“The Proverbial Writing is on the Wall!”

By Lou K Coleman-Yeboah

Pay attention to World News and Events.  The trap is being set right now, psychologically, socially, politically, economically, and religiously; and it is luring the world right in. The spirit of the Antichrist is already at work [1John 4:3] setting the stage for the Great End Times Deception beginning with a Global Government [Revelation 13:7], followed by a Global Religion [Revelation 13:1’5] then a Global Money System [Revelation 13:16] using International peace as the bait for the trap in which the human race will be caught to feel the full and final unleashing of God’s wrath. Be warned! Be alert!

The Bible predicts that there’s coming a world peace; but it will be a deceptive peace. It will be a false sense of security. It will be the most subtle and the most deceptive trap that’s ever been set. Open your eyes, pay attention, and take heed, “the appointed time has grown very short” [1 Corinthians 7:29].

The spirit of Antichrist is making way for the Antichrist himself to be revealed.  The lawless one – the most destructive human being to ever walk on the earth. The son of perdition – the culmination of all the Satanic forces that have arisen before him. He will be given control over the 10-nations of the Old Roman Empire, which is now called the European Union, and through false treaties and war, he will become the ruler of the world during the Tribulation. This soon-coming world leader will be proud, arrogant, lawless, evil, powerful, a blasphemer, a slanderer, a destroyer, a deceiver, an impostor, a truth-hater, a liar, a persecutor, a murderer, a devilish man, a Satanist. At first, he will be exalted as a great leader; even a man of peace, but he will be revealed as Satan’s counterfeit Christ, a lying, vicious, bloodthirsty beast that will deceive the people with his sensational powers, and slaughter billions of people to prove his power. Be warned! Be Alert! The Antichrist will soon take his position as the leader of the New World Order, and in less than three years, he will attempt to destroy the world. Open your eyes, pay attention, and take head, please, I beg you, because difficult days are coming such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. [Matthew 24:21; Daniel 7:7,24; 12:1].

Jesus warned that, “When you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place whoever reads, let him understand, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let him who is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those with nursing babies in those days! For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” [Matthew 24:17-21].

You know, Jeremiah was God’s prophet to warn people, and he did it with tears. He told them about coming horror, coming divine judgment; and he even said, “You ought to know it, because there are some present signs. I mean, there’s some things happening that are precursors to the actual day of the Lord, and you ought to know about them. You ought to warn people. Already evil looks down from the north; and a great destruction is there, you can see it coming. So, blow a trumpet, warn people, it’s coming, the appointed time has grown very short. [1 Corinthians 7:29].

But in spite of that, in spite of everything that Jeremiah said about the overthrow of Judah and the overthrow of Jerusalem, despite all the precursors, despite the imminent judgment, despite the power right there visible to them, they could see it right on the brink, but they kept believing everything would be fine, everything will be fine. Why? Because false teachers came and false prophets, and they said, ‘Peace, peace.” They kept telling them peace was coming, peace was coming, and it will come, but to follow will be destruction.  [Jeremiah 6:14]. I tell you; The Proverbial Writing is on the Wall. Open your eyes, pay attention, and take heed, please!

After Restaurant Depot Fires Single Mom L.A. Coalition Accuses Them of Being “Anti Black”

By Angela Birdsong | California Black Media

About 200 protesters gathered on November 24 at wholesale cash and carry foodservice supplier Restaurant Depot/Jetro in Culver City to demand justice for Passion Schoolfield, a single Black mother who was fired for expressing an opinion about Ye, the rapper also known as Kanye West.

According to Schoolfield, she was speaking with a customer in her cashier’s line about celebrities they like and was overheard by another customer when she said, “I like Ye.  He keeps it real.”

Then, she says, a customer, a White male, got out of the check-out line, got in her face, and questioned her, “You like Ye?”  After repeating this several times, he walked off and spoke with a manager. Moments later, she was suspended and the next day she was fired.

“This protest was a community effort to get justice for Passion, and what this focuses on is what we believe was anti-Black aggression against her for a basically ridiculous firing because she said she liked Kanye West. We really wanted to get that message out that there’s a line that was crossed,” stated Ludlow Cleary, II., Schoolfield’s attorney.

Schoolfield did not speak during the press conference. However, she told California Black Media that retail has been her career since she was 18, and while working at Restaurant Depot, she loved the customers and the people.

The protest was called by the newly formed, faith-based Grassroots Community Coalition Against Anti-Blackness (GCCAA).  For now, they are demanding compensation for stress caused to Schoolfield and her children, particularly her two autistic sons, Blackness Sensitivity” training – not diversity training — they emphasized and revising the companys employment policy.

Black Jobs Matter and no one will be able to get in here to buy (nothing) from Jetro Restaurant Depot until my sister gets justice, until Passion gets her job back.  She has the right to her job to take care of her family,” stated Nation of Islam Western Region Representative Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (formerly known as Tony Muhammad).  

“She poses no threat to anybody.  We in the Nation of Islam believe that a nation can rise no higher than its woman and that when you attack a woman, you attack a nation,” he stated.

Muhammad, who is also the student minister of Muhammad Mosque #27, issued the GCCAA’s 48-hour demand for a response during the press conference and protest.

“This is a Rosa Parks moment.  We’re living in a cancel culture, but it looks like that cancel culture is directed at Black people with consciousness,” he stated.  “And any of us who desire to stand up and be conscious and support one another, there seems to be a system in place that’s telling us we can’t do that,” he said.

Ralph Vasquez, manager of the Restaurant Depot Store, gave no comment when asked about Schoolfield’s termination and the protest. No response has been received yet from Restaurant Depot’s corporate and West Coast regional offices.

“There are people in our world that have done worse things than Kanye, that get voted into office, and people never lose their job for supporting them,” said Ryan Sims, pastor of Revelation Church of God in Christ.

As a father, Sims said, no one would want their child, wife, aunt, mother, or even their cousin, to go through what Schoolfield has endured. As a community, big brothers and sisters, they are standing with her, he said.

“If someone in our community likes someone in our community, it’s not a violation.  It’s not against humanity.  It’s not against the law.  It’s simply self-love, and if that’s a crime, then lock us all up,” continued Pastor Sims.

Schoolfield is that kind and engaging worker behind the counter that’s attentive to their customers, said Anthony Shep” Crawford, senior pastor of the Experience Christian Ministries Church.  “And in that conversation, someone overhears it, gets offended, tries to bully her … and once she answers the questions, he asks her again.  I do not like that.  We do not like that, but she stood her ground,” he stated.

Her mistreatment is about a corrupt system, not a rogue manager, he said, pointing to the store’s entrance.  “We will not have it.  We will not stand for it.  You have here, present today, Muslims, Christians, Baptists, Church of God in Christ, community mothers…even law enforcement, here to stand,” said Crawford.

Many who turned out to support Schoolfield felt she was unjustly fired. Some offered donations for the young mother of three who is now unemployed and may be unable to apply for unemployment benefits.

“We’re standing here for Passion because what took place here at Restaurant Depot is unjust,” stated Reverend K.W. Tulloss, president of the Baptist Minister’s Conference of Los Angeles and member of the National Action Network.  “What Jetro did was wrong!  And we want to make this wrong a right,” he said.

The GCCAA has set up a GoFundMe page, which so far has raised $2,000 to help Schoolfield pay rent and feed her children.

They intend to interrupt the economy of Restaurant Depot/Jetro, said Bishop Craig Worsham, founder and Sr. Pastor of The Agape Church of Los Angeles.

He challenged all present at the protest to stand united in that cause until Restaurant Depot comes to the table with a reasonable resolution.  

“There are African American-owned restaurants, catering companies, churches that dump hundreds of thousands up to millions of dollars into this establishment, so if you are anti-Black Passion, then you are anti-Black our dollars,” stated Worsham.

Other organizations present were Asians with Attitude and Second Call Gang Intervention and Prevention. She has a right to express her opinion about a public figure, they said.  

 You can follow this movement on Instagram @_gccaa and #WeStandWithPassion.

The Mind Behind California’s New Digital License Plates

By Edward Henderson and Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey? ?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

Starting Jan. 1, 2023, California joins Georgia, Colorado, Michigan, and Arizona as states that have approved digital license plates for use statewide, after completing a four-year pilot program that evaluated a replacement for metal plates.

Reviver, a tech company founded by Black entrepreneur Neville Boston, is the creator of the world’s first digital license plate. About 10,000 California drivers bought digital plates during the pilot program.

Based Granite Bay, 24 miles east of Sacramento, Reviver expects the number of digital plate users to increase exponentially as all 40 million vehicles registered with the state are now eligible to adopt the new high-tech tags.

Thanks to Assembly Bill (AB) 984 signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in September, trips to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) – which many Californians would like to avoid because of the long lines and waits they expect — might become a thing of the past.

Assemblymember Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City), Chair of the California Black Legislative Caucus for the 2023-24 legislative session, sponsored the legislation.

“I am honored and humbled to see AB 984 signed into law,” said Wilson. “AB 984 strikes a necessary balance between innovation and privacy while digitizing the only thing on our cars today that remain antiquated, license plates.”

The new digital plates will appear as wireless tablets about the same size as traditional plates on the front and back of vehicles. The digital plate will include a processing unit, wireless connectivity, and storage media all built into an electronic display.

Drivers will be able to update their titles, registrations and other vehicle records remotely. Other advantages of the technology include a flashing message if a vehicle is reported stolen or if there is an Amber Alert. The wired or battery powered plates can be purchased with monthly rates starting at $19.95 and yearly rates at $215.40 for a four-year agreement.

Boston, who majored in political science and business, applied his academic training to create a compelling vision that attracted high-level investors, software and hardware engineers, and financial consultants to the concept.

It was just one meeting that discussed how to get people to have a “better customer experience” at the DMV. That discussion led to a meeting with then-Senior Vice President Avery Brown of the Automobile Club of Southern California and about a dozen officials from the California Highway Patrol.

To avoid asking “for forgiveness later” in case the idea ran into obstacles years later, Boston said he first asked all parties what their thoughts and ideas were to avoid implementing a prototype without their input.

“Our first meeting was in 2008,” Boston said. “We met with Dennis Claire at (California) DMV about a crazy idea of a digital license plate. What I thought would be a five-minute meeting ended up being an hour-and-a-half meeting. What I got from those meetings was the impetus for us to move forward.”

Boston raised seed money domestically and internationally to fund the venture. He enlisted the support of technology industry veterans Nicholas Brathwaite and Michael Marx, co-founders of Celesta Capital. Celesta assists partners with “deep tech” –the technological engine the venture capitalist states “powers” the modern world.

John W. Thompson, a board member of Microsoft since 2012, is also an investor in Reviver. He is an active investor and advisor in early-stage technology companies in California’s Silicon Valley.

Allen Wayne Warren, president of New Faze Development, is anotherReviver investor, Boston told California Black Media.

Reviver included the California Black Chamber of Commerce, California New Car Dealers Association, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, and the California Police Chiefs Association as supporters.

The pilot program was first approved by the DMV under provisions provided in Senate Bill (SB) 806. The program tested the operational capability and functionality of three products to determine the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of statewide implementation.

The pilot program gave Reviver access to 160,000 vehicles to evaluate in the trial program.

“We were able to sell the digital plate in the pilot program,” Boston said. “It didn’t give us access to the entire state, but it gave us access to over 100,000 people. See that’s the big thing: sometimes people are afraid to work with governments. But we took it as, ‘Hey, we’re going to partner with you (and) how can we make the experience for the customer better.’ That was always our focus, making a truly private-public partnership.”

There has been concern that the new technology could be a target for hacking and remote tracking of vehicles by employers, creditors, and the state. To quell some of these concerns, AB 984 contains language that prohibits digital license plates from being equipped with GPS or other vehicle tracking capabilities. The only exception would be for fleet and commercial vehicles. Those employees will have the ability to disable the technology during non-working hours.

Aside from a few traffic stops by police who believed the digital license plates were illegal during the pilot program, no other significant concerns were reported by drivers, according to a 2019 review by the DMV.

The bill requires the DMV to recall all devices that were equipped with GPS or other tracking technology as part of the pilot program by no later than Jan. 1, 2024.

Other states are following suit with similar legislation. Texas recently approved digital license plates for commercial fleets of twenty-five or more vehicles.

“California now has 40 million vehicles, one-seventh of the driving population comes from California. This market is huge,” Boston said. “This is the fourth largest economy in the world, passing Germany. When you look at it from that perspective getting it down in California is a huge deal. All this was about taking something old and making it new.”

Letter To The Editor: Annual Black Rose, Humanitarian Of The Year And Community Service Awards Is Moving To Black History Month!

By Jim King

The new year brings with it great things.  The Black Culture Foundation is excited to announce the “30th annual Black Rose, Humanitarian of the Year and Community Service Awards” which will be held Saturday, February 4, 2023, and the SoCalGas is continuing to sponsor this incredible community event, with Kristine Scott from SoCalGas serving as Co-Chair.

In remembrance of Dr. Margaret Hill, the Black Culture Foundation has renamed the “Margaret Hill Community Support Award” to the “Dr. Margaret Hill Black Rose Youth Inspiration Award”. This award will present scholarships to two inspirational and outstanding San Bernardino Black American students graduating grade 12 or in their 1st or 2nd year of college. This award will be presented with the Dr. Juanita H. Scott Humanitarian of the Year, Black Rose, and Corporate/Founders awards.  Winners will be announced soon.

World-renowned Charles Bibbs will have an amazing Art Show and Exhibit.  Buy your next art piece at this event and support our scholarships.

Please join us as “We Still Rise”. Ring in the new year with the optimism of a bright and hopeful future with the gifts given to us by our ancestors.

Three Bay Area Counties Have Black Women Chief Prosecutors

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Civil rights attorney Pamela Price made history when she was elected Alameda County’s first African American District Attorney (D.A.).

Price joins two other Black women, Contra Costa County D.A. Diana Becton and San Francisco D.A. Brooke Jenkins holding the same office in their Bay Area counties.

Price is the fifth Black woman to be elected District Attorney in California. Former D.A.’s on the list are Vice President Kamala Harris who was San Francisco’s D.A. from 2004 to 2010 and Jackie Lacey who was Los Angeles County D.A. for two terms from 2012 to 2020. She lost a bid for a third term.

“We knew this election was going to be an exclamation point in history for Alameda County,” Price said in a written statement. “The D.A.’s office has been an untouched tower of legacy appointed and unchallenged District Attorneys. For the last ten years, the D.A.’s office has stood in the way of the progressive reforms ushered in by our California legislature and endorsed by Alameda County voters.”

Price defeated another Black candidate, Terry Wiley, a 32-year veteran of the Alameda D.A.’s office and its third-highest ranking member as a chief deputy D.A.

The California Legislative Black Caucus submitted Becton’s and Wiley’s names as possible replacements for the state’s Attorney General position when Xavier Becerra resigned to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services in Pres. Joe Biden’s administration.

“I congratulate Pamela Price on becoming Alameda County’s first-ever African American district attorney,” Wiley said after conceding to Price. “I look forward to working with Pamela in her transition to district attorney.”

Price is a product of the Ohio juvenile justice and foster care systems. She graduated from Yale University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science in 1978 and from U.C. Berkeley School of Law earning a Juris Doctorate and a Master of Arts degree in Jurisprudence and Social Policy in 1982. She was admitted to the California bar in 1983.

Price is proposing to take a progressive approach to dealing with the criminal justice system. She intends to end racial disparity in prosecutions, terminate mass incarceration of Black and Brown people, and ban the practice of charging youth as adults.

“My administration will begin an era of change that ultimately will make us stronger and safer,” Price said in a Nov. 18 Twitter post.

In 2017, Becton became the 25th D.A. for Contra Costa County after being appointed by the Board of Supervisors. She was elected D.A. in June 2018 and re-elected in June 2022. Before her appointment Becton was a judge in Contra Costa County for 22 years, where she was elected as Presiding Judge.

In April 2021, Becton charged white Danville police officer and sheriff’s deputy Andrew Hall for an on-duty killing. Hall was convicted by a jury for assault with a firearm, deadlocking on a charge of voluntary manslaughter. He is serving six years in prison for shooting a mentally ill man during a slow-car chase.

“(We) must continue to hold anyone who harms communities accountable – even if they are in elected office or wear a badge – because that is what real safety demands,” Becton said in a written statement in June 2022.

San Francisco Mayor London N. Breed appointed Jenkins to replace the former D.A. Chesa Boudin following the recall election on June 7, 2022. Jenkins campaigned for the D.A. position decided on Nov. 8 and defeated former police commissioner John Hamasaki on a ranked-choice voting system.

Jenkins served as an Assistant DA in the San Francisco DA’s Office from 2014 to 2021, where she worked her way up, serving in the Misdemeanor and Felonies Units before working as the office’s Hate Crimes Prosecutor. She was later promoted to the Sexual Assault Unit and eventually the Homicide Unit.

Jenkins resigned from the San Francisco DA’s Office in October 2021, because she disagreed with Boudin’s lenient policies.

Jenkins said after her appointment in June that she would “do everything” in her power to navigate a progressive platform of reform while instituting a strict policy of accountability and reform. After the election, she doubled down on her office’s objectives.

“Together, we proved that San Franciscans want accountability and smart reforms in and for our criminal justice system,” Jenkins stated in a Nov. 9 Twitter post. “Together, we proved that we will lead with our city’s progressive values and advance public safety in all of its forms.”

Reach Records Releases Silent Night (Hush) Remix, New Single Featuring Crystal Nicole and Q Parker

ATLANTA, GA— Reach Records, Crystal Nicole, and Q Parker celebrate the Holidays with the release of Silent Night (Hush) Remix. The song brings new life to the original record on Reach’s The Gift: A Christmas Compilation performed by Crystal Nicole and originally released in November 2018. Silent Night (Hush) Remix is an innovative, R&B flavored homage to the original classic which has been covered by music legends such as Julie Andrews, The Temptations, Mariah Carey, and Justin Bieber!

This year’s single is incredibly dynamic with two vocal powerhouses adding what is sure to become a staple for the Holidays in the years to come. “It’s all about doing justice to the legacy of this song and those who have come before us,” Q Parker said, describing his excitement behind the song.

Sonically, the record features Crystal Nicole and Q Parker singing powerful lyrics, “we keep making it about the presents, we should put more focus on his presence,” as they  showcasing their unique ability to individually riff powerful melodies and also collaborate to execute flawless harmonies over production by Joel McNeill. The Christ-centered song is a worshipful celebration of redemption and our savior Jesus’ birth.

To stream the new song click here: https://reachrecords.ffm.to/silentnight

Black Justices Bring Diverse Experiences to California Supreme Court

By Alton Thomas Stiles | California Black Media

In November, Associate Justice Kelli Evans became the third Black Associate Justice on the California Supreme Court. Black justices now make up half of the Associate Justices on the state’s High Court.

The state Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and six Associate Justices. It reviews decisions by the six state Courts of Appeal, decisions by the Public Utilities Commission, and cases that result in a death sentence.

Evans, 54, is the first openly lesbian female Justice to serve on the bench of the court. She was nominated by Gov. Gavin Newsom in August and approved this month after a unanimous vote by the Commission on Judicial Appointments.

“Throughout her career, Judge Evans has been widely recognized for her intellectual curiosity, diligence, work ethic, humility, and integrity,” the commission’s report reads.

“From all this, the commission concluded that Judge Evans will make an outstanding Associate Justice and found her to be well qualified for the California Supreme Court,” the report continues.

Evans is a graduate of Stanford University and UC Davis Law School. She is a former ACLU staff attorney, worked as a senior trial attorney in the US Dept of Justice Civil Rights Division and represented clients in civil rights litigation at the law firm Relmen & Associates. In addition, she worked in the California Attorney General’s office, for the State Bar of California, and was Newsom’s chief deputy legal affairs secretary before becoming an Alameda County Superior Court judge.

Anthony Rendon (D-Lakeside), Speaker of the California State Assembly, called Evans’ approval “excellent news for California’s Supreme Court” in a Tweet.

During a conversation with Newsom in a video posted by Newsom’s office, Evans spoke about her 28-year career.

“I’ve been really privileged to have an incredibly diverse and rewarding legal career, having had the opportunity to impact people’s lives for the better,” Evans said.

Newsom praised Evans’ appointment by tweeting, “Judge Kelli Evans has dedicated her life to promoting equality and justice through her work. Her broad experience in law and policy will serve her well as an Associate Justice on California’s Supreme Court.”

Evans is joining two Black colleagues already on the court – Associate Justice Leondra R. Kruger and Associate Justice Martin J. Jenkins.

Associate Justice Leondra R. Kruger, 46, was nominated by Gov. Jerry Brown and confirmed and sworn in on January 5, 2015. She was the second Black woman to be appointed to the California Supreme Court.

Kruger, a native of Southern California, was born in Glendale and raised in Pasadena.

Kruger attended Harvard College before attending Yale Law School and asserts that “My approach reflects the fact that we operate in a system of precedent,” she said in a 2018 Los Angeles Times interview.

“I aim to perform my job in a way that enhances the predictability and stability of the law and public confidence and trust in the work of the courts,” she continued.

From 2007 to 2013, Kruger worked in the US Department of Justice as an Assistant to the Solicitor General and as Acting Deputy Solicitor General. While there, she argued 12 cases before the United States Supreme Court representing the federal government.

In private practice, Kruger specialized in appellate and Supreme Court litigation. This year, she was on the short list to be appointed to the US Supreme Court by Pres. Joe Biden to replace Justice Stephen Breyer when he retired.

Associate Justice Martin J. Jenkins, 69, was the first openly gay California Supreme Court Justice.

Jenkins earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Santa Clara University. Before entering the University of San Francisco (USF) Law school, he played football for the Seattle Seahawks.

Justice Jenkins previously served as a trial judge on the Oakland Municipal and Alameda County Superior Courts. He was a federal district judge for the Northern District of California appointed by President William J. Clinton in 1997. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed him to the California Court of Appeals. Preceding his appointment to the Supreme Court he was Senior Judicial Appointments Advisor to Newsom.

“Justice Jenkins is widely respected among lawyers and jurists, active in his Oakland community and his faith, and is a decent man to his core,” Newsom stated when he announced Jenkins’s confirmation. “As a critical member of my senior leadership team, I’ve seen firsthand that Justice Jenkins possesses brilliance and humility in equal measure. The people of California could not ask for a better jurist or kinder person to take on this important responsibility.”

Jenkins was unanimously confirmed to the Supreme Court on Nov. 10, 2020.

At his confirmation, when asked by the Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye why he wanted to serve on the Supreme Court, Jenkins said, “I felt I could do good work, that I had a voice to add to the discussion that might be absent, not better, just different and ultimately being a man of faith, I felt this was a calling and never once have I refused the call of service.”

Award-winning Actor Omari Hardwick Feeling Festive at Walt Disney World Resort

Award-winning actor Omari Hardwick was feeling festive recently at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Hardwick and Mickey Mouse put on their best holiday sweaters for a photo in front of the Christmas tree at the American Adventure Pavilion at EPCOT on November 23, 2022. Hardwick was visiting the theme park with his family to kick off the holiday season.

Padilla Volunteers with Union Station Homeless Services to Distribute Thanksgiving Meals

PASADENA, CA — Today, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and his family joined Union Station Homeless Services at Pasadena’s Dinner in the Park 2022 to distribute prepared Thanksgiving meals to adults and families experiencing homelessness and poverty, senior citizens, and those who are alone at the holidays and unable to afford a holiday meal. For over 50 years, Dinner in the Park has been a beloved holiday tradition run by Union Station Homeless Services to ensure that all who are hungry have access to a Thanksgiving meal.

“As we cherish the times spent around the table with our loved ones this holiday season, it is encouraging to see our communities come together to support those in need during this season and year-round,” said Senator Padilla. “My family was grateful for the opportunity to join Union Station Homeless Services and their volunteers today to distribute meals to those in our community who otherwise may not have had a Thanksgiving meal to enjoy.”

“We were thrilled to welcome Senator Padilla and his family to our annual Thanksgiving Dinner in the Park and grateful to them for volunteering to ensure those less fortunate have a delicious Thanksgiving dinner,” stated Anne Miskey, Union Station Homeless Services CEO.  “We know that hunger and homelessness do not end after the holidays, and we truly appreciate the Senator’s ongoing commitment to helping the most vulnerable. We look forward to continuing to work with him to ensure all people in our communities have healthy food, and a safe and welcoming place to call home.”

Senator Padilla has been a strong advocate for addressing food insecurity and supporting community organizations that provide food to those in need. Last Thanksgiving, Padilla volunteered at a grocery giveaway at Santa Monica College. Padilla introduced the Basic Assistance for Students in College (BASIC) Act and the Student Food Security Act of 2021. These bicameral pieces of legislation address food insecurity on college campuses by ensuring that basic needs are being met while students pursue their education through grants and increase access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Padilla is also a cosponsor of the Military Hunger Prevention Act and the Military Family Nutrition Access Act, which are bipartisan bills that would combat food insecurity among members of the Armed Forces and their families.

Senator Bradford Hosts Annual Turkey Giveaway and Legislative Resource Fair

TORRANCE, CA – Senator Steven Bradford (D-Gardena), in partnership with El Camino College, with title sponsor Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, distributed over twelve hundred turkeys and pork roasts, over eight hundred grocery boxes, and one hundred Ralphs gift cards to families in need this holiday season. Senator Bradford continued this tradition, which he started as a member of Gardena’s City Council and then as a State Assemblymember.

“This event is one that I look forward to every year,” said Senator Bradford. “It is my hope that these turkeys will not only feed our community, but act as the centerpiece of families gathering to give thanks for each other’s support, faith and love. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to represent you in our state’s capitol and the Turkey Giveaway is just one way for me to show my appreciation. A big thank you to all our sponsors and volunteers. An event of this scale is only possible because of them.”

This drive-thru event was made a reality by volunteers from Senate District 35 and the surrounding area such as Black Wall Street, Republic Services, AAA, NAHSE SoCal Chapter, Crystal Stairs, LAC Probation Department, and the AMAAD Institute.

Senator Bradford’s Turkey Giveaway was sponsored by many organizations including, Torrance Refinery, Phillips 66, AAA, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Republic Services, Watson Land Company, SA Recycling, Los Angeles World Airports, Stiiizy, the Water Replenishment District of Southern California, Golden State Water, SpaceX, AltaMed, the LA Rams, Western States Petroleum Association, PepsiCo, Intuit Dome, King’s Hawaiian Bakery & Restaurant, Frogs Organic Bakery, El Camino College’s Warrior Pantry and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.

“Thanksgiving is an opportunity to do something that we ought to do more often,” continued Bradford. “It can be difficult to find time to sit and reflect on the things we are most grateful for in life. Thank you again to all the participants that stopped by and to El Camino College for hosting our event this year.”