Happily Divorced And After

Obituary: Shirley Ann Shirrells

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Shirley Ann Shirrells, daughter of the late Anne E. Shirrells, civic leader in San Bernardino, died peacefully after a long illness at her home in Pasadena, CA, on April 8th, 2019, at the age of 83 with her were her son and daughter. 

Shirley moved to San Bernardino as a child with her mother and sister, the late Marguerette Howard. After marriage, Shirley moved from the city to live overseas for several years, eventually settling in central California for many years.

Shirley was retired from Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria, California where she was the director of the Job Placement and Career Center for 30 years. She had a successful career there and had been recognized by the community for her innovative leadership in service to over 20,000 community college students during her tenure.

She also delighted people singing jazz in many local venues in and around Santa Maria and performing in musical productions at the college. 

After retirement, Shirley lived for a while in Palm Desert and then moved to Pasadena to live near her family.

Shirley is survived by her daughter, Cecile Anderson; her son, Maurece Chesse; her son-in-law, George Anderson; and her cherished granddaughter, Perry Anderson. 

Shirley was a free spirit, a jazzy humanist and charming nurturer to those who she was drawn to support and cultivate.

Her remains will rest near her mother and sister at Green Acres Memorial Cemetery in Bloomington, California.

A reception is planned outdoors at the Anne Shirrells park in San Bernardino, CA, at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28.

Letting the “Cat” Out of the Bag on Sacramento PD

By Mark T. Harris

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— “Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier n’ puttin’ it back in.”—-Will Rogers

Shocking. Shameful. Unconscionable. Intolerable. These are just a few of the terms used by those in reaction to word that a 12 year-old child was restrained by Sacramento police officers who then placed a white plastic bag over his head and shoulders. Let’s review recent events in the City of Sacramento, who many are now referring to as “SacraSelma” in reference to the civil rights struggles that emanated from Selma, Alabama during the civil rights battles of the turbulent 1960’s.

First, Sacramento police mysteriously apprehended an unarmed Mr. Daizon Flenaugh, who was detained without any legal basis. He wound up dead within 30 minutes of being detained by sacramento police officers. Next, was the late Mr. Joseph Mann, who was guilty of nothing more than screaming at police officers and throwing a plastic water bottle at them prior to his being gunned down on the streets of Sacramento. Following that was an unarmed Mr. Nandi Cain, Jr. who was beaten by a Sacramento police officer for ostensibly “jaywalking” when it turned out Mr. Cain appropriately crossed the street from one corner to another. Finally, and most dramatically came the assassination of Mr. Stephon Clark, who was the victim of a barrage of Sacramento police gunfire while being guilty of nothing more than entering his grandmother’s home with a cellphone in his hands.

Now Sacramento residents are dismayed by word that a 12 year-old child, who stands four feet ten inches tall and weighs fewer than one hundred pounds, was inappropriately constrained by police officers and had a bag placed over his head to “shut him up,” according to witnesses on the scene during the incident. At the time this occurred, the child was pleading for officers to “call (his) mom” and telling officers that he “could not breathe!” The young victim was born with significant upper respiratory complications and according to his mother and grandmother, suffered from breathing difficulties particularly when anxious. It did not help the child’s respiratory condition that officers grasped his neck; placed him on the ground; handcuffed him with his hands behind his back; placed a knee in his back and forced his face into the asphalt.

Many Sacramento residents are wondering when this madness is going to end. We were told that our “new” African-American Chief of Police would be the one to put an end to the oppressive and at times, deadly behavior patterns of what we were told were merely a few rogue “bad apples” in an otherwise fine police department.

Let me say this. Our police chief is “blue” and not black. In addition, it appears to many of us that when you have as many incidents of questionable police conduct directed towards one singular demographic group, within an entire community, the “cat needs to

be let out of the bag.” The Sacramento police department appears to be representative of a “bad orchard” as opposed to merely comprised of a few “bad apples.”

Let there be no mistake. Shooting and killing an unarmed Black woman, who professed to be pregnant in Houston, Texas or “bagging” a small in stature, 12 year-old in Sacramento, must be called out for what it is. These actions are more reflective of the practices of “slave catchers” and “Jim Crow” era law enforcers than of proper urban policing techniques focused on de-escalation and by governments truly committed to empower police officers to “protect and to serve” our entire community.

Mark T. Harris is a tenured lecturer and Director of Pre-Law Studies at the University California, Merced. Additionally, Professor Harris heads the Sacramento and Central Valley office of Ben Crump Law and his specialty is civil rights law.

Professor Harris can be reached at: mark@bencrump.com 

In Charter School Fight, Urban League and National Action Network Ask NAACP: “Did You See the Numbers?”

By Tanu Henry | California Black Media

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Black civil rights groups in California are knuckled up in a battle of principles as the state Assembly and Senate prepare to vote on a set of three charter school bills this week.

The state chapters of the National Urban League (NUL) and the National Action Network (NAN) have teamed up to oppose the bills. They say the proposals amount to a “step backward” for African-American charter school parents and their children.

While the California chapter of the NAACP has publicly expressed its support for all three pieces of legislation; two of them in the Assembly – AB 1505 and AB 1506 – and one in the Senate, SB 756.

Members of the California chapter of the NAACP, the  nation’s oldest civil rights organization, came to the State Capitol Monday to lobby the legislature on several issues, including the charter school bills.

If passed, the laws would put a moratorium on authorizing any new charter schools in the state for the next five years. Critics of the law say they would also significantly restrict the operations and roll back some legal rights the taxpayer-funded independent public schools currently have.

“I ask my friends at the NAACP, ‘did you see the numbers?’” Dr. Tecoy Porter, president of the Sacramento chapter of the NAN, told California Black Media.

For both the NUL and the NAN, they say, their difference of opinion with the NAACP boils down to one fact: Black students across California are failing in the state’s district public schools at rates that should cause national concern.

Advocates say many of the schools on the frontline that have begun to help Black students improve their literacy, score higher on state standardized tests, and prepare for college and jobs, are charter schools.

“African-American children are not doing well in California public schools. There is a severe and persistent Black achievement gap throughout the state of California in both English Language arts and math,” the NAN and the NUL wrote in an open letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom, which the organizations shared with California Black Media.

“Seven out of eight African-American public school students are enrolled in district run schools,” the letter to the governor continued. “Many African-American parents respond to this failure by choosing to send their kids to public charter schools.”

This week, local leaders of both the NAN and the NUL are requesting a meeting with Gov. Newsom to share their concerns about the bills.

In California, about 80 percent of Black students score below the state standard in math and 68 percent fail to meet the English Language Arts requirement. African-American children are also next to the lowest performing sub-group in the state, scoring only above students with disabilities.

Last week, the Assembly passed another charter school bill, AB 1507. It required charter schools to be physically located in the boundaries of the school district that licenses it. Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento), who is African American and a member of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC), sponsored that bill, along with the other two bills his colleagues will hear this week.

Other sponsors of the charter school bills are Assemblymembers Patrick O’Donnell (D-Los Angeles) and Christy Smith (D-Santa Clarita).

Sen. Maria Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) sponsored the Senate bill.

O’Donnell, who is chair of the Assembly Education committee, shelved another bill Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego), chair of the CLBC, introduced. That bill would have designated lowest performing subgroup students a high risk category under California’s Local Control Funding Formula.

“Historically, the NAACP has been in strong support of public education and has denounced movements toward privatization,” the California chapter of the NAACP wrote in that statement. “Considering this, we are concerned that charter schools in California are increasingly causing the underfunding of neighborhood schools.”

Julian Heilig-Vasquez, Education Chair of the California NAACP, argues that increased independent and private control of charter schools will lead to the resegregation of America’s public schools and

“The California NAACP and other community-based activists have called upon education reforms to refocus on inequities rather than privatization and private control of education,” he says.

Porter says he understands that the NAACP stated its opposition to charter schools long before these bills became an issue in California. But the arguments they are using to support their stance, have not evolved and are mostly out-of-touch with the needs of the majority of African-American families across the state.

“How are they promoting segregation when they make up less than 5 percent of all public schools in the state?” Asked Porter. “Also, by law, charter schools have to be judged on their performance every five years. District-run public schools can go on failing forever.”

He said since Gov. Newsom signed SB 126 earlier this year, the state now requires charter schools to be more accountable and transparent in their operations.

On Wednesday, May 22, the California Teachers Association (CTA), one of the largest unions in the state, is holding a rally in Sacramento on the steps of the State Capitol in support of the bills. They say, the event is being held “to fix the broken laws that govern charter schools.”

But NAN and the NUL disagree with the NAACP and the CTA. Porter says many Black families who live in communities where traditional public schools have failed their children for decades don’t have the means to get up and move to a better school district or enroll their kids in private schools.

Porter says he is thankful that he had a choice. His son, who attended a mix of private, public charter and traditional public schools is graduating from high school this year. He has accepted a full ride to Harvey Mudd college in Claremont.

“I had a choice. I want all parents in California to have choices of where they can send their children to school for the best education for them,” he says. “I know there are some bad apples who have abused the charter school system, but its Black and Brown kids that end up getting the short end of the stick. They deserve better.” 

Founders Raquel Wilson & Tynisha Lewis Of The Empower Her Project To Present The 2nd Annual Women of Color Empowerment Brunch

LOS ANGELES, CA— The Empower Her Project CEO and Founders Raquel Wilson and Tynisha Lewis announced today that the 2nd Annual Women of Color Empowerment Brunch will be held Sunday, June 9, 2019, from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm at Jordan Downs Community Center, 1501 E. 103rd Street in Los Angeles, California. The brunch is designed to bridge a gap between young millennial women of color who are starting out in business, connecting them with veteran women of color from around the world who are already thriving in business. “It is time for us as women of color to come together to empower and celebrate one another, when we do this, we are unstoppable,” says Wilson and Lewis.       

The brunch will feature seven veteran women of color in business and will honor three women of color in politics, activism, and community service. This year’s honorees include Former Councilwoman Jan Perry (Honoree), Community Partnership ConsultantLinda Miles (Honoree), Activist Susan Burton (Honoree), panelists B. René Norman (Celebrity Red Carpet Photographer), Deborah Griffin (Entertainment Publicist), Ericka Chancellor (Professional Cosmetologist), Natasha D Burton (Producer and Brand Builder), Sauda S. Johnson (Attorney), Tonya McKenzie (Author, Motivational Speaker and PR Consultant), Umaymah Rashid (Content Creator, Digital Media Producer and Marketing Manager) and moderated by Syd Stewart,Founder & Executive Director of Better Youth.

Open to the public. $30 to attend and tickets may be purchased online at Eventbrite. Ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-women-of-color-empowerment-brunch-tickets-57290228616

To become a sponsor of The Empower Her Project, contact: info@empowerherproject.org with Sponsorship Inquiry in the subject line. All press and media inquiries, please contact Deborah Griffin at deborahmckj@yahoo.com.

Social Media:

Twitter: @empower_inc

Instagram: @theempowerherprojectinc

Facebook: @theempowerherproject 

Official Social Media Hashtags: #WCEB2019 #TheEmpowerHerProject


About Empower Her Project

Empower Her Project is a 501(c)(3) provides women of color who are starting in business a platform to network with polished women who are already thriving in business. The organization provides professional development and advocacy opportunities. For more information on Empower Her Project, please go to www.empowerherproject.org

About Raquel Wilson – Empower Her Project

Raquel Wilson is a former foster youth from Compton, CA. She has been a vessel for foster care youth and an advocate for at-risk youth since age 17. She is an active participant in volunteer work in her community and is passionate about being powered by service. She created The Empower Her Project to empower, mentor, and inspire young and matured women of color through workshops and programs that celebrate women in business & future entrepreneurs.

About Tynisha Lewis – Empower Her Project

Tynisha Lewis also known as “Ty,” is a former homeless youth and first-generation transfer student graduating with a B.A. in journalism with an emphasis in public relations and minoring in Africana Studies at Cal State University, Northridge in May 2018. Her past work experience includes working as a student writer for CSUN Today and Warner Bros. Television Publicity Intern. She also served as CSUN PRSSA Director of Member Services and as Social Media Director of Real To Reel Global Youth Film Festival. Tynisha has been inspired by the endless creative possibilities in the world of entertainment in which she is truly passionate about. Her hobbies include reading, writing, volunteering and mentoring at-risk youth.

Blue Shield of California Wants To Go Big On Going Small And Diverse


(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— OAKLAND, CA— Blue Shield of California has set new targets to dramatically increase the amount of business it does with suppliers of goods and services from diverse businesses, including those owned by minorities, women, disabled veterans and the LGBT community.

“If our mission is to provide quality affordable healthcare worthy of our family and friends and sustainably affordable, then we must also do our share to make a greater impact in the communities where we operate and live,” said Pradip Khemani, Senior Director of Global Business Services at Blue Shield of California.

Blue Shield’s target for diverse supplier spend is 12 per cent of its procurement budget by 2023, up from about four percent in 2018. This means millions of dollars in incremental economic opportunities for these business owners compared to $28 million in supplier diversity spend in 2018.

Blue Shield purchases a vast array of services in their regular operations, and the following are the top categories:

  1. Professional Services such as event planning, catering, language translations, etc.
  2. Advertising and Marketing including promotional items
  3. Consulting
  4. Information Technology
  5. Human Resources
  6. Facilities
  7. Office Supplies

Joe Partida of Partida Benefits, a local of Blue Shield, “It was great to have the opportunity to host this breakfast and I hope the upcoming Blue Shield move to Oakland allows me to sell more coverage.”

Suppliers who wish to do business with Blue Shield and are certified or working to obtain certification as a diverse supplier will be given key consideration during the procurement process.

To learn more about Blue Shield’s Supplier Diversity program, visit the Supplier Diversity page under Corporate Citizenship page at https://www.blueshieldca.com/about.

San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra Receives ACSO’s Sinclair Leadership Award

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The Association of California Symphony Orchestras (ACSO) recently announced that the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra is the recipient of the 2019 Kris Sinclair Leadership Award for its successful implementation of a new strategic direction, which has led to impressive growth in concert attendance and community engagement over the past three years.

This award is named in honor of Kris Sinclair, ACSO’s long-timer former executive director, and is given to an ACSO Organizational Member that demonstrates recent and measurable leadership initiatives by its staff and/or board in one or more of the following areas: finance, governance, staff development, audience development, education, or community engagement.

“The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra is a great example of how orchestras that have been in operation for decades can still continue to evolve and grow and provide relevant and meaningful art experiences for their diverse audiences,” said Sarah Weber, executive director of the Association of California Symphony Orchestras. “In the last few years, the leadership of the orchestra has programmed innovative concerts, provided music education for thousands of at-risk youth, and increased community awareness and ticket sales through expanded media coverage. They did hard work to make a plan for improvement, and that plan is yielding amazing results.”

With the Sinclair Award comes a $5,000 prize, which the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra will use to install new software for ticketing and to train staff to effectively utilize the system.

“These things Saith the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the Creation of God…”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— “… I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot; I wish thou were cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit thee out of My mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” [Revelation 3:14-22]

Yes, this message is a warning from God’s Word for everyone to repent of their sins and begin to live Godly lives in the light of the scriptures and to begin to seek God with great intensity, honesty, sincerity and urgency. “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return [TURN] unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him and He will abundantly pardon.” [Isaiah 55:7]. 

I beg you, don’t be like Felix and miss it! Be like Paul and seize the day for God’s glory. Life is so uncertain. There is no opportunity for obedience after death.[Hebrew 9:27].  I don’t know who I’m talking too, but God says, “NOW – TODAY – NOT TOMORROW” Time is not on your side! Whoever you are, you have heard the Gospel many, many times in the past, and you’ve been spoken to by the Holy Spirit, but you have not heeded the warnings.” I beg you today, please, do not trifle with your soul’s salvation, “Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” [James 4:14]. The Urgency of Today. The Insistence of God. Know that ‘TODAY’ may be the very last time you may be exposed to the Gospel of the grace of God. Don’t blow it! Don’t delay!  “NOW,” “TODAY,” repent of your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. For the Bible declares, “Behold, “NOW” is the acceptable time; behold, “NOW” is the day of salvation.” “NOW” is Mercy’s offer. “NOW” is the invitation from God, reaching down from Heaven. Know that the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance [2 Peter 3:9].

Three passages in the [Book of Proverbs- Chapter 1:24-28; Chapter 27:1; and Chapter 29:1] warns us that we are not to wait too late about making our decision of commitment to trust Christ as our Savior and Lord and to receive forgiveness for our sins. Don’t take a chance and think that you will have time to get saved or repent later on in life. “For Hell is filling up fast with people who thought that they would repent later on in their life. Some of them, like you, had heard the Gospel; were convicted by the Holy Spirit and Word of God, and had expected to get saved ‘SOMEDAY.” Unfortunately, for them, their “SOMEDAY” never came.”

For truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent [Acts 17:30]. Hear what the God of the Bible says about waiting to call out for salvation: “Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call up me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me. For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord; therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.” [Proverbs 1:24-31].

‘See then that you walk circumspectly (carefully) not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.’  [Ephesians 5:15

“No one knows the day or hour of his appointed time. And no man knows the day or hour of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  [Mark 13:32; Matthew 25:13]; Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not…” [Luke 12:40]

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that “I have set before you life and death; therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live, that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him for He is your life and the length of your days. [Deuteronomy 30:19-20]

Girl Scouts Troop delivers cookies to local hospital construction workers

Grand Terrace Troop shares 800 boxes to say ‘thank you’

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK–ENN)— LOMA LINDA, CA— The Girl Scouts Grand Terrace Troop 76 delivered 800 boxes of their famous cookies to construction workers on the building site of the new Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital towers, Thursday, April 25. The troop of 14 girls braved 90 degree heat for more than an hour to personally give each construction worker a box of cookies as their way to say thanks for building the new hospitals.

One of the troop’s scouts, Ava Firnkoess, 9, said she suggested the activity because she was inspired by the construction workers’ dedication and teamwork.

“When we drive past the construction site, the workers are here rain or shine,” Firnkoess said. “They’re working together to build this hospital for the community, and I wanted to thank them for that.”

The troop stationed themselves near the exit of the construction site at the end of the workday. With multiple cookie boxes in their arms, scouts offered a box to each worker that passed, even running to catch those who hadn’t noticed them.

The cookie delivery was met with smiles and surprise. Although many workers tried to give monetary donations to the scouts, they always answered with a “no, the cookies are free —we just wanted to say thanks.”

Loma Linda Campus Transformation Project Director Eric Hoffman, on behalf of McCarthy Building Companies, said they were touched by the troop’s generosity.

“We are extremely grateful to Girl Scout Troop 76 for their generous donation of 800 boxes of cookies,” Hoffman said. “McCarthy, our subcontractors and all of our craft workers are honored by their recognition. It’s easy at times to think of what we are building just in terms of concrete, steel and drywall. This was a very heartfelt reminder that this is not just another project.” 

The troop was able to donate the boxes of cookies through the support of the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council I Care Program. This program gives people the option to buy a box of cookies and donate it back through “Cookies Share,” allowing the troop to take those donations and give it to a charitable organization of their choosing. This program empowers the troops to give back and become more involved in their communities.

Volunteers help foster youth create senior portraits

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Makeup artists, hair stylists and photographers flocked to Jensen Alvarado Ranch and Museum in Riverside earlier this month. They were among roughly 40 volunteers who helped create senior portraits for foster children preparing to graduate high school in May.  

“It’s amazing,” said 18-year-old Melissa Sauceda, a senior at Rancho Verde High School. “All of us don’t have the support and money to do it ourselves. We don’t have our parents so just to have volunteers to do it for free is just a great feeling.” The event, known as ‘High School Senior Portrait Day,” started five years ago with a dozen students. This year 60 kids signed up. DPSS Children’s Services Regional Manager Michelle Wohl said returning caretakers who bring students from all over Riverside County helped the event grow.

“This year DPSS signed a contract with Riverside County Regional Parks. With help from park rangers and Jensen Alvarado Ranch and Museum, foster youth teamed up with volunteers to spend the entire day preparing for senior pictures.

“It really gives us the opportunity to talk with the community about the awesome things that happen in child welfare,” Wohl said.

The foster youth ranged from age 17 to 20 and came from several school districts and communities across Riverside County, including Moreno Valley, Indio, Perris and Beaumont.

“A Mother’s Love…!”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— You know, there have been many definitions of love. There have been many people who have written books about love. There are songs about love. There are poems about love. There are discussions about love. But when you’ve said it all and you’ve read it all and you’ve sung it all, you just might wonder “What Love Got to Do with It,” because the things they talk about, sing about and write about really aren’t about love at all, but rather about affection, longing, goose-bumps types of emotional thrills. The love they talk about runs hot, it runs cold, and it runs lukewarm. It brings tears of joy, tears of depression, and screams of excitement and hollers of disappointment. However, the Bible addresses aGreater Love” that uses an entirely different term than “philo.” That term is Agape. A love characterized by commitment. A love, that takes captive and cleaves and unites and cherishes and defends.  A love that last, that is not fickle, or uncertain, or capricious, but durable, constant, and stable. A love, that bleeds into every fabric and fiber of our lives. A love, that is beyond comprehension. Nothing, no calling or circumstance, no adversity or advancement, no pain or promotion, no status or station, escapes the brush strokes of this type of love – A Mother’s Love – Unconditional Love, Eternal Love!

As God describes His love for us, He says in (Isaiah 66:13) look at the love a mother has for her children, her family; it is nurturing, faithful, protective, and sacrificial. “…. She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good not harm, all the days of her life. She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” (Proverbs 31:10-29)

I encourage you, if your mother is still a live; appreciate her because she is irreplaceable. If she is no longer here, a leave you with a love letter from God ……“You may not know me, but I know everything about you. I know when you sit down and when you rise. I am familiar with all your ways. Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. For you were made in my image. In me you live and move and have your being. For you are my offspring. I knew you even before you were conceived. I chose you when I planned creation. You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. It is my desire to lavish my love on you. Simply because you are my child and I am your father. My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. And I rejoice over you with singing. I will never stop doing good to you. You are my treasured possession. I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. And I want to show you great and marvelous things. If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. I am your greatest encourager. I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus.  I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love.  Will you be my child?  I am waiting for you.  Love your Father, Almighty God.

Oh, May God gives us the power to comprehend what is the height and depth and length and breadth, and to know the love of Christ through our mothers which passes knowledge that we might be filled with all the fullness of Him.

To the only wise God my Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen!