Happily Divorced And After

BOTTOMLINE: Does That Mean Turkey Bacon Too?

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen                                                                                                                       

When I first heard the news that processed foods, meats in particular, were potentially cancer causing, I focused on the concept of ‘potential’. I took that and other cancer warnings as information for ‘someone else’.  My ‘blessed’ life would surely not include cancer! However I learned that God’s love would include giving me a reason to demonstrate my faith and good sense.  Prostate Cancer corrected my attitude. It makes me realize how easy it is to resist good advice. Eating food for fuel and exercising regularly is good advice!

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported something that reinforces advice that many Black people ignored because of whom they heard first give the advice. The leader of the USA Based Nation Of Islam… The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the early 1950’s, told Black People and anyone else that wanted to listen, that eating pork was not healthy….Many Blacks, to show their disregard for The Minister’s separatist philosophy, bragged about cooking and eating pork that they said “taste so good it would change the Minister’s mind”. The Minister’s message of “Eat To Live” was lost on many who did not want to do anything that would appear to be in harmony with that group of Blacks who’s leader kept saying things like “Do For Self”… another piece of good advice.

According to various internet sites, WHO’s research arm found that all processed meats, including sausages, ham, and hot dogs, are carcinogens. The report says that 50 grams a day—about two slices of bacon—raises the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%, per the BBC.

This news from WHO is the last reminder that I will need…  I have two grandsons that love loving bacon! Refusing them is not one of my natural talents. However, making adjustments is. For instance in the past when we would take them to breakfast, Mrs. Allen cooked turkey bacon at home and took it with us, so they could have the ‘healthy’ bacon. Well according to WHO, turkey bacon is processed and therefore as much a carcinogen as red meats.

You may be one of the many people to whom Mrs. Allen and I have preached the virtues of turkey bacon. Well, here is some new advice… Unless you are making your own bacon from turkey you cook, stop feeding it to the kids!

Since an adjustment is necessary…For their future, we will choose to take our grandchildren out for dinner, where bacon is not on the menu. We advise you to do the same!


Paley Center’s Hollywood Tribute to African-American Achievements in Television

Group photo

LOS ANGELES, CA- On Monday, October 26, The Paley Center for Media hosted its Hollywood Tribute to African-American Achievements in Television, presented by JPMorgan Chase & Co., at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California.

With locations in LA and NY, The Paley Center for Media is the leading non-profit cultural institution that showcases the importance and impact of media’s role in our society. On this evening, the Paley Center highlighted the deserving accomplishments and illustrated the enormous impact of African-Americans across every genre of television, from news/talk and music to sports, drama, and comedy. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Paley Center’s programs and its ongoing efforts to expand and preserve the Paley Archive that includes an African-American collection chronicling seven decades of television content. Tonight’s event showcased critically acclaimed programs of historical importance, featured iconic Hollywood talent across generations, and paid homage to creative visionaries from the entertainment community.

The evening included a salute to Black Entertainment Television’s (BET) 35th anniversary and also commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act and television’s role as a pivotal platform for addressing important issues, breaking down barriers, and creating social change.

The Paley Center for Media’s President & CEO, Maureen J. Reidy, & Frank Bennack, Chairman of the Board of the Paley Center and CEO of the Hearst Corporation were on hand for the celebration. Presenters included: Anthony Anderson, Ava DuVernay, Brandy Norwood, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, Debra Martin Chase, Diahann Carroll, Don Cheadle, Jerrod Carmichael, Keegan-Michael Key, Quincy Jones, ReginaKing, Rick Fox, S. Epatha Merkerson, Terrence Howard, Tyler Perry, and Tyra Banks.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. serves as the Tribute’s Presenting Sponsor and event co-chairs include: 21st Century Fox / Fox Audience Strategy, Hearst Corporation, The Loreen Arbus Foundation, Starz, and Viacom / BET Networks. Patron supporters of this program include: AT&T; Carl Beverly, Timberman / Beverly Productions;CBS Corporation; Comcast NBCUniversal; Creative Artists Agency; Disney | ABC Television Group; Facebook; FTI Consulting, Inc.; HBO; Hulu, LLC; Lionsgate; Sony Pictures Television; true[X] / Fox Advanced Ad Products; Turner Broadcasting; and Warner Bros. Television Group. The Paley Center’s Tribute Committee members include: Chris Albrecht, Kevin Beggs, Peter Benedek, Carl Beverly, Steve Burke, Philippe Dauman, Stephen J. Davis, Clifford W. Gilbert-Lurie, Robert Greenblatt, Doug Herzog, Mike Hopkins, Steve Lafferty, Debra L. Lee, Paul Lee, Dick Lippin, Michael Lombardo, Leslie Moonves, Steve Mosko, James Murdoch, David Nevins, Gary Newman, Rick Rosen, Peter Roth, Philip Schuman, Ben Sherwood, and Nina Tassler.

Youth Get Inspired and Uplifted at Youth Uplift Leadership Conference

Youth Conference 2 2015

RIVERSIDE, CA- The Black Student Union of J.W. North High School under the direction of BSU Advisor, Tamara Frazier, and principal Dr. Sheffield, welcomed over 200 middle and high school student from all over the Inland Empire to its inaugural Youth Uplift Leadership Conference on Saturday, October 17.  The purpose of the event was to provide inspiration and empowerment to students.  The conference’s theme was “the eyes are useless if the mind is blind.”

Youth Conference 3 2015

Students were treated to several workshops geared towards building character and integrity, developing self worth and a purpose in life.  The conference was sponsored by members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Eta Nu Omega Chapter as a part of its ASCEND program and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.  Parents were invited to attend as well.  Both students and parents were pleased with the content of the program and are looking forward to next year.  The event was attended by several community leaders and was a demonstration that the Inland Empire is invested in its young people.   For more information about the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. ASCEND program, please contact Linda Gaines Brooks at (909) 874- 7206

Y’all Gonna Make Me Go Off, Up In Here, Up In Here!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“You unbelieving generation, Jesus replies, “How long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you…?” Mark 9:19. I have done everything for you!  I’ve healed, I’ve preached, I’ve saved, I’ve loved, and I’ve taught you, and you still refuse to believe much of anything I say.  After all I’ve done up to this point to display My power, there is still a question as to just how powerful I am… “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you?” “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword, Matthew 10.  You uncircumcised Philistines!  “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I wish thou were cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:15-16… Wow!

Is there any doubt as to why Jesus spoke in such a manner to His disciples and speaks to us in this manner today…? I think not! We’re just not accustomed to think of Jesus in this light: frustrated with us, irritated, disturbed, annoyed, dissatisfied. And please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying; I’m not suggesting in any shape or form that the Lord spoke these words unduly harshly, or in an extreme or unreasonable manner. But surely you’ll have to agree with me that we tend to think of the Lord’s winsome characteristics, His grace, His love, His gentleness – we’re not accustomed to thinking of Jesus as being frustrated with His people, and rebuking His people. This is what we have, I believe, before us in Luke chapter 9, specifically in verse 41 and the verses that follow. He is grieved at the failure of His followers, and He says: ‘How long do I have to put up with you?” Put up with your unbelief; your lack of faith; your failure; your lack of prayer; your spiritual blindness; your pride; your lack of love towards the brethren; your lack of dedication? How long? Tell me….

You know in Numbers 14:11, God complained to Moses about the stubbornness of the Israelites, “How long will these people despise me? And how long will they not believe in Me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them?  I want you to know that throughout the Bible, God rebukes humanity for the problem of unbelief. For the greatest problem you and I struggle with, whether we detect it or not, is the problem of unbelief. We are like the Israelites who doubt, “Can God spread a table in the wilderness?” Psalms 78:19. Hear me and hear me good…. Jesus was severe with the people of His day because of their unbelief. He even criticized His disciples when He frankly told them that they had littleness of faith Matthew 17:30, but He promised them that if they would have faith as a mustard seed they could move mountains, that is, they could do things which, with people, are impossible. As believers, we face threats to the life of the kingdom of God. Jesus and the disciples encountered these threats as well, but trusting in Jesus allows us to overcome. Do you hear what I’m saying to you? Jesus is grieved because of our lack faith.  He was grieved then and He is grieved today when we lack faith.  They had no faith and no spiritual perception and apparently neither do we. We should be running to the altar, I tell you…. Frustrating the grace of God is a great and horrible sin. God says, “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Y’all Going to Make Me Go Off, Up In Here, Up In Here!”


Riverside Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Mentors Youth

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RIVERSIDE, CA- The Riverside Alumni Chapter (RAC) of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity launched its Kappa League youth mentoring program on Saturday, September 26.  The leadership development program, although new for the Riverside Chapter, was originally founded in 1969 at Locke High School by the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter.

“This program is an important part of our fraternity’s mission,” says Martez Nix, Director of the RAC Kappa League.  “Young men need guidance and direction as they face the challenges of adolescence.”

During the orientation, Polemarch Demarius Carmichael and retired Navy Admiral Ed Moore provided an overview of the program curriculum and upcoming events, while tying them to the five phases of educational, occupational and social development. These include Self Identity, training in the areas of academics and career preparation, competition in sports, career advancement and politics, social endeavors, which include religion, the arts, communication and etiquette, and health education.

The program is open to male students in grades 9 through 12, with a minimum grade point average of 2.5.  For more information contact Martez Nix at MartezNix@gmail.com.

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BOTTOMLINE: How Do You Know He Is A Cop?

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Plain clothes officers should be limited to making observations, and not be allowed to make arrest, unless accompanying a uniformed officer. Citizens should be able to know when a real police officer is ‘giving orders’.  A plain clothes officer should not expect carte blanch conduct rights against the general public. Plain clothes and or undercover police are performing surveillance and are in fact, disguised as ‘regular’ citizens.  Since it is legal for regular citizens to have guns and other self protection devices, police officers who are disguised as regular citizens should have a protocol that protects the officer and the general public from the ‘natural and legal’ response of a citizen who thinks he/she is being unjustly attacked, and thus justified in attempting to defend self. That citizen should not be charged with resisting an officer if he had no way of knowing that his attacker is a police officer.  The respect and deference owed to a police officer can only be provided to someone that is known to be such. Too many citizens have died as a result of encounters with police who though are off-duty and out of uniform, have exercised police actions with an attitude of authority despite being disguised as regular citizens.

Saturday, November 7: Move 2 Improve Tour: Youth Empowerment Event

Wild ‘N’ Out Host Aarona Lopez

Wild ‘N’ Out Host Aarona Lopez

INGLEWOOD, CA-Bully Awareness Network will be presenting its “Move 2 Improve: Youth Empowerment Event” on Saturday, November 7 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Chuco Justice Center located at 1137 East Redondo Boulevard in Inglewood.

The day will include entertainment, giveaways, Norking, Food, and contests. There will also be special guest appearances from Grammy Award artist Kevin McCall, Wild ‘N’ Out Host Aarona Lopez, #1 BMX Rider in the World Daniel Sandoval, Noel G (Fast & The Furious, Training Day), Chris Lavrar (America’s Got Talent), Trae Ireland (Chocolate City), Brandon Larkins (Cougar Town), and Erica Abke (Miss California 2015).

If you would like to register for the Talent Showcase, please call (323) 301-2416. Also don’t forget to bring an unwrapped toy for BAN’s toy giveaway for homeless children. Your toy is your token to be entered into the raffle. To purchase tickets, please visit www.move2improve.bpt.me.

Five Minutes Could Save the Lives of Homeless Women and Children

Time for Change Staff

Time for Change Staff

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Kim Carter overcame addiction, incarceration and homelessness, and founded Time for Change Foundation to help other homeless women and their children. She helps them to stand on their own and be independent, to raise their children with love and healthy boundaries, and break the cycle of helplessness.

There are 9 other outstanding CNN Heroes in the competition to be #1.
The winner of the top prize will receive $100,000. Kim Carter is the only Top 10 Hero in California. She is working with women and children who live in our communities.

How do you feel after a productive day at work? There is tremendous dignity that comes from being able to support your family; providing food, shelter, care, love and a future.

Can you imagine not having food for your children, a roof over their heads, enough money to make ends meet? Many of Time for Change’s families have never been in a positive home environment. They only know violence, hunger, addiction, pain and fear.

Kim Carter’s vision and life’s work changes that reality for countless women. Time for Change Foundation teaches them how to live, helps them to heal deep wounds and how to provide the kind of home life for their children that we all take for granted.

Your vote, every day, will mean the world to countless women and their children. Please vote and tell your friends to vote too. Voting will be open until November 1 at heroes.cnn.com.

An Annual Celebration of Music, Art, Fashion, Fun

unnamed (4)REDLANDS, CA – This past Saturday, Music Changing Lives, (MCL) hosted their 8th annual Lights on Afterschool celebration at the Redlands Community Center.  Lights on Afterschool is a national celebration recognizing the importance of after-school programs for children, parents and the greater community.

Music Changing Lives celebrated by hosting a musical performance competition, visual arts display and a fashion show!  MCL students worked for several months preparing for the fun and entertaining celebration.  First place in the vocal competition went to 9 year old singer Valeria Solis who sang “Stay” by Rhianna.

Trisha Sherman is the Art Director at the MCL Redlands location and she worked with her student artists on the visual artworks display, along with coordinating the very stylish fashion show.

Two students, Julian Amaro and Angela Pallares from the Art Institute of San Bernardino who intern with MCL showcased their Spring Bloom Collection for the show, while art instructor Eva Urbano, designed the tutu dress collection for the young female art students strut in during the fashion show.

Program Director and lead Audio Engineer for MCL, Steven L. Hernandez organized Saturday’s showcase and commented, “I started at MCL three years ago and when I started I thought this was crazy because I hadn’t heard about a program like this before. But when I started working with kids who had difficulties and problems, I realized this was one of the places they could come to not only be themselves, but could grow and escape from what they may have to deal with every day.”’

Music Changing Lives offers students at the Redlands Community Center recording sessions, vocal coaching, piano lessons, guitar lessons and art lessons Monday – Saturday from 2pm-9pm for only $20.00 a month.

Former student and guest judge for the event, Jose Mariscal of Moreno Valley discovered MCL during his senior year of high school.  Jose credits MCL to opening many doors for him musically and for giving him confidence to perform and audition.

He also enjoys giving back and helping other young artists who were like him a few years ago.

“I was in bad shape, you know, and music got me to focus on what I love doing. I love singing. I love playing the guitar, the piano, the drums. It’s one of my dreams,” he said.

“We plan to celebrate Lights on After School every year because it not only recognizes the important role afterschool programs play in our communities, it also celebrates the kids in our programs, the arts, the music and all of the achievements we’ve reached,” said CEO & Founder of Music Changing Lives Josiah Bruny.

Afterschool programs keep kids safe, help working families and inspire learning. According to data from the Afterschool Alliance, 14.3 million children are without adult supervision in the afternoon hours.

Visit www.musicchanginglives.org to learn more about MCL or follow the movement on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MusicChangingLivesIE

What It Do With the LUE: R. Kelly Packs Out San Manuel

R.Kelly2What it do with the LUE is three time Grammy award winner Robert Sylvester Kelly, known R.Kelly3to us as R. Kelly, smashed San Manuel on Thursday, October 8! Straight outta Chi Town, known as Chicago (Illinois), the singer, songwriter, record producer, rapper and former; let’s not forget professional basketball player, came out to the Inland Empire and left his mark. He showed us all why he is the King of R&B.

OMG, performing all his hits from his 12 play album such as “Your Body’s Callin'”,”Bump N’ Grind”, “I Believe I Can Fly”, and many more. The house was packed with standing room only. The ladies were out of control and let’s just say that the fellas were waiting patiently. LOL! I had so much fun, it took me way back. I love the fact that he wasn’t stuck up and how he engaged the crowd. He called several ladies from the audience to come on stage and chill while he performed, giving them an up and close performance. Now we all know how Kellez get down, don’t we according to history.

A lot of artists are only good studio singers and suck live; however, R. Kelly is the truth. This man made sure that the crowd knew what was up by singing long drawn out hook runs. His voice is butta’, so with that being said, “Can I get a Toot! Toot! Can I get a Beep! Beep!”. Until next time, and please support ya’ girl and like our face book page under LUE Productions. L’Z!