Happily Divorced And After

SBVC’s 90th Anniversary Gala Raises $135,000 for Student Scholarships

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On October 14, the San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) Foundation’s 90th Anniversary Gala brought hundreds of alumni, dignitaries and philanthropists to campus to celebrate SBVC’s 90th anniversary and to raise funds for student scholarships. At the end of the night, donors had contributed over $135,000 to help support programs ranging from athletics to music, as well as to provide low-income students with textbook vouchers.

“We disburse around $200,000 in scholarships to our students each year,” said Karen Childers, the foundation’s director. “The amount we have raised tonight has significantly exceeded our goal, so we are very excited.”

Augmenting the support raised by donors in attendance were two larger donations: $25,000 from Kitchell / BRJ and Associates and $300,000 from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. The latter contribution was earmarked for Valley-Bound Commitment, a unique SBVC program which grants thousands of local high-school graduates a free first year of college, and which the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians has supported since the program’s inception in 2008.

“I am proud to be affiliated with this community treasure,” said Emmy Award-winning actress Lindsay Wagner, a former SBVC professor who was the guest emcee for the event.

The gala was held in SBVC’s newest and biggest building: its 3-story, 108,000 square foot Kinesiology and Athletics Complex, which first opened to students in August 2016.

For more information and pictures, visit www.facebook.com/sbvalleycollege.

Thousands take over the streets in San Bernardino and Rally for Peace

d398f335-6a88-444e-b694-7ef77c117418SAN BERNARDINO, CA-One of the largest marches and rallies in the history of San Bernardino will be led by faith-based, political, business and community leaders on October 22, 2016 in the wake of an unprecedented year of crime and an alarming increase in homicides.

Thousands will march from Ecclesia Christian Fellowship church, 1314 East Date Street, San Bernardino CA 92404, to Perris Hill Park, 1135 East Highland Avenue, San Bernardino CA 92408 in a 2.5 mile commitment that will bring attention to the need for jobs, education and healing.

After the 2015 terror attacks that left 14 San Bernardino residents dead and more than 51 residents killed this year alone, the city has had enough!

The march dubbed, the 1st annual Peace Empowerment Rally, spearheaded by host pastor Kevin Moreland, Worship in Truth Church of God and Christ, will focus on three things: the local economy, peace in local neighborhoods and unity amongst all people, religions and communities.

A job and health fair will be held at the event to provide hundreds of jobs from employers such as Amazon. The fair will also include free health screening, blood pressure and HIV testing.

Speakers will include, Congressman Pete Aguilar, 31st District of California, Supervisor Josie Gonzales, Pastor Joshua Beckley, Pastor Kevin Moreland, Terrance Stone Young Visionaries Youth Leadership Academy, mothers and fathers of homicide victims from Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino, Law Enforcement, and others.

“Kant Get Right!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You got to be kidding right? Even little children understand that there are some things you had better get right and understand to be true, or you can get yourself into big trouble. There are some things you had better get right if you’re going to be rightly related to God, both in this life and in the life to come. To know God and to choose to think, act, or behave outside of the Word, Will, and Way of God is very dangerous. The challenge; getting it right simply means getting right with God. Listen, you are old enough to know right from wrong. You are old enough to learn, old enough to love, old enough to really live. If you could ask the Lord how to make the rest of your life the best of your life, what do you think He would say? I don’t think we have to wonder, I think I know. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” [Mt. 6:33] I think we can summarize what Jesus said here in three words: “First things first!”

Now I know that sounds simple, but I want to tell you that if you, beginning today, would consciously, continuously, constantly, and consistently put first things first, it would absolutely transform your life. Everything rises and falls right here. You see, if your priorities are not in order, your life will not be in order. It will be all wrong. Therefore, it is imperative that you prioritize your life. And the beauty of it all is that you don’t have to pray about what your number one priority in life ought to be. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to discuss it. You don’t have to look for it. You just have to do it. Because Jesus has already told us what our first priority ought to be, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Your problem is that there is a part of you that is still under bondage to sin! The old nature, that is to be reckoned dead indeed unto sin, is in fact alive and well! Tell me I’m wrong….. You can’t eat, you can barely sleep. You have new acquaintances, Jimmy Bean, Johnny Walker Red and his cousin Johnny Walker Black. Ronnie Bacardi; Mr. Vodka & Orange. Miller, Buddy Weiser. Mic E Lobe or maybe Dr. Gin & Tonic. Or how about Mary J Juana, Prozac, Valium and a host of other friends that help you to temporarily escape from the reality of your pain. The problem is when you sober up you are still broken, battered, bruised and bent over, that’s why you “Kant get right!

As the Spirit gives utterance, there is something that you have experienced in your past that continues to haunt you in your present, “a spirit of infirmity” that has plagued your life for all of these years. You have fallen and this spirit has convinced you that you can’t get up. You are the victim of past abuse and you are still hurting because the sores in your spirit have become the scabs in your soul. You are now a walking zombie. There’s an outward appearance that says “I’m alive but on the inside I’m dead, battered and beaten by this life’s experiences and disappointments”. You are so demoralized by living a life and you continue to add to your own suffering by the choices that you make. No wonder you “Kant get right!” You can no longer even see or think straight. Because this spirit has affected and infected your thinking concerning the situation you find that you are so broken in your soul and bent over from the burden of the whole matter that you can’t even look up.

I want you to know that there’s always going to be a spirit that will come around you to usher your thinking into a situation. But thank God for Jesus. DO YOU KNOW HIM? He supplies strength for the weak. He’s available for the tempted and the tried. He sympathizes and He saves. He strengthens and sustains. He guards and He guides. He heals the sick and cleans the lepers. He forgives sinners. He delivers the captives. He defends the feeble. He blesses the young. He serves the unfortunate. He regards the aged. And He beautifies the meager. He’s able to bring you out! God has a prescription for your “Kant get right! Call Him up and tell him what you want…..

SBCUSD Students Experience a Piece of California’s African American Cultural History: Allensworth

Milner Barbershop- Started by Frank Milner in 1911

Milner Barbershop- Started by Frank Milner in 1911

By Angela M. Coggs

On Saturday, October 8, 2016 a group of students from the San Bernardino City Unified School District attended the Annual

Milner Barbershop- Actual equipment used in 1911

Milner Barbershop- Actual equipment used in 1911

Rededication event at Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park in Earlimart, California from 10 a.m.to 4 p.m. Established in 1908, Allensworth was the first town in California to be founded, financed, governed and populated by blacks.

The rededication ceremony is an opportunity for park users and supporters to renew their commitment to the park and its symbolic representation of African American self-determination. Events scheduled throughout the year bring the town to life and inspire a new interest in returning Allensworth to its glory days as a vibrant, successful town.

This was the first trip to Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park for this group of chaperones, parents, and students from San Bernardino. “It was an enriching experience. One which I intend to repeat and share.” said Katella Coggs, one of the chaperones. “It was gratifying to see how much the youth absorbed the information. It illustrated how much this knowledge is craved and needed.”

The day consisted of tours given by docents (a person who is a knowledgeable guide, especially one who conducts visitors through a museum/historical site and delivers a commentary on the exhibitions), puppets shows, and square dancing, and entertainment, food and vendor booths. The short documentary about the town played on a loop in one of the old barns on the site.      

“I never heard of Allensworth until today,” said Yonathan Habtemariam, 10th grade student at Cajon High School. “It was very interesting to hear the docents tell the history of the town and how people continue to preserve the history of this ethnically diverse contribution made in the development of California. My favorite parts were the barbershop and learning the true story about the Buffalo Soldiers.”                                

Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park, located 30 miles north of Bakersfield, is a modest but growing assemblage of restored and reconstructed buildings today. A schoolhouse, a Baptist

Allensworth’s Schoolhouse- In 1912, Allensworth became California’s first African American School District.

Allensworth’s Schoolhouse- In 1912, Allensworth became California’s first African American School District.

church, businesses, a hotel, a library, and various other structures symbolize the rebirth of one man’s dream of an independent, democratic town where African Americans could live in control of their own destiny. Allensworth traveled throughout the eastern and mid-western stated lecturing and promoting Booker T. Washington’s philosophy of African American self-reliance.

Colonel Allen Allensworth and Professor William Payne both firmly believed that, through education and hard work, African Americans could rise above the effects of slavery, attain greater social stature, and more fully realize their potential as a people. They had a mutual desire to live in an environment where African Americans could live free from discrimination, merge their values with those of other pioneers of like mind to establish an independent, self-sufficient colony.

“(I had a) wonderful day learning about our rich and prosperous history of resilience, survival, and entrepreneurialism at Allensworth State Historic Park. We enjoyed live music, dancing and food. We supported black businesses and toured historical sites,” said Trimonisha Singer. “Amazing is an understatement. I am so thankful to be able to share it with our youth.”

Before heading out to Allensworth, the students were given a brief history of Colonel Allen Allensworth and the town that was named in his honor. The trip was a success and the youth were exposed to history that is not taught in school or mentioned in text books. African-American parents, grandparent, and “the village” must be responsible and teach their children about their history. The group looks forward to returning to Allensworth for other events in the future. It certainly takes a village to raise future generations to come.

Allenstown- Water Company Documents

Allenstown- Water Company Documents

Buffalo Solider Uniform

Buffalo Solider Uniform

Schoolhouse Flag- This old flag only has 48 stars on it.

Schoolhouse Flag- This old flag only has 48 stars on it.

The students getting a lesson from a docent on the history of the Buffalo Soliders.

The students getting a lesson from a docent on the history of the Buffalo Soliders.

11th Annual Taste of Soul Food and Festival in L.A. Draws Packed Out Crowd

Angela Coggs

Angela Coggs

By Angela M. Coggs

On Saturday, October 15, 2016 over 350,000 residents converged on Crenshaw Boulevard for Los Angeles’ largest street festival and the largest gathering of African American Businesses in the country- Taste of Soul. Bakewell Media hosted the 11th Annual Taste of Soul Food and Family Festival 2016 from 10:00am to 7:00pm in Los Angeles, California. The event took place on Crenshaw Blvd. between Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and Rodeo.

California Attorney General Kamala Harris, U.S. Senator Isadore Hall III, and Taste of Soul Founder Danny Bakewell

California Attorney General Kamala Harris, U.S. Senator Isadore Hall III, and Taste of Soul Founder Danny Bakewell

This year’s festival themed: “It’s A Family Affair” has become the 11th in what is now known as a destination event for all of not only the city of Los Angeles but Los Angeles County and surrounding communities. It was attended by over 350,000 men, women, students, children, celebrities and dignitaries from all over Southern California and across the United States, including a few residents from Riverside County.

“I had a great time. Everyone was so cool,” said LaToya Jones, teacher in the Riverside Unified School District for the past 15 years. This was her second time attending the Taste of Soul with her husband David. “I ABSOLUTELY loved Jazmine Sullivan’s performance. She is a true beauty with an incomparable voice and humble heart. The KJLH DJ had the crowd moving. The food was scrumptious. I can’t wait until next year.”

The event was a success. Free concerts took place on three major stages (KJLH, The Wave, and McDonalds). This year’s TOS was bigger and better than ever. With radio partners KJLH and 94.7 The Wave pulling together first class entertainment. KJLH featured contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, and R&B. Hosted by KJLH radio personality DJ Mal-Ski. This year, KJLH 102.3 radio station celebrated TOS’s eleventh anniversary by bringing back some local talent and artists such as MAJOR, Guordan Banks, 112, Mike “Mike Philly” Phillips, and Jazmine Sullivan. The KJLH music stage was sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings.

94.7 The WAVE, whose music stage is sponsored by Budweiser this year, has been a media partner and radio sponsor with the Taste of Soul Festival since 2008.This year, the radio station took music lovers back to some of the greatest hits from artists including Chosen Recovery Gospel Group, On Tour, Tom Browne, Troop and War.

Mike Philly

Mike Philly

The gospel stage which in year two was only a small stage in front of the Sentinel offices, has now has grown to feature The McDonalds Gospel Fest on the Brenda Marsh Mitchell Gospel Stage. The 2016 Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour at Taste of Soul featured every genre within the gospel music industry: contemporary, traditional, inspirational, instrumental, hip-hop, and comedy. Hosted by syndicated radio personality Lonnie Hunter, attendees experienced

Jazmine Sullivan- Incomparable Vocalist

Jazmine Sullivan- Incomparable Vocalist

renowned gospel artists Donald Lawrence, Marvin Sapp, Karen Clark-Sheard, Charles Jenkins, Jonathan McReynolds, Canton Jones, and Doug Williams. Also, acclaimed comedian, Small Fire provided entertainment for the entire family and community to enjoy.

There were various food and non-food vendors in attendance. Some of the notable food vendors included (African) Cocoa & Pitta Catering and Rafikiz Foodz, (American) Da Mudd Duck and Dipping Chicken, (BBQ) Big Mama’s Succulent & Savory BBQ, Bludso’s BBQ, Dulan’s, Gettch Grubb On, Not Your Mama’s Kitchen and Shabazz Good Food, (Creole & Jamaican) L.A. Jerk Shack and Smhokin Pot, and (Desserts & Treats) Sharon’s Heavenly Cobblers, Coco’s Lip Smacking Cupcakes, and Fun Time Kettle Corn.

There was plenty of love and no incidents were reported. This event has grown from having 35,000 in 2005 people in attendance during the first year to have over 350,000 in 2016. Over 350,000 African Americans gathered in the Black Community to celebrate, to share in a day of unity, love and togetherness.

Last year, Kamala Harris, currently California Attorney General now running for the United States Senate, attended the Taste of Soul in 2015. “It’s one of the most enjoyable things I do all year. Where else can you have all of the community turn out, family… it’s about love of community, supporting our local businesses. It is really one of the most important events in all of Los Angeles.”

It’s been called Los Angeles’s largest street festival for good reason. Thousands of attendees arrive every year to indulge in the “soulful.” From soul food to soul music, it’s hard not to have a great time. It’s a local gem that will be back again next year and the people are already looking forward to it.



Powerful Coming Of Age Novels With Life Lessons For All

LOS ANGELES, CA- Acclaimed Author Felecia Poolé, releases her thought-provoking Stormi Girl Series. These powerful coming of age novels have everything you could ask for, thrills, tension, and tender moments. They touch on issues involving sex, mental illness, suicide, and religion, just to name a few.

IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM: THEY CALL ME STORMI volume one, is a riveting story of a young girl’s journey through love, sex, and betrayal, and her fight to keep her sanity. NO MERCY: THEY CALL ME STORMI volume two is the continuation of the young girl’s journey through revenge, lies, and secrets.

Poolé gives readers a glimpse of how life-altering situations can push some teens over the edge. Stormi, the teenage protagonist, is trapped between the spirits of good and evil, but only one spirit can win.  

The author’s characters are skillfully developed and you are walking in their shoes as they blindly move through life. You are reminiscent of your life as a teenager and parent. You’re reminded of the lies that you told and of the secrets that you hold. These cautionary tales will cause many parents to pay more attention to their teens and their associates. Parents will see that being open and honest about their life experiences as a teen, may help their teen when confronted with tough decisions. Teens will learn that trying to become an adult to fast, can put them in situations they are not prepared to handle.

Felecia Poolé is a mentor with My Sisters Keeper, a non-profit organization for youth girls ages 8-18. She advocates and encourages mentorship. She believes everyone has a story that needs to be told. Her slogan: “You Don’t Know My Story” resonates in the hearts of women young and old. Her passion to inspire others has made her a sought-after inspirational speaker.

For more information, please visit www.theycallmestormi.com.

Due Season Fellowship Presents H.U.G. Spirit of Christmas Toy Giveaway (REGISTER NOW!!!)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On October 29, 2016, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Due Season Fellowship will be hosting their H.U.G. Spirit of Christmas Toy Giveaway Sign-Up Day. You must pre-register to receive gifts at the toy giveaway. The first 1000 children registered will receive gifts.

Make sure to bring the following items: picture ID for each applicant, proof of income, proof of child (birth certificate or shot records), and proof of residency (San Bernardino ONLY). Toys will be given to children ages 0 to college age. Due Season Fellowship is located at 1024 N. G Street in San Bernardino.

For more information, please call (909) 534-1383.

Social Lites Inc., 50th Beautillion Season

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The Social-Lites Inc., of San Bernardino 50th Beautillion Season has begun. Mentoring Young Men toward a better future is there Mission.

The Beautillion Scholarship Program is designed to assist the Young Men of the Inland Empire and surrounding Communities, who are High School Seniors, College Freshman and boys of ages 8 years through 15 years old in reaching their Educational Goals. Also the program helps to provide scholarship funding, as well as computers, gifts and awards to the young men.

All young men interested in participating in the Annual Beautillion Scholarship Program are encouraged to attend along with their parents to the Beautillion Meeting on Sunday October 30, 2016 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Boys and Girls Club at 1180 W. 9th Street San Bernardino CA 92411.

For additional information please contact Ms. Lisa Blacksher, Beautillion Chair-Woman at (909) 659-4157, Ms. Cynthia Wilhite, Beautillion Co-Chair at (909) 838-0966 and

Mrs. Bettye Brewster, Social-Lites President at (951) 204-0022. Application available via email: Sociallites@msn.com or lisasocialites@gmail.com

BEOLA’S Southern Cuisine Celebrates Ribbon Cutting on Thursday Evening, 10-20-16

ONTARIO, CA- BEOLA’S SOUTHERN CUISINE will celebrate their new restaurant at 1845 E. Holt Blvd, Ontario, CA 91761, with a ribbon cutting ceremony performed by the Black Chamber of Commerce Inland Empire on October 20, 2016 at 6 p.m. We are delighted to celebrate with the Local Cities, Regional and State Officials, Area Chambers, Inland Empire businesses and residents.

BEOLA’S Owner Troy McSwain is a self-taught Chef who opened Beola’s as an homage to his Southern roots. The recipes – and restaurant name are inspired by his late grandmother, Mrs. Beola McSwain. However, Troy’s mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle consists of offering home-style freshly cooked, made to order Southern cuisine that retains its authentic tastes but with a healthy spin. The menu offers dishes with locally sourced vegetables and lean proteins such as smoked turkey in of lieu of ham hock.

Along with his wife, Elizabeth, sons Troy III, 22 and Alex, 21, Troy McSwain II, owns and operates Beola’s Southern Cuisine. Their sons Troy III and Alex both assist with managing Beola’s staff and day to day operations. Elizabeth and Troy have over 50 years of combined experience managing businesses. They believe that quality dishes, a welcoming atmosphere and genuine, warm hospitality keep customers returning. The McSwains are connecting the community one meal at a time.

Obituary: Lorenzo H Mills

Lorenzo H Mills

Lorenzo H Mills

March 13, 1937 – October 1, 2016

They say life is for the living and while he was with us Lorenzo H. Mills truly lived. Traveling the world, taking care of his family, servicing his country and serving in every possible capacity he could. Lorenzo will be missed by lives he never even knew he touched in keeping with the creed “Service… The Key to the Future.”

God gave the world a gift March 13, 1937 in Martinsville, Virginia. He blessed the world with a man that moved things forward. A hard worker, a selfless leader, and an example for all that witnessed his path to emulate in the name of progress.

Lorenzo Mills graduated from Albert Harris High School join the United States Air Force in 1956. Serving his country honorably he was recognized for his hard work and dedication to military service numerous times during the course of his adventurous life. In 1979, the Allied Forces of Southern Europe presented a certificate of appreciation in recognition of his faithful and efficient service in the United States Air Force. That same year he was awarded the Order of the Mole Award for his ‘meritorious performance of duty at Proto for contributing wholeheartedly to the fulfillment of the mission, and for surviving without the benefit of sunlight for a total of 1,500 days compiled over a period of 50 months.’

Lorenzo earned an Associate Art degree from San Bernardino Valley College. Next, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration and then in 1981, a Master of Business Administration from the University of LaVerne studying in both Italy and Los Angeles.

Service was the theme Lorenzo lived by. He served his community with his time, insights, and monetary resources. Recently Life Stream Blood Bank called to schedule a blood donation. After hearing of his passing Life Stream revealed that Lorenzo had been a member since 1986 where in his lifetime of donations he helped save over 300 lives with his 14-gallon total of “whole” blood donations.

He was a member of Prince Hall Lodge #17, the Democratic Committee, Toastmasters, The Black Culture Foundation;and the Kiwanis Club. As a leading member of the Kiwanis Club of Inland Center, San Bernardino since 1987, and a William A. Dunlap Fellow, Lorenzo rose in ranks the position of Lt. Governor of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District, Kiwanis International Division 36. He served as President for three terms, Treasurer, and was a chair and member of numerous committees. In 2002, earning the position of Lt. Governor presiding over 15 Kiwanis clubs Lorenzo chose to focus on Pediatric Trauma Prevention.

Lorenzo H. Mills is preceded in death by his parents Lorenza and Gertrude Mills and sister Novella Mills-Hester.

Left to continue to love and honor the memory of Lorenzo is his wife Eula Mills, two sisters Norma Jean Gebo (Bob) and Sharon Price, and three children Lisa Mills-Hardaway, Natalie Mills and Lorenzo H. Mills II, seven grandchildren Jason Hardaway, Jheri Hardaway, Lorenzo H. Mills III, Mikalya Mills, Sophia Mills, Savannah Mills, Journey McCoy and a host of nieces and nephews.

He also leaves behind many friends who have become family. Lorenzo was kind and knew no strangers…he will be deeply missed.. His memorial service will be held October 21, 2016, 10am, at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 1575 West Highland Ave. San Bernardino CA 92411.