Happily Divorced And After

“You and Your Damn Pride!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Yeah I said it! Just an egomaniac, arrogant, big-headed, cocksure person, thinking you are too good to be damned. Boasting that, “You are the Captain of your Fate; the Master of your Soul.” If you believe that Captain… I want you to know that your ship is about to Sink!

Many people think they are self-sufficient, no need for God. That spirit of independence apart from God is what the Bible calls pride. It ruined the human race [Genesis 3:5].  In Proverbs chapter 6 and verses 16 to 19 there is a list of seven things which God hates. These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren. Pride is put at the top of the list because it is the main factor which drives men and women’s disobedience and rebellion against God’s laws. The Bible says: Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not go unpunished” [Proverbs. 16:5];   The Lord shall cut off… the tongue that speaketh proud things [Psalm 12:3]; “God resists the proud…” [James. 4:6] For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon everyone that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and ‘he shall be brought low [Isaiah 2:12].

With pride in your heart you provoke God to anger. Not only will God not help you, God will literally become your adversary [1 Peter 5:5].  A lesson from Biblical history – Who better than King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to demonstrate a man who had God as an adversary. Daniel chapter 4 is a riveting one. I suggest you take a moment to read it. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had to learn the hard way. You don’t want to learn the hard way. You need to humble yourself on our own before the mighty hand of God, so He does not have to do the humbling to you or for you. Repeatedly God tells us pride precedes destruction. It’s not just that you will be humiliated. Ultimately you will be destroyed. Why? Because God hates pride, resists the proud, and sets Himself in battle array against the proud. Know that you will come to naught unless you repent. Worst of all, pride brings eternal ruin. Don’t take my word for it, read [Luke 18:9-14], the parable of the Pharisee and the publican.

As the Old Testament prophet Obadiah said: “Your proud heart has deceived you . . . . Though you soar aloft like the eagle, though your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down, says the Lord.” And the greatest prophet of them all Isaiah, speaking for the Lord, told the proud that they will be forced to make their bed with worms and maggots. There is no pulling of punches when it comes to describing the fate of the proud in the Bible. Pride is a deadly sin that causes those filled to overflowing with themselves great sorrow and grief.


The message is clear from beginning to end in the Bible – the proud will ultimately be brought low. The proud will ultimately fall. The proud must live with the consequences of their actions and their deeds. Perhaps this is a good day to say sorry to God for the pride in your heart. Perhaps today is a good day to begin to put right those things that your pride has caused. Perhaps today is a good day to clothe yourself with humility and to start to live the Christ-like life God has shown to you. Don’t be deceived, God will not be mocked. What you sow you will reap!

You pray for me as I continue to pray for you!

Berlin Wasn’t Just Jesse Owens’ Olympic

By Ronda Racha Penrice, Urban News Service

Gymnast Simone Biles. Swimmer Simone Manuel. Shot putter Michelle Carter. All three won gold medals at the Rio 2016 Olympics in sports not typically associated with black American athletes.

Eighty years ago, a grand total of two black American women athletes, Tidye Pickett and Louise Stokes, both in track and field, traveled to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, where Jesse Owens won four gold medals. Because his victories debunked Adolf Hitler’s pronouncements of Aryan supremacy, many believe Owens was the only black American Olympian there.

“He wasn’t alone,” says filmmaker Deborah Riley Draper. “There were 17 other people.” Her documentary, “Olympic Pride, American Prejudice,” tells the stories of Pickett, Stokes and the other black American Olympians with Owens.

Nine of them also won medals in the Nazi capital. Some did so with Owens. Some competed against him. Some didn’t compete with him at all. 

Ralph Metcalfe shared the podium for gold with Owens after the 4×100-meter relay. Then Metcalfe won silver to Owens’s gold in the 100-meter dash. Jackie Robinson’s brother, Mack, took silver to Owens’s gold in the 200-meter dash.

In high jump, Cornelius “Corny” Johnson won gold, while Owens’s fellow Ohio State Buckeye, Dave Albritton, snagged silver. Archie Williams mined gold and James “Jimmy” LuValle bronze in the 400-meter run. John Woodruff won gold in the 800-meter run. Frederick “Fritz” Pollard scored bronze in the 100-meter hurdles, and Jackie Wilson earned silver in bantamweight boxing. 

Draper found their stories accidentally while researching the life of American trumpeter Valaida Snow, who shared her tale after being interned during Hitler’s rise. Snow’s positive comments about the black American Olympians in Berlin sparked Draper’s curiosity. It took the former advertising executive four years to put the puzzle together. That puzzle is chock full of stunning archival footage, interviews with some of the Olympians’ children, and even actual audio from Olympians Williams and LuValle. In fact, their words help narrator Blair Underwood, also an executive producer, tell the story.

“It’s remarkable to have their voices and to have them kind of guide you through their experience through Berlin. It kind of feels like you’re having that conversation with Archie or Jimmy,” Draper says.

Digging through the archives of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, Draper found interview transcripts and then hunted down the corresponding audio. As demonstrated in her breakthrough black-model-focused 2012 documentary, “Versailles ’73: American Runway Revolution,” Draper has a knack for letting her subjects speak for themselves. That was easy in “Versailles ’73;” her subjects were still alive. It is decidedly more difficult when all the subjects are dead. But Draper is committed to letting black people speak, even if it is about the 1930s where their voices are harder to find.

“I don’t like anyone to speak for me, so I don’t want to take someone else’s voice from them because I don’t like my voice taken from me,” Draper says. “I think that’s a respect thing.”

This also speaks to the independent filmmaker’s work ethic. Louise Stokes Fraser’s son, Wolfie, recognized it immediately after seeing an early cut of “Olympic Pride.”

“He looked for seven years to find footage of his mother and was unsuccessful, and he was a cameraman for NBC for 30 years,” says Draper, who found the footage in archives in both Los Angeles and Berlin.

When he did see his mother, Draper says, “He cried a lot. He saw his mom on the boat, and he saw his mom getting off the bus. He saw his mom in the stadium, the Nazi stadium, sitting there next to Mack Robinson. His mother. And he said he was so proud. Just seeing her reminded him of just how amazing his mother was.”

That kind of response is what keeps her Atlanta-based Coffee Bluff Productions grinding. (Draper named the company after a historic stretch of her native Savannah.) “Olympic Pride” premiered theatrically in New York and Santa Monica on August 5. It is also available on Comcast’s Xfinity Streampix and can be pre-ordered on Amazon. A 10-city expansion is in the works for September.

If Draper and those like her hope to continue to buck the Hollywood mainstream, she says, the public will have to step up and massively support these movies.

“We need a movement to elevate the film in the consciousness of people who want to see this type of film. We need folks on Facebook (1936OlympicsMovie) to tell us they like the film,” Draper says.

“We have to convince distributors that there’s an appetite for African-American films,” Draper says. “People have to be convinced that African-Americans want to see something different.”

Riverside Police Department and Pro Boxer Mikey Garcia Team Up For Backpack Giveaway Program

Photo credit by the Riverside Police Department

Photo credit by the Riverside Police Department

RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. – On Tuesday, August 10, 2016, Riverside Police Officers teamed up with undefeated, former two-time WBO World Boxing Champion, Mikey Garcia (35-0, 29 KOs), to hand out one hundred backpacks and various school supplies to kids in the Casa Blanca neighborhood. The event was part of the annual Riverside Police Department Backpack Giveaway program, held today at the Ysmael Villegas Community Center in Villegas Park. Garcia said, “This was a wonderful opportunity to come out and support these kids. As a parent, it feels good knowing that all of these children will be prepared with the adequate supplies for their first week of school. I’m a big advocate for education, so I gave some advice for the kids to take with them into this new school year. It was an honor to be a part of this program, and to partner with the Riverside Police Department.” The twenty-eight year-old Garcia trains nearby at the Robert Garcia Boxing Academy in Riverside.

Having the right tools and support is crucial for students to have a successful education. “It was great to have Mikey Garcia out here with us giving back to the community,” said Sgt. Barney of the Community Services Bureau. “The backpack giveaway is a joint sponsored activity by the Riverside Police Foundation and the Riverside Police Officers Association, and was designed to inspire children and let them know that their community supports their academic efforts. Both foundations were able to raise over $5,000 in school supplies for kids in the City of Riverside.”

For any inquiries, contact Lorin Chvotkin of Team Mikey Garcia by email at Lbchoyas@yahoo.com or by phone at (240) 498 1478.

For more information about the backpack giveaway program, contact Supervisor John Pedroza, with the Community Services Bureau of the Riverside Police Department by email at Jpedroza@riversideca.gov or by phone at (951) 826-5232.

Follow Garcia on Facebook

Follow Garcia on Instagram: @teammikeygarcia

Follow Garcia on Twitter: @MikeyGarcia

Hashtags: #TeamMikeyGarcia #RGBA #BackToSchool


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- As you may have heard, JCPenney is returning to San Bernardino by opening a new store at Inland Center this fall.  The store will bring over 200 new jobs to the San Bernardino area, and JCPenney is having two special hiring events, which you’re invited to cover:

  • The first event will be held at Inland Center Mall at 500 Inland Center Drive, August 18-20 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • The second event will be held at the San Bernardino Employment Development Department location at 658 East Brier Drive, August 25-26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Recruiters will seek department supervisors, replenishment and support associates, visual associates, sales associates (commission and non-commission), Sephora inside JCPenney beauty consultants and The Salon by InStyle stylists.  Interested candidates may also visit jcpcareers.com to view and apply for positions.

Shorter Showers Means Longer Water Supply

Due to the drought, it’s important to make every drop count. Saving a few gallons every day helps restore our water supply. Here are a few water-saving tips for around the home:

  • Washing only full loads of laundry and dishes saves up to 50 gallons per week
  • Fixing household leaks promptly saves up to 20 gallons per day
  • Taking a five-minute shower saves up to 8 gallons each time
  • Turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth saves up to 2.5 gallons per minute
  • Buying water-saving devices like high-efficiency toilets, shower heads, clothes and dish washers saves many gallons per day!

Tips for residents and businesses on how to reduce water use inside and outdoors  are available at Metropolitan’s conservation website bewaterwise.com®, which also has information about how to apply for several different money-saving/water-saving rebates.

Rashaud Jones, a.k.a. Hustle is Mandatory (H.I.M.) Provides a Voice of Change with Latest #NoMoreHashtgs Project

By Naomi K. Bonman

They say that if you want to see change that you must be the change. Meet Los Angeles, California native by the way of Midland, Texas, Rashaud Jones. Mr. Jones is being that change that he wants to see in his community. He is making a change through his music by being a voice for the voiceless. Under his stage name, HustleIsMandatory (H.I.M.), he broke into the music scene as an independent artist in October 2015 with the release of his first solo project entitled, “Dana Made H.I.M. Do It,” which was a concept piece based on conversations between H.I.M.’s late aunt Dana Augusta Wright and H.I.M over the last few years before her untimely death. He felt more than compelled to do it in honor of his aunt.

Now fast forward just one year later, and Mr. Jones is making an impact in his music once again with his current single #PROTECTUS which is off of his upcoming project #NOMOREHASHTAGS, which is inspired by the recent events that have occurred where innocent lives have been taken.

“In this moment we have to use our gifts and voices to stand up and say #PROTECTUS because if WE don’ history will continue to repeat itself. Therefore, we as people have to come together as one and showcase that not only “Black Lives Matters” but “All Lives Matter”.

Sophisticated Relations recently caught up with the prolific, uprising emcee where he chatted on his upcoming project, inspirations, and why we should all be using our platforms in order to create the change that we wish to see in the world.

To keep up with H.I.M. visit his website www.hustleismandatory.com or follow him on Instagram @hustleismandatory.



Changing Your Garden Can Change Your Water Footprint

Did you know that up to 70% of your annual water use occurs outdoors? Replacing your lawn with water-wise plants can save as much as 44 gallons per square foot each year. Here are a few tips on how to maintain a beautiful and less thirsty garden:

  • Use less thirsty plants: African daisies, California poppies, celosia, creeping zinnia, cosmos, dwarf morning glories, gaillardia, marigolds, nicotiana, portulaca, and many more beautiful plants require much less water than grass.
  • Cut back on fertilizer: It causes the plants to become more thirsty.
  • Know your sprinklers: Use water-efficient sprinklers that focus on precise coverage and eliminate run off.
  • Water for short intervals: Watering for short periods allows plants time to absorb water without causing run off.

Additional indoor and outdoor water-saving tips are available at Metropolitan’s conservation website bewaterwise.com®. The site also has information about education programs and rebates for water-saving devices.

What it do with LUE: Model Workshop

By Lue Dowdy

LUE Productions Model Workshop POOLSIDE is WHAT IT DO!!! We’re looking to put together a one day Model Workshop at the beginning of October. In order to pull it off we must have at least 10 or more ladies in the workshop. You will experience a day of sisterhood through modeling. Our staff will provide top notch experienced individuals as instructors. The fee to participate is $100. Please do not let the cost scare you. We will work with you. The monies will go towards the instructors and amenities listed below worth $250 or more.

Upon completion of the workshop each participant will receive a certificate of completion and headshots. The workshop will consist of “The fundamentals of being a model,” which include: 1. What to expect 2. Tips on Walking 3. Hair & Make Up Tips 4. Fashion Tips 5. Tips on Posing 6. Tips on promoting yourself as a model 7. Information on go sees and 8. How to start your portfolio. Other amenities included in the fee are FREE lunch, FREE champagne, and FREE head shots. Please contact us at (909) 567-1000 or email Lue.info@yahoo.com for more details.

Innovative Principal Gains San Bernardino Community Support


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Mr. Jase Patterson, the new principal of Newman Leadership Academy is focused on creating high-quality education by bridging the gap through building stronger ties to the community with collective partnerships, not only with parents, but also with local businesses to support student achievement by first starting at the child’s home.

Patterson, 38, a native of Washington D.C., was an assistant principal at Assata High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for five and half years before transferring to Progressive Achievement Center in Compton, CA where he served as assistant principal for 2 and half years before coming to Newman Leadership Academy. His passion and commitment to children in the urban demographic had led him to the city of San Bernardino.  He recognizes parents are looking for positive male role models to change the perception that role models are only exclusive to the athletic figures. He is showing that role models need to and do include Teachers and Educators who harness educational attributes to make a difference in the world.

In a tough economy and competitive job market, Patterson says “parents find themselves raising children and looking to enter the job market,” or have had past employment problems or limited education. For those parents he plans to implement regular job fairs and educational and literacy programs, which includes computer literacy programs and home computers for the students of Newman, as well as community health fairs with blood pressure and health screenings.

Patterson engages students with the opening of a student store which children will earn incentives called “Scholar Dollars.”  Newman has future plans of expanding the library through donations, and incorporated the assistance of community businesses to help in funding for field trips. His openness has already impressed Newman Academy parents due to the fact that he has first and foremost put the children first. He is going to be a wonderful asset to Newman Leadership Academy Team.

Newman Leadership Academy is looking for additional donations in order to be able to continue to build onto the school’s library and resources.  To find out more about Newman Leadership Academy please visit 1314 E. Date Street in San Bernardino (92404) or visit www.newmanleadership.org.

47th AD Youth Academy Members Visit State Capitol

SAN BERNARDINO CA- Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino), in partnership with Wells Fargo, sponsored the 47th Assembly District Youth Academy’s trip to Sacramento on Monday, August 8. The Youth Academy, comprised of local high school students, are working together to finalize a bill proposal for next year’s legislative session.

“The goal of the trip was to get a better understanding of how a bill becomes a law,” said Assemblymember Brown. “I want to thank Wells Fargo for generously sponsoring our field trip to the State Capitol. The experience was both fun and educational for our students.”

During the visit, the Youth Academy members participated in legislative and professional development workshops, as well as attended a committee hearing and Assembly floor session. 

“Every minute of the trip, from meeting Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon to participating in a very compelling question and answer session with Assemblymember Brown’s Chief of Staff, was informative and captivating,” said Maria Mendoza, a recent graduate of Kaiser High School in Fontana. “Witnessing our state Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown in action and finalizing our bill proposal has been unparalleled. I am very thankful to have received the opportunity to be a part of Assemblywoman Brown’s Youth Academy; it has inspired me to become a more politically cognizant citizen.”

            “The trip to Sacramento was a great experience for me,” said Michael Egiebor of Carter High School in Rialto. “I have never been to Sacramento before, so everything I saw was new to me. My favorite part of the trip was working on our legislative proposal with Assemblymember Brown’s Legislative Director, Shannon McKinley.  It showed me that young people can make a difference in their society. All in all, it was a great trip and it inspired me to consider working in the political field.”

“Wells Fargo is pleased to support the 47th Assembly District Youth Academy whose mission is to help enrich the lives of underserved students. At Wells Fargo, we believe it is vital to the health and success of our communities that young people are able to learn from pioneering role models such as Assemblymember Brown,” said President Evelin Martinez, Wells Fargo Inland Empire Area. “We’re pleased to hear that the visit was more than just an educational field trip, but an enriching experience that has motivated our students to become remarkable leaders of the future.”

The 2016 Youth Academy program will conclude November 2016. Applications for the 2017 Youth Academy will become available December 1, 2016.  For more information, contact Ashley Jones at (909) 381-3238.