Happily Divorced And After

“Starting – All Over Again!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“That was then but this is now, I’m starting all over again. I need a miracle in my life today, ‘Cause I’m tired of walking in the same old way…” [Lyrics Shirley Caesar – Starting All Over Again]

I wonder is there anyone who has been in a situation in which you really wanted something to work out but it didn’t. You felt like if you just had a second chance, you could make it work. I wonder am I talking to anybody today. When you look back over your life, at some of the situations that you have been involved in and some of the choices that you have made, you think, if only I had a second chance. If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have married who I married. If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have moved where I moved. If only I had a second chance, what might have been? The fact is we all fail. We do things we regret. We say things we deplore. And we hurt people we love. Even the Apostle Paul was no stranger to failure. He said in [Romans 7:15] “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” I tell you; sometimes we are on our “A” game, and other times we fail. Reminding us in our human state how imperfect we are. Yet, because of the LORD’S loving kindnesses, His compassions never fail; they are new every morning… [Lamentations 3:22-23]

I want you to know that today God is giving you another chance to get your life right with Him. The Bible is full of people who received not only second chances, but third and fourth chances: Peter, Jonah, Mark, Samson, David, and others. All trophies of God’s Grace… I tell you, my list of “if only” moans could go on at length, but the common denominator of all the incidents is that when we are given a second chance, we need to make sure that we do not squander the precious opportunity. We have to come to realize that we cause tomorrow’s “if only” regrets by today’s neglects. I tell you, God is willing and able to give us a second, a third, a fourth, and a fifth chance; but we need to soberly reflect on the caveats that accompany these plaintive requests.

As the apostle Peter issued a stern warning in [Luke 19] when you ask for a second chance, you need to commit yourself soberly to following through by truly repenting and changing the outcome to a positive, godly result.” In other words, when you cry out, “If I only had a second chance… “Make sure the sentence ends, “. . . I would not squander it!” Know that if you deliberately keep on sinning after you have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Think about it, if anyone who rejected the Law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses, how much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?  I tell you, it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

You see, Jesus made it clear that the gift of another day is not to be taken lightly.  Take the gift of another day and don’t squander it. You know David, Jonah and Peter, were three great men of God, yet imperfect like you and me, and they had to hit rock bottom before the scales came off their eyes, and they saw clearly. God wants to bring victory in your life, but you have to make the conscience choice and decision to follow after Him. I am enormously grateful for an opportunity to start all over again… What about you?


A New Years Eve To Remember

Captain Mark Wood Jr.

Captain Mark Wood Jr.

By Naomi Riggins

Captain Mark Wood Jr. of Lakeside played his way through New Year’s Eve 2015/16 for Lynn Paul’s 50th Birthday Bash. The birthday was held at the newly renovated Elks Lodge located at 1073 Mt Vernon Avenue in San Bernardino. To book your next event at the Elks Lodge call (909) 258-0254 and ask for Lynn.

The legendary band repertoire of feel-good fusion of soul/disco and funk transported us back to 1980’s when Lakeside was at their height of their game. As the intro to “Fantastic Voyage” came through the speakers it seemed to flick a switch which electrified the crowd into high gear. Mark Wood Jr. and Lakeside was definitely “All the way live”!

For more information on how to book Lakeside, please go to lakesidecaptnmarkwood.com.

Unity in CommUnity: Yesterday, Today, and Forever: “Going for the G.O.A.L.”

 Judge Asberry

Judge Asberry

FONTANA, CA- The Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana and the North Fontana Black Awareness Parade Committee cordially invite you to the Charlotte Ray Award Ceremony and Recognition Dinner.   The honoree for the evening is Superior Court Judge Irma Poole Asberry.

Judge Asberry is the first African American to serve as the Presiding Judge of the Riverside Superior Court.  Asberry was the first African American Supervising Judge of the County’s Family Law Department from 2009 to 2012. She currently has an assignment in the Criminal Law Department. On June 4, 2009, she was honored by her sorority with the Outstanding Leadership and Service to All Mankind Award at the 80th Far Western Regional Conference of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.  The Riverside African-American Historical Society Inc. recognized Judge Asberry for her Outstanding Community Service in October 2013.  The Inland Valley News presented Judge Asberry with its Excellence with the Juris Prudence Award in June 2014. The R.T. Fields Bar Association honored Judge Asberry as Judicial Officer of the Year in 2015.

On January 23 at 7 p.m. at Bethel A.M.E.  Church of Fontana located at 16262  Baseline Avenue, you are welcomed to join in showing her your  appreciation for the value contributions this Fontana resident has made.  The tickets are $35.00 per person or $200.00 a table (six at table).

Mail check or money order to: 16666 Baseline Rd.  Fontana, Ca 92336 c/o The Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana, or phone your payment  to (909)333-9950. Please RSVP by January 15.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Restoration & Maintenance Committee Annual Ceremony

MLK STATUESAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Monday, January 18, 2016, the Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.  Restoration and Maintenance Committee will have its annual Recognition Ceremony at Dr. King’s statue which is located at San Bernardino City Hall, 300 North D Street in San Bernardino.  The ceremony begins at 10 a.m.

The committee will place its annual wreath at the foot of his statue in recognition of our national hero.  All community members are invited to participate in this special recognition ceremony. For more information, please contact France Grice, Committee Member at (909) 534-6567.

Obituary: Lula McMorris Thomas

Lula McMorris Thomas

Lula McMorris Thomas

Lula McMorris Thomas, a native of Columbus, Ohio and a resident of San Bernardino County for 55 years, passed away on Monday, December 28, 2015 at St. Bernardine’s Hospital in San Bernardino, CA. She was 89-years-old.

Funeral services will be held at Harrison Ross Mortuary located at 738 E. Highland Avenue in San Bernardino on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 11 a.m., with visitation on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at the same address.

She leaves to cherish her memory to her children: Marcus Thomas, Philip-Michael Thomas, Michelle Roby, Karen Thomas Robinson, Anita Haynes, George Thomas, Crystal Thomas, and her Grandson, Forrest Darnell Thomas she raised as a son; thirty-five (35) grandchildren, thirty-seven (37) great grandchildren, two great-great grandchildren, and a host of extended family and friends.

Burial will be Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 10 a.m. at Riverside National Cemetery located at 22495 Van Buren Blvd., in Riverside, CA.

What It Do With the LUE: Unity Jam

UNITY JAMWhat It Do Inland Empire. It’s the first article of 2016. Let me just say thank you Lord for allowing me to make it. Now moving on I’m totally excited about this year and all its new opportunities we have for Indie Artist.

On Friday, January 22 in Santa Monica at the Dragon Fly Night Club, LUE Productions will be involved in the UNTIY JAM sponsored by Involved Records.  We have rapper Knoc Turn’ AL and sexy R&B singer Marques Houston starring and our very own Gwaap Fam opening up. The event will be a blast as we celebrate UNITY.

LUE Productions is always about being positive within the community and giving back. We have performance slots available for artists wanting to perform. Please contact us at via Facebook under “LUE Productions” or text (909) 567-1000. The same applies for tickets. Until next week folks L’s. San Bernardino Strong!

About LUE Productions: 

LUE PRODUCTIONS is an entertainment/management/production company established in 2005 with the mission of offering a safe and productive environment for artists of all ages to display their talents. Based out of the Inland Empire, we pride ourselves in bringing forth unique and entertaining shows. Specializing in Community, Corporate, and Private Events, we are strongly focused on the ARTS, the YOUTH, and the COMMUNITY. We work hard in our community and spend time giving back.

Please help us by checking out our page on FACEBOOK and clicking the like button. We hope you share with your family and friends! Thank you!- LUCRETIA DOWDY, CEO and Founder.

Donations in support of our efforts is appreciated and can be made via PayPal at
Lue.info@yahoo.com or (909) 567-1000.

BOTTOMLINE: If You Don’t Vote, You Don’t Care… If You Don’t Care You Don’t Count!

Publisher’s Commentary   By Wallace J. Allen

Less than fourteen percent of San Bernardino’s eligible voters bothered to vote in the past November elections. Elections that selected five City Council Members who will make the major policy decisions to lead the city out of bankruptcy!

Sixth Ward voters get a chance for a ‘do over’! They will get a second opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice. There is a special run-off election scheduled for Tuesday February 2. The special election will decide the occupant of the 6th Ward Seat.  In the November’ general election, only 3 of every 20 people registered to vote in San Bernardino’s 6th ward, did so.

Is it correct to assume that the other seventeen people who didn’t vote don’t really care who is “in charge” in City Hall? Or maybe they just trust the judgment of the three who decided to vote.

Anyone that holds elected position for a constituency that votes at a less than fifteen percent rate knows the people they represent “don’t really give a hoot”! How the elected official responds to that fact is a demonstration of their integrity… But we have to admit, it is probably difficult to drive a hard negotiation for your constituency when the elected official that is being negotiated with knows that the people that you are representing, “don’t really give a hoot”!

A Sixth Ward Candidates Forum & Debate is scheduled for 6 PM Monday January 11. Sixth Ward voters can see, hear and question the two wonderful women who are candidates for the right to represent the Sixth Ward.  The Forum is at the Ingrahm Community center, 2050 N. Mt Vernon Avenue.

If you are eligible to be a voter, you should care about the condition of your streets and street lights, about garbage and blight, about fire protection and police services, about parks and activities for children and senior citizens. You should care about business and job development! The list goes on and so does government that probably doesn’t serve you, but it appears that 17 out of 20 of you “don’t really give a hoot”! There is too much at stake to not vote!

“You will probably lose more by not voting than you gain by voting. It is kind of like treading water, you don’t get far doing it, but you can lose everything if you don’t! “- Wha-Lee.



Paying Tribute to Amazing Vocalist, Natalie Cole

Natalie Cole

Natalie Cole

By Billy Gee

Like millions of others, I was shocked to learn of the demise of vocalist par excellence, Natalie Cole.  She was close to the heart of many Baby Boomers, like myself, who not only thrilled at the sound of her mellifluous voice, but who also associate her with her legendary father Nat “King” Cole.  I had the privilege of meeting her when she spoke at the commencement exercise for the Berkley College of Music when I graduated in 1995.  She shook my hand and smiled as she congratulated me.  Her smile was the kind that could melt your heart from across the street.  The experience was truly “unforgettable.”  (Pun intended.)

Even if you never had the occasion to meet her in person, chances are that you felt that she was someone that you knew personally.  Each fabulous note she sang would find its way to your heart–to the depth of your being, as was the case with her inimitable dad.

Natalie may be gone, but rest assured that she will never be forgotten; for I know she will live on in the hearts of admirers the world over who knew and loved her through her music.  Rest in peace, “Sweetie.”


Littlefield-Richard and Williams Debate On Monday, January 11

Roxanne Williams

Roxanne Williams

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- San Bernardino Six Ward voters will elect a new representative to the San Bernardino City Council at a special election on Tuesday, February 2. Bessine Littlefield-Richard and Roxanne Williams are knocking on doors throughout the Sixth Ward seeking voter support as they compete for the City Council seat.

Both candidates ran strong passionate campaigns for the leadership position. The question asked by many is, “Will the voters be as passionate about choosing leadership and get out to vote?  The general election in November drew only a small percentage of eligible voters, despite the fact that the City is transitioning out of bankruptcy and needs competent leaders.

Bessine Littlefield-Richard

Bessine Littlefield-Richard

The candidates will meet to debate their qualifications and platforms for the City Council seat on Monday, January 11 at the Ingram Community Center located at 2050 N. Mt Vernon Avenue beginning at 6 p.m. The Forum is sponsored by the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area Committee.   The candidates have been sent some questions in advance so that they will have time to research their responses as needed. The audience will also be able to present questions to the candidates. The candidates will also be given the opportunity to comment on any item or issue that is not included on the question list.

The candidates have been sent the following questions: What is your vision for Mt Vernon Ave and what is your plan? What is the status of the State Street Extension and your thoughts/plan to complete it? What do you know about the City’s Receivership Program… Does it allow for San Bernardino 6th ward residents to participate as investors? Should it? What will you do to make that program work for 6th Ward Residents?

“It’s a New Season… It’s a New Day!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“…  A fresh anointing is flowing my way; It’s a season of power and prosperity; The devil’s time is up, no longer can he bother me; ‘Cause the Creator of the universe, He fathers me; And it’s transferable, my children’s children shall be free; If you don’t know by now, you need to know it’s Jubilee; Where debts are canceled and your children walk in victory; … A new horizon; And no greater time for you to make a choice and take a stand; … All that was stolen is returned a hundred fold; Tried in the fire but coming out gold; …To every promise take a hold; It’s a New Season, It’s a New Day” [Israel Houghton Lyrics].

I don’t know about you, but today marks the beginning of a “New Season” for me. Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters… I am about to do a new thing… forget the former things”[Isaiah 43:18-19].  Now you can say what you want to say, but I say Amen to new things! You see if you are ever going to move on to new things in Christ, you must learn that you cannot depend upon past victories to sustain you. You cannot allow your past failures to possess you… In the book of [Habakkuk 1:5] the prophet was told: ‘Look around you, Habakkuk, among the nations, and see and be astonished, astounded, for I am putting into effect a work in your days, such that you would not believe it though you were told it!” I want you to know that God did a new thing in Isaiah’s day, He did a new thing in Messiah’s day, He did a new thing in the days of Pentecost, He did a new thing in the days of the Apostles, He did a new thing in the days of historical revival and He is going to do a new thing in Lou days. He said it, I believe it! – Oh, I tell you “It’s a New Season, It’s a New Day”… A year full of possibilities… A year full of opportunities! You hear what I’m saying to you, “A New Season, a New Day!”

But wait a minute; the Spirit is saying “That some of you are stuck in a rut, stumbling through life. You’re living off manna instead of feasting on God’s abundance. You’re wandering through the wilderness instead of inhabiting the Holy Land.” The Spirit says, “That it’s time now to make your move. It’s time now to receive what God has for you. It’s time now to enter the Promised Land.” For a place of promise awaits you: of contentment and joy and peace and abundance and satisfaction. It’s a land flowing with milk and honey; and God is waiting for you to enter. The Spirit says, “Don’t dwell on the pass; Turn the page.  Look ahead to what God will do in your life, today and tomorrow. Stake your claim on your territory. Begin to expect God to give you dominion in every area of your life.”

“Soon in your hand will be placed a priceless gift… Look at it closely.  There is no price maker stamped on it.  It cannot be weighed, because no scale can balance its value.  A king’s ransom in comparison is as nothing, yet it is given to beggar and prince alike.  The giver asks only that it be used wisely and well. This jewel, rare and unique, is not displayed in any shop window. It cannot be purchased, cannot be sold. No other treasure holds the possibilities this gift offers — none can surpass its golden splendor.  Of all gifts, this is one of the most precious. It has been offered many times before; today, from the depths of a limitless love it will be given again. It will be left to you to find the golden thread running through it. Only with great care will the jewel retain its luster.  Carelessness, ingratitude and selfishness will tarnish the brilliance, break the unspoiled thread, and mar the perfection.  Guard it closely, lest through weak fingers it slips from the hand.  Look often at its faultless beauty. Accept it as it is offered from the heart of the giver. Consider it as the most treasured of possessions, for of all gifts it is by far the greatest. It is the gift of the New Year.” I tell you, “It’s a New Season… It’s a New Day!”