Happily Divorced And After

“In the World, But Not of the World… Hmmm!”

By Lou Yeboah

Tell me, ought not Christians to be different? Ought not we to be distinct, unique, set apart? Then why do we conform to what society wants and do what society wants? The problem is that we don’t want to be different. We don’t want to stand out from the crowd. We don’t want to be perceived as bing odd. But I have you know that Christ was distinct, unique, odd, set apart,  and He called His followers to be like Him. I tell you, as a people of God, we must dare to be different.  We are not called to fit in but rather to stand out. [Romans 12:2] tells us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. So “Come out from amongst them and be ye separated…” [2 Corinthians 6:14; 7:1].

I tell you God is looking for people who would dare to be like Daniel. Daniel had faith and applied works to his faith. He dared to be different in every place he found himself. In every situation, Daniel said, “I am not like the others. There is something different about me. I am in this world, but I am not of this world. I am a child of destiny and I must work on fulfilling my destiny. I am royalty. I am the child of the Most High God.” Daniel dared to be different. The psalmist says, “I am a stranger on earth. All the great men and women in the Old Testament were ‘strangers on earth [Hebrews 11;13].

I tell you God is looking for men and women who would dare to be different. Men and women who have courage and convictions and who will refuse to compromise and conform.  You and I are called to be different from the world around us and we are given practical instructions on how to do this. Paul writes, ‘Let us not be like others. Your lifestyle is to be totally different from those around you. You are a citizen of a different world. You have to learn a new language. You must dare to be different to fulfill your destiny, to maximize your potential, and to excel in life and ministry.

My challenge to you this day is to dare to be different. Dare to be a ‘stranger’ on earth. Dare to live differently. Dare to speak differently.

You know Jeremiah’s ministry required great courage. He had to dare to be different from the prophets around. They were all prophesying peace, but Jeremiah knew that the exile was coming. He was warning the people about the coming disaster. God said to him, “Tell them everything I command you; do not omit a word. Perhaps they will listen and each will turn from their evil ways [ Jeremiah 26:2-3].

However, ‘As soon as Jeremiah finished telling all the people everything the Lord had commanded him to say, the priests, the prophets and all the people seized him and said, “You must die! [v.8].

Jeremiah’s response was again very courageous. He said, ‘Change the way you’re living change your behavior. Listen obediently to the Message of your God. Maybe God will reconsider the disaster he has threatened…If you kill me, you’re killing an innocent man… God sent me and told me what to say. You’ve been listening to God speak, not Jeremiah.

Listen, we may not face the same pressure, but the world around us will often dislike us for being different. Do not be surprised or dismayed by such opposition – as Jesus told his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble.” But take heart, I have overcome the world.’ [John 16:33]

Set Apart! 

“Tell My People, Time is Running Out!”

By Lou Yeboah

As Paul challenged his readers, I too, challenge you to “Understand the present time in which we live.” [Romans 13:11].  We are living in a time like no other. The world is being turned upside down and we need to be ready! [Matthew 25:1-13]. You see, our generation is the first generation to fulfill ALL the biblical signs. There is no time to waste! If you ain’t ready, you need to get ready because thus saith the Lord, “Time is Running Out!”

Listen, I am not here to set dates, nor time, but I am here only to warn you that the second coming of Jesus Christ is NEAR, “even at the door.” [Matthew 24:33].  I beg you, don’t take it lightly, and don’t ignore the revelation of Christ! Jesus words to His disciples back then are the same words to us today, “ BE READY, because the Son of Man WILL COME at an hour when you least expect Him. There is a plea for our return [Joel 2:12-17]. Maybe you’re saved, but not living for the Lord. This message needs to be your turning point. Don’t be counted as one of the foolish virgins [Matthew 25: 1-13] who did not attempt to prepare until it was too late. They where left behind. Prepare while there is still time. For neither time, nor death, nor judgment linger. NOW is the appoint time! NOW is the day of Salvation! Don’t Delay! Time is Running Out!

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” [Revelation 1:3].

He who testifies to these things says, “ Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen! [Revelation 22:20-21]

“This day, I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death… Now choose life, that you and your descendants may live.” [Deuteronomy 30:19]

City Council Candidate and Cannabis Advocate meet on “Empire Talks Back”

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Damon Alexander, S B City Council Candidate and Cannabis advocate, Lanny Swerdlow,  were guests on the “Empire Talks Back” (ETB) radio broadcast. The thought provoking conversations are available on most podcast carriers, including iHeart Radio.

<iframe allow="autoplay" width="420" height="200" src="https://www.iheart.com/podcast/53-empire-talks-back-28458741/episode/kcaa-the-empire-talks-back-sun-54058624/?embed=true" frameborder="0"></iframe>

ETB is broadcast live each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KCAA 1050 AM, 102.3 and 106.5 FM, streaming live video via www.kcaaradio.com.

If you would like to be a guest on ETB, call Porscha at (909) 384-8131.

Millions of Dollars in Homelessness Aid May Be Coming to Your County, City

By California Black Media

Now is the time to start checking in with your city council and county board to inquire how they will allocate millions of dollars in emergency homelessness aid Gov. Newsom has released to counties and cities across the state.

Gov. Newsom said to funnel the $650 million aid package to counties and cities, he had to bypass roadblocks set up by the Trump administration to delay the funding. President Trump has been a vocal critic of California’s homelessness crisis.

The governor announced the unprecedented $1 billion investment in fighting homelessness when he released his budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year earlier this year. The $650 million emergency spending is a part of it.

“California is doing more than ever before to tackle the homelessness crisis but every level of government, including the federal government, must step up and put real skin in the game,” said Gov. Newsom. “California is making historic investments now to help our communities fight homelessness. But we have work to do and we need the federal government to do its part.”

California law requires local allocation of funding to be based on federally approved 2019 Point in Time homelessness data. Although local governments and Continuums of Care have requested this data from the feds, they have not yet received it.

The governor said counties and cities can begin applying for and spending 75 percent of the money ($500 million) while they wait on the numbers from the feds.

The governor has appointed Matthew Doherty, who has over 25 years of experience working on federal solutions to homelessness under the Obama and Trump administrations, as an expert advisor to his office and state agencies.  

“I am excited to work with Gov. Newsom, who has demonstrated national leadership addressing homelessness throughout his career and be part of California’s efforts to tackle the issue head on.”

Together, San Bernardino, Kern and Riverside counties, for example, are expected to receive a total of approximately $36 million.

San Bernardino City Unified Superintendent Resigns

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- Dale Marsden has resigned as superintendent of San Bernardino City Unified School District after seven years in the post, announcing his departure at the Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday, December 10.

The veteran educator said Wednesday he will remain in his position, possibly through the end of the school year, as board members discuss a transition timeline and next steps.

Hired in 2012 to lead the county’s largest school district, Marsden is one of the longest-tenured superintendents in the state.

In a phone interview with The Sun, Marsden declined to say what role he plans to assume when he leaves the district but said his departure will allow him to focus on blazing a trail regionally for some of the efforts started in San Bernardino.

“This is a big district and a very active place,” he said. “We’ve got a lot of momentum going, and I want to continue that momentum forward to lift similar efforts countywide and regionally, too.”

Social Lites, Inc. Honored at Educators’ Prayer Breakfast

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- Over 200 attendees witnessed Social Lites, Inc. honored for their dedicated service for over 60 years in the Inland Empire and for over 50 years working with youth through the annual Beautillion program at the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. Delta Rho Chapter 9th Annual Educators’ Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, December 14, 2019 at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.  Swans Club and Carolyn Tillman were also honored for their dedicated service in working with youth.  Keynote speaker, Twillea Evans-Carthen addressed the importance of “the village” highlighting the theme “It’s A Gift….Teach Them and Teach Them Well.”

The 2019/2020 Beautillion Scholarship Program is in its 53rd year.  The program will commence on Saturday, March 28, 2020 at the National Orange Show of San Bernardino.

For more information regarding the Beautillion Scholarship Program, please telephone chairperson, Mrs. Tina Darling at tribicu2@msn.com or Ms. Lisa Blacksher, President at lisasocialities@gmail.com or Mrs. Bettye Brewster, Business Manager, bettyebrewster@yahoo.com

After a Series of Setbacks, Football Player, Santia Deck, Signs a Multi-Million Contract with the WFLA

By Naomi K. Bonman

When perseverance, patience and faith work together, they all pay off for good! The highest paid woman football player, Santia Deck, just signed a multi-million-dollar contract with the Women’s Football League of America (WFLA).

She announced the good news via LinkedIn on Wednesday, December 11.

“I signed a multimillion-dollar contract with the WFLA!” she explains. “This still doesn’t feel real to me. I was told a few months ago that I wasn’t going to make the Olympic team for rugby because I wasn’t “developed” enough because I put my body and mind through the ringer in preparation for a USA tryout. I was so exhausted and burnt out by the time I finally got a chance to compete in front of the USA coach I had nothing left; It was the worst performance of my life!”

After that ordeal, Deck stated that she started questioning her worth, her abilities and even God. It took her awhile to pull herself out of the slump, but to her dismay, He was preparing her for something BIGGER. And that something bigger was to make history and to solidify her family and future kids’ futures. 

“I didn’t understand at the time what God was doing, all I could see was I had failed, again, and I was broken. I’m so glad I got on my knees that night and told God ‘I surrender, I don’t know what is happening, but I trust you and I give you the reigns over my life’“ because when I did, my life changed forever. Thank you, Lord, for never leaving,” Deck explained.

This story is a true testament to never give up on your ultimate goal. When they try to tell you that you are not “experienced” enough (when you actually are) or that you lack something, just remember that something much bigger is stirring in the pot that you just can’t see yet. What is not for you at the current time is not for you, but what IS for you right now IS for you. Keep striving. What one doesn’t see in you, the next one does.

Kirk Whalum Channels Ethos of Civil Rights an Global Harmony on New Music Humanité Available Now!


Los Angeles, Calif.– Grammy® Award Winner and Global Recording Artist Kirk Whalum8th Annual Gospel According To Jazz Christmas tour is in selected markets now. Whalum will perform his biggest hits, holiday favorites, and songs from his latest album, Humanite’ The dates will feature John Stoddart and Kevin Whalum, along with this year’s special guests, vocalist Maysa and guitarist Adam Hawley.

Kirk’s new music, Humanite was produced by his longtime friend, producer, British jazz trumpeter and session musician, James McMillan. Over a period of three months in 2018, Kirk and James recorded the soul-drenched, emotional and highly melodic tracks in locations ranging from studios in Jakarta, Tokyo, Paris, Nairobi, Johannesburg and Hastings, to hotel rooms, office buildings and even Kirk’s living room in his hometown, Memphis, Tenn.

Standout tracks that showcase the album’s harmonious mix of American jazz, blues, funk and pop, along with global indigenous musical forms, abound on Humanité and include the high velocity fusion track, Korogocho,” featuring jazz master bass player Marcus Miller in a death-defying duel with young Indonesian bass sharp-shooter Barry Likumahuwa; a silky ballad about the power of education and enlightenment, “Wake Up Everybody,” featuring Indonesian superstar, Afgan; and the uplifting, gorgeous contemporary jazz/R&B track and debut single, “Get Your Wings Up,” featuring guitarist/vocalist Andréa Lisa.

“Music is the language that communicates across borders. Music can break and enter into a person’s soul,” said Kirk. “The difference is that she is not there to take, she’s there to give, to leave something when she goes.”


(Click photo below to watch trailer)

County in need of Ombudsmen Volunteers

Advocates for seniors and disabled adults living in long-term care facilities are needed in San Bernardino County.

The Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) is recruiting volunteer advocates who will be trained and certified to investigate and monitor long-term care facilities and resolve complaints on behalf of residents of skilled nursing and assisted living facilities.
Ombudsmen investigate reports of abuse, neglect or mistreatment of individuals in long-term care facilities. They also monitor nursing homes and board and care facilities regularly to ensure residents understand their rights and other free services available to them. Volunteers must be over the age of 18, submit to a free background check and not have worked in a long-term care facility for at least one year.  Free training is available to obtain state certification with classes forming in the San Bernardino area. Schedules are flexible and include evenings and weekends.

“This is an opportunity for members of our community to come together to support resident rights and achieve the best possible quality of life for all long-term care residents in our county,” said Sharon Nevins, director of DAAS. “We look forward to training new volunteers to make a difference in the lives of seniors and disabled adults throughout our county.”
For more information on becoming an ombudsman volunteer, call 1-866-229-0284.