Happily Divorced And After

“Good Enough… Ain’t So Good… Now Is It!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Settling for “good enough” instead of for God’s best. What’s wrong with you? You got to know that sometimes ‘good enough’ just ain’t good enough.  There are sometimes and some situations when you should demand excellence and perfection. Considering all that God has done for you, in giving you life, creation, salvation, and forgiveness, “good enough” just doesn’t seem appropriate.  God gave you His best: His only begotten Son to die on the cross for you, so why would you settle for “good enough?”  

I tell you the Lord really impressed on me that the main reason we aren’t receiving His best is because we are willing to settle for less. Very few are committed to God’s best. Why? We have been influenced more by the world than by God and because of it Malcolm X said, “We’ve been bamboozled, hoodwinked, led astray.” Accepting far less than what God has provided. Slap yourself! The problem is you ain’t sick and tired of being sick and tired. Because when you sick and tired of being sick and tired you will aggressively pursue God’s best. You will have a holy dissatisfaction with mediocrity so you can experience all that God has for you. But I tell you, if you don’t pursue it, you won’t get it because it doesn’t happen accidentally or automatically. You have to reach a point where you won’t live with anything less than God’s best; an attitude that is missing in the lives of far too many Christians. The bar of expectations, even within the church, has been lowered. There is such a fear that someone might be disappointed and, therefore, condemned that many ministers have been teaching people to settle for less and avoid the disappointment. But I tell you, as Christians we ought to be walking in supernatural healing. We ought to be walking in financial prosperity. But most of us, however, are just as sick and broke as our unsaved neighbors. You will never receive God’s best until you become completely dissatisfied with second best—mediocrity. You may not initially consider it second best; but as time goes by you will begin to realize the blessings you threw away, and you will live with regret and inner turmoil. It has been said the minute you settle for less, you get even less than you settled for. Do not settle for a submission that has exceptions and a consecration that has holes in it.

Know that one of these days, you are going to stand before God. And when you do, you will know all things even as you are known [1 Cor. 13:12]. In an instant, you are going to know what you could have had while on this earth. You will understand that the same power that raised Christ from the dead was resident within you all along [Eph. 1:18-2]). You will discover that you didn’t have to be sick, that you didn’t have to live broke, and that you didn’t have to be depressed and discouraged. You will realize that love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance were living inside you the whole time [Gal. 5:22-23]. What you settling for less for? Good enough ain’t good enough!

Thousands of Athletes and Hundreds of College Coaches Attend First Annual Silverlakes College Showcase Event

NORCO, CA- Several thousand young female soccer players descended on SilverLakes, the newly minted 130-acre soccer facility in Norco, California, for the three day SilverLakes’ College Soccer Showcase, November 25-27, 2016. The young athletes participating in this signature event hoped to seize the rare opportunity to have their athletic prowess assessed by college coaches from around the United States. The annual College Soccer Showcase is focused on welcoming college coaches as well as U.S. Soccer youth national team scouts, to evaluate the skills and abilities of aspiring young female soccer players as they look to earn scholarship offers and invitations to attend U.S. youth National Team camps. More than 2,500 players from more than 140 teams, including some of the top clubs from the Western Region, were on-hand for this unique event.  A highlight of the showcase was an All Star Game between the Canadian Whitecaps and USA All Stars.

“We are incredibly excited to host this first-of-its-kind showcase event for young women at SilverLakes. The participation by high-level coaches throughout the country, including among others, Stanford, Texas A&M, Cornell, North Western, UCLA, Cal Berkeley and the thousands of young women was incredible to see. It is often difficult for youth players looking to take their game to the next level to gain access to key coaches who will enable them to fully realize their abilities and play at the collegiate level. Our first annual College Soccer Showcase has already succeeded in providing this access and it is our hope that this experience will be a ‘game changer’ for these young people,” said R.J. Brandes, President, SilverLakes.

As SilverLakes continues to build a full offering of programs and events to fulfill its mission to empower young athletes to reach their full plans to add an event for men’s soccer in the near future.  The competition for more than $2.7 billion in athletics scholarships granted annually by the NCAA Divisions I and II schools is extremely competitive and often comes down to demonstrating an athlete’s skill to a select few, and hard to access, coaches and recruiters. SilverLakes hopes to tear down the barriers for student athletes by convening showcase events, such as the November 25-27, 2016 opportunity.

The Way Serves Thanksgiving Dinner To Over 1,500 People In San Bernardino

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- “It’s not about the food, it’s about human connection, feeling that they belong and included,” said The Way World Outreach Senior Pastor Marco Garcia.  “What’s missing in a lot of people’s lives are relationships, and we’re here to fill that gap and to show them they are loved.”

Garcia bent down and placed his hand on a woman’s shoulder to pray privately with her during the 12th annual Thanksgiving luncheon on Tuesday, November 22 where over 1,500 people gathered at The Way’s downtown mission in San Bernardino.

Nearly 500 volunteers bustled from the kitchen to the courtyard and main dining hall to dish and serve plates brimming with turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn and stuffing to the area’s underserved population.

According to Garcia, the volunteers gain as much, if not more, joy than the recipients.

“It’s a blessing to serve others and to feel that love and sense of family,” said Vanessa Miranda, celebrating 3 years of sobriety from a 12-year methamphetamine addiction with help from The Way.  “I am so thankful that I am healthy today and able to give back and show others that they are cared for.”  

A homeless mother and her two young children who found shelter by means of The Way two weeks prior to the Thanksgiving event were eager volunteers.  

“Her 10-year-old son told me how much joy he was getting through service to others and that he will never forget this experience,” Garcia said.  

Dozens of gift baskets filled with groceries were raffled away.  Winner Scott Collins, who lives at the Gibson House for Men battling drug addiction, gave his basket away to a stranger, Eddie Weaver, because he felt moved to do so.  Others followed suit.

That same sentiment of generosity, inclusion and connection was palpable amid the lively conversation and laughter among strangers bound by prayer and breaking bread.

“People aren’t looking for a handout, but a hand up,” Cuencas said.  “This event shows the nature of this community, one that comes together in communion, love and service.”

Justified Music Hosts Thanksgiving Dinner to Those in Need in the High Desert

VICTORVILLE, CA- On Thanksgiving Day, Recording Artist Justified connected the dots with Ronalds Fish Market in Victorville and served 200 residents with an awesome Thanksgiving Meal, all for free.

Ronald Butler, owner of RFM, stated that he wanted to show his appreciation to his customers and the community by serving up some excellent food by bringing a blessing to families of the High Desert. Justified, who has been well known for his HEAL THE VILLE efforts, was more than willing to step up and Co-sponsor this awesome act of giving back.

Justified and his daughters attended the situation and brought along his friends from Sunshine Face Painting to make balloon hats and distribute candy leis to the kids. Justified also gave away free advanced copies of his latest project “Man On A Mission”, including legendary features from E40, WC, Suga Free, AV LMKR, Blue Flame Mega, and more.

Overall, it was a successful event and Ronald says he’s looking forward to doing it even bigger next year. Justified’s next form of giving will be his “12 days of christmas giveaway” from December 13 to 25, where everyday one family will be blessed with a gift from justified and participating sponsors including Street Positive, LA Stereo, Yakety Yak Wireless, IMOB, and more. 

If you’re heart leads you to want to donate to Justified’s HEAL THE VILLE efforts, please visit Gofundme.com/healtheville

For more information and updates on Justified visit JUSTIFIEDMUSIC.NET and make sure to FOLLOW THE WINGS on Social Media. Twitter: @Darealjustified and Instagram: Justified_Smith. 

Former Disney Star, Christian Soul Artist Releases EDM Christmas Album


Raquel Herring

Former Disney Mouseketeer, actress, and Christian Soul Artist, Raquel Herring, has decided to put a twist on to your traditional Christmas carols. As her manager Steven Wimberly stated, “It’s definitely not your Grandma’s Christmas carols,” but songs that you can rock out it to in every atmosphere.

Christmas All Over The World is a compilation of 4 of your favorite holiday songs and 1 original with an EDM, alternative twist. Raquel, who is normally not a fan of Christmas songs, decided to opt into the idea of doing this album after hearing a few samples of what Wimberly came up with. Plus, it’s not common for a Christian Artist to break out into the EDM world.

To complement and get people hyped and excited about Christmas, the first single “Christmas All Over the World,” released with the EP this past “Black Friday”, November 25. The single has that Popish, New Age feel that the new generation will fall in love with, but one that the Christian World and older generation will still want to “roq” out it too.

The concept and idea behind creating this unique EP was not only to increase Herring’s fanbase, but to give DJs something to spin during the festive season. Amping up to the debut of the Christmas All Over The World, Raquel released a few album samples, along with her favorite holiday activities to give everyone a little taste of what to look forward to.

To get your album, please visit www.raquelherring.com and be sure to follow her on all social networks. 

What It Do With The LUE: The Next BBW Queen

By Lue Dowdy


Register now for LUE Productions 2nd Annual BIG Beautiful WOMEN MODEL COMPETITION and FUNDRAISER! A night of Girl Power at its finest!

There will be special performances and more. This a great opportunity to gain exposure in the modeling industry. No experience needed. Must be 18 or older to participate.

The winner will receive a crown, sash, $500.00 cash prize, a radio interview, a feature in the Westside Story Newspaper, a photoshoot, hosting gigs, and speaking engagements.

For more information please text (909) 567-1000 or contact Deeveatva Foy at (909) 556-7637 or Freddie Washington at (714) 833-3196. Email us at Lue.info@yahoo.com.


Business Brunch Babes Spreads Thanksgiving Cheer with Mothers in Action

bb5LOS ANGELES, CA- This past Thanksgiving, Business Brunch Babes joined Mothers in Action in its annual Thanksgiving initiative to feed the elderly. Taking place at Ward Villa Senior Complex in Los Angeles, neighborhood volunteers and organizations selflessly took time out of their holiday schedule to ensure that someone else’s Thanksgiving was filled will lots of food and love.

Mothers in Action’s 21st Annual Thanksgiving Day senior feed garnered volunteers like Los Angeles City Councilmember, District 8, Marqueece Harris-Dawson; Los Angeles City Councilmember, District 9, Curren D. Price; Calif. 59th District Assemblymember, Reggie Jones-Sawyer; Bank of America; Girl Scout Troop 1565; Vice President of the Inglewood School Board, Dr. Charliss McGhee; Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.; Business Brunch Babes; Jazzed Realty; Underground PR; Los Angeles Police Department; Doris Cares. A host of other individuals and organizations not only donated time, but also donated turkeys and additional items to make this initiative a success.

Volunteers worked hard to prepare food, serve dinner to the residents of Ward Villa Senior Complex and pack meals in “to go” boxes to deliver to the sick and shut-in throughout Los Angeles and surrounding areas. As a result, Mothers in Action, along with its volunteers, served over one thousand senior citizens in Los Angeles County.



Can You Say U-C-L-A!

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Saturday, November 26, Coaches White and Mercado took a group of students to the UCLA campus in Westwood, California.  Despite the rain, students had the opportunity to tour the university in order to get a taste of what college life is like.  No visit to UCLA would be complete, though, without catching a Bruins vs. USC women’s volleyball game, which was most certainly the highlight of the trip!

“Oh That Men Would Give Thanks to the Lord for His Goodness!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

To whom can we say we owe all that we are, all that we will ever be, all that we have and all that we will ever have? Nobody but Jesus!

We live our lives moment by moment. Those moments turn into days, weeks, months and years. We are blessed 1000 times over each and every moment of each and every day. The blessings of God surround us continuously. Underserving but God is merciful! One More Handful of Meal [1 Kings 17:8-16]. One More Blessing [Genesis 32:24] One More Chance at Canaan’s Land [Joshua 14:6-13] One More Chance at Salvation [Luke 23:39-43] One More Chance! One More Chance! I tell you “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord…” [Psalm 92:1]

Let us be thankful for all the things God give us. Let us praise Him for our health, our families, and so on. Let us not take them for granted. For when all the physical blessings have faded and we can find no reason for praise in them, let us thank the Lord that there are some things that will never change! Understanding that it is in these things that we have an unchanging reason for eternal thanksgiving!

I encourage you to take time this week to give Thanksgiving to God for the multitude of blessings He has given you. Take time every day to be thankful. And no matter where you are in life, you have something that you can thank God for each and every day of your life. I tell you, “A Christian Thanksgiving is not just a day, but a way of life.”

Let us Pray: Father God, maker of the heavens and the earth, giver and sustainer of life, to you we offer praise and adoration. With hearts full of Thanksgiving we honor you. Lord, let us not take the life you’ve given us for granted. We thank you for the blessing of family and friends and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side. We are truly thankful that you have given us your Son Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins that we might have eternal life. Through Jesus Christ our King, we continually offer a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of our lips giving thanks. Amen.

From all of us here at Westside Story Newspaper, may God continue to bestow His blessings upon you and your family.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sheryl Lee Ralph: HIV/AIDS Activist on a Mission for a Cure

Sheryl Lee Ralph

Sheryl Lee Ralph

By Angela M. Coggs

Most people do not know that December 1, 2016 will mark the 31st annual World Aids Day. Over thirty years ago, a mysterious illness invaded the country. Doctors could not find anything to prescribe for the mystery illness because nobody knew exactly what it was. The world soon discovered the silent assassin was called HIV/AIDS. Once given a name, people who had contracted the disease were ostracized by many. The disrespect and lack of compassion for those HIV/AIDS patients inspired some people to help find a cure. One of those people was veteran actress of stage and screen, Sheryl Lee Ralph.

Just as AIDS commenced to devastate the United States in 1981, Sheryl Lee Ralph starred in the original production of the Broadway smash hit musical, “Dreamgirls.” That time in her life would be formative, and it would turn Ralph into one of the world’s preeminent AIDS activists.

An HIV/AIDS activist for over 25 years, Ralph has been in the forefront of why it is important to know ones status. Her activism began while she was performing on Broadway. “I witnessed so many people who were sick be treated horribly and with distain. People were hurtful to those who needed help,” said Ralph. She has memories of the friends she lost during that time. People talk about the success of “Dreamgirls” but you never hear how “we lost one third of our company to AIDS. It was devastating.”

Although HIV/AIDS has not been a current topic in the news anymore, the recent status report last year about actor Charlie Sheen recently diagnosed with HIV has brought HIV/Aids back to the forefront of a national conversation. Though Sheen’s recent status may be the reason why people are talking about HIV/AIDS again, Ralph doesn’t mind at all.

“As long as information regarding HIV/AIDS is being talked about openly means that people are once again aware and engaged.”

The loss of friends and witnessing the mistreatment of those afflicted inspired Ralph to get involved and be a voice for those who could not fight for themselves. That experience is what was to become the beginning of the DIVA (Driving Infectious Viruses Away) Foundation. With the success of the foundation, the Broadway actress took her activism to the next level by starting the DIVA’s Simply Singing Fundraiser Event.

DIVA’s Simply Singing Fundraiser is the longest consecutively running musical AIDS benefit fundraiser in the county to date. Last year the event was kicked off on August 27, 2015 in Philadelphia at the Del. Over 5,000 people attended the event. “It was wonderful to see all the people come out and be receptive to the message we delivered,” said Ralph. They were open the information and it is needed out there. “The South is a hotspot and no one realizes it.”

The fundraising event continued on October 25, 2015 in Los Angeles. The show will feature performances by some of the most talented DIVAS in entertainment, including Loretta Devine, Jennifer Lewis, A’ngela Winbush, Meli’sa Morgan, Shanice, CeCe Peniston, Jordin Sparks, the Supreme Mary Wilson, and more. The audience of donors packed the Montalban and supported the worthy cause. Not only were they donating to a worthy cause, but they were also treated to a magical night of entertainment and song. The DIVA’s Foundation in conjunction with World AIDS Day utilizes star power to help raise money, awareness and erase stigma associated with patients who have contracted the disease.

Unfortunately, the DIVA’s Simply Singing Fundraiser has been canceled. The star of Broadway’s original Dreamgirls made her debut in this season’s run of Wicked, one of Broadway’s longest running and praised productions, as Madame Morrible on Tuesday. Most notably, Ralph is the first African-American actress to take on the classic role. Regarding her groundbreaking return to Broadway, Ralph stated, “It’s so nice to be in a show that’s living forever.”

Proceeds from past benefit concerts have benefited organizations like Project Angel Food, Caring for Babies with AIDS and the Black AIDS Institute among others.

One hundred percent of the proceeds from “DIVAS Simply Singing!” support The DIVA Foundation’s awareness and prevention programs. The DIVA Foundation is a 501c 3 not for profit organization.

In addition to the DIVA outreach in the United States, Ralph recently visited South Africa and met a group of young women who are the definition of D.I.V.A. However, the dialogue of AIDS is as prevalent as we may think. “I was surprised that although South Africa is a hotspot for AIDS, it is still not talked about. It’s still a quiet secret.” Plans are currently in the works to expand the foundations outreach internationally.

The message that the DIVA Foundation wants to get out on World’s AIDS Day was for everyone to know their HIV status, be aware, and to put themselves first. In conjunction with providing important resources, DIVAS took a step closer to raising awareness by partnering with OraQuick, the 1st in-home rapid HIV test. It is a quick in-home that is easy to use. Understandably, some people do not get tested because they are afraid of needles and having their blood drawn. The OraQuick kit does not use needles but it uses a swab. The person swabs the inside of their cheek, places it in the receptacle, and twenty minutes later the person see the results. For those who may need to talk to someone regarding the results they received, OraQuick has a 24 hour technical/phone support counselors are available to answer question and address any concerns.

The counselors available via phone are only the first step. OraQuick and the DIVA Foundation maintain the importance contacting your regular doctor for any follow up as needed. Partnering with the DIVA’s Foundation, OraQuick goal is to provide 10,000 HIV test kits to people in underserved communities.

In 2015, Ralph was announced as the Event Ambassador for the Atlanta AIDS Walk. The invitation was a very welcomed surprise. “I was elated,” exclaimed Ralph. “The committee was aware of my years as a HIV/AIDS activist and they called me. I was honored to be chosen.” The 25th annual AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run took place on Sunday; October 18th, 2015 raised more than $950,000.

Sheryl Lee Ralph is a force to be reckon with on the stage, film, television, and, most importantly, in the community. She is passionate about her work and she dedicated to spreading awareness to this, still, devastating virus. She pledges to work toward prevention until a cure can be found. Congratulations are surely in order for Sheryl Lee Ralph!