Happily Divorced And After

Shorts at CAAM Showcase and Industry Writers Panel Featuring Issa Rae, Gary Lennon and Diarra Kilpatrick

LOS ANGELES, CA- The California African American Museum (CAAM) invites the community to attend CAAM’s fifth annual Shorts at CAAM Showcase and Industry Writers Panel on Sunday, August 30, from 11 a.m. until 6:30 p.m.

Shorts at CAAM Showcase will feature 15 short films created by independent filmmakers.  During the Industry Writers Panel we will hear from series creator, producer and director Issa Rae of the upcoming HBO comedy Insecure; actor, writer and executive producer Gary Lennon of the Starz series Power; and series creator, producer and director Diarra Kilpatrick of the NBC comedy-drama The Mysteries of Laura.  Dayna Lynne North, the writer and executive producer of VH1’s Single Ladies, will moderate the discussion. Each panelist will share their stories of how they were able to enter the Hollywood writer’s room. Additionally, they will discuss their experiences writing for projects that include film, television, online and stage.

This event is free and open to the public. CAAM is located at 600 State Drive, Exposition Park. Parking is $10 and located at 39th and Figueroa Streets. Take Los Angeles Metro’s Expo Line and exist the Expo Park/USC stop.  RSVP is encouraged at 213.744.2024.  For more information on CAAM visit www.caamuseum.org.

Healthy Heritage Cost of Beauty Pilot Research Program Studies the Harmful and Potentially Deadly Affects Hair Care Products Have on Black Women

RIVERSIDE, CA— Are your hair care products making you sick? Healthy Heritage Movement Inc. (HHM), a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate health disparities within the African American community recently launched a community-based participatory research study in 2013. This study will examine this very question.

Is the Cost of Beauty (COB) Putting Black Women at Risk? The Inland Empire African American Wellness Collaborative (IEAAWC) Hair and Health Study is an important project that is investigating whether or not Black women are being put at risk as a result of the deadly chemicals that can be found in hair care products such as relaxers, dyes etc. The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and despite the emergence of the natural hair trend, black consumers still continue to spend an exorbitant amount of money on products such as; straighteners, hair weaves, wigs and extensions.

Emerging evidence for the COB research project suggests toxins found in some hair care products African American/Black women use may contribute to breast cancer. In addition, the research project also examines women in the Inland Empire, and their rationale for using hair relaxers and products that contain hormone altering ingredients.

“We would like to see legislation passed that regulates the hair care product industry with warnings about the potential dangers as a result of this research study,” said HHM Founder and CEO Phyllis Clark.

Joint participation of the COB program includes Loma Linda University and Quinn Community Outreach Corporation. The COB research project is sponsored by The California Breast Cancer Research Program. Since its inception in 2013, the health study has interviewed over 200 women and men throughout the Inland Empire, and 150 survey participants.

The COB research project has also submitted nine abstract publications and completed seven conference presentations; one article has been submitted for publication to the Behavioral Medicine journal and approval is pending.

HHM recently participated in the Nappywood 3rd Annual Los Angeles Natural Hair and Lifestyle Expo which took place in early August. HHM Founder and CEO Clarkserved on one of many panels that took place during the conference, along with other industry experts. Discussion of a broad range of health issues relating to overall health and wellness took place, including a need to retrain and reeducate stylists on natural hair processes, particularly in the African American community. These panels included health advocates, hair care innovators, cosmetologists and some of the top hair stylists in the industry. When posed with the question of what challenges these industry experts are faced with, one panelist expressed that cosmetology schools don’t equip you on how to care for hair in its natural state without the use of straightening chemicals.

Miko Branch, owner of Miss Jessie’s stated, “Embracing natural hair is creating a paradigm shift of a generation who is learning to care for their own hair, in turn eliminating the need for going to licensed professional stylists.”

However, audience and panel members both agreed with Ms. Clark who emphatically pointed out,“We don’t want to see salons eliminated altogether, but our expectations of them have changed.”

For more information about the COB hair health research program, contact Dede Kossiwa Teteh at dteteh@healthyheritage.org.


About Healthy Heritage

The Healthy Heritage Movement ™ (HHM) – Our Health ? Our Heritage ? Our MovementHHM’s mission is to eliminate health disparities in the African American community by providing culturally relevant wellness programs and resources, peer navigation, and advocacy training.

HHM provides health education programs to decrease the disproportionate number of African Americans affected by chronic diseases: Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Obesity.

Their healthy lifestyle Community Health Leaders (CHL) host conferences, classes, workshops and personal counseling.


About The Founder
Phyllis Clark is the Founder and CEO of The Healthy Heritage Movement Inc. (HHM). She is a very active health advocate, committed to the fight against cancer which is the #1 killer of African-Americans and the disease that took her mother at a young age.

As a volunteer for the American Cancer Society (ACS) since 2003, she is the Lead Legislative Ambassador for Congressional District 41, and the chair for the California African American/Black Team. She is also a member of the region’s Cancer Leadership Council. She has received numerous awards including the American Cancer Society prestigious Harold P. Freeman Award, and Volunteer of the Year award in 2007, to name a few.

She is a member of the Riverside Community Diabetes Collaborative (RCDC), the Network for a Healthy California, the Southern California Donate Life Network, and the California Partnership for Access to Treatment (CPAT). She is also a past Board Member of the Komen for the Cure Inland Empire Affiliate.

Ms. Clark recently earned her Masters of Business Administration in Marketing. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from the University of Redlands School of Business. In addition, she has a Vocational Instructor Credential in Retail Marketing from University of California Riverside, and an Associate of Arts degree in Fashion Merchandising.

She loves spending time with her sons, grandson, extended family and friends, as well as church, swimming, enjoying music, museums and live theater.

@healthyheritage #costofbeauty #healthyhair #healthyhairisgoodhair


Statement of Condolence From NABJ on Fatal On-Air Shooting Of Va. Reporter, Cameraman

The following statement was issued Wednesday after two WDBJ- TV journalists were killed during a live broadcast in Virginia:

The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) expresses its deepest sympathies to the families of Alison Parker and Adam Ward. Journalists go to work everyday to inform audiences of the news in their communities. Today, two journalists lost their lives in a senseless act of violence. The NABJ family sends its prayers and condolences to the WDBJ-TV family.

To read the story on what happened, just in case you missed it click here

Carl Dameron has prayed and battled to stay alive

Kathleen and Carl Dameron

Kathleen and Carl Dameron

By Kathleen Dameron

Hello my name is Kathleen Dameron and I am initiating this fundraiser.  Carl is my little brother.  OK he is taller than me, but he is still my little brother.  In December of 2014, Carl was diagnosed with fourth stage cancer.  To be specific he has CLL Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia.

Carl has spent the majority of 2015 in the hospital.  In March of 2015 after his first round of chemotherapy Carl caught a wicked infection and became septic.  All of his organs shut down and he went into coma and almost died. Carl was put on a ventilator and had many IVs and dozens of medicines.

Through his long months of illness, Carl was put on dialysis, lost the ability to walk and to feed himself.  After weeks of rehabilitation he can feed himself and walk short distances again.

Carl has a huge heart and a strong sense of helping others. He has volunteered for the Salvation Army providing free public relations services for 11 years. He has been very active in his community helping  & serving on many boards and providing free PR services to dozens of non-profit organizations.   Carl is credited with helping to bring about positive changes in the Inland Empire.

Wife Malaika and Carl at Loma Linda Universiy Medical Center

Wife Malaika and Carl at Loma Linda Universiy Medical Center

Yet, it must be a man thing, he is reluctant to ask for help in his fight against cancer and lung infection.  It seems to be a challenge for his ego.

Carl had a near death experience.  In fact, Carl had several near death experiences between March and June.  He has prayed and battled to stay alive.   He is slowly healing and contemplating going back to work.

In addition to cancer, he has black mold in his lungs because toxic mold is in his house. It was discovered after he was back in the hospital with a critical lung infection.

I respectfully ask you to come together and assist me in creating a safe home environment conducive to healing for Carl.

He should not be living in his home because of the toxic mold.  No one should.  It is even more dangerous given that CARL has a very LOW IMMUNE system as he is on Chemotherapy and battles Stage 4 Cancer – Leukemia.

So Carl needs $20,000 to make his home safe to live in…. A home he can live in and not die in.  The family’s savings are gone and Carl hasn’t worked since February.  This means the family does not have the resources to fund this project themselves.

The black mold is in the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, hall and bedroom ceiling.  So that’s what needs to be torn out, cleaned out, then redone.  The leak in the roof must be fixed, the carpets must be replaced and the walls painted.

To begin the process Carl and his family must move out all of their belongings and live somewhere else for a month. Volunteers with the Salvation Army will help with moving out. Tom Brickley, president of Brickley Environmental has agreed to help with the mold remediation.  He needs materials. Habitat for Humanity will help with rebuilding after the mold removed.

What does Carl need to create an environment conducive to building his health and vanquishing the cancer and lung infection?

  1. Money – to cover the costs, which are lower due to already, agreed donations of work from Brickley Environmental and the Salvation Army.
  1. Materials – for both of these organizations.
  1. Lodging in the community – while work is being done on our home.
    (Carl’s 14-year daughter is in high school, his 21-year-old daughter is at Cal State and his wife works full time in the community.)
  1.    Your continued prayers for Carl to return to full health. At Loma Linda University Medical Center they acknowledge the miracle that he is alive and walking.

To Donate Click here:http://www.gofundme.com/7d24xnfw

“Let Me Tell You Something!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You will never, ever, get relief from the things that have you in bondage until you let them go. Don’t you see what the enemy [Satan] is doing in your life? He not only has control of your life, but he has control of your mind, and he keeps placing these strongholds in your mind and you keep accepting them. Until you stand up, and say “Enough is enough” Satan is going to keep right on walking all over you and interfering with your life. Don’t let the devil keep beating you up. And quit trying to figure it out, quit trying to do it the way you always have, quit trying to look other places for relief, give it to God. Imagine what it would be like for you to know that you’ve left your baggage at the foot of the cross. I tell you, it’s time to let go. Don’t let the past blind you or bind you. Don’t allow the devil to have any more control over you! Let go and let God. Let God set you free!

Listen; I know that sometimes we have problems or circumstances that we suffer through for years; and at times we have seen our families go through some stuff. But I want you to know that God will supernaturally intervene on your behalf and you can be totally set free and live a good life… But… you have to want a better life and you have to believe that God can do it. We need to all understand that once we have been saved and we are living righteously we have the authority through the blood of Jesus to bind the Devil and his entourage that are sent to buffet, control, and harm us. Not only that, we have the authority to lose freedom, peace, contentment and joy into our lives. Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:7, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” I want you to know that you can bind any spirit that tries to interrupt, tear up, disturb, terrorize, control, or destroy you, and you have the authority through Jesus to loose mass confusion in the enemy’s camp. It’s time! It’s time for you to stand up for yourself and take authority over Satan. For God has given you everything you need pertaining to life. Use your power. And know that Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.  So get up and shake the devil off. Put him under your feet. Take a stand and tell the Devil “To Hell with You!” It’s time that you take back what is yours and proclaim the victory that Jesus has already won for you on the cross. Remember, Satan has already been defeated–he knows what his outcome is–he knows already where he is going, but it is his intention to take as many of us with him that he possibly can. What are you holding on to that you need to let go of?  You need to be healed. You need to be cleansed. You need to be restored. Let go and let God set your free!

Don’t you know that God has put at our disposal [ready for the taking] every spiritual good including mighty weapons to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down every imagination or speculations plus every lofty thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, arresting and bringing them to the obedience of Christ and hence denouncing every act of disobedience [2 Corinthians 10:3-6]. You must quickly place the enemy where he belongs; under your feet. Today power must change hands.  You must enforce God’s victory over the kingdom of darkness. Declare, by the decrees of heaven, that you cannot lose any battle, because you fight the wars of Jehovah Elshadai on a covenant platform… Start declaring, start decreeing, you shall live and not die. Amen!  Now I want to challenge you. Some of you right now have been holding on to memories where a father abused you. That baggage has gone with you into every relationship you’ve had as an adult. Some of you have hidden sin—a drinking problem that no one knows about, a deep struggle with pornography, a root of bitterness that has taken over your heart. For some it’s hard to let go of wanting things to be the way they were. For others it’s hard to let go of disagreements over past decisions. Whatever the situation is, I want to challenge you to decide that today you will let go and let God. You will trust that God will do what He said He would do in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”  I tell you, God will give you rest if you will just let go. Will you let go and let God? You can be freed from bondage and healed from brokenness and be full of joy for there’s power in Jesus. There’s healing in Jesus. There’s deliverance in Jesus. Let go and let God. Be free!

You know in Philippians 3:12-14. Paul’s ultimate goal was to know Christ completely even to the point of being resurrected with Christ. He said he had not arrived yet, but one thing he knew he had to do was to, “Forget those things which were behind him, and reach forth unto those things which were before…” Paul had to let go of his past in order to take hold of his future. Will you do it? Will you forget those things which are behind you and reach forth unto those things which are before you? Whom the Lord set free is free indeed! Dance in your freedom!

Community unites to promote better living and wellness

unnamed (7)

Every 4th Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. there will be a FREE community health and wellness fair at The Waterman Gardens in San Bernardino. Featured each Saturday there will be a mobile health care unit onsite from IEHP and Molina. There will also be groceries, food, and clothing giveaways. Mission 4Him Radio station will also be playing live music for your entertainment. The next event will be held this Saturday, August 22.

An Iconic Jewel, Julian Bond Will be Sorely Missed

A Press Statement from Advancement Project –

Julian Bond

Julian Bond

WASHINGTON – The Southern Poverty Law Center announced earlier this week that Mr. Horace Julian Bond succumbed to a brief illness on Sunday, August 15. The national racial justice organization, Advancement Project, released the following statement regarding the passing of the long-time civil rights leader:

“A man of wisdom, courage and strong conviction, Mr. Bond was an iconic jewel who will be sorely missed,” said Advancement Project Co-Director Judith Browne Dianis. “From co-founding the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Southern Poverty Law Center, to serving as a state legislator in the Georgia State Senate and the Georgia House of Representatives, to his decade-long tenure at the helm of the NAACP, Mr. Bond was an impactful leader, educator and civil rights activist. While many were never his formal students at the many colleges and universities where he taught and lectured — Harvard, American University, Drexel, The University of Pennsylvania – we are all beneficiaries of his enduring lessons on organizing against injustice and structural racism.”

“In all respects, Julian Bond was legendary. In 1968, he was the youngest person, and the first African American, to have his name placed into nomination for Vice President,” said Advancement Project Managing Director and General Counsel Edward A. Hailes. “He withdrew because he didn’t meet the constitutional requirement of being at least 35 years old. Regardless of the formal title he held, Julian Bond continued fighting for marginalized communities. It is on his shoulders that young leaders, who have ushered in unprecedented focus and attention on police interactions with communities of color, stand.”

“Many people recognize Mr. Bond as a civil rights activist, but to me, he is revered as a strategic communicator, having served as communications director for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and host of America’s Black Forum, one of the longest running syndicated television shows in history,” said Advancement Project Managing Director for Communications Jennifer R. Farmer.


Women with Voices Presents First Annual Inspirational Book Fair Featuring Acclaimed Authors, Speakers, and Entertainers

Marlo Wells

Marlo Wells

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA- Women with Voices is pleased to announce its first annual book fair featuring acclaimed authors, speakers, and entertainers. The fair will take place Saturday, September 26 from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Rancho Cucamonga Community Center, David Dreir Hall East and West located at 11200 Base Line Road. The fair is free to attend and open to the public.

“We’re thrilled to bring this caliber of book fair to the Inland Empire Region,” said Rena Neal, founder of Women with Voices. “We’ve received overwhelming response and look forward to a great event highlighting a roster of phenomenal authors and inspiring speakers.”

Confirmed authors include Angela Alexander (“Miracles in Action”); Annette Hubbard (“Oh! Sing Praises!”); Torrian Scott (“Running After Destiny”); Shamilla Pennington (“From Waiting on God to Waiting in God-My Faith Journey”); and Lori Bryant (“Anthology of Stories – When Life Happens”).

The fair will also feature live performances by comedian Mel Austin

Mel Austin

Mel Austin

and gospel jazz artist Marlo Wells. Inquiries regarding vendor space or requests to read from published material as an author, poet or spoken word artist may be submitted to womenwithvoices@outlook.com.



What it Do With the LUE: Nipsey Hussle Performing in San Bernardino


What it do I.E.! Nipsey Hussle will be live this Saturday, August 22! If you’re a lover of Hip Hop, Rap, and R&B then I got something special for you this Saturday. A little birdy told me that Nipsey Hussle the rapper will be live in the Dino at the Sports Center located at the National Orange Show Fair Grounds. Females are truly putting it down in the industry which is considered to be a male dominated market. Several years ago you wouldn’t have seen so many out front as you do now; not that we haven’t always been here. I wonder why that is. Well, in my opinion, it has a lot to with fear; fear that a woman can do just as well if not better than a male when it comes to making moves and getting things done.

I have to give props to Latisha Rushing, CEO of Black Collar Entertainment and Jacquetta Green, CEO of Cali All Stars Entertainment. These two talented ladies have linked up with Jessie Green, CEO of JoeRee Muzik to bring amazing entertainment to the I.E. If you haven’t had a chance to purchase your tickets you still can all links are located below. Last week it was Casey Veggies. Oh, and by the way, our LUE Productions artists GWAAP FAM will be performing live along with Staxx Hughes, Skater Dee, and many more talented artists. Hope to see you there.

Please follow LUE Productions on twitter and Instagram and like our face book page under LUE Productions. We appreciate the support and love. Until next week, Keep It Movin’ as we do. L’z!

For event tickets call (909) 252-2359 or (818)943-0544 . You can also purchase tickets online at milseries.eventbrite.com. The Sports Center is located at 930 S. Arrowhead GATE 10, in San Bernardino. Doors open at 9 p.m.


Black Rose 2015 Honorees Have Been Announced

The Chino Fire Foundation will be receiving a Black Rose Award this year. (Photo courtesy of Chino Fire Foundation)

The Chino Fire Foundation will be receiving a Black Rose Award this year. (Photo courtesy of Chino Fire Foundation)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation is happy to announce the winners of the 26th Annual Humanitarian of the Year, Commitment to Community Service and Black Rose Awards.

The Humanitarian of the Year award will be given to Kim Evette Anthony. Kim gives tirelessly of herself, using her skills and abilities to help others.  Much of her work is on a pro bono basis because of her unrelenting commitment to serving her community.  She provides countless number of volunteer hours servicing nonprofit and community based organizations including Stop the Violence Foundation and the establishment of the Regional Violence Prevention Coalition.

Kim volunteered with the Red Cross in Houston, TX serving and supporting displaced Hurricane Katrina survivors. A product of the foster care system, Kim spent fourteen months during her reign as Ms. California delivering motivational speaking and raising funds and awareness for the plight of foster children and at-risk youth.

Davis Clark will be receiving the Commitment to Community Service award. David, a retired military person, volunteers his time at March Air Force Base assisting retirees with their retirement and other benefits.  He also assists the families of the deceased, making sure they get the paperwork needed for proper burial.  In addition, he mentors students at San Gorgonio High School as well as the youth and young adults at his church.  He transports church members and neighbors to doctor appointments and the grocery stores and is involved in the food and toy outreach for the citizens on the west side of the city.  He ministers to the residences of Highland Palms Residential Living and when the senior citizens ask for special food and clothing, he purchases them with his own funds.

The Black Rose Charles Burris 1st Responders’ Award will be given to Chief Joseph Paulino. Chief Joseph Paulino makes sure that over 50,000 students are safe each day; and has implemented an explorer program for the middle and high school students in the district.  He still finds time to provide service to his community.  He is a member of 100 Black Men of the Inland Empire and recently, he hosted a Searching of Mentors Summit at California State University San Bernardino.  He volunteers his time with the annual Christmas toy giveaway, safety fairs, and positive tickets program.

The Chino Fire Foundation and Officer Marcus Pesquera will both be receiving the Black Rose Award. The Chino Fire Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the safety and welfare of the public through educational programs, direct assistance, and financial support of charitable organizations, victims of tragic events and injured firefighters. Officer Pesquera was in training when early one morning, he and his fellow officer approach a few individuals who appeared to have suspicious behavior.  Officer Pesquera’s quick thinking saved the lives of both men.  Unfortunately, his fellow officer was critically wounded but Officer Pesquera was able to save both lives.  He volunteers in his community at the firing range and his skills enabled him to protect the citizens of San Bernardino.-