Happily Divorced And After

Foster Youth Lead in Film Festival at 3rd Annual Real to Reel

By Naomi K. Bonman

The opportunities for people of color in the entertainment industry have increased; however, getting in the industry is still very competitive and opportunities are far and few in between. Then you have programs, such as Better Youth, that provide outlets for young people to utilize the tools to get a few steps ahead of the competition and to build experience.

Real to Reel is one of the outlets. Founded by former foster youth Johna Rivers and Syd Stewart, the two of them together realized a dying need in the industry and have put forth together a momentous event. Each year this red-carpet celebrity studded event gets even better with entertainment vets who come out to speak and spark inspiration to these talented youths. Every film in the festival is shot, produced, and edited by youth. This year was even more powerful than others because every film submitted was by foster youth.

The day started with morning workshops facilitated by Akuyoe Graham (acting workshop), Ruben from AT&T (New Media), and Ullisses from Wells Fargo (Financial Literacy). Following the morning workshops was the red-carpet session which led to the panels and film screenings.

Casting Director Leah Daniels opened the festival with a presentation of special awards, with a surprise awards that was given to herself on behalf of Real to Reel. Edwina Findley also spoke and following her were a few performances. A panel took place after the films were shown.

To view the interview with Syd Stewart and to hear Leah Daniels speech, please visit www.purposelyawakened.com.

Activist and Author Bree Newsome to Speak at UC Riverside

RIVERSIDE, CA- In June 2015, Bree Newsome drew national attention to South Carolina when she scaled a 30-foot flagpole outside the state capitol building and unhooked its Confederate flag as an act of civil disobedience against what she perceived as “racist symbolism.”

On Wednesday, October 18, Newsome will speak about the experience and her work as a community organizer and activist during a lecture at the University of California, Riverside titled “Tearing Hatred from the Sky.” Sponsored by UCR’s Women’s Resource Center, the event will take place at 7 p.m. in Room 302 of the Highlander Union Building (HUB).

Denise Davis, director of the Women’s Resource Center, said Newsome’s talk will draw connections between a variety of historic milestones — including the 1960s heyday of the civil rights movement — and contemporary activism designed to combat systemic racism and other forms of social inequality.

“Bree is sure to be an inspiring speaker who can comment on both her lived experience as a Black woman and how her personal piece of activism fits into our moment’s continuation of the civil rights movement,” Davis said. “I’m also hoping that she’ll be able to offer some advice as to where we go from here.”

Newsome’s highly visible act of protest, committed June 27, 2015, came just one day after President Barack Obama delivered a eulogy at the funeral of Clementa Pinckney, a Black pastor and South Carolina state senator who had been killed weeks earlier during a mass shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston.

“Five days before the action, we huddled in a small living room. What united us was a moral calling and a commitment to doing the right thing, recognizing the power we had as individuals coming together to act as one,” Newsome wrote in an August 2017 op-ed published by The Washington Post.

“With awareness of history and belief in a better future, we decided to attack a symbol of systemic racism with a direct action that symbolized its dismantling. We almost immediately settled on removing the flag, both as an act of civil disobedience and as a demonstration of the power people have when we work together.”

South Carolina’s Senate voted to officially remove the flag from the capitol’s grounds on July 6, 2015. In the wake of the event, Newsome became a prolific author and commentator, regularly sharing her perspectives on newsworthy happenings such as the recent debates over the removal of Confederate monuments across the country and the impact of Colin Kaepernick’s ongoing protests during the NFL national anthem.

Newsome’s upcoming talk at UCR is free and open to the public, and registration is not required to attend. The event’s supporting sponsors include the Center for Ideas & Society, the Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Shaun King: The New Civil Rights and the “Dip” Sparked Inspiration at the University of Redlands

By Angela M. Coggs

On Wednesday, September 27, long before Shaun King arrived on the well-lit stage of Memorial Chapel on the University of Redlands campus, there were continuous rumblings, inside and outside, of a very diverse group of people heading into the large, soon to be, packed room. King, journalist, humanitarian, activist and the Senior Justice Writer for the New York Daily News, is amongst the most compelling voices: a humane and passionate advocate for justice and families, and an extremely visible fundraiser for victims of brutality and discrimination. His topic of choice was “The New Civil Rights.”

It is difficult to ignore that there are crucial conversations undulating across North America—conversations happening on social media, on campuses, in the streets and around dinner tables. In greater numbers, people are talking about real empowerment and liberation for historically disadvantaged groups. When it comes to the Black Lives Matter movement, they’re talking specifically about human dignity for African Americans.

“Shaun King visiting Southern California was truly a breath of fresh air. Hearing him speak was not only a modern-day history lesson, but also a call to action that every one of us could participate in. It does not have to be grand in scale to be effective, nor does it require an army of people,” explained Barbara Franklin, graduate student at A.T. Still University.  “It simply takes everyday people, like you and me, who are sensitive to the critical condition our country is currently in and are committed to finding small, simple ways to make sure our tomorrow is better than today.”

Absent was the large group of protesters that many of the attendees expected. Conservations of tickets holders outside the venue echoed their surprise of how calm the evening was. Some mentioned expecting to see a group of Trump supporters to make an appearance and cause a disturbance. Although many closely observed the lone attendee proudly wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. HE entered the chapel and sat in the middle of the room, as if he, silently, wanted to make sure King was aware of his presence.

King is known for his use of social media as a platform to highlight and amplify cases of police brutality, racial discrimination, sparking discussions on civil rights and shaping the way people understand racial injustice today. He recounted an email he received from an old college friend in July 2014 that ignited his life in the direction of work as a social influencer. The email contained a link to what would become the viral video known as the unjust and unwarranted death of an unarmed black man, Eric Garner. King explained that watching the disturbing footage of the police brutality on Garner led to his passion for the issue, “that latched itself on, till [the point] where I couldn’t let go,” A few weeks later, he received another email that set a fire in his spirit. The email contained a livestream video footage of the brutal shooting of Michael Brown. He knew our country was hurting and that we were in trouble.

“It is hard to understand where we are in the scheme of history,” King explained. “[But] all of you have a gut feeling that something is wrong in our country.”

As he spoke and the evening progressed, it was clear that he was making a positive impact and his message resonated among the crowd.

“Imagine someone just killed the person who matters most to you,” described King. “The pain I saw in the streets was [that] tangible.”

Before long, King began to realize that these killings are not happening as infrequently as reported by the news outlets. He was shocked to discover that unarmed black men, women and children weren’t just killed by the police a few times a year, but not so uncommonly now, upwards to ten times a day. By sharing videos that demonstrated clear cases of police brutality on his social media, King thought, alike many concerned, like minded Americans, someone would be held responsible. But by December of 2014, he realized that “there would be no justice, no matter how many protests or retweets.” The current state of the country was fogging and unclear and during that moment of his life, King described himself as in a “funk.” He admitted that he never have worked so hard in his life without any reward.

After explaining how his spirit of activism was born, King enlightened the audience on Leopold von Ranke, well known as the father of history. After taking a history class, that he unsuccessfully tried to drop, King thought “what am I going to learn from this guy?” King admitted that, surprisingly, he learned a very in important lesson that cultivated his understanding of the growth of humanity. According to Ranke, he found that, after mapping human beings throughout history, that we do not get better and better over time– technology certainly does, but humanity does not. Instead, throughout history, humanity has moments where we peak and moments where we dip.

The lesson King learned from Ranke sparked a study of his own. During the Charlottesville white supremacy demonstrations, King used twitter as a way to research sociological trends. “Twitter is an amazing tool,” King continued. “Because you can see millions of thoughts at particular moments of history.”

According to King, there was a recurring question among twitter users:  “How can we be going back in time?” King explains that this comes from the notion that human beings are consistently getting better. Pointing to the climax of an exponential bar graph, King joked, “that would make Donald Trump peak humanity.” The laughter from the audience was an indication that they certainly did not agree with that statement.

By referencing historical tragedies such as the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the Holocaust or Rwanda genocide, King illustrated that humanity does not just ripen with age. “If we are getting better and better, how do we explain that?” King asked.

“Last year 121 unarmed black men, women and children were killed by American policemen,” shares King. “We would have to go back to 1902 to find that many black people lynched in a year.” King goes on to define “unarmed” by sharing with the audience that he had to remove an instance of police brutality from an article where a black man was killed carrying just a spoon, because that was considered to be a weapon, emphasizing the idea that these deaths aren’t justified by a self-defense claim.

“Somehow we like to look back at injustice and say it is wrong,” shares King. “But struggle to find injustice in front of us.” King further explains that if we do not understand what phase humanity is in, society cannot advance.

“It is easy as hell to find yourself in a dip, but hard as hell to get out of it,” shared King. With that being said, King described to the audience how to predict when a dip will occur and how humanity can get out of the dip.

The dip ensues when the status quo is challenged, confronted. King further particularizes that whenever there is an innovation that disturbs or threatens those in power, humanity plummets. The most modern innovation was the election of America’s first black President, Barack Obama. King explained that this innovation resulted in a steady increase of hate crimes during the Obama administration, and ultimately the election of Donald Trump.

It is going take four things for humanity to get out of this dip. “First, it’s going take an enormous amount of energy and second, it’s going to take people,” reveals King. “Third, it’s going take organization, something we are struggling with, and fourth, it’s going take hope.”

Often people wonder what role they  would play in the Civil Rights Movement, but King reveals that we “don’t have to wonder who [we] would have been in a previous time, because we are in a time that requires just as much energy, people, organization, hope, and now.” With that thought in mind, the entire audience rose in applause.

“The connections Mr. King’s visit facilitates among like-minded locals are invaluable.  Filling a large chapel with local Black Lives Matter supporter’s shows everyone—allies and detractors—that we’re here, and that we’re actively promoting inclusion and justice,” explained Marianne Farretta, a local Redlands professional.

Farretta further noted, “I found Mr. King’s observation that our humanity is not continuously improving, but rather dips and peaks, both intimidating and encouraging; we’re not crazy—things really are this bad.  But true American values—not Make America Great Again values—true American values of free speech and worth inherent to all skin colors, all cultures, and all classes—have carried us through low times before.”

Overall, this is the message America needs right now.  In the last couple of months, I have been encouraged by high visibility, high privilege leaders using their status to denigrate intolerance.  And while that outpouring does not heal the divide, and does not stop the police killings of unarmed black men, and does not balance out other transgressions; it offers hope that the scales will tip and we will emerge again from what Mr. King calls “The Dip.”

At one point in the evening King asserted that we needed to stay “woke.” He stopped and turned his attention to the interpreter who was seated at the far right side of the stage. King then stated, “I’m curious. What did you sign for “woke?” The interpreter repeats the gesture and King smiled and replied, “That’s cool, I like that.” Both the audience erupted with laughter.

Shaun King visiting Southern California was truly a breath of fresh air. Hearing him speak was not only a modern-day history lesson, but also a call to action that each and every one of us have the opportunity to participate in. It does not have to be grand in scale to be effective, nor does it require an army of people,” explained Barbara Franklin, graduate student at A.T. Still University.  “It simply takes everyday people, like you and me, who are sensitive to the critical condition our country is currently in and are committed to finding small, simple ways to make sure our tomorrow is better than today.”

By the end of the evening, that lone, self-identified Trump supporter that entered the Chapel wearing the distinct red baseball Make America Great Again now blended in with the otherwise diverse, yet likeminded group of social justice activists. Apparently, he had decided to take off his hat at some point during the evening. This writer wanted to inquire about what exactly made him remove his hat but he amalgamated into the sea of individuals. Maybe that night was the first time that he actually sat down and took note to the real issues at hand.

What It Do With the LUE: Makeda Kumasi

By Lue Dowdy

Queen Makeda Kumasi is WHAT IT DO! Smart, talented, graceful, and beautiful are just a few words to describe Makeda Kumasi. I became a fan the moment I saw her perform in a play a few years ago directed by Revered Bronica Martindale. Please take a moment and read all about this talent.

Makeda Kumasi is a performing artist who has been featured on stages across the Nation, which include: The World Stage in Leimert Park (Los Angeles), the Ford Amphitheatre in Hollywood, and the Ogdensburg Theater in New York. She has performed in several popular American musicals including a role as Rosie in “Bye Bye Birdie” and Cha-Cha in “Grease.” Kumasi has also been featured on MTV’s “Starting Over” and BET’s “Fly Poet.” You may have seen her on several network’s shows as a background performer through Central Casting LA.

Ms. Kumasi is the founder of the Kumasi School for the Performing Arts and Co-founder of WE 3 PRODUCTIONS. She has also written two published books entitled, “I See Hip Hop Afrika” and “12 Days in Senegal: An Artist’s Journey.” She received her Master of Fine Arts in Theater from the University of Southern California and her Masters of Education from the University of Phoenix.

Kumasi has received numerous awards including the Phyllis E Williams’ Artist Grant, Top Spoken Word Artist Black Business Expo Urban Idol, Ida Mae Holland Playwrights’ Award, and California Art Scholar for Dance.

Open enrollment for Kumasi School for the Performing Arts is currently open. For more information please call (909) 217-7956 or email we3makedakumasi@gmail.com. Remember folks always stay TRUE to your CALLING!

Until next week L’z!

Youth Spotlight: Inland Empire Native, Tanai Smith, Launches Organic Lip Balm

Tanai Smithholding up her Crown Me Lip Balm. (Photo Credit: Tana Phelice)

Tanai Smithholding up her Crown Me Lip Balm. (Photo Credit: Tana Phelice)

By Naomi K. Bonman

Back in the day, as kids growing up, we were taught to do good in school, go to college, and then get a good job. However, those times have drastically changed. As more Generation X adults and Millennials are becoming more successful in their entrepreneurial endeavors and jumping ship from their corporate and day jobs, they are instilling in their children at a young age to claim their destinies and to make their side hustles work for them now verses later so that they will be well-off by the time they reach adulthood.

This is the case for 11-year-old Tanai Smith, daughter of San Bernardino native, author, and playwright T’ana Phelice. Smith will be launching her Crown Me Lip Balm on Monday, October 16. She was inspired to make Crown Me Lip Balm after she had made three ingredients for lip balms in her own spare time, so she decided why not make it into a profitable business.

“I researched how to make people’s skin feel smooth in a healthy way,” Smith stated on what made her decide to make an organic lip balm company over just any lip balm.

She has always been creative and has been heavily into arts and crafts. For her birthday this past August, her parents threw her an arts and crafts party.

“I see myself owning my own arts and crats store when I’m older,” she explains. “I want my Crown Me business inside my future store. I also want to play my clarinet.”

There is nothing better than when our youth are determined about what they want to do after childhood and are working diligently in achieving those tasks to ensure that their futures will be bright. This is also the aftermath of great parenting.

Smith stated that her parents are both her inspirations in achieving greatness. One of the most memorable lessons that they have taught her about entrepreneurship is that sometimes you must adjust to changes and make sacrifices.

For those interested in purchasing Crown Me Lip Balm, please visit www.tanaphelice.com/crownme and be sure to keep up with the Crown Me brand on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CrownMeOrganicStuff.

This Week’s Job Listings

  • Loomis – is seeking a Coin Wrap/Coin Processor in Ontario, CA. $9.50/hr. plus OT plus benefits.  https://www.work4loomis.com
  • Busy Manufacturing Facility – is seeking Machine Operators in San Bernardino, CA. $15.00 plus health benefits.  Call (909) 296-4090
  • Lucas Specialty – is seeking Temp Production Workers; will train, in Fontana, CA. $11.00/hr.  Apply at 11105 Redwood Avenue, Fontana, CA.  92337
  • Warehouse Selector Positions – in Chino, CA. $15.22-$15.82/hr.  Apply at 16081 Fern Avenue, Chino, CA.  91708
  • Hospital Housekeepers needed – evening work in Upland, CA. $12.50/hr.  Call Michelle Valdez or Ana Garcia (562) 781-7001
  • Certified Flood Restoration Tech needed – in Murrieta, CA. Call Manuel (951) 326-5090
  • Auto Body Shop Hiring – in the Inland Empire, CA. Call Alex (951) 632-2886
  • Material Handler Warehouse Positions Open – in Perris, CA. $10.50-$11.50/hr.  Call (951) 823-0023
  • Ranch Muffler and Truck Accessories – is seeking a Suspension/Hitch/Truck Accessories Installer in Temecula, CA. Call (951) 676-4043
  • Flood Care Tech needed – in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $13.00/hr.  Apply at 3001 Red Hill Avenue, Bldg. #220, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
  • Coronado Stone Products, a Unique Employee Based Company (that includes parolees and others who may need a second chance) – is seeking a Licensed Electrician and General Laborers in Fontana, CA. Apply in person 11191 Calabash Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337.  indeed.com
  • Pro Sites – is seeking an SEO Content Writer in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • The Village Hemet – is seeking an Administrative Assistant-Health Care Center in Hemet, CA. indeed.com
  • Premier Demonstrator Staffing – is seeking a (F/T) Traveling Sales Person (Costco Moreno Valley, CA) in Moreno Valley, CA. indeed.com
  • Riverside Transit Agency – is seeking a Community Engagement Coordinator in Riverside, CA. $21.78-$30.49/hr.  indeed.com
  • Sears, Roebuck and Co. – is seeking an Office Associate in Hemet, CA. indeed.com
  • Nike – is seeking a Seasonal Athlete in Lake Elsinore, CA. indeed.com
  • Customs and Border Protection – is seeking a Border Patrol Agent (Direct Hire) in the United States. $40,511.00-$50,639.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • California Conservation Corps (CCC) – is seeking an Energy Field Trainee in Fallbrook, CA. $1600-$1700/mo.  indeed.com
  • WinCo Foods – is seeking a Variety Stocker in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • Pro Sites, Inc. – is seeking a Digital Account Specialist in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • Department of the Navy – is seeking a Program Support Assistant (OS) in Camp Pendleton, CA. $40,404.00-$58,373.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • H & M – is seeking a Sales Advisor in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • Sprouts Farmers Market – is seeking a Grocery Clerk in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • CBS Radio – is seeking a Promotion Assistant in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • Personal Ventures – is seeking a Personal Marketing Assistant in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • Barnes & Noble – is seeking a Book Seller Temp in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • Pechanga Resort and Casino – is seeking a Utility Crew in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • United States Postal Services – is seeking a Holiday Clerk Assistant in Temecula Valley, CA. $16.98/hr.  indeed.com
  • United States Postal Service – is seeking a City Carrier Assistant in Temecula Valley, CA. $16.41/hr.  indeed.com
  • Islander, Inc. – is seeking a Social Media Specialist in Temecula, CA. indeed.com
  • Inland Empire Rescue Mission – is seeking a Rescue Mission General Manager (GM) in Corona, CA. $50,000.00-$60,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Andre Landscape Services, Inc. – is seeking a Land Care Team Member in the Inland Empire, CA. indeed.com
  • Child Care Resource Center – is seeking a Program Assistant in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Car Max – is seeking a Buyer Assistant in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • NACA – is seeking a Front Desk Receptionist in Upland, CA. $24,900.00-$29,100.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Heavy Equipment Colleges of America – is seeking a College Registrar in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Yogurtime – is seeking Help in Upland, CA. indeed.com
  • Little Scholars, LLC – is seeking a (P/T) In-School Field Trip Teacher in Ontario, CA. $25.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Under Armour – is seeking an Operations Support Team Mate-Team 4 in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • Prime Healthcare Services HQ – is seeking a Coder Auditor Trainee in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Worldwide Business Ventures, Inc. – is seeking an Administrative Assistant in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $12.00-$14.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Amazon Fulfillment Services – is seeking a (F/T) Warehouse Associate in Eastvale, CA. $12.26/hr.  indeed.com
  • Sing Tao Newspaper (Los Angeles) – is seeking a News Reporter in Industry, CA. indeed.com
  • La Salle Medical Associates – is seeking a Call Center Rep in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Crossmark – is seeking a Walmart Retail Merchandiser in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • MSA International, Inc. – is seeking a (P/T) paid Internship in Brea, CA. indeed.com
  • Barnes & Noble – is seeking a Children’s Lead Book Seller in Chino Hills, CA. indeed.com
  • Foothill Primary Care – is seeking a Medical Billing Specialist in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Southwest Mobile Storage – is seeking a Shop Time Keeper in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $12.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Telecom Solutions – is seeking a Management Trainee in Pomona, CA. $42,000.00-$56,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Prime Healthcare Services HQ – is seeking a Paralegal in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Safeway Electric – is seeking a Payroll/Purchasing Assistant in Colton, CA. indeed.com
  • Fox Valley Technical College – is seeking a Retention Coordinator in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • San Bernardino County – is seeking a Medical Emergency Planning Specialist in San Bernardino, CA. $25.32-$34.81/hr.  indeed.com
  • Urban Conservation Corps of the Inland Empire – is seeking a Corps Member in San Bernardino, CA. $10.50/hr.  indeed.com
  • Bail Connection – is seeking a Bail Agent/Posting Agent in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $30,000.00-$45,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Progressive Management Systems – is seeking an Analyst in West Covina, CA. indeed.com
  • Loomis – is seeking a Driver/Messenger/Assistant in Ontario, CA. $13.00-$14.25/hr.  indeed.com
  • Horizon Personnel Services – is seeking Help in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Inland Empire Utilities Agency – is seeking a Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator in Chino, CA. $26.23-$47.69/hr.  indeed.com
  • Computer Annex USA – is seeking Help in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Quinn Group – is seeking a Management Trainee in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Cardenas #33 – is seeking Help in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Appliance Installation and Service Corp. – is seeking a Warehouse Worker in San Bernardino, CA. $17.00-$21.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Cal-Duct, Inc. – is seeking an Office Assistant in Bloomington, CA. $10.50/hr.  indeed.com
  • Morrison Supply Company – is seeking a Driver in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Silverhawk Plastering – is seeking Hod Carriers/Helpers in Covina, CA. $100.00-$150.00/ a day.  indeed.com
  • Loma Linda University Shared Services – is seeking a Health Policy Analyst in Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • Precision Ceramics Dental Labs – is seeking a Customer Service Rep in Montclair, CA. indeed.com
  • Harold and Associates, LLC – is seeking a General Clerk II in Norco, CA. www.indeed.com
  • Barnes & Noble – is seeking a Head Cashier (F/T) in Montclair, CA. indeed.com
  • Maury Microwave Corporation – is seeking a Tool Crib Attendant in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Forward Furnace, Inc. – is seeking a Sales Person in Montclair, CA. $2,000.00-$2,500.00/mo.  indeed.com
  • Niagara Bottling Co. – is seeking a Strategic Planning Intern in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Tele Tech – is seeking a Talent Acquisition Specialist I in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Regal Entertainment Group – is seeking Floor Staff in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Freestone Optometric Center – is seeking a Scheduler in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • licious – is seeking Help in Chino Hills, CA. www.indeed.com
  • R. Horton, Inc. – is seeking a Design Center Coordinator in Corona, CA. www.indeed.com
  • Otto International, Inc. – is seeking a Merchandise Assistant (Wholesale Apparel) in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • International Vitamin Corporation – is seeking a Jr. Forecaster in Mira Loma, CA. indeed.com
  • Morningside Recovery, LLC – is seeking a Copy Writer for Behavioral Health Facility in Irvine, CA. $35,000.00-$40,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • New Life Foster Family Agency – is seeking a (F/T)/Flex Social Worker in the Inland Empire, CA. indeed.com
  • Mission Healthcare Services, Inc. – is seeking a Scheduling coordinator in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Puritan Medical Equipment – is seeking an Intake Person in Glendora, CA. $11.00-$12.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Telecare Corporation – is seeking a Unit Clerk On-Call in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • United States Postal Services – is seeking a Casual (CED) in San Bernardino, CA. $15.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Spray Enclosure Technologies, Inc. – is seeking a Design Draftsman in Rialto, CA. $14.00-$16.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Target – is seeking a Seasonal Packer in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Thompson Pipe Group – is seeking a Laborer/Patcher in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • Lot Worx – is seeking a Skilled Laborer in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Pinata Staffing – is seeking Labor in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Seldat – is seeking a Drayage Dispatcher in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Dependable Highway Express – is seeking a PM Dispatch Clerk in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • APL Logistics – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Assistant in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Schneider National – is seeking a Customer Service Rep in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Baselite Corporation – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Clerk in Chino, CA. $12.50/hr.  indeed.com
  • Ground Services International, Inc. – is seeking a Material Handler in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • TKC Holdings – is seeking a Shipping Staff in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Keefe Group – is seeking a Shipping Staff in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Shivnet, Inc. – is seeking a Packaging Associate in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Spectrum Brands – is seeking a Production Worker in Mira Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • Sundt Construction, Inc. – is seeking Labor in Pomona, CA. indeed.com
  • GRG Pool – is seeking a Mason Laborer in Chino Hills, CA. indeed.com
  • PJ Dreamwear, Inc. – is seeking a Shipping Coordinator in Orange, CA. indeed.com
  • Hussmann – is seeking an Order Puller in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • General Micro Systems, Inc. – is seeking a Materials Manager in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • DSV – is seeking a Project Manager in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Rite Staff, Inc. – is seeking an Experienced Carpentry Laborer in Corona, CA. $13.00-$16.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Flexsteel Industries, Inc. – is seeking a Furniture Packer in Riverside, CA. $12.75-$13.75/hr.  indeed.com
  • KeHe Distributors – is seeking a Warehouse Selector in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • NFI Industries – is seeking an Order Selector in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • Goodwill Southern California – is seeking a Material Handler I in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Multi Sales Company – is seeking a General Warehouse Laborer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $13.00-$15.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Phoenix Group – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Person in Corona, CA. $11.00-$12.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Steris – is seeking a Warehouse Assistant I in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Non-Profit Organization – is seeking a Shipping Specialist in Santa Ana, CA. $16.00-$20.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Made Goods – is seeking a Jr. Shipping Clerk in Industry, CA. indeed.com
  • Flour Fusion Wholesale, Inc. – is seeking Packers and Packagers in Perris, CA. indeed.com
  • Lineage Logistics – is seeking an Order Picker in Hunter Park, CA. indeed.com
  • Crestwood Construction – is seeking General Labor in Redlands, CA. indeed.com
  • Sync Staffing – is seeking Picking/Packing and Unloading Workers in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • PakLab – is seeking a Material Handler in Chino, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Workforce Development – is seeking a Shop Laborer/Machine Operator in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • US Foods – is seeking a Warehouse Selector, Night in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Roto-Rooter – is seeking a Field Laborer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Excellent Opto, Inc. – is seeking a Warehouse Clerk in Pomona, CA. $27,500.00-$35,500.00k/yr.  indeed.com

PAL Receives Multi-Year Federal Grant

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Provisional Educational Services (PAL), Incorporated has received a 5-year grant from the U. S. Department of Education (USDE) to operate an Upward Bound TRIO program at the PAL Center in San Bernardino. Upward Bound is a college preparatory program that selects 9th to 12th grade, low income, first generation students and assists them to graduate from high school and enroll in a post-secondary educational program.  Upward Bound programs are usually operated by colleges and universities on their campuses. According to PAL Center CEO, Dwaine Radden, the PAL Center will select 60 students, in conjunction with San Bernardino High School, to enroll in the highly successful program.

The tradition of federally funded community based TRIO educational services at PAL began with a USDE Talent Search TRIO program which provided college preparatory services for 1005 middle school students in 1995. The PAL Center’s 2002 Upward Bound program also serviced students in the Rialto and Fontana Unified School Districts.  In 2017, the PAL Charter Academy High School has expanded to include middle school grades 6-8, on campuses in Muscoy and San Bernardino. High school students will again receive Upward Bound college preparatory services through the recently awarded USDE Federal grant.

The Upward Bound program will be added to several other services at the PAL Center.  The PAL Charter Academy School offers a State of California Department of Education (CDE) curriculum leading to a high school diploma and vocational skills training. The WIOA Youth Employment Project provides vocational skill training and job placement for San Bernardino City youth ages 16-24.  The WIOA II Program is an Adult Literacy Skills program providing a high school diploma or GED.  Probation/Children & Family Services Tutoring provides educational services for referred youth in the probation system.  PAL Work Study Program allows qualifying students to simultaneously attend PAL Academy, work, and attend community college. College Readiness, funded by the CDE, is designed to increase the number of students enrolling and completing a post-secondary education in 4 years. Career Technical Education (CTE) develops career pathways and technical education that teaches skills to transition to employment and secondary education. CTE at the PAL Academy includes Construction, Audio Visual/Media, Explorer Program, Culinary Arts, and other career development activities.  The PAL Charter Academy is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Additional Information may be obtained by calling the PAL Center at 909-887-7002.

Black California Counts!

By Charlene Muhammad | California Black Media 

LOS ANGELES – New America Media, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the Advancement Project California hosted a panel discussion at the Japanese Cultural Center on the stakes and risks of the 2020 Census, and why California counts.

The event was part a collaborative effort among statewide non-profit organizations convened to help educate policymakers and community leaders about the policies and government investments needed for a fair and accurate count in 2020, according to sponsors of the Oct. 6 gathering.

Decisions being made by Congress and the Trump Administration will determine whether planning and funding for the 2020 Census are sufficient for a fair and accurate count, but already, Trump’s 2018-2019 budget request was already woefully inadequate and unrealistic, the non-profit advocates charged in a Census and California fact sheet.

“Necessary testing has already been cut back due to lack of sufficient funds.  The window for the administration and Congress to prevent a failed 2020 Census is narrowing quickly,” the document indicated.

“California’s more than 2.5 million young children are especially at risk of being missed.  Black and Hispanic children have the highest undercounts of any age group. Sixteen California cities rank in the top 100 places with the highest number and percent of children under the age of 5 living in hard-to-count census tracts,” the fact sheet continued.

Advocates have prioritized ensuring there is sufficient funding in the 2018-2019 budget for outreach efforts, and that a committee of trusted, experienced organizational leaders is established to ensure hard-to-count populations are reached. They are also working to provide local governments with similar populations participate in a program established by Congress to improve the accuracy of the census address lists.

“We are at risk of losing federal funding for programs and political representation in the House in the decade after 2020,” said Dr. John Dobard, manager of Political Voice, Advancement Project California, which advocates for policy and systems changes that foster upward mobility in communities most impacted by racial and economic injustice.

Census data helps determine the allocation of over $600 billion in federal funding and programs to communities across the country, such as Medicaid, nutrition, housing, highway planning and construction, and children’s health insurance, to name a few.  It also determines the reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives, so California needs all residents counted to receive its fair share, Dobard stated.

However, innovations in how the organization will administer the count, shifts in the federal landscape, such as a leadership void at the Census Bureau, and California’s demographics will make that difficult, said Dobard.

As she introduced presenters, Sandy Close, executive director of New America Media, said it was an honor to partner with the groups to forge a better grasp of what’s at stake for California’s communities, and why it feels like the 2020 count is a riskier proposition than it as in 2020.

A threat to an accurate count in the Black community he’s served has been the ability to actually culturally identify Blacks in the state, particularly because of tremendous shifts out of Los Angeles to the Inland Valley of San Bernardino and Riverside County, and other areas, stated  Reverend Samuel Casey, executive director, Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement.

Another challenge was apathy and getting Blacks to participate, especially when it came to the federal government’s promise of more resources, he said.

Even the question format proves problematic, he said. “In each one of these communities in the Inland Valley, one of the challenges I know there’s going to be is African Americans explicitly identifying as African Americans or Black,” Casey stated.

“There are those who are multi-racial, who would probably prefer to identify as Latino or as Asian, or some other ethnicity, rather than identify as Black, even though we’re familiar with the “One-drop” rule within our nation.  If you have one drop of African blood in your system, you are by definition African American and/or Black,” Casey continued.

It will be important to pay attention to the cultural relevance of materials presented, he urged.

Other presenters were Ditas Katague (Chair, U.S. Census Bureau’s National Advisory Committee on Race, Ethnicities and Other Populations), Ofelia Medina (Director of State Civic Engagement Policy with NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials) Educational Fund’s Policy Research and Advocacy, Stewart Kwoh (Founding President and Executive Director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles), and Dr. Joely Proudfit (Director of California Indian Culture and Sovereignty Center, California State University- San Marcos) concurred that distrust of the American government, whether federal, state, or local, would be a major hurdle in getting residents to participate in the count.

“The state quickly realized in 1990, we had a huge undercount of over 800,000 people here in California, and we lost billions of dollars, and we lost getting an additional congressional seat,” Katague stated.

After investing millions of its own money for outreach in 1999 and partnering with ethnic media, California outpaced the entire country by two percentage points in participation, according to Katague.

“California gained an additional congressional seat, which was great … but that was by just 18 people being counted,” she said.  She is most worried about the Census Bureau putting funding toward ethnic media advertising campaigns, which have had huge impacts.

Reverend Samuel Casey, Executive Director, Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement, discusses challenges and solutions to counting Blacks for the 2020 Census.

LLU Behavioral Medicine Center Recognized as a Top Workplace in Health Care

LOMA LINDA, CA- Loma Linda University (LLU) Behavioral Medicine Center (BMC) has been named a top workplace in health care according to Modern Healthcare.

The BMC was honored at the 2017 Best Places to Work Awards Dinner on Thursday, September 28, 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The recognition program, now in its 10th year, honors workplaces throughout the health care industry that empower employees to provide patients and customers with the best possible care, products and services.

Kerry Heinrich, JD, CEO, LLU Medical Center, is incredibly grateful for the recognition from Modern Health Care, “Our commitment to whole person care at Loma Linda University Health applies not only to our patients, but to our employees as well,” Heinrich said. “The Behavioral Medicine Center team serves with dedication and compassion as they support patients facing critical moments in their lives. This survey reveals our employees value their respectful, team-focused workplace. We are grateful that Modern Health Care has identified our team for this singular honor.”

Vice president/administrator of the Behavioral Medicine Center, Edward Field, MBA, said it’s truly an honor to receive the award from Modern Health Care, “This validates the hard work of our leadership team to engage our staff,” he said. “It truly shows how much we value them by creating an environment where they can learn, grow and thrive.”  

Modern Healthcare partners with the Best Companies Group on the assessment process, which includes an extensive employee survey completed by a random selection of the nearly 350 employees at the BMC.

“Buyers Beware!

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

Don’t buy into the lies! There are some Pastors preaching prosperity and blessing sermons that are not Scriptural. I want you to know that Scriptures are very clear about the subject of financial prosperity in the New Covenant. In fact Jesus talked about money more than He specifically talked about Heaven and Hell combined –so there’s absolutely no excuse for ignorance on this subject. We have simply to look at what the Word of God teaches not the way that man says it will happen. So because many times we hold to traditions, mindsets, or beliefs that aren’t Scriptural there comes a time when God is faithful to confront us with truth and bring us correction. Don’t be mad at the messenger.

Woe to you, you false pastors, prophets and teachers. Luring people to Christ to get rich is both deceitful and deadly. (Luke 14:33). (1 Timothy 6:9). Why would you develop a philosophy of ministry that makes it harder for people to get into heaven? Why would you develop a philosophy of ministry that promotes less faith in the promises of God to be for us what money can’t be?  Confess your sin, repent, and get cleansed by the blood of Jesus from all covetousness, or you will surely be swallowed up by damnation from the pit from whence your false doctrines come!  

Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you”. But he explained in the context what these “other things” are that God would add to us –they are “food” and “clothing [Matthew 6:25-33]. God promises to supply all our “needs” according to His riches in glory, not all our “wants” or “desires” [Philippians 4:19]. Jesus had our basic necessities in mind when He promised that God would provide for us. To twist this into a promise for financial prosperity is, to put it plainly, to adulterate the Word of God.

This is what God teaches in the Bible about riches: [Pro 13:7]   There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches. [Pro 28:20]  A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished. [Pro 28:22]  He who has an evil and covetous eye hastens to be rich and knows not that want will come upon him. [Ecc 10:6]  Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low place. [1 John 2:15] Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Do not fall for the trap. Be wise and seek Him and His Kingdom first and all that you need will be taken care of.  Let us not seek after the wealth but let us seek after Him. When we are ready, He will indeed bless us and we can rejoice in the goodness of God. I believe in prosperity spiritually as well as financially. I do not mean for this article to sound like I am bashing all prosperity teaching. I only want to shine the light of God’s Word on the extreme teachings which are giving us in the Word of Faith camp a bad name. I hope that you will take this Word and see that our focus should be on Him and Him alone. Let us set aside all these other things and put God first.