Pictured here with Rhea McIver, Principal of Werner Elementary School for the Rialto Unified School District, are the talented young men who shared their essays and oratorical skills in this year’s Sixth Annual Oratorical and Essay Contest sponsored by SHAD Club #62; left to right: DeShawn Redden, Maxwell Row, Scean Mustin, and Joshual Jackson.
SAN BERNARDINO, CA– SHAD CLUB # 62 hosted its 6st Annual Oratorical and Essay
Contest on Sunday April 21, 2013 at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. The contest featured four young men competing for a top prize of $500. This year’s theme was “Do Not Judge Each Day by the Crops you Reap, But by the Seeds you Sow.” The contest is sponsored to give young men in the community an opportunity to showcase their talents in research, composition and public speaking. The contest allows participants to deliver their own words on the chosen theme, and then to recite an original or famous literary piece. In addition to the cash prizes, the winner of the contest received the Samuel Jackson Memorial Plaque. Mr. Jackson was a noted businessman and community activist in the San Bernardino Area.
SHAD Club # 62 is affiliated with the Gamma Omega Chapter of Eta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. SHADS are the husbands of active members of the sorority. The stated mission of the SHADS is to “be positive role models to young men” in our area. During the year, the SHADS sponsor or support other civic organizations outreach to youth in our area. (Photos and story courtesy A. Bell)

SHAD Club President Anthony Bell (back row-fourth from left) presented the 2013 winning plaque and cash award to DeShawn Redden (center front), whose stated career goal is to be a teacher and to be active in the community. He has already demonstrated community support by helping to mentor young disadvantaged children. DeShawn was joined by Mrs. Faye Jackson, (center) wife of Mr. Samuel Jackson in whose memory the plaque is given. They are surrounded by other members of SHAD Club #62 including Vice President Bobby Magby 1, who stands beside Mrs. Jackson on the right.