Happily Divorced And After

10 Quotes: Malcolm X Talks Justice, Equity, and Inclusion

By Jaivon Grant | California Black Media

Malcolm X, originally known as Malcolm Little, was born 98 years ago on May 19, 1925. He was a prominent activist and minister during the 1960s civil rights movement. His unapologetic and passionate advocacy for Black rights brought him national attention. However, some have criticized his rhetoric as being extremist and racist.

Others explain that the assertive, Black nationalistic posture he took in his speeches was necessary for Civil-Rights-era America when discrimination and segregation were legal in many parts of the country and racism was routine in many aspects of life.

To that point, Malcolm X, who was assassinated in 1965 at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, spoke about what some considered his extremist viewpoints.

“I don’t believe in any form of unjustified extremism. But I believe that when a man is exercising extremism, a human being is exercising extremism, in defense of liberty for human beings, it’s no vice. And when one is moderate in the pursuit of justice for human beings, I say he’s a sinner,” he said.

In 1964, Malcolm X announced his separation from the Nation of Islam, changed his name again to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz and converted to Sunni Islam, the branch of the religion most Muslims around the world practice. After making a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and trips to Africa, Malcolm X began to preach less about America’s racist past and divisions and more about Pan Africanism and about the universality of principles like freedom, justice and human rights, especially as they concern people of African descent.

This week, as we celebrate what would have been Malcolm X’s 98th birthday on May 19, here are ten quotes that capture Malcolm X’s promotion of racial healing, tolerance and racial inclusion.

1. On self-love …

“There can be no Black-White unity until there is first some Black unity. We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.”

2. On intermarriage …

“It’s just one human being marrying another human being or one human being living around and with another human being.”

3. On Truth and Justice …

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”

4. On Peace and Freedom …

“You can’t separate peace from freedom, because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.”

5. On Racial and Religious Unity …

“During the past seven days of this holy pilgrimage, while undergoing the rituals of the hajj [pilgrimage], I have eaten from the same plate, drank from the same glass, slept on the same bed or rug, while praying to the same God—not only with some of this earth’s most powerful kings, cabinet members, potentates and other forms of political and religious rulers —but also with fellow?Muslims whose skin was the whitest of white, whose eyes were the bluest of blue, and whose hair was the blondest of blond—yet it was the first time in my life that I didn’t see them as ‘White’ men. I could look into their faces and see that these didn’t regard themselves as ‘White’”

6. On Love and Unity …

We need more light about each other. Light creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience and patience creates unity.

7. On Learning to Hate …

“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

8. On Overcoming Hatred and Anger …

“Hatred and anger are powerless when met with kindness.”

9. On Fairness and Justice …

“You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.”


10. On Human Rights …

“I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.”

This California Black Media report was supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.




Grassroots Organizations Request $100 million to Invest in Black California

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

A coalition of movement-based organizations from various parts of California converged on the grounds of the State Capitol in Sacramento to send a message: Black Californians need financial resources to overcome setbacks caused by centuries of system and institutional racism.

The coalition, which included members of the California Black Freedom Fund, the Black Equity Collective, California Black Power Network, and LIVEFREE California called for $100 million over five years to strengthen the relationship between the public sector and philanthropy groups serving Black communities across the state.

The group delivered their message May 10, two days before Gov. Gavin Newsom presented the May Revision of his 2023-24 budget, and five days after the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans finalized its final report, which will be submitted to the Legislature on June 29.

During the rally, Kaci Patterson, who represents the Black Equity Collective (BEC), said grassroots organizations “are our communities’ first responders.”

“When we can go from disposable one day to essential workers the next, we know that this state knows how much they need us,” Patterson said. “And we are here today to say fund us like you know you need us. This budget ask is a down payment toward the state investing in who it says it wants to be.”

The BEC is a network of funders and nonprofit leaders committed to investing in the long-term sustainability of Black-led organizations in Southern California. The members of the coalition arrived in Sacramento from Fresno, San Bernardino, Oakland, Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Stockton, Pomona, Riverside, Pasadena, San Jose, San Francisco, San Diego, Fontana, Long Beach and other cities.

“There is a history of systemic racism that our community and our state refuses to reckon with. Yet, when there is a crisis — we can take the pandemic for example — all of a sudden, they need our organizations,” said Marc Philpart, Executive Director of the Black Freedom Fund.

“They want us to outreach to our community, they want us to engage, they want to use us, they want to exploit us,” he continued. “And what we are saying is no more. We are demanding every legislator, the governor and all constitutional officers to get behind our agenda.”

Assemblymember Corey Jackson (D-Riverside) joined the coalition at a news conference outside the State Capitol. Jackson, who was elected to office in November 2022, has a series of pending legislation that addresses inequality affecting Black communities. He supports the coalition’s efforts to secure funding.

“We are in a critical moment right now in our history as Black people here in California where we have an opportunity to reignite and strengthen our organizations and our communities so that we can create better agencies, better power to deal with our own historic inequities,” Jackson said. “We’ve been waiting too long for our government to help. It’s time for us to go about the business as our ancestors did and create for ourselves our own solutions.”

Conservationist Group Wants More Blacks to Enjoy Great Outdoors

By Tanu Henry and Maxim Elramsisy | California Black Media

The 40 Acre Conservation League is working to acquire and conserve natural working lands towards greater human connection to nature for underrepresented groups.

Last week, the group held a meeting and reception in Sacramento and presented an award to Ernest Bufford, who owns a ranch located on 900-plus acres of land near Walker’s Basin in Kern County, according to ABC News 23.

Last year, the state awarded the non-profit a $3 million grant to ensure Black and other underrepresented communities have access to the great outdoors without fear.  The group’s founder Jade Stevens said she and other like-minded conservationists want to remove the social and historical barriers that prevent some African Americans from enjoying outdoor activities like, fishing, hiking, bird watching etc.

Groundbreaking Latina Politician Gloria Molina Passes

By Tanu Henry and Maxim Elramsisy | California Black Media

Gloria Molina, the first Latina to serve become a member of the California Assembly and on the first to serve on the L.A. City Council and the L.A. County Board of Supervisors has died of terminal cancer. She was 74.

“It is with heavy hearts our family announces Gloria’s passing this evening,” said Molina’s daughter Valentina Martinez in a statement. “She passed away at her home in Mt. Washington, surrounded by family.

L.A. Mayor Karen Bass paid tribute to Molina.

“Gloria Molina was a force for unapologetic good and transformational change in Los Angeles,” wrote Bass in a statement. “As an organizer, a City Councilwoman, a County Supervisor and State Assemblywoman, Supervisor Molina advocated for those who did not have a voice in government through her pioneering environmental justice work, her role as a fiscal watchdog, and her advocacy for public health.

Bass said Molina “shaped Los Angeles in a lasting way while paving the way for future generations of leaders.”

“As the first woman mayor of Los Angeles, I know I stand on Supervisor Molina’s shoulders,” Bass acknowledged.


According to the Bible…

By Lou K Coleman

“The appointed time has grown very short” [1 Corinthians 7:29]. The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news.” Search out and examine your ways and turn back to the Lord.” [Lamentations 3:40] for the Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” [Revelation 22:17].

Understand, no one, absolutely no one is excluded. All need repentance. And the need is urgent. Jesus said, “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Jesus, the Son of God, is warning people of the judgment to come, and offering escape if we will repent. If we will not repent, Jesus has one word for us, “Woe, to you” [Matthew 11:21].

Listen to this sampling of the Bible’s descriptions of your lifespan: “a breath” [Job 7:7]; “a few handbreadths” [Psalm 39:5]; “grass” that lasts a day [Psalm 90:5–6]; “smoke” [Psalm 102:3]; “a passing shadow” [Psalm 144:4]; “a [vanishing] mist” [James 4:14]. You do not know whether your soul will be required of you tonight [Luke 12:20] or whether you will live to see it next year [James 4:13–14]. Be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour we do not expect. [Matthew 24:44; Matthew 25:13].

Christ is reminding us that He is about to return and render judgment and recompense. [Acts 17:30-31]. “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.” [Isaiah 1:18].

Jesus is here holding out His hand to any and all who will turn from their sin and trust in Him. Remember according to the Bible, the appointed time has drawn very short. We never know how long we have to live. That’s the reason the Bible says, “Prepare to meet your God” [Amos 4:12]. Be ready at all times. “Be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” [Matthew 24:44]. Are you ready?

Redeem the time. The days are evil, life is very brief, the time is urgent. Don’t waste it. There is going to be a Judgment in which every word that you’ve ever spoken, every thought you’ve ever had, every moral choice you ever faced, everything you’ve ever done will be accountable at the Judgment. And if you have not repented and given your life to the Lord, Jesus will say to you, “Depart from Me, you cursed; I never knew you” [see Matthew 7:23; 25:41]. Why because you didn’t receive Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior when you had a chance.

Time is too short for indecision and vacillation. Time calls for immediate action. God is whispering to you, come to Christ. Now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of Salvation. Do not delay!

The Lord is giving you a window of opportunity to get right with Him, because soon the “Lawless One” [The Anti-Christ] will make himself known and the world will spin into a type of chaos that will not be compared to anything we have ever seen. Prepare, and get under the Almighty Wings. Move through the open window of opportunity that God has given you to REPENT.

You’ve Been Warned! Repent for the Kingdom of God is Near! If you do not, Woe unto you!


Gov. Newsom Releases May Budget Revision; Addresses Reparations Cash Payments

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom released the “May Revision” of his Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 budget proposal that he submitted in January.

Despite a $32 billion projected shortfall, the $306.5 billion spending plan protects key investments in priorities that matter most to Californians, Newsom said. Education, health care, housing and homelessness, public safety, and climate action are among key focus areas.

“In partnership with the Legislature, we have made deep investments in California and its future – transformative efforts that will benefit generations of Californians, and that this budget will continue to guide as we navigate near-term ups and downs in revenue,” Newsom said during a two-hour news conference held near the State Capitol on May 13.

“As we prepare for more risk and uncertainties ahead, it’s critical that we keep the state on a solid fiscal footing to protect Californians and our progress in remaking the future of our state,” he continued.

Newsom says he does not foresee a recession but recognizes increased risks to the budget since the first month of 2023.

The plan reflects $37.2 billion in total budgetary reserves, including $22.3 billion in the Budget Stabilization Account. Highlights include:

  • Billions to continue implementing expansion of health care access and reduce costs measures for programs such as CalAIM to transform Medi-Cal, extending health care to low-income Californians of all ages regardless of immigration status.
  • Maintains billions of dollars for aid to local governments, encampment resolution grants, and more to address homelessness.
  • Adopted a legally binding goal that local governments must plan to build approximately 2.5 million new homes by 2030, and 1 million of these units must be affordable housing.
  • Advancing a $48 billion multi-year commitment to implement its world-leading agenda to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, protect communities from harmful oil drilling, deliver 90% clean electricity by 2035, and more.
  • Investing $1.6 billion for all students, regardless of income, to access two free school meals per day – up to 12 million meals per day statewide.

“With the May Revision, the Governor is again putting money where his mouth is — and where California needs to be — investing in bold and transformative proposals to advance equity and address pertinent disparities in Black communities and in the classroom,” said Assembymember Lori D. Wilson (D-Suisun City), chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC).

Wilson applauded the “accountability measures” in the budget that “leverage the entire $80 billion in Local Control Funding Formula to focus on low-performing student groups and schools, and require districts to publicly identify and address where Black student performance is low, while providing additional services at high-need schools using the complementary $300 million Equity Multiplier are what the Black Caucus has been fighting for – for years.

During the press conference, Newsom also addressed repreparations payments, a potential budget issue that could come to the forefront soon. The California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans will submit its final report to the legislature on June 29 in Sacramento.

Among other proposals, the nine-member panel recommends a formal apology from the state of California that lessens the gravity of circumstances that historically caused hardships for the Black community.

In addition, the panel suggests that descendants of slavery living in California should be entitled to receive up to $1.2 million in compensation.

Last week, reports surfaced that Newsom said he would not “endorse” direct cash payments to Black Californians based on a statement he made last week about broadly advancing equity and inclusion. Newsom clarified his comment.

“My posture is that let me receive the final report, continue to work with legislative leaders and the task force and assess where to go from there,” Newsom told California Black Media. “We put out a statement that was amplified, no small part by Sen. (Steven) Bradford and Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer and others. We look forward to reviewing the details of the task force’s recommendations.”

After July 1, the panel’s two-year charge will end, and state lawmakers will have the opportunity to consider the proposals for legislation. The final report is expected to be about 1,000 pages,

The final meeting for the Task Force is June 29 in Sacramento.

Responding to the Governor’s budget proposal, California Republicans criticized Newsom’s and California Democrats’ “reckless policies.”

“Today’s massive $32 billion budget deficit should be a wakeup call to all Democrats that after years of increased spending, they should have better results to point to than an outrageous cost of living, surging crime, rampant homelessness, a fentanyl crisis, failing schools and inadequate water storage,” said California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson. “Now is the time for smarter policies and responsible spending that California Republicans have long advocated for.”

Despite the looming deficit, Sen. Steve Bradford (D-Inglewood), CLBC vice-chair, remains confident.

“As a person who was here in the Legislature during the state’s worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, I know we have the skills, the know-how, and the resolve to address this budgetary shortfall and keep California moving forward,” he said.

For Mother’s Day, Advocates Highlight the Mass Incarceration of Black Women

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

On May 11, the Essie Justice Group (Essie), along with Bay Area leaders, community organizations, and advocates gathered at the Alameda County Superior Courthouse in Oakland to call attention to the damage inflicted on families and communities by the mass incarceration of Black women over generations. The event was part of the annual National Bail Out Campaign (NBO), #FreeBlackMamas.

The NBO #FreeBlackMamas campaign raises awareness about the human and financial costs of incarceration. The press conference focused on the voices and experiences of Black women, who have been disproportionately affected by mass incarceration. This is especially significant given that the number of women in prison has been growing at twice the rate of men in recent decades, with 80% of women in jail being mothers.

Essie is the nation’s leading advocacy organization for women with incarcerated loved ones taking on the injustices created by mass incarceration. They focus on organizing women who have loved ones in prison, including one in four women and one in two Black women in the US. Founded by Gina Clayton-Johnson in May 2014, Essie is a community of Black-led, Black-centered, multicultural organizers with a membership body of mothers, daughters, grandmothers, siblings, and partners of incarcerated people.

Since 2017, Essie has led Black Mama’s Bail Outs in California in the weeks leading up to Mother’s Day. To date, they have posted bond for 13 Black women totaling of $1.9 million. This year, in collaboration with the National Bail Out collective, two Black mothers and caregivers (one in Alameda County and one in Los Angeles County) will be released on bond so they can spend Mother’s Day with their children and families.

Betty McKay, a member of Essie and a formerly incarcerated woman, hosted the event. She set the tone of the gathering by introducing the speakers, sharing her personal story, and leading the audience in the Essie chant ‘We come for ours, and when we come, we win.’

“I hold these bailouts close to my heart because I know what it means to be caged,” said McKay. “We believe in a future where our loved ones are free. What I know to be true, is that we are here because we are still buying our folks freedom, just like slavery days. Mass incarceration is the new slavery. We will continue to buy freedom until we abolish mass incarceration.”

Gina Clayton-Johnson, Executive Director of Essie, spoke passionately about the organization’s mission and shared some of the innovative ways Essie is changing bailout culture. For women who have lower incomes, affording bail is impossible when the median bail amount in California is $50,000, five times the national average. Under her watch, 473 mothers and care givers have been freed nationwide.

“We don’t allow the bail industry to see not one penny of this money that we raise,” said Clayton-Johnson. “We don’t get the discounted rate; we don’t get to pay the 10% that the bail industry lets you pay and then go into debt with them. We raise all the money, give it to the court to buy the person’s freedom. Once that case is disposed of, we get that money back so we can continue to bail out more Black women.”

Clayton-Johnson highlighted the fact that when Back women are released from prison, they can provide support to others who have been victims of the prison industrial complex.

“There are tens of thousands of people who come home from jails and prisons every single week. Where do you think they go? When people come home from prison they are most likely coming home to the arms of a Black woman. What we are here to say is free Black mamas and to remind you that Black women are the blueprint for re-entry.”

Assemblymember Mia Bonta (D-Oakland) spoke about her commitment to the cause of freeing Black women.

“I am making sure our public defenders get funded. When we have a system that puts five dollars to the district attorney’s office and one dollar to the public defender’s office, that is broken,” she said. “Black mamas are going to jail because we’re criminalizing poverty. We need to ensure we are actually building pathways to work and rehousing when our mamas come back to us, when our brothers and sisters come back to us, they do not have any doubt they have a home to go to and can immediately provide for her family.”

Shaundrika Price, a beneficiary of an Essie bond and services, testified about how Essie has impacted her life. A mother of five children, Price was imprisoned, and her bail was set at $200,000. Unable to pay, Price remained in Lynwood Women’s Jail in Los Angeles for months as her trial continued to be pushed back.

“Every person I got to know at the women’s jail had mental health needs and trauma like I did,” said Price. “What people don’t understand is that many of us locked up in the system have not been convicted of a crime. Locking women and Black mamas up is not the answer.”

Brendon Woods, a public defender from Alameda County, was the last speaker. He gave a passionate speech about the injustices surrounding the bail industry.

“This criminal justice system is hellbent on caging Black mamas because they cannot afford to post their bail,” said Woods. “This has nothing to do with public safety. This is about wealth, a system built on money, power, privilege, and White supremacy.”

“California itself holds about 40,000 people a year in a cage and they haven’t been convicted of a crime,” Woods continued. “They are presumed innocent, and they are caged. What this means is that people cannot afford to buy their freedom, or they are coerced into a plea deal for their freedom. It should not be that way.”

For more information or to donate, visit the National Bailout Campaign.

SBSO Seeks High School Ambassadors

SAN BERNARDINO, CA — The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra is currently seeking student ambassadors for its Debs and Red Ties program which prepares motivated high school students to become future leaders. Established in 1984 as a way to engage local youth in the arts, the program has since transformed into a certificated job skills training opportunity benefitting hundreds of high school students. As the Symphony is a non-profit, participation also counts toward students’ required volunteer hours.

Participants assist at SBSO performances and special events. They learn job skills including teamwork, punctuality, and customer service. They also learn about the historic orchestra and concert venues at which the Symphony performs which builds both pride of place and cultural literacy. They also learn about jobs in the arts, including those many support jobs not performed on stage which further expands their career horizons.

All Debs and Red Ties receive a certificate and letter of recommendation upon completion of their season, as well as concert tickets for their families to attend the Symphony performances at which they volunteer.

Interested high school students should contact the Symphony at (909) 381-5388.


Healthy Heritage to Host Second Annual Comedy Show and Mental Health Resource Fair at Ontario Improv in Honor of Mental Health Awareness Month

ONTARIO, CA— Healthy Heritage is excited to announce the return of “Laughing for the Health of It”, a Comedy Show and Mental Health Resource Fair, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. This year’s event will take place on Sunday, May 21st, 2023, at 4:00 PM, at the Ontario Improv located in Ontario, CA. The show will feature the hilarious comedians Fritz Coleman, Richard Weiss, Sean Grant, and Donna Maine who is also the host.

“Laughing for the Health of It” is an event open to the public 18 years or older, and it promises to be a night full of laughter and camaraderie. In addition to an hour-long, hilariously clean comedy show, attendees will have the opportunity to network with the community, enjoy delicious food and drinks, talk to mental health professionals, and gather resources from over 20 participating vendors who are passionate about helping Healthy Heritage end the stigma of mental health in the community.

Donna Maine, the host of the show, is an LA-based comedian whose comedic sets revolve around relatable topics on middle-aged dating and the comical ironies of parenthood. Richard Weiss, a long-time recovered addict, has toured the country performing at major comedy venues along with doing “recovery comedy” at 12-step conventions nationwide. Sean Grant is a rising star in the comedy scene and was recognized as the Funniest College Kid in America by Jimmy Kimmel Live! Fritz Coleman, legendary and retired NBC weathercaster for 39 years, and hilarious comedian who has made numerous appearances on the “Tonight Show” and “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”

Tickets are available now for only $25, and they’re selling fast. You can purchase them online at https://bit.ly/HHImprovR23 or at the box office theater. Last year’s event sold out, so get your tickets early and “come crack up and don’t melt down”!

Healthy Heritage would like to thank their sponsors, including the California Department of Public Health, Marsell Wellness Center, Riverside University Health System of Behavioral Health, California Reducing Disparities Project, African American Family Wellness Advisory Group (AAFWAG), and the Broken Crayons Still Color Project for their support in making this event possible.

Healthy Heritage is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to eliminate mental health disparities within the African American Community through health education, policy change, and community outreach. If you need mental health referrals or for more information about Healthy Heritage, please contact (951) 293-4240, or visit them on the web at https://linktr.ee/healthyheritage.


“Concert Under the Stars” brings music, art, and community to SBVC

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- Music Changing Lives, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing music, art, and tutoring programs in America’s public schools and community centers, is excited to announce its upcoming concert on series and night market, “Concert Under the Stars” on May 20 from 6-10 p.m. This free event is held monthly at San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC).

“Concert Under the Stars” is a family-friendly event that features live art, performances, poetry readings and DJs. The event is open to all ages and will showcase the diverse and vibrant arts and culture scene of the Inland Empire.

“We are thrilled to be hosting ‘Concert Under the Stars’ and to bring music and art to our community,” said Music Changing Lives CEO and Founder Josiah Bruny. “Our mission is to provide access to enrichment programs that help young people in our community thrive, and we believe that music and art are essential components of a comprehensive education and lifestyle.”

In addition to live performances, “Concert Under the Stars” will feature a night market with vendor opportunities for informational, merchant and food booths. Those interested in participating in the night market must register in advance, and food vendors must have a health permit or food handler’s card.

“Concert Under the Stars” is an opportunity to support local businesses and nurture the vibrancy of the community. With its focus on bringing enrichment programs to minority and low-income youth, Music Changing Lives is committed to positively impacting the lives of young people and their families.

“Good Vibes Only” is the motto for “Concert Under the Stars.” The organizers hope attendees will join them in building a better, more inclusive future for the San Bernardino community.

For more information about “Concert Under the Stars” or Music Changing Lives, visit their website at musicchanginglives.org.