including soft mortgages from the City, CalHOME and/or WISH available to qualified homebuyers.

Loma Linda’s Down Payment Assistance, is based on need, is zero interest, the buyer makes no payments on this, and is due in full in year 30.  CalHOME Down Payment Assistance based on need is 3% simple interest, the buyer makes no payments on this, and is due in full in year 30.  WISH funds are based on need and forgivable in five years.
For a tour or more info call Fabian Casarez, NHSIE Realty 951-377-7152 or go to www.nhsie.org.

Obituary: Reverend Dr. Jules Nelson

It’s with deep sadness Reverend Dr. Rose Nelson announces the passing of her husband Reverend Dr. Jules Nelson, the Senior Pastor of New Vision Foursquare church. He passed on July 3, 2020. The bereaved family is requesting continued prayers of comfort. Funeral Arrangements will be announced soon. 

AHF Pays Tribute to their ‘Good Friend’ Congressman John Lewis, Civil Rights Icon

Global AIDS organization salutes Georgia congressman, a leader and icon in the civil rights movement and one who also pushed for funding for global access to HIV/AIDS care and treatment 

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) today sadly mourns the death of United States Representative John Lewis (D-GA), an icon in the civil rights movement. His family announced his passing in a statement Friday, July 17, noting Congressman Lewis was “…honored and respected as the conscience of the US Congress and an icon of American history, … a stalwart champion in the on-going struggle to demand respect for the dignity and worth of every human being.  He dedicated his entire life to non-violent activism and was an outspoken advocate in the struggle for equal justice in America.  He will be deeply missed.”

According to CNN, Lewis “…died after a six-month battle with cancer. He was 80.”

“We mourn and thank Congressman John Lewis today for his tireless, lifelong work—on civil rights, social justice, health care and more—far beyond the reach and accomplishment of most men,” said Michael Weinstein, president of AHF, the largest global AIDS organization. “In tribute to this powerful but humble man, I share a photo of Congressman Lewis meeting with several of AHF’s medical providers, staff and patients from Africa when they came to Washington years ago to join us in lobbying Congress to reauthorize PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief. Congressman Lewis graciously invited us into his office—not a staffer’s, but his own—and listened intently to our stories and shared his own. He was an American, but truly a man for all seasons—and all nations—truly irreplaceable. Rest in peace kind sir.”

“I am saddened and want to send my condolences to Congressman Lewis’ family and close friends. The African American community and country have lost a stalwart from the ‘Civil Rights Movement and A Giant Among Men.’  Congressman Lewis was a good friend of AHF. I remember meeting him when AHF held the ribbon-cutting ceremony at our new medical clinic in Washington D.C., on K Street, in the mid-2000s. He was so gracious, down-to-earth, unassuming and his presence was awe-inspiring. May his passion for civil rights, social justice and health equity live on and continue to affect the hearts and minds of a new generation of social and political activists.” said Cynthia Davis, MPH, Chair of AHF’s Board of Directors.

“Congressman Lewis was beyond a politician, he was a servant-leader,” stated Imara Canady, Chair of AHF’s Black Leadership AIDS Crisis Coalition, based in Atlanta. “I was blessed to personally know the Congressman and have directly witnessed the impact that his leadership had on the constituents of metro Atlanta. No matter the issue, no matter your sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, he represented all people. Even with all that was on his plate, he never missed an opportunity to be with his constituents and had a unique ability to make everyone he encountered feel Important.  He was relentless in the ongoing fight for justice for all people, stood up against foolery and gave new meaning to the transformative impact of fearless advocacy.”

“I had the honor to participate with Congressman John Lewis in a panel discussion in Atlanta on the impact of HIV in communities of color at a forum for the faith-based community. I shared my profound admiration for him, and he then told me how important my own advocacy was as a man of color living with HIV. It meant so much to me coming from a living legend. I spoke first and he followed with such a passionate call out to the pastors and audience members to embrace the fight against HIV as a ‘moral and civil rights issue’ where lives are valued, free of stigma, free of judgement and access to treatment is prioritized over greed—remarks that were greeted with standing ovation. Rest in Power, Mr. Lewis,” added Joey Terrill, Director of Global Advocacy & Partnerships for AHF.

About AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, currently provides medical care and/or services to over 1.4million people in 45 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia/Pacific Region and Eastern Europe. To learn more about AHF, please visit our website: www.aidshealth.org, find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/aidshealth and follow us on Twitter: @aidshealthcare and Instagram: @aidshealthcare.

“Thus Saith the Lord!”

By Lou Yeboah

“You have neither heard nor understood; from of old your ears have not been open. Well do I know how treacherous you are; you were called a rebel from birth.” [Isaiah 48:8]; “Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear.” [Jeremiah 5:21]; “To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it.” [Jeremiah 6:10);] “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.” [Ezekiel 12:2].

In these passages, we see God lamenting the hardness of a rebellious people, His chosen people, to His wisdom and advice, given to them through His prophets. They have ears, but their ears [of hearing] are not open, and so they do not hear [comprehend, take to heart, heed] what God has to say to them.

“He said, “Go and tell this people: “‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving. [Isaiah 6:9-10]. “With your own eyes you saw those great trials, those signs and great wonders.  But to this day you have not paid attention, taken heed. I am fed up with your hardness of heart, and so He says, in effect, “Have it your way, then. I will close your ears myself, so that you will not be able to hear, to repent and to be healed until I restore your hearing to you when the time is right.

Listen, Jesus is calling for us to “Listen up! Pay close attention!” Jesus told his disciples that the past is the key to the future. [Matthew 24].  For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. They were buying and selling and continuing in all the usual activities of human life. Business as usual.  They paid no attention to Noah as he warned them of impending judgment; they paid him no mind whatsoever until the day that Noah entered the ark. One translation said, “They did not know.” What a damning indictment. It was an age of enlightenment. But they did not know. It was an age of great progress. But they did not know. It was an age of military might. But they did not know. It was an age when mighty men roamed the earth. But they did not know. They knew so much but understood so little. They knew more and more about less and less until they knew everything about nothing and nothing about what really mattered. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. They had no time for God until it was too late. That is the world of Noah’s day. They were wise fools who did not heed the warnings of the preacher of righteousness. Then the flood came and took them all away.  For those that have ears, let them hear what the Spirit is saying.

The day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. Where do you stand?” Pardon or Punishment. The Book of Haggai, the second shortest in the Old Testament, has a potent message. It tells us to put first things first in our lives. It was written to people, like us, who would have told you that God must be first. They believed that; but, they had drifted into a way of life where their intellectual belief in the supremacy of God was not reflected in the way they were living. They gave lip service to the priority of God, but in fact they lived with other priorities. God sent this prophet to help His people get their priorities in line with what they knew they should be. Putting first things first [Haggai 1:1-15]. Kingdom First [Matthew 6:33].  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Live in light of Eternity. Your very salvation depends upon the priorities you set in your life as a Christian.

Let us be wise in light of the brevity of life and the fact that we will one day stand before Jesus Christ and give an account for what we have done in our body, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10;  Ecclesiastes 12:14).  Now is the time to establish our priorities and stay with them in the coming days, months, and years.

 “Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” [Ephesians 5:15-16]. 

Remembering Yusef Tahiru

Yusef Tahiru was an explorer. An adventurer. A traveler and collector of experiences who loved humankind and built a community everywhere he went.

He grabbed a passport, secured a visa, and lived overseas as soon as he was able — quietly but forcefully using his gifts to live out an enduring truth: the idea that few things match the power of creating and nurturing connections. He dreamt of setting foot on new worlds, but never left the roles that mean the most on this one: loving son, brother, cousin, friend, mentor, teacher, teammate, motivator, and confidant.

Yusef — son of Abdur and Evelyn Tahiru, brother of Zachari — departed this life on July 5, 2020 in Vietnam. Born in Bellflower, California on May 9, 1991, and raised in Corona, Yusef’s childhood was spent cultivating the deep curiosity and championship-level athleticism that brought him joy throughout his life. He could often be found riding his bike around the neighborhood or playing basketball and soccer with his brother and friends. He enjoyed taking things apart to see if he could put them together again — often with mixed results.

A voracious reader whose eyes were never far from the pages of a book, Yusef was a thinker whose thirst for knowledge and love for culture would never be contained. He could not resist good music, enjoyed anime and was fascinated by movies and television shows about science and animals.

He was a seeker of God who was raised in the church — attending Gospel Memorial Church of God in Christ in his early years and Greater Victory Church of God in Christ as an adult.

Yusef excelled in the classroom, graduating in 2009 from Santiago High School — where he ran track all four years and cemented his love of athletics, including soccer, which he began playing before he entered kindergarten. He continued his track and field career at Riverside Community College — where he ran the 800 meters and was a member of the 2010 state championship team. In 2011, Yusef transferred to Cal State San Marcos, joining the track team and choosing a major that combined his passion for athletics with his devotion to helping people. He described the decision in his senior project:

“Kinesiology is my passion and it has been since I began playing soccer at the tender young age of 4 years old. Sports have been a major part of my life ever since the second I touched the soccer ball and my interest in sports only expanded as I grew older to include football and most recently in my life track and field.”

Yusef graduated in 2015 with a degree in kinesiology and exercise science. After practicing as a physical therapist, he set out for Vietnam to become an English teacher and start seeing the world. Yusef excelled in every aspect of his life there: claiming first prize in 5K runs, leading teams to victory in soccer tournaments, and being named Teacher of the Year. He fulfilled his love for going fast — which many will remember from the passenger seat in his Mazda 3 — on the motorbike he loved to race through the streets of Ho Chi Minh City.   

He accomplished so much on his own in 29 years, but Yusef had a talent for bringing people together. Everyone he encountered was drawn to his encouraging attitude, signature smile and incomparable laugh. He always had an empathetic ear ready to listen, a joke for those in need of a laugh, and wisdom to share with anyone who needed clarity and guidance. He inspired all who knew him — a man whose light shone brightest in the fulfillment he found in helping others. There is no higher calling in life, and no better way to live.

Yusef was preceded in death by his father, Abdur. He is survived by his mother, Evelyn, and brother, Zachari, Godparents Ida and George Martin Aunt Beverly, Uncle Sidney(Hazel),Uncle Myles and Uncle Byron(Regina) and a host of cousins, relatives and friends.  A private funeral service will be held on July 22 at Greater Victory Church of God in Christ. In lieu of donations to the family, his survivors ask for seed contributions to a scholarship fund that has been established in his name. The Yusef Tahiru Scholarship Fund can be found at https://gf.me/u/yfw95h