Lou Coleman
“You cannot serve both God and riches.” {Mt. 6:24}. You cannot live a double life and have a fulfilling spiritual life. Have you forgotten that whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap? Serve God and reap eternal glory, or serve the world and the devil and reap eternal death. The choice is yours, but “Don’t Fool Yourself!”
God says, “He know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. He wishes you were either one or the other! But, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold—He is going to spit you out of His mouth.” {Rev. 3:14-16} There is no hiding or pretending before God. Open your eyes! Jesus asked the Laodicea’s to make a firm decision not to be lukewarm, and He is asking you the same thing today. Choose Whom This Day You Will Serve… God or the Devil, for there is no middle ground.
God is not satisfied with knowing you on a superficial level, but wants to become intimate with you. He doesn’t want your relationship to be lukewarm, because the nature of the relationship does not allow for that. “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Him will find it.”
Don’t you know that Jesus loves you and wants to give you true life, but in your heart, you are undecided concerning Him. You are not rejecting Him, but you are not committing your heart to Him either. Because of this, you are in danger of losing your salvation. It is not enough to be aware of God and acknowledge Him mentally. Real Christianity is not just an idea or set of moral principles to abide by. It is an intimate relationship with Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Being a Christian is not something you can be complacent about. You cannot afford to fall into that pitfall. The price is too high. The cost is your soul! I ask you, was Jesus complacent? Was He indifferent to our fate? No! He loved us so much that He paid for our sin with His own life. How then can we be lukewarm in our relationship with God? How can our hearts be undecided? Every man should wisely examine their life and determine what assumption they are living. And by all means, consider the risk/reward of your choice!
Elijah told Israel to stop halting between two opinions and decide on the God they would serve (I Kings 18:21). Why would you choose the temporary and deceiving things of this world, which are here one day and gone the next, when God offers to give you the “Bread of Life?” The gift of God is incomparable to anything you can keep here on earth. It is definitely an offer you shouldn’t refuse. Don’t Fool Yourself!