“If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?”
By Lou K Coleman-Yeboah
Talking ‘bout Celebrating Black History! Come on Celebrate Jesus Celebrate! Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same Jesus who heard the songs of the slaves and the chants of the civil rights marchers will hear the prayers of those who now cry out for justice throughout our country.
Come on, “Celebrate Jesus Celebrate,” because as we remember the days of old and consider the years of many generations, we are reminded that what God has done in previous generations to deliver His people from darkness and bring them into the light, he will do the same for us. [Deuteronomy 32]. All we need to do is take the Word of God as our ancestors did and put it to song again, because we as a people, can still have hope; the same hope the slaves found effective and fruitful; because we serve a God that drowned Pharaoh’s army. We serve a God who gives light in the midst of darkness. We serve a God who leads us in the path of righteousness for His Name sake. We serve a God who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before His glory with exceeding great joy.
I want you to know that God has given us the “light” of Israel and the light of Christ to guide us out of the current darkness we face. So let us take the Word of God and put it to song again. God gave the slaves a song when essentially, that’s all they had when faced with the brutal realities of slavery, and the seemingly, insurmountable, impossibility of freedom and deliverance; they sang, a sermon in a song. They sang about the mysteries and majesty of Christ in the midst of a miserable, demeaning, and maniacal situation. They sang: “Oh Mary Don’t You Weep.” They later added another line, “Tell Martha not to moan.” Why? “Because Pharaoh’s army got drowned in the Red Sea. They sang the songs of Zion [Israel] in a foreign land. They sang the “Samson” story in “Witness for my Lord.” They sang the drama and the deliverance in “Daniel in the Lion’s Den,” “Hebrew Children in the Fiery Furnace,” and “David and Goliath.” They sang, “Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel.” They sang the victory when they sang: “Walk in Jerusalem Just Like John.” They sang “Joshua Fought the Battle At Jericho.” They sang “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder.” They sang “Twelve Gates to the City.” They sang about the “New Jerusalem.” They sang a sermon in a song. And just as God gave Moses a song when He delivered His people from Pharaoh’s army [Exodus 15:1], and just like He gave Miriam and the women a dance [Exodus 15:20], He has given us a song to sing – “We’ve Come this far by Faith, Leaning on the Lord. Trusting in His Holy Word. He’s never failed us yet. [We’ve Come This Far By Faith -by Albert A. Goodson].
Come on Celebrate Jesus Celebrate – Black History Month 2023!