Happily Divorced And After

Medi-Cal Renewal Now Automatic for Eligible Californians

By McKenzie Jackson/ California Black Media

Los Angeles County resident, Diyon Clark, is relieved to learn that his Medi-Cal renewal will be automatic this year. In 2014, he remembers his re-certification process being especially confusing and frustrating.

“That’s cool,” said Clark, a 20-year-old who lives in the San Fernando Valley. “That is one thing I hopefully won’t have to worry about.”

Late last year, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) announced that county human services agencies across the state will renew coverage for most Medi-Cal members by using the information they already have on file. That includes information pertaining to a person’s place of residence, immigration status, and income. If the county is able to verify all of an individual’s information their coverage will be renewed.

In a March 25th email, DHCS spokesperson Anthony Cava said re-certifications begin well ahead of the date members’ plans are set to expire.

“For renewals due January 1, 2015,” he wrote, “the process started approximately 60 days in advance (end of October/early November 2014).”

For Californians who qualify, Medi-Cal offers health care benefits at either no or low cost. The coverage funds a prevention-oriented approach that promotes well-being through 21 managed and county-specific health plans such as Anthem Blue Cross, L.A. Care and Molina.

The health program is open to low-income adults; individuals with disabilities; families with children; senior citizens; children in foster care as well as former foster youth up to age 26; and pregnant women. According to numbers from DHCS, as of last month approximately 927,280 African Americans were enrolled in Medi-Cal.

This year, DHCS expects to renew the insurance plans of about 12 million Medi-Cal members. “If all the information is available and it indicates continued eligibility, the individual’s coverage will be continued for another 12 months,” said Cava. Clark, who is half African American and half Jewish and has been covered by Medi-Cal for most of his life, says the most painful part of his renewal process last spring was completing it by phone.

“It took about three months for me to get renewed,” said Clark, a college student and wireless phone salesman. “I was told to call and ask for Medi-Cal, then Covered California, then Medi-Cal.”

Clark said needing to have surgery on his torn rotator cuff last year further complicated the process and heightened his frustration. And he was not the only person angered by the 2014 renewal process. There was a significant amount of chatter among health care advocates and Medi-Cal users alike, lamenting the fact that due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the questions asked on the renewal forms had become too complicated.

Elizabeth Landsberg, director of legislative advocacy at the Sacramento office of the Western Center on Law & Poverty, an organization that works to secure housing, health care, and a strong safety net for low-income Californians, said the renewal process seems to be more streamlined now.

“The process we have been seeing in 2015 is quite different,” she said. “Essentially in the past we had been expecting people to re-apply for Medi-Cal all over again. Now the onus is on the state to check people’s records.

Cava said Medi-Cal users will only have to complete renewal forms if their Medi-Cal service cannot be automatically renewed, for example DHCS cannot verify certain information like income or residency.

“Then, a pre-populated renewal form is sent to them, outlining the information used for the redetermination and what information is still needed from them to complete the renewal process,” he said.

Cava said that any forms must be completed within a 90-day period or a current enrollee could lose his or her Medi-Cal coverage.

“This is our standard Medi-Cal policy,” he said. “If the information is provided within this timeframe, the counties will accept the information as if it had been submitted on time and complete the redetermination process. If the person remains eligible, their coverage will resume and be treated as if there was never a break in coverage.”

Besides providing an opportunity to have surgery on his rotator cuff, Clark says having Medi-Cal also allowed him to have surgery on his broken right hand – all within the past year. Inserting a metal plate into one of his appendages wasn’t cheap, he said.

“Medi-Cal has saved me at least $20,000 in medical bills, easily” he said.

For more information on renewals, visit your local county human services agency, go to www.coveredca.com/medi-cal/renewing-medi-cal-coverage/ online or call 1-800-300-1506.


The article above is brought to you by California Black Media, a coalition of Black -owned media outlets committed to making a difference in our communities.  It is made possible via a grant for public outreach from The California Endowment. We share the common goal in reaching as many residents as possible with useful information that will help expand access to affordable, quality healthcare to all Californians. 

“Oh Where, Oh Where Could He Be?”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

In the waiting room – ever been there, I have and it is not easy.  I think that at some point and time in our lives all of us go through a stage in our life where we wonder if God will ever show up. It seems as if we are always falling into a life of constant hard times and nothingness. Every time you turn around there is a different trial, a different problem and a different tribulation. But, year after year, you are told that this is your year. Year after year, preacher after preacher has spoken sermon after sermon telling you to get ready for your blessing. Prophets have called you up and told you to get ready for the move of God in your life, and you wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and nothing seems to happen. You began to get so frustrated and tired of waiting that you began to lose faith in what God has promised you and that loss of faith eventually turns to disbelief. You began to think that maybe God didn’t tell you what you thought He did, so you decide that you will no longer wait; you have waited long enough!  Guess what, you have just stopped God’s movement in your life and killed your blessings. The reason that God had not moved in your situation so far is because it was not yet your appointed time for a visitation.

What I know is that we as people of God or people in general have a problem with waiting. We want what we want; when we want it and how we want. We are a spoiled generation. It doesn’t matter if it is good for us or not, we just want it. And if it doesn’t happen when we think it should we begin to come up with our own plans on how we are going to make it happen.  We tend to want to move too fast instead of waiting on God.  I tell you we will save ourselves some trouble, hard aches and pain if only we will remember what Ecclesiastes 3 tells us, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” But we want to pluck the fruit before it has had time to ripen.  I tell you as soon as you do that, Satan will come in with his sneaky conniving self and give you a right now counterfeit blessing; something that will take your mind and focus off God. It always seems to be in our nature to go for the right now thing, instead of the right thing that which God has for us. But as Ms. Aretha Franklin, said, “You better think!”

Listen, the Scriptures says in Habakkuk 2:3, “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” One of our problems today is that we have lost the biblical perspective of the majestic greatness of God, and we have a completely wrong focus on God.  We are just like Habakkuk… “How long, O Lord, must I call for help?” Habakkuk’s words are a complaint; he has major issues to take up with God. I suspect we do as well, if we are honest. Apparently, Habakkuk had repeatedly called upon God to act, to intervene, to set things right, to just do something. Yet it seemed that God had not heard him and God would not act to save. Finally, out of a deep sense of frustration and confusion, he cries out to God, “How long, O Lord, must I call for your help, but you do not listen?” “Lord, please do something! Act like God. Can’t you see we are weary of fighting against wrong and trying to do good?” I tell you the Lord intends to keep His people dependent upon Him. Amazingly though in the midst of all his crying, Habakkuk decides to takes God at his word. Habakkuk trusts that God is already at work, even if he can’t see it. He trusts that God has more to say, and he commits himself to waiting on God rather than taking matters into his own hands. This is the rub in the story. Habakkuk assumes a disposition of waiting with confident trust in God. We too must be persuaded that God is in control of the timing and intensity of our trials. If you are a child of God I want you to know that you have the means by which to stand firm in the face of any trial. Trust that God has a reason for your sufferings and waiting. Submit yourself to whatever He desires to teach you. The road may be rocky, but a wise response will lead you into the joy He has promised. I’m telling you what I know.  You see, I know about waiting to give birth to the promises of God and never seeing it come forth. I know about waking up in the middle of the night crying and asking God what’s next and not receiving an answer. I know about travailing for a promise, year after year, and having it never come to pass. I know about never ending disappointment but I am here to tell you on today that God has not forgotten about any of us. Galatians 6:9 says at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t’ give up. I’m so thankful that we have the Bible to help us understand how God works in all the seasons of life to help us find faith and grow and mature. God always have a purpose. I often have to stop and consider this. That all that happens in my life – the bitter things, the hard things, the hurtful things, the triumphs and the victories – can work for good.  I want you to know that waiting is the process of becoming what God wants us to be. What God does in us while we wait is as important as what it is we are waiting for.

If you’re going through a season of life and you don’t think much is happening, be faithful to God; trust Him. The promises of God remain Yes and Amen! The fact that God would send a word like this at this particular time should be confirmation to you that you are close to what God has promised you! I come to tell you to wait on it! Don’t compromise with the devil. Wait on it! Don’t break down your standard, wait on it! No matter how long it takes He might not come when you want Him to come, but He is always on time. Give God the Glory!


ISAH Block by Block Neighborhood Juneteenth Community Celebration

 San Bernardino, CA- When Dr. Deborah Winn gave thought to how her organization WWAM, Inc., could  commemorate the celebration ending slavery in America, Annual Juneteenth Event, she realized that the greatest tribute and challenge was literally right outside her front door. A four year resident of Wall Avenue in San Bernardino, CA, Dr Winn says she and her husband saw past the bleak future confronting many of their neighbors.
She states, “Our greatest concern was our young men, shootings, gang violence, drugs, prostitution, abandoned properties, loitering and seniors afraid to go outside after 5:00 pm.  We knew there had to be hope, given San Bernardino was once one of America’s greatest cities. We know the people in this vary community can be part of making San Bernardino be a great city again beginning with their block first.”
Part of this great effort will take place on Saturday, June 20 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. as WWAM hosts the multicultural, family centered “It Starts At Home (ISAH) Block by Block Neighborhood Community Juneteenth Celebration.”  Featured will be resources for jobs, housing, utility assistance, health services, business development, guest speakers and more.  Additionally, a strong push for voter registration will be a major agenda for the day.  WWAM has already received the forms and will be active in discussing the importance and power of voting with residents.
Additionally, pastors and ministries from local congregations will begin the event with praise and worship, as well as, prayer block-by-block.  Street Positive CEO, Terry Boykins, will be doing a special outreach and engagement with fathers in the community.
Dr. Winn has invited long-time friend and famed community advocate and trailblazer, Dr. “Sweet Alice” Harris (a.k.a. Mother of Watts) to be the keynote speaker.  She comments, “Working together we can rally and return our city to the place people want to call home.  Wall Ave stands ready to do its part for the good.”
Vendor Booth opportunities are still available. Informational booths are $40 and product booths are $100. WWAM is also on the lookout for African vendors that sell African jewelry, art, clothing, and more. For those that are interested in getting a booth, please call (909) 889-9505 or email wwaminc92@yahoo.com to fill out a vendor form

Retired Las Vegas Cop Returns to Southern California with a Lifesaving Message for Kids


GARDEN GROVE, CA- R. Byron Stringer, a Las Vegas Cop for over 26 years, took the stories he saw on the street and created the Toe Tag Monologues.  He presented the Toe Tag Monologues last weekend at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Garden Grove.

The Boys and Girls Club hosted their 1st Annual Teen Leadership Conference from May 29 to 31, and was pleased to include Toe Tag Monologues.  This performing troop, coming from Las Vegas, consists of teenagers who performed life changing monologues about Bullying, Teen Suicide, Human Trafficking, Gang Violence, Drug Abuse, Drunk Driving, School Violence and much more.  There is no other program like it in our country!

Stringer, a native of San Bernardino, believes that the rest of America is only a moment away from becoming a Ferguson or Baltimore. The Toe Tag Monologues uses Drama to help kids get through their own Drama.

“We have to do what the City of Garden Grove, California is doing and begin to heal our children.  We can no longer just lecture our kids but we have to learn to listen as well,” Stringer said. “This conference, “Turn Up For Success”, is laying a template for others to follow.”

For more information on the Toe Tag Monologues, please visit byronstringer.com.

SBCCD x SBVC Receive Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Practice of Construction Management for Renovation of Auditorium

Front row: Dr. Gloria Fisher, President of SBVC (holding SBVC award); Nickolas Zoumbos, Trustee; Donna Ferracone, Trustee; Board President John Longville (holding SBCCD award); Board Clerk Joseph Williams; Gloria Macías Harrison, Trustee; and Board Vice President Dr. Kathleen (Katy) Henry. Back row: Dr. Donald Singer, Trustee; Chancellor Bruce Baron; Interim Vice Chancellor, Fiscal and Business Services Jose Torres; and Hussain Agah, Kitchell BRj Senior Campus Manager.

Front row: Dr. Gloria Fisher, President of SBVC (holding SBVC award); Nickolas Zoumbos, Trustee; Donna Ferracone, Trustee; Board President John Longville (holding SBCCD award); Board Clerk Joseph Williams; Gloria Macías Harrison, Trustee; and Board Vice President Dr. Kathleen (Katy) Henry. Back row: Dr. Donald Singer, Trustee; Chancellor Bruce Baron; Interim Vice Chancellor, Fiscal and Business Services Jose Torres; and Hussain Agah, Kitchell BRj Senior Campus Manager.

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) and San Bernardino Valley College received the Project Management Award for the renovation of the San Bernardino Valley College Auditorium from the Southern California Chapter of the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA). The award was presented to the SBCCD Board of Trustees at the May 28 board meeting by Hussain Agah, Senior Campus Manager with Kitchell/BRj, which oversaw the construction project.

Chancellor Bruce Baron noted, “The renovation of the Auditorium at San Bernardino Valley College was a complex undertaking of a landmark site and taking into consideration the San Jacinto Fault Zone. Kitchell/BRj was instrumental in the cost-effective, on time, efficient completion of the project. The renewal of this beautiful building resulted in the addition of an elevator tower so the building is now ADA compliant, two outdoor courtyards and the expansion of the restrooms. None of this would have been possible without the support of the community through the Measure M and P bonds. The bonds allow us to maximize our resources as we design a quality learning and working environment for our students and employees.”

The second oldest building on the SBVC campus, the Auditorium is an academic, performance and community space. Its historic architecture created construction issues as all historic buildings do; the original construction documentation was unreliable and the project team was continually uncovering unforeseen conditions. Kitchell/BRj was involved in an exhaustive reconnaissance effort, working with numerous municipal and state agencies to ensure work could proceed on time and according to the budget. The project team also had to be especially resourceful in locating and even fabricating materials to fit the specifications of a 76-year-old building.

Started in July 2013 and completed in August 2014, the project came in under budget (less than $10 million), and included making the building earthquake-safe. The Auditorium is the closest of any building on campus to the San Jacinto Fault zone. A highly valued historic and visual landmark on campus, demolition and replacement was not an option. Due to the fault and folding zones, the new elevator tower was designed to split from the main building if an earthquake were to occur. In addition, a unique solution was utilized to minimize structural intrusion into the existing building. Fiberglass reinforcing was added to several walls to increase their structural capacity, which meant that no columns had to be added to building, which would have cut space and altered the building’s design.

Kitchell was originally tasked with providing Program Management services for the San Bernardino Community College District’s Measure M Bond program. The bond program was passed in 2008 for $500 million, but the SBCCD saw the available bond funds shrink by nearly half in the midst of the economic recession. The SBCCD and Kitchell worked together to eliminate non-essential projects from the Master Plan. Opportunities for the SBCCD to save money and even offset costs were identified so that much needed improvements to the San Bernardino Valley College campus, such as the Auditorium, could be completed.

Community lays Riverside Community Leader, Dorella Anderson, to Rest

Dorella Anderson

Dorella Anderson

By Naomi K. Bonman

Family members, extended family, friends, and community residents came together on Friday, May 29 to celebrate the life of Riverside community trailblazer, Dorella Anderson, better known as Dorie to most, or Mrs. And Sis. Anderson to others. The homegoing services were all that the late community leader would have wanted. The sanctuary of Park Avenue Baptist Church in Riverside was overflowing to capacity, filled with those that loved and cherished Dorella, Godmother Dorie (as I called her).

Mrs. Anderson, 79, served has a champion and advocate for families and youth on the Eastside of Riverside for the past 35 years at the Community Settlement House, just minutes away from Downtown Riverside. She played a pivotal role in assisting immigrants adapt and settle into life in the States by helping them obtain citizenship and addressing issues that assited them to remain in the country legally. Her work with families on the Eastside spans two generations.

“She led a life that supported the Eastside children for more than 50 years. She was talented, beautiful, athletic, and had a confidence that drew people towards her. The events at Lincoln Park and the Community Settlement Association continued the work of a prior generation of local families who truly made the area a community,” Dorella’s cousin, Craig Goodwin stated.

Anderson was the founder and lifetime member of the Riverside African American Historical Society and will be remembered for bringing “Toys for Tots” to Riverside, teaching crafts, dancing, and for her involvement in numerous community affairs.

As a personal extended family and church member of Anderson’s I will miss her gentle and sweet spirit and her willingness of speaking her mind to anyone and saying how she felt, and because she was not afraid to speak her mind and speak out you felt even more comfortable around her.

She will definitely be missed among Riverside and surrounding cities, but she lives on in our hearts forever until we all meet again.

Book Review: “COLORS” by Tracy Holmes


Tracy Holmes visits EMPIRE TALKS BACK radio

Review written by Alexis Reaves

This self help book is one of three books in the authors series of “Say it Twice Books”. To begin with, the author introduces the reader to the primary colors in Spanish as well as providing a pronunciation and an illustration of the color on each page. As you read, you will learn not only what each color is in English, but how to say each color using an English guided pronunciation tool. The author proceeds to add learning interaction into the book by  including  a fun quiz for children that  ask them to fill in the correct color on the page. This gives its readers an opportunity to assess their learning and unintentionally helps children to remember what they have learned. Colors works as a tutorial book, teaching children Spanish beginning with the basics. The goal of this book is to educate the youth on different languages, thus increasing the amount of bilingual children. This book is beneficial to children and will work as a start up for Spanish learners in the future.

COLORS is available online from Amazon and Barnes And Nobles. The author of COLORS, Tracy Holmes is scheduled to be at the Montclair Plaza Barnes And Nobles on June 13th for a 2 p.m. book signing.

Tracy was a guest on the April 19, 2015 EMPIRE TALK’S BACK radio program with host Wallace Allen. You can see the video of the show by following this link  http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/61303982


“How Will I Know?”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Whitney Houston asked the question, “How will I know … How, will I know if he really loves me… I say a prayer with every heart beat…  I fall in love whenever we meet… I’m asking you what you know about these things… How will I know if he’s thinking of me…? Falling in love is so bitter sweet… How will I know?”

How do we know when someone really cares about us? How do we know if someone loves us? There are a lot of things that we can do to show others that we care for them.  But the ultimate expression of care and love takes place when somebody sacrifices a part of themselves or all of themselves for you. Jesus put it this way, “Greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Ah, this is good… {John 15:13}. When somebody does something like that there can absolutely be no doubt in your mind they care for you, they love you!  I want you to know that the Cross is God’s exclamation point! The Cross is the exclamation point at the end of a sentence in which God is screaming, “I love you and I’ll do whatever it takes to get your attention.” Hear me and hear me good… God paid an unbelievable price to send an unbelievable message.  Inseparable love {Romans 8: 35-38} who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  When God wanted to demonstrate His love for us, He did it on a much higher level. He was willing to risk our rejection by first being honest about our behavior.   And even though we have messed things up with Him through our actions and sin, He continues to stand by us…  If there is any doubt in your mind that God is interested in you; if there is any doubt in your mind if God loves you, please look again at the Cross. For it is good to look through history and see how God, time and time again, demonstrates His love for us.  Sometimes it is almost as if He is shouting, “I LOVE YOU!”  But do you hear Him?

In Luke chapter 2 verses 8-14 it tells us that there was “a shout of love in a dark night!” This is one of the texts that some of you need to hear today.   It should help you be reminded that God loves you, because ‘this shout in the dark of night’ sets the stage for how we can understand God’s interest and love for us. The angels were proclaiming God’s wonderful plan and praising His name as He began to demonstrate His love for us through His One and Only Son Jesus… Can you hear it…?  “I have sent my Son, He is here for you, and I love you that much.” Knowing the intensity of this, never wonder again if you are loved.  God loves you to the point he sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice for all your sins and mine. I don’t know whether you remember or not, but in Malachi 1:2 Jesus had a complaint against us too. He said, “So you want to complain, you want to know if I love you, well let me tell you something, I got a complaint against you too. I have loved you deeply, but you got the nerves to ask Me, wherein have I loved you… Really!  My answer… The Cross… Now what have you done for me lately? I can’t hear you…. What you say…. That’s what I thought… Never question whether I love you again! {Paraphrased by me}

Now I know that sometimes life’s circumstances don’t seem fair. That’s when it’s easy to start to doubt God’s love for you. Moments of disappointments, fear, frustration, struggle, and uncertainty can make you feel that God has failed you. In reality, God knows what you need, and has everything under His control. He may have a different time, place, process, or way to move you through life that you may not have expected, but it doesn’t mean He doesn’t love you. I tell you, we need to come up with a different definition of God’s love. We need one that is not so narrow as to suggest that the only true love from God is that which makes us happy. We need to see the boarder perspective, from God’s view, where the ultimate sign of love does not have to do with this life, but with the life to come. This perspective lets us see suffering of this life in a different perspective {Romans 5:3-5}. Don’t allow Satan to distort God’s love for you. There is nothing like the love of God! It is the most overwhelming thing I have ever encountered in my life. It is the greatest thing God ever did for any of us! You should be shouting right now for God’s overwhelming love! There is no greater love than the love that God has for you.  Will you believe it?  Will you accept it?  Will you live through it? I want you to know that God’s love is such that it cannot be comprehended through the mortal and corruptible mind of man. It must be spiritually conveyed. My question for you today is simple, it is not,   “What if God loves you?” but, “What if you believe, really believe it?” You see no matter how much God loves you and no matter how much He does for you, you must accept the truth of that love and accept His son Jesus as your Savior and Lord. I will say it one more time, God loves you!  We need to be reminded of what God did — more than anything else — even as He could smell the stink of sin all over us, He allowed His perfect Son to be sacrificed for us.  We are the reason Jesus died; we are the reason Jesus hung on the Cross.  Don’t question if God loves you. . , know that He was willing to send His Son Jesus to die for you while you were still in sin. We all play a part in the crucifixion of Jesus.  Each of us, because of our sin, led Him to be killed so that we could be forgiven. Oh, how He loves you and me, He gave His life, what more could He give.  I don’t know about you, but that sure does encourage my heart!  Jesus loves me this I know!


A Taste of Hollywood

staff photo

staff photo

sax player

sax player

RIVERSIDE, CA- On Saturday, May 16, the red carpet was rolled out for student artists who rocked the stage at the UCR Campus Theater in the much anticipated Changing Lives Showcase!

The red carpet extravaganza was presented by Music Changing Lives, (MCL) a non-profit music and art after-school program for at-risk children and youth, which works to inspire kids through performing arts programs to keep them focused on their education and their futures.

The evening was definitely a night to remember. As guests arrived, they walked on to the red carpet to have their photo taken, then were treated to delectable Hor D’oeurves and refreshments as they entered the theater. Then shortly after there was an incredibly entertaining show from students who set the bars high for talent in the Moreno Valley for the fourth year in a row.showcase - boys

Four schools from the Moreno Valley School District, where MCL offers its programs, brought their A-game to compete for the Bruny Awards.  Teens from Vista Del Lago High and Moreno Valley High battled it out, while younger students from Butterfield Elementary and Edgemont Elementary competed against each other.

Participants competed for the Bruny Award in four categories – Musical Instruments, Lyrical Performance, Band, and Visual Arts, while the schools competed for Overall Performance.  The fate of these talented kids rested in the hands of two celebrity guest judges, hip-hop artist L’Marco Smith and singer Joamber Armijo.

The competition was fierce, but in the end Butterfield Elementary beat Edgemont Elementary and Moreno Valley High triumphed over Vista Del Lago for the third year in a row! First place winner for the Bruny Award in Musical Instruments was Jose Davalos from MoVal High and Edgemont Piano Group: Albelina Perez, Pilar Ramirez, Carolina Cortez, Yoselinee Barajas and Isidro Quitnero.

showcase - butterfield studentIn the Lyrical Performance Jabri Baqvet from MoVal High and Jalie Leon from Butterfield reigned in first place.

Vista del Lago students: Fernando Barrera, Luke Bythe, Peter Bythe and Justin Allen dominated the Band category and took home the first place Bruny Award.

The very talented Sandy Calero from MoVal High and Maria Lomeli from Butterfield both took home first place in Visual Arts.

Every student who participated also was honored with a certificate from Senator Richard Roth’s office and Assemblymember Jose Medina for their dedication to make a difference in their community.

As students prepared to compete in the showcase they also managed to increase their school performance by volunteering for a minimum of five hours in their community.  Participants were instilled with the message, “Together we can be the change we would like to see in our community.”

The Changing Lives Showcase was sponsored by Music Changing Lives, MVUSD, Wells Fargo Foundation, UC Riverside, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, Target, Edison International, Goliath Graffix and Clothes the Deal.

For more information about Music Changing Lives send an email to info@musicchanginglives.com or visit them on the web at www.musicchanginglives.org.

red carpet showcase

Dedication to Helping Others Highlighted at the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County 50th Anniversary Gala

From left:  Dr. Joshua Beckley, CAPSBC Board Chairman, Julie Borlaug, Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture at Texas A&M; Patricia L. Nickols-Butler, CAPSBC Chief Executive Officer; Robert Lovingood, Vice-Chairman, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, First District; and James Ramos, Chairman, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, Third District.

From left: Dr. Joshua Beckley, CAPSBC Board Chairman, Julie Borlaug, Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture at Texas A&M; Patricia L. Nickols-Butler, CAPSBC Chief Executive Officer; Robert Lovingood, Vice-Chairman, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, First District; and James Ramos, Chairman, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, Third District.

Fanco Family

Fanco Family

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) held its 50th Anniversary Gala celebration on Friday, May 15, 2015 at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.  The event was a celebration of five decades of helping low-income residents of San Bernardino County with quality programs designed to help eliminate poverty and empower people to achieve self-reliance and economic stability.

Those in attendance came out in support of CAPSBC and experienced an inspiring evening with a VIP Reception with music by Jazz saxophonist, Vaughn Fahie, an inspiring message from keynote speaker Julie Borlaug from the Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture at Texas A&M.  Event Masters of Ceremonies for the evening were James Ramos, Chairman, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, Third District and Robert Lovingood, Vice-Chairman, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, First District.

Frances Grice

Frances Grice

CEO Patricia Nickols-Butler welcomed attendees and stated, “Since 1965, Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) has worked diligently to improve communities and assist residents to achieve economic stability.  We ar­­e proud of our accomplishments and partnerships built over the years.  CAPSBC has created many wonderful community service programs that have had a great impact on the lives of those in need.   50 years ago, we began this ‘War on Poverty.’  Tonight we pledge to continue to do all we can to help our communities and assist our fellow residents in need.”

A highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Community Action Legacy Awards by the CAPSBC Board of Directors.  The Venny H. Newman Humanitarian Award was presented to Frances J. Grice outstanding efforts in fighting poverty in San Bernardino County.  Ms. Grice is a long-standing leading advocate for diversity, promoting civil rights and equal opportunity in education, employment, housing, and economic and community development.  She was a member of the San Bernardino grassroots organization known as The League of Mothers for whom diversity and economic opportunity was their mission.  Her work represents our local San Bernardino history in the national movement to address the poverty and its symptoms since the 1960’s.

The Spirit of Hope Achievement award was presented to Luis and Leticia Franco, successful graduates out of CAPSBC’s Individual Development Accounts (IDA) Program.   Through IDA, the family was helped to navigate through the process of saving and buying their first home.  The family of five previously went through very difficult circumstances and were living in a converted garage sharing one set of bunk ­beds.   They spoke in jest about what an adventure it was and how the family really got to know each other during this time.

The Legislative Advocate Award was presented to Assemblymember Cheryl Brown for her dedication to community reform and improvement.  She is an active community leader and a small business champion.  She has worked with numerous community support groups and councils.   Ms. Brown generously presented CAPSBC with a donation of $3,000 in support of the agency’s programs and services.

Also receiving Community Action Legacy Award honors this year were:  Helping People, Changing Lives Award – Amazon; Community Partner Awards –  Kohl’s and Mitsubishi Cement Corporation; Spirit of Hope Achievement Awards – The Fellas and Generation Now.

Gala wide shot

Gala wide shot