Happily Divorced And After

What It Do with the LUE: Fighting for Life

By Lue Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Fighting for LIFE is WHAT It Do! Don’t be afraid! Visiting the doctors can be exhausting at times, especially when it comes to certain types of test and examinations.

I know the equipment in which is used to conduct mammograms can be intimidating. Walking into that cold room and being ordered to place your breast down on the glass plate is a little freighting. All things go through your head as you hear the radiologist say, “Don’t breathe, snapping photo now.”

I won’t lie, yes, it can be a little uncomfortable. The radiologist must ensure that the photos show the entire breast or else you’ll have to redo the process all over again. Just knowing that my beautiful grandmother, Leona Williams passed away due to breast cancer is motivation for me to get checked regularly.

My grandmother died at an early age. Back in those days’ technology wasn’t as savvy as it is now. I want to let those that may have been recently diagnosed or in remission that you’re not alone. Stay strong in your fight!

Early Detection of cancer is very important. Although mammography is the most accurate method for early detection, not all cancers are found that way. A thorough breast examination includes mammograms, examination by your physician and self-examinations on a consistent basis.

Please take care of your health and get tested. This has been my contribution to breast cancer awareness month. I truly hope it encourages somebody. Until next week L’s!


San Bernardino County Superintendent, Ted Alejandre, Applauds Local Districts for Student Performances, Collaborative Spirit

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—-VICTORVILLE, CA—- In his regional State of Education Address for the High Desert, San Bernardino County Superintendent Ted Alejandre applauded local school districts for their collaborative spirit and highlighted student performances and programs that spur innovation and create educational opportunities.

“Preparing a rising generation for the new global economic and civic environment is a shared responsibility,” Alejandre said during his fourth annual State of Education Address. “In the county, we have joined together to create a countywide vision where all sectors of the community support the success of every child from cradle-to-career.”

Delivering his address entitled, “Impact the Present. Transform the Future,” at the High Desert Church, Alejandre was introduced by Caroll Yule, owner of Shear Realty in Apple Valley. This was the second of two regional addresses made by Alejandre, who also presented in San Bernardino on September 27.

Focusing on collective impact in the High Desert, Alejandre touted the Mountain/Desert Career Pathways Joint Powers Authority (JPA), which brings together the school districts of Adelanto, Apple Valley, Barstow, Hesperia, Silver Valley, Snowline, Victor and Victor Valley. The JPA is designed to develop higher education and skill levels that benefit students and the region’s workforce.

“The Mountain/Desert Career Pathways JPA is an outstanding example of providing students with the opportunity to earn credit for college coursework while completing their high school education,” Alejandre said.

For the more than 403,000 students who attend public school in the county, Alejandre sited the need to develop a more highly skilled and educated workforce. Right now, more than 700 county school students and 50 teachers are taking part in an AP Readiness program through the University of California, Riverside. The program is made possible through a Growing Inland Achievement (GIA) innovation grant and will offer supplemental teaching and support for Advanced Placement (AP) students countywide, joining Riverside County students and teachers who have participated in the program during the past two academic years.


“GIA is geared toward improving educational attainment rates throughout the larger Inland Empire region as a means of furthering economic progress,” Alejandre said.


In an effort to boost literacy rates among early learners, county preschoolers have read more than 895 million words and more than 2.8 million books with a 79 percent reading comprehension level since the inception of Footsteps2Brilliance, a collaborative among County Schools, County Preschool Services, Children’s Fund and First 5 San Bernardino.


“Footsteps2Brilliance is impacting an entire generation of county preschoolers who will begin kindergarten prepared with literacy skills to jump-start their success,” Alejandre said.


Another countywide effort, Vision4Safety, aims to bring county residents together to create safer neighborhoods, schools and workplaces.


“Often when we think about safety, the first thing that comes to mind is crime and violence, including the unfortunate reality of violence on school campuses,” Alejandre said.

This past year, County Schools brought on board a highly experienced safety officer to support our classrooms and school districts in school safety planning, including equipping school communities for active shooter response should such an emergency arise.

In the area of students’ social and emotional wellness, there is a countywide focus on multi-tiered systems of support and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), which debuted in the county in the High Desert in 2009.

“Mental and emotional health are extremely complex issues, so it’s all the more critical that we are prepared to respond to the needs of students, so they can look to our schools as safe harbors,” Alejandre said.

The State of Education Address also featured several student performances from county school districts including:

  • The Serrano High School Cadet Corps from the Snowline Joint Unified School District, which presented the flag colors;
  • Xavier Padilla, a student at Victorville Education Center, who led the Pledge of Allegiance;
  • The Serrano High School marching band, under the director of Mathew Fell, played a patriotic medley;
  • Scarlett Brigham, a student at Big Bear High School in the Bear Valley Unified School District, delivered a spoken word performance;
  • Granite Hills High School choir from the Apple Valley Unified sang;
  • Encore School of the Arts dance group from Hesperia Unified also performed.

In conclusion, Alejandre called for public education not to just reform, but be transformative as it provides opportunities for all students. “Choose each day to make an impact … and transform lives through education,” he said.

Saturday, October 27: Women Empowering Women at 2018 Queens Brunch

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— This weekend marks the last weekend of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And to end things off on a bang, the 2018 Queens Brunch will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Shandin Hills Golf Course located at 3380 Little Mountain Drive in San Bernardino.

The Queens Brunch is an annual event where women come together in fellowship to empower one another. At this year’s event the ladies will be celebrating those who are Breast Cancer Survivors and those who have left their legacy.

The day will consist of brunch, speakers and vendors. Some of this year’s vendors include: Beauty and the Busy Life with Hannah Cook; Royalty Wells Hair; Many Hats with Lady Sharon Square; Paparazzi Jewelry; Aiyeloja Davis with her artwork; RCM Photobooth; Breast Cancer Awareness with Rusty; Purses by Gwen Russell; Jewelry by Francais Foster; and many more.

This year’s speakers include: Lady Edna Herring Young; Lady Nichelle Gage; Lasy Queen Esther; Lady Gina Negrete; Lady Adrienne Braxton; and Lady LaNette Davis.

For tickets, please visit 2018queensbrunch.eventbrite.com. Don’t forget you hats ladies!

“The Power of Gratitude!”

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— “How good it is to give thanks to you, O Lord! To sing praises to your name, O Most High! To proclaim your loving kindness every morning, and your faithfulness every night…” [Psalm 92:1-5].

I extend to each of you today an invitation. It is an invitation to cultivate gratefulness as your basic attitude toward life. It is an invitation to cultivate gratefulness as the very ground of your being. To be grateful is to recognize, acknowledge, and accept that we are a recipient of a gift – life.

You should be thankful for your families, health, food, and even a glass of water. Thank God for the simple things. You can even be thankful for the heartaches, the pains, and the suffering. [Romans 8:28] says, “All things work together for good…” That is, the thing itself is not good, but it is God Who is working all things together for good.

Do you want to live on the highest level of life? Cultivate the attitude of gratitude always and in all things I don’t care how bad, difficult, dark, or mysterious things get; take the ultimate step of faith and say, “God, You’re greater than this, and I thank You.”

Thankful people are happy people. “Well,” you say, “if I had something to be thankful for, I’d be happy.” You have missed the point! You do have something to be thankful for. You have life. You have Christ. If you didn’t have anything else but Jesus, you would have enough to praise God for all eternity.

You may say, “But my circumstances are not good.” The apostle Paul was in prison when he wrote this, yet he was rejoicing in the Lord. Gratefulness turned his prison to a palace, but ungratefulness can turn your palace to a prison. I’m telling you, the attitude of gratitude will change your life.

You’re not just simply to be thankful one day a year. One day is not long enough to thank God for all that He’s given you. His blessings come daily. [Psalm 68:19] says, “Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loadeth us with benefits…” Every day God has brand new blessings for you, and every day ought to find you thanking God. Every prayer that you pray ought be salted with thanks.

In everything give thanks. Not in some things, but in all things. Everything, every area of life is to be the subject of thanksgiving. There’s so much to be thankful for! Anything good that you have has come from God. You didn’t get it by luck, ingenuity, hard work, wit, or wisdom. It is proper to thank God for it.

Understand, living with gratitude is not a human way to live, not a natural way to live – it’s supernatural. And this kind of thankfulness only comes out of a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit is the substance of it, the source of it, and the strength of it. We are to be filled with the Spirit, and we are to be giving thanks. And that’s the only way we can do it!

[P.S.] Being grateful does not protect us from rejection, pain, or sorrow; it doesn’t protect us from any of that. But if we are able to incorporate gratitude into our basic attitude toward life and make it a part of the ground of our being, it gives us another way of responding to what is taking place.

I tell you, what a wonderful way to start the day and invite gratitude in!



Exclusive Interview: Raheem Devaughn Chats on Sixth Studio Album, Decade of a Love King

By Naomi K. Bonman

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- After a 4-year hiatus, R&B vocalist, Raheem Davaughn is back. For those that need a memory refresher, Mr. Davaughn first emerged on the music scene with his debut album, The Love Experience in 2005, which reached No. 46 on the US Billboard 200 album chart. From that album, Raheem released the singles, “Guess Who Loves You” and “You”.

Three years later, Raheem Devaughn released his second album, Love Behind the Melody which featured the hit singles, “Woman” and “Customer”. “Woman” led to Davaughn being nominated for ‘Best Male R&B Vocal Performance’ at the 2008 Grammy Awards.

His third album The Love & War MasterPeace was released in 2010. A Place Called Love Land, his fourth album, was released in 2013. In 2015, he had released his fifth album, Love Sex Passion.

Today, October 19, Devaughn’s sixth studio album, Decade of a Love King, has been released. Leading up this day, I interviewed Raheem Devaughn where he chatted on his latest EP, as well as what he has been up to.

To listen to the interview, click here

Saturday, October 20: Knock Knock Angels Hosts Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Photoshoot Fundraiser

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— ONTARIO, CA—This Saturday, October 20, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., join Stephanie Wiltz Events located at 215 N Laurel Avenue in Ontario. Please join them for this year’s Cancer Awareness Photoshoot. If you attended last year, you will be blown away this year.

There will be photographers, music, Horderves, raffles, a Real men wear pink booth operated by Ava Hooks. Men are welcomed to take photos and encouraged to wear pink. Dress in what makes you feel beautiful, although jeans and heels work just fine.

There is a minimum of a $25 donation at the door or online. You’ll be supporting the work of Knock Knock Angels, Community Makeover. They are raising money to further their work in the community. If you can’t attend and would like to make a tax-deductible donation, please do so by visiting https://www.eventbrite.com/e/knock-knock-angels-annual-cancer-awareness-photoshoot-fundraiser-tickets-51226605155.

What It Do with the LUE: Breast Cancer Survivors Johnnie Founatain and Cindy Cotter

Johnnie Fountain and Cindy Cotter

By Lue Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Breast Cancer Survivors Johnnie Fountain and Cindy Cotter is What it Do! It gives me pleasure to be able to feature such strong, brave and beautiful women.

Johnnie Fountain, the fighter, currently resides in the city of San Jacinto. She works as a Social Worker Supervisor Practitioner. This Queen kept it moving and never stopped. Giving back and working in her community gives her pleasure because she loves working with people. Her hobbies consist of reading and working in the ministry.

Cindy Cotter is a single mother and esteemed professor at Cal State San Bernardino. She has been there for over 20 years and is a fighter and a survivor. She valiantly fought against Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, through intense chemo and radiation. She was able to beat the disease and has been surviving and thriving for over 10 years. She enjoys karate, gardening, working with animals, being active in the United Methodist church and spending time with her kids and grandkids.

Education is vital not just for women, but for men as well. It’s important to get checkups regularly. Mammograms are needed to detect early signs of breast cancer. Mammograms can spot breast cancer before a lump can be felt. Please take care of your health and get tested. Until next week L’s!

Letter to the Editor: There’s “Lots 2 Love” about the School Lunch Program

By Tracey Ritchie 

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— One of the most successful and bipartisan programs in United States history is the National School Lunch program – and today as we celebrate National School Lunch Week this October 15 – 19, it’s important to reflect on the millions and millions of children who have benefited from this program over the years.

This year schools will celebrate National School Lunch Week with the theme “Lots 2 Love”, intended to encourage students and school nutrition professionals to share what they love most about school lunches.

For many kids, school food is the main source of nutrition they receive on a daily basis. In fact, 30 million children are served lunches daily and more than 5 billion meals are served annually according to the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

The school lunch program has evolved over the years. The program was set into place by Gen. Lewis B. Hershey in 1945 when he testified before the House Agriculture Committee that as many as 40 percent of draftees were rejected due to poor nutrition. The National School Lunch Act in 1945 called for a national subsidized school lunch program to ensure that students during their developmental years receive lunch regardless of their ability to pay.

Since then, our knowledge of nutritional needs and healthy lunches has evolved from an emphasis on meats and grains to a more balanced approach emphasizing fruits and vegetables. Even our definition of protein has grown from meat, to lean meats, and now to plant-based options that provide nutritional value and variety.

For decades, Earth Day Network has worked to make school lunches healthier. In 2010, Earth Day Network was part of a coalition to fund the DC Healthy Foods Act, which became a model for the federal Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, passed with bi-partisan support to increase access to healthier food especially for low-income kids. Administered by USDA this legislation encourages schools to increase servings of fruits and vegetables offered as part of their lunch program by imposing weekly caps on grains and proteins.

Since the introduction of the Healthy-Hunger Free Kids Act kids are now eating healthier than ever in schools eating more fruits and vegetables, more salad bars and smoothie bars opening in schools as well as revenue from lunches being up due to more kids eating cafeteria food as opposed to bringing in lunch.

Our whole way of thinking about nutrition has changed. The USDA has issued new guidelines replacing the old food pyramid with new recommendations that focus on increasing servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains and moderate portions of protein and dairy while limiting salt, fat and sugar. These food changes are now reflected in meals students receive at their local schools.

But there is more to do.

Food choices can have a big impact on the planet, too. By increasing plant-based foods and decreasing animal protein we can cut our ecological footprints dramatically. Even small steps, like Meatless Mondays which encourage school cafeterias to serve plant-based meals one or more days per week, can help the environment and at the same time introduce kids to new healthy food options.

For many kids across the country school lunch (and breakfast) may be the most nutritional meal they get each day. By promoting healthy eating and providing kids with more choices not only can we create lifelong habits of healthy eating, we can also show our kids that what they eat impacts their health and their planet.

There’s really “Lots 2 Love” about this new approach that recognizes the importance of providing plant-based foods and instilling nutritional practices that will lead to healthier children and a healthier world now and in the future.

Tracey Ritchie is director of education at Earth Day Network.


Riverside African American Historical Society, Inc. Honors Distinguished Citizen and Unsung Heroes

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—-RIVERSIDE, CA—- At its Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 21, 2018, the Riverside African American Historical Society, Inc. (RAAHS) will be honoring several individuals who have impacted the development of the African American community in the Inland Empire.  Susan Strickland, native born Riverside and retired educator will receive the Distinguished Citizen recognition for her achievements and significant contributions to the betterment of the community.

Unsung Heroes Troy Adams, Adams Motorsports Park; Mariko Anderson, retired educator and volunteer extraordinaire; and Shawnte Johnson, humanitarian; have all made a positive difference in the lives of others and have not received nor sought recognition for their service.

The RAAHS salute these individuals who advocate for and promote a strong visible presence in the community to hold fast to the moral standards of our heritage. The Annual Meeting will be held at the Marriott Riverside, 3400 Market street, Downtown Riverside, beginning at 2:30 p.m.  Donation $55 per person.



McDonald’s Reinforces its Commitment to the Community Through 12th Annual Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour

Free Concert Series Visits Los Angeles to Continue Support for Ronald McDonald House Charities, Introduces New Scholarship for one HBCU Student

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— LOS ANGELES, CA— – McDonald’s USA announced the return of one of its staple events, the 12th annual Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour. The longest-running, brand-owned gospel tour of its kind is back with an award-winning talent line-up sure to please fans nationwide. This free concert tour began May 17 and runs until October 20, culminating in Los Angeles.

The 2018 nationwide concert series appeals to a wide range of gospel music lovers with its lineup of award-winning talent, including urban contemporary gospel artist and preacher Deitrick Haddon, choir master Ricky Dillard, contemporary artists, JJ Hairston, and Todd Dulaney, as well as hip-hop gospel artist Canton Jones. The tour is set to stop in Los Angeles on October 20th at the 13th annual Taste of Soul festival.

The concert will take place on the Brenda Marsh-Mitchell Gospel Stage, located on the corner of Crenshaw Boulevard and W Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The concert kicks off at 10 a.m.

The tour is just one way that McDonald’s displays its commitment to changing for the better. In fact, for nearly 50 years, the National Black McDonald’s Operators Association (NBMOA) has given back to the communities they serve by providing scholarships, donating time and money to local schools and hiring minority youth.

As with previous years, the tour will celebrate McDonald’s continued devotion to Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®). At each stop, the national tour will raise a love offering to support families served by the Charity. In just the last five years, the love offering has raised nearly $800,000 to aid in helping families stay close when their children are ill, raising nearly a quarter of a million dollars in 2017 alone. Attendees will be encouraged to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Southern California (RMHCSC®) during the show.

“Southern California McDonald’s operators look forward to the Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour every year, as it gives us the opportunity to connect with our community through our shared love of gospel music,” states Kiana Webb, President of the Southern California Black McDonald’s Operators Association (BMOA). “We’re excited to celebrate another year of uplifting music, food and fun with our Southern California family.”

As a new part of the tour, McDonald’s will award one HBCU college student with a $10,000 Thurgood Marshall College Fund Scholarship at a select tour stop during the Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour. This is one of five scholarships McDonald’s is sponsoring throughout the year. More information regarding the scholarships will be available on www.mcdonalds.com.

“It’s a privilege to be apart of the tour I’ve watched and admired over the years. McDonald’s is doing something incredible by giving back to the community through a dynamic gospel tour. Getting behind this was a must,” said JJ Hairston, an award-winning, first-time artist on McDonald’s Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour.

Legendary singer, songwriter, and producer, Donald Lawrence will return as the tour’s music director. Tour favorite, contemporary gospel artist and radio personality Lonnie Hunter resumes hosting duties.

As always, all concerts are free of charge. Tour dates and locations have included the below, with the final stop set for Los Angeles:

  • May 17 – Chicago, Jones Convocation Center
  • May 18 – Detroit, Greater Grace Temple
  • May 31 – Philadelphia, Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church East
  • June 1 – Washington, DC, City of Praise Family Ministries
  • June 8 – Raleigh, Wake Chapel Church
  • July 12 – Birmingham, Bill Harris Arena
  • July 13 – Atlanta, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral
  • August 9 – Memphis, Brown Baptist Church
  • August 10 – Jackson, Jackson Convention Complex
  • August 18 – New Orleans, TBD
  • August 31 – Dallas, The Potter’s House
  • October 20 – Los Angeles, Taste of Soul Family Festival

McDonald’s Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour is an extension of the brand’s 365Black platform, an initiative that celebrates the pride, heritage, and achievements of African-Americans year-round. Dr. Pepper® also returns as the tour’s sponsor, showing its appreciation and commitment to the African-American community.

Visit www.365Black.com to learn more about the 12th annual tour and McDonald’s scholarship opportunities. Follow @365Black on Twitter for tour updates and join the conversation using #365BlackGospel.