Happily Divorced And After

Fontana’s Unity Day Features Compton’s World Record Breaking 16 Year Old Pilot

Isaiah Cooper

Isaiah Cooper

By Ellen Turner

Isaiah Cooper, the 16-year-old World Record breaking pilot from Compton, CA will visit Fontana at the Fontana Park/ Jessie Turner Center on Saturday, September 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The City of Fontana and the Concerned Citizens   for the Development of North Fontana will hold their 1st ‘Unity in Community Day’ and The “Chillin’ and Grillin” Bar-BQ Cook-off.

Isaiah Cooper and Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum’s (TAM), Executive       Director Robin Petgrave, will attend this event and speak about the record     breaking flight around the continental United States. Isaiah is the youngest African American to ever make this flight. It was an Epic journey and he had to overcome a serious challenge and became a real-life hero.   He is now   preparing to break the Guinness World Record as the first African American to fly solo around the world when he turns eighteen.

Robin Petgrave is the founder and Executive Director of Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum (TAM) and has helped Cooper through this process. His program helps inner city youth expand their vision and dreams. Despite running a busy flight school and tour company, he made time to bring kids from around South Los Angeles to his hangar at Torrance Airport to teach them about flying.

Recognizing the positive effects of learning aviation on kids considered at-risk, Robin felt he could have more of an impact. So in 1998, he established Torrance Aeronautical Museum and made it his personal mission to engage at-risk youth in aviation as an alternative to the negative influences in their          environment. TAM is now operated out of the Compton Airport.

Robin first started by reaching out directly to students at their schools. Instead of just guest speaking at school functions, he did something unheard of at the time: landing his Robinson R44 helicopter directly on school grounds. He    would speak to students about the importance of their education in becoming    successful in life and achieving their dreams.

The Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana invited these   pilots to the Unity in Community event because of the positive impact that it  can bring to young people in Fontana.  Isaiah will have an opportunity to     speak to the people in attendance and share his 8,000 miles and fourteen day journey around the continental United States.

There will be lots of activity at the Chillin’ and Grillin’ BarBQ Cook-off. Several community organizations will compete to see who cooks the best BarBQ Ribs and Chicken. There will also be live entertainment and fun for the kids. The   event will be held at Jessie Turner Center and tasting starts at 10am. Ticket are $10 and are available by calling (909) 333-9950.

Wallace Allen Interviews Moreno Valley Mayoral Candidate Dr. Denise Fleming

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – This week’s “Empire Talks Back” (ETB) radio show features Wallace’s interview of Dr. Denise Fleming, candidate for Moreno Valley Mayor, and a conversation with Debbie Forte, a Paralegal, who explains the importance and difference between a Trust and a Will (read her column inside).

ETB is broadcast and video recorded each Sunday morning at 10 a.m. on KCAA-1050 AM radio. The program streams live video via www.kcaaradio.com  and can be heard on the phone by dialing (832) 999-1050.

See the recording of Sunday’s show on the web at www.ustream.tv/recorded/90868983.


Inland Women Fighting Cancer and Stater Bros. Charities deliver generous donation from Believe Walk to Loma Linda University Cancer Center

Funds will go toward supportive care services that are typically unfunded

LOMA LINDA, CA – August 19, 2016 – Stater Bros. Charities and Inland Women Fighting Cancer made a special delivery to Loma Linda University Cancer Center (LLUCC) Wednesday, Aug. 17. They presented a check for $175,000 to the center, which is a portion of the funds raised at the 8th annual Believe Walk in October 2015.

Judy Chatigny, MSN, RN, executive director, LLUCC, expressed her gratitude to those present. “These gifts are what afford us the ability to provide services to the patients that are otherwise unfunded,” she said.

The $175,000 will be dedicated toward supportive care services for cancer patients, which are typically not covered by insurance companies.

“This donation gives us the means to provide whole person care to our patients – not just treating the cancer but the emotional and spiritual well-being of them as well,” Chatigny added.

Supportive care services are those that address challenges with adjusting to the illness; the stresses of medical treatment; emotional needs; spiritual needs, relationships and caregiving; and coping with pain, insomnia and other symptoms. Because these are services typically not covered by insurance, they can cause additional stress for patients with a cancer diagnosis. 

During the check presentation, Mark Reeves, MD, PhD, director of the Cancer Center, also gave an update on the success of funds that were donated the previous year, which were used for the implementation of a genetic risk assessment program.

“Over the last year, we have been able to fully implement a technology that systematically assesses patients’ risk for various types of cancers,” Reeves said. “This is an enormously powerful tool for patients that allows us to treat and care for them individually.”

Pete Van Helden, CEO of Stater Bros. Markets, highlighted the importance of the annual Believe Walk, which started in 2008.

“Loma Linda University Cancer Center has a reputation of giving back and we try to do the same thing,” he said. “One way is through the Believe Walk.”

Van Helden stated the first walk had 1,500 walkers, which was unexpected for the inaugural event. The walk has now grown exponentially to roughly 12,000 participants and has raised $3 million for cancer research in the Inland Empire.

The 9th annual Believe Walk will take place in Redlands, Sunday, Oct. 2.

“I Tell You… If You Don’t Get Your Act Together…!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Your life will be hell before going to Hell! Listen, I don’t make this stuff up. [Isaiah 30:1] says, “Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of Me.” “Woe unto you, scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites…” [Matthew 23:14]. “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of Hell?” [Matthew 23:33]… Know that the end has come upon you, and I will send My anger against you saith the Lord; I will judge you according to your ways, and I will repay you for all your abominations.  My eye will not spare you, nor will I have pity; but I will repay your ways, and your abominations will be in your midst, then you shall know that I am the LORD [Ezekiel 7:3-8]. Therefore, consider how far you have fallen and repent. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place [Revelation2:5]. Hell before going to Hell! It’s your call….. What will it be? I tell you, NOW is the acceptable time; NOW is the day of salvation. Don’t ponder it, don’t think about it, just Do it! Repent!

You see, procrastination is the kidnapper of souls, and the recruiting-officer of Hell. Procrastination is the trick of the enemy. Don’t believe the lies that you can do it tomorrow when you can do it today. Besides, what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away [James 4:14].   God is a God of the NOW! So when God brings something to light, revealing an area that you need to change or something that you need to make right, don’t put if off. Not tomorrow, next week, or next month, but do it now! Understand the choice that is before you today. The choice of death and destruction or the choice of life and prosperity! Don’t get confused on such an easy and obvious choice. This is not a process to think through how far is too far. This isn’t a process to think through whether you should. God confronts you with only one question… What are you waiting for?

You know in [1 Sam 20:3] David said, “Yet as surely as the LORD lives and you live, there is about one step between you and death!”  [1 Corinthians 15:30-31] asks, “so why do you endanger yourself every hour?” Repent and be converted.

If you are ready to say yes, please pray with me: Almighty God, you are holy. I recognize that I deserve death for not doing things your way. I turn away from those things that grieve you. I gratefully receive your forgiveness and accept your love. I want to be in relationship with you, to be part of your family. Heavenly Father, I accept your proposal to be my Lord and Savior all of my days. Amen!

If you prayed that prayer with me, I want you to know that “It is finished!”   Our sins are done away with, and we are free and forgiven.


paid in full

Everything we’ve ever done wrong, every mistake we’ve ever made, has been paid for. It is finished!

What it do with LUE: Lashaun Turner

Lashaun Turner

Lashaun Turner

By Lue Dowdy

Aspiring Women in the Music Industry is What it Do! Please learn all about Lashaun Turner, one of LUE Productions 2016 My Music, My Mic honoree. This queen is doing her part to help Indie Artists. 

In 2010, self-described Entrepreneur and Music Publicist Lashaun Turner developed TRC Social Media with a vision to become a source content provider for social networks. Lashaun developed several lifestyle and entertainment webzines including an award nominated blog and then built social connections across all the major networking platforms to share this content. Lashaun’s writing style and abilities led her to become an established blogger and contributor to popular globally recognized magazines and social websites which include BlackPlanet, YoRaps, Gorilla Leak, Yahoo, and others.

Having connected with artists and entertainers through networking, Lashaun was asked to work media/publicity for the play “GOD Is Watching You,” which led to a business venture that evolved to include “Look like a Star P.R,” working as a Publicist with actors, musicians, and entrepreneurs to increase and manage public interest in their creative assets.

In 2012 the company re-branded itself as “URBAN STARZ MEDIA & P.R,” with a continued focus on becoming a strong voice for urban artists and entrepreneurs in the emerging new media realm that is the Internet. Over the next 3 years Lashaun would represent clients such as Atlanta rapper Bone Crusher, Coast2Coast DJ Fred Malone, International Pop Star Natalia Damini, and Mysterious Ent., a Major Indie Record Label, to name a few. 

The company expanded into streaming media by launching the only Licensed Independent Internet Radio Station in the greater Los Angeles area playing Urban Indie music 24/7 at Urban Indie Radio- Los Angeles, with its Headquarters in Moreno Valley California. Lashaun programmed and developed content for the station. She created and produced BLAZE INDIE L.A  which was known as the #1 Urban Music Review Show. The show was a hit and evolved to a Web Series, then a weekly TV Show that aired in California, Atlanta and Washington DC.


 As the company’s platforms increased in notoriety, Lashaun was sought after to cover media events, red carpets, and lend her expertise as a Music Publicist to panels and showcases across the country. URBAN STARZ MEDIA and P.R has interviewed some of the biggest names in entertainment.

Lashaun continues to evolve as a celebrity host and media talent.  She created and produces CALI’S BEST Radio Show broadcasting on CNBC/KCAA 106.5FM and 1050AM in California. The program is a unique platform which showcases the Who’s Who and What’s “BEST” in Music, Business, Entertainment and Lifestyle. For indie music entrepreneurs it’s an opportunity to share the spotlight with established artists and to have their music played amongst mainstream music.

Having delved into so many aspects of the industry, Lashaun now defines herself as a Media Talent, Artist Influencer, Music Publicist and a “Celebrity in her own right”. Her focus these days are on expanding the audience at Cali’s Best and providing promotional opportunities. Lashaun has partnered with REVERB NATION, Fleet DJ’s, Core DJ’s, and is currently blogging at Thisis50 and One West Magazine online.

URBAN STARZ MEDIA is a hybrid multi-media/P.R firm that provides Event & Artist Publicity, Media Placement Management, Content Development, Hosting, Sharing and Distribution throughout various platforms. The company works with Independent Artists, Celebrities, & Entrepreneurs in providing innovative exposure strategies. Contact email UrbanStarzMedia@gmail.com Social Media @calisbestradio.

4th Annual Women’s Wellness Conference 2016

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Young Women Empowerment Foundation will host their fourth Annual Women’s Wellness Conference at San Bernardino Community Hospital Henderson Auditorium, 1800 Western Avenue in San Bernardino, on Saturday, September 10 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. YWE invites family, friends, faith base, students and community supporters to this augural event that focuses on emotional and physical health and wellness. This is a free event for all women in the Inland Empire

This year’s theme is Double D’s. Double D’s refers to diabetes and depression. Both of these diseases plague all people but especially minority women. The conference will focus on the prevention of diabetes and depression as well as learning to live with and maintain if one is diagnosed with either. The women in attendance will have the opportunity to participate in interactive demonstrations and hear life changing testimonials from other women on diabetes and depression.  There will also be a free continental breakfast, lunch, entertainment, giveaways, and opportunity drawings.

The two keynote speakers for the wellness conference will focus on issues that are important and relevant to diabetes and depression. The keynote and guest testimonial speakers are as follows: Dee De La Cruz (Diabetes Keynote), Lue Productions 2016 1st Big Beautiful Woman Modeling Queen Winner; Pasha Fruman, PA-C (Depression Keynote), Health Educator and Community Health Activist; Deborah Smith (Depression Testimony), Community/Business Relationship Specialist-Personal Banker WFAW; Gloria Dowdy (Diabetes Testimony), Retired IT Specialist (Programmer)-Department of Veterans Affairs; and Lea Michelle Cash (Depression Informational), President/CEO of The Brightest Star, Inc.

In addition to providing useful health and wellness information at the conference, the attendees will also be presented with the opportunity to get physical during the live dance/exercise demonstrations and have their funny bone exercised as comedian Amber Thorney-Croft  explore the humorous side of life. Please come dressed to participate. Workout clothes are highly encouraged and recommended. 

Please register on Eventbrite under “Free Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation (YWE) 4th Annual Women’s Wellness Conference.  Also, please encourage and invite family and friends to register and attend this noteworthy opportunity focused on empowering women to live mentally and physically healthy lives. Space is limited, sign up today.

All inquiries, pre-register individual or groups, please email Devona Robertson or Tiffany James at ywefoundation@gmail.com. Like them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/youngwomenempowermentfoundation or visit www.youngwomenempowerment.org.

“Oh What a Night: Social Lites, Inc. 60th Anniversary Celebration”

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The elegant women of The Social Lites, Inc. from past to present enjoyed celebrating 60 years in the Inland Empire with over 200 guests in attendance on Saturday, August 20, 2016 at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.  Among the guests were Beautillion Alumni and former participants of the program, community leaders, and various community organizations.  Awards presented included a financial donation towards The Social Lites, Inc. 501© 3 scholarship foundation from Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. (Riverside Chapter), recognition certificate from Assemblymember Cheryl Brown, 47th District, Councilwoman Bessine Littlefield Richard, 6th Ward, presentation plaque from The Swans Club to name a few. The celebration Master of Ceremonies included both Hon. Rikke Van Johnson, Former City Councilman, San Bernardino, Beautillion Knight 1973, and Anthony S. Blacksher, Professor of Sociology, Sir Knight 1999.  Dr. Regional Woods, Senior Pastor, Life Changing Ministries of San Bernardino, Sir Knight 1976 provided the invocation followed by entertainers Edwonda White and Soul Brothers Band. 

Be It Blue, Lavender, Or Lace, These Are the Women of Style and Grace was the theme for this elegant celebration in which Beautillion Sir Knight 1978 Robert Grace, Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County was the keynote speaker.  Attorney Grace stated as a young man growing up on the West Side of San Bernardino he reflected on how women in The Social Lites, Inc. inspired him to go to college.  Education continues to be a road map to meaningful employment.  Moreover, the Beautillion program provided not only him but a group of young men meaningful, lifelong experiences, including a trip out of the community in which they stayed in a nice hotel, attended cultural events, performed community service, and awarded scholarships to help finance their education beyond high school. Attorney Grace reminded attendees all lives matter, however, we need to know how important it is in the spirit of all lives matter, to remind others “Black Lives Matter!”  

Over 30 years this organization raised funds by bringing The Ebony Fashion Show annually to the community. This organization was one of the first organization to donate a sizeable scholarship to California State University, San Bernardino, contributed to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. statue located in downtown San Bernardino, holding membership with the NAACP, Chamber of Commerce and was recognized earlier this year by The San Bernardino League of Women Voters. 

The 50th Beautillion Season will start the second weekend in October, 2016.  Mentoring young men towards a better future is their mission.  For additional information for the upcoming Beautillion season, please contact Mrs. Bettye Brewster, President at 951-204-0022 or Mrs. Helen Thomas, Correspondence 909-854-7730.  Application available via e-mail: Sociallites2@msn.com or www.socialitesinc.com.

Assemblymember Brown’s Backpack Giveaway Prepares Students for Classroom Success

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- In an effort to prepare parents and students for the upcoming school year, Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) hosted her 4thAnnual Tools for Success Day in partnership with the Inland Empire Job Corp Center and a number of local businesses and non-profit organizations. This year, more than 500 students received a backpack stuffed with pencils, crayons, notebook paper, books, rulers and more.

“I’m so proud to host this annual event to provide students with the tools they need to be successful in the classroom,” said Assemblymember Brown. “It also gives me an opportunity to discuss our Legislature’s educational plans and accomplishments.” 

This year, Assemblymember Brown reported that our Legislature voted to increase funding for California schools by billions of dollars.  This year’s budget package provides additional funding for college readiness programs; counseling services; early education and child care programs; teacher recruitment; competitive matching grants to continue the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program (CTEIG); and grants to improve the quality of drinking water in public schools, preschools and day care centers.

Other local educational agencies such as the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools represented by Carolyn Tillman and the San Bernardino City Unified School District represented by Dr. Harold Vollkommer, made appearances to greet parents and students and highlight their accomplishments as well.

The 4th Annual Tools for Success Day, emceed by KCAA Radio host Paul Rasso, was packed with information, giveaways, activities and included a special guest appearance by Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount). “Attending Assemblymember Brown’s annual backpack giveaway was yet another reminder of her endless passion for public service. During the week, she’s in Sacramento fighting for her constituents. On weekends, she’s there for the families of San Bernardino – in last week’s case, providing students with the school supplies they need to succeed,” said Speaker Rendon. 

Also at the event, live entertainment was provided by Alive in the Lights and Flora Fauna from the San Bernardino Teen Music Workshop, and a host of vendors offered community resources such as housing assistance, Prop 47 information, Medi-Cal insurance sign-ups, services for undocumented citizens and nutrition education.

Other program speakers and participants included Mayor Carey Davis, City of San Bernardino; Dan Flores representing Supervisor Josie Gonzales, 5th District; Board Member Gwendolyn Rodgers, San Bernardino School Board; Board Member BarBara Chavez, Fontana School Board; Board Member Randall Ceniceros, Colton School Board; Commissioner Kareem Gongora, Fontana Planning Commission; and Jorge Leyva representing the Mexican Consulate.

“It was a great event; especially because it’s about learning and getting an education,” said Claudia Lopez, Inland Empire Job Corps. “The Inland Empire Job Corps is honored to host this event every year and happy to help! The need for backpacks and supplies was evident by the number of families who attended the event. It was wonderful to see children with big smiles, walking away with their backpacks.”

The event concluded with a raffle and awards presentation. Raffle winners took home a 32 inch flat screen TV and bicycles donated by Assemblymember Brown and fruit trees donated by the Incredible Edible Community Gardens.

This year’s event was proudly sponsored by: Farmdale Creamery; Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP); Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County; KCAA Radio; City of San Bernardino Parks & Recreation; S.B. County Superintendent of Schools; Stater Bros.; Incredible Edible Community Gardens; Niagara Bottling; Home Depot; Pinnacle Medical Group; San Bernardino County Department of Public Health; First 5 San Bernardino; Mother’s Nutritional Center; Molina Healthcare of CA; Loma Linda University; TODEC Legal Center; Consulado of Guatemala in San Bernardino; San Bernardino County Fire; United Cerebral Palsy of the Inland Empire; Inland Behavioral & Health Services, Inc.; Consulado of Mexico in San Bernardino; Target; and the San Bernardino Valley Chapter of the Links.

For more information, contact Ashley Jones at (909) 381-3238.

#SchoolsNotPrisons Arts, Music Tour Comes to San Bernardino August 25-27

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – The statewide 2016 #SchoolsNotPrisons Arts and Music Tour is coming to San Bernardino Thursday, August 25 to Saturday, 27, calling for less spending on punishment and more investment in education, health and support for young people. 

“We are spending money on the wrong things,” said Ayla Lopez, a senior at Arroyo Valley High School and an Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC) Student Leader. “Schools, not prisons, are what will keep our communities safe. The best thing we as a community can do to make positive changes is to vote.”

The week’s events will highlight three areas of action for the San Bernardino community: 1) Replacing harsh school discipline like suspensions with positive discipline that keeps kids in school; 2) Offering increased health services in schools, especially mental health; and 3) Increasing San Bernardino County’s investment in youth programs and services. 

“We spend $144,000 a year to lock up a young person in San Bernardino County, but only $10,300 per K-12 student,” said Dina Walker, President/CEO BLU Educational Foundation. “That needs to change so our young people can thrive and reach their full potential.” 

The week’s events are supported by a coalition of San Bernardino County organizations, including Time for Change Foundation, BLU Educational Foundation, COPE, ICUC, Life Center Church, United Nations of Consciousness, and Youth Action Project.

The week’s activities will begin Thursday, August 25, with a community roundtable bringing together school and city officials to discuss how San Bernardino can shift more public spending from punishment to prevention in schools and communities. The roundtable will be held at Inghram Community Center, 2050 N. Mt Vernon Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92411 and will begin at 11:30 a.m.

On Friday, August 26, ARTIVISM will take place at Anne Shirrells Park Community Center, 1367 N. California St., San Bernardino, California 92411 at 5 p.m. The youth exhibition, which will combine both art and activism, will provide local youth the opportunity to visually express their ideas for how to create safe and healthy communities.

The week’s events will be capped off by Saturday, August 27 with a arts and music festival at California State University, San Bernardino’s Santos Manuel Student Union. The festival will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will feature art, food, music and community presentations. There will be performances by Audio Push, Mistah F.A.B., The Occupation, Jasiri X and Low Leaf, along with local artists and special guests. All in attendance will be encouraged to vote and get involved in their communities.

“We’re hyped to be a part of this tour because we get to really stand behind something with substance,” said Oktane of Audio Push. “This isn’t just a concert for the money and a good time and then everybody leaves. This is really speaking for something bigger than all of us on that stage, and that’s always been what we’re about. A bigger purpose. We’re excited for what’s to come!”

The tour will support campaigns by San Bernardino youth and community leaders to create thriving, healthy and safe schools and communities. Right now there is too much harsh punishment in schools that’s harming San Bernardino’s young people, especially youth of color who are suspended most often. Last year, San Bernardino County schools suspended more than 22,000 students – that’s more students than attend California State University, San Bernardino.

Even one suspension increases the chances of dropout and getting in trouble with the law, and San Bernardino students need positive supports to help them when they get off-track.

A primary focus of the tour will be to increase peaceful activism and voting among California’s young people whose opportunities are being cut short by the overuse of punishment and overspending on jails and prisons. 

“This week of activism will give our community an opportunity to share its vision of real safety with our elected leaders,” said La’Nae Norwood, Executive Director/Founder of United Nations of Consciousness. “Young people must be part of the decision-making process, and when youth vote, we see the power of their voices.”

The week of action is a time for San Bernardino to unite around the goal of strengthening our communities, said San Bernardino City Unified Superintendent Dale Marsden. 

“We are grateful our community can come together to strengthen our systems of support for students,” said Superintendent Marsden. “Together we can make hope happen for every child.”

The #SchoolsNotPrisons Arts and Music Festival will be a free, all-ages event that will include art by San Bernardino youth, food and more. The event is free of drugs and alcohol. To attend the event, participants can RSVP at www.eventbrite.com/e/schoolsnotprisons-tour-san-bernardino-tickets-27058699298

High Life Music Festival Postponed Due to State of Emergency

Due to the extreme fires in San Bernardino County, The High Life Music Festival made the decision to postpone their music festival today when Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in San Bernardino County. Wildfires are currently raging throughout communities with evacuations ordered to 82,000 residents in the area, making transportation to the region also difficult. 

The festival was to take place at The San Bernardino County Fairgrounds on August 20th and 21st, 2016, but is currently being used as an evacuation and animal shelter. As a result of this postponement, High Life Music Festival will continue to grant ticket holders admission to a future date once determined. 

“The High Life Music Festival would like to send our thoughts and prayers to the High Desert community affected by the tragic wild fires. It is with great disappointment, but a necessary decision we had to make to reschedule this year’s High Life Music Festival.  Safety is a priority for our festival goers, vendors, patients, sponsors, exhibitors, and staff,” said High Life management.  “We also respect the governor’s state of emergency declaration and the safety of our community and first responders.  We apologize to those who had planned to visit the area this weekend and hope you bear with us as we continue to make arrangements for a rescheduled date.” 

For more information and updates or to contact festival coordinators please visit www.highlifemusicfestival.com