Happily Divorced And After

Pan African Film Festival Closes Out with Man in 3B, Celebrity After Party

By Naomi K. Bonman

It’s always an exciting affair to have the pleasure of covering one of the largest and long standing film festivals within the Black community. On Sunday, February 15, the Pan African Film Festival (PAFF) closed out an amazing two weeks of panels, international films, and workshops with the highly anticipated film, The Man in 3B, based off of the book by world renowned Black author, Carl Webber. The premiere of the film took place at Rave Cinemas 15 located at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza in Los Angeles. It was preceded with a red carpet and followed by an exclusive after party.

The film is directed by Trey Haley; produced by Princess Monique, ND Brown, Veronica Nichols, Tracey Moore, Jeffery Dumpson, and Walter Nixon; and the film features an array of incredibly talented actors which include Lamman Rucker, Christian Keyes, DB Woodside, Brely Evans, Kellita Smith, Nefessa Williams, Billie Dee Williams, Jackee Harry, Marla Gibbs, Robert Ri’chard, Anthony Montgomery, and Olivia Longott.

Man in 3B is a romantic thriller following the story of Daryl Graham (Lamman Rucker) who just moved into a Jamaica, Queens apartment building, and his neighbors, female and male alike, can’t stop talking about him. From his extreme attractiveness to his undeniable swag, Daryl is the man every woman wants to be with and every man wants to be.

After the screening there was a Q&A session with the cast and crew. During the session each actor gave a few pointers, tips, and advice to those who want to break into the industry. Some of them were to “continue working hard, network at film festivals such as PAFF, and to be a pleasant spirit because no one wants to work with an individual who becomes a headache.” They also mentioned how each of them started with several littles roles which then opened the door for their big break. So as long as you keep working hard and NETWORK, NETWORK, and NETWORK with the right individuals, your goals and dreams will unlock.

The production crew has been blessed to receive several offers regarding distribution and screening of the film for the future. Be sure to keep an eye out for the film to hit your local theater and/or department store. Please visit www.tridestined.com for updates regarding the film.

Photos by John A. Castro & Naomi K. Bonman

Riverside Celebrates 36th Annual Black History Culture Parade, Expo

Article and Photos By John Coleman

RIVERSIDE, CA- In 1965/66, Riverside was the first largest school district in the US to voluntarily integrate their schools and to go forward despite, weeks later, the arson burning of its Lowell Elementary School. The 2015 Riverside Black History Parade and Expo will, in part, celebrate the 50th anniversary of that decision and the part it continues to play in Riverside’s becoming a ‘world class city’.

Dignitaries who participated in the 2015 Black History and Culture Parade included:   Rusty Bailey, Mayor;    Sergio Diaz, Police Chief;    Michael Moore, Fire Chief;   David Hansen, Supt, RUSD;     Stan Sniff, Sheriff;     Richard Roth, State Senator;     Jose Medina, Member, State Legislative Assembly.

Other Parade participants included:  community leaders, educators, business owners, ministers and members of their churches,   college and youth groups,   community service and activity programs,   NAACP,   Tuskegee Airmen,   Prince Hall Masons and Shriners,   car clubs and their prize auto collections, and many other people who march with their organizations to have fun.

There has to be recognition for those crowd pleasers that have their own ‘groupies’ who follow them whenever they parade, these include   The Ex-Plosive Drill and Drum Squad;

The Black Diamond Step Team; Black Diamond Cheer and Dance Team; and of course the San Bernardino Westside Steppers Drill and Drum Team.

Craig Goodwin, Wanda Scruggs, & Jeanie Gaines were announcers at the viewing stand, across from the historical County Court House.


BOTTOMLINE… Institutional Racism Requires Black History Month

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Crispus Attucks

Crispus Attucks

Black History Month is an acknowledgment of the fact that “Black Lives Matter”! The history of the planet and its people is peppered with accomplishments of adventure, creativity and tenacity by men and women of color.  The need to provide special attention to the importance of Black people in the development of the planet and Western Civilization is based on the institutional justification of Black enslavement. The Western Civilization economic needs justified a policy of Colonization that time has lived to determine as racist and exploitive. America’s greatness is tainted by our history of slavery and denial of reparations for the enslaved and their children’s, children’s, children.  The first official blood spilled for America’s freedom was that of Crispus Attucks, a Black man. Despite the hate constantly heaped upon Blacks in America, supported by the laws and policy of America’s institutions, Black people have served, contributed and earned the right to be respected and honored as a golden thread in America’s fabric.

Black History Month is a time that the institutions of America need to step up and acknowledge the equality gap. The elected officials, especially those who are in place because of Black elective support, as the representatives of the institutions that still get it wrong, should use BHM as a time to address the Black Community and express concern for the inequality that still exists. They need to attend events and place advertisements in the programs that are advocating for equal access and opportunity for the least served.  Though we applaud the accomplishments of Alexander Dumas, we cannot forget that Blacks are statistical victims in America’s education system.  Our elected officials are in charge of the schools that fail our children and the society that could benefit from another great Black scholar. They are in charge of our cities and counties where public safety and other government jobs are issued to the family members and friends of the “all ready employed good ole boys”.   There are still many individuals who have racist tendencies, but it is the institutions that have the power of policy that causes havoc to race relations in America.

Black History Month is the time that allows for image correction. The Black image is in need of an upgrade from both, the inside and outside… Black folk cannot afford to have “a season of pride”.  We should regard pride as a lifestyle not an occasion.  A lifestyle of pride requires us to realize that what we do today will be what our children’s children will regard as their history.  We will want them to know that we held our elected officials to a standard of service and respect that earned our votes.  The need for remembering Black people’s historical contributions will continue as long as our elected officials continue to allow and promote policies such as “war on drugs” and “three strikes”. Those policies are racist and they develop the statistics that make Blacks appear to be a social problem as opposed to the benevolent contributors that history proves.

Register to vote and vote! Take your children to a City Council, a School Board or County Board of Supervisors meeting, and explain how the officials get there and how they are replaced by election or recall.  Who you and I voted for and where you and I spent our money will become important personal history that has social implications for our children.  Let us get it right!

Why Westside Story Newspaper is “The Soul of the Inland Empire…Sharing Quest for Excellence”

logoBy Wallace J. Allen

The soul is without matter and cannot be touched physically. Where soul exists, it extends beyond life and lingers through multi generations.  For some unspoken but widely accepted reason, Black folks are identified as the tangible truth that soul exists. Soul brother, soul sister, soul music and soul food are examples of that application! Soul is a code word for “the Black Experience”.

WSSNews identifies and identifies with the “Black Experience” as it occurs in the inland Empire. The Black Experience will always include the memory of its era of Kings and Queens, as well as the tragedy of “The Middle Passage”. The glory of fighting for and building this great nation while enslaved by hate and handcuffed by ignorance. Electing a President only to see his effectiveness ridiculed by racism. All are elements of the Black Experience.

The ‘Quest for Excellence” is also an element of the “Black Experience”.  One of our angel poetesses, Mya Angelo, captures the essence of that quest with her piece titled, “Still, We Rise”. Regardless of the pain delivered by those against us, history evidences not only survival ‘still we rise’, but demonstrates that we also thrive. Regardless of circumstance the “Black Experience” still provides excellence.

Westside Story Newspaper acknowledges the community’s struggle, but it seeks to encourage and celebrate its excellence. Your support in the form of a financial gift or kind words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated and wisely used to “Share The Quest For Excellence”!  You can mail to 577 North “D” Street, San Bernardino Ca. 92401. You can go to wssnews.com and click on the “DONATION” Button. You can email your encouraging words to walleniv@yahoo.com. Your critique is also encouraged and welcomed. I realize that excellence is our goal not our status!

What It Do With the LUE: DUNAMIS L109



What it Do this week Inland Empire! Being raised in the church and actively a part of the choir growing up, let’s just say that this girl loves the LORD. As we all know traditional church music and songs are becoming more and more extinct. Don’t get me wrong, I love the old songs and hymns but I also love the new music too. With that being said let me introduce our talented LUE Productions Gospel Rapper, Michael Napper, also known as, DUNAMIS L1019!

Currently residing in the Inland Empire by way of St. Louis, DUNAMIS L1019 is not taking any prisoners with his unique sound and way of words. He started rapping seriously at the age of 20. The Lord, his family, and the people inspired him to become a Gospel Rapper. DUNAMIS L1019’s love for rap and the Lord made for a great combination. One of his goals is to not only touch and reach broken souls outside the faith based community, but within too.

This gospel rapper has had an opportunity to work with some major hittas in the game such as “2Face Humble & Riteous”, “Prophetic Muzik Group”, “Jason Taylor”, “Triumphant”, “Moedy Woods”, and Producers “Larry Boyd”, “RJ”, and “Nubrain”. Checkout his current project “Power and Might” which is available now on iTunes. He’s currently working on his new album titled, “Just getting started”. Be on the lookout for more amazing music from our Gospel rapper. Music links can be located on all music sites under DunamisL1019.

Matthew 25:15a “To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.” Use your gifts! L’s!

Letter from the Publishers: Happy Birthday to WSSNEWS…Since February 5, 1987

The AllensJosephine and I have enjoyed our Westside Story Newspaper fellowship with our Inland Empire family and friends! We have raised our children with you as you have raised yours. Like many of you, we are not only happily blessed with grandchildren, but we also get to spend quality time with them. We realize and note the ugliness that society can sink into, but because of the natural beauty of the snow-capped mountains that describe the San Bernardino Valley, we are quick to remember that “God is in charge”!    We truly appreciate the time we have had, but we are still young enough to be very concerned about the future. Not just our, but that of you and your families’.  We will continue our quest of sharing the quest for excellence because the echoes that speak to our souls require it! Thank you for being who you are, and for letting us be who we are.

God bless you!

Wallace & Josephine Allen

2015 Miss Black San Bernardino Held This Weekend


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation is pleased to announce the 2015 Miss Black San Bernardino Pageant; an annual event held to celebrate young black women ages 16 to 20 years who are enrolled in school, engaged in community service and working to achieve academic excellence.

The goal of the pageant is to recognize and promote young women in the community that will be tomorrow’s leaders. The objective is to educate, train and encourage young women to represent the African-American community in a manner consistent with responsibility, ethics, motivation and integrity.

Miss Black San Bernardino Scholarship Pageant 2015 being held on February 21, 2015 at the San Bernardino Elks Lodge located at 2055 Elks Drive in San Bernardino  from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. For more information or to buy tickets, please visit www.sbbcfoundation.com/events/miss-black-san-bernardino-2015.

Ladder to Minority Business Success is in Danger

Don’t Take Away the Ladder to Success for Aspiring Minority Small Business Owners

Dexter and Djenane Bartholomew own seven Golden Corral franchises, with five in Kentucky and two in New Jersey. The couple has been married for 17 years and sponsors several community youth organizations at their home in New Jersey. Djenane, who is a registered nurse, also volunteers at a mobile clinic each year on a trip to her native Haiti.

Dexter and Djenane Bartholomew own seven Golden Corral franchises, with five in Kentucky and two in New Jersey. The couple has been married for 17 years and sponsors several community youth organizations at their home in New Jersey. Djenane, who is a registered nurse, also volunteers at a mobile clinic each year on a trip to her native Haiti.

By Djenane Bartholomew

Every day my husband and I make decisions that affect the lives of 450 people and their families. It’s a lot of responsibility but above all a labor of love. It is all part of being local franchise owners and living our American dream. The franchise model has been a gateway for millions of people over the years to achieve small business ownership, many of them from racial or ethnic minority groups. It is important to not only preserve, but to strengthen this business model.
My husband came from Grenada and worked for UPS for over 20 years. As a young man, he had the foresight to invest in a property in Brooklyn which grew in value over the years. Blessed with some money when we sold it, we considered how to invest our good fortune into a new livelihood and soon discovered that franchising was the way to go for us.
We started with Subway sandwich shops, then added Dunkin’ Donuts and Popeye’s Chicken and Buscuit but migrated to casual sit-down dining that did not include alcohol. The folks at Golden Corral shared our values and this began our journey to ownership, which ended with seven Golden Corral locations, five in Kentucky and two in New Jersey.
Franchising is a unique business arrangement. Golden Corral provides a known brand which includes a logo, advertising and marketing, and specifications on everything from the 160-item buffet/salad bar to the The Chocolate Wonderfall fondue dipping fountain. Instead of the challenge of starting a business from scratch, with franchise ownership our customers know what to expect when they walk through our doors.
Just the same, we are the bosses in the best sense of the word. We recruit, hire and train our staff. We are responsible for maintenance and watch the receipts so we can compete in our local community marketplace. We are responsible for schedules, wages and encouraging the members of our team to do their best work. It has been a pleasure to see people grow professionally. In fact, we have now employed the children of our employees and many see working for us not merely as a job but as a career.
This small business franchise model, which has worked so well for my family and other minority entrepreneurs, is in danger of being upended. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is trying to change the definition of “joint employer.”
This is more than just a technical issue. If Golden Corral is considered a joint employer, my husband and I would lose control over the day-to-day issues at our restaurants. If Golden Corral and their locally-owned franchise owners morph into one big employer, we could lose our restaurants – and with it the hard work and money we’ve put into them – altogether, as Golden Corral could be forced to assume direct control over the day-to-day operations of our restaurants. This would be a tragedy for us and our employees because they are not just part of our businesses, but part of our family.
I also worry about aspiring entrepreneurs who might be looking at owning a franchise themselves. Why would men and women looking at franchising consider it if the core of what makes it a proven and workable business model is removed? This would prevent jobs from being created and businesses expanded, in an industry that has been growing faster than the general economy in recent years.
What’s more, according to a 2007 report from the International Franchise Association, 20.5% of franchised businesses were owned by minorities, compared to 14.2% of non-franchised businesses. A little more than ten years ago they made up just five percent of franchise owners. Franchising works for people who may have faced barriers to succeeding with their own businesses and policymakers should encourage this trend.
If the franchise model is shattered by the NLRB’s revised definition of joint employer, instead of an economy populated with small business operators from all walks of life, we would likely see large corporations consolidating operations with big, regional companies created by buying up small business operations like ours.
These challenges will have a negative impact on the independent, entrepreneurial spirit that has helped fuel America’s growth and economic recovery, and has paved the way for thousands to achieve their dreams of running their own businesses and serving their own communities.

McDonald’s and the American Black Film Festival Challenge Rising Filmmakers to Show Lovin’ through a National Video Competition

Award-winning filmmaker, Malcolm D. Lee (Best Man; Best Man Holiday), partners with McDonald's and the American Black Film Festival (ABFF) for McDonald's "Lovin'" Video Competition (PRNewsFoto/McDonald's USA, LLC)

Award-winning filmmaker, Malcolm D. Lee (Best Man; Best Man Holiday), partners with McDonald’s and the American Black Film Festival (ABFF) for McDonald’s “Lovin'” Video Competition (PRNewsFoto/McDonald’s USA, LLC)

OAK BROOK, IL-  McDonald’s USA and the American Black Film Festival are joining forces to launch the McDonald’s Lovin’ Video Competition. To complement the new “Lovin” campaign, up-and-coming filmmakers are challenged to create one 90-second film that brings to life McDonald’s philosophy that, “A little more lovin’ can change a lot.”

Aspiring filmmakers nationwide are encouraged to enter their best, original submissions by 11:59 p.m. Eastern March 24, 2015, for their chance to win the grand prize and earn accolades from film industry leaders. Three finalists will be selected to attend the 19th annual American Black Film Festival in New York City, June 11 -14 and have an exclusive opportunity to be mentored by critically-acclaimed film director Malcolm D. Lee (Best Man; Best Man Holiday), who will provide the finalists with invaluable film industry tips and advice.

The top three short films will premiere at the highly-anticipated festival and will be judged by a panel of industry experts. Each submission will be critiqued on creativity, implementation of concept and quality. In the end, only one finalist will take home the grand prize — a film equipment package valued at $2,500 and an opportunity to have their film featured on prominent websites, including McDonald’s 365Black.com and other media entities. More information about the competition can be found atwww.abff.com.

“We are excited to partner with McDonald’s USA on this most unique digital video contest,” said Jeff Friday, American Black Film Festival founder and chief executive officer. “The ABFF is committed to supporting emerging artists and providing trailblazing opportunities for them to gain exposure and visibility in the film and television industry.”

“I’m honored to mentor our next generation of aspiring filmmakers through ‘Lovin’ Video Competition’,” said Malcolm D. Lee.  “Many have mentored and guided me along my journey to make an impact in film, and it’s important for all of us to do our part to bring the next generation up.”

McDonald’s newest campaign reignites the spirit of “i’m lovin’ it” and will inspire everything the brand does moving forward. By focusing on the lovin’ people show each other every day, the campaign provides an opportunity to celebrate and bring more lovin’ to customers.

“McDonald’s is excited to embark on this initiative with ABFF and the filmmakers of the future from the communities we serve,” said Kristen Wells, External Communications Manager, McDonald’s USA. “We hope that the idea of sharing love throughout our communities will motivate and inspire the filmmakers as they work tirelessly to make their dreams a reality.”

The Lovin’ Video Competition and ABFF’s vision to promote diversity in the film and television industry align with McDonald’s 365Black platform — an initiative that celebrates the pride, heritage and achievements of African-Americans year round.

McDonald’s encourages those who live out lovin’ in their lives each day to follow @365Black on Twitter and join the conversation using #365LovinFilm. To learn more about the 365Black initiative, visit www.365Black.com.

To learn more about the American Black Film Festival and the Lovin’ Video Competition, visit www.abff.com. Follow @ABFF on Twitter and @AmericanBlackFilmFestival on Instagram.

“My Sweet Valentine!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“I found Him whom my soul loveth: I held Him, and would not let Him go” {Song of Solomon 3}…  I want you to know that “My Beloved is mine, and I am His…” A love I never dreamed possible… Oh Lord, my heart belongs to you alone! Take me now and let me be the bride who will bring you great joy. Cause me each day of my life to walk so closely to you that I will experience your intimacy which will begin to change me into your blessed image forever.…. Oh when I contemplate the rich love of Jesus I am drawn to Him like iron to the magnet… I tell you, to be loved by Jesus is literally an indescribable thing.  God demonstrating His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. I don’t know about you but this text ministers powerfully to my heart. If you want a visible definition of love, look at what God did for you in Christ…  If you really want to understand love, don’t listen to love songs, or people who throw the term love around… If you want to get to the depths of what it means to love and be loved, look to the cross of Christ. The cross is the ultimate expression of God’s incomprehensible love to us… For the cross is God’s way of saying, “I love you this much,” with His arms outstretched. His final words etched on a Roman cross. They are blood red. They scream to be heard… I tell you I have been captured by love…  A love that knows no limits, no bounds, and no end… JesusMy Sweet Valentine!

You know there have been many definitions of love. There have been many people who have written books about love. There are songs about love. There are poems about love. There are discussions about love. But when you’ve said it all and you’ve read it all and you’ve sung it all, you just might wonder “What Love Got to Do with It,” because the things they talk about, sing about and write about really aren’t about love at all, but rather about affection, longing, goose-bumps types of emotional thrills. The love they talk about runs hot, it runs cold, and it runs lukewarm. It brings tears of joy, tears of depression, and screams of excitement and hollers of disappointment. The Bible however, addresses aGreater Love” that uses an entirely different term than “philo.” That term is “Agape.” The difference, Agape is a love characterized by commitment.  If you believe in Jesus Christ, don’t think of His love for you merely in terms of the love He has for the world. Think of the love that takes captive and cleaves and unites and cherishes and defends. Think of a marriage covenant between you and God in which He has sworn by His Holiness to love you with a saving, cleansing, and glorifying love. Remember His Words in Psalm 89:34 that says, “I will not violate My covenant, or alter the word that went forth from My lips.” This is what we long for, and this is what we have by faith, an experience of being loved with a love that lasts, that is not fickle, or uncertain, or capricious, but durable, constant, and stable. Not, only, a love that is extensive, but that lasts over time, all time, but also a love that is intensive. We long to be loved radically, deeply, excessively, passionately. I tell you, My Beloved is mine and I am His! Oh may God give us the power to comprehend what is the height and depth and length and breadth, and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that we might be filled with all the fullness of Him.

If you would allow me to make this very personal, love being the high point of everything, the fulfilling of the whole law and the number one ingredient in life {Romans chapter 13}.  I want you to know that God knew every flaw and weakness I would have and every mistake I would make when He called me into relationship with Himself. Nothing about me surprises Him. God knows and has always known everything about me. He knows what I will think, do and say every day for the rest of my life. He also knows how He will help me, teach me, correct me, encourage me, and give me grace for all my faults and failures. He is always for me and never against me, no matter what I do. God loves unconditionally, and that means He accepts us the way we are and then helps us to be all we can be. When you have someone who loves holding you, it doesn’t matter anymore what everyone else does or what the circumstances are or what the future holds. When you are in the arms of a loving God, when you have been consumed with His love, you share in His benefits. God’s love is beyond comprehension. Amazing, isn’t it? God knows us and still loves us. God knows that we are sinners, yet He forgives; we are diseased, yet He heals; we are in a pit, yet He pulls us out; we are ungrateful for His good gifts, yet He gives them anyway; and we deserve justice, yet He grants mercy. When God says I love you, He is saying that you matter to Him. You are a person of worth. You are valuable to Him. Regardless of what others think, in His eyes you are wonderful! God’s love touches every part of our life. Nothing – no calling or circumstance, no adversity or advancement, no pain or promotion, no status or station – escapes the brush strokes of God’s love. God’s love bleeds into every fabric and fiber of our lives. God has loved us with an everlasting love, and with loving-kindness He has drawn us. Indeed, we belong to Divine Love, and only God’s love is unfailing and always fully satisfying. In these last days, there has never been a time when we so desperately need to spend significant daily time contemplating the life of Jesus. “No greater love than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends” {John 15:13}. Oh, how He loves you and me! My Sweet Valentine! To the only wise God my Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen!