Happily Divorced And After

Martyrs: Sheppard’s stop killing His sheep

Ashly Broussard

Ashly Broussard

By Ashly Broussard

God is raising up prophets to boldly declare “enough is enough.” (Ezekiel 34:1-10 ). I urgently warn those that use the pulpit to display their position of power instead of declaring the Word of God to “ REPENT”. The Bible warns the leaders that take this role that our punishment will be far more severe (James 3:1). Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. Are the leaders in your church operating in The Way of Love? Well lets take the  “ Love examine” to examine ourselves, starting with: 1 Corinthians 13:4, “Love is PATIENT.”

In 2 Peter 3:9, the Bible tells us about God not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. His patience isn’t the same patience I see exercised within the body of Christ. Its more a slap on the back. I heard one pastor bragging about how his congregation is consistently changing. Not because it was evolving, but because the sheep were leaving. What happened to us going after that sheep as Jesus told us through the parable in Luke 15:1-7? Souls are out there perishing because we don’t want to take the time to tarry anymore. But who cares, as long as its not us that’s lost right? I agree with this statement I heard one preacher say: Pastors are sending more people to hell than all the drug pushers, crips and bloods. Secondly love is KIND. How kind is it of God not to have forfeited His covenant with our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is so easy for a brother/sister to renege on a promise within the body of Christ, and act nonchalant like the past is the past. STOP making promises to the congregation when your not even for certain of that being God‘s providence. That’s what’s so awesome about Our God, He’s not a man that He should lie.  (Psalm 33:9  For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded and it stood firm.)

Thirdly, It does NOT ENVY. This is something I can write about all day long, but I have to be careful that I don’t fall into a trap. Elders in the church, when you see younger men/women come into the knowledge of God, and their hit by the fire of The Holy Ghost, why hate on them? Did you forget what brought you into the church? If God has taken someone from the back of the pasture, to place them in front in such a short amount of time, this is something to rejoice in, not to be intimidated by. He said In the last days His Spirit would be poured out on all flesh. Stop telling the young people that they don’t have the Holy Spirit because they don’t fluently speak in tongues. They may not be able to sing like and Angel, but they might be able to discern the spirit of a  false prophet. And besides that I’ve sat around elders who “professionally” spoke in tongues in church, but outside the building had potty mouths. Fourth, it does NOT BOAST. It seems seeking Gods hand is better than His face. If you don’t have a jet, a mansion, $2 million in the bank, or your not on a TV reality show, then you don’t have the Holy Spirit. One leader on a church committee board that I’ve attended ,was so spiritually proud that when I corrected her in love with a scripture, she began insulting me about my age. But one thing I’ve learned early on in trusting God is that, if I walk in humility, I will not be humiliated.

So if you are offended by this article please do not respond with hate letters because I will not read them. This also can cover the Fifth in showing Gods Love, it is NOT PROUD. Sixth is NOT RUDE. To use something someone sat down and told you in secret about something they may have been wrestling with, in your Sundays sermon, shows a lack of respect for that person trusting you, and it shows the lack of respect you have for The Father in His House. Honestly, we don’t have to wait for Sister So-In-So or ( the church gossipers ) to sit beside us and slander a brother/sister in the church, the pastor will be doing it for them in their next sermon. Why? Because they are superior to those in the pews, and they can do whatever they want because of their positions. But The Bible says in Psalm 105:15 and 1 Chronicles 16:22 touch not my anointed ones. Those that preach from pulpits, aren’t Gods only anointed ones. There are those that are seated in the pews ( in training ) suppose to be getting fed, but were being starved, polluted and infected. Why? Because of custom. Something that has been practiced for thousand of years by formalist or hypocrites. Jesus said in John 21:15-17 FEED MY SHEEP. If we claim to be that house built on a rock, then we shouldn’t be wavering around what the word says, but doing exactly what is in it. Next, it is NOT SELFSEEKING.

I recall sitting down with a pastor to tell Him where I felt the Lord was calling me for my ministry, and I felt as if I had been auditioning him on a talk show. What started off as a mutual conversation easily shifted to me, me, me, and my, my, my. I remember leaving their feeling what a waste of time. Following that, it is NOT EASILY ANGERED. Everywhere I look I see shepherds killing His sheep.  I cannot be the only one who has seen or heard about leaders getting ready to fist fight in the parking lot at the church. Then we try and justify our actions by saying that we are not to the point of turning the other cheek. ( Luke 6:29 ) Come on Saints of God! Jesus didn’t swing back or insult anyone when He was getting beat for us.( Isaiah 53:7 ) Instead He said “ Father forgive them, because they don’t know what they’re doing. ( Luke 23:34 ) We wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this dark world. STOP KILLING HIS SHEEP. How can we claim to love God but hate each other? God is LOVE! Love does NOT DELIGHT IN EVIL. We don’t have to repay evil with evil just because we may feel hurt by the way someone may have responded to us or even may have looked at us. So what if they didn’t acknowledge you in front of the congregation. Since when did we become man pleasers? Forgive them brothers and sisters, and “ REPENT”. Do we really want to have to stand before God and explain to Him why unforgiveness shouldn’t be a reason for us to get cast into Hell? Lets stay away from the things God clearly hates and turn our minds to what pertains to Him and His Kingdom. In Addition to all of thee above, Love rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. The Truth is The Living Word of God. Everything we need to know about God’s love is in His Word. A reason to fear God is for the things we understand about the Bible. Not what we don’t understand. Everyone’s role is important. From the greeters, ushers, tithers, and worshipers. Lets stop despising one another and enter His courts with praise, and His gates with Thanksgiving!  God cannot be mocked. Lets stop being the New Age Pharisees and live as Christians! REAL CHRISTIANS! Stop putting The Sovereign God in a Sunday and Wednesday box and live each day as if He were returning.” REPENT” for The Kingdom of Heaven is near.  May God bless the readers.


Ashly Broussard 24, has been writing since 2007. Only possessing a High School diploma, she depended on her gift as a writer to pursue a rap career in the music industry. After the lose of one of her sisters she gave up the lifestyle of prostituting, exotic dancing, drugs, and alcohol to find the Lord. Now she uses the gift of writing to inspire children and adults alike to honor God and to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.


Local Honorees Draw Sold Out Crowd

TCF Gala

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- At a sold out event at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino on Friday night, Time for Change Foundation (TFCF) celebrated its 13th year providing quality services (including evidence based programs) to homeless women and children while honoring community members and organizations for their collaboration in those efforts at their 2015 Annual Awards Dinner “Celebrating Life’s Precious Jewels”.

The Dinner’s emcee duties were shared by John Kunkel, former Time for Change Foundation Director of Communications and Fontana Mayor Aquanetta Warren.   Vanessa Perez, Civic Engagement Specialist provided the welcoming greeting and Senator Connie Leyva led the pledge of allegiance.  She introduced Pastor Hodari who led the invocation.

Time for Change Foundation proudly presented awards to the 2015 honorees for their outstanding community service and commitment:  Community Education Champion Award – Chancellor Bruce Baron; Humanitarian Award – The Race, Gender and Human Rights Giving Circle of the Women’s Foundation of California; Community Service Award – Santa Claus, Inc.; Ramos Family Spirit of Compassion Award – Mi Cocina Restaurant in Highland; Community Health Champion Award – June Collison; Community Health Advocate Award – Dr. Dora Barilla; Dynamic Duo Award – Angela and Victor Myles; Community Development Champion Award – National CORE; Community Business Leader of the Year Award – Premier Medical Transportation

Kim Carter with special guest, Dr. Robert K. Ross, President and CEO of the California Endowment presented the 2015 Community Development Champion Award to Steve PonTell, CEO of National CORE and Dawn Davison, Warden of California Institution for Women (retired) and current Time for Change Foundation Board member presented the Humanitarian award to the Race, Gender and Human Rights Giving Circle of the Women’s Foundation of California.

Dr. Nena Messina, Ph.D., a Criminologist at the UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs reported her 3 year findings as Lead Evaluator for the Time for Change Foundation’s Positive Futures project funded by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA).  The results of her evaluation yielded a zero percent recidivism rate for the 131 clients served.  “SAMHSA often looks for successful programs to hold as the “gold standard” – [The Time for Change Foundation] Positive Futures [program] is an example that other programs can emulate,” said Dr. Messina. “After years of being referred to as “Evidence Based Kim” because we are focused on doing what is best (evidence based) instead of what feels good, it feels good to be nationally recognized for our outcomes,” said Kim Carter, TFCF Executive Director.  Nicole Wolfe, TFCF Director of their Center for Advocacy and Leadership Training (CALT) was “excited for the community to see the results of our evidence based training programs.”

Family and friends of honorees, elected officials and supporters of Time for Change Foundation were in attendance, enjoying social hour, entertainment by Jazz saxophonist Vaughn Fahie, a viewing of the agency’s new video, participating in the silent auction and much more.

Weekend Service for National Orange Show Fair, 66ers Baseball

sbX-CarnegieStnSAN BERNARDINO, CA- In support of the National Orange Show Fair’s 100th Anniversary, Omnitrans’ 1-year-old sbX bus rapid transit line will offer expanded weekend service April 24 – 26.
“The National Orange Show Fair is among the biggest annual events in our community. We are happy to make getting there a little easier by expanding our sbX service through the weekend,” explained Omnitrans spokesperson Wendy Williams.

The sbX line normally operates on weekdays only from 6 am to 8 pm. National Orange Show Fair weekend service hours will be:

  • Friday, April 24: 6 am to 11 pm
  • Saturday, April 25: Noon to 11 pm
  • Sunday, April 26: Noon to 8 pm

sbX vehicles will run at 15 to 30 minute frequencies during the weekend. A detailed weekend schedule is available online at sbX NOS Schedule. The station at Inland Center Mall (North Mall Way) is adjacent to the National Orange Show grounds.

In partnership with NOS, Omnitrans is distributing coupons on board sbX and regular Omnitrans buses that offer $2 off admission to the event. “We are excited to team up with Omnitrans and hope to see many sbX riders at our 100th fair,” said Alan Conrad, NOS Director of Production and Marketing. More information on the fair is at: http://nosevents.com/2015-national-orange-show-fair/

“The Inland Empire 66ers baseball team also has a home stand that weekend, so we invite fans to hop on sbX to take in a game,” said Williams. The sbX station at E and Rialto is a short walk from the ballpark. More information at: www.ie66ers.com

The one-way fare on sbX, and all Omnitrans bus routes, is $1.75; a 1-day pass is $5. Persons with disabilities, military veterans, seniors age 62 and up, and youth age 18 and under, qualify for discounts. 7-day and 31-day passes offer savings for frequent riders.

The sbX green line travels along Kendall Avenue, E Street and Hospitality Lane in San Bernardino and on Tippecanoe/Anderson and Barton Road in Loma Linda on a 16-mile route, with over 5 miles of dedicated bus lanes. Riders can enjoy free Wi-Fi and 110-outlet power outlets on board. Stations feature real-time arrival signs, ticket vending machines, emergency telephones, and public art. Regular sbX route and schedule information is at: http://www.omnitrans.org/schedules/sbx-green-line/ or 1-800-966-6428.

SBCCD Welcomes New HR Vice Chancellor and Promotes EDCT Head to Associate Vice Chancellor

SAN BERNARDINO – – The San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) welcomes Dr. Lisa Norman, the new Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, effective May 1, 2015. She will be taking on the responsibilities currently filled by consultant Dr. Jack Miyamoto. Dr. Matthew Isaac has been promoted from Executive Director to Associate Vice Chancellor, Economic Development & Corporate Training, effective April 10. Both are District appointments.

President of the SBCCD Board John Longville expressed his pleasure at the expertise both bring to their positions, saying, “We are so pleased to have been able to retain a Vice Chancellor of Human Resources with the capabilities and qualifications of Dr. Norman and the Board of Trustees was glad to have the opportunity to promote Dr. Isaac. Under his leadership, the Economic Development and Corporate Training Division has expanded to the level where it now has its own Foundation, is self-supporting, and has successfully provided services to more than 60,000 workers in our community.”

SBCCD Chancellor Bruce Baron said, “Dr. Lisa Norman is a welcome addition to head the Human Resources office, a position of substantial importance to the District community and I look forward to working with her. Dr. Matthew Isaac has been serving as the Executive Director of the EDCT for many years, but his new title and job description reflect the additional responsibilities and growth that have taken place within the EDCT. The SBCCD provides exceptional educational opportunities to our students and professional opportunities for our employees so it is vital that our team members bring an enthusiasm for the educational environment, are knowledgeable in their professions, and have a commitment to the success of the District and its divisions.”

Dr. Lisa Norman

Dr. Lisa Norman

Dr. Lisa Norman, Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, District

Dr. Norman joins the SBCCD from the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools where her storied service includes the position of Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources since 2012, the Director of Certificated Personnel for three years, the Principal of Special Education for five years, and as a teacher with the Mulberry School for five years. She served as the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Services with the Beaumont Unified School District for two years in between positions with the Superintendent’s offices. Prior to working in the Inland Empire, she was a teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District and with The Growing Place. Early in her professional life, she attended West Point United States Military Academy for two years and served as a police cadet with the Santa Monica Police Department.

Dr. Norman earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Phoenix, her master’s degree and Credential in Educational Administration from CSU Los Angeles, her master’s degree in Child Development and Education Specialist Credential from CSU Los Angeles, and her bachelor’s degree in Child Development from CSU Los Angeles. She is currently enrolled at Taft Law School pursuing a Juris Doctor with an emphasis in Education Law.

Dr. Matthew Isaac, Associate Vice Chancellor, Economic Development and Corporate Training, District

Dr. Matthew Isaac

Dr. Matthew Isaac

Dr. Isaac’s previous assignments at the District included serving as the Executive Director of EDCT, District Director of EDCT, Director of the Professional Development Center, Director of the Center for Business Excellence and Director of the Institute for Training and Development at San Bernardino Valley College. Before joining the District, he served as a faculty member of Humanities, Director of Health Care Programs, and the Director of the Division of Contract Education at the University of Toledo, Ohio.

Dr. Isaac holds a doctorate in Higher Education Administration; three master’s degrees: a master of arts in education in English as Second Language; a master of arts in English Language with emphasis in American Literature; and a master of arts in English with an emphasis in British Literature; and a bachelor of science in Biology.

The California Community College (CCC) Association for Occupational Education named Dr. Isaac as the recipient of their 2012 Excellence in Leadership Award. He  received the 2003 Business Partner Award from the CCC Chancellor’s Office Economic Development Network; a1998 Program Excellence Award from the Ohio Continuing Higher Education Association; and the 1984 John J. Turin Memorial Service Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service to the Graduate School and the University Community, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.

The author of numerous publications, he has taught humanities and expository writing and currently sits on three professional and industrial boards of directors.

About the San Bernardino Community College District:

The San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) is one of 72 community college districts within the California Community College system, the largest educational system in the world, which encompasses 112 community colleges. The SBCCD has an 88 year history of providing its community and students with quality and affordable vocational certificates, associate’s degrees, and preparation for transfer to a four year college or university through San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) and Crafton Hills College (CHC). In addition, the Economic Development and Corporate Training Division (PDC) and KVCR TV-FM/FNX provide professional development and cultural and educational information to the community at large.

For additional information, please contact Alisa Sparkia Moore, Esq., Communications and Public Relations at 909.382.4012 (direct), 805-717-0347 (cell) or by email at asmoore@sbccd.edu

Silverado High School Student Surprised with $40,000 Scholarship from Edison International


Chandler Brown, right, a senior at Silverado High School in Victorville, recently received a congratulatory hug from his father after learning he was named a 2015 Edison Scholar and the winner of a $40,000 scholarship from Edison International, the parent company of Southern California Edison (SCE).  He is one of 30 high school seniors awarded $40,000 scholarships that will be paid over four years.  All winners plan to pursue college studies in science, technology, engineering or math, also known as STEM.  Recipients may also be eligible for summer internships at SCE after completing their second year of college.

chandler with check

Chandler Brown, a senior at Silverado High School in Victorville, holds tight to his $40,000 Edison scholarship check that he recently received during a congratulatory surprise presentation at school.  Brown, who plans to major in environmental engineering, is one of 30 high school seniors named 2015 Edison Scholars and planning to pursue college studies in science, technology, engineering or math, also known as STEM.  The scholarships will be paid over four years and recipients may also be eligible for summer internships at SCE after completing their second year of college.

Over $600,000 in New Tax Credits Awarded to Businesses in the 47th Assembly District


SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Cheryl Brown (D-San Bernardino), announced today that $150,000 in tax credits was awarded to C.B. Nichols Egg Ranch in Colton and $480,000 in tax credits was awarded to Mulhauser Steel in Bloomington.  These companies qualified for these tax credits through the California Competes Tax Credit program.

“C.B. Nichols Egg Ranch and Mulhauser Steel collectively invested $20 million in the 47th Assembly District and I am extremely happy that GO-Biz has rewarded their contribution to California’s economy,” Assemblymember Brown said.

In addition to the tax credits for job creation, the new program offers sales tax relief on the purchase of research and development equipment for life sciences and manufacturing equipment.  The amount of credits available will increase each year until 2018. Twenty-five percent of the credits are reserved for small businesses. Businesses interested in the program can apply through the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz).

“It is extremely important that California continues to improve its business environment by helping small businesses that are willing to invest in our communities,” Assemblymember Brown concluded.


sbX Tops 500K in First Year

1 st Anniversary celebration includes free rides, giveaways, prize drawing

sbx-ridership-chartSAN BERNARDINO, CA-  Over half a million riders have climbed aboard the sbX rapid transit line serving Loma Linda and San Bernardino since it launched a year ago. Omnitrans is marking the anniversary with free rides, daily giveaways at sbX stations and a sweepstakes drawing that would provide a year of free rides to the winner, among other things.

sbX launched on April 28, 2014 with a free week that attracted over 3,000 riders per day on average. Since fare collection began on May 5th , average daily ridership has grown from about 1,325 to 2,375, an increase of 79 percent. “We expect sbX ridership to grow by another 30 percent by next year, mostly due to the opening of San Bernardino Transit Center in September,” said Omnitrans spokesperson Wendy Williams. The sbX station on E Street at Rialto Avenue is adjacent to the new transit center which will be the hub for 13 Omnitrans bus routes, making for easier connections.

As part of the anniversary celebration, sbX free ride coupons good any day from April 27 through May 1 are available online at http://www.omnitrans.org/services/sbx/promotions/. Contest entry forms are available on board buses or online. Daily giveaways focus on the many destinations along the sbX line.

  • April 27 – Take sbX shopping. 1,000 shopping bags giveaway on board and at stations all day.
  • April 28 – Take sbX to the game. 100 IE66ers baseball tickets at the Rialto St. Station, 11 am to 1 pm.
  • April 29 – Take sbX to lunch. Restaurant coupon giveaways at all Hospitality Lane stations, 11 am to 1 pm.
  • April 30 – Take sbX to work. Free sbX travel mug when boarding at Loma Linda or Palm & Kendall Park-and-Ride Stations, 6 am to 9 am.
  • May 1 – Take sbX to the Movies. 100 Regal Cinema tickets at Court Street Station, 1pm to 3pm. The one-way fare on sbX, and all Omnitrans bus routes, is $1.75; a 1-day pass is $5. 7-day and 31-day passes offer savings for frequent riders. Persons with disabilities, seniors age 62 and up, US military veterans and youth age 18 and under, qualify for discounts.

“I’m Starting With… The Man in the Mirror!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Man, I love that song… The songwriter said, I’m gonna make a change for once in my life, it’s gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference, gonna make it right…..I see the kids in the street with not enough to eat, who am I to be blind? Pretending not to see their needs… they got nowhere to go, that’s why I want you to know I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, and no message could have been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change. I’ve been a victim of a selfish kind of love…. I’m asking him to change his ways … you gotta get it right; while you got the time, you can’t close your mind… you’ve got to stop it, yourself! Yeah! The man in the mirror I’m asking him to make that change…!”

I think it would be safe to say that the reason Michael Jackson decided to sing this song was because he “Understood it!” He understood the purpose of life. The exact purpose that you and I were created for…to be our Brother’s Keeper! Jesus says, by our love for our brothers and sisters – a love that forgets self to think of others – All will know that we are His disciples. Support Brother Keeper Mission Project. The testimony of Scripture affirms that helping hurting people is the right thing to do. In Deuteronomy 15:11; 6 we are COMMANDED by God to be openhanded toward our fellow man that is poor and needy. David declares, “Blessed are those who have regard for the weak.” {Psalm 41:1}. Proverbs teachers, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord.” {Proverbs 19:17}. Jesus fed the hungry. He ministered to the sick. He comforted the bereaved. He welcomed the marginalized. We are to do the same. It is what we were created for. It is our intended purpose. And the good thing is there is no shortage of opportunities for us to help the hurting because there are so many of them. It is imperative that we understand the seriousness of what God has COMMANDED us to do… “To love our neighbor as He has loved us.”

Proverbs 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all your getting get understanding. James 1:5 says “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him….I tell you the most important thing for us as Christians is to have Spiritual Understanding. When we want to evaluate something, we should ask the Lord to help us understand whatever it is that we are evaluating. Unless we can fully understand it, we might disregard it when we should take its message to heart, or we might take something to heart that we should disregard. Ephesians 5:17 tell us, Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Do yourself a favor: Get Understanding! And when you understand, understand that in the beginning when God made the world there were no needy people. Everyone had sufficiency. But then sin entered the world and it brought ignorance, injustice and inequity. Ever since then there have been people who don’t have enough to eat, who don’t have a place to live, and who don’t have clean water. I cannot emphasize enough that God’s people are called to change that lack by addressing their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Yes, one day Jesus will return and all injustice and poverty and homelessness and illness will be removed. But until that time the church of Christ should be working tirelessly to help those who are in need. This is the outworking of the Cross.

The message is clear. Giving to the needy is right. It pleases God, it helps others, and it is an integral part of the Christian faith. God has charged us with taking care of them. If we don’t, then our discipleship is unbalanced. Support Brother’s Keeper Mission Project,” and remember, nothing matters except that which we do for the Lord. And God says, “The least we do for one of them, we do unto Him.” So in all your getting, get understanding, please! Because when we stand before the Lord to be judged we will be commended or chastised for a series of six (6) activities, those we did or did not perform. One, providing food for one who is hungry. Two, giving drink to a person who is thirsty. Three, providing shelter for another who is a stranger. Four, giving clothes to the person who is naked. Five, looking after the sick and Six, comforting those in prison {Matt: 25:31-46}.  You must know that the determining factor in determining our final destiny will be; was we are Brother’s Keeper.

My prayer and plea is for each of us to become the Good Samaritan who was willing to walk the walk and was not willing to just talk the talk. Support “Brother’s Keeper Mission Project” by visiting www.gofundme.com/99b30w and making a donation or send a check payable to: Brother’s Keeper Mission Project, 390 West 5th Street, #408, San Bernardino, CA 92402.  The simplest of acts can have impacts far beyond our wildest dreams.

If you would like to join Ministry of Declaration/Truth; The Beautiful Gate Church/Ghana, Africa; Church of the Living God, Temple 208; 2 God Be All The Glory Community; Conduit of Grace Church; Ultimate Worship Church International, and Youth Hope, Inc., as we continue doing the work of Jesus and Greater works, please call (909) 649-8148 or send a message via email to colemanlou@hotmail.com.  We are a community sent on a mission together: to keep on doing the ministry of Jesus so that all people and all creation might experience the reconciliation of God. Brother’s Keeper Mission Project – Called and empowered t

The California African American Museum Names George Davis as Interim Executive Director

George Davis

George Davis

LOS ANGELES CA- The California African American Museum (CAAM) has named George Davis as interim executive director.  Davis will assume responsibility for strategic planning, budget development and management, as well as cultivating and maintaining strategic partnerships and relationships on behalf of the museum.

“My goals for CAAM are to provide strong leadership, improve relationships in the community among elected officials and other entities in Exposition Park, and increase financial support from foundations, corporations and individuals,” says Davis. “Additionally, I will strive to improve CAAM’s brand and relevancy among millennials, as well as improve visitors’ experience at the museum.”

In 2001, Davis founded Davis Broadband Group, a consulting firm that offers expertise to international media and entertainment companies on the distribution of digital content.

Davis was also a senior executive at Sony Pictures Entertainment and Technicolor.

“We look forward to Davis’ governance at CAAM,” says CAAM’s Board President Todd Hawkins. “Given his leadership roles at other corporations and organizations, we are confident Davis will elevate CAAM in our community and beyond.”

Throughout his career, Davis has been heavily active in the community and public sector. In 1999, Davis was appointed to the State board at CAAM and in 2007 was   appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to the California State Bar Board of Governors.  He also served on the board of New Directions, a non-profit whose mission is to empower veterans and their families to help them live productive and fulfilling lives.   From 2012-14, he served as volunteer state president at California AARP.  In this role he represented the 3.5 million members in California and supported state and national legislative initiatives.

Davis received his MBA from the University of Southern California.