Happily Divorced And After

San Bernardino College District Partners with Community Leaders to Bring Music Production to San Bernardino

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-San Bernardino) partnered with Andy Vargas, the lead singer of Santana and San Bernardino Community College to provide 14 students in the 47th District with the distinct opportunity to learn music production.

The Andy Vargas Music Production Academy is a 6-month program that began in April and will culminate in October with a graduation performance ceremony and issuing of certificates. The training was provided free-of-charge to the students. The students are receiving lessons in engineering fields, music writing, singing, licensing and marketing and skills on relationship building and networking.

Students who are participating, attend San Bernardino City Unified School District, Colton Joint Unified School District, Fontana Unified School District, and Rialto Unified School District.

Anthony Hernandez

Bethany Bjorkman

Alyssa Edwards

David Osorio

Lilliane Vargas

Priscilla Bracamontes

Natalie Luna

Anthony Cervantes

Nidrick Reed

Samantha Contreras

Alejandra Salamanca

Daphne Servine

Angela Sanchez

DeJuan Rabb

“I am honored to partner with Andy Vargas to bring the Andy Vargas Music Production Academy to the 47th Assembly District,” said Assemblymember Reyes.

“Due to the disparity of funding for after school music and art programs in the Inland Southern California Region, I am working with the Andy Vargas Foundation to provide our students with opportunities to excel in the arts. I am excited to see the impact this program has made on our students.”

“We use music as a tool for self-expression, by giving children the skill of self-regulation and getting them ready for a successful life. My goal for our program is to share the inspiration that was given to me by the example of my peers. We learn by example, and when our students see the passion and love we have for music it becomes infectious,” said Andy Vargas. “When I visited the city of San Bernardino I saw the potential the city has to offer, and my heart immediately connected to the youth.”

This pilot program will allow Assemblymember Reyes to analyze the program’s success and participation to identify public policy solutions that will help provide successful after school and art programs in our district.

To learn more about the Andy Vargas Music Production Academy, visit http://www.andyvargasfoundation.org/the-andy-vargas-foundation-music-and-video-arts-program/

What It Do with the LUE: Plus Size Model Tresunda De La Cruz

Tresunda De La Cruz (Photo Credit: Letha Coughlin)

By Lue Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Plus Size Model, Tresunda De La Cruz, is What it Do! No surprise that this plus size beauty was born in the state of California due to her shinning personality.

Newness is in the air as new comer Tresunda De La Cruz is making her way into the world of plus size modeling. She captured the attention of many as she took first place and the crown for LUE Productions 2nd Annual BBW/Plus Size Model Competition.

Being given inspiration from her family and iconic models such as Naomi Campbell, has allowed her to take a leap of faith into doing something different. The love for picture taking and fashion came naturally to this newly crowned Queen who claims to be shy. Getting involved in modeling has helped her to overcome shyness and step out of her comfort zone.

Currently, Tresunda is working with photographers building her portfolio. You’ll be seeing a lot more of this talented beauty. For booking please contact management at Lue.info@yahoo.com.

Until next week my IE peeps!

More about Plus Size Model, Tresunda De La Cruz:

Favorite Food: Japanese and Tacos

Favorite Song: “Quit Playing Games With My Heart” –Backstreet Boys

Favorite color: Green

Hobbies: Zumba and she is also a Barbie Collector

Describe yourself with 5 words: Confident, Encouraging, Loving, Honest, Sweet

Emergencies Occur… Are You Ready?

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— On Sunday, September 9, Empire Talks Back (ETB) discussed emergency preparedness with guest Debra Williams of “Building Resilient Communities”. She discussed the “Arc of Safety”, the county wide organization of churches that is prepared to provide resources in emergency situations.  ETB is broadcast each Sunday AM at 10 a.m. on KCAA 1050-AM, 102.3 FM and 106.5 FM radio. The podcast of Sunday’s show is available by clicking the “Empire Talks Back” icon on the KCAA Weekly Schedule at http://www.kcaaradio.com.

Former NBA Star Bryon Russell Hosts CAPSBC’s Gala and Benefit Concert

10/17/2003 – New Laker Bryon Russell brings the ball up court during a preseason game between Phoenix Suns and Lakers.

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— REDLANDS, CA— The Board of Directors of Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) announces the Master of Ceremonies for its 2018 Piano Recital and Gala event is Mr. Bryon Russell former NBA Star. Mr. Russell is a native of San Bernardino and attended San Bernardino High School.

The NBA career of Bryon Russell spanned from 1993 to 2006 and included playing for the Denver Nuggets, Washington Wizards, Los Angeles Lakers, and Utah Jazz. Mr. Russell is best remembered for guarding Michael Jordan at the end of Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals. Jordan made the game-winning shot over Russell, although many fans believe Jordan pushed off Russell during the play.

Mr. Russell has been a volunteer at the CAPSBC Food Bank Program for the past several years and is excited to be hosting this year’s Gala event. The event will take place on Saturday, October 6 at 4 p.m. at the University of Redlands, located at 1200 E. Colton Avenue in Redlands. On the grounds of the University of Redlands campus, the Recital will be held at the beautiful Memorial Chapel as a fundraiser for the CAPSBC Food Bank which serves 40,000 food insecure San Bernardino County households every month. Since its inception in 1984, the CAPSBC Food Bank has distributed over 200 million pounds of food at no charge to fight hunger.

Mr. Russell will host the elegant Recital, Gala Reception and Dinner which includes the presentation of the Community Action Legacy Awards honoring agencies and individuals who have made great strides in addressing poverty and hunger in our county. The efforts of all who are working to improve our communities is critically needed as 26% of San Bernardino County children live in poverty and there are 36,886 homeless children in our public schools.

The Piano Recital will feature “Two Piano Journey” with Michelle and Christopher Kuo, an incredible world-class piano ensemble team. They will perform music from the classical works of Sergei Rachmaninoff. Every single concert is performed, in full or in part, for the benefit of a nonprofit organization. They have performed in locations such as Carnegie Hall – NY, The Green Room – San Francisco, The Lighthouse Guild – NY, Rutgers University – NY, Friday Musicale – FL, Drew University – NJ, Old Dominion University – VA, and countless premier international sites.

Join us for a magical evening of music and fine dining. For tickets visit our website at www.capsbc.org Special pricing for seniors 55+ and students (all ages) will be available for the Piano Recital. For more information, call (909) 723-1523 or e-maiinfo@capsbc.org

MLK Jr. Middle School to Host Community Block Party This Saturday, September 22

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The San Bernardino Pastors United (SBPU) will be having another Community Block party on Saturday, September 22, at Dr. Martin Luther King Middle School located at 1250 Medical Center in San Bernardino.

The Pastors are coming together to continue to unite the community through love, compassion and fellowship. The Churches continue to take a stand together as a united front to encourage and bless the community. These engagements help families with much needed resources, increases goodwill within the community, and allows law enforcement to interact with residence in a positive environment.

There will be Free food, groceries, shoes, backpacks for kids, clothes and health checks, face-painting, and jumpers for kids. There will be a life-saving message by Pastor Raymond Turner, Temple Missionary Baptist Church, powerful gospel music, and good fellowship. Please register by phone, email or at our website www.sbpastorsunited.org.

“Together we are strong; join with us as we bring “Healing, Change, and Progress” to the City of San Bernardino.” For more information call (909) 353-7977 or email sbpastorsunited@gmail.com.

“To Everything There Is A Season, and a Time to Every Purpose Under the Heaven”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— “A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing. A time to get, and a time to lose. A time to keep, and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; a time to be silent, and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace…” [Ecclesiastes 3:1-22].

With that being the case, Paul asks us to consider if there is anything in our lives we would regret not repenting of [1 Thessalonians 5:15] if so, then the time to repent will be now! According to the Bible, “the appointed time has grown very short” [1 Corinthians 7:29]. “The end of all things is at hand….” [1Peter 4:7]. Christ’s return is imminent and his timeline makes it urgent!

 I want you to know that the great themes of [Revelation] have already unfolded and the doors have been opened. The Kingdom has already been ushered in. The Bible says that the Tribulation will be ushered in by a great time of world peace, and the world is screaming for peace. Lawlessness, false religions, devil worship and apostasy are in the heyday and these are signs of the end.

I tell you today is a day of mercy and grace. God is gently calling out to those who are backslidden, those who have grown cold and those who need to make things right with Him. The first call of Jesus is of love and forgiveness. The second call is, “You make a move!” The Bible says, “Today if you hear His voice harden not your heart.” “Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation.” This is the time for you to get right with God and deal with this mercy. Tomorrow may be too late. “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.” [Isaiah 55:6].

If you are caught unprepared when Christ returns, you will have no one but yourself to blame, because God’s Word has already given you such ample warning that you have really no excuse! Jesus has already informed us that His coming will take place unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. Please do not let that warning go unheeded. Act upon it now.

If there is anyone reading this who is still outside the Lord Jesus Christ, let me urge you not to delay. Jesus wants you to come to Him today. The Lord says ‘now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.’ [2 Corinthians 6:2]. Please do not keep putting off this important matter. “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose in Heaven.”

19th Annual Dishes for Wishes Fundraiser to Feature “Backyard BBQ” Theme

Outspoken celebrity chef Martha Green will reprise her role as comedian, host

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—-SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- Dishes for Wishes, an annual cooking demonstration hosted by the Big Hearts for Little Hearts Loma Linda Guild, will take place Wednesday, October 17, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Renaissance Ballroom of the National Orange Show Events Center located at 689 S. E Street in San Bernardino.

The 19th annual event, a fundraiser for Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, will feature specialty boutiques, an opportunity drawing, a colorful booklet of recipes to take home and cooking demonstrations with celebrity chefs from the Inland Empire and Desert regions. The food will be served by local law enforcement officers, firefighters and Teen Challenge volunteers.  

As she has every year since the event started in 1999, Inland Empire chef/provocateur Martha Green will serve as mistress of ceremonies.

This year’s “Backyard BBQ,” will feature five celebrity chefs bringing a bit of international intrigue to the all-American motif. Four of the chefs — Martha Green, Patty Keresoma, Najwa Medina and Greg Sullivan — are well-known to Inland Empire foodies.

Green owns Martha Green’s Eating Room and Dough’Lectibles Bakery in Redlands. Keresoma, of ‘Da Island Touch catering, brings Polynesian flair to her creations. Medina, of Najwa’s Mediterranean Cuisine in Loma Linda, introduces Middle Eastern flavors into the mix. Sullivan, executive chef and director of food services/catering for Loma Linda University, is no stranger to cooking for large crowds.

Chef Pepe Schaefer may not be as well-known in the Inland Empire as the others, but that will likely change the moment guests sink their teeth into his innovative Peruvian fusion cuisine. Originally from South America, Schaefer recently moved to the Coachella Valley after serving as an executive chef in New York City.

Funds raised at Dishes for Wishes will help the guild purchase several neonatal near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) oximeters — technology that will allow physicians on the neonatal intensive care unit at Children’s Hospital to monitor tissue oxygen saturation levels in the brain, the kidneys and the GI tract of extremely premature, low-birth weight infants. 

Neonatal oximeters don’t require physicians to insert needles or lines into the bodies of vulnerable infants, but do notify physicians if oxygen saturation levels fall. Cerebral desaturation may indicate impaired oxygen delivery and poor perfusion to vital organs that can be dangerous, even deadly. Early detection allows physicians to respond before dangerous levels are reached.  

Additionally, having the NIRS oximeters at Children’s Hospital will allow physicians to collaborate with other West Coast medical centers — including Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University and three Southern California hospitals — in long-term research studies on the beneficial outcomes of neonatal oximetry.

Angie Temple, Dishes for Wishes coordinator, says last year’s event raised more than $68,000 for Children’s Hospital. She said she feels confident this year’s Dishes for Wishes will be an occasion to remember.

“Who doesn’t love a barbecue?” Temple asks. “There’s just something delightful about it that can scarcely be rivaled. And since we’re updating this American classic with flavors from the Middle East, Peru and Polynesia, anything can happen. This year’s Dishes for Wishes should be one of the best ever!”

Admission is $65 per person or $650 for a table of 10. Corporate sponsorships are also available. Additional information and registration may be found at the Dishes for Wishes website.

Letter to the Editor: Newman Leadership Academy Implements Technology in the Classroom

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA —- Every public school is charged with teaching the adopted standards, but as a free public charter school, Newman Leadership Academy has the flexibility in how they go about changing lives of their young scholars.  

Newman Leadership Academy, located in North San Bernardino, is breaking new ground with the use of technology in the classroom.  Intermediate students used technology as a tool for learning Reading, Writing and Math standards and they almost doubled their test scores.

Mr. Wierzbinski is the fourth, fifth and sixth grade teacher.  Yes, you read that right, and Newman parents are happy about it.  So, why would parents want their children in a multi-grade class, especially in the intermediate grades?   Well, there are several reasons, but the most important reason is that his students are succeeding.

Mr. Wierzbinski joined the Newman staff last year and served as the 5/6 grade teacher.  Ms. Dorner stated that she knew she wanted to hire him, even before the interview.  “He had glowing recommendations and his first Master’s Degree is in Educational Technology.”  

Ms Dorner stated, “All intermediate students’ academic abilities vary widely.  Any intermediate teacher will attest to that fact.  Intermediate students could be advanced, or above grade level, in some standards and below grade level in others.  We have found a way for students to be able to grow academically in both their strengths as well as their weaknesses.”  

Because of the natural varying academic abilities in the intermediate grades, Newman invested heavily in technology.  Every student has a Chrome book and instruction is differentiated through the use of Freckle (formally known as Front Row) technology. In a differentiated classroom, every student has the opportunity to work at their own instructional level in a way that is best for them to learn.   For example, students will all read the same article at their individual reading levels.  That is impossible to do with a typical grade level textbook. 

Using this technology allows even more differentiation for students.  They get to pick topics that are of interest to them.   Ms. Dorner stated, “Everyone gives more time, energy, and effort to topics they like.  This is true for adults as well as children.  I know this is stating the obvious, but reading levels go up the fastest for the children who read the most.”   

Students also get to choose how to explore a concept, either by watching a video series, reading articles, participating in a group discussion, or working on a research project.  If a student is stuck in math, they can receive instant support from instructional videos and a built-in peer tutoring component.  And finally, students get to differentiate how they show what they know and how well they understand the materials.    

Ms. Dorner shared that another huge reason why Newman students are successful is our small class sizes in every grade level.  

“Small class sizes allow teachers to give each child the individual attention they need and deserve.  Many of our students have made more than a year’s growth in a school year.

That is huge and is what is needed for our students who are below grade level on one or more standards.”  Mrs. Dominica Jackson, the parent of a Kindergartner and 5th grade student stated, “Newman is like a private school without the cost.  It is meeting both of my girls’ needs.” 

Another key factor in our success is in how we celebrate and accept errors by acknowledging the part of the answer students got right and stating the missing or incorrect part of the answer.  The Newman staff has worked hard to instill a positive culture that nurtures and rewards learners for making attempts. 

“So many of our students were afraid to give a wrong answer.  Some would rather stay quiet and not even attempt to answer a question.”   We ‘celebrate’ errors because it gives the teacher information as to exactly what a student does and doesn’t understand.   Mr. Wierzbinski tells his students, “An error means that you are one step closer to success.”

Newman Leadership Academy is located on 1314 E. Date Street on the Ecclesia Christian Fellowship property.  Newman is enrolling students TK through 6th grade.  Newman offers a full-day kindergarten and a free after-school program.  Come and visit and see what Newman Leadership Academy has to offer. 

California’s Governor Signs New Legislation

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- SACRAMENTO, CA—- On Thursday, September 6, Governor Brown signed AB 2568 by Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-San Bernardino), a bill that requires county jails to determine a veteran’s status or previous military service when they are processed after an arrest.

The change in processing at jails will connect veterans to Veteran Treatment Courts and other services at the soonest available time. Veteran Treatment Courts are a means of diversion for veterans entering into the criminal justice system and to avoid unnecessary incarceration of Veterans who have developed PTSD and other mental health issues as a result of their service. Veteran Treatment Courts lead to the treatment and counseling for many mentally ill offenders who are veterans of the U.S. military, including those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Military Sexual Trauma, substance abuse, or other mental health problems.

“California has the greatest concentration of veterans in the country and as such, we have a greater duty to serve those who have served our country,” said Assemblymember Reyes. “By inquiring about veteran-designation and military service, we can connect veterans much sooner with required medical treatments and services and potentially find alternative sentencing options that will not require incarceration. We have an extensive network of Veteran Treatment Courts and we will now ensure that our Veterans avail themselves of this option.”

Upon being elected, Assemblymember Reyes formed a Veterans Advisory Committee to discuss the needs of Veterans in the District and throughout California. The committee typically meets quarterly to share their concerns with Assemblymember Reyes.

“During our Veterans Advisory meeting we shared the stories of our veterans who were not given the opportunity to go through Veterans Court. It was wrong. Assemblymember Reyes listened to us and introduced a bill to fix the problem,” said Danny Morales.

Danny Marquez, also a member of the Veteran Advisory Committee was elated to hear of the Governor’s signature on AB 2568.

“From day one Assemblymember Reyes encouraged our Veterans committee to bring forward the most relevant issues and solutions for veterans and their families. She understood the answers were within those who serve the needs of veterans on a daily basis! As a veteran who has worked with our local veterans, I am so glad to know they will be protected. I’m grateful to Assemblymember Reyes for listening to us, believing there was a solution, and acting on it!”

There are currently 33 Veteran Treatment Courts located in 29 different counties throughout the state of California with Los Angeles and Santa Barbara Counties each having two. Five counties have alternative veteran treatment courts: Amador, Kern, Nevada, Santa Cruz, and Trinity. For more information on AB 2568 or to follow it through the legislative process, click here.

Ecclesia Christian Fellowship Holds San Bernardino Mayoral Forum Next Month

Mayor R. Carey Davis

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- SAN BERNARDINO, CA— On Thursday, October 4, at 6 p.m., a Mayoral Forum between incumbent Mayor R. Carey Davis and challenger Council Member John Valdivia will be held at Ecclesia Christian Fellowship. This event will be streamed live on YouTube at ECF Online.

Council Member John Valdivia

The forum will give both the candidates an opportunity to showcase their views on municipal issues and to share their vision for the city’s future. It will also serve to inform the electorate, as well as motivate the community to get out and vote.

During the general election, which was held on June 5, Valdivia received 35.75 percent of the votes cast and Davis received 27.78 percent. The next election date will be Tuesday, November 6.

Ecclesia Christian Fellowship is located at 1314 E. Date Street in San Bernardino. Everyone is invited to attend. For additional information please contact Rikke Van Johnson at (909) 725-1053. If you would like to submit a question for the candidates, please send it to rikkevanjohnson@msn.com.