(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- Please join in on the celebration of The Social Lites, Inc. 52nd Beautillion Ball and witness five intelligent young men be presented to society on Saturday, March 30, at the National Orange Show. “A Brighter Future is Yours to Write” is the theme for this year’s program. Formal attire is required. Tickets are $50 per person. Doors will open at 6 p.m.
The Beautillion Knights and their court (Fairmaidens, Squires, and Pages) are participants in a mentorship program sponsored by The Social Lites, Inc. of San Bernardino. The five-month extracurricular program centered around academic and community service projects, is focused on leadership, character, life development skills, spiritual growth, public speaking, accountability, and health education for students of color from elementary to high school. High school seniors who participate in the program are known as Knights. The all-around Knight will be identified the evening of the Beautillion Ball as Sir Knight. Other awards are given for academics and other achievements.
For more information, please contact: knight.beautillion@gmail.com.
Syree Zamir Jordan Dean Reynoso Neuman Tynan Currie