Happily Divorced And After

Anaheim Ducks Power Players and Mascot Visit Patients at Cancer Center

Anaheim Ducks Mascot, Wild Wing, met with patients and offered some healing encouragement during a visit to Loma Linda University Cancer Center on Thursday, June 29.

Anaheim Ducks Mascot, Wild Wing, met with patients and offered some healing encouragement during a visit to Loma Linda University Cancer Center on Thursday, June 29.

LOMA LINDA, CA- Patients at Loma Linda University Cancer Center recently received a spirited visit from the Anaheim Ducks mascot, Wild Wing, and two of their Power Players. The hockey enthusiasts delivered Ducks paraphernalia and visited with patients undergoing treatment. This was the Ducks’ fourth visit to the Cancer Center since 2013.

The Anaheim Ducks have supported the Cancer Center since October 2013 after they hosted the first Hockey Fights Cancer Night at the Honda Center, their home arena in Anaheim. They’ve since hosted two such events at the arena in 2014 and 2015 and have raised nearly $57,000 for the Cancer Center.

The Hebrew Review: May YAH Bless and Keep You

By Ysrayl

For the uplifting and encouragements of my people…

I don’t like to speak on subjects of my own thoughts and word opinions. I feel for us, we need the voice of the Word of YAH, so let YAH answer WHY we should return in this day in time, especially since everything has changed so much, since Ancient Days. YAH spoke to Jeremiah and the people were queried why? and He said, through the inspiration of God, [Jer. 3:14-15] “For I am married unto you.” Hebrews, we understand the true meaning of marriage, so I don’t have to go in to that, we all have a spiritual sense about us, because we are Hebrews, that’s what makes us Peculiar and Special! Another reason: YAH will give us leaders which will feed us with knowledge and wisdom, we sure do need that for us as a people and for our little ones’ future so that we can possess those things we need for ourselves; when we produce them, they are ready at hand for us when someone else produces them then we are under their hand. So, we have found the way-out ourselves, that we can escape. YAH has made possible through His Word. Since we are new to this path, not new, but re-introduce we must take it piece meal at a time, until we can look back in our DNA and feel the times of HEBREW YSRAEL AFRICA; this is the only way, through the Spirit. We need cohesiveness together!! In our history, we have this guy name Balak he sent messengers to Balaam, that he might curse the Children of Ysrael. Balaam went to YAH, and YAH said that the people are BLESSED PEOPLE! This passage is valuable to us because it helps us identify ourselves. YAH said we are blessed people, then in Chapter 23 Numbers verses 8-9 this prophet person, a long time ago spoke these words concerning us as a people [Nation State]: “How shall I curse, whom YAH has not cursed…” then in verse 9, the prophet person stands upon one of the hills in Africa and he sees Ysrael; for from the top of the rocks, I see him, and from the hills, I behold him: Lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall NOT be reckoned among the Nations.” As we are separated this day, that’s a good thing. We are a people like no other, we look different, we smell different, everybody else has the same strain of hair, we are one in alike, there is not another people, that has any in that we have, we are separated and set apart, sanctified, and made holy by the Father of all Lights. We are the HEBREW PEOPLE, let us step up, and be role models to the rest of our people…Shalom! May YAH bless you and keep you.

Loma Linda University Named a ‘2017 Great College to Work For’ by Chronicle of Higher Education

LOMA LINDA, CA- Loma Linda University is a great college to work for, according to a new survey by The Chronicle of Higher Education, a top trade publication for colleges and universities. 

The results, released July 17 in The Chronicle of Higher Education’s 10th annual report on The Academic Workplace, are based on a survey of more than 45,000 people from 232 colleges and universities. Of that number, 79 institutions made the list as one of the “Great Colleges to Work For.” Results are categorized by small, medium and large institutions, and LLU was included among the medium-sized schools with 3,000 to 9,999 students.

LLU won honors in five categories this year: confidence in senior leadership; job satisfaction; professional/career development programs; supervisor/department chair relationship; and work/life Balance.

In acknowledging the honor, Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health, said the faculty and staff offer outstanding teaching and dedicated service to the approximately 4,500 students in the university’s eight schools.

“Our entire university team shares a strong commitment to extending the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ,” Hart said. “I am so grateful for the passion, excellence and the commitment to our values each of them exhibits. Their devotion to sharing their knowledge and expertise with our students inspires me.”

In addition to attractive medical and dental benefits, retirement plan, paid leave and sick leave, educational and adoption benefits, an onsite free gym and a variety of services through the Living Whole wellness program. This program fosters an environment of health and well-being by providing free services and resources to aid employees and their families in the journey of health and wellness. This includes health screening and programs for weight loss, smoking cessation, nutrition support, exercise, personal health coaching and financial wellness. Free counseling services are also available through the employee assistance program.


The survey results are based on a two-part assessment process: an institutional audit that captured demographics, benefits, communication, and workplace policies, and a survey administered to faculty, administrators, and support staff. A primary factor in deciding whether an institution received recognition was the employee feedback. 


Great Colleges to Work For is one of the largest and most comprehensive workplace studies in higher education. 

Ronald L. Carter, PhD, provost of Loma Linda University, said “We appreciate the dedication of each and every one of our more than 3,200 employees. Visitors, particularly the many accreditation teams that visit our campus, remark on the palpable sense of unity – a family of faculty, staff, and students who are glued together by whole person care, academic excellence, and service to the world. We are small enough to know each other, and large enough to impact our community – both regionally and globally.”

What It Do With the LUE: Free Youth Auditions

By Lue Dowdy

Calling all youth with a talent! Come compete in our upcoming showcase for a chance to win a $500 cash prize. Get on our audition list, all others will be auditioned on a first come first serve basis.

This event is all about our talented Inland Empire youth! We are looking for young entrepreneurs to showcase their product, a youth co-host, a youth DJ, and a designer that specializes in youth apparel. You could be our featured designer with the opportunity to showcase your clothing in a mini fashion show during the event.

The event will be held at 555 W. 6th Street in San Bernardino from 1 p.m. to 4 pm. in Kellog Room B. The winners will receive the following: 1st place $500 cash and trophy, 2nd place cash prize and trophy, and 3rd place cash prize and trophy

Participants must be 19 years old and under and must reside in the Inland Empire. For more information, please text (909) 567-1000.



United Nations of Consciousness Holds Free S.T.E.A.M. Back to School Event


Last year, U.N.C provided backpacks and school supplies to 400 students and introduced each of them to S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) learning and careers, through engaging activities and workshops. Because of last years’ event success, demand has increased and U.N.C is committed to turning no child away. San Bernardino youth are often overlooked, U.N.C is dedicated to standing in that gap. Their goal is to serve 1,000 students with much-needed tools to support their confidence and success into the school year.

Participants of this year’s Extravaganza will engage with S.T.E.A.M experts and volunteers through various workshops including Crypto math, Builders Space, Chemical Composition, and Science Experiments. This free community event will inspire youth and give them hands-on exposure to careers within S.T.E.A.M fields.

“We are so excited to be able to expand our capacity to help the many families in need, while also planting seeds into the youths’ future,” explains founder La’Nae Norwood. “The event could not be as impactful without the support of the community, the U.N.C Team, our partners, and volunteers.”

She continues, “I am overjoyed by the amount of support exhibited and how far resources go when we are united. When nonprofits work together with local government, elected officials, organizations, businesses and the community, the possibilities for improvement are endless. That is one of the most responsive and ideal forms of unity.”

United Nations of Consciousness welcomes community members and partners to support San Bernardino youth in this event. Any size monetary donations, backpacks, and school supplies such as pencils/pens, paper, colored pencils, crayons, erasers, glue sticks and folders are welcomed to help make this event a success. All contributions are tax-deductible. If you would like to donate, volunteer, or be a vendor please email info@unclife.org or call U.N.C office at (909) 575-8862, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more details or to RSVP, please visit www.unclfie.org.

“Who’s Your Daddy? That’s Right… I Want to Know Who Your Daddy Is!”


Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You see they say, “Like Father, like son.” They say, “The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.” So tell me, “Who’s your daddy?” Who are you submitting to? Who is the, “Simon says” in your life; and don’t act like you don’t know who “Simon says,” is. You remember the rhyme. “Simon says to shake your arms. Simon says to jump up and down. Simon says to clap your hands. Simon says to stomp your feet. Simon says to touch your knees. Simon says to stick out your tongue. Simon says to wiggle your nose. Simon says to grab your ears. Simon says listen to what I say, and do what I tell you to…but only when Simon says.” Come on; tell me, “Who’s your daddy? Who has authority over you? Tell me the truth. Is God your father or are you a son of the devil? Now before you answer that, keep in mind what they say, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” Now be honest and tell me, whose your daddy?

Because I want you to know that Jesus makes His thesis statement three times in [John 8: 37-47]: He says, We have different fathers. You are of your father the devil.  You are not of God.  If God were your Father, you would love Me. If God were your Father, you would want to do His will.  If God were your Father, you would love the truth. If God were your Father, you would hear His words. But you can’t even bear to listen to what I’m saying to you. I am God’s love letter to the world. Don’t you want to open up your mail? Don’t you want to read what God would say to you? Don’t you want to hear the message? I’m it! But you’re not interested in Me because you’re not interested in God. Your will is set against Me because your will is set against God. Now, let me tell you plainly who your father is. Let me tell you plainly whose footsteps you are walking in…whose will it is that you are pursuing. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. You’re cut out of the same cloth. You have set your heart to do your father’s bidding: You seek to murder me. You speak lies. You seek to do his will, not the will of God. If God were your father, you would want to do His will. You would listen intently to Me. You would believe My words, meditate on them and seek to live in accordance with them. That’s what happens when you are a child of God. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Because God is not your father [John 14:6]. You have itching ears. But you rather hear a lie. Child of Satan!

I want you to know that life under the devil’s fatherhood is dark, oppressive, hopeless, and inevitably sinful [John 8:44]. And I want you to know that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth [Romans 1: 18-25]. The Good News however, is that Jesus has provided for you the way into the family of God. [2 Peter 3:9] says, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Jesus said, “My Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son [Jesus] and believes in him shall have eternal life” [John 6:40]. God wants to become the Father of each of us, and in order for us to come into His family; His will is that we “look to” Jesus His Son. Therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day Whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” [Joshua 24:14-15].

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” [Deuteronomy 30:19]

Civil Rights Groups Strategizes as Police Accountability Bill Is Gutted to Research 

By Manny Otiko | California Black Media 

Civil rights groups took to a conference call to strategize on how to breathe life into AB 284, a law that would have forced all police shootings to be investigated by independent prosecutors assigned by the California Attorney General’s office. 

AB 284 was introduced by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) earlier this year. But sources on the call suggested that McCarty has done little to advance the bill and criticized concessions he made to make it a five-million-dollar research bill, a day before many people were getting ready to celebrate the Fourth of July. 

One of the main arguments for AB 284 is that local district attorneys, who are assigned to prosecute police shootings, are too close to the cases and reluctant to charge officers.  This is one of the reasons why prosecutors often fail to win convictions if the cases are even brought to trial. Philando Castile, a Minnesota motorist, was gunned down by a police officer while he was carrying a licensed weapon. But prosecutors failed to win a conviction, even though the incident was captured on tape and broadcast on Facebook Live. 

However, California has its own share of questionable police shootings, such as Alfred Olango, an unarmed black man shot dead by El Cajon police, Oscar Grant shot by a Bart transit officer in Oakland and Joseph Mann a mentally ill unarmed man shot 16 times by Sacramento police. According to the Guardian, last year the Los Angeles Police Department recorded the highest number of police shootings in the nation. 

AB 284 is supported by several organizations such as the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN) and Sacramento NAACP. In May, Sharpton held a press conference at the State Capitol alongside the Rev K.W. Tulloss, NAN western regional director, and the Rev. Shane Harris, San Diego president of NAN, to urge legislators to pass AB 284. 

Sharpton said although California claimed to be a progressive state, it leads the nation in police shootings. 

“California has this image of progressivism but is not up to par with other states in the union, like New York, like Wisconsin, who have made toward a special prosecutor,” said Sharpton. He also pointed out that district attorneys often depend on the support of police unions during local elections. 

AB 284 was opposed by several law enforcement organizations such as the Fraternal Order of Police and the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association. The Police Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) dismissed AB 284 as a “waste of taxpayers dollars.”

Civil rights groups are expected to speak at the hearing room 3191 and hold a press conference after the hearing Tuesday, July 11, on the West steps of the Capitol.


Rancho Car Wash and Lube Comes on Board as U-Haul Dealer

Rancho Car WashRANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA — U-Haul Company of California is pleased to announce that Rancho Car Wash & Lube has signed on as a U-Haul neighborhood dealer to serve the Rancho Cucamonga community.

Rancho Car Wash & Lube at 10075 Arrow Route will offer U-Haul trucks, trailers, support rental items and in-store pick-up for boxes.

Hours of operation for U-Haul rentals are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. After-hours drop-off is available for customer convenience.

Reserve U-Haul products at this dealer location by calling (909) 532-8729 or visiting www.uhaul.com.

Rancho Car Wash & Lube owner Victor Kieth is proud to team with the industry leader in do-it-yourself moving and self-storage to better meet the demands of San Bernardino County.

U-Haul and Rancho Car Wash & Lube are striving to benefit the environment through sustainability initiatives. Truck sharing is a core U-Haul sustainability business practice that allows individuals to access a fleet of trucks that is larger than what they could access on an individual basis.

Every U-Haul truck placed in a community helps keep 19 personally owned large-capacity vehicles, pickups, SUVs and vans off the road. Fewer vehicles means less traffic congestion, less pollution, less fuel burned and cleaner air.

Rancho Car Wash & Lube is a great place to become U-Haul Famous®. Take your picture in front of a U-Haul product, send it in and your face could land on the side of a U-Haul truck. Upload your photo through Instagram using #uhaulfamous, or go to www.uhaulfamous.com to submit photos and learn more.

Pigeon Pass Road Construction Proceeds on Schedule

MORENO VALLEY, CA- Construction of a new culvert on Pigeon Pass Road is proceeding on schedule. The project is part of continuing development of the Meadow Creek Community. Pigeon Pass remains closed to traffic from Old Lake Road to Meadow Lark Avenue.

Pigeon Pass is scheduled to be partially reopened August 8, a day before school resumes.

Construction was scheduled to coincide with the school district’s summer break to limit the closure’s impact on neighboring school traffic. Homebuilder Lennar has worked closely with area residents to inform them of the construction schedule as well as alternate routes.

Roadway improvements will include completing the East side of Pigeon Pass Road along the Meadow Creek Community.

The City appreciates your patience.  If you have any questions or comments regarding this project, please contact the City of Moreno Valley Land Development Division at (951) 413-3120.

Thousands Attend Moreno Valley Fourth of July Parade, Family Fun Fest

PARADEMORENO VALLEY, CA- Thousands of Moreno Valley residents came together to celebrate the Fourth of July at the City’s parade and Family Fun Fest.

Crowds lined Frederick Street to cheer on a variety of musical ensembles, community groups, floats, Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez, members of the City Council and other local dignitaries as they made their way down the parade route.

Live bands So Rad, Latin Fusion, and MVP provided the entertainment at Family Fun Fest while attendees browsed the vendor and food offerings. 

Bounce houses and a petting zoo in the KidZone kept children busy until the Fireworks Spectacular lit up the sky with an impressive firework display. Radio Station KOLA 99.9 played patriotic music synched to the fireworks show.

The City’s Fourth of July events were generously sponsored by Skechers, Waste Management, Les Schwab Tire Center, Duke Realty and The Sares-Regis Group.