Happily Divorced And After

London Breed Snubbed in her Quest to Become San Francisco’s First Black Mayor

By Charlene Muhammad | California Black Media

The fallout over the replacement of London Breed as San Francisco’s first Black, female mayor in the city’s history with a White male, Mark Farrell as the interim mayor continues.

After the passing of Mayor Ed Lee the first Asian American to be elected in that role suddenly died due to a heart attack on December 12, Breed took the seat as allowed by the city charter.  It also allows supervisors to vote in a successor.

She was to hold the post for the remainder of Lee’s term, six months but served as acting Mayor until January 23, 2018.

Residents protested after Breed’s colleagues voted 6-3 to remove her on January 23.

“In an only-in-San Francisco tale that involved a mix of tech money, racial tension, and political jockeying, the city’s most progressive elected officials spearheaded the ouster of the city’s first female African-American mayor, a woman with roots in the city’s public housing projects, in favor of a white, male venture capitalist who represents the city’s wealthiest neighborhoods,” wrote Benjamin Schneider in the San Francisco Chronicle.

In interviews, Breed, 43, has talked about her upbringing around a lot of poverty, despair, and crime.  She was fortunate enough to attend UC Davis, and in that time, she realized she should not be the only one from her neighborhood to succeed, so she chose to return to make a difference, Breed told Hoodline, an online site for news in San Francisco.

The Sun Reporter Newspaper publisher Amelia Ashley Ward said she was surprised at so many “young white liberal progressives speaking out against Breed.” She continued, “Perhaps San Francisco isn’t as progressive as some people like to think.”  

Kimberly Ellis, former California Democratic Party Chair candidate, chided the Board of Supervisors vote, which many alleged was rigged.

“It only took Democrats 43 days from praising Black women for delivering the U.S. Senate victory in Alabama to disenfranchising the first Black woman Mayor of San Francisco,” posted Ellis on her Facebook page.

“Welp, that’s the Democratic Party establishment for you…,” she continued.

Ellis said the matter is not about the race for mayor.

“This is about making lame excuses, reinterpreting San Francisco’s charter and replacing a progressive woman of color with a wealthy white male moderate. 

So much for all of those pink pussy hats, eh,” she questioned rhetorically.

Ellis is referring to hats worn during the first Women’s March as a symbol of support and solidarity for women’s rights and political resistance.

“But not to worry. We’ll handle it from here… Like we always do. Time to turn rage into election results. See you at the polls,” Ellis’ post continues.

Dr. Willie and Mary Ratcliff, publishers of the San Francisco Bay View Newspaper, feel Breed is now in a better position.

“Nobody did London Breed any favors at Tuesday’s board meeting. Not the supervisors who swept her out of the mayor’s office that had been given to her by the city charter and not Ron Conway and the big money boys whose overly aggressive support was the screen the supervisors hid their racism behind,” indicated the Ratcliffs in a recent editorial.

Breed heads into the June election owing nothing to anybody, only the people of San Francisco, including the neediest, they said. 

The Bay View quoted Fred Jordan, who heads the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce.  “San Francisco is a racist city,” wrote Jordan.  He noted Dianne Feinstein wasn’t removed when she was president of the Board of Supervisors like London Breed, succeeded a mayor who died in office, the outlet continued.

Following the vote, Breed herself spoke out.

“Last night, six of my colleagues voted to elect a successor Mayor to serve until the June election. It’s been an honor to serve the City as Mayor during this difficult time, and I will continue working for ALL San Franciscans to address the important issues we face as a City: homelessness, housing, & public safety,” she stated.

“I am running for Mayor because San Francisco deserves a leader who will fight to get things back on track for families and working people,” announced Breed on in a Facebook post.

Social media sounds off

“My childhood friend I’m sad to say that your colleagues was wrong for voting you out but I & the citizens of SF will vote you back in as the mayor of our city you live in I may be living across the bay from my hometown that I’m going to pray everyday until the day its time to vote you in as mayor because I know the late mayor Ed Lee would rather have you in his place this is just a minor set back so you just continue to look for our people in the city of the lovely San Francisco love you girl,” commented Deidre Bradford on Breed’s thread.

Monica Jones said she welcomes Breed’s candidacy and leadership.  “What went down last night was wrong and unprecedented,” Jones wrote.

Hugh E MC remarked, “#Salute sis. That was a conniving ugly move…but we know this is politrickz…You are handling this with incredible grace….Now let’s Bring them war #DonMachiaveli style.”

“Although, I am not a fan of all of your policies I must say that the vote the board decided on was a bamboozle and wreaked of race-baiting and pure political maneuvering,” commented Amos Gregory.

“I no longer live in SF, so I can call Hilary Ronen out for being a race-baiting manipulator. Breed can’t have a rich white male help her reach her goals, but you can? This BS is the progressive Imprimatur from 2016…telling black folk they’re the tools of white folk, if we only really understood politics, we would know we were being used. Reading Hilary Ronen’s condescending racist claptrap! It’s just Bernie Sanders drivel…wash, rinse, and repeat,” posted Victoria Jee.

Black Lives Matter co-founder, Alicia Garza responded with a tweet “San Francisco dislikes Black women so much they appointed a white conservative to be the caretaker Mayor. Somebody explain to me how this was the best option. Oh, San Francisco you break my heart.”


Torres Invites Cal Poly Pomona Veteran to State of the Union

WASHINGTON, DC- On Monday, January 29, Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) is attending the State of the Union address with Cal Poly Pomona student veteran Sommarani “Mayra” Chan as her guest. Mayra’s family fled from the Khmer Rouge Genocide in Cambodia and sought protection in a Thailand refugee camp. In 1985, the family resettled in the U.S., where Mayra became a first-generation American.

“It is an honor to have veteran and Cal Poly Pomona graduate student Mayra Chan as my guest to the State of the Union. Mayra’s incredible story and commitment serves as a shining example of the value and strength that immigrants, refugees, and their children bring to our nation,” said Rep. Torres.

“I am grateful to be here.  As a veteran and first-generation college student, to be here representing something greater than myself is truly an honor.  It is a once in a lifetime experience to be able to attend tonight’s State of the Union as a guest of Congresswoman Torres,” said Chan.

From 2006 to 2014, Mayra served in the United States Army Reserve where she did one tour in Afghanistan and a humanitarian mission in Panama in 2009. During her time in Cal Poly Pomona, Mayra has kept busy by focusing her work on serving the student veteran community on campus as a student employee at the Veteran Resource Center. Mayra earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Food and Nutrition last year and is currently working on her Master of Science in Agriculture, concentrating her thesis research on combating obesity amongst the veteran community.

Congresswoman Torres’ guest is a personification of the policies she continues to push for in Congress that ensure that the Inland Empire remains a welcoming place for all and that veterans have access to the tools they need to thrive when they return home.         

Poetry Corner: Black History

By Evan Wheeler, Contributor of Purposely Awakened

My enemies acting friendly distorting my past,

We know history needed generations of great Black men.

Stop portraying this illusion that won’t last,

Years of lies and stripping origins from our ken.

You are not without sin but the first stone was cast,

Eyes were blinded to your trash but that was then.

I woke up putting your fallacies on blast,

I refuse to lose and remain sleep with you pigs in this American pen.

Letter to the Editor: Fulfilling Dreams

By Word of Mouth Ministries 

Have you ever had a dream you wanted to fulfill, or a goal you wanted to achieve, but just didn’t know how to get there?   Me too.    My dream at Word-­?Of-­?Mouth Ministries is to spread the Word of God by helping other God-­?centered businesses or individuals do the work that God has called them to do (Based on Ephesians 4:10-­?16).   

In order to do that though, I need to know where the God-­?centered individuals and businesses are and what they are doing.  That’s where you come in.  If you are an individual with a dream, a small business, a new business or even a big business that has been in operation for many years and you love the Lord, I want to help you spread the Word.   

Spreading the Word does not necessarily mean that you are preaching or handing out tracts. It means that God is the priority in whatever you do. Your customers and the people around you can feel God’s presence through you and God is blessing what you are doing because you are doing what He wants you to do. 

Here is an example of what I do. A lady who used to go to my church had prepared some homemade soaps and body butters for a trade show she was going to. She told me that after I had sampled her products and told her friends and family how soft and bouncy my hair was (after I used the body butter on my hair), she sold out of all the products she had prepared for the trade show. Since people don’t usually put body butter on their hair, it gave her a different way to promote her products.                  

If you’d like to give Word-Of-­Mouth Ministries a try, then please send your bio, a photo of yourself and your  products  and  a  brief  description  of  the  work  you  are  doing  and  why  you  are  doing  it  to wordofmouthministries777@gmail.com. Include  in  your  description  what  you  believe  are  your strengths  (what  you  are doing well),  the  weaknesses  (what  you need to do better), your opportunities (what doors God has opened for you) and the threats (what has kept you from moving forward). 

Once  I  receive  your  information  and  it  is  something  I  can  help  you  with,  I  will  pray  for  you  and  your business,  send  you  some  helpful  suggestions  on  ways  to  improve  either  your  product  or service,  your pricing, your place of business or your promotions.  I will also give you a supportive Scripture from the Bible  and spread the word to  let people know what you are doing, so you can increase your customer base.   All  I  ask  is,  if  God has blessed you with the  means  to do so,  then please sow a seed  of  $20  into Word-­Of-­Mouth Ministries so the ministry can continue to grow and be a blessing to others.  



Big Brothers Big Sisters, Local Barbershops Partner to Recruit Mentors for 200+ Inland Empire Boys

RIVERSIDE, CA- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County and the Inland Empire is partnering with barbershops across Riverside and San Bernardino counties to recruit volunteers for its one-to-one youth mentoring program. The Shaping Up for the Future campaign runs from February 3 to February 24 and aims to find mentors to serve as positive role models for the more than 200 boys currently on the waitlist.  

On February 3, current mentors in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program will participate in campaign kick-offs at the six participating barbershops, including: Gentlemen’s Barber Club, Thee Latest Barbershop and Good News Barber Shop in Rancho Cucamonga; and Shaves and Fades Barbershop, Expensive Habits Barbershop and The Hair Doctors in Riverside. Each shop is tasked with educating its patrons about the significant impact of youth mentoring. The barbershop that brings in the most potential volunteers will receive the Champion for Change trophy, presented by Big Brothers Big Sisters on February 28.

“As a former professional athlete, it means a lot to me to give back to the community that I grew up in and help young men stay out of trouble,” said Terrell Thomas, a retired NFL Giants player and owner of Thee Latest Barbershop. “You see kids all the time getting in trouble, going to jail and just following the crowd. Big Brothers Big Sisters provides a way for these kids to have a better future.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters matches volunteer mentors one-to-one with youth facing adversity (“Littles”), building friendships that help them overcome challenges such as having an incarcerated parent, exposure to substance abuse, gang violence, human trafficking and growing up in the foster system. The organization supports more than 1,000 children annually in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. As a result, many local youth are becoming the first in their families to earn a high school diploma, go to college and build a career to achieve sustainable independence—creating lasting generational change throughout the Inland Empire. 

“There are hundreds of boys in our community growing up without a positive male role model, so we are excited to have these local businesses be part of our inaugural campaign that will provide them with life-changing friendships,” said Jennifer O’Farrell, executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Inland Empire. “The patrons our partner barbershops recruit will be matched with children to help them explore new interests and provide consistent support as they navigate the challenges of growing up.”

Traditional program volunteers must be 18 years or older, sign up to mentor a child for one year and have a vehicle, current driver’s license and proof of auto insurance. For more information about the Shaping Up for the Future recruitment campaign, visit barbershopbigs.org.

What It Do with the LUE: T.K. Kirkland

Comedian T.K. Kirkland

Comedian T.K. Kirkland

By Lue Dowdy

The Evans presents “Stand-up Comedian T.K. Kirkland” is WHAT IT DO! So, you know the saying, “Laughter is good for the soul,” well prepare to wet your pants on Wednesday, February 7 because the very funny and talented T.K. Kirkland will be taking the stage at the Ontario Improv.

The show will be hosted by comedian Arae Sherwin and the line will consist of Julio Gonzalez and Brian Monarch.

Born in New Jersey but raised in Compton, T.K. Kirkland is not just a comedian. He’s also an actor and writer known for Strays (1997), New Jersey Drive (1995) and The Champagne Gang (2006). Possessing several talents, T.K. Kirkland is a writer, singer, radio host and musician. Being able to connect and work with Rap Legend Eazy–E allowed his career to flourish and the opportunity to share the stage with other great artists in the game.

I will be in the house taking notes and conducting interviews. I’m totally excited about this show! Please if you’re available come join me. The show starts at 8 p.m. Early arrival is suggested. Tickets can be purchased on the Ontario Improve website at https://ontario.improv.com. Remember, make sure you always do you because can’t nobody do it better. Follow me @lueproductions on Facebook and all social media sites.

Until next week L’s!

‘Black Lives Matter’ Global Network’s Response to Trump’s First State of the Union Address

NATIONAL- In a speech riddled with lies and half-truths distorting the performance of his administration, Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union address to the nation.

In response, Black Lives Matter Global Network released the following statement:

“It’s no surprise that Donald Trump would double down on his racist, xenophobic, misogynist agenda in his first State of the Union address.

Trump’s first year in office has been marked by instability and policies reflective of its leader. Our people have been forced to endure travel bans. We’ve been stalked by ICE agents in public and in our homes. We’ve heard our countries called shitholes in the Oval office. Trump’s repeated attacks have forced millions to contend with possibly losing their healthcare, women in our cities and small towns have lost access to care, and millions of children lost coverage for more than three months.

This is Trump’s America.

Black people, immigrant and Indigenous people, the poor, women, our LGBTQ family, you name it, are the ones paying the biggest price. Surrounded by enablers bent on wiping out our existence, we’ve seen it all. We can no longer allow Trump’s dangerous policies to harm our families and our communities.

Our people are rising up. From Jemele Hill to Jay-Z to Colin Kaepernick, we will not give up our dignity without a fight. We will continue to show up and show out for restoring our communities, whether it’s ensuring our communities are free from police overreach and outright murder, to economic opportunity and justice in this capitalist system, to the fight to ensure our Black mothers get the care, time and space they need to survive childbirth.

Trump will not deter us from achieving the liberation our people deserve.”

This Saturday Come Out and Celebrate Mardi Gras Style at the 3rd Annual Black History Super Expo Celebration

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-  The Black Chamber of Commerce Inland Empire will be hosting the 3rd Annual Black History Super Expo Celebration on Saturday, February 3 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Court Street Square located at 349 N. E Street in San Bernardino. The event is FREE to the public.

There will be live entertainment, vendors, great food, a veggie connection pop-up, and a kids’ zone. Free rides to the expo will be provided by OmniTrans. You can pick up bus tokens from the Akoma Unity Center located at 1367 N. California Street in San Bernardino.

For more information, please contact Tammy at (714) 292-0205 or visit www.BCCInlandEmpire.com.

Unveiling of the Rosa Parks Statue Will be Held in Downtown San Bernardino Friday, February 2

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-  On Friday, February 2, Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes and community partners; San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation and California Department of Transportation District 8 will be unveiling the Rosa Parks Statue at the Rosa Parks Memorial Building located at 464 W. 4th Street in San Bernardino. The unveiling starts at 10:30 a.m.

The Rosa Parks Statue was made possible by funding contained in the 2017 state budget. “Working together with community partners and the Governor, I was able to secure the final funding needed for this iconic statue,” said Assemblymember Reyes. “The 47th Assembly District is honored to recognize the first lady of the civil rights movement and we are confident her statue will be a beacon of hope for those yearning for change.”  

Join us as we unveil the bronze Rosa Parks Statue and recommit ourselves to justice.

For more information or to RSVP contact District Representative Daniel Peeden or call the District Office at (909) 381-3238.

Annual County Academic Decathlon Begins This Weekend

REDLANDS – This year’s 35th annual San Bernardino County Academic Decathlon competition will take place over two weekend dates – January 27 and February 3 – at Redlands East Valley High School.

With close to 400 high school students competing, this year’s scholastic competition features 41 teams that represent 25 high schools. Both weekends of the competition will take place at Redlands East Valley High, located at 31000 E. Colton Ave. in Redlands.

Students receive points by competing in 10 academic events. There are written tests in the areas of math, economics, music, art, language/literature, science and social science. Students also write an essay, face a panel of interviewers and give impromptu and prepared speeches.

For the finale on February 3, teams compete in a Super Quiz, a college bowl-style event consisting of multiple-choice questions. This year’s overall competition theme is Africa. Chaffey High School from the Chaffey Joint Union High School District is the six-time defending county champion of Academic Decathlon.

Teams consist of nine students, three from each grade-point category: “A” (Honors), “B” (Scholastic) and “C” (Varsity). Students compete for individual and team awards.

This year’s participating high schools and their districts are: Alta Loma High, Chaffey High, Colony High, Etiwanda High, Los Osos High, Montclair High, Ontario High and Rancho Cucamonga High, Chaffey Joint Union High; Ayala High, Chino Hills High and Don Lugo High, Chino Valley Unified; Bloomington High, Colton Joint Unified; Kaiser High, Fontana Unified; Citrus Valley High, Redlands East Valley High and Redlands High, Redlands Unified; Eisenhower High and Rialto High, Rialto Unified; Arroyo Valley High, Pacific High, San Bernardino High and San Gorgonio High, San Bernardino City Unified; and Cobalt Institute of Math and Science and Victor Valley High, Victor Valley Union High. Aquinas High School, a private school, also is participating.

The public is invited to attend the Super Quiz, which begins around 2:30 p.m. on February 3.

Winners and finalists from the Academic Decathlon will be announced at an awards banquet on February 8 at the National Orange Show Events Center. The winning team and possible other qualifiers will represent the county at the statewide Academic Decathlon competition in March.