Happily Divorced And After

It’s Not Too Late…Last Minute Gift Ideas for Mom

By Naomi K. Bonman

The days just go by too quick that it is easy to forget holidays, such as Mother’s Day which just seemed to creep up on us. Some like to take their mothers out to lunch or dinner, while others enjoy gift giving. If you still need to get your mom a something this Sunday, we put together a list of things that she would love.

A bucket bag of woven straw is low key enough for a day at the beach, or can be dressed up to add playfulness to a more formal look. You can get her the ‘Small Straw Bucket Bag’ by Caterina Bertini, for $78 at Bloomingdale’s.

Charming Charlie is also a one-stop shop for the all needs of a fashionable woman! There you can pick mom up an outfit, a piece of jewelry to go with it, and don’t forget to top it off with a nice handbag! The best thing about Charming Charlie is that everything is color coded by section making it easy to find what you’re looking for.

If your mom or wife is into home decorating, Home Goods is perfect to find nice wall décor; bath, kitchen, and bedroom appliances and accessories; and much more.

Lastly. If you rather do it yourself, you can always go to Hobby Lobby or Michaels where you will find jewelry kits, scrapbooks to put in your best memories with mom in, and more artsy stuff for the creative individual.

Real to Reel Celebrates Filmmakers in Los Angeles with Omari Hardwick and Gentleman Jack

LOS ANGELES, CA- Gentleman Jack Double Mellowed Tennessee Whiskey has joined with Codeblack Entertainment and TVOne to support and highlight bold, new African American voices in film, with its Real to Reel contest. Participating filmmakers across the country will have a chance to win $10,000 and a VIP trip to Miami Beach to screen their short film for an exclusive audience, alongside writer, producer and award-winning actor, Omari Hardwick.

“Real to Reel is a rare opportunity for new filmmakers to screen their work for industry insiders,” said Omari Hardwick. “As a writer and actor who owns a production company, I am personally excited to collaborate with Gentleman Jack on such necessary recognition of Black talent behind the camera.”

The short film entries submitted online for the national competition will be judged by a panel of industry experts, and will be based on the following criteria: screenwriting, production quality and entertainment value. Real to Reel will also feature a seven-city tour, with local film screening events to showcase the works of additional aspiring African American filmmakers.

On Friday, April 28, Los Angeles held their local screening which featured films by Donovan Vim Crony, “Noise Gate”; Terrisha Kearse, “The Mia Countdown”, and Angela McCrae, “#WhereIsBeauty.” Other screenings include Chicago on May 11, New York on May 20, Atlanta on June 4, Houston on June 8, and the finale in Miami which is to be determined.

The Gentleman Jack Real to Reel contest is only open to individuals who have created, directed and/or written a film (in which they own the rights). Entrants must be 21 years old or older at the time of submission. Entries close on May, 21 2017 at 11:59pm. For more information on the program, contest submissions, Official Rules and local screening events, visit GentlemanJackFilm.com.

This Saturday: Music Changing Lives Ignites Passion Through Annual Showcase

Showcase picMORENO VALLEY, CA- On Saturday, May 13 join Music Changing Lives for an incredible night of student performances at the 6th annual Changing Lives Showcase.  Guests will enjoy an evening filled with fantastic vocal, instrumental and dance performances, a remarkable display of beautiful artworks, great food and more.  The Showcase will be held at the Moreno Valley Conference Center, located at 14075 Frederick Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Changing Lives Showcase features talented students from Moreno Valley Unified who have worked passionately for 21 weeks on their performance to see ‘Who is the Best at Music and Art.’  The Showcase is no ordinary school competition; this event rolls out the red carpet for its talented performers and artists who will be judged by celebrity guests from the EDMHipHopRebels group ZupaNova.

Music Changing Lives, (MCL) created the Showcase six years ago for youth in Moreno Valley, and since then they have produced several musicians, artists, fashion designers and more.  The program was designed to ignite passion through performance by using music and art as a motivation for students to stay focused on their education and their future.

The Showcase is sponsored by Moreno Valley Unified School District, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, Edison International, Wells Fargo Foundation, Niagara Cares Foundation, Kaiser Family Foundation and more.  Visit MusicChangingLives.org today to learn more.

To request tickets or for more information about Music Changing Lives, please contact Josiah Bruny at MusicChangingLives@gmail.com or call (951) 992-0721.  For media or sponsorship opportunities please contact Vanessa Vizard at vanessa@vizardpr.com or (951) 533-6180.  You can also visit them on the web at www.musicchanginglives.org.

“A Voice Crying in the Wilderness!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!” [Rev. 8:13].  Repent while there is still time! “Come out of her, lest you share in her sins, and receive of her plagues.” [Rev.18:4]. “For He swore by him who lives forever and, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There will be NO MORE DELAY!” [Rev.10:6]. Turn away from your sin and turn to God NOW. Desire to have nothing to do with sin! “…God is not wishing that [you] should perish, but that [you] should reach repentance.” [2Petr 3:9] I tell you, I can think of only one thing worse than going to Hell, and that will be going to Hell with Heaven on your mind! You see the Bible gives us several vivid examples of this phenomenon.  Judas Iscariot – He kissed the gates of Heaven and went to Hell – [Matt. 26:49; Acts 1:25].  Felix – He looked into salvation, but he wanted to wait to a more convenient time – [Acts 24:25]. Herod Agrippa – He stepped up to the very door of Heaven and turned away – [Acts 26:28]. Festus – He heard the claims of the Gospel and called them the ravings of a mad man – [Acts 26:24].

I want you to know that Lot had been told destruction would come in the morning, but he was lingering. God’s message to Lot was, “Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed,” [Genesis 19:17]. He was to detach himself from everything in his former life and flee. “Understand the present time.”The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber; because salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.”[Roman 13:11]. Maybe I need to remind you of what God said Hell was like:  Unquenchable Fire – [Mark 9:43; Luke 16:24].  Memory and remorse – [Parable of Rich man].  Intense, unsatisfied thirst – [Luke 16:24-25]. Misery and pain – [Luke 16:24-26; Rev. 14:10-11] Frustration and anger – [Luke. 13:28; Matt. 24:51]. Eternal separation [Rev. 21:8] In Hell, God’s fury will be unleashed!  I tell you if for nothing else, this ought to make you want to be saved! [2Corinthians 6:2] says, “Right now is the acceptable time…”  “…therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.  And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” [Joshua 24:14-15].

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” [Deuteronomy 30:19].

New Freeway Express Bus Route Connects Yucaipa, Redlands, San Bernardino

Route 208_may17

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Omnitrans will launch a new freeway express bus route on Monday, May 1, 2017.  Route 208 will operate at peak commute hours on weekdays traveling between the Yucaipa Transit Center, downtown Redlands and the San Bernardino Transit Center.

“Route 208 will cut travel time in half compared to taking local bus routes,” said Omnitrans spokesperson Wendy Williams. “Express buses also have free Wi-Fi on board to help make commuting time more productive.”

At the San Bernardino Transit Center, passengers can connect with 12 other Omnitrans bus routes, the sbX rapid transit line, and routes operated by Victor Valley Transit Authority, Mountain Transit and Pass Transit.  Metrolink commuter rail service will be extended to the San Bernardino Transit Center in fall 2017.

Omnitrans is offering free rides on Route 208 during the first week of service, May 1 – 5.  Regular fares are $1.75 one-way or $5 for a 1-day pass. Discounts are available for youth 18 and under, senior citizens age 62 and up, military veterans and people with disabilities.

Omnitrans operates two other freeway express routes: Route 290 travels the 10 freeway connecting San Bernardino, Colton, Ontario Mills and Montclair; Route 215 travels the 215/91 corridor connecting San Bernardino, south Colton and Riverside.  Ridership on Omnitrans freeway express service is growing with passenger boardings up about 5% year to date.

Personalized routing assistance is available at 800-9-OMNIBUS (800-966-6428) or online at www.omnitrans.org.


Route 208 map and schedule: http://www.omnitrans.org/schedules/route208/

Trip planner: http://www.omnitrans.org/getting-around/plan-a-trip/trip-planner/

With Final Ballots Tallied Compton’s Millennial Mayor Aja Brown Leads With 47 Percent of Votes Cast

AjaCOMPTON, CA- Compton Mayor Aja Brown’s statement on final election results from the April 18 Compton Primary Nominating Election.

“This is already a victory for progress in Compton.  We led the way with 3,248 votes or 47 percent of votes cast in Tuesday’s election. Compton voters made it clear that they want to move forward and not backward and on June 6 we’re sure that message will hold true.

“Throughout this campaign, we witnessed the love that Compton residents have for their city and the interest they have in our shared vision for Compton’s future.  Working families across Compton rallied around our message ‘Let’s Finish the Work’ and demonstrated their desire to stay the course, as we continue to build a better Compton by empowering and restoring our community. Over the last several years, I’ve made it a priority to ensure new internal controls, improve our fiscal accountability and root out corruption and wasteful spending at every opportunity to be good custodians of our resident’s tax dollars. I’ve also led the way with new economic development to strengthen our local economy through new investment and new jobs for Compton residents.

“We’re at an exciting time in Compton as we are prepare to roll out the largest street reconstruction project in our city’s history.  Thanks to Compton voters, we finally have the funds in place to reconstruct Compton streets and ensure that our investment is maintained for years to come.

“I’m also preparing a city reform package for the voters to consider which will include modernizing city government and long-term property tax reform.

“Progress is a process and on June 6 we’re confident that Compton residents will choose to keep up the momentum and finish the work that we’ve started together!”

Mayor Brown led the vote in both vote by mail and with voters at the polls.

Citywide voter registration in Compton is 45,135.  With all precincts reporting and vote-by-mail and provisional ballots counted, the overall voter turnout in Tuesday’s election was 6,977 or 15.4  percent.

Because no candidate for mayor emerged with over 50 percent of votes cast on April 18, a runoff election will be held on Tuesday, June 6.

At 31, Aja L. Brown made history as Compton’s youngest elected Mayor in 2013. A national trailblazer, Mayor Brown’s New Vision for Compton platform is a revitalization strategy centered on 12-key principles that focus on family values, quality of life, economic development and infrastructural growth.

For more information on Mayor Aja Brown’s campaign, please visit ajabrown.com.


Loma Linda University to Host Hands-On Learning Experiences For Children’s Day

LOMA LINDA, CA- Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (LLUCH) doesn’t just treat kids, it also teaches them. The 32nd annual Children’s Day, sponsored by Farmer Boys, will offer hands-on learning and fun Wednesday, May 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Dorothy Brooks from LLUCH’s child life department, which coordinates the event, said Children’s Day focuses on educating children about healthy and safe living choices.

Recommended for kids ages 3 to 8, the free event will provide children with non-threatening exposure to a health care setting with activities such as a teddy bear clinic, pretend finger casting, and a dental health clinic. Other interactive activities include fire safety, Dr. Hayes’s venomous animals, and many other booths and activities aimed at kids.

SafeKids Inland Empire will have a booth demonstrating crosswalk safety and the dangers of leaving kids alone in a hot car. 

All children must be accompanied by an adult, and large groups are encouraged to register in advance.

Parking will be available in the parking structure on Campus Street. For more information or to register call 1-800-825-KIDS (5437).

UC Riverside School of Medicine Hosts Open House

By John Coleman, Community Photographer

The UC Riverside School of Medicine held it’s 2017 Spring Community Open House in and around the School of Medicine Education Building on Saturday, April 8.  Members of the Administration, professors, staff, and med school students were present to provide answers to questions, demonstrations, and interactive learning-participation experiences.

The program began at 8 a.m. and ran until noon. The public appeared to include a high percent of parents with their children who want to become doctors.  Many were there, waiting before the doors opened.  The public were given handout material including a map listing time and place, activity, and they were invited to start where they wanted, and “float” at will.

The program menu was divided into two sections, English or Spanish &and/or scheduled to repeat.  Although a lot was going on, by noon a visitor could have visited the Simulation Laboratories and observed a skeleton; observed and/or practiced the newly revised method of performing CPR; used a stethoscope to hear their own, or their friend’s heart; observed an advanced med student perform a simulated clinical examination; or (group) participated in a problem-based learning activity in which they learned the process the doctor follows to make a diagnosis. They also learned about latest research in Biomedical Sciences or Clinical Sciences or suggestions for “Preparing Your Child for Success.”

A planned activity program for children was able to be held outside, in the ‘Kid’s Zone, as the weather had warmed up.

Riverside Gears up for the 17th Annual Juneteenth Celebration

RIVERSIDE, CA- The 17th Annual Riverside Juneteenth Celebration will be held, on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at Bordwell Park-Stratton Community Center, 2008 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Riverside, CA, from 12 Noon to 6 p.m. 

This FREE family festival will feature live entertainment, health and historical information, along with great food, merchandise and community service vendors. All are Welcome to this Great Family and Community Celebration.

For additional information please call (888) 752-1619 or visit www.JuneteenthSoCal.org or email info@ juneteenthsocal.org.

Are You Listening?

listening sessionSAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Tuesday, April 25, PAL Charter Academy students participated in a Youth and Law Enforcement Listening Session held at the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino.  Hosted by Young Visionaries, the event provided excellent dialog about relations between law enforcement and the community. 

Students voiced their concerns and gave personal accounts of their experiences with the law: good and bad.  The mediator inquired how relations can be improved and one student replied, “I’ll never trust the police.”  

The listening session allowed for real discussion on real issues, and helped change perceptions.  We can improve relations by opening this type of dialog with the community and law enforcement.  This event and the Live 2 Learn community forums are part of a national push in improving these efforts and utilizing the information gathered to create change.