Happily Divorced And After

Bottomline: Preparing for And Responding to Tragedy

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Some believe that we are defined not by the tragedies of life, but how we respond to them.  Tragedy is most often rendered quickly; however, its echo is multi-level and infinite to those directly and indirectly affected.  The response to tragedy is variable. It can range from numbness to heroic!

The beauty of living in San Bernardino Valley, ‘Beneath The Arrowhead’, is often challenged by the ugliness of tragedy… Steel Mill and Air Base Closing killing 20,000 jobs and uprooting families… fires destroying homes and businesses… City bankruptcy, terrorism and most recently, the school shooting!

The shooting at North Park Elementary School leaves a teacher and one of her students dead, another student wounded and a classroom of students traumatized for life based on what they directly witnessed.

The joy of the parents, who found that their children were not the shooting victims, was immediately replaced with pain, empathy and sympathy for the victims and their families.

The response from police agencies was only matched by the quick reaction of religious and community leaders, who quickly descended on the scene of the shooting, and dispersed with parents to CSUSB, and with students to Cajon High School where they were reunited with their parents.

The best medical and social resources for physical and mental recovery are available in the Inland Empire. The prospects for a family recovering from untimely and tragic death are very slim and we pray that it occurs. Our prospects of preventing or avoiding future tragedies, is even slimmer! Tragedy is going to occur. We must be prepared for it.

Our natural response is to sooth the pain, as best we can… I am suggesting that we improve our level of “best we can” to help in an emergency. Tragedies and emergencies are predictably unpredictable! We are all potential “first responders”! More critically, we are all subject to needing a “first responder”! I need for you to know how to help me just as you need me to know how to help you!

I am proposing that we, the residents, business owners, and visitors to the City of San Bernardino, take the leadership position in emergency preparedness! Our access to life in one of the most beautiful places on the planet demands that we meet the challenge to stay here! If not for the regular unexpected catastrophe, surely for the expected!  We know that we shall have an earthquake and that it will be inconvenient and unpredictable, but it will not be unexpected… So we should not be unprepared.

Becoming a certified emergency response team member is a highly-trained status that we all should aspire, but for practical reasons, cannot. But, becoming certified in CPR is attainable, and is one of the most important tools of a first responder.

I propose that we organize ourselves to reject the nation’s exposure to our tragedy as the symbol and image of our being… That we organize ourselves to demonstrate our resilience and determination to define and achieve the All-American Lifestyle that represents the beauty of “Living Beneath the Arrowhead” in beautiful San Bernardino Valley.

Our proposed campaign to learn CPR, though symbolic, is a very practical asset. CPR has value at home, work and play, in private and public places. Our campaign describes our passion and compassion for each other, as well as our arrogant love of life beneath the Arrowhead.

Will you join our campaign to learn and teach CPR?

National Black Grads Provide Scholarships, and Annual Cultural Recognition Ceremony

FONTANA, CA- National Black Grads (NBG) held their 2nd annual “It Takes a Village” Scholarship Breakfast which was co-sponsored by the Black Voice Foundation last Saturday. The Scholarship Celebration offered family members, educators and community members an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of Inland Empire African American students. 

Scholarship donors comprised of local organizations, businesses and individuals desiring to see Inland Empire students thrive in their educational goals were excited to meet the recipients of their $500 or $1000 scholarships and their families. Watching students during “The Reveal” (where students made final decisions on their college/university choice) was one of the ceremony highlights. “It was great to see the 7 or 8 little boys, under the age of 10 all run out and yell YES! When (Darrian Hunter of Eisenhower HS) announced his choice to attend Morehouse College” said Alise Clouser. “It was so great to see the little boys excited for and look up to the graduates.”

The NBG breakfast was well attended and guests included Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren, Riverside County Office of Education Chief Academic Officer Cynthia Glover, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Ted Alejandre, and Assemblymember Mark Steinorth. Students received scholarships from Over 160 seniors from 73 different Inland Empire high schools applied to the “It Takes A Village” Scholarship Contest.

The Ontario Convention Center. The IE Black Grad which is the largest HS Black Graduation Recognition Ceremony in Southern California will host its largest crowd to date. This year it looks like we may have over 3,000 in attendance. Each participating graduate will receive an African Kente Stole to wear at their official HS Graduation. This year’s event is only $5.00 for guests and $10.00 for student participants. To register or purchase tickets for IE Black Grad 2017 please visit www.nationalblackgrad.org.

To learn more about NBG’s initiatives please contact us directly at nationalblackgrads@gmail.com.

CORRECTION: Pretty Ladies Ride Bikes Too!

image3By Naomi K. Bonman

In the March 30, 2017 edition of the Westside Story Newspaper there was an article that mentioned a motorcycle run to Las Vegas. It is our apologies for the misprint of information. The run was not a Las Vegas run, but a High Desert Unity Run that was inspired by a member of the “Free Style” Lady Riderz and Ladies, Debra Green. Ms. Green, a.k.a. Beautiful, invited the ladies to attend the church that she belongs to at Faith Ministries International Network of Churches Inc., in Apple Valley.

During the services, Apostle Rebecca Washington became aware of the Lady Riders Bike Club and was impressed that “pretty ladies” ride motorcycles and requested that the group visit the church. Yolondia Mayes a.k.a. Ms. Hannibal and President of Freestyle Lady Riderz & Freestyle Ladies, contacted other bike club presidents and formulated the “High Desert Unity Run” which included 29 clubs.  

The other clubs that were included in the High Desert Unity Run were Desert Brothers, Wolf Pack, 2nd II None, Black Knightz, Chosen Few, High Desert Deuces, Buffalo Soldiers, Silver Star, Enlightened Ministries LV, No Rules-No Dues, LV, Road Queens, Hub City Ladies, Tru 2 Fact, Kin Folks, Elite, and Rare Pearls.

During the event there was a special presentation where Ms. Hannibal honored a few individuals.

“It is motor tradition to hand out trophies to the largest MC Club supporting the event,” Mayes explained. “Which in this case, the Desert Brothers were honored.”

Other honorees included: “True to the Fact”, largest social club; and “Kin Folk”, largest low rider club. An honorary new member of Free Style Lady Riderz was given to Apostle Rebecca Washington-Berry and E-Mac, President of Wolf Pack, was given an award for Best Supporter of Free Style Lady Riderz. After the awards, Pastor Greg gave a blessing over each biker and their bike.

The Free Style Lady Riderz was started after Mayes has lost her daughter Louise Wheeler-Jones on June 14, 2009 to a tragic shooting. The motorcycle sets showed her a lot of love and respect and because of their actions it prompted her to start her own motorcycle club. The name “Free Style Lady Riderz and Ladies” was picked out by Susan Carter (Sapphire), Vice President, and Yolondia Mayes. The purpose of the club is to promote and secure healthy relationships within all members surrounding communities and the cities they reside in, as well as other cities and or states. Their motto is, “Building a sisterhood pure at heart.” And the mission is, “Loyalty is law.”

The next upcoming bike event will be the Black Knightz Annual Picnic on Saturday, May 28 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Prado Regional Park located at 16700 Euclid Avenue in Chino. The community cam also assist in upcoming charity events that the ladies participate in which include: a backpack giveaway for the Back to School season, a Feed the Homeless event for the holiday season, a blanket giveaway for the winter season, and a host of other chairyt events. To keep up with the ladies, please follow them on Facebook under “Freestyle Club-Free Style Lady Riderz”.

Route 66 Newspaper Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt


Check Route 66 Newspaper and/or Westside Story on Facebook for information on where the scavenger hunt begins!

All Easter Hunt participants must download the Seek & Spot App from the Playstore or the Apple Store.

The app is completely free!

Once you’ve downloaded the app, enter the game code that will be posted on Route 66 Newspaper’s Facebook page at 6pm!

Remember to have fun and happy hunting!

“Sound the Alarm!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

 “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand; Yes, it is approaching! A day of darkness and gloom, a day of thick clouds! Like dawn spreading over the mountains, a vast and mighty army.  Nothing like it has every happen in ages past, nor will the future hold anything like it, even to the most distant generations. Before it, fire devours, behind it flame torches. The land before it is like the Garden of Eden, and behind it, a desolate wilderness; from it nothing escapes. There is that of horses; like war horses they run. Like the rumble of chariots they hurtle across mountaintops; like the crackling of fiery flames devouring stubble; like a massive army in battle formation. Before them people tremble, every face turns pale. Like warriors they run, like soldiers they scale walls, each advancing in line, without swerving from the course. No one crowds the other; each advances in its own track; they plunge through the weapons; they are not checked. They charge the city, they run upon the wall; they climb into the houses; through the windows they enter like thieves. Before the earth trembles; the heaven shake; Sun and moon are darkened, and the stars withhold their brightness. The Lord raises his voice at the head of his army; How immense is his host; How numerous those who carry out his command! How great is the day of the Lord! Utterly terrifying! Who can survive it? Return to the Lord with your whole heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning… for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and relenting in punishment. [Book of Joel].

You have been commanded by the Lord to set your face to the ground in humility, brokenness, and repentance. If you will not humble yourself, confess and forsake your sins, He will come suddenly to execute judgment. Quick judgment and sorrow upon all who shut the ear and close the mind to the trumpet sounding in Zion! Thus saith the Lord God; “There shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done.” [Ezekiel 12:28]. This is a warning that is so serious; everyone should take serious thought about where they stand with God. There is a quickness of His coming that we are warned about. There is the urgent preparation needed prior to His coming that we are warned about.  What the Bible says about the Lord’s coming is very near. It is upon us closer than we think. According to [1 Peter 4:17] judgment has already begun. You have been warned to repent, in advance of God’s judgment to come through this article. It is now your move!

 “But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.” [Ezekiel 33:6]

  “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live.” [Deuteronomy 30:19].

“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done…. He who testifies to these things says, “Yes I am coming quickly” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus… [Revelation 22: 12, 20].

Scripture Reference: … [Obadiah 15] [Joel 2:1–11; 2:28–32; 3:1–16] [2 Thessalonians 2:2; 2 Peter 3:10] [Revelation 14] [Revelation 16:15] [Revelation 18]  [Revelation 22: 7, 10-12, 20].


Filmmaker, Producer Timothy “TEACH” Jones Helps to Lead Others to Their Purpose through Film, Literature

By Naomi K. Bonman

In life we are always  trying to tap into our purpose and to find out what we were put on earth to accomplish. Timothy Jones, better known as TEACH, helps others to identify with their purpose through film and literature.

TEACH  is an award winning hip-hop artist, actor, producer, filmmaker and youth pastor.  He has recently been featured in the Press Enterprise, on Black Hollywood Live’s ‘Success is the New Black Series’, and Gospel Rhythms Radio for his latest documentary film “Discovering Destiny”  and he is inspiring everyone he speaks to.  

In his film, TEACH plays himself and tells his life story of being bullied which lead him to a path of gang affiliation to overcoming stereotypes and emerging into a successful entrepreneur in the entertainment industry.  He  is charismatic, creative, driven, humble, and easy on the eyes and people are falling in love with his story and genuine personality. 

Check out the interview below:


New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Gears Up for Annual Revival

Dr. Frederick Fairley

Dr. Frederick Fairley

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The Inland Empire will be in for a night of praise and worship at New Hope Missionary Baptist Churches annual revival on Monday, April 17 to Wednesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. The church is located at 1575 West 17th Street in San Bernardino.

Dr. Freddie Haynes III

Dr. Freddie Haynes III

This year speakers include national preached lecturer, Dr. Frederick Fairley Sr. from Phoenix, Arizona and acclaimed national and internationally known Evangelist Dr. Freddie Haynes III from Dallas, Texas.

All from the community are welcomed to come out each night. Make aure to bring a friend, family, co-worker, or church member.

Rialto Actor, Raheem Mitchell, Cast in Amazon Prime Series

 Interview by Naomi K. Bonman

They say hard work pays off and that is definitely the case for Inland Empire resident Raheem Mitchell. Mitchell was recently cast in the Amazon Prime series, Finding Miles, where he plays Harold Jackson, a former top salesman in a brokerage firm who, through the actions of hos best friend, is now homeless.

Mitchell got his start in acting through Daz Patterson who taught him a lot about the entertainment industry in terms of acting, stage etiquette, and terminology. She also taught him how and when to audition for certain projects, scene study and professionalism.

“She has been my guide and mentor for a large part of my career,” Mitchell states.

You were recently cast in a Amazon Prime series. Can you tell us the name of the series and the role that you play in it?

The name of the series is Finding Miles. I play Harold Jackson, a former top salesman in a brokerage firm who, through the actions of his best friend, is now homeless.

How was the casting process for the film? How did you go about auditioning and hearing about he auditions? 

I subscribe to a casting service, LA Casting, where I submitted for the role and was asked to audition. The casting process varies from production to production. In this case, the producers and directors viewed my profile and acting reel on the LA Casting website and contacted me for an initial audition. I was then asked to return for a “call-back” and then for a  reading with other cast members.

You got your start with IE Filmmaker and playwright Daz Patterson. ,What are some of the things that you learned from her that has helped shape your career? 

Ms. Patterson has taught me a lot about the entertainment industry,  including Acting, Stage Etiquette and terminology, how (and when)  to audition for certain projects, scene study, professionalism, etc. She has been my guide and mentor for a large part of my career.

What other projects are you working on? 

I am working on several film and television projects , including the Warren G and Snoop story, the L.A. Southside Slayer  ID Channel true crime story, and the Rae Carruth (former NFL Player) true crime story. In addition, I continue to perform stand-up in various venues, such as the Ontario Improv, the world famous Comedy Store in Hollywood, the Mad House in San Diego,  and others.

What inspired you to get into show business? 

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always enjoyed making people laugh and performing to be the center of attention. It got me in trouble in school of course, but it has brought me to where I am now. My motto is “All I need is a stage!” And it can be a film, television, theater, or comedy club stage!

What is your advice to other rising Inland Empire actors that are trying to get their name out there, but feel that they have to be in L.A.? How can they create a buzz around their name in the Inland Empire? 

The entertainment business is not an easy one. If you are in  it solely for the money, you will face many disappointments. I am in it for the love of performing. The advise I can give to other IE actors who love to perform is to join websites, such as LA Casting and others, put your profile up, get professional headshots and start submitting for roles that fit you or that you want to try. Don’t give up if you don’t get the one role you want. Don’t turn down roles simply because they do not pay. These can be used to build up your resume.

The more experience you have the more you will be used. With the Internet, you don’t have to live in L.A., but you DO have to be available for auditions and filming whenever they may occur.  Filming can take place anywhere, so be ready to travel (drive) on a moment’s notice.  Some roles may only offer IMDb (Internet Movie Database) credit, but this is the go-to database for Directors and Producers to see what you’ve done. Don’t give up your dreams. It is not an easy life, but if this is what you love to do, it can be very rewarding.

As an actor, what do you feel is missing in the inland Empire, also what are some of the strengths that you see that the IE has in terms of show business? 

The IE is sorely lacking in “tools” for the entertainment business. Specifically,  things such as acting classes, classes in the various performing arts (i.e., acting in commercials, stage production, set-building, film editing, etc.) that are readily available in the big cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, New York, etc. If it wasn’t for Ms. Daz Patterson, I would not have been able to channel my natural talent into a working talent without having to take expensive acting classes and going back and forth to Los Angeles. Daz puts up stage productions which offer the community the opportunity to experience performances, and up and coming actors to hone their craft. The community also needs to support their talent – attend stageplays and performances. The strengths that the IE has in terms of show business is the talent. There are countless talented actors, singers, writers, etc. who have the will power and talent to go far, but don’t have the necessary tools to work with.  

Follow Raheem:


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Community Spotlight: Mrs. Highland Plus America, Amber Johnson, Helps to Strengthen the County of San Bernardino

For those who are familiar with the pageant world, you may know that the young women who compete and win the crowns are all for giving back and contributing to their communities in major ways. Amber Johnson, Mrs. Highland Plus America, is not only representing her County of San Bernardino, but she also represents all women of color and is a shining example of millennials achieving greatness.

“What inspired me to get involved with the pageant was to help my city,” Johnson explains. “That was the biggest thing for me. It wasn’t really the pageant; it was more about having the platform to represent my city, my county, and to really help [the] community out because I don’t see a lot of people out there helping to build San Bernardino and that is what I wanted to do.”

Johnson just completed the Ronald McDonald Walk For Kids event on Sunday, April 2 which was held in Ontario. She is also an advocate on animal cruelty where she will be doing an animal walk on May 20 to raise awareness around the affects surrounding cruelty against animals. In addition to her youth and animal efforts, she is a regular volunteer at the Helping Hands Food Pantry.

To view more of what Amber Johnson is involved in watch the interview below:

“A Season of Promotion!”

Bishop Ernest B. Dowdy, Jr.; Bishop Elijah Singletary; Elder Billy Dowdy; Pastor Gwendolyn Rodgers; Evangelist Paula Carrington; Juandretta Henderson; Momma Vashti Dowdy and Papa Ernest B. Dowdy Sr.

Bishop Ernest B. Dowdy, Jr.; Bishop Elijah Singletary; Elder Billy Dowdy; Pastor Gwendolyn Rodgers; Evangelist Paula Carrington; Juandretta Henderson; Momma Vashti Dowdy and Papa Ernest B. Dowdy Sr.

By Lou Coleman

When godly people do God’s will they will eventually be promoted to places of honor, privilege and new opportunities of service.

Jonathan Rodgers and Steve Henderson, members of the “Church of the Living God, Temple 208,” in Highland, California shared their many great accomplishments and testimonies that came out of their acts of love, service and faith. To that we say, “To God be All the Glory!”

As we work diligently and productively in our present position, God will also reward us. But it will be in His time and in His way. The pay and prestige that may come with the advancement will not result in pride but only gratitude and a keener desire to serve God by fruitfully serving others.

When promotion is granted, we can agree with this utterance of David: “Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that you have brought me this far?” [2 Samuel 7:18].