Happily Divorced And After

Veterans’ Appreciation Video Screening Hosted by Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes a Success

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes celebrated Veterans Day early with a public screening of the veterans’ appreciation video, which highlights veterans of the 47th Assembly District and their stories of service. The 12-minute video was screened at the Veterans of Foreign Wars post 8737 in San Bernardino on Monday, November 6.

Two of the veterans filmed for the video served during WWII – Graciano Gomez and Russel Diehl. Addressing the veterans, Assemblymember Reyes said, “We would not be able to call America the land of the free, if it were not for you, your service and your sacrifice. We want our veterans to experience the appreciation from their community with this video and to know that their sacrifice has not gone unnoticed; we see you, and we thank you!”

The veterans’ appreciation video was developed by Assemblymember Reyes and her team from an idea given to her by Glen Loveless III who served as E-4 Infantry in the U.S Army. Glen was honored as a 47th Assembly District Veteran of the Year honoree earlier this year.


Second Baptist Church of Redlands Celebrates 125th Anniversary

2017 pastor and bishop green secondbaptist redlandREDLANDS, CA- “It takes a Village to last for 125 Years!”

“It has been a VILLAGE EFFORT to preserve 125 years of history and hard work to preserve a future for the next generations,” explains Bishop Jackie Green. “Our village has been our neighbors, the community, philanthropists, the rich and poor, the preacher and  teacher, businesses, government officials, lawyers, counselors, schools, hospitals, law enforcement, other churches, pastors, the elderly, recreation, the young and even the unborn. Our village welcomes all colors, races and genders.”

The Second Baptist Church history dates back as far as 1889, but is recorded as incorporated in 1892.  The first pastor, Sebron Lee was a stately gentleman, and served as the pastor over the “first colored church” that was later named the Second Baptist Church of Redlands. The first church was located on Orange Street in May 30, 1891.  Then the church relocated to State Street in July 4, 1891 and finally to its present location on 420 East Stuart Avenue in 1924.

The Congregation has been celebrating its birthday the whole year by having monthly focuses on their history and wearing their “125…ALL THE WAY LIVE” t-shirts, which is the theme for the celebration. The month of November will kick off with a Wednesday night Joint Communion Service with the First Baptist Church of Redlands (51 West Olive) at 6 p.m., whom they have fellowshipped 125 years.  Pastor Shawn Zambros of the First Baptist Church (First woman pastor) says, “Our two churches have a special and unique bond that has risen out of our common beginnings and has continued over the generations. The pastors of Second Baptist were among the first to welcome me to the City of Redlands and connect me with other clergy into the community.”

Sunday, November 19, will be the culminating service at 10 a.m.  The speaker will be Dr. Stephen Wilson, M.D. of In Your Best Interest Medical practice in Redlands.  He was a former member years ago and is returning to help celebrate this even.  There will also be several honors and awards presented. There will be a fellowship dinner following service.

The Highlight of this year’s birthday celebration is the publication of the 125th Souvenir Historical Journal to be unveiled on Sunday, November 19, covering the 125 years of history.  These can be purchased through the Church. The public is cordially invited.  The church is located at 420 East Stuart Avenue, Redlands, CA  92374.

For more information, please call (909) 793-l074 or visit secondbaptistredlands.com.


Eta Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Collaborates with Ivy Foundation for Annual Fashion Show Next Weekend

ONTARIO, CA- To raise money for their scholarship and community service programs, Eta Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in partnership with The Inland Ivy Foundation, has secured Mario Benton of Mario B Productions, a fashion show producer and celebrity fashion stylist who is well-known in the Bay Area for his fashion icon styles.   This year’s production, which will be held at the Ontario DoubleTree Hotel-Ontario on November 19 at 3 p.m., will showcase the latest in West Coast fashions.

This year’s presentation, “Pearls, Pumps & Fashion” under the direction of Mario Benton will feature Dignitaries of Design (local models), and the fashions will cater to all ages.

Those who love style will not want to miss this evening of elegance with the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha. In addition to fashion, there will be entertainment, vendors, a silent auction and door prizes.  Local fashion connoisseurs will have the opportunity to gaze upon the latest in couture as they support various community service endeavors sponsored by Eta Nu Omega Chapter and The Inland Ivy Foundation.

With the proceeds generated from the previous years’ fashion shows, over the years, Eta Nu Omega Chapter has awarded thousands in scholarships to local college-bound young ladies for college tuition.  Individual scholarship awards have ranged from $100 to $2000.

Those who are interested in purchasing tickets for $50 may contact the fashion show chairman by emailing your request to hnotiffashionshow@gmail.com or visit www.etanuomega_aka.eventbrite.com. Checks are payable to the Inland Ivy Foundation, a 501C (3) organization.

What It Do With the LUE: Lue Dowdy

LUEBy Lue Dowdy

Just a Scorpio on the move! Please allow me to re-introduce myself. LuCretia Dowdy is my name but they call me LUE. I tell most folks, you either love me or hate me; there’s no in-between.

Coming out of the Dino, I consider myself to be a true Westside girl. I was born at Community Hospital in San Bernardino and raised on 15th street in between Western and Medical Center. I attended several elementary, junior high, and high schools throughout the Inland Empire. Not always being the smartest, school was difficult for me but I made it.

These San Bernardino streets weren’t no joke. As a kid growing up, I had to learn how to fight, especially being an only child that was partially raised by my grandmother. I’ve made some wrong choices back in my days that landed me in situations that weren’t good. Now that I’m older and wiser I see differently. I’m thankful that I turned my LIFE around for the better. It’s only by the Grace of God that I am here today. Trust and believe that this Child of the Most-High, Widow, Mother, Grandmother, and Entrepreneur, Business Woman, Go Getta, and Hustler will never STOP!

Check my professional bio out below and make sure to follow me @justbeinglue on all social media sites. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME Scorpios ROCK!

LuCretia Dowdy is an entertainment and public relations professional hailing from San Bernardino, California. As a graduate of UEI’s Business Office Administration program, she serves the County of San Bernardino’s youngest residents and families through early childhood development funder, First 5 San Bernardino. In 2013, Ms. Dowdy was recognized with the Award for Excellence to the department as their Public Relations & Office Specialist.
Ms. Dowdy is most recognized for her roles in the community as a Columnist for Westside Story Newspaper and Founder of LUE Productions.

LUE Productions is an entertainment company founded to highlight emerging homegrown talent and artists in the Inland Empire. LUE Productions specializes in events, media and management with a portfolio of events that include an annual My Music, My Mic Awards Show, Annual Yacht Party, and other platforms for artists to perform and thrive in the entertainment industry. She coordinates yearly projects within the Inland Empire to help feed the homeless.

To learn more about her work, check out her weekly column “What It Do With Lue” in the West Side Story Newspaper. You can contact her at (909) 567-1000, Lue.info@yahoo.com, www.Lueproductions.org, YouTube.com/LUEProductions, Twitter.com/LUEProductions, Instagram.com/LUEProductions, and Reverbnation.com/LUEproductions.


United Nations of Consciousness Announces New Name and Executive Director

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— United Nations of Consciousness (U.N.C) announced last week that its name would change to Akoma Unity Center (A.U.C), effective immediately. At the same time, the program has elected Kimberly Calvin as the new Executive Director.

Kimberly Calvin has served U.N.C as a volunteer, event coordinator, program manager, and board member. As program manager, she has managed staff, developed and managed U.N.C’s Youth Summer Camp, addressing the needs and opportunities unique to at-risk youth in San Bernardino. Also, she has represented U.N.C at various meetings with state, local government, and agencies.

Calvin says, “U.N.C has built a solid reputation in the community with providing direct services and resources to at-risk youth and disadvantage families such as cultural enrichment, youth after school program and summer camp. We want to make sure that our new name and image accurately reflects what we do. We are moving forward promoting positive youth development, engaging the community leadership and critical community partners and we wanted a more updated, streamlined look to match.”

As of today, AKOMA Unity Center has superseded the name United Nations of Consciousness. Akoma Unity Center will operate under a separate entity. The new website www.akomaunitycenter.com will not be affiliated with www.unclife.org or www.uncyouth.org.

The new Executive Director, Kimberly Calvin has a wealth of experience in the community sector and will continue U.N.C’s mission to serve as a leader and advocate for San Bernardino youth and families.

Chairman, Dr. Nana Lawson Bush V and Secretary Tammy Martin-Ryles state, “We stand firmly on the past work of U.N.C and other like organizations. Looking audaciously and excitedly towards the future under the homegrown and experienced leadership of our new Executive Director, Kimberly Calvin, including recently elected board members, Rikke Van Johnson, Dolores Armstead, Naazir Anyabilwe, Stephanie Robinson, and Dr. Gloria Morrow along with our new meaningful name, Akoma Unity Center.”

For more information regarding Akoma Unity Center’s programs, please call the office at (909) 217-7956 or visit the website at www.akomaunitycenter.com.

Class in Session: Civics & Service

20171028_120647 Photo4 Civics and service were the lessons of the day PAL Center CEO Dwaine Radden Sr. said to student’s volunteering as Supervisor Gonzales hosted a community clean-up day for the city of Muscoy. PAL Center graciously hosted the event as a dump site where residents could bring appliances, tires, furniture, metal, and more in an effort to clean up the community. PAL was one of two sites in the neighborhood for this annual event and their student Ambassadors benefited immensely from the experience.

Onsite planning their campus activities for the 2017 -2018 school year as well as preparing for the upcoming Halloween Festival, PAL Ambassadors took a break from their Saturday agenda to meet with Supervisor Josie Gonzales. She offered a wealth of information as she took a moment for a photo-op and selfie session with this group of High School students.

“The reason it’s important to learn about Civics, Government, and Politics is it teaches you the shortest route to the solutions for everyday problems. You now have the beginning of the answer. Government is there for everyone but not everyone knows how to use it as the solution.” Supervisor Josie GonzalesPhoto3

Totally unplanned was the genuine act of service extended by this group as they all pitched in to assist a neighbor of PAL in clearing out the large waste items on their property. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and got busy doing the work of service as a real-time example of leadership in motion. The team spent nearly an hour of their day with Supervisor Gonzales clearing out debris while San Bernardino County Code Enforcement officers lent a hand with the heavy lifting and loading of debris onto waste management trucks.

“Cleaning the neighbor’s property is certainly not how we planned to spend our Saturday, but the opportunity and experience was invaluable as we attempt to model and teach the necessity of considering others and not just self. Our Ambassadors are AMAZING and they reaffirmed their awesomeness today through service without complaint. We are incredibly proud of who they are becoming.” Ms. Domonique White, PAL Student Success Coordinator

Supervisor Gonzales left the PAL Ambassadors with this note, “You must look around and take ownership of the answers. You are the boss of the problem. Be the solution you want to see.”

PAL Charter Academy is providing solutions for student success by supporting students through an individualized approach to learning. PAL is currently enrolling for the 2017 – 2018 2nd trimester session as well as PCA Middle School, 6th – 8th grade which opened fall of 2017. For more information visit the website at www.palcharteracademy.org or call 909-887-7002.

This Week’s Job News

  • Mechanically Inclined HVAC Installer needed – in Chino, CA. Call M.L. Filters at (909) 627-3635, ask for Eddie
  • Unloading Container, General Laborers needed – in the Inland Empire, CA. Call (909) 212-7661
  • OMF Performance – is seeking General Labor-Manufacturing in Riverside, CA. $10.50/hr.  Call (951) 354-8272
  • Hydroseed/Erosion Control Labor needed – in the Inland Empire, CA. $18.00-$20.00/hr.  Call (951) 553-6305
  • Skilled Truck Mechanic needed – in Fontana, CA. Call (909) 518-7055
  • Warehouse Positions (F/T) (P/T) plus Overtime – in Mira Loma, CA. If you are interested, please contact Dianne 714-860-3737.  Los 3 turnos están disponibles con horas extras ofrecidas Y espacio para crecer con la empresa!  La Bodega se encuentra en la cuidad de Mira Loma.  Si está interesado, contáctese con Dianne 714-860-3737
  • Handy Man/Electrician needed – in San Bernardino, CA. Call Sherri (626) 575-3070 ext. 230
  • Rebar Installation-Ironworker – in OC, LA, SD. Apply 14562 Manzanita Dr., Fontana, CA 92335
  • Groundskeeper needed – in Big League Dreams Sports Park in Chino Hills, CA. Apply in person 12:00pm-4:00pm, 16333 Fairfield Ranch Road, Chino Hills, CA.
  • General Roofing Laborer/Maintenance needed – in the Inland Empire, CA. Fax resume to (714) 853-1595
  • Coronado Stone Products, a Unique Employee Based Company (that includes parolees and others who may need a second chance) – is seeking an Industrial Maintenance Worker, an Electrician, a Fontana Supervisor Trainee and Laborers, Pickers/Pullers and a Staff Accountant in Fontana, CA. Apply in person Mon-Fri 7:00am-1:00pm 11191 Calabash Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337
  • VSMPO – is seeking an FTZ Coordinator in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • AECOM – is seeking a Warehouse Manager in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Clutter – is seeking a Warehouse Specialist in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • DALIX – is seeking a Warehouse Specialist I in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Meilo Creation – is seeking a Warehouse Associate in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • General Micro Systems, Inc. – is seeking a Materials Manager in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Restoration Hardware – is seeking a Material Handler in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Ray Products – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Clerk in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Able Contracting – is seeking General Labor in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • InQ Brands, Inc. – is seeking a Supply Chain Analyst in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • DalTile – is seeking a Material Handler in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • The Ollie World – is seeking a Packaging Fulfillment and Personal Assistant in Upland, CA. $12.00-$15.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Central Garden & Pet – is seeking an Order Picker in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • American Building Supply, Inc. – is seeking a Night Shipping Supervisor in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • Five Star OnStar, Inc. – is seeking a Construction Laborer in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Masimo – is seeking a Warehouse Supervisor in Irvine, CA. indeed.com
  • Affluent Staffing – is seeking an Airport Cargo Handler in Ontario, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Peopleready – is seeking a Production Worker in Ontario, CA. $11.50/hr.  indeed.com
  • Lowe’s, Inc. – is seeking a Stocker in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Blow Molded Products, Inc. – is seeking a Shipping/Purchasing Administrator in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Joseph Cory Holdings, LLC – is seeking a Load out Coordinator in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • West Coast Corporation – is seeking an Operations Manager in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Light Sim – is seeking a Material Handler/Forklift Operator in Irvine, CA. indeed.com
  • J. Smith, Inc. – is seeking a Warehouse Material Handler & Inventory Control Person in Corona, CA. www.indeed.com
  • Lineage Logistics – is seeking a Case Picker-Nights in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Big Lots Distribution Center – is seeking a Warehouse Receiving Associate in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • VWR International, LLC – is seeking a Trainer in Claremont, CA. indeed.com
  • Compass Group – is seeking a Picker/Scanner in Corona, CA. indeed.com
  • Resource Building Materials – is seeking a Yard Stocker/Order Puller in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • CRH-Oldcastle – is seeking a Production Laborer in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Nextgen Technologies – is seeking a Shipping/Receiving Clerk in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Omaha Truck – is seeking a Tie Crew Laborer in the United States. $50,000.00-$65,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Mountain Valley Express – is seeking a PM Warehouse Coordinator in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • CL Staffing – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Clerk in Ontario, CA. $24,000.00-$29,120.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Niagara Bottling Co. – is seeking a Shipping Associate in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • AEHI, Inc. – is seeking a Warehouse Coordinator in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • Wrawp Foods – is seeking an Office Assistant/Shipping Department in Pomona, CA. indeed.com
  • Dover Pump Solutions Group – is seeking a Manufacturing Assembler in Grand Terrace, CA. indeed.com
  • The Frozen Bean – is seeking a Warehouse Packer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $11.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Dover Pump Solutions Group – is seeking a Material Handler – Warehouse in Grand Terrace, CA. indeed.com
  • Geodis – is seeking a Material Handler in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Friends of Upland Animal Shelter, Inc. – is seeking a Warehouse and Merchandise Clerk in Upland, CA. indeed.com
  • Urban Crafting – is seeking a Packaging Worker in Pomona, CA. $10.50-$10.75/hr.  indeed.com
  • Goodwill Southern California – is seeking a Material Handler I in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • XPO Logistics – is seeking a Material Handler in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Capstone Logistics – is seeking a Traveling Selector in Eastvale, CA. $19.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Ecore International – is seeking a Shipping Clerk I in Corona, CA. indeed.com
  • Life Stream Blood Center – is seeking a Warehouse Material Handler in San Bernardino, CA. $11.50/hr.  indeed.com
  • Coastal Pacific Food Distribution – is seeking a Freezer Order Selector in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Arvato – is seeking a Receiving Associate in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Emser Tile & Natural Stone – is seeking a Shipping Supervisor in Ontario, CA. $65,000.00-$75,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Sync Staffing, Inc. – is seeking a Shipping Lead in Mira Loma, CA. indeed.com
  • 3M – is seeking a Manufacturing Laborer in Corona, CA. indeed.com
  • El Super – is seeking a Picker-Dry in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Resource Employment Solutions – is seeking General Laborers in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Ganahl Lumber Company – is seeking a Building Material Order Puller in Costa Mesa, CA. indeed.com
  • Under Armour – is seeking a Warehouse Teammate, Equipment in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • Key Skilled Personnel – is seeking a Shipping Processor in Norco, CA. $12.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Partners Personnel – is seeking a Cross Dock Laborer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Truck Viva – is seeking a Warehouse Packer/General Labor in Walnut, CA. indeed.com
  • Avent Group – is seeking General Labor in Walnut, CA. $10.50-$11.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Hub Construction Specialties, Inc. – is seeking a Commercial Driver in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • NFI Industries – is seeking a CDLA Drivers Local Owner Operators in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • Pathway Group – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Candidate in Mira Loma, CA. $13.00-$14.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Natural Earth Landscaping – is seeking a Driver/Landscape Laborer in Claremont, CA. $15.00-$22.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • G.E. Construction Contractors, Inc. – is seeking a General Laborer in Yorba Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • Proworks Staffing – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Clerk in Ontario, CA. $15.00-$17.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Polseworks – is seeking a Shipping and Packing Specialist in Baldwin Park, CA. $12.00-$13.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • CEVA Logistics – is seeking a Material Handler/Operator III in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Great Hire, Inc. – is seeking an Order Picker in Fontana, CA. $11.00-$12.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • San Bernardino County – is seeking a Fire Prevention Specialist in San Bernardino, CA. $27.07-$34.64/hr.  indeed.com
  • Epic Management – is seeking an Appointment Clerk in Redlands, CA. indeed.com
  • Sterigenics – is seeking an Operator in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Tesla Motors – is seeking a Field Energy Specialist in San Bernardino, CA. $30,000.00-$60,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • The Supreme Plate – is seeking Help in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. inded.com
  • Keefe Group – is seeking a Service Rep in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Golden State FC, LLC – is seeking a (F/T) Warehouse Associate in Eastvale, CA. $12.25/hr.  indeed.com
  • Loma Linda University – is seeking an Exam Proctor in Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • Community Hospital of San Bernardino – is seeking a Clerk in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Pacific Interior Electric – is seeking a Backhoe Operator in Bloomington, CA. $28.00-$35.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Red Persimmon Nail & Spa – is seeking a Receptionist in Upland, CA. indeed.com
  • County of Riverside – is seeking an Executive Office-Internship in Riverside, CA. $11.00-$16.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Three Star Global – is seeking a Routing Clerk in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Griffin Residential – is seeking a Land Acquisition Analyst in Corona, CA. $50,000.00-$70,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Kaiser Fontana – is seeking a Medicaid Eligibility Advisor in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • World Oil Corporation – is seeking a CSR-Dispatch Worker in Fontana, CA. indeed.com,
  • Prime Health Services HQ – is seeking a File Clerk in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Associates Direct Services, LLC – is seeking a Tool Crib Attendant in Ontario, CA. $13.00-$15.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Battery Systems, Inc. – is seeking a Manager-in-Training in Southern California. indeed.com
  • Verify, Inc. – is seeking a Delivery Assurance Specialist in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • Johnson Controls – is seeking an Inspection Coordinator in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Sonos, Inc. – is seeking an Experienced Specialist in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Top Notch Talent Management – is seeking a Commercial Superintendent in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $95,000.00-$110,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • So Cal Delivery, Inc. – is seeking a Delivery Driver in Corona, CA. $125.00/day.  indeed.com
  • Disney – is seeking a Pyro Technician in Anaheim, CA. indeed.com
  • Fed Ex Ground Warehouse – is seeking a Parcel Assistant – Warehouse in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • Niagara Bottling Co. – is seeking a Talent Sourcer in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Recycling – is seeking a Driver in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Brunswick Zone Upland Lanes – is seeking Help in Upland, CA. indeed.com
  • Meridian of Riverside – is seeking a Resident Assistant in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Motivational Systems, Inc. – is seeking a Weekend Sign Spinner (Human Directional) in Azusa, CA. $11.00-$12.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Diesel USA Group, Inc. – is seeking a Parts Specialist in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Concentra, Inc. – is seeking a Refund Specialist in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • VSC – is seeking a Delivery Assurance Specialist in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • True Heat Solutions – is seeking a Bed Bug Heat Tech in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $3,000.00-$4,000.000/mo.  indeed.com
  • Premier Credit – is seeking a Credit Specialist in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $50,000.00-$80,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • West Coast University – is seeking a Financial Aid Officer in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Mathis Brothers Furniture – is seeking a Delivery Processing Worker in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Sunegy Construction, Inc. – is seeking a Site Surveyor in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Shalhoub Management Company – is seeking a Crew in Eastvale, CA. indeed.com
  • Johnny’s Nursery – is seeking a Plant Nursery Field/Farm Worker in Redlands, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Victor Community Support Service – is seeking an Office Service Manager in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Loma Linda University – is seeking a Research Assistant in Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com

Loma Linda University Trains 872 Elementary Students In CPR

LOMA LINDA, CA-More than 800 students at Chapman Heights Elementary in Yucaipa participated in CPR training on Thursday, Oct. 26 with instruction provided by Life Support Education as part of Loma Linda University (LLU) School of Allied Health Professions.

Students from kindergarten to fifth grade were trained in hands-only CPR by instructors, staff and volunteers from Life Support Education, Loma Linda University’s Medical Simulation Center and local city firefighters. 


According to Louis Kelly, AHA instructor and BLS instructor coordinator at Life Support Education, this event was the first in the region and maybe in the nation. The partnership with Chapman Heights Elementary is part of a larger initiative originated by Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health to train 50,000 students by 2020 in CPR basics. 


“We wanted to teach our kids to save a life and challenge others in our nation to do the same,” Kelly said. 


The collaboration between Kelly and Andy Anderson, principal at Chapman Heights Elementary, noted that this opportunity has been phenomenal. “Thank goodness for Mr. Kelly and his spirit to involve our students in this program,” Anderson said. 


The governor of California signed into law Bill AB-1719 that required all high school graduates to be trained in CPR. According to the American Heart Association, each year over 325,000 people have experienced cardiac arrest, with not even a third receiving CPR. 


“Though these kids are small, we are teaching them the skills and know how to tell an adult how to do CPR if needed,” said Kelly, event organizer. 


In celebration of Red Ribbon Week, special guest Dick Riddell, mayor of the city of Yucaipa attended the festivities. Riddell addressed the students, teachers and staff of Chapman Heights Elementary acknowledging a job well done on their CPR training. 

Additional guests also included Cali Binks, superintendent, Eric Vreeman, EdD, assistant superintendent for educational services, Patricia Ingram, Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District board president and David Lopez, EdD, RCP, RRT, department chair of cardiopulmonary sciences at LLU School of Allied Health Professions.


The mayor presented Lopez with an honorary certificate on behalf of the city in recognition of LLU’s commitment to educate and help local communities in health care safety. 


Life Support Education has been teaching classes in accordance with the American Heart Association and guiding principles of Loma Linda University for the past 30 years. Its instructors are highly skilled and experienced professionals. Their classes have train both health care professionals and non-professionals how to successfully prepare for life-saving emergencies. 


When asked how the students responded to their new training, Cindi Crosby, PTA president said they were real receptive to it, energetic and excited. “I hope they can take what they learned and apply it whenever needed,” Crosby said. 


Life Support Education is currently in the process to partner with Redlands Unified School District and Indian Springs High School for future CPR training events. 


For more information on Loma Linda University’s Life Support Education, email lifesupporteducation@llu.edu. 

United Nations of Consciousness Recognized at Non-Profit of the Year Award Ceremony

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes hosted a Non-Profit of the Year Award Ceremony on Thursday, October 26th in Rialto, CA to honor and celebrate the Non-Profit of the Year nominees from her district. The ceremony was held at the Rialto Community Resource Center in the City of Rialto, which operates as a co-working space for community based organizations in the Inland Empire.

In total, 19 Non-Profits were nominated from throughout the community for the Non-Profit of the Year award, which recognizes local non-profits for accomplishments in their respective service sectors and for their dedication to improving the lives of others in the 47th Assembly District. Nominees came from a variety of different service organizations ranging from veteran services, mental health advocacy and environmental justice.

“Our community would not be the same without the hard work and dedication of our non-profit sector,” said Assemblymember Reyes. “Our non-profits in San Bernardino County only receive approximately $3 per capita compared to the statewide average of $119 per capita. We must do more to support our community based organizations, so they can provide the essential services our population needs.”


Among the awardees was United Nations of Consciousness who was recognized earlier this year as the Non-Profit of the Year for the 47thAssembly District. United Nations of Consciousness operates at the Anne Shirrells Park Community Center in San Bernardino, providing afterschool programs, advocacy for youth of color and male mentoring services to name a few.


Non-Profit of the Year Nominees for the 47th District:

Bloomington Community Health Center

Cedar House Life Change Center

Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice

LightHouse Social Service Center

Center of Employment Training

Fontana Resources at Work, Industrial Support Systems

Fontana Veterans Resource Center

Honor Flight – Inland Empire

Friends of Blue Mountain

Mental Health Systems

Pathways From Boys To Men

The Brightest Star Foundation

National Council of Negro Women, Inc.

Rialto Family Health Services

San Bernardino Community Service Center, Inc.

Rescue A Generation

African American Health Coalition

Project Fighting Chance

United Nations of Consciousness

Metrolink Marks 25 Years of Easing SoCal Traffic, Bringing People Together

LOS ANGELES – The Metrolink regional rail system today marked a quarter century of transforming Southern California in a unique ceremony where riders joined regional officials in focusing on the future of mobility in Southern California.

“With roadways congested and at capacity, the future of mobility lies in public transportation,” said Metrolink Board Chair Andrew Kotyuk, a San Jacinto Councilman. Kotyuk noted that for many Southern California residents, Metrolink is the only stress-free alternative to slogging through traffic.

Metrolink, which covers a 538-mile swath through six counties, acts as a relief valve taking pressure off Southland freeways. Each weekday Metrolink riders travel more than 1.3 million miles, enough to journey to the moon at least five times. Metrolink service removes 8.7 million car trips annually. And that’s good for traffic and air quality.

In the past 25 years an additional 2.7 million tons of additional carbon dioxide would have been emitted if it wasn’t for Metrolink taking cars off the road.

“For 25 years, Metrolink has eased our commutes, connected our communities, and helped bring Southern Californians closer together,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Chair of the Metro Board. “Now, it’s time for us to build on the progress of the last generation – with a new era of bold investment that will bring a wealth of new transportation options to our region.”

At the ceremony dignitaries lauded Metrolink for its national leadership role in advancing safety and green technology.

It was the first commuter rail agency in the United States to install and operate Positive train control (PTC) during regular service on all hosted lines. This GPS-based safety technology, introduced in 2015, can stop a train and prevent train-to-train collisions and derailments caused by speeding and unauthorized train movement.

Metrolink also was the first major commuter rail agency in the nation to purchase new Tier 4 clean air operating locomotives that produce less emissions, generate more horsepower and are safer than older diesel models. Tier 4 locomotives will reduce PM and NOx emissions by up to 85 percent over standard diesel engines. When all 40 of these Tier 4 locomotives are in service it will be equivalent to reducing the annual emissions of 31,320 vehicles.

And Metrolink helps drive the economy. Its staff dispatches nearly 50 million pounds of freight each year on Metrolink owned track used by BNSF and Union Pacific.

Passenger fares and fees paid by the railroads cover 44 percent of Metrolink operating costs, the highest of any Southland public transit agency.

But Metrolink is more than statistics, more than just powerful locomotives and steel track. Metrolink Chair Kotyuk pointed out that for 25 years Metrolink has knitted together dozens of far-flung communities in the sprawling Southern California region from Lancaster and Ventura to Irvine, Los Angeles, Anaheim, Riverside, San Bernardino and Oceanside.

The diverse riders that take Metrolink to work, school or to explore Southern California, are a family who bond over long distances. The average Metrolink commuter travels 36 miles one way and crosses county lines.

They share a common frustration with driving in traffic and are thankful for the Metrolink alternative.

“When I look out the window to the right and see the 10 Freeway, I’m so glad not to be one of those stuck in traffic,” said Hasan Ikhrata, executive director of the Southern California Association of Governments, a sentiment expressed by a fellow Metrolink rider, Steve Dooner, who recently started taking Metrolink from Moorpark to work in Burbank after tiring of stop-and-go traffic driving the I-5.

“I now come home relaxed,” Dooner said with a smile.