Happily Divorced And After

Embark on a Magical Train Ride and visit Santa Claus


PERRIS, CA- Embark on a magical train ride and visit with Santa Claus at his North Pole workshop on December 7, 13, 14, 20, and 21. You can ride the train where elves will lead families in Christmas songs, holiday trivia games and storytelling. Santa greets the guests as they arrive at the workshop.

Visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus at a play area where children can experience Thomas train tables, a child-powered roller coaster and crafts. Enjoy holiday treats while waiting to board your train and a child-size train ride ($2).

Train times are 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5:30 p.m., and 7 p.m. Trains fill up fast, so it is advised to call the museum for reservations at (951) 943-3020. Prices for non-members, ages 12 and up are $15; ages 5 to 11 are $10; and ages 2 to 4 are $5. Member prices for ages 12 and up are $8 and ages 2 to 11 are $5. For more information, please visit at www.oerm.org.



“You Got to be Kidding… Tell Me It’s Not So!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Folks will hug and kiss you on Sunday morning and come Sunday night they are on the phone talking behind your back. “Tell Me It Is Not So!” People are hypocritical. You think that they are with you, but you find out that they are tearing you down.  Jealousy, gossip, lying, backbiting, cheating, criticizing, slandering is not only in the world but it is happening in the Church. So many Church people; Christians have become notorious for this. We speak ill of our brothers and sisters. We critique our leaders, but not to their faces. We whisper in the corners to one another trying to get our homeboys, home girls to sympathize with us. “You Got to be Kidding… Tell Me It’s Not So!” Have we forgotten Proverbs Chapter 6 that says, “These things does the Lord hate, these six things, yea seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies and he that sows discord among brothers.”  Not to mention, Ephesians 4:29 which says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Don’t you know that God hates false witness and spreading lies and He hates stirring up conflict? Even if something is true it can still stir conflict and create disunity amongst us. And just because something maybe true, doesn’t make it okay to spread around. Our words should build up, encourage, instruct, maybe provide godly and gracious correction if necessary. Public shaming and spreading information about someone never helped anyone. We are called to protect the dignity of our neighbors.  We should take a cue from Jesus. He gently told sinners leave that path. He didn’t publicly shame people for making mistakes or being in sin. He never said “Hey Matthew, did you hear what Mark did last week?” But for whatever reason Christians somehow get sucked into it and we destroy each other. We drive people away from the church, and we cause divides, and we leave people feeling discouraged, hurt, angry, and humiliated. We talk about others like they’re somehow vile offenders. Like they’re somehow worse than us. “I can’t believe so and so would do that. That’s terrible!”  We are just as guilty of this sort of thing as everyone else or even more so. No wonder the Church has little influence upon the world compared to what it might have. The Church has become worldlier than the world itself.

How can we use our mouths to praise God on Sunday then cut down our neighbor on Monday? How can we be people who praise God while using that same mouth to attack someone made in God’s image. (James 3:9-12).  We should be treating all people with the same level of respect and dignity. After all Jesus said, “Let the one without sin, be the first to throw the stone.”[John 8:7} If we claim to be the beloved children of God and the body of Christ but spend our time and energy ripping each other apart, well, that sends a very clear message doesn’t it? If our claims of being a place of love coexist with hostility and backbiting, basically we’re just a bunch of lying hypocrites. Yes, the truth hurts. It’s like medicine. It does not always taste good, but we need it!  I tell you, we have to do better. Too many people give up their faith because of the mean gestures of Christians. We must not forget why the Church is in the world. Our words should spur one another towards Jesus not away from Him.

I’m not trying to be critical nor harsh. I’m calling for us to become more like Christ. I’m calling for us to have a renewed commitment to speak with grace. To use our words to build up. To Stop and Think when we speak.  Consider what will happen if people actually listen to you. I don’t have that problem. I know most of what I say isn’t listened to. But let us be imitators of God, who love like Jesus did, and use our words to glorify God like Jesus did. Let us refuse to participate in gossip, criticism, slander, and defamation. Let us be known as a people who speak well demonstrating grace. Let us use our mouth for God’s glory and the church edification. Never forgetting that we will be held accountable before God Himself for the things we do and say. It’s a terrible thing to see gossip, jealousy, pride, failure to love the brethren, etc. Let us love one another as Christ loves us!


Former American Idol Contestant, Tamyra Gray, Cast for ‘Sleeping Beauty and Her Winter Knight’

Tamyra Gray

Tamyra Gray

PASADENA, CA- The Pasadena Playhouse and Lythgoe Family Productions (LFP) have announced the cast members for this year’s Panto at the Playhouse “Sleeping Beauty and Her Winter Knight.” The cast will feature Disney recording artist Olivia Holt as “Aurora”(Disney’s “I Didn’t Do It”), Lucy Lawless as “Carabosse” (“Xena: Warrior Princess,” “Spartacus”), David Engel as “Nanny Tickle” (Broadway’s “La Cage aux Folles,” “Seussical”), Tamyra Gray as “The Good Fairy” (“American Idol,” Broadway’s “Bombay Dreams” and “Rent”) and returning from last year’s Panto at the Playhouse production of “Aladdin and His Winter Wish,” Ben Giroux as “Silly Billy” (CW’s “Hart of Dixie).“SLEEPING BEAUTY and Her Winter Knight” opens December 10, 2014 and plays through January 4, 2015 at The Pasadena Playhouse.

An updated version of the classic Grimm fairytale, in the style of a traditional British family Panto, SLEEPING BEAUTY and Her Winter Knight is a singing and soaring winter adventure that features family-friendly magic, with a comedic twist, dancing (with “So You Think You Can Dance” alumni), a live pony, interaction with the audience and contemporary music from Jessie J’s “Domino” to John Legend’s “All Of Me,” Pharrell Williams “Happy” to Survivor’s “Eye of The Tiger” and more. A Panto is known for its interactive style and humor that appeals to everyone from ages 2 – 102!

The Pasadena Playhouse is located at 39 South El Molino Avenue in Pasadena (91101).  The performance schedule is Monday at 7:30 p.m. (December 29 only); Tuesdays through Fridays at 7:30 p.m.; Saturdays at 12 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and Sundays at 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.; Special matinees are Wednesday, December 24 at 4 pm; Friday, December 26 at 4 pm; and Tuesday, December 30 at 4 pm.

Tickets are available by calling The Pasadena Playhouse at (626) 356-7529, online 24 hours a day at www.PasadenaPlayhouse.org, or by visiting The Pasadena Playhouse Box Office, Tuesday through Sunday from 12 p.m. until 6 p.m. during non-performance dates.  On performance dates the Box Office is open Tuesday through Saturday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday.

Boy Scouts Collect Over 12,000 Pounds of Food for Charity

Back row left to right Scout Leader Charles Price, Stater Bros. Manager Jorge Moreno, Stone Price, Austin Price, Lucus Compagna, and Scout Leader Anne Compagna. Front left William Anderson, and front right Jason Bun.

Back row left to right Scout Leader Charles Price, Stater Bros. Manager Jorge Moreno, Stone Price, Austin Price, Lucus Compagna, and Scout Leader Anne Compagna. Front left William Anderson, and front right Jason Bun.

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-Boy Scouts from the Inland Empire collected 12,880 pounds (6 tons) of food for The Salvation Army’s San Bernardino Corps.  The food was donated by the Boy Scouts over two weekends in November. Last year the donations weighed in at 11,004 pounds.   The Boy Scouts have collected tons of food for the Salvation Army and other charities with meal programs for the past several years.

In December, the San Bernardino Corps assembles holiday food baskets for more than 600 local families. Canned food donations received from the Boy Scouts will be included in those baskets along with a $10 gift card to Stater Bros. for a Turkey.  In addition to the holiday baskets, a delicious Christmas Dinner is served on Christmas Day to those in need.

Meals for anyone who is hungry are served six nights a week at 4:45 p.m. Sunday through Friday at 746 W. Fifth Street in San Bernardino.  More than 40,000 meals are served annually at the Fifth Street location. For help or for more information call The Salvation Army at  (909) 888-1336.

What It Do With the LUE: OnMyMama.TV

On My Mama TV

LIGHTS, CAMERA, AND ACTION! Hi, my peeps! It’s such a beautiful day in the neighborhood. This week WHAT IT DO is videography. With that being said, I have to highlight, Onmymama.tv for making major moves and so quickly. Onmymama.TV based out of the Inland Empire, was founded in 2014 by Aaron Block, CEO of onmymama.tv; Paul Douglas; and Jonathan Glinsey.

What started as a conversation had become a reality. Aaron Block came up with the idea of not paying and depending on videographers to shoot his videos, so he decided to learn how to do it himself. Pulling in Jonathan Glinsey, who has a degree in photography and is
the head Director along with Paul Douglas, as the Assistant Director for Onmymama.tv, the three decided to take videography to another level. Shaken things up in the IE the team specializes in shooting live interviews, freestyles, red carpet events, music videos, weddings, sports, documentaries, and more.

I’ve had an opportunity to use these young talented Kings on projects for my LUE Productions artist’s which include Dada Dado, Speaker Junkiez, Paul Douglas, and Mack Pepperboy. Let’s just say that I was 100 percent satisfied with the ending results.

Paul Douglas came up with the name Onmymama and Aaron Block added TV, then the magic appeared and the rest is history. So, if you need any work done at an affordable rate that is QUALTY, make sure to look up Onmymama.tv. via YouTube and add them on Facebook at Mymamatv, and that’s on MAMAS!

Los Angeles’ Designer Michael Ferrera Selected as a Finalist Cricket Community Stars

Michael Ferrera (right), founder of Michael Ferrera Custom Clothing and finalist in the Cricket Community Stars: Salute to Solopreneurs contest is pictured with Monica Cevallos, Cricket Wireless Senior Marketing Manager during an in-store celebration on Small Business Saturday. As a finalist, Ferrera is eligible to receive the grand prize package of up to $5,000 in cash and mobility prizes. Photo provided courtesy of Steed Media Group

Michael Ferrera (right), founder of Michael Ferrera Custom Clothing and finalist in the Cricket Community Stars: Salute to Solopreneurs contest is pictured with Monica Cevallos, Cricket Wireless Senior Marketing Manager during an in-store celebration on Small Business Saturday. As a finalist, Ferrera is eligible to receive the grand prize package of up to $5,000 in cash and mobility prizes. Photo provided courtesy of Steed Media Group

LOS ANGELES, CA- On Saturday, November 29, Cricket Wireless hosted an in-store celebration for its Cricket Community Stars: Salute to Solopreneurs contest. This year they selected Michael Ferrera of Los Angeles and owner of the Michael Ferrera Custom Apparel as one of the three finalists.

Family, friends, and the community were able to show their support as Ferrera competes for the grand prize package. Some of the prizes that he is eligible for include a cash prize of up to $5,000 and a free Samsung Galaxy S5 courtesy of Samsung along with a year of Cricket service.

At Saturday’s celebration, Ferrera recorded a video outlining his business story and community involvement. The video can be viewed on Cricket’s YouTube channel. To learn more about Michael Ferrera, please visit www.michaelferrera.com.

BrittCares’ 7th Annual Thanksgiving Event with Kevin Hart a Success

Founders of BrittCares Jamie and Shirell Henderson and Comedian and Actor Kevin Hart

Founders of BrittCares Jamie and Shirell Henderson and Comedian and Actor Kevin Hart

LOS ANGELES, CA-BrittiCares International, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, hosted their 7th annual “Thanksgiving With My Family” at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Thanksgiving Day. Comedian and actor Kevin Hart was a special guest and presented BrittiCares with $30,000 to continue in their mission of helping terminally ill children.

As children admitted to hospitals during the holidays don’t get to enjoy their families, BrittiCares’ “Thanksgiving With My Family” gave them the opportunity to dine together on a day meant to be spent with family and friends.

BrittiCares will host its annual, “Give Life For Christmas” Blood Drive, on Saturday, December 13, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The community is urged to donate blood as donations run low during the holidays, yet the need remains great. For more information and/or to donate visit www.britticares.org.

Taylion Academy’s Teachers are as Unique as Their Students

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The newest Taylion Academy, located in the heart of San Bernardino, sees every student as a unique and talented individual. 
“Taylion also believes that it takes a talented, unique teacher to connect with today’s students on an educational level. Terry Trebilcock is a shining example of a teacher that connects with his students,” said Tim Smith president of Taylion Academy.
Trebilcock, known as Mr. T to his students, is one of the teachers on the San Bernardino campus. If experience is the greatest teacher, then Trebilcock is in the right profession, as he has been teaching for more than 39 years. 
“I have actually been teaching since about 1975, I taught engineering classes at Henry Ford Community College in Michigan,” said Trebilcock. “I also taught business classes at Chaffey College for about three years.”
Trebilcock holds credentials in Physics and Math Fundamentals.  For Trebilcock, the reason for teaching has been, and always will be, the students.
“I like the feeling you get when the light bulb goes on for these kids, and you see what they can do with it,” said Trebilcock. “For example, two kids I taught last year in engineering classes, they liked engineering so much they applied at Chaffey to get for their engineering program.  To me, that’s the biggest payoff.”
Trebilcock is not only a dedicated, highly qualified teacher, but is a man of many talents, including Pool. “In 2013 I ranked in the top 100 in U.S. Amateur Pool.” He plans to compete in an upcoming tournament in February.
Kids are a major aspect of Trebilcock’s life, and it shows when one looks at the success of his son, Terry Trebilcock, Jr. If that name sounds familiar, it is because he is the owner of King of the Cage, a Mixed Martial Arts promotion based in Southern California.
King of the Cage is wildly popular in the Inland Empire. That makes for some pretty interesting conversations with Trebilcock’s students.
Taylion’s Grand Opening Celebration is set for Friday, December 5 at noon at 1184 W. 2nd Street, Suite 101, San Bernardino, CA 92410.  Please RSVP by calling (909) 889-5152
For more information on Taylion Academy, call (909) 889-5152.

About Taylion Academy
At Taylion Academy we are committed to providing students with the most flexible options of Independent Study, Online Learning and Homeschooling, so that our students can benefit from personalized learning plans that are designed to allow them to thrive and succeed at their own pace. We understand each student learns differently and education should be just as individualized as the needs, strengths and weaknesses of our students. Therefore, we have made it our sole mission to inspire our students and parents, provide advanced tools and systems for learning, and offer more choices to give you the best chance to fulfill each student’s dreams!



LOS ANGELES, CA- As California endures a historic drought and recovers from recent wildfires, residents need to prepare for the possibility of mudslides and flooding triggered by the current major rainstorm affecting the southland, the biggest of the year. Dangerous areas include zones previously affected by the #ColbyFire in the San Gabriel Mountains, near Los Angeles, where up to 6 inches of rain are expected, and sections of the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), in Malibu. Various downed power lines and flooding problems have been reported and mandatory evacuations issued. As a reminder, flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster in the United States, causing about $50 billion in economic losses each year, according to the Insurance Information Institute. State Farm encourages residents to take the following steps to protect:


  • Listen to first responders and to the news – If a mandatory evacuation has been ordered in your area, gather your most important documents and key belongings and leave your house promptly.
  • Drive in “defense mode” – In heavy rain and during flash floods seek high ground, turn on your lights, slow down, maintain more distance with other cars, and avoid driving on roads covered by water.
  • Keep Tank Full and Change Wipers – Wipers should be replaced if the windshield view is smeared.
  • Have a Road Survival Kit in the car– It should include a: tool set, spare tire, car jack, first aid kit, blanket, rain jacket, plastic tarp, jumper cables, flash light, gloves, spare cloths, water, non-perishable food, and road flares.


  • Inspect Your Home – As the storm progresses, inspect your home and monitor rain gutters, roof, yard, out-buildings, and trees and shrubs for possible hazards.
  • Make an Inventory – Create an inventory taking photos and short videos of your possessions in each room.
  • Create an Emergency kit – Make sure you have plenty of emergency supplies like batteries, blankets, flashlights, water and non-perishable foods.
  • Have an Evacuation plan – If you live close to a hillside area, have a disaster evacuation plan.


  • Flood damage and homes – damage due to floods is typically not covered by standard homeowners or renters insurance policies. Should you live in an area that is prone to floods or mudslides, consider purchasing flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program: Floodsmart.gov.
  • Flood damage and cars – comprehensive coverage on a typical auto insurance policy will cover damage to a car caused by a flood.
  • Talk to your agent – review your policies and discuss your insurance needs.

“While these weather conditions persist, if you can avoid driving unless necessary that would be best. And at home, monitor if the water is finding its way in and act,” said Jordi Ortega, spokesman for State Farm, who added: “Now is a good time to call your agent and review your home insurance policy.”


About State Farm

State Farm and its affiliates are the largest provider of car insurance in the U.S. and is a leading insurer in Canada. In addition to providing auto insurance quotes, their 18,000 agents and more than 65,000 employees serve almost 84 million policies and accounts – approximately 82 million auto, home, life, health and commercial policies in the United States and Canada, and nearly 2 million bank accounts. Commercial auto insurance, along with coverage for renters, business owners, boats and motorcycles, is available. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company is the parent of the State Farm family of companies. State Farm is ranked No. 41 on the 2014 Fortune 500 list of largest companies. For more information, please visithttp://www.statefarm.com or in Canada http://www.statefarm.ca.

3 Retirement Essentials Every Boomer Should Follow for the New Year

Piggy Bank with retirement formula

By Carl Edwards, MBA, ChFC

Wow, what an amazing market ride over the last few years!  Running on tracks laid by an unprecedented Federal Reserve monetary easing program, the market has once again run to new all-time highs and appears to still have some steam. Or does it?

While no one really knows the answer to this, it is important to remember history as a guide, and to think about the future — your future.  It wasn’t all that long ago that the world’s financial system was shaken to its core, leaving many retirees running for shelter from the Ebola-like symptoms displayed by world financial systems.  Fear over which institution or country would next display the almost certain deadly symptoms ran rampant.

I am certainly not echoing the calls of the past and screaming it’s time to get your guns and gold.  I am, however, pointing out to consumers the recent and vivid reminders of the importance to get back to the basics with your financial planning this New Year.  If we fail to remember the past, we repeat it.  You have worked too hard preparing for this time in your life.

Let’s review three vital elements you should implement in your retirement plan this New Year.

  1. Get your annual financial check-up.  How can we possibly forget to do this?  Annual check-ups are the number one preventative care tool at our disposal.  While many individuals should be meeting more regularly with their financial advisor, everyone should have at least the minimum of an annual visit.  Problems creep up and this is often the best way to catch them before it is too late.
  2. Don’t forget to diversify.  Are you working with a broker who always wants to sell you mutual funds full of stocks and bonds?  Does your annuity guy think every dime you have should be stuffed into insurance products?  The reality is they are probably both wrong.  Find an advisor this year who knows the benefits of each of these products, but who also knows the value of how they work together.  Diversification is important and it may include each of these products along with other assets such as individual stocks and bonds, Certificates of Deposit (structured and fixed), Business Development Companies, Real Estate Investment Trusts, precious metals, and numerous other investments.
  3. Rebalance, Rebalance, Rebalance.  With the great equity run up we have encountered since the lows of March 2009, it is vital to remember that we must continue to evaluate our investment portfolios.  While equity portfolios have risen significantly since that time, other areas of our portfolio may not have fared so well, leaving our risk levels in need of adjustment. It is often a good idea to capture some of those hard-earned gains.  You never know — the next major pullback could be just around the corner.  Be prudent, not greedy!

About Carl

Carl Edwards, MBA, ChFC®, is a Chartered Financial Consultant® and is the owner of C.E. Wealth Group,. He has passed the Series 7, Series 66 and Series 63 securities industry exams. In addition, he has passed the Series 24 principal exam. He represents High Street Asset Management as an Investment Adviser Representative and Calton & Associates, Inc. as a Registered Representative.  The views expressed in this article reflect the opinion of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of Calton & Associates, Inc. or High Street Asset Management. Information contained in this article is not a recommendation, solicitation, or offer to buy or sell securities.  Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and are not intended as investment advice or to predict future performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Individuals should consult a financial professional before making investment decisions.  Edwards is also a licensed insurance agent in Life, Health, Medicare Supplement and Long Term Care insurances. Edwards received a master’s degree in business administration and is currently completing a second master’s degree in finance from Penn State University. He also is a member of the American MENSA.