Happily Divorced And After

Bring Joy with a Joy: Community Action Partnership Hosts Holiday Toy drive

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Make Santa proud and make a child’s Christmas special by donating to Community Action Partnerships 2023 holiday toy drive. The Drive will be held from Thursday, November 29, 2023, to Friday, December 15, 2023. Unwrapped toys can be dropped off at Community Action Partnership San Bernardino County (Attn: Family Development Program) located at 696 Tippecanoe Avenue, San Bernardino, California 92408. For those that want to make a monetary donation, it can be made at CAPSBC.org/holidayvirtualtoydrive. Please make checks payable to Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County.

CAPS most pressing gift need is gifts for 14- to 17-year-olds. This could be sports equipment, electronics, board games, art supplies, self-care essentials, etc. For more information, contact Charles Karsch at ckarsch@capsbc.org or (909) 723-1573 or Dennis Collier at dcollier@capsbc.org or (909) 723-1571.

Infrastructure Leaders Sign Equity Pledge in Los Angeles

By Tanu Henry, Lila Brown and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

On November 20, a group of 14 public and private sector executives in Los Angeles pledged their commitment to ensure that Black and other minority business owners receive a fairer shot at obtaining public contracting opportunities on infrastructure projects.

Called the Equity in Infrastructure Project (EIP) Pledge, the agreement is part of the EIP’s launch of its California Plan Initiative which was unveiled during a forum hosted by Engineering News-

Record, a publication widely recognized as “the bible of the construction industry.”

The Forum convened hundreds of infrastructure leaders from across California and around the nation. It also marked the second anniversary of President Biden’s signing of the historic federal infrastructure law.

The leaders announced that California Secretary of Transportation Toks Omishakin will serve as Chair of the EIP’s California Plan initiative.

In his remarks before the signing, Omishakin pointed out the need to move from symbolic acts of inclusion to more material efforts for achieving equity.

“We can’t just put a policy in place as if it’s good to go. We have to take additional steps like the ones we’re taking today to say we’re committed to making sure this $1.2 trillion that’s coming in from President Biden gets to firms that are often are overlooked as a part of the process,”Omishakin told California Black Media (CBM).

“Governor Newsom has done a similar effort that also ensures the investments that we’re making across California reaches communities that have been overlooked for years,” he added. “Every single person deserves the chance to be successful. It’s an honor for us to be a part of the Equity in Infrastructure Project.”

EIP’s says its mission is to build generational wealth and reduce the racial wealth gap by improving public infrastructure contracting practices to create more prime, joint venture and equity contracting opportunities for Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs), according to the group’s website.

EIP’s Pledge has now been signed by 55 heads of transit authorities, airports, ports, water districts, and engineering firms from across the country, and the White House has directly called upon Bipartisan Infrastructure Law grantees to sign the Pledge.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly Mitchell introduced the unanimously approved motion that committed the County to the Pledge.

“We commit to tripling the total number of certified small businesses in LA County with a special emphasis on infrastructure servicing small minority businesses,” said Mitchell.

“We are establishing a $2M revolving loan fund to support startup costs as small businesses obtain County contracts and we will create a network of Small Business Advocates with each County department and empower them to advance small business goals and inclusive procurement practices,” Mitchell added. We must ensure that our small and minority firms have the technical assistance they need to access these career-changing government contracts.”

The Pledge was also signed by leaders from the Los Angeles Metro, Port, Airport, Department of Water & Power, and other executives from cities around the region.

Sheriff, District Attorney Team Up For ‘Operation Smash and Grab’

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney’s Office are teaming up this holiday season for “Operation Smash and Grab.”

“Deputy Sheriffs will be undercover in stores throughout the county with the purpose of arresting actors engaged in retail theft,” said Sheriff Shannon Dicus in a statement. “Working together with our District Attorney’s office, those actors will not only be arrested and booked into jail, but they will be prosecuted and held to answer for their crimes. We want the citizens of our county to have safe and enjoyable shopping experiences.”

D.A. Jason Anderson added, “This holiday season, our office remains focused on ensuring the safety of our community and businesses. By working together with law enforcement and businesses across the county, we will seek prosecution and accountability for individuals who choose to engage in unlawful behavior such as retail theft crimes, buying or selling stolen property, or organized crime schemes at multiple locations.”

Serrano High School Cadet Corps Participate in Annual Bivouac

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Major Bravo and the Serrano High School Cadet Corps held their annual Bivouac on Saturday, November 25, 2023.

“The weekend was full of activities that taught the 20 plus students about land navigation, first aid, survival craft, and archery — all while enhancing their leadership and communication skills,” said District Director Kimberly Mesen, who was honored to accept a Certificate of Appreciation from the Cadet Corps during the event.

Additional thanks to CO Nance, who planned the entire Bivouac schedule, and to Mojave Archers for hosting!

Ophelia’s Jump Presents The World Premiere Of “Sealed Orders”

UPLAND, CA—- Ophelia’s Jump Productions (OJP) will present the world premiere of Sealed Orders, written by Claremont playwright, Jean Collinsworth and directed by Ophelia’s Jump Founding Artistic Director, Beatrice Casagrán. The production will be performed at the Ophelia’s Jump Theater, located at 2009 Porterfield Way, Suite H, in Upland, from November 24 through December 10, 2023.

The cast includes Kelly Franett* (Measure for Measure, OJP) as Herman Melville, Jenny Buchanan* (Native Gardens, OJP) as Lizzie Melville, Sofia Levi as Bessie Melville, David Duarte Guzman as Malcolm Melville, Allison Meister as Mary Sullivan, Jeff Sable* (Native Gardens, OJP) as Richard Henry Dana, Ralph Merant as Robert Morris, Stacey Patiño as Olive Fairchild and Edgardo Flores as Matenga Te Hiko.

Herman Melville, author of the metaphysically loaded, Moby Dick, had four children. Two left home early estranged from a father whom they described as a tyrant. A daughter, Bessie, remained at home and never married. In the fall of 1867, Malcolm, Melville’s eldest son, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at age 18. The likely suicide was quickly covered up by the Melville family. This historically based drama explores the family dynamics that led to Malcolm’s desperate act and how the tragedy affected Melville’s later work.


  • Written by Jean Collinsworth
  • Directed by Beatrice Casagrán
  • Regular Run – November 24 through December 10, 2023
  • Featuring: Kelly Franett*, Jenny Buchanan*, Sofia Levi, David Duarte Guzman, Allison Meister, Jeff Sable*, Ralph Merant, Stacey Patiño and Edgardo Flores. *member of Actors’ Equity Association


2009 Porterfield Way, Suite H, Upland, CA 91786


All seats $32 and $25 for college students with ID. Pay What You Can/Pay it Forward Thursdays. Available on opheliasjump.org or by phone at 909-734-6565. Group discounts available.

“In All Your Getting, Get an Understanding!”

By Lou K. Coleman

Because there can be no doubt that we are living in the last days. The signs we are seeing and the things taking place in this world point to the soon coming final events, the mark of the beast, the time of trouble and the return of Jesus Christ. In all your getting, get an understanding! [Proverbs 4:7].

You can know what the signs are that will precede Christ’s coming and watch for them. Why stay in ignorance about the meaning of the events taking place around you? Jesus commands watch and to be ready. [Luke 21:36]. I tell you; your entire life is about to change. Events will unfold soon to destroy the world’s way of life as we have known it. Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating, bloody war in human history—called, in biblical terminology, the Great Tribulation. [Matthew 24:21–22]. We are now approaching that time, and these things are now being revealed. [Daniel 12:10]. In all your getting, get an understanding!

We are living in a time like no other before us, and yet just as in the days of Noah and Lot, people continue to ‘eat and drink’ and live as if nothing is going to happen.

What willful ignorance! The truth is that God is shaking all that can be shaken. And what is still to come is too dreadful to think about.

Listen in [Romans 13:11] we are given a warning. “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now, is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” The Apostle Paul is telling us that we need to be aware of the times in which we live and act accordingly. Jesus also stressed the importance of this when He asked, “Can you not discern the signs of the times?” [Matthew 16:3]. I tell you; you must understand the spiritual significance of current events. We are not living in ordinary times. We are nearing the end of an age—the end of a civilization. So, in all your getting, get an understanding. A world-shaking crisis is inexorably building and will, in the near future, explode the appearance of normalcy. You need to know that the progression of disturbing news stories is not random and inconsequential. In fact, they foreshadow remarkable key trends and specific events that will change everything you are familiar with in the next few decades!

Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.  [Proverbs 4:5-7].

2024 Legislative Session: Black Caucus Members Named as Committee Chairs

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Several Black legislators serving in the California state Assembly have been appointed as committee chairs for the 2024 legislative session. All are members of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC).

Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Hollister), who was elected to the position five months ago, made the announcement November 21.

“The Assembly is unified and ready to deliver,” Rivas said in a statement. “That’s what Californians expect from their Legislature and that’s what this team will achieve.”

In a statement to Assembly Chief Clerk Sue Parker, Rivas, who succeeds former Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood), appointed these CLBC members to chair committees: Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson), chair of the Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Tourism Committee; Assemblymember Mia Bonta (D-Alameda), chair of the Health Committee; Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights), chair of the Natural Resources Committee; Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento), chair of the Public Safety Committee; and CLBC chair Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City), chair of the Transportation Committee.

Assemblymember Tina Mckinnor (D-Inglewood) serves as chair of the Public Employment and Retirement Committee.

“I am thankful to @CASpeakerRivas for entrusting me with the responsibility of chairing the Committee on Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Tourism. Ready to get things done, and fully committed to collaborating with all Members and building on @QuirkSilvaCA’s time as Chair,” Gipson posted Nov. 22 on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

McCarty expressed his commitment to work in the interest of his constituents and others around the state.

“Many topics this panel covers are top of mind for all Californians. “I look forward to moving balanced and common-sense policies next year.”

Bonta thanked Rivas for putting his faith and trust in her and Assemblymember Jim Wood, who represents the Second Assembly District. Wood was appointed Speaker pro Tempore.

“I’m honored and humbled to serve as Assembly Health Chair,” Bonta posted on the social media platform X. “I look forward to fighting for true access to high quality, affordable healthcare for all Californians.”

In addition to the CLBC members assuming committee leadership roles, Assemblymember Akilah Weber (D-La Mesa) has been appointed as chair of the No. 1 Budget Subcommittee on Health and Assemblymember Corey Jackson (D-Riverside) is

taking the helm of the No.2 Budget Subcommittee on Human Services. Weber is currently running to replace Sen. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego), who terms out in 2024.

Assemblymembers Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) and Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), who are termed out at the end of 2024, have been replaced as chairs of the Appropriations and Public Safety committees, respectively. Jones-Sawyer is running for the L.A. City Council District 10 seat and Holden is running to serve on the L.A. County Board of Supervisors.

McCartys’ Assembly term ends at the end of 2024, because he has chosen to run for Mayor of Sacramento instead of seeking re-election for his Sixth District seat.

Several Sacramento insiders who wished to remain anonymous, expressed their surprise to California (CBM) about Rivas’ decision to replace Bryan, the former Assembly Majority Leader, with Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Davis).

In that role, Bryan was second-in-command in the Assembly.

In his new role as chair of the Natural Resources Committee, Bryan will oversee state agency activities and Assembly policy involving air quality, climate change, energy efficiency, renewable energy, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), coastal protection, forestry, land conservation, oil spills, solid waste and recycling.

Bryan went on record to publicly accept his new role with grace.

“I’m looking forward to Chairing the Natural Resources Committee next session. Thank you @CASpeakerRivas

for this important appointment,” Bryan stated Nov. 21 on X.

Rivas appointed 17 women to leadership positions, a new record for the Assembly. Wilson, who was formerly Majority Whip, is now the first Black woman in California history to serve as chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee.

The Transportation Committee oversees legislation, public issues and the operations of several state agencies, including the California Highway Patrol, California Transportation Commission, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and California High-Speed Rail Authority.

“It is an honor to be appointed to serve as the Chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee,” said Wilson in a statement.

“Transportation impacts each and every Californian in a significant way,” Wilson continued. “From improving California’s public transit systems, to improving our roads and highways, transportation equity, expanding clean technology use, and mitigating the environmental impacts of our transportation sector, I’m ready to dig in on these crucial public policy challenges and map out a state transportation plan that addresses California’s needs for generations to come.”


In Senate Run, Rep. Barbara Lee Takes Lead in Democratic Convention Delegate Poll

By Tanu Henry, Lila Brown and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

In almost every poll conducted so far on the 2024 California senatorial election, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-12) has trailed her two closest opponents in the race, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA-30) and Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA-47).

However, a poll conducted at the California Democratic Party Convention in Sacramento — which began November 17 and was shut down a day later due to pro-Palestinian protests — Lee’s fate changed.

On November 20, Lee’s campaign issued an announcement.

“We want to make sure you heard some exciting news. At the California Democratic Party Convention this past weekend, delegates came together to vote on an endorsement in the U.S. Senate race,” the message read. “While no candidate received the endorsement (as there is now a 60% threshold), Congressmember Barbara Lee came out on top!”

In the Democratic delegate poll, Lee led with 41.47% (963 votes), followed by Schiff with 40.18% (933 votes) and Porter with 16.06% (373 votes).

“While other candidates used their massive fundraising war chests to influence the voting, we organized on the ground, delegate by delegate, to come out on top. And this is exactly how we are going to win this primary race in March,” said Lee.

Law Enforcement Leaders Share Plan to Fight Smash-and-Grab Retail Theft During Holiday Season

By Tanu Henry, Lila Brown and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

A video recently went viral online showing a brazen flash mob of about 17 young people robbing a Nike store in Watts, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. The culprits got away with an estimated $12,000 worth of goods.

This incident along with many others like it capturing the growing incidents of violent store heists in the Golden State prompted State and Local Law Enforcement to highlight new and intensified efforts to combat theft during the holiday shopping season.

On November 20, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the California Highway Patrol (CHP) is increasing statewide efforts to combat organized retail crime.

“When criminals run out of stores with stolen goods, they need to be arrested and escorted directly into jail cells,” Newsom said in a statement. “Leveraging hundreds of millions of dollars in law enforcement investments, the California Highway Patrol — working with allied agencies — is increasing enforcement efforts and conducting and supporting covert and confidential takedowns to stop these criminals in their tracks during the holiday season, and year-round.”

As part of the Governor’s Real Public Safety Plan, the CHP is increasing its law enforcement presence in key retail districts across California and its Organized Retail Crime Task Force (ORCTF) is increasing enforcement efforts through proactive and confidential law enforcement operations with allied agencies and retail store security outfits through the holidays — keeping more shoppers, merchants, and retail districts safe.

The Governor’s office hosted a news briefing featuring California Highway Patrol (CHP) Commissioner Sean Duryee, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Assistant Sheriff Holly Francisco and District Attorney Brooke Jenkins.

“The men and women of the California Highway Patrol are working around the clock to keep shoppers, merchants, and retail districts safe this holiday season– and year-round,” said Duryee. “Much of our task force’s success can be attributed to the strong working relationships we have with our law enforcement partners throughout the state and the rapport we have cultivated with the retail industry.”

“My office takes these cases seriously and will continue to do our part to hold those who engage in this behavior accountable,” said Jenkins.

“These crimes are deeply impactful and will not be tolerated. Law enforcement agencies are working together to identify, arrest, and prosecute the thieves and those who traffic in stolen merchandise.”

Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney John McKinney has been a vocal critic of current DA George Gascón because the Sheriff’s Department will no longer detain suspects over crimes like theft and shoplifting since new zero-bail policy went into effect on October 1.

“These robberies aren’t borne out of desperation. They’re the result of having a district attorney who won’t enforce the law,” McKinney told California Black Media. “As long as criminals know there won’t be any accountability for their actions, then retail businesses of all sizes will continue to operate in constant fear and eventually depart for safer cities. Beefing up law enforcement may provide some deterrence, but, ultimately, we need a district attorney that understands accountability is a necessary part of a safe and functioning society.”

Female Filmmaker Duo Releases Thriller That Confronts Culture’s Beauty Obsession

Eyeam Cinema’s new film “Clinic” is both entertaining and thought-provoking on the subject of popular cosmetic procedures that compel women to put their health and lives at risk.

ATLANTA, GA—- A new thriller with a unique storyline and surprising plot twist goes behind the operating curtain of an underground cosmetic surgery clinic where a myriad of terrifying encounters await. Clinic takes viewers on a suspense-filled journey into a clinic that upends one woman’s life forever. The latest movie released by the Atlanta-based female filmmaker duo Aleshia Cowser Jackson and Sharna L. Brown, Clinic follows a young single mother who decides to get a Brazilian Butt Lift against professional opinion. What was meant to be a three-hour procedure turns into a fight for her life and the gut-wrenching ordeal is portrayed on screen by Eyeam Cinema. Clinic is streaming now on Amazon Prime Video.

“We’re proud of this film,” says Aleshia Cowser Jackson, the founder and CEO of Eyeam Cinema. “Our goal with this film, as with all of our films, was to find the middle ground between entertainment and intentionality. We know the power of media. Thus, our films are intended to be both thought-provoking and entertaining, and this film raises some pretty complex questions.”

Tough topics are the norm for Jackson and Brown, who write, direct and produce their own films, as well as provide full-service production and distribution services for other filmmakers and creatives seeking to bring their ideas to life.

The movie Clinic is a prime example of Eyeam Cinema’s commitment to its unique form of collaboration. Eyeam Cinema teamed up with director and cinematographer Aarron Tyson, the CEO of Music Mob. Tyson served as a creative producer and music composer on Clinic–lending a variety of talents to aid in the success of the project.

“Our entire approach is collaborative, from start to finish,” shares Sharna Brown, the president and Chief Operating Officer of Eyeam Cinema. “We love teaming up with others who share a similar passion for excellent storytelling and filmmaking. We’re here to help our clients achieve the highest quality content and production.”

Clinic is directed by Aleshia Cowser Jackson, and Aarron Tyson, and written by Aleshia Cowser Jackson, Mel Jackson, and Abdul Majid. The movie stars Candice Marie Singleton, Alex Will Brooks and Shavonia Jones.

Mel Jackson, known for his acting roles in Soulfood, The Temptations and Deliver Us from Eva, took on the role of Executive Producer and screenwriter for Clinic, researching and writing on a topic that he believes is timely and important.

“In exploring a solid motivation for our antagonist, I discovered Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and realized it was a compelling and serendipitous opportunity to integrate this important topic into our story,” states Executive Producer, Mel Jackson. “The whole team agreed and believed that by addressing issues like BDD inside the art, we could enrich the work for the actors, profoundly impact our viewers’ experience and hopefully make a positive difference in society,” Jackson states.

About Eyeam Cinema
Eyeam Cinema is a full-service production company committed to providing audiences with fresh and exciting stories that touch hearts, make audiences laugh, and think deeply about the world around them. Established in 2014 by Aleshia Crowser Jackson and Sharna L. Brown, the Atlanta-based production company offers a comprehensive range of services to help filmmakers and creatives bring their projects to life. From conception to completion, Eyeam Cinema’s team of directors, producers, and actors work to ensure that every film contains the highest quality content and production. Eyeam Cinema’s diverse catalog is featured on a variety of streaming platforms including BET+, Prime Video, Lifetime Movie Network, TubiTV, AspireTV, and Pureflix. To learn more visit www.EyeamCinema.com.