Happily Divorced And After

San Bernardino High School Valedictorians Share Distinctive Stories of Perseverance

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- SAN BERNARDINO, CA- From twin sister valedictorians who have had nearly every class together since kindergarten to a self-driven Latina who was once afraid to speak English and now plans to become a lawyer, San Bernardino City Unified School District’s Class of 2018 has produced many stellar graduates.

There’s Jalen Stevenson, who is making history not because he’s among nine Cajon High School seniors graduating at the top of their class.  Jalen, 17, is the only African-American valedictorian at Cajon High and the District this year.

A native of San Bernardino who attended North Park Elementary and Richardson PREP HI Middle School, Jalen is the first in his family to go to college.  He is headed to UCLA to study psychology, with plans to be a psychiatrist or marriage and family therapist.  Although Jalen never set out to be valedictorian, the achievement has empowered him to be a role model for younger students.

“Humbly speaking, I do feel I am a role model for young African-American males,” said Jalen, who was accepted to nearly every college where he applied.  “I’m a testament to the potential of our city.  The students like me, who graduate from high schools in San Bernardino amid struggles and tribulations, we worked so much harder to earn our diplomas.”

Jalen hopes to return to San Bernardino often while at UCLA to motivate students to work hard for their goals.

UCLA is also where fraternal twins Claire and Caitlin Todd, 18, will go to college this fall, the first time in many years they won’t share the same class schedule.  Claire, who is older by three minutes, will study political science with hopes of holding elected office, while little sister Caitlin will major in biological science.

Since kindergarten, the Pacific High School valedictorians had all but one class together and are now looking forward to carving out their own identities.  Caitlin dreams of designing cutting-edge prosthetics that she hopes will bring movement and freedom to people like her uncle, who uses a prosthetic leg.

“I learned 3D design in ninth grade, and ever since then I’ve been completely fascinated by all the new advancements in science,” said Caitlin, who hasn’t ruled out going to medical school.  “I want to help people who have lost limbs or were born without limbs.”

Claire wants to improve her community by holding elected office at the local level before pursuing a state seat.

“I’ve always been very interested in politics,” Claire said.  “I like debating with people.”

For Middle College High School valedictorian Britney Nicolas, debating was the furthest thing from her mind.  As a child growing up in a Spanish-speaking home, Britney overcame a speech impediment after years of therapy.  No longer afraid to speak English, she will be the first in her family to attend college when she tackles business administration at UC Berkeley before heading to law school.

“Although my parents never read a book to me or helped me with my schoolwork, they’re very proud of me,” said Britney, the oldest of five children. “Without my dad, I wouldn’t know the value of an education.”

Jalen, Claire, Caitlin, and Britney are among more than 3,400 San Bernardino City Unified School District students who will receive their high school diplomas or GED certification this year.

Sean Flynn Surges to First Place in Tuesday’s Primary Election

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK-ENN) -FONTANA, CA- Sean Flynn for Congress released the following statement after surging to first place in Tuesday’s primary election:

“I am humbled by the support from the voters last night. While there are still votes being counted, last night’s first place finish confirms that this is a winnable district. I want to thank my campaign team and our incredible volunteers who worked hard to make this win a reality.” said Sean Flynn.

“We have a lot of work to do in the coming months, but I am confident we can bring new leadership to this district,” Flynn  added.

Sean Flynn was the only Republican challenger to defeat an incumbent in the State of California on Tuesday night.  The victory has attracted national attention to the race. 

The 31st District includes all or portions of Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana, San Bernardino, Highland, Redlands, Loma Linda, Grand Terrace, Colton, and Rialto.

Flynn is the best-selling author of Economics for Dummies. He is also coauthor of the world’s best-selling college economics textbook, Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies.  An avid martial arts enthusiast, Flynn is also a former U.S. National Aikido Forms Champion and coach.  Flynn is single and lives in Redlands.

For more information on the Sean Flynn for Congress campaign go to www.SeanFlynnForCongress.com

The General Election is on Tuesday, November 6.

“Whatcha Mean Tomorrow…?”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- You fool! There are no guarantees about tomorrow! [Luke 12:16-21.] Life is short and uncertain. Fragile! [Psalms 39:4; James 4:13-17]. Talking ‘bout; “Tomorrow you’ll serve God!” Making plans without taking into account your own mortality and God’s sovereignty. What is your life? A vapor that appears for a little while and then disappears…. [James 4:14]. The only time you have is right now! Whatcha mean tomorrow! CHOOSE whom you will serve! Today!

As Martin Luther King, Jr., once preached “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked, and dejected with a lost opportunity… but time is adamant to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, “Too late.”

I tell you there are times in our life when we cannot afford to stay still; to not act on God’s will for our lives. That time is now. Scripture does not permit us to sit still, to wait for God to call to us a second time. Today is the day; this is the hour, the minute, when we say yes to God’s call to us to live. Now is the time. The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe in the good news.

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow…’ Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.” “You do not know what will happen tomorrow.” [James 4:13-14a].  You don’t even know what will happen ten minutes from now, let alone tomorrow! Arrogantly assuming that you would wake up tomorrow; presuming things about an unknown future that you have no control of and no guarantees about! Whatcha mean Tomorrow!

I want you to know that there are three passages in the [Book of Proverbs] that warns us that we are not to wait too late about making our decision of commitment to Christ and to receive forgiveness for our sins. [Proverbs 1:24-28] is God’s invitation to man to respond to God’s offer of mercy and grace. These verses tell, in part, what will happen to man if he refuses God’s invitation. [Proverbs 27:1] presents to us the man who thinks he has many “tomorrows” to get right with God, but does not realize that, for him, there may not be another “tomorrow.” [Proverbs 29:1] presents a picture of an oxen who has a yoke put about its neck so that the master can lead it in the direction that he wants it to go. But the ox is rebellious and will not go in the right direction. The yoke rubs on the neck until a callous is formed and the animal becomes insensitive to the pulling of the reins by the master. The only thing to do now is to destroy the animal; to put it to death, for it is of no further use to the master. Rather than the ox being useful, it becomes a burden and a problem because of its rebellious nature.

I tell you, God is saying something very important to us. We are not just beast. We are people that He loved, died for, and wants to bring control and direction to our lives. God is saying to us, “Don’t wait too late. Come to Jesus while there is still time.” Wehave known yesterday –the past –and we are experiencing the present, but we have no certainties of tomorrow. To count on tomorrow is to neglect the duty of today!

Listen, “Tomorrow” is the devil’s greatest tool; “Now” is God’s greatest weapon to defeat the devil. Today and not tomorrow is “THE ACCEPTED TIME. “Now” is Mercy’s offer. “Now” is the invitation from God, reaching down from heaven. Tomorrow you may find the door shut. This is your urgent day. [Proverbs 29:1] I tell you, whatever it is that is keeping you away from the Lord, it isn’t worth the price you will have to pay to keep it! Throw it down and cast yourself on Jesus for salvation. The day of grace has its limits. Now is the time to do something. Tomorrow may be too late!

 “I gave you cleanness of teeth by sending you famine and drought so that you would turn back to Me –yet you have not returned to me.  I withheld rain from you so you would return –yet you have not returned to me. I sent blight and mildew and locust –yet you have not returned.” Your young men were killed in battle with a sword –yet you did not return to me. Because you will not return to me, prepare to meet your God. And meet Him without ever turning to Him in life on earth. Meet Him –Condemned. [Amos 4:6-12]


Loma Linda Children’s Hospital Patients Treated to Books, Arts and Crafts at Annual ‘Spring into Reading’

LOMA LINDA, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Patients at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (LLUCH) were treated to an afternoon of books, arts and crafts at the annual “Spring Into Reading,” a patient diversionary event sponsored by the Big Hearts for Little Hearts Loma Linda Guild.

“This is part of the Loma Linda Guild’s mission to enhance the patient experience for our precious children at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital,” said Lynn Sleeth, president of the Loma Linda Guild.

On Monday, May 21, LLUCH patients and young children visiting the hospital were welcomed to the lobby level of the hospital where craft tables were set up alongside a library of books and a table of stuffed animals. Kids were able to take a book and stuffed animal of their choosing to keep.

Tables were strewn with all the supplies needed to make handprint spring lilies bouquets such as construction paper, pipe cleaner, pencils, crayon, ribbons and more.

Alejandra Leyva, 11, from Perris, enjoyed making a pink, white and red bouquet of flowers by tracing her handprint and following the instructions provided by the Guild.

Goodie bags of books and craft materials were taken up to the rooms of patients who were unable to make it down to the lobby for the event.

For more information on the Big Hearts for Little Hearts Guild, please visit lluch.org/guilds.



The 25th Annual CSUSB Black Graduation is Set for This Saturday, June 2

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- The Black Faculty, Staff and Student Association at Cal State San Bernardino will honor black students in the 25th annual Black Graduation on Saturday, June 2, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., in Coussoulis Arena.

The ceremony is a cultural recognition for graduating black students, and a great opportunity for family and friends to celebrate with them.

Participating graduates must wear a cap and gown, traditional African or business attire, and arrive at 8:30 a.m. Doors open at 9 a.m. and ceremony will begin at 10 a.m.

There is no additional cost or tickets required for family and friends. For accessibility or accommodation requests, contact Lori Caruthers Collins at (909) 537-5328 or lcollins@csusb.edu; 72-hour notice required.

For any questions regarding the event, contact blackcsusbgrad@gmail.com.

For safety purposes, all guests are asked to not bring backpacks, large bags, oversized purses, wrapped gifts, balloons, outside food or drinks, silly string, selfie sticks, lasers, chains, fireworks, lighters, matches, weapons or anything that may cause concern.Searches will be conducted at the doors.


Nominations Now Being Accepted for the 30 under 30 Awards

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes seeks to honor 30 young adults under the age of 30 who exemplify dedication, innovation and service in the 47th Assembly District at her 30 Under 30 Award Ceremony and Art Showcase taking place on July 28, 2018. The deadline to submit nominations is June 15, 2018. To nominate a dynamic young adult, go to https://a47.asmdc.org/30under30.

Nominees must live, volunteer, or work in the 47th Assembly District. The 47th Assembly District includes all or portions of the following communities: Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Rialto, San Bernardino, and the unincorporated communities of Bloomington and Muscoy. To confirm the nominee lives or works in the district, visit this website http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov.

For more information about the nomination process contact Daniel Peeden at (909) 381-3238 or at Daniel.Peeden@asm.ca.gov.

The award ceremony and art showcase will be held on Saturday, July 28 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Court Street Square located at 349 N E Street in San Bernardino.

New Evidence Released by the Rialto Police Department Proves That Airbnb Guests Were Racially Profiled

RIALTO, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- New evidence released by the Rialto Police Department proves that Donisha Prendergast, the eldest granddaughter of Bob Marley and Rita Marley, alongside Komi- Oluwa Olafimihan and Kelly Fyffe-Marshall, were all racially profiled and unlawfully detained by the Rialto Police Department while checking out of an Airbnb on April 30.

Attorneys Jasmine Rand of Rand Law, L.L.C., and Benjamin Crump of Ben Crump Law, have reviewed evidence released by the Rialto Police Department and began conducting their own investigation into the incident. Attorneys now state that there is irrefutable evidence that their clients were racially profiled. “Unlike the Rialto Police Department my office did research on the woman that called the police and found that her social media contained posts indicating phobia and hatred of Islamic people, gay people, and racially-biased posts aimed at Black people. Her social media presence affirms that this woman perceives the world through a lens of racism and equates Black skin with criminal behavior. Another neighbor that lives on the same street reached out to our office and informed us that the woman placed false calls reporting Black people in the neighborhood to police on several prior occasions. Our office has requested public records relating to any prior calls this woman placed and have been denied access.”

The recording of the call revealed that the neighbor initially placed the call and reported that she saw a Black man pulling luggage out of the house and loading it into a car and that she found the behavior suspicious. The Rialto operator immediately asked for the “nationality” of the homeowners to which the neighbor responded “White.” The operator reconfirmed that the male pulling the luggage to the car was Black, and then immediately escalated the call alerting police to a “burglary in progress.” The operator continued to question the neighbor and confirmed that the Black man was not dumping the luggage into the car and reloading it, that he was not carrying anything else out of the house like a tv, and the only other item he carried out was a briefcase. The operator did not deescalate the call. Next, the neighbor reported a Black woman exiting the house with a phone in her hand, and a short time later reported that another Black woman exited the house with a water bottle and a small bag in her hand. The neighbor never told the operator that either Black female was pulling luggage out of the house or removing any object from the home. The neighbor’s racism became exceedingly transparent when she reported that a White woman that she also did not recognize was exiting the home, and that now “everything might be okay,” and that the White woman whom she also did not recognize, “might live there.” The operator then asked where the Black male and two Black females were located, and she responded that they were sitting in the car with the doors open. Despite the neighbor’s explicit racial bias, the operator failed to deescalate the call but affirmed it was “suspicious.”

Radio communications revealed that officers stated that suspects possibly broke into the home and were taking loads of stuff out, which is an inaccurate description of what was reported and again escalated the response. When the Rialto Police Department officers arrived on the scene, a body camera reveals the officer approaching the window of the car to inform Donisha, Komi, and Kelly, that the caller stated: “three Black people were stealing stuff.” The officer brazenly relayed the information through the window next to the fourth person seated in the vehicle, a White woman named Ashlee Hutchinson, whom the caller reported was also leaving the house. Despite the fact that Ashlee was seated in the car next to the other three alleged Black felons, she was clearly not a suspect. Donisha, Komi, and Kelly repeatedly informed the Rialto police that they believed they were racially profiled. Despite having clear evidence of racial profiling, the police became agitated and angry telling them that they were “not going there,” and walked away without listening. At one point, an officer verbally commanded another officer to physically remove himself from the situation and to stop listening to their allegations of racial profiling.

The Rialto Police Department ignored their duty to uphold the law and to investigate whether or not the call the neighbor placed was motivated by racial bias and based in false allegation.

Following the incident attorneys sent a Notice of Representation and Public Records Request to the Rialto Police Department. The police department responded by holding a press conference with Marie, the White female homeowner, despite the fact that she violated the law under RMC 5.70.040 for renting out the Airbnb per the incident report. Unbeknownst to the Rialto Police Department, Marie had already given her Airbnb guests a glowing review following their stay, a copy of which is attached to the instant Press Release. When the case began to garner national attention, Marie changed her position, sent harassing messages to our clients, and attacked people on social media including sending sexually explicit messages to a person known to the victims. Instead of issuing an apology to Donisha, Komi, and Kelly as Mayor Robertson had already done, the Rialto Police Department held a press conference and stood next to Marie providing her with a platform to lie by saying that her neighbor approached them and waved which never happened; and then chastised Donisha, Komi, and Kelly, for not waving and smiling at her White neighbor.

Clearly Rialto’s right-hand or the Mayor’s office, did not communicate with Rialto’s left-hand, or the police department. After the Rialto Police Department held their press conference, Mayor Robertson held a press conference backtracking her position and stating that the officers did not do anything wrong after she had already privately apologized for the incident. Mayor Robertson’s near immediate apology signified her awareness of the Rialto Police Department’s long history of racially-biased policing as she clearly did not doubt that race was a motivating factor in the incident. Mayor Robertson assumedly faced backlash after our clients publicly announced that she apologized, and then changed her position clearing the police department and the caller without conducting an internal investigation. According to Crump: “Mayor Robertson made a disingenuous and calculated decision to side with the police department. It is a sad day in America when Mayor Robertson holds a press conference in essence retracting the apology she privately issued to our clients. Instead, she stood in front of a camera and denied to the world that the incident was racially-biased in spite of glaring and irrefutable evidence. What dangerous judgment and precedent did she set for residents of Rialto? For her own children?”

Rand states, “This case provides a clear example of how an individual’s racism is encouraged and systemically perpetuated by our justice system. The evidence in this case is irrefutable. The woman that initiated the call was clearly motivated by racial bias, the 911 operator and police officers escalated and perpetuated racism, and the Chief of Police and Mayor Robertson rubber- stamped the racism. Instead of apologizing to three innocent Black people who did not violate ANY law in Rialto, they aligned themselves with a White homeowner that violated a law by having an unauthorized Airbnb and another White woman that placed a racist call to police wasting thousands of taxpayer dollars. Apparently in 2018 in Rialto a Black man pulling his luggage out of a White person’s house is ‘not right.’ Rialto citizens should be concerned that they have a de facto racial segregation law in effect that certainly would not allow for the safety or security of mixed-race families. In Rialto, there is no room for a White homeowning mother to have a Black son that loads luggage into his car. This is why states have statutes in effect to hold people accountable whom place false emergency calls that endanger the lives of others and law enforcement needs to start using them.”

Donisha, Komi, and Kelly, have jointly stated: “We must hold accusers accountable for placing false and misleading calls to law enforcement agencies, and we must hold the agencies accountable to have better training and policies in place to identify racial bias. The monetary cost to taxpayers is high. The cost for us could have been our lives. A misleading 911 call cost 12- year-old Tamir Rice his life. Our nation is setting a dangerous precedent wherein Black people cannot go to a Starbucks, eat at Waffle House, check out of an Airbnb, move out of an apartment, have a barbecue, and college students can fall asleep without being accused of criminal activity because of their skin. That is why we have chosen to align with other victims across the nation to initiate systemic policy change in the form of Accusers Accountability- to ensure operators and law enforcement officers receive better training to identify racial bias and to hold the people who place the calls accountable for the costs and consequences suffered by the people affected by their racism.”

Komi Olaf stated, “With the power of 911 at the fingertips of people with bad intentions and no consequences for their actions due to the privilege of anonymity afforded them, the police are being used as a tool to criminalize and incarcerate innocent people. The chilling evidence is in the voice and the language used by the caller, the response of the operator enforcing the bias and escalating the call, and in the excessive response of the seven police cars and a helicopter sent to detain us.”


Come Celebrate Independence Day at Riverside’s 18th Annual Juneteenth Celebration

RIVERSIDE, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- The 18th Annual Riverside Juneteenth Celebration will be held this Saturday, June 2, at Bordwell Park-Stratton Community Center located at 2008 Martin Luther King Boulevard in Riverside from 12 p.m.to 6 p.m. 

This Free Family Festival will feature live entertainment, music, dance a mini-museum, free health information and screenings, historical presentations, workshops, along with great food and merchandise vendors.

Bring the children! There will be activities and fun for the entire family. Their school supply drive continues for our local students in need.

For more information please call (888) 752-1619 or visit www.juneteenthsocal.org or email info@juneteenthsocal.org.

San Bernardino League of Women Voters Honors Dr. Reginald D. Woods

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- San Bernardino League of Women Voters held its annual Citizens of Achievement Awards program on Sunday, May 20, in Highland at the East Valley Water District Corporate Office. 

Dr. Reginald Woods, President of the Inland Empire Concerned African American Churches (IECAAC) and Sr. Pastor for Life Changing Ministries were among the honorees awarded the 2018 Citizens of Achievement Award. Other honorees included: Mark Bulot, Carole Coley, Steve Copelan, Faith Easdale, Mary Jane Sanchez Fulton, Sherli Leonard, Lillian Roach, Katy Scoggin, Acquannetta Warren, Big Bear Discovery Center Advisory Committee and Volunteers of the Garcia Center.

Remember to VOTE in the California Primary on Tuesday, June 5. Unbiased information on the statewide propositions available at: https://lwvc.org/vote/elections/ballot-measuresLook up your ballot at: https://votersedge.org/en/ca For more information about the League of Women Voters of San Bernardino visit www.lwvsanbernardino.org or email leagueofwomenvoters.sb@gmail.com


What It Do with the LUE: A Win for the West!

By Lue Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- A win for the West is What it Do! “Welcome To The West” 1st Music Festival sponsored by 99.1 KGGI was a major success. Congratulations to Streetwise Entertainment and Cabana Life Entertainment for hosting this event here in the Inland Empire.

It was a packed house. People waited anxiously to see the show and headliner Nippsey Hussle. The evening was nonstop with performances from local talent and legends such as: Suga Free, Dogg Pound, The Outlawz, Mack 10 and The Eastsiderz.

It was amazing to see and vibe to artists I grew up on, but it didn’t stop there. The crowd got to see other artists turn up like: Mozzy, Slim 400, Teeflii, Mac Lucci and several others.

The headliner showed us just why he’s the headliner. Nippsey Hussle came out gassing. He performed his hit, “Last Time That I Checked” off his album Victory Lap, and the crowd just lost it.

All of the artists did an outstanding job. The media room was on. They treated us well. We were provided good food, snacks and drinks. It was almost like a reunion. I saw several media folks that I haven’t seen in a while. It was a fun and great night of music and networking.

I’d like to thank my plug for the media hookup and allowing me to be the only Inland Empire REP. Can’t wait till the next one. Do me a favor and hug a loved one today. L’s!