Happily Divorced And After

Highly Anticipated City-Wide Worship Experience Expected to Host Tens of Thousands of Attendees This Sunday


LONG BEACH, CA- The Fifth Annual Long Beach Gospel Fest, founded by Pastor Wayne Chaney, Jr. and wife Myesha of the Antioch Church of Long Beach, just added Grammy-nominated star of WEtv’s hit series Mary Mary, Tina Campbell, to this year’s star-studded lineup for the highly anticipated citywide worship event. Showcasing some of the best gospel artists in music today, Campbell joins previously announced multi-award winning performers Tasha Cobbs, Deitrick Haddon, Kierra Sheard, Jonathan Nelson, Myron Butler, Jessica Reedy, Brian Courtney Wilson and more. The free, open-to-the-public event takes place on Sunday, July 19, at Marina Green Park.

Inspiring fans on the shores of Long Beach since its inception in 2009, the successful annual event is one of the city’s premier summer festivals.  Anticipating more than 20,000 attendees, the Festival experience includes a monumental morning worship service led by Pastor Chaney, followed by the afternoon concert with Gospel’s top performers.  A special tribute with clergy and performing talent honoring the victims of the Charleston Emanuel AME Church mass shooting is planned. In addition to the worship service and concert, a vibrant marketplace with vendors for food, merchandise, and fun family-friendly activities is accessible to festival goers throughout the day.

The Gold Experience ($50) is also available to attendees who prefer to enhance their Festival experience through priority check-in, reserved seating, vendor concierge service and artist meet and greets. Tickets are available online.

Marina Green Park is located at 386 E. Shoreline Drive in Long Beach. The worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m., followed by the concert at 12:30 p.m.  Red carpet arrivals begin at 3 p.m.  Vendor and sponsorship opportunities are still available for a limited time only; for more information, tickets, and updates, please visit www.longbeachgospelfest.com.


“Stop & Think!

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

If you have to die and go to Heaven or Hell, it just makes sense that you should go to Heaven, doesn’t it? Just stop and think, how ridiculous it is to try to talk someone into going to Heaven. To have to holler and scream and beg and plead and pry and kick, to try and talk someone into going to Heaven is, to me, one of the most absurd thoughts in the world. You ought to be jumping at the chance. You ought to be begging, “TELL ME HOW!” It ought to be that anybody who knows he’s got to die would have enough sense to want to go to Heaven when he dies. Listen, I have not been commissioned to tell you what I believe, or what I think. I have been commissioned to tell you what God says. We know what God says is true. We know that there is a Hell. We know that we must warn men to escape the “wrath to come.” So my question to you,  is anything worth taking a chance of going to Hell over, any sin or any personal rebellion? … No, certainly not… Is it wise to gamble with your soul?… No, because life is so short and can end so quickly…. That is why the Bible says, “Now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation.” Jesus expressed it is senseless to “lose your own soul.” Jesus said, “What is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” You would be a wise man, woman, boy and girl to come to Jesus before one day you wake up in a dreadful permanent place called Hell. Why not come to Jesus today? He will save. He will satisfy. He will secure, if you will only come to Him. It’s an awful thing to remember that you could be in Hell in another minute. David said, “there is but a step between me and death” (1 Sam 20:3) What if Christ is not your Savior? This means that you would be doomed forever.  Now you may deny the fact of Hell, but that does not change the fact that it exists. Fire burns, whether you choose to believe that it does or not… poison kills, whether you believe it will or not. The world is round, whether you believe it or not and Hell is a reality whether you believe it or not. And if you reject the offer Christ is making today, you will go to Hell, whether you believe you will or not.

Now listen to Jesus. He knew the truth about Hell. He spoke more about Hell than anybody else in the Bible. In fact, He spoke more about Hell than everybody else in the Bible combined. And He defined it as conscious, eternal punishment. He told the story of a certain rich man who died and went down to Hell and was in torment. He said that the man cried out, “I am tormented in these flames.” He said that the man was anxious for his brothers to repent, so that they would not come to that “place of torment.” [Luke 16:14-31]. Now look at the biblical expression which describe Hell. It is called a Lake of Fire – a bottomless pit – a horrible tempest – a devouring fire – a place of sorrows – a place of weeping and wailing – a place of torments – everlasting destruction – a place of outer darkness – a place where men have no rest – a place where men are tormented with fire and brimstone – a place where the fire is not quench. It is a place of separation from God.  It is a place of unsatisfied desires.  It is a place of vilest companionship. The worst people, the meanest, cruelest, filthiest people will be there. And to add to the horrors of Hell for some people. They live clean lives, they are cultured and refined, they are good citizens, and they are nice to their family and friends, but they reject Jesus Christ. One day they will be cast into Hell, to live the rest of eternity with liars, adulterers, murderers, drunkards, homosexuals, and the vilest of creatures. This will be an awful thing for them and will last forever. They can never die and leave these people, and they can’t get up and move away. It is a place of hopelessness. It is a place of suffering. It is a place of memory. The misery of hell will be so great that you will not want to be there. Whatever you believe or do not believe, when you choose against God, you will be shocked beyond words. Your misery will be so great that you will want to do anything in your power to escape. Esau wept bitterly that he could not repent [Hebrew 12:17]. The Hell he was entering into he found to be totally miserable, and he wanted out, but it was too late! Don’t wait until it’s too late?

You know, the 19th chapter of Genesis gives a very sordid picture of the city of Sodom. In that great and wicked city lived a man named Lot. God was about to destroy Sodom in a fiery judgment. But He sent two angels to lead Lot and his family out of the city before judgment fell. Yet Lot lingered. He knew the city would be destroyed, but he hesitated. In doing this he reminds us of an awakened sinner. Like Lot, the awakened sinner knows that judgment is coming. Like Lot, he knows he must turn away from sin, come out of the world, and come to Christ. But even as Lot lingered in Sodom,  an awakened sinner hesitate, hold back, and linger on, without coming to Christ. Don’t do it! Don’t go to Hell! The angels were sent as messengers to lead Lot out of danger. And so it is that the Holy Spirit has compelled me to lead you out of the path of destruction, and point you to Christ. It is a sign of God’s mercy to encourage you to come to Him. Don’t defy God in salvation. If God is dealing with you with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, pressing you to come to Christ, oh, don’t strive with Him! Don’t stand against Him as did Pharaoh of old. If God wants you saved, submit to His wooing’s. May you make the right choice.




LA Sparks Off To Hot July!

SparksBy Johnni Matthews

The Los Angeles Sparks came home to Staples Center from a three game road trip on Thursday, July 2 to play three homes games in a 96 hour period.  Coming home to their own beds and their faithful fans, the Sparks were ready to put a spark in July!

The Sparks took care of business against the San Antonio Stars on Thursday night 86-81, then played a back to back Friday night against the Tulsa Shock when the Sparks’ fans witnessed Kristi Toliver score 43 points to break a franchise record set by Lisa Leslie’s 41 points.  The Sparks won 98-95!

Sunday, July 5 the defending WNBA Champions, Phoenix Mercury came to town for the first time this season.  The game was well played requiring an extra five minutes to decide the winner with the Mercury sliding by the Sparks 94-91 in overtime.

The LA Sparks have eight more games in the month of July to continue to make it a hot July!  The Sparks hit the road again for another three game road trip before returning home to Staples Center on July 16 against the Atlanta Dream coached by former LA Sparks Coach and Lakers great, Michael “Coop” Cooper.  Game will be an early 12:30 p.m. (PST) tip off.


Please Help Save 777 Community Warehouse

777-Community-WarehouseOur Beloved 777 Community Warehouse – a Nonprofit Public Benefit Organization located in San Bernardino, California – needs your help! Every Tuesday, from 10 am to 2 pm (and by appointment on all other days) the Food and Clothing Ministry of 777 Community Warehouse is open to the homeless population and anyone in the community who is in need of clothing and food. According to an exclusive study done by Graduate students from the University of Redlands, 777 is in a prime location in regards to the homeless population and the far distance of sparsely located food banks in San Bernardino (2015). Unfortunately, the Warehouse has recently fallen on hard times and is in immediate need of donations.

During the dates of July, 17th – July 20th 777 Community Warehouse will be hosting a marathon of fundraisers, entitled “Save 777”. There will be various live entertainers volunteering their time to entertain those that would like to contribute a donation. These entertainers include local acts, such as Marwan Freeman (from the Frienz Band), CATERPILLAR FLIGHT, and the Young Ladies in Training (from the C.H.O.R.D.S. children’s music program) just to name a few.

In addition to the live entertainment, there will so be a Flea Market with various donated items for sale. These items range from beautiful one of a kind consignment items (such as, antique chinaware and mink coats) to African essential oils and African Shea butter. If you are limited to donating items of value, we will gladly accept those donations as well.

777 Community Warehouse as an experience

To date, Mr. Walker has transformed the warehouse into the community resource and event center that he envisioned, presenting the community with a beautifully furnished, art decorated environment for population of San Bernardino to enjoy. 777 Community Warehouse is designed to accommodate conferences, meetings, business/social mixers, performing arts presentations, visual arts presentations, religious services, educational seminars, musical concerts, wedding receptions, quinceaneras , and other events that support the needs of the community in a spirit of excellence.

Again we ask for your help so that our team at 777 Community Warehouse can continue helping the San Bernardino community by contributing to the expansion of community peace, cultural awareness, artistic expression, educational enlightenment, and consciousness building for personal/collective growth.

For other inquires please contact 777 Community Warehouse, located at 777 South Allen Street, San Bernardino CA 92408. Phone: 909-890-0999. 


Expanding Medi-Cal Now Covers Long Term Illnesses and Qualifying Adults

By Manny Otiko / California Black Media

In 1998, San Pedro resident Alaina Howard was diagnosed with Takayasu’s arteritis, a disease that narrows and obstructs the arteries. Her doctors gave her two years to live. Faced with the difficulty of accepting her diagnosis, Howard also had to deal with frequent fainting spells, caused by the limited flow of blood to her brain.

Seventeen years later, Howard has beaten the odds and is still alive, but she had to go on disability.

Unable to work, Howard —  a Pennsylvania resident at the time — was forced to apply for public aid. During that process, she learned her status also qualified her for health insurance through Medicaid. In 2007, she moved from Pennsylvania to California and enrolled in Medi-Cal, the state’s health insurance program for low-income individuals or families.

Howard says Medi-Cal has been invaluable for maintaining her health, even though she faced a few challenges along the way —  like the long lines at her county human services agency. She says the wait was well worth it, though, when she is faced with huge medical bills from frequent hospital visits. Not being on the hook with collection agencies for bills she cannot afford for services she needs to control her chronic illness, is the best part of the coverage, says Howard. And even though she still has to pay some out-of-pocket medical expenses for her two children, she can’t imagine what her life would be like without her Medi-Cal coverage.

In addition to providing health care for people with chronic illnesses like Howard, Medi-Cal offers a variety of preventive health care programs, according to Adam Weintraub, a spokesman for the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS.)

The state’s government-funded health coverage program, which has historically focused on services to children and families, has now expanded to include single men and women without children and disabilities who qualify based on their annual income. To be eligible, an individual would have to earn less than $16,105 every year or $32,913 for a family of four.

“Medi-Cal provides Californians with access to affordable, high-quality health care, including medical, dental, mental health, substance use disorder treatment services, and long-term care,” Weintraub said. “Among the programs administered by DHCS are: California Children’s Services; Child Health and Disability Prevention program; the Genetically Handicapped Persons Program; the Newborn Hearing Screening Program; the Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment Program (PACT); Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE); Every Woman Counts; and Coordinated Care Management. DHCS also administers programs for underserved Californians, including farm workers and American Indian communities.”

California is also working to expand the number of people with access to health care through Covered California, a marketplace where individuals whose incomes exceed the threshold to qualify for Medi-Cal can access private health insurance, potentially with financial assistance. Covered California is part of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act commonly called “Obamacare”                                 and is a partner with the California Department of Health Care Services, together providing affordable, quality health coverage options to Californians.

On the Covered California website, Weintraub says, individuals can find out if they qualify for low-cost, private health insurance or Medi-Cal.

“New enrollment for 2015 coverage is strong and has brought in consumers our marketing and outreach targeted,” said Covered California Executive Director Peter V. Lee. “It is clear Latinos, African Americans and young adults not only heard, but acted on increased advertising and person-to-person outreach.”

People who are interested in applying for Medi-Cal can sign up year-round online or by mail. They can also enroll in person at their local human services agency. For more information about Medi-Cal enrollment, go to www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/pages/applyformedi-cal.aspx or call your local county human services agency. You can also visit Covered California’s website at www.coveredca.com or call 1-800-300-1506.

42 Graduate From San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Basic Law Enforcement Academy

Academy 61815

SAN BERNARDINO – – San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) celebrated the success of the 42 graduates of Class #197 of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Basic Law Enforcement Academy on June 18 at the Abundant Living Family Church  in Rancho Cucamonga. The event was hosted by SBVC and the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Public Safety Regional Training Center. Board of Trustees member Donna Ferracone represented the San Bernardino Community College District.


Surrounded by friends, family members, law enforcement and future employers, the ceremony included a keynote address from California Assemblyman Tom Lackey (36th Dist.), presentation of awards and certificates, and a recitation of the code of ethics, led by Chief of Police Mark Garcia, Redlands Police Department.


Sergeant Mike Huntsman presented the special awards to Francisco Ancona, Top Academic Honors; Stephanie Garcia, Tactical Staff Award; Ian Gosswiller, Top Shooter; James Hendrickson, Physical Fitness Award; Dylan Gosswiller, Top Overall Award. Class President was Jesus Diaz.


The Academy course is 920 hours of instruction, extending over a 23-week period and features instructors from a variety of law enforcement agencies. All training is certified by the State of California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST).

Class #197 Graduates (hometowns withheld for confidentiality reasons)

Francesco Ancona

Blaine Bailey

Kenneth Bubier

Zachary Carlos

Daniel Cherpin

Thomas Cho

Kevin Connors

Kyle DeLuca

Jesus Diaz

Cory Drost

Alexandra Duarte

Amanda Eirich

Itai Estrada

Joshua Forsberg

Stephanie Garcia

Brad Gomez

Dylan Gosswiller

Ian Gosswiller

Dalton Hendrickson

James Hendrickson

Derek Hoffman

Jesse Horn

Christopher Jones

Travis Kleveno

Lauren Laidlaw

Marina Landeros

Ryan Layos

Michael Lucifora

Matthew McKibban

Kristina Neff-Fergot

Chris Petruse

Loraine Pinedo

Kevin Pope

Edward Salgado

Stacey Spurlock

Blake Stebbing

Jeremiah Van Brimmer

Craig Vanden Bossche

Ariel Whitney

Christian Zaragoza

William Ziemer

Edward Zimmerman

For more information on the program, please contact the San Bernardino Valley College Police Academy Office: (909) 384-4431, North Hall, Room 139, or visit ValleyCollege.edu.

Hearts Of Champions…USA Women Soccer Team Claim Gold Cup!

By Johnni Matthews
The USA Women’s Soccer Team showed their opponent, Japan how “Hearts of Champions” play to claim victory!  What a way to avenge the loss to Japan in the previous World Cup held in 2011 by just romping over them in the first 16 minutes of play!  USA scored a record 4 goals in the fastest time ever recorded in a World Cup!
Our USA Women’s Soccer Team made history becoming the ONLY team to win three World Cup Championships!   Gold. Gold & Gold!  Another record set was the most goals scored in a game in FIFA Women’s World Cup history!
Congratulations to the USA Women’s Soccer Team!  As a NBA Hall of Fame Coach quoted, “Don’t ever underestimate the heart of a CHAMPION!”
USA won 5-2 over Japan to claim the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup.
Continue to support women sports!
Photo Credit: Nick Koza
USA Soccer #1 USA Soccer #3 USA Soccer Action #1 USA Soccer Action #2 USA Soccer Coach sideline USA Soccer Fans USA Soccer Lloyd celebrating USA Soccer WIN - Lloyd WORLD CUP

“You Need to Know!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You need to know that God isn’t happy with how you are living. He declares that things will not be pretty until you acknowledge your guilt and seek [his] face [Hosea 5:15-16]. Our brothers, Amos, Isaiah, and Jeremiah tell us the same thing in so many words…“You think God is impressed with your worship? You think God is impressed with your prayers? You think God needs your sacrifices? You think that if you’re loud enough or earnest enough or put a little extra in the offering plate that God owes you attention? You’ve got it all twisted! God says, “Stop bringing him meaningless sacrifices! Your incense is detestable to him. New moons, Sabbaths and consecrations, he cannot bear your evil assemblies. Your New moon, festivals and appointed feasts, his soul hates. They have become a burden to him.” [Isaiah 1:13-14]. “You come near to him with your mouth and honor him with your lips, but your heart is far from him. Your worship of him is made up only of rules taught by men.” [Isaiah 29:13].  Paul says, Stop it right now! Start to change by renewing your mind with God’s truth. In the Old Testament God wanted His people to serve Him with ALL their heart, soul, mind and strength (Deut. 6:5).  I tell you, you must sacrifice your selfish desires and live for God every day. You must put to death the selfish tendencies that rise up and push your agendas, your plans and desires over God’s.

God desire is that we live a righteous life which is the best life we can live.  God told Israel to: Wash themselves and make themselves clean.  To put away their evil doings. To suit it up… To get the sin out of their lives, and today He is telling us the same truth. What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be!  I don’t know who you are trying to please with your life, but today you are being challenged to live lives which are pleasing to God.  You must come to yourself and realize that you are God’s own and created for His purposes. You must come to yourself and forsake the foolishness in your life, the vain pursuits, that carry you farther and farther away from God.

Now I don’t know whether you know or not, but more than 60 times the New Testament tells us that something either is or is not God’s will for His people. Four of those times are in Peter’s letter written to hurting believers. In verse 2 of chapter 4, Peter says, instead of living for “evil human desires” followers of Christ should live “for the will of God.” He tells us that we have spent enough time living as pagans, but now we need to live for God. Don’t desire sin as much as you desire God. Don’t desire sin’s lie as much as you desire God’s truth. As Romans verse 1 chapter 12 says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and the perfect, will of God.”

I want to encourage you to give yourself to God. Don’t let your mind get twisted to where you refuse to take godly instruction from God’s Word. I know what I’m talking about. You see when you live for the devil your mind gets warped to where you can’t think right. You begin to think God is expecting too much out of you, making too much of a demand upon your life. The Devil is a liar! Seek Him while He may be found. “Be transformed, not conformed to the world.” For God has called you to live a separate life, to be a peculiar people unto Him. Therefore, come out from amongst them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; so that God will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be His sons and daughters.

Learn from Jonah’s example. Jonah was a man who decided he wasn’t going to do what God had told him to do: He wasn’t going to go to Nineveh, where God had called him to go. So, he decided to take a ship for Tarshish rather than going to Nineveh as God said. Off he went, sailing in the wrong direction. He made life miserable, not only for himself but for everybody else that was on that ship. When you’re out of the will of God, nothing goes right. You can’t be blessed when you’re out of God’s will for your life. And you certainly won’t have a smooth running life when you’re doing your own thing, rather than obeying the Lord. While Jonah was out to sea, he thought he was running away from the Lord, but God blew up a storm while he was on that boat. The mariners didn’t know what to do. They expected the storm to break up the ship at any moment and destroy them all. Those mariners also knew that somebody on that ship wasn’t right with God. They were all praying to find out what was wrong. Jonah’s interest had disappeared, and his disobedience was causing such misery to those around him. I tell you, life can become one continuous storm when you’re out of the will of God, tossing you to and fro. The only way to stop the storm is to enter into God’s will for your life.

Consider the following scripture regarding choice. Deuteronomy 30:15 through Deuteronomy 30:20 (NKJV) “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess. But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear, and are drawn away, and worship other gods and serve them, I announce to you today that you shall surely perish; you shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and possess. I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”

I want you to know that not only did God admonish the people to choose life; He also gave them a good reason for doing so, namely life. God has given us His Word, which reveals His Way. Why not learn it and graft it into your heart and live your life accordingly? May what you’ve read have a practical effect in your daily life… You needed to know!


Men of Distinction with Assmeblymember Cheryl Brown

Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) hosted her annual Men of Distinction program on Friday, June 26, in Fontana. During the event, six outstanding men were recognized for their dedication to activism and community leadership. The 2015 Men of Distinction include (L to R): San Bernardino City Councilman Rikke Van Johnson, 6th Ward; Pastor Samuel J. Casey, New Life Christian Church; Larry Burgos, a lifetime community advocate based in Bloomington; Paul Rasso, Colton Parks and Recreation Commission; Rialto City Administrator Michael Story; and James McNaboe, a community volunteer and veterans advocate (not pictured).

Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) hosted her annual Men of Distinction program on Friday, June 26, in Fontana. During the event, six outstanding men were recognized for their dedication to activism and community leadership. The 2015 Men of Distinction include (L to R): San Bernardino City Councilman Rikke Van Johnson, 6th Ward; Pastor Samuel J. Casey, New Life Christian Church; Larry Burgos, a lifetime community advocate based in Bloomington; Paul Rasso, Colton Parks and Recreation Commission; Rialto City Administrator Michael Story; and James McNaboe, a community volunteer and veterans advocate (not pictured).

Roxanne Williams Launches Campaign for Ward Six Seat on San Bernardino City Council

Roxanne Williams

Roxanne Williams

SAN BERNARDINO, CA– Educator, community advocate, and city Parks and Recreation Commissioner Roxanne Williams is running for the Ward Six seat on the San Bernardino City Council.  Williams will be a voice for working families. As a member of the city council, she will fight to create jobs in San Bernardino, and restore fiscally sound management to the city –including improved basic services, stopping the threats of the closure of our community centers, libraries and parks, and fixing the potholes and street lights.

“I’m running because San Bernardino can do better,” said Williams. “I’ve proven that I know how to get results.  We can be a model community for southern California.  We must fix up our neighborhoods and make them safer, bring in good jobs, and reinvest in our children — but we can do none of that unless we restore our fiscal house. We need a new vision for San Bernardino and the 6th ward that will help our families.”

Williams has assisted in building a playground in a park on the West side, and identified unmet needs as a Parks and Recreation Commissioner.  As a bilingual Spanish speaker, she has worked with leaders in both the African-American and Latino communities to engage students and parents, helped coach small business people in three local Chambers of Commerce, and empowered neighbors from several blocks to form their own neighborhood watch programs.


Local community leaders, including Hardy Brown, II, and Sherman Garnett, San Bernardino County Trustees, and small businessman Shab El Awar have pledged their support.

“I have worked with Roxanne for the past three years and have seen her dedication to parent and student engagement for residents on the West side. Her passion to see student success shows by how hard she is always willing to work,” said Hardy Brown, II.

Williams was a Teacher of the Year in 2001, was a Top 10 Teacher in 2011, nominated for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST), and
continues to work as a Program Specialist in San Bernardino City Unified School District. As a single mother with five children, ages 13 to 24 years old, she knows howhard San Bernardino families work and what it’s like to struggle. She also knows how to succeed in tough moment.

“We have so much potential in San Bernardino, but we can’t lift our people up if we don’t fix our finances,” said Williams.  “I’ve worked on budgets and finance throughout my private and volunteer career—and I served on my church board for 14 years. I’ll be ready on day one to tackle the big problems our community faces.”

For more information, visit RoxanneCanWin.com and hear what she’s up to at Facebook.com/roxannewilliamsforcouncil.