Happily Divorced And After

“To HELL with the DEVIL!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Don’t you see what the enemy is doing in your life?  He has you so bound up that you think that the way it is, is the way it will always be. “To Hell with the Devil!”  Understand that the mission of the devil is to kill, steal and destroy. He doesn’t care anything about you, he just wants to try to abort God’s plan for you. He wants to keep you bound, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually because He knows that if you ever realize the potential God has placed in you, and if you ever wake up from your slumber,   you will turn this world upside down and he does not want that.

I stand up in front of people all the time and see different ones that are so bound that it is a wonder that they are even able to move and breathe, and the only reason that they are bound and are suffering is because they are “allowing it,” and thinking that they can’t do anything about it. They think that that’s just the way it is. That is a lie from the pit of Hell, and Satan is selling you a bunch of crap, and you are buying it hook, line, and sinker. “To Hell with the Devil!”

Satan is a liar and deceiver and uses deception as his weapon to gain advantage over those who are ignorant of the limitations of his power. When Jesus gave His life on the cross as the sacrifice for the sins of the world, He also redeemed us from Satan’s power and dominion over us. {Col. 2:15}.  Satan is already a defeated enemy! His legal authority was neutralized by the finished work of Christ on the cross. So take your stand and tell the Devil, “To Hell with You!”

As a believer, you need not fear Satan, but realize and exercise the authority which God has given you over him. You have the right to use the authority of the name of Jesus to repel and drive Satan out of your territory and to break his grip over spiritual strongholds {2 Cor. 10:4}. Just as Jesus and the early apostles did, command Satan to leave {Mark 16:17}. Slam the door in his face! Let him know that he has been given a pink slip and his termination date is on the calendar when he will once-and-for-all be cast down to the most intense of judgments.  Do not give place to the devil!

I want you to know that the devil can be brought into subjection and commanded to go when authority is taken over him using the name of Jesus Christ as a realm of authority. He has to obey!

Think on these things—look them up in the Bible…. Study them…. Believe them….and know that God is the victor! Decide today to deal the death blow to an enemy that has been plaguing your life, breathing down your neck, making your life miserable. Decide today to put something that has been over your head, under your feet. “To Hell with the Devil!”

African Global Economic & Development Summit

You’re Invited,


To The Business To Business Event Of The Year, Where You Can Connect To The Continent Of Africa!
An extraordinary event where countries from all over Africa come to California to showcase their projects that are in need of technical and investment partners, where financial institutions and investors come to offer funding support, and where government comes to offer export assistance and information on public initiatives that can help you jump start your business in Africa.

Reserve your seat for the leading “Doing Business In Africa” trade summit now.

Thursday August 7, 2014 at 7:00 AM PDT
Saturday August 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM PDT
University of Southern California (USC)

3620 McClintock Avenue
Hedco Auditorium – Seeley G. Mudd Building
Entrance 6 – Vermont Avenue at 36th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90089

  • AGED is your one-stop regional shop: Meet multiple African business persons and high-level government representatives.
  • African market intelligence and economic data is extrapolated, shared and actionable partnerships and multi-party business agreements are structured for execution.
  • More than 60% of the attendees are coming from African states or the African Diaspora from around the globe.
  • A line-up of senior level executives and international trade officials and economists speaking on key trade issues.
More key government decision makers and business deal makers with the authority to green light investment negotiations, business action plans and joint venture agreements reciprocating between the United States and African States.
The AGED Summit, has become the central stage for entrepreneurs, investors, SME’s, corporations, NGO’s, and many other business and trade associations that are interested, ready, willing and able to import/export materials, products, goods and/or services to the people and governments of Africa, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa.
Your business interests may become well served by attending the African Global Economic & Development Summit 2014.
The African continent, home to over a billion citizens is more than ready to do reciprocal business with the United States.
Mary Flowers
Global Green Development Group

+1 909 396-5141

Covered California at the Juneteenth Event this Saturday


Join the NAACP, 211 Riverside County and the Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce this Saturday at the 14th Annual Juneteenth Celebration in Riverside where they will be educating the community about Covered California, the state’s health insurance marketplace.

The educators will be at Bordwell Park from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. to inform residents about health care plans through Covered California, Special Enrollment and Medi-Cal. By the end of March, 1.4 million people had selected a Covered California health insurance plan, including 40,377 in Riverside County.

Although open enrollment has ended, consumers who experience a qualifying life event can still enroll in a health insurance plan through Covered California. Qualifying life events include losing health coverage through a job, getting married or entering into a domestic partnership, having or adopting a child, changing where a person permanently lives or gaining citizenship. For a list of common types of qualifying events, visit www.CoveredCA.com.

The Magnolia at 9th St. Senior Apartments Open House

The Magnolia at 9th Senior Apts

The Magnolia at 9th Senior Apts

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The Magnolia at 9th, a 119 unit , affordable senior housing community, invites the community to tout the facility on Wednesday, June 11 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. The apartments are located at 181 E. 9th Street in San Bernardino (92410).

The Magnolia at 9th Senior Apartments is a public, private non-profit partnership of The City of San Bernardino, Western Community Housing, Inc. and Meta Housing, Corp., professionally managed by Western Seniors Housing.

“This is a great example of what private, public partnerships can accomplish,” said San Bernardino Mayor Cary Davis. “It is a great place for seniors. They have a wonderful opportunity to improve their lifestyle.”

Magnolia at 9th is located in San Bernardino near the corner of 9th and Lugo Street.  Open since February, the apartments provide seniors age 62 and older with an upscale and affordable living option.  The apartments include 100 one-bedroom units, and 19 two bedrooms apartments, a pool, garden, workout room and large community room. Rent ranges from $557 to $807 a month depending on income and availability.

For more information or to reserve a spot call the Magnolia at 9th Street Senior Apartments at Call Julio Martinez at 909-388-1203

‘Menopause the Musical” Live on Stage at the Historic California Theatre of the Performing Arts


San Bernardino cast of Menopause

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Four women with nothing in common but shopping for lingerie — as well as hot flashes, chocolate cravings, too little or too much sex, memory loss and night sweats–connect with hilarious results in “Menopause the Musical,” on stage at the California Theatre of the Performing Arts, 562 W. Fourth Street, in downtown San Bernardino.

“This show is good fun from beginning to end and is one of those special shows that once you see it, you’ve got to see it again and bring all your friends,” Joseph Henson, producer with Theatrical Arts International, said. “It’s has become a pop icon all its own.”

The show features such songs as “Staying Awake/Night Sweatin’,” “Please Make Me Over,” “Hot Flash” and “Puff, My God I’m Draggin’, “Menopause The Musical” pays hilarious tribute to that  time of life for every woman in her 40s and 50s.

The show will be in town on Saturday,  June 7 and Sunday, 8. Show times are 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on June 7 and 3 p.m. on June 8. Tickets range from $35 to $65, and are available by calling (909) 885-51552 or visiting www.ticketmaster.com.

Young Athlete Spotlight: Randy Haley

Randy on the football field

Randy on the football field

Randy Haley on the track

Randy Haley on the track

MORENO VALLEY, CA-Randy Haley, 9, is a dual sport athlete. He runs track for the TJ Striders where he participates in running 100m, 200m, and 400m. His best times are 14.47 seconds (100m), 29.78 seconds (200m), and 108.74 (400m). His goal was to perfect his running time for football, but he ended up loving track and making it to the championships in all three events. He also plays football where he is the starting running back for the Moreno Valley Falcons. The best thing that Haley loves about sports is winning. His overall goal is to be a running back for University of Southern California (USC) or University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

WSS News Special Graduates

WSS Graduates

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The Westside Story News sends out special congratulations to two of our interns. Miss Noelle Lilley graduated from Arroyo Valley High School, and Mr. Mitchell Young graduated from San Bernardino High School. We wish them both much success and blessings has they embark on the career journeys.

The 4th Annual Inland Empire High School Black Graduate Recognition Ceremony

BHG online

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Thursday, May 15, at the Santos Manuel Student Union on the campus of California State University San Bernardino, Youth Action Project (YAP), the Black Voice News Foundation, Young Visionaries and Buffong Consulting Solutions came together to present the 4th Annual Inland Empire High School Black Graduate Recognition Ceremony. The evening was filled with cultural celebration and community connectedness. It ended with a mantra from the students who pledge to continue to support each other, be responsible family members, and leaders within the Inland Empire.

This year’s keynote speaker was Dr. Will Greer. He challenged the students to look at the crucial role that education has played in the history of African Americans, as well as a tool to achieve any desired dreams. There were approximately 200 students that were recognized and awarded Kente Stoles that symbolized academic excellence, community leadership, and personal reasonability. In addition, there were eight $500 scholarships awarded based on essays, G.P.A., community service and recommendations. Carolyn Tillman was awarded the Dorothy Ingram Award which signifies a celebration of youth, accomplishment, and culture through the advancement of higher education among underserved population. Tillman represents a drum major that connects and creates opportunities for students of the Inland Empire to ensure their success in college and to develop their potential.

AKA 2014 Annual Scholarship and Graduate Recognition: “Construct Your Educational Journey”

2014 Graduate Recognitions AKA-ONLINE

(Front): Shayla Calleros, Hollie Woods, Jahnel Denise Walker, Cierra Joseph, Mysha Ross (Back): Nicole Swearingen, Angela Nelson-Swearingen, Constance Yvanna Ann Logan, Rodniesha Angel Griffin, Christina Antionette Francis, Kiana Janae Landrum, Annette Weathington, President

RIVERSIDE, CA- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Eta Nu Omega chapter, gathered with family, friends, and members of the local community to honor high school and college graduates this past weekend of Saturday, May 31. The celebration was held at Creola’s Restaurant in Riverside. The 2014 accomplished scholarship recipients included Shayla Calleros, Alta Loma High School;  Cierra Joseph, Eisenhower High School; Mysha Ross, Eisenhower High School; and Hollie Woods, Canyon Springs High School. They each were awarded $1,100.

Each student expressed their gratitude for the scholarship as they prepare to pursue undergraduate work at institutions as prestigious as UC Berkley, UC Davis, and Fisk University in fields varied from pre-med, education and law. Ms. Jahnel Denise Walker of Kappa Theta, University of California Riverside (UCR) was awarded the “Sharon Thomas of Eta Nu Omega” scholarship for holding the highest grade point average within the undergraduate chapter.

Additional graduates were awarded a certificate of recognition and gift from Eta Nu Omega chapter. Honorees included graduates of members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Theta chapter at UCR: Christina Antionette Francis (B.S. Sociology); Rodniesha Angel Griffin (B.A. Business Administration); Ta’Neill Marche Hope (B.S. Sociology); Constance Yvanna Ann Logan (B.A. Psychology); Janelle Cherise Prothro (B.S. Biology); and Jahnel Denise Walker (B.A. Political Science/Law and Society).

Graduating members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Eta Nu Omega chapter included Angela Nelson-Swearingen (M.S. Organizational Leadership).  Children of Eta Nu Omega Chapter graduating from high school included: Chelsie Blacksher, Aquinas High School and Kiana Janae Landrum, Eisenhower High School.

Children of Eta Nu Omega chapter graduating from college included: Kierie Steward (B.S., Alabama State University); Richard Blacksher (B.A., California Baptist University); Brandon A. Brooks (Juris Doctorate in Law, Cooley School of Law); Nicole Swearingen (M.A., Brandman University); and Malcolm Thomas (M.S. California State University, San Bernardino) Keynote speaker, Dr. Mallanie Harris provided a motivational message to “Construct Your Educational Journey.” For future events, please visit www.etanuomega.org.

When all Hell and Havoc Break Loose, What Do You Do?

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“For I heard the Lord tell Jehoshaphat in 2 Chron. 20:17 “You shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD….”  In other words, the “solution” is already on the premises. God is on the scene, Hallelujah!

Many times we find ourselves in situations that we just don’t understand. In these times we often find ourselves asking, “WHY Lord?” Can I just tell you that it is in these times that we are called upon to exercise our faith and just TRUST in the LORD.  I know that it’s not always easy for us to give our cares to God and trust Him completely, but when life presents itself with ever-changing variables, we have to realize that we serve a God who is stationary in His Goodness.

So many times we look all over for folks to have our back, but during my sojourn on this Christian walk, I have discovered some things about folks, discovered some disheartening and discouraging news about folks, found out that folks will fade away when the fire gets too hot, and discovered that family and friends will forsake you when times get hard, but I heard the Lord say; “I will never leave you, nor forsake you…”  I tell you, it’s good to know that “God got your back!”

You may be in a situation that looks hopeless, it may look like the end is near and it’s time to give up. It may look like you’ve lost the battle, but I want you to know that it doesn’t matter what it looks like, “God got your back!” Don’t lean to your own understanding and think that just because it looks like it’s over, that it’s over. It’s not over until God says it’s over. So don’t throw in the towel, don’t pull the plug, don’t surrender, and don’t give up. Others may even count you out and the enemy may tell you you’ve lost and the chance for victory may look impossible, but know that God has everything under control, even when life seems to be out of control.

I want you to consider “The Source,” God. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, so what you are experiencing, “It too shall pass.” Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, and by all means, don’t let the devil fool you into believing that you’re taking a step backwards in life or that you’ll never make it out of your situation because you will.  What you’re going through is temporary, so stop stressing yourself out,  losing sleep, being weary, anxious, worried, depressed and sad, “God got your back!”

Choose to trust God! He has brought you through and has done great things. He is forever faithful and true. Choose to walk by faith, believing that “With GOD ALL Things Are Possible.” Choose to believe for your miracle. Choose to believe for your breakthrough. Choose to walk by faith and not by fear.

The truth I want to give to you is simple but profound, “God has it all under control!“ It does not matter the situation, God has the solution. It does not matter the hurt, God can heal. It does not matter the desperation, God has the deliverance. It does not matter the sin, God is the soul-ution. It does not matter the Hell, God is the Help. Encourage yourself in the Lord daily, read His word, pray without ceasing and seek His face; and the next time you find yourself in a position where you are stressed and worried about what God is doing in your life remember to, “Consider the Source.”